Agree, I am listening with an over the ear headphone set, and having difficulty hearing any difference… but you are awesome regardless of whatever neck you are using… thanks Jay.
Funny but when you were first demonstrating the Yana W03 Silver playing that jazz bit, I just happened to be soloing on my bamboo flute to Booker T' & the MG's song Hip Hug-Her blues on the Pandora going on at the same time and your soloing fit right in with everything. I don't know how it was even possible but it blew my mind as I continued to keep on soloing along myself. It was totally amazing and in the pocket like you had a connection with my going on activity in life for some magical reason is way beyond my comprehension. Much love and respect Jay!🙏👍👍
Gotta admit that silver neck really stood out on the upper and lower ends of your tone. Loved how it accentuated the notes and really did a great job of rounding out the overall sound. It sounds like that’s a neck you can really push but when needed back off and not introduce any harsh tones. Love it!
Fully agree with this. Besides sound, I bet there might be some more noticeable differences for the player. Perhaps it's a bit more comfortable or easy to reach altissimo or play low notes wit this nice and full sound. Great video; thanks, Jay.
I thought the brass and bronze were brighter with bronze being the brightest, the new silver I thought was brighter than the old silver but darker than the new brass and bronze. Being I like a darker sound I prefer the original silver neck. BTW, as always, nice playing and nice job on the video Jay. Much appreciated!
Jay, thanks for this video. I have a Yani AW020 and I ordered the KZ neck to try. The difference isn’t huge but I find the KZ more free blowing - enough that I’m keeping it. Thanks again
It’s very hard to tell the difference if you are not playing the saxophone. It’s more about how it feels, how much resistance you have between the bottom and high notes. I have an AWO20 and I bought an AKZ3 -solid silver neck. It’s really amazing how the tone has more focus without sacrificing the resistance… Nice video
My favorite stories are those from multiple professionals I know who upgrade to a different neck at some point and stick with it for years. Only to one day just for kicks, put back on the original neck and realize it was the better fit all along.
I love the brass neck! The 3 new necks sound a lot more similar between each other but there is enough of a difference with the original neck regardless of how minute that is. I think the differences in the design contribute more to that rather than the materials used.
Hi Jay! So I recently got the Better Sax Alto Saxophone which i completely love. Which brand should I get a neck from? Do they work with Selmer or Yanagisawa necks? Also, wich Yany BooStar should I get? The one made for Selmer? Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!👍🏼❤️🎷
Wonderful to hear that you are loving the alto, thanks for telling me. The Yanaigisawa necks have a slightly smaller tenon size so they will not fit your BetterSax alto properly. There really isn't any need to get an alternate neck as the one it comes with is quite good. The tenon screw thread is the same as Selmer so you could get the Yany Boostar for Selmer.
Sofia Vergara, Jeniffer Lopez and Salma Hayes , all the necks have your beautiful Jay sound. Can’t tell a difference between them. Yanagisawa make a good job and the player have the choice. Thanks Jay !
The alto/tenor is mentioned regularly, but rarely the soprano. Please give an assessment of different brands of soprano saxophones, about the difference in material, brass and bronze.
I own a Yany WO-20 alto (bronze body and bronze neck). Recently picked up a solid silver AKZ3 neck. I honestly could feel or hear a difference-but I’m not a pro! A pro might be able to feel and hear something that didn’t exist with the stock neck. I sold it and decided to stay with the stock neck. I have to admit the silver looked so good with the bronze sax!
I liked the bronze the best. The silver loses some resonance or darkness, I can’t put my finger on it. I have 9933 silver neck alto and there’s a certain aspect about my own sound that I don’t like. I heard it right away when you played that silver neck after the bronze. Looks like I gotta try a bronze neck! I played a bronze yano for a little while back in high school.
So happy you did this video. I did one similar years ago. It’s amazing when people think the material the parts of the saxophone are made out of don’t make a difference.
I don’t hear a lot of difference, if any. With mine (I’ve got Oleg necks and/or Oleg-reworked necks), I’ve never noticed a big difference, in the way I sound to OTHERS…it’s all about the response and feel on the player’s end. The biggest difference and why I will never go back as someone suggested (I’ve tried just to see lol), is the intonation. I can play in tune, with a stock neck, but it is so much more effortless with the Oleg necks…it’s crazy! I wonder if maybe those issues (response, intonation) are something to check out with these different necks? Thanks for another great video Jay!
Hello Jay, congratulations on the video explaining Yanagisawa necks. I also play a Yani model A990 alto sax and I really like the sound of it. I found the sound of the solid silver neck more interesting, at least for me I noticed a "fatter" sound. I also noticed that you used a different neck fixing screw, which one is it? I saw on the internet that these screws can improve the sound of the instrument, is that it?
I think the sound is not much different between the different necks. Maybe you could tell the difference in hot it feels when you play it? Also, will the Yanagisawa necks fit the BetterSax Alto?
I’ll be honest, I normally cannot hear a difference in videos like this. I enjoyed it though. I REALLY like the shorter neck length. I push my mpc almost to the end of the cork as well just to make it sound decent. Interested in seeing if it would change all of that!
I couldn't tell much difference listening on my hifi speakers but there may be differences in response that only the player can feel that don't come across via a microphone and youtube... Yanagisawa do make very good saxes
Considering the silver for a Buescher “Art Deco” Aristocrat. Have you tried these with anything other than a Yani? Forgive me if this is a naive question, but I started playing again as an adult (classical focus) and I’m not so hip to what’s what these days. Thanks and great video.
Ok I’m gonna tell you, the original neck is my favorite, although almost undetectable. Now, could I pick out the different necks in a blind test? No way. But the first playing felt and sounded more grounded, a little more solid, for lack of a better term. It’s challenging to describe. Of the three new necks, all too similar, but hey, I’d choose solid silver too. It’s just so dang pretty. 😊
Jay, I did notice a difference in the Necks. It seemed to go from Dark to lite. The Silver Being the Brighter, and a More rounded sound. Better Lows, and Sweeter Highs. I am Totally Blind So I cannot see the Necks. Its all By ear for Me. P.
Is what you were playing transcribed anywhere? I could figure it out by ear, and maybe I should just do that, but I thought I'd check. Also I thought the dark character of the original was my favorite. But for some reason the bronze stood out for me.
Never been able to tell any differences in these types of tests when doing them blind, however I do know from experience that the player's feel and perception is very different to what gets heard as the audience. If you like the feel and response of a particular one, go with it, maybe you'll be that 0.1% more relaxed, inspired, or confident etc and that will be what makes you play better for my 2c.
My personal view: warmth: bronze>brass>silver. brightness vice versa: silver>brass>bronze So whatever one prefers. But the differences are subtle and only interesting for gear nerds (so not me really, I like your sound. period).
They are all pretty similar. I'd think the biggest difference from a neck would be feel and response and that's on your end. The Bronze was a little boomier was the only noticeable difference.
Hi jay, so just out of curiosity, the cork pulled back no the neck, así it seems to be the case for these necks,does it interfiere wirth sound production somehow? Thanks for sharing this info!
Wow, more of a difference of sound between the original neck and the new necks were more than I expected. The differences between the new necks were quite subtle where I expected none.
While I usually play my tenor, I thought to my ear the original silver had a darker, richer tone. The 3 new necks all seemed similar to each other and brighter than the original
I can hear the difference between them, brass sounds the warmest to me, although the silver ones were very similar. It would be better if you played something shorter with no talking in between, so the sounds are easier to compare.
The silver had the warmest sound, then the bronze was brighter and handled the higher notes a bit more precise. I didn't care for the brass. However, if I was casually listening I wouldn't notice. The differences were subtle.
Jay, I'm listening to this video with professional cans we use at the studio, Sennheiser HD 800 S Reference Audiophile, and there's virtually no difference with any except for both sterling silver, which are both quite subdued compared to all others and warmer. And your wave forms are identical on the bronze/ brass. The only difference with those two was how dry your reed was.
After a first quick listningen (in good headphones): To me the bronze neck sounded best. Agree with Jay that it is the most lively one, which I like. Can’t really hear much of a difference between brass and silver. Being it original or new.
First impression: the brass neck sounded a bit darker & the kz3 solid silver sounded fuller. I didn't notice any difference between the original and the bronze neck. (I wrote this right after listening to the 3 necks, before you said anything about how they sound to you.)
Its all quite subjective and depends on the listener's preferences. I can see the brighter brass or bronze versions being very useful in bands where you need to cut through the background sounds of the band as these are brighter. I personally prefer a mellow sounding horn, so your first neck was my favourite. All necks were great though and the difference between them was marginal. Lastly, you are a great player. I loved listening to your playing during the comparisons.
There are subtle differences in sound that don’t make a difference to the sound quality. My question to you is “How well does each one play. My own tenor neck sound comparisons led to the conclusion that slight dimensional differences in a neck will affect how the horn responds to the player. Material seems to have made no difference. Alto necks may behave differently. All the Yani necks sounded beautiful.
I don’t have a well trained ear and I haven’t been playing all that much. I started about five years ago, but don’t play daily. Shame on me! Not sure if I was trying to hard or I really heard a difference, but I want to say the new brass neck had the silkiest, butteriest sound. The original has a nice open sound. Maybe a little brassy. The other two were kind of… not flat, but didn’t seem to resonate or sing as much. How’s that for an untrained ear? Time to pull out my 1927 Buescher and start rockin’!
I didn’t watch the whole video before I commented. Structurally, without the supports and thinner material scares me. I believe you stated before to put the mouthpiece on before mounting the neck, as you can fold the neck if you don’t. The new necks look like they would be more prone to that problem.
To close to be any sort of game changer. ‘Feel’ may be a whole other issue, it often is for me. Plus, unashamedly, I love the beauty of certain instruments over others, not to supersede playing attributes mind you, but all things being equal, feel and beauty can often play a big roll.
I have seen these necks before and wondered what difference they would have compared to the standard Yani necks. I am listening through monitor speakers. I thought the original solid silver neck brought out some of the higher frequencies more and the kz1 brass neck, a little less so. The kz2 bronze, I thought was a bit darker sounding than the silver or brass necks. From what I could hear, I think the new kz3 solid silver has a little more depth to the sound over the original solid silver neck. I have an YNA-66 neck and I have used it on my AWO2 alto sax and compared to the AWO2 bronze neck, I only felt and heard a subtle difference with it. I think the YNA-66 felt like it has ever so slightly less resistance and the sound has ever so slightly more edge to it but it is subtle. It is slightly looser fitting that the AWO2 neck.
Hi Jay, is the better sax mouthpiece better than Syos? I think Syos is overrated, they have a good marketing strategy but the product is not impressive.
The brass kz neck is the's more "sunny" sound, clea, resonant and the low register is not dark or quite muffled as the silver neck that i don't like ...just my 2 cents!
There’s a marked difference to my ears. The WO33 neck is stuffier, than any of the Kz ones. Brass was somewhat darker. Bronze was more mellow and more focused. Solid silver Kz was the brightest with plenty of zing. I have actually done a fair deal of after market neck experimentation for my Yamaha saxes. They sell the Custom necks, with the different bore tapers. After testing bari sax necks for my YBS-62i I bought the unlacquered V1. It gives me markedly rounder, mighty notes. For my little old YAS-23 alto, of the necks available, the silver plated V1 suited my sound concept the best, beating out the gold plated V1. Neck-wise I got to finally test play a Keilwerth SX90R shadow bari, A-B with my YBS-62i. With the same mouthpiece and reed, I was getting much weaker results from the shadow. What I discovered looking, is that the neck tenon and receiver of the Shadow were both markedly narrower in diameter than my Yamaha. My conclusion was that the Shadow basically had a choke on, permanently. I didn’t buy it. Necks make a difference.
Your original silver sounded the best. More vibrant. More brilliant? All the others sounded as they were muting certain overtones, deadening the sound. But I play on a silver plated Series II - so maybe that's just a personal preference.
Silver takes it. The original wo 30 is solid resonance. Clarity to the brass neck. Brass was ringing metal. Bronze was the smooth and loose. Silver will make you flow.
Interesting how it is obvious you played each one before making the video and you played to your expectations, which was noticeable on the kz bronze as soon as you started playing! Some differences for sure. Bet you will switch to kz bronze!
I actually thought I was playing the brass when it was the bronze since the lighting made it hard to tell. This was the first time I had played them and as I said I expected them to sound more different.
To my 69 y/o ears, all the necks have that beautiful Jay Metcalf sound. Can’t tell a difference between them.
Is the age or is the source of sound? 😊 On my smartphone it's really impossible make any serious comparison 😅
Agree, I am listening with an over the ear headphone set, and having difficulty hearing any difference… but you are awesome regardless of whatever neck you are using… thanks Jay.
All sound incredible. I can't detect any differences either.
I honestly feel that your original silver neck pleased me the most. I was an alto player so really appreciate your ability.
I like the neck strap most of all.
I had a strap like that in the 70s and have been looking for another for 40 years!
@@FoundSounds51 I had one in the 80's. It was comfortable but I didn't like the clip on it. It seemed to wear too much at the ring connection.
Looks like a Willie Nelson guitar strap (a good thing)
That caught my eye!
Funny but when you were first demonstrating the Yana W03 Silver playing that jazz bit, I just happened to be soloing on my bamboo flute to Booker T' & the MG's song Hip Hug-Her blues on the Pandora going on at the same time and your soloing fit right in with everything. I don't know how it was even possible but it blew my mind as I continued to keep on soloing along myself. It was totally amazing and in the pocket like you had a connection with my going on activity in life for some magical reason is way beyond my comprehension. Much love and respect Jay!🙏👍👍
There really is a God you know✝️🎵🎶🎵🎷
Gotta admit that silver neck really stood out on the upper and lower ends of your tone. Loved how it accentuated the notes and really did a great job of rounding out the overall sound. It sounds like that’s a neck you can really push but when needed back off and not introduce any harsh tones. Love it!
I totally agree with this, I couldn't say it better !!
Fully agree with this. Besides sound, I bet there might be some more noticeable differences for the player. Perhaps it's a bit more comfortable or easy to reach altissimo or play low notes wit this nice and full sound. Great video; thanks, Jay.
I thought the brass and bronze were brighter with bronze being the brightest, the new silver I thought was brighter than the old silver but darker than the new brass and bronze. Being I like a darker sound I prefer the original silver neck.
BTW, as always, nice playing and nice job on the video Jay.
Much appreciated!
I can hear a difference but I like them all. You are a really good player and know how to make them all sound good
Jay, thanks for this video. I have a Yani AW020 and I ordered the KZ neck to try. The difference isn’t huge but I find the KZ more free blowing - enough that I’m keeping it. Thanks again
I like the bronze one the best. I thought it had the fullest sound. All of them sounded good though.
I agree thiugh it sounds abit like the old one
It’s very hard to tell the difference if you are not playing the saxophone. It’s more about how it feels, how much resistance you have between the bottom and high notes. I have an AWO20 and I bought an AKZ3 -solid silver neck. It’s really amazing how the tone has more focus without sacrificing the resistance… Nice video
Tough call ! They are really similar. Liked the Bronze ,which seemed a little darker. Best to you Jay many thanks for all your help..
My favorite stories are those from multiple professionals I know who upgrade to a different neck at some point and stick with it for years. Only to one day just for kicks, put back on the original neck and realize it was the better fit all along.
I love the brass neck! The 3 new necks sound a lot more similar between each other but there is enough of a difference with the original neck regardless of how minute that is. I think the differences in the design contribute more to that rather than the materials used.
Hi Jay! So I recently got the Better Sax Alto Saxophone which i completely love. Which brand should I get a neck from? Do they work with Selmer or Yanagisawa necks?
Also, wich Yany BooStar should I get? The one made for Selmer?
Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!👍🏼❤️🎷
Wonderful to hear that you are loving the alto, thanks for telling me. The Yanaigisawa necks have a slightly smaller tenon size so they will not fit your BetterSax alto properly. There really isn't any need to get an alternate neck as the one it comes with is quite good. The tenon screw thread is the same as Selmer so you could get the Yany Boostar for Selmer.
i concur with your verdict on all of the necks
Is there a difference in structural integrity/durability between the different materials? Do they resist denting differently?
Sofia Vergara, Jeniffer Lopez and Salma Hayes , all the necks have your beautiful Jay sound. Can’t tell a difference between them. Yanagisawa make a good job and the player have the choice. Thanks Jay !
The alto/tenor is mentioned regularly, but rarely the soprano.
Please give an assessment of different brands of soprano saxophones, about the difference in material, brass and bronze.
I own a Yany WO-20 alto (bronze body and bronze neck). Recently picked up a solid silver AKZ3 neck. I honestly could feel or hear a difference-but I’m not a pro! A pro might be able to feel and hear something that didn’t exist with the stock neck. I sold it and decided to stay with the stock neck. I have to admit the silver looked so good with the bronze sax!
Thought the brass was bright in comparison to the bronze and the silver but the silver was also darker like the bronze but smoother.
I like the brass best. But knowing myself, I would have to own all three!
I liked the bronze the best. The silver loses some resonance or darkness, I can’t put my finger on it. I have 9933 silver neck alto and there’s a certain aspect about my own sound that I don’t like. I heard it right away when you played that silver neck after the bronze. Looks like I gotta try a bronze neck! I played a bronze yano for a little while back in high school.
That bronze neck though! 🤤 Damn, I love the sound!
BRASS NECK!!!!!! then bronze, then silver, but lets not forget, Jay can make a plastic neck sound great!!!
So happy you did this video. I did one similar years ago. It’s amazing when people think the material the parts of the saxophone are made out of don’t make a difference.
Thanks for the video!
Love the brass KZ. Something about the focus but warmth of sound. KZ Silver is my 2nd choice
I don’t hear a lot of difference, if any. With mine (I’ve got Oleg necks and/or Oleg-reworked necks), I’ve never noticed a big difference, in the way I sound to OTHERS…it’s all about the response and feel on the player’s end. The biggest difference and why I will never go back as someone suggested (I’ve tried just to see lol), is the intonation. I can play in tune, with a stock neck, but it is so much more effortless with the Oleg necks…it’s crazy! I wonder if maybe those issues (response, intonation) are something to check out with these different necks?
Thanks for another great video Jay!
Wherever you go there you are. LOL! I heard very subtle changes but the Bronze Neck was warmer and had a little more punch.
Hey Jay, thanks for the comparison! Will the new KZ necks fit my Yanagisawa A991 alto? Like the focused sound of the silver.
Yes it has the same tenon diameter as the 991.
@@bettersax Thanks very much. Appreciate the reply.
Hello Jay, congratulations on the video explaining Yanagisawa necks. I also play a Yani model A990 alto sax and I really like the sound of it. I found the sound of the solid silver neck more interesting, at least for me I noticed a "fatter" sound. I also noticed that you used a different neck fixing screw, which one is it? I saw on the internet that these screws can improve the sound of the instrument, is that it?
I think the sound is not much different between the different necks. Maybe you could tell the difference in hot it feels when you play it? Also, will the Yanagisawa necks fit the BetterSax Alto?
I’ll be honest, I normally cannot hear a difference in videos like this. I enjoyed it though. I REALLY like the shorter neck length. I push my mpc almost to the end of the cork as well just to make it sound decent. Interested in seeing if it would change all of that!
Did the soprano Bettersax reed come out yet☮️🎵🎶🎷
Not yet
I couldn't tell much difference listening on my hifi speakers but there may be differences in response that only the player can feel that don't come across via a microphone and youtube... Yanagisawa do make very good saxes
Considering the silver for a Buescher “Art Deco” Aristocrat. Have you tried these with anything other than a Yani? Forgive me if this is a naive question, but I started playing again as an adult (classical focus) and I’m not so hip to what’s what these days. Thanks and great video.
Ok I’m gonna tell you, the original neck is my favorite, although almost undetectable. Now, could I pick out the different necks in a blind test? No way. But the first playing felt and sounded more grounded, a little more solid, for lack of a better term. It’s challenging to describe. Of the three new necks, all too similar, but hey, I’d choose solid silver too. It’s just so dang pretty. 😊
The brass really resonates nicely!
Hi Jeff, I love all of them, maybe I would say my favourite is Silver one.
Jay, I did notice a difference in the Necks. It seemed to go from Dark to lite. The Silver Being the Brighter, and a More rounded sound. Better Lows, and Sweeter Highs. I am Totally Blind So I cannot see the Necks. Its all By ear for Me. P.
Does the Yani neck fit the better sax?
Is what you were playing transcribed anywhere? I could figure it out by ear, and maybe I should just do that, but I thought I'd check.
Also I thought the dark character of the original was my favorite. But for some reason the bronze stood out for me.
Never been able to tell any differences in these types of tests when doing them blind, however I do know from experience that the player's feel and perception is very different to what gets heard as the audience. If you like the feel and response of a particular one, go with it, maybe you'll be that 0.1% more relaxed, inspired, or confident etc and that will be what makes you play better for my 2c.
The Solid Silver for my taste. A lot of core and warmth. Sounds you can push it without thinning out and becoming harsh in the upper register.
I am a bari player and I got the burnin 7 tip opening, but I can’t find a ligature that fits. My rovner is too big for it any suggestions?
The Burnin’ Bari piece will work with any ligature that fits the Burnin’ tenor. So any standard hard rubber tenor ligature fits it.
My personal view: warmth: bronze>brass>silver. brightness vice versa: silver>brass>bronze So whatever one prefers. But the differences are subtle and only interesting for gear nerds (so not me really, I like your sound. period).
They are all pretty similar. I'd think the biggest difference from a neck would be feel and response and that's on your end. The Bronze was a little boomier was the only noticeable difference.
I couldn’t tell the difference in sound. I wonder how it feels like as in comfort and ease all around.
Hi jay, so just out of curiosity, the cork pulled back no the neck, así it seems to be the case for these necks,does it interfiere wirth sound production somehow? Thanks for sharing this info!
I’m sure they might feel different to play but as a listener any difference is subtle if any. You sound great no matter the neck.
Wow, more of a difference of sound between the original neck and the new necks were more than I expected. The differences between the new necks were quite subtle where I expected none.
Is the Neck Bore same as the Yanagisawa A400 series ? I'm looking for a new neck .
While I usually play my tenor, I thought to my ear the original silver had a darker, richer tone. The 3 new necks all seemed similar to each other and brighter than the original
I can hear the difference between them, brass sounds the warmest to me, although the silver ones were very similar. It would be better if you played something shorter with no talking in between, so the sounds are easier to compare.
Are they going to make KZ necks for tenor?
I had to keep switching back and forth, but the brass neck seems to produce a deeper sound, the first brighter sound.
The silver had the warmest sound, then the bronze was brighter and handled the higher notes a bit more precise. I didn't care for the brass. However, if I was casually listening I wouldn't notice. The differences were subtle.
My experiences tell me that the neck mainly affects the intonation and easyness to play, mouthpiece mainly for the tone.
Both sound sweet!
I couldn’t discern any difference - UA-cam compression and hearing damage make subtle changes difficult to hear, but they sure are pretty 😊
Jay, I'm listening to this video with professional cans we use at the studio, Sennheiser HD 800 S Reference Audiophile, and there's virtually no difference with any except for both sterling silver, which are both quite subdued compared to all others and warmer. And your wave forms are identical on the bronze/ brass. The only difference with those two was how dry your reed was.
I'd like to know if viewers reporting obvious differences are BLIND testing. I feel certain that saxophone players harbor metal finish bias.
I’ll bet the difference is more stark as the player which does have value.
Just a word for Jay…for your new tenor, make it available in traditional color, the alto is fantastic, my only issue is the dark color.
After a first quick listningen (in good headphones): To me the bronze neck sounded best. Agree with Jay that it is the most lively one, which I like. Can’t really hear much of a difference between brass and silver. Being it original or new.
First impression: the brass neck sounded a bit darker & the kz3 solid silver sounded fuller. I didn't notice any difference between the original and the bronze neck. (I wrote this right after listening to the 3 necks, before you said anything about how they sound to you.)
Its all quite subjective and depends on the listener's preferences. I can see the brighter brass or bronze versions being very useful in bands where you need to cut through the background sounds of the band as these are brighter. I personally prefer a mellow sounding horn, so your first neck was my favourite. All necks were great though and the difference between them was marginal.
Lastly, you are a great player. I loved listening to your playing during the comparisons.
Brass Copper silver. The brass is warmer with more Tamber? But if I could sound like you I’d take any of them
There are subtle differences in sound that don’t make a difference to the sound quality. My question to you is “How well does each one play. My own tenor neck sound comparisons led to the conclusion that slight dimensional differences in a neck will affect how the horn responds to the player. Material seems to have made no difference. Alto necks may behave differently. All the Yani necks sounded beautiful.
I don’t have a well trained ear and I haven’t been playing all that much. I started about five years ago, but don’t play daily. Shame on me! Not sure if I was trying to hard or I really heard a difference, but I want to say the new brass neck had the silkiest, butteriest sound. The original has a nice open sound. Maybe a little brassy. The other two were kind of… not flat, but didn’t seem to resonate or sing as much.
How’s that for an untrained ear? Time to pull out my 1927 Buescher and start rockin’!
I didn’t watch the whole video before I commented. Structurally, without the supports and thinner material scares me. I believe you stated before to put the mouthpiece on before mounting the neck, as you can fold the neck if you don’t. The new necks look like they would be more prone to that problem.
To close to be any sort of game changer. ‘Feel’ may be a whole other issue, it often is for me. Plus, unashamedly, I love the beauty of certain instruments over others, not to supersede playing attributes mind you, but all things being equal, feel and beauty can often play a big roll.
To me the kz2 Bronze neck sounds clearest with a warm tone but good projection.
You played well, the sounds are around the same among all different necks, the silver ones are preferable.
I have seen these necks before and wondered what difference they would have compared to the standard Yani necks. I am listening through monitor speakers. I thought the original solid silver neck brought out some of the higher frequencies more and the kz1 brass neck, a little less so. The kz2 bronze, I thought was a bit darker sounding than the silver or brass necks. From what I could hear, I think the new kz3 solid silver has a little more depth to the sound over the original solid silver neck.
I have an YNA-66 neck and I have used it on my AWO2 alto sax and compared to the AWO2 bronze neck, I only felt and heard a subtle difference with it. I think the YNA-66 felt like it has ever so slightly less resistance and the sound has ever so slightly more edge to it but it is subtle. It is slightly looser fitting that the AWO2 neck.
Off Topic: What is the song you are playing? Its beautiful. Id like to learn it.
Stars fell on Alabama
@@markhiggins8315 Thanks!
Hi Jay, is the better sax mouthpiece better than Syos? I think Syos is overrated, they have a good marketing strategy but the product is not impressive.
Hard rubber is a better material for mouthpieces than 3D plastic for me. Our Burnin mouthpieces are also expertly hand finished and made in USA.
the bronze one def. has a unique personality
How do these stack up against the KB sax
Will these necks fit the BetterSax alto?
The tenon on these necks is a bit smaller than on the BetterSax alto. So not a good fit.
I hope they make the line for tenor as well.
I’d like both the silver neck pieces and I don’t think there’s much difference in either one they both sound great in the high and lower registers
The brass kz neck is the's more "sunny" sound, clea, resonant and the low register is not dark or quite muffled as the silver neck that i don't like ...just my 2 cents!
What neck strap is this?
I also feel the silver sounds a lot smoother, just my thoughts.
If you're playing the horn, maybe not so much. But, if you're out front listening, the difference can be huge!
Someone knows the tune he is playing please ?
I liked the silver necks best. But I haven't heard any major differences between the two. I think the only criterion is that the musician feels good.
There’s a marked difference to my ears. The WO33 neck is stuffier, than any of the Kz ones. Brass was somewhat darker. Bronze was more mellow and more focused. Solid silver Kz was the brightest with plenty of zing.
I have actually done a fair deal of after market neck experimentation for my Yamaha saxes. They sell the Custom necks, with the different bore tapers. After testing bari sax necks for my YBS-62i I bought the unlacquered V1. It gives me markedly rounder, mighty notes.
For my little old YAS-23 alto, of the necks available, the silver plated V1 suited my sound concept the best, beating out the gold plated V1.
Neck-wise I got to finally test play a Keilwerth SX90R shadow bari, A-B with my YBS-62i. With the same mouthpiece and reed, I was getting much weaker results from the shadow. What I discovered looking, is that the neck tenon and receiver of the Shadow were both markedly narrower in diameter than my Yamaha. My conclusion was that the Shadow basically had a choke on, permanently. I didn’t buy it.
Necks make a difference.
Well, Jay - the Brass is bright and a little edgy | The bronze is Dark and warm (my favorite) | Silver is the best of the brass and Bronze.
I like the brass.
I felt the bronze was a little warmer, silver I thought was brighter
the bronze neck has a vocal fry thing in the sound, also bronze and brass have a wooden quality to them.
Yes, i agree. And the silwer one is light and powerful.
I don't hear a difference - all sound good!. By the way, are you still going to post the video of your Yamaha factory tour?
Your original silver sounded the best. More vibrant. More brilliant? All the others sounded as they were muting certain overtones, deadening the sound. But I play on a silver plated Series II - so maybe that's just a personal preference.
Bronze and Silver neck are more bright sound. Very little . I like it!
i prefer your original one and the bronze one in terms of clarity
All of them soud good, but of course they have very different sonic qualities and is notable from the first note you play on them.
Silver takes it. The original wo 30 is solid resonance. Clarity to the brass neck. Brass was ringing metal. Bronze was the smooth and loose. Silver will make you flow.
I noticed length difference immediately.
Kz silver is the best, I like the brass than the bronze.
Interesting how it is obvious you played each one before making the video and you played to your expectations, which was noticeable on the kz bronze as soon as you started playing! Some differences for sure. Bet you will switch to kz bronze!
I actually thought I was playing the brass when it was the bronze since the lighting made it hard to tell. This was the first time I had played them and as I said I expected them to sound more different.
wow! Surprised me. It seemed to me you started the second neck demo with a bit more accent on first note.@@bettersax