Amazing. The way you documenting your project is indeed a great way to show others the real life situation of testings, analyzing and how the components complement each other. It becomes greater when the viewers are all working on the same interest.
Incredible!!! This is hands down the most inventive and inspiring arduino video I have seen yet. You spent a few days frustrated, I am at six weeks and was about to give up. I was going about my project all wrong. You really saved my hopes for my build. Thank you so kindly for documenting and publishing this creative build. I can't wait to see your aircraft work.
Congratulations on an excellent job. Maybe scaling back on the drive speed as the car gets closer to home would stop the car from overshooting the target as much. Excellent job !!
Wouldn't it be possible to save a GPS position every, lets say, second and try to let the car "go back the path" you were driving? Of course with error correction, in case the GPS puts out garbage (like max. meters away from current point).
Yes, quite possible. You could check every second and decide if there has been enough movement (eg. minimum 5m change) to bother recording the position. The arduino does not have much memory though, so you would only be able to store a limited number of points.
But there's an MicroSD expension for it, right? Would be quite a fun thing too I guess, not only for cars but drones to avoid trees and other things without sensors like you flew it. Of course the not so accurate GPS signals are a bit counter-productive for this ;)
Yes, you could use an SD card to make that problem go away :) The GPS accuracy is not so bad, I have never seen it off by more than 3m or so. But I would want to assume an error of more like 10m and do testing in an area where that would not be a problem, just to be safe, and also make sure to handle the case when the GPS signal is lost completely.
Congrats, the project is going very well! In case it's a help, one thing about the floating pins, if you solder them to your protoboard I believe they will still be floating, just connected to more metal than before which actually might make them even better "antennas". To stop them from floating you can use the internal pullups of the Arduino's microcontroller and for example use pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP) in your setup function to internally connect pin 3 to your Pro-Mini's 3.3V Vcc level. So you can do that on any unconnected pins to stop them from floating.
aha... wish I had known that at the time, I would have tried it for sure. Yes I realize that soldering the pins into the protoboard does not change anything electrically, but eventually I found that I could thump it in just the right way to reproduce the problem, and by that time I had securely tied down every other piece of the circuit that the only thing remaining that could possibly have some movement was those pins vs the protoboard. It's quite possible that in the process of soldering the pins that I also managed to change something else that was the real problem, but I can't think of what it might be. In any case it seems to be running quite well now.
I'm working on a project and trying to do the same thing with GPS and compas, can you tell me the formula/code you using to determin which way the "vehiche" (from the compas) need to turn to go the the exact location.
Ridho Trifianto You got a GPS and a compass, try to program the compass with degrees like North 0 degree and 360-0 from left to right. After that you get the GPS, using arduno there is a new GPS lib which determine and calculate the 2 location, primary and second loc. mostly the primary is the GPS you want to control and 2nd is the GPS location which you want the device/vechicle should move. calculating the distance between 2 loc you get in the same time the direction in degree from the GPS, having a live compass you can use it as guild which direction your car should move..etc It's not so hard you just need to make a logic combination between components and functions.
Yup for a multi rotor aircraft,I have two controller naza v2 on my last crashes,might as well combined my rock crawler and fpv for fun have a nice day mate
I wonder if it varying distance from the home position when it returns after each test may have something to do with the number of satellites it has an active fix on. I used to run GPS while driving and the number of active satellites overhead varied a lot at time (3, 4, 5 or more).
That's cool. Should pattend, and sell that. It would be cool if you could buy a rc car from radio shack, that will return to home like a drone. One obvious problem, unlike drones (set to the proper hight), you'll have too many obstacles to hit, and stop the car from returning home. Not everyone uses a rc car in wide open, flat areas. But maybe it can be programmed to turn around, and return using the same path, kinda like setting flight path on phantom 3 (and other) drones. Also add anti crash sensors to the car, like the Phantom 4 pro (and other) drone. There would be a lot of bugs to work out. But if you get a smart rc car out on the shelves of local department stores. Kids all over the world would want one. You would be mad rich! And have soo much money, you could buy all the land you want, to do your testing and build a castle
That was an impressive presentation and explanation of what you did. I like the part in which you explained the troubleshooting that you encountered during those hard fought 3 days... I know how it goes when you dont know which wire is messing with you and it takes ages to find out which one is the culprit... like you gotta test whole circuit to see where its breaking and when it comes during test in your case while its away from you then its so hard to determine the issue. Anyways, I really like your project, and your tips and tricks how to troubleshoot such issues if ever come during any project. I am going to start a gps controlled RC car, i am waiting on to receive Sparkfun's Multi Chasis.... and then i will know how to do that... I will do this project with either Arduino Mega or Raspberry Pi 2 B+.. and i will make a video to share my experience too.
the car seems to be waggling back and forth because you probably need a PID control (over software) or change the parameters if you are already using one! You are turning the wheels only proportionally to the angle between home and the front of the car this is like having a spring (which acts the same way, its force is proportional to its deformation F=-k*x) this will result in a harmonic oscillation (like a sine wave) which is why the car is not returning in a straight line but moving right and left as if it is following a sine wave, so in order to overcome this you need to decay this oscillation! This is where the D part of the PID controller come to use. (btw PID stands for Proportinal Integral Derivative control(ler) you already got the proportional). The derivative part uses the derivative of x which is u velocity (i am using position and velocity in your case it is angle and angular velocity but the concept is the same) so this part adds the decay to the oscillation and stops it after some time (1-2 periods if set correctly) and now the equation becomes something like F=-k*x-b*u. Finally the Integral part is what will correct the imperfections of the car design the road etc it will even correct the fact that the wheels do not return exactly to center. This is happening because the error adds up into the integral so the car corrects itself according to the previous error, it is like the car remembering what was going wrong and how wrong it was going and taking all of this into consideration to its next calculations! I hope that helps there are a lot of guides of how to make such a controller and codes but i think this is the problem you are facing!
I'm very familiar with PID controllers But are you sure a PID controller can correct for the a discrepancy between the commanded output and what actually happens? When the front wheels are commanded to center themselves, they sometimes do nothing, sometimes flop over to the opposite side, and sometimes (rarely) center correctly.
oh i think i misunderstood the wheel problem... so the actual turn of the wheels is not persistent with the output of the program? then pid is not the solution. what i mean saying persistent is that when the program says center wheels the wheels will always turn to almost 0 degrees it may not be 0 (for example it may be 5°) but it will always be this angle and there you can use a pid because output is persistent but if the wheels sometimes go to the center at the "center" command and sometimes go to a totally different angle then pid cannot do anything about that... how to you drive the servo? with a single pulse or with a pwm signal?
Yes, the linkage design carrying the movement from the servo to the wheels is quite long, and prone to developing play between the components. Eventually it got so annoying I bought a new car chassis: I think I was using the arduino servo library, it does standard servo pulses (1000-2000us, 50Hz).
The small chassis is a Tamiya CC-01, the large one is a Tamiya CR-01. Not sure which drone chassis or code you mean, I have made many many drones over the years.
nice project. However have you considered Ardurover ? this is a free open source autonomous rover arduino software using gps,compass,telemetry and mission planning software with navigation waypoints, return to home, really points and much more.
+{MLP} Rainbow Dash It's not EMF, it's magnetism which goes right through metal (otherwise magnets wouldn't work). The motor is already encased in metal anyway.
Very good results. What happens if you use 2 gps chips at once ? Would it work more accurately if you averaged their signals? p.s. - You sound like a kiwi - but it sounded like the groundsman talking to you in Japanese. Also sounds like a Japanese woman talking on the radio in the background in spots.And the Japanese are into baseball - so is this clip taken in Japan?
for this project is exactly his mk2-followe script except that he had eliminated the tag and hardcoded the gps-home position.He also added a trigget to toggle the follow me on/off.That's all. Anyway iforce2d i have checked your project folder and they're right:there is no source for this project.If you add it you wont have so many comments with "give me the source".Another verry cool project.Keep going. ^_^
So perfect and analyzed type of recording video.Well done.Could you please help me?I have done a construction with 3 servos.It has one for throttle,second for gear(forward-reverse)and third for steering.I want to develop it to do it to include return to home or to spot lock.I have ordered neo 6m.Should I buy arduino compass also?If yes which model?I tried to find in your videos but I didn’t manage it.Thank you very much.
Hello, I´am using an arduino nano to do the GPStoI2C. The GPS pins are the D2(RX) and D4(TX) and the I2C pins are the A4(SDA) and A5(SCL). Is this correct??
If i have a GPS to track my drone from a laptop , which its the better control signal to control it? (Bluetooh , RC , GPS , 4G , i dont know :c ), i want to use arduino to make my drone , but i don't know what kind of signal use to handle long distances , and what can i use to make my arduino compatible to signal receiver
Can you make a video about how to send your robot to where you want wherever it is (not out of range) at that time? That would be really cool and helpful.
Hi, this is a neat project! Question: I am using the nrf24 with arduino pro mini 5v (same as you?) on a project. I have got it to transmit and be received, but there is definitely some voodoo stuff going on, and it randomly stops working ; ( I have a 100nF cap on the module for the voltage issue, but I wonder if that is not enough? What size cap are you using, to get it to behave properly?
Could be a lot of things, to be honest. One thing I can tell you though, it's not genuinely random. Try to think of any little thing that happens at the time it stops working, and put your Sherlock Holmes hat on, is all I could suggest - yeah not much help I know :) Actually I mostly use 3.3v arduinos with the nrf24 because the 3.3v regulated output seems to be quite clean - I have not used any caps on the radio module so far.
The nRF24L01+ is only rated up to 3.6V on it's Vcc pin, so that might be something to consider. I've heard people use a red led connected in series between the Arduino 5V and the nRF's Vcc pin to drop the voltage within specifications. All the other nRF pins are 5V tolerate, it's just the Vcc pin that listed as max 3.6V. Besides that make sure you don't bump the nRF's connections to the Arduino if you're using jumper cables and such, intermittent connections cause them to act up. I've got some lose jumper cables connected in my project and often have to reset things when I pump the wires.
dparson One thing to keep in mind if using 5V signals, is that the power given to the nRF24 is more fussy. Datasheet says "Supply voltage if input signals >3.6V" must be 2.7v - 3.3v
***** Wow, thanks for the response. This totally made me realize an incorrect assumption I had made, which was that the Vcc out from my 5v mini was at 3.3v (like Uno). I hope I havent fried the nRF modules :P (it was actually working on 5v but inconsistently). I am going to have to do some re-wiring and will connect an LED or regular diode on the Vcc line, and let you know how it goes !
NeoTokyo_VR Yeah, that's another reason I much prefer to use the 3.3v ones when dealing with these radios. It makes it harder to give them too much power from Vcc. Sounds like yours might still be ok...
you are just awesome, I really love all stuff you do wtih arudino-s, why did that guy harrased you, that is not allowed to drive rc car on playground??? wtf? you are not doing any harm, nobody else is using it at the moment...
Because many Japanese people follow rules like robots without much regard for the original intent of the rule. The typical RC car moves much much faster than this one - perhaps they consider fast RC cars to be a hazard, and maybe they didn't want a bunch of people getting together and treating this field like a racetrack. But I would think this slow one is outside the scope of those concerns. I asked him what exactly the problem was, about everything I could think of, eg. is it a hazard for somebody, is it damaging the baseball ground surface, is it polluting, is it too noisy, is somebody else trying to play baseball here right now etc. Of course none of these things were relevant and the only reason he could give was "because it's a rule". Eventually I said I am not interested in rules that have no basis on anything and feel free to call the police if he thinks it's necessary, then I would stop when the police tell me to. So he went away but then it was too dark to continue that day.
Most of the code is the same as for my next video about "follow me", which you can find at this link - just don't ask me to explain it :)
Hi sir, can you kind of show me the codes you used with the digital compass and gps module to make it autonomous? It would really help in my undergrad project. thank you!
if it uses GPS, does that mean you can set the HOME in Finland and the current location of the car is in japan, would it navigate its way back home (disregarding the obstacles)? and if it manages to come to Finland, by how much radius will it be far away from its actual HOME destiny?
Hi! I love coming back to this video for inspiration. The project that im starting with is quite similar. Its a bait boat for fishing, and it has 1 drive motor and 1 servo for steering. And before running at a dam, the onboard compas is set, then you enter distance via buttons and an lcd screen, then angle and distance again, and them home. The idea is to send out 2 seperate bait balls, and you tell the boat to go 200 meters, drop the first bait ball, turn in either direction, drop the second ball, and the return to gps home. To write this code at my current level will be a challenge, but im willing to not stop till I get it right. Oh, and there is the option to control the whole system manually over wifi connection. Is there a arduino shield that can cover a wifi distance of 500 meters with a cellphone pairing? Any ways, this video is good inspiration for my project. Thanks!
I got that one for about $12 from Banggood. Unfortunately they are not stocking it any more. I got a second one for about $25 which is a bit better and I can recommend (it has compass too): There are many other cheap ones on Banggood, but I would try to get one that shows the ublox logo on it. In my experience the no-name ones cannot be connected to computer to modify the update rate etc.
roidroid I was thinking $12 was pretty cheap actually :) You can still get a cheapie one for $12, but it seems to be stuck at 1Hz update rate - depending on what you're doing, it might be just fine. I got this one but it is not a genuine ublox so I can't change the update rate with ublox software:
***** You're right, $12 is not that bad. Just more than a lot of other stuff, it's like... a level above the appalling cheap stuff i love to buy. I mean we've got < $3 arduinos, < $4 wifi, < $5 bluetooth. GPS seems like such a simple tech (it just receives passive RF signals), yet it's one of the more expensive components around.
roidroid Considering what it does I think it's pretty cheap. It's not really just receiving, there is a lot of number-crunching required to make sense of those signals.
hi , nice work iforce2d .. i would like to ask you about how you calculated the bearing to the home point, i tried something like your project but i fail every time to calculate the bearing because it gives un accurate results .. can you help me please ?
Nicely done ✅ I’ll be doing my own but I’m doing it for a rc boat instead. (My family own a small lake) I’ll like to ask you about the amount of money you spent on your project and maybe a parts listing giving me the opportunity to calculate the amount of pocket money I have to spend 😊 thanks for the video it was worth my time to watch it 👍👍👍
+iforce2d Okay im using the same but when using your library for the compass, with calibration it gives me negative headings and nothing worth using. My compass is always 10-40 degrees off and weirds out even with the adafruit code that comes with the module... any ideas?
+iforce2d Only got one :S, is there any way i can come in contact with you vocally?, Im sitting here with an exam project and it is giving me a little headache that i can't figure it out :S
Good Afternoon, I have a few questions about your coding and would love to chat with you privately for some research I'm doing on my Senior Design Project
WOW really great job....... you have really work very hard on this..... if you don't mind can you give me complete information of it so that I can make the replica of it.....I really like ur work..
iforce2d thank you sir, i will have a look. Im working on a project with a boat that moves waypoint back to home position but im kinda stuck now with the project.
Amazing. The way you documenting your project is indeed a great way to show others the real life situation of testings, analyzing and how the components complement each other. It becomes greater when the viewers are all working on the same interest.
Incredible!!! This is hands down the most inventive and inspiring arduino video I have seen yet. You spent a few days frustrated, I am at six weeks and was about to give up. I was going about my project all wrong. You really saved my hopes for my build. Thank you so kindly for documenting and publishing this creative build. I can't wait to see your aircraft work.
I ordered my 1st Arduino starter kit. Expecting the delivery today. Very excited. Watching your video on a day like this was great !
Can you make a full tutorial of coding please, i am beginner and i have a project on this...... Please
Great video! I especially appreciate that you included the discussion of your troubles and solutions you came to... very useful info. THANKS.
Really nice project mate! I liked to see the RC car try to keep warm the tires as well :D
Congratulations on an excellent job. Maybe scaling back on the drive speed as the car gets closer to home would stop the car from overshooting the target as
much. Excellent job !!
Wouldn't it be possible to save a GPS position every, lets say, second and try to let the car "go back the path" you were driving? Of course with error correction, in case the GPS puts out garbage (like max. meters away from current point).
Yes, quite possible. You could check every second and decide if there has been enough movement (eg. minimum 5m change) to bother recording the position. The arduino does not have much memory though, so you would only be able to store a limited number of points.
But there's an MicroSD expension for it, right? Would be quite a fun thing too I guess, not only for cars but drones to avoid trees and other things without sensors like you flew it. Of course the not so accurate GPS signals are a bit counter-productive for this ;)
Yes, you could use an SD card to make that problem go away :) The GPS accuracy is not so bad, I have never seen it off by more than 3m or so. But I would want to assume an error of more like 10m and do testing in an area where that would not be a problem, just to be safe, and also make sure to handle the case when the GPS signal is lost completely.
Basically like this: If no GPS wait for GPS, if next GPS point is off by far too many meters jump to the next one
Congrats, the project is going very well! In case it's a help, one thing about the floating pins, if you solder them to your protoboard I believe they will still be floating, just connected to more metal than before which actually might make them even better "antennas". To stop them from floating you can use the internal pullups of the Arduino's microcontroller and for example use pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP) in your setup function to internally connect pin 3 to your Pro-Mini's 3.3V Vcc level. So you can do that on any unconnected pins to stop them from floating.
aha... wish I had known that at the time, I would have tried it for sure. Yes I realize that soldering the pins into the protoboard does not change anything electrically, but eventually I found that I could thump it in just the right way to reproduce the problem, and by that time I had securely tied down every other piece of the circuit that the only thing remaining that could possibly have some movement was those pins vs the protoboard. It's quite possible that in the process of soldering the pins that I also managed to change something else that was the real problem, but I can't think of what it might be. In any case it seems to be running quite well now.
I forgot to mention, great video editing and annotating also, very fun to watch
Great work! That is amazing watching the car return to home!
I'm working on a project and trying to do the same thing with GPS and compas, can you tell me the formula/code you using to determin which way the "vehiche" (from the compas) need to turn to go the the exact location.
Domino SixO
+iforce2d what your formula in ? because i'm project to do same thing, can you help me ?
+Ridho Trifianto that is a very broad question, and I have already given all the source code. Try asking something more specific.
Ridho Trifianto You got a GPS and a compass, try to program the compass with degrees like North 0 degree and 360-0 from left to right. After that you get the GPS, using arduno there is a new GPS lib which determine and calculate the 2 location, primary and second loc. mostly the primary is the GPS you want to control and 2nd is the GPS location which you want the device/vechicle should move. calculating the distance between 2 loc you get in the same time the direction in degree from the GPS, having a live compass you can use it as guild which direction your car should move..etc It's not so hard you just need to make a logic combination between components and functions.
Yup for a multi rotor aircraft,I have two controller naza v2 on my last crashes,might as well combined my rock crawler and fpv for fun have a nice day mate
I wonder if it varying distance from the home position when it returns after each test may have something to do with the number of satellites it has an active fix on. I used to run GPS while driving and the number of active satellites overhead varied a lot at time (3, 4, 5 or more).
That's cool. Should pattend, and sell that. It would be cool if you could buy a rc car from radio shack, that will return to home like a drone. One obvious problem, unlike drones (set to the proper hight), you'll have too many obstacles to hit, and stop the car from returning home. Not everyone uses a rc car in wide open, flat areas. But maybe it can be programmed to turn around, and return using the same path, kinda like setting flight path on phantom 3 (and other) drones. Also add anti crash sensors to the car, like the Phantom 4 pro (and other) drone. There would be a lot of bugs to work out. But if you get a smart rc car out on the shelves of local department stores. Kids all over the world would want one. You would be mad rich! And have soo much money, you could buy all the land you want, to do your testing and build a castle
What do you work as that allows you to just make these videos willy nilly?
Really good. I am working on an autonomous lawn mower and using all sensors plus ultrasonic sensor. I hope it does as well as your car.
That was an impressive presentation and explanation of what you did. I like the part in which you explained the troubleshooting that you encountered during those hard fought 3 days... I know how it goes when you dont know which wire is messing with you and it takes ages to find out which one is the culprit... like you gotta test whole circuit to see where its breaking and when it comes during test in your case while its away from you then its so hard to determine the issue. Anyways, I really like your project, and your tips and tricks how to troubleshoot such issues if ever come during any project. I am going to start a gps controlled RC car, i am waiting on to receive Sparkfun's Multi Chasis.... and then i will know how to do that... I will do this project with either Arduino Mega or Raspberry Pi 2 B+.. and i will make a video to share my experience too.
The Arduino gone so far thanks for this great project keep it up
the car seems to be waggling back and forth because you probably need a PID control (over software) or change the parameters if you are already using one! You are turning the wheels only proportionally to the angle between home and the front of the car this is like having a spring (which acts the same way, its force is proportional to its deformation F=-k*x) this will result in a harmonic oscillation (like a sine wave) which is why the car is not returning in a straight line but moving right and left as if it is following a sine wave, so in order to overcome this you need to decay this oscillation! This is where the D part of the PID controller come to use. (btw PID stands for Proportinal Integral Derivative control(ler) you already got the proportional). The derivative part uses the derivative of x which is u velocity (i am using position and velocity in your case it is angle and angular velocity but the concept is the same) so this part adds the decay to the oscillation and stops it after some time (1-2 periods if set correctly) and now the equation becomes something like F=-k*x-b*u. Finally the Integral part is what will correct the imperfections of the car design the road etc it will even correct the fact that the wheels do not return exactly to center. This is happening because the error adds up into the integral so the car corrects itself according to the previous error, it is like the car remembering what was going wrong and how wrong it was going and taking all of this into consideration to its next calculations! I hope that helps there are a lot of guides of how to make such a controller and codes but i think this is the problem you are facing!
I'm very familiar with PID controllers
But are you sure a PID controller can correct for the a discrepancy between the commanded output and what actually happens? When the front wheels are commanded to center themselves, they sometimes do nothing, sometimes flop over to the opposite side, and sometimes (rarely) center correctly.
oh i think i misunderstood the wheel problem... so the actual turn of the wheels is not persistent with the output of the program? then pid is not the solution. what i mean saying persistent is that when the program says center wheels the wheels will always turn to almost 0 degrees it may not be 0 (for example it may be 5°) but it will always be this angle and there you can use a pid because output is persistent but if the wheels sometimes go to the center at the "center" command and sometimes go to a totally different angle then pid cannot do anything about that... how to you drive the servo? with a single pulse or with a pwm signal?
Yes, the linkage design carrying the movement from the servo to the wheels is quite long, and prone to developing play between the components. Eventually it got so annoying I bought a new car chassis:
I think I was using the arduino servo library, it does standard servo pulses (1000-2000us, 50Hz).
Ok that is cool :) btw I love your work! Do you have any links of your car chassis or drone chassis and code?
The small chassis is a Tamiya CC-01, the large one is a Tamiya CR-01. Not sure which drone chassis or code you mean, I have made many many drones over the years.
nice project. However have you considered Ardurover ? this is a free open source autonomous rover arduino software using gps,compass,telemetry and mission planning software with navigation waypoints, return to home, really points and much more.
+Hugues D I'm doing this to learn everything myself, and then apply it to a quadcopter. So now you can tell me that there is already Ardupilot :)
You can easily shield the emf from the motor with a metal shield.
+{MLP} Rainbow Dash It's not EMF, it's magnetism which goes right through metal (otherwise magnets wouldn't work). The motor is already encased in metal anyway.
***** Oops! I guess this is what happens when you are halfway asleep....
Very good results. What happens if you use 2 gps chips at once ? Would it work more accurately if you averaged their signals?
p.s. - You sound like a kiwi - but it sounded like the groundsman talking to you in Japanese. Also sounds like a Japanese woman talking on the radio in the background in spots.And the Japanese are into baseball - so is this clip taken in Japan?
for this project is exactly his mk2-followe script except that he had eliminated the tag and hardcoded the gps-home position.He also added a trigget to toggle the follow me on/off.That's all.
Anyway iforce2d i have checked your project folder and they're right:there is no source for this project.If you add it you wont have so many comments with "give me the source".Another verry cool project.Keep going. ^_^
I really love the details explanation
Can you please send the parts list with links if you can . I'm doing the same project however I'm struggling to find the parts.
So perfect and analyzed type of recording video.Well done.Could you please help me?I have done a construction with 3 servos.It has one for throttle,second for gear(forward-reverse)and third for steering.I want to develop it to do it to include return to home or to spot lock.I have ordered neo 6m.Should I buy arduino compass also?If yes which model?I tried to find in your videos but I didn’t manage it.Thank you very much.
Hello, I´am using an arduino nano to do the GPStoI2C. The GPS pins are the D2(RX) and D4(TX) and the I2C pins are the A4(SDA) and A5(SCL). Is this correct??
If i have a GPS to track my drone from a laptop , which its the better control signal to control it? (Bluetooh , RC , GPS , 4G , i dont know :c ), i want to use arduino to make my drone , but i don't know what kind of signal use to handle long distances , and what can i use to make my arduino compatible to signal receiver
Can you make a video about how to send your robot to where you want wherever it is (not out of range) at that time? That would be really cool and helpful.
Or if you have a video for that can you tell?
"String of problems" I got that feeling sometimes
is there is a option to get code of it ?
awesome job..!!! an exact parts list would be great, if you don't mind sharing..
can u pls explain the follow me up process of drones and its code
hello can you please give a list of items that you use to do this i would like to try it
+paul antonucci check my channel for the other videos about this, I think I have covered everything
this is amazing, add derivative error correction to steering.
What do you use the compass module for?
Think.... what do you use a compass for? :)
can you give us the code please
Hi, this is a neat project!
Question: I am using the nrf24 with arduino pro mini 5v (same as you?) on a project.
I have got it to transmit and be received, but there is definitely some voodoo stuff going on, and it randomly stops working ; ( I have a 100nF cap on the module for the voltage issue, but I wonder if that is not enough? What size cap are you using, to get it to behave properly?
Could be a lot of things, to be honest. One thing I can tell you though, it's not genuinely random. Try to think of any little thing that happens at the time it stops working, and put your Sherlock Holmes hat on, is all I could suggest - yeah not much help I know :) Actually I mostly use 3.3v arduinos with the nrf24 because the 3.3v regulated output seems to be quite clean - I have not used any caps on the radio module so far.
The nRF24L01+ is only rated up to 3.6V on it's Vcc pin, so that might be something to consider. I've heard people use a red led connected in series between the Arduino 5V and the nRF's Vcc pin to drop the voltage within specifications. All the other nRF pins are 5V tolerate, it's just the Vcc pin that listed as max 3.6V. Besides that make sure you don't bump the nRF's connections to the Arduino if you're using jumper cables and such, intermittent connections cause them to act up. I've got some lose jumper cables connected in my project and often have to reset things when I pump the wires.
One thing to keep in mind if using 5V signals, is that the power given to the nRF24 is more fussy. Datasheet says "Supply voltage if input signals >3.6V" must be 2.7v - 3.3v
***** Wow, thanks for the response. This totally made me realize an incorrect assumption I had made, which was that the Vcc out from my 5v mini was at 3.3v (like Uno). I hope I havent fried the nRF modules :P (it was actually working on 5v but inconsistently).
I am going to have to do some re-wiring and will connect an LED or regular diode on the Vcc line, and let you know how it goes !
Yeah, that's another reason I much prefer to use the 3.3v ones when dealing with these radios. It makes it harder to give them too much power from Vcc. Sounds like yours might still be ok...
it's really awesome of what you did. I would like ask how you determine the gps coordinate for the home position and how you set it?
A GPS coordinate is just two numbers. You take the current position when the arduino is turned on, and store it to compare with later.
you are just awesome, I really love all stuff you do wtih arudino-s, why did that guy harrased you, that is not allowed to drive rc car on playground??? wtf? you are not doing any harm, nobody else is using it at the moment...
Because many Japanese people follow rules like robots without much regard for the original intent of the rule. The typical RC car moves much much faster than this one - perhaps they consider fast RC cars to be a hazard, and maybe they didn't want a bunch of people getting together and treating this field like a racetrack. But I would think this slow one is outside the scope of those concerns. I asked him what exactly the problem was, about everything I could think of, eg. is it a hazard for somebody, is it damaging the baseball ground surface, is it polluting, is it too noisy, is somebody else trying to play baseball here right now etc. Of course none of these things were relevant and the only reason he could give was "because it's a rule". Eventually I said I am not interested in rules that have no basis on anything and feel free to call the police if he thinks it's necessary, then I would stop when the police tell me to. So he went away but then it was too dark to continue that day.
what I put code; and when you close the transmitter turns the home..
Looks good, I want to do this with a robot , do you have any example code?
Most of the code is the same as for my next video about "follow me", which you can find at this link - just don't ask me to explain it :)
Can you remind libraries used in this project?
Hi sir, can you kind of show me the codes you used with the digital compass and gps module to make it autonomous? It would really help in my undergrad project. thank you!
Hi can I use the dji naza with osd as controller will it be the same concept thanks
Hernil Soriano I doubt it. I programmed this myself... isn't the naza a flight controller?
if it uses GPS, does that mean you can set the HOME in Finland and the current location of the car is in japan, would it navigate its way back home (disregarding the obstacles)? and if it manages to come to Finland, by how much radius will it be far away from its actual HOME destiny?
Yes. I think the distance would be similar to what we see in this video.
WOW!!! thats awesome
Well if it was a plane with some solar cells it would arrive ;D
Hi! I love coming back to this video for inspiration. The project that im starting with is quite similar. Its a bait boat for fishing, and it has 1 drive motor and 1 servo for steering. And before running at a dam, the onboard compas is set, then you enter distance via buttons and an lcd screen, then angle and distance again, and them home. The idea is to send out 2 seperate bait balls, and you tell the boat to go 200 meters, drop the first bait ball, turn in either direction, drop the second ball, and the return to gps home. To write this code at my current level will be a challenge, but im willing to not stop till I get it right.
Oh, and there is the option to control the whole system manually over wifi connection.
Is there a arduino shield that can cover a wifi distance of 500 meters with a cellphone pairing?
Any ways, this video is good inspiration for my project.
Can I ask how much did it cost to just build the return-to-home feature
the cost of the gps unit and the rest is just programming
What GPS module are you using there? Whenever i look into GPS stuff it seems to be rather expensive, have you found a cheap one?
I got that one for about $12 from Banggood. Unfortunately they are not stocking it any more. I got a second one for about $25 which is a bit better and I can recommend (it has compass too):
There are many other cheap ones on Banggood, but I would try to get one that shows the ublox logo on it. In my experience the no-name ones cannot be connected to computer to modify the update rate etc.
Well darn, guess they're still expensive then :(
Cheaper to get an old 2nd hand Android phone, connect to Arduino via bluetooth.
roidroid I was thinking $12 was pretty cheap actually :) You can still get a cheapie one for $12, but it seems to be stuck at 1Hz update rate - depending on what you're doing, it might be just fine. I got this one but it is not a genuine ublox so I can't change the update rate with ublox software:
***** You're right, $12 is not that bad. Just more than a lot of other stuff, it's like... a level above the appalling cheap stuff i love to buy.
I mean we've got < $3 arduinos, < $4 wifi, < $5 bluetooth. GPS seems like such a simple tech (it just receives passive RF signals), yet it's one of the more expensive components around.
roidroid Considering what it does I think it's pretty cheap. It's not really just receiving, there is a lot of number-crunching required to make sense of those signals.
i foun a mega in a very comackt package from aliexpress. could be usefull for your builds. its about the size of an uno.
hi , nice work iforce2d .. i would like to ask you about how you calculated the bearing to the home point, i tried something like your project but i fail every time to calculate the bearing because it gives un accurate results .. can you help me please ?
I have linked to the source in the descriptions of these videos:
and how do I just build the return to home feature
great project. can we please see the code? Would love to see your I2C slave implementation and the navigation main loop =)
Is that the neo 6m GPS module? Thank you for the excellent explanation, and you obtained excellent results as well
why do need compass when you have GPS in this system?
For stationary heading.
Would you please send me this code and names of the meterials......? I really need those for my high school project..
Great job my friend! Congrats!
Hi please could you share the circuit diagram and code please
Nicely done ✅
I’ll be doing my own but I’m doing it for a rc boat instead. (My family own a small lake) I’ll like to ask you about the amount of money you spent on your project and maybe a parts listing giving me the opportunity to calculate the amount of pocket money I have to spend 😊 thanks for the video it was worth my time to watch it 👍👍👍
I'd say you can make this for ~€100
2x arduino - €6
2x Brushless motors ~ €15
2x ESC ~ €10
Car body ~ €15 (?)
Gps module ~ €4
Compass module ~ €2
LiPo battery ~ €20
Transmitter, receiver module ~ €6
Other ~ €15
Why Exactly do you need a magnetometer ?
To know which way is north, south etc.
This project is cool, can you please attach the code and schematic for this? And also can you tell me if I can use UNO instead of MINI.
You can find it in the link in the description on this video, just don't ask me to explain it:
***** Yeah thanks, but can I use an Arduino Uno?
Irfanuddin Shafi
yeah, it should be fine.
Hi, can you share the code? I would like to make one with my kids.
where can i find the code?
Hey would you help us making same prototype , we'll be highly obliged 😊 as we are working on kind of similar project but in aviation...
What is range???
Sir....will you please tell the overall cost for this project???
It really works?
very nice bro please give a list of items that you use to do this
Which compass are you using?
+Mikkel Christiansen I think it was this one
+iforce2d Okay im using the same but when using your library for the compass, with calibration it gives me negative headings and nothing worth using. My compass is always 10-40 degrees off and weirds out even with the adafruit code that comes with the module... any ideas?
+Mikkel Christiansen sounds a bit odd. Have you tried more than one module?
+iforce2d Only got one :S, is there any way i can come in contact with you vocally?, Im sitting here with an exam project and it is giving me a little headache that i can't figure it out :S
+iforce2d Is there any way i can contact you via skype or something? :S
Good Afternoon,
I have a few questions about your coding and would love to chat with you privately for some research I'm doing on my Senior Design Project
Better to discuss here so that others can benefit from our chat in future, and so that I don't have to answer the same questions over and over.
Could you please let me have the code ?
can i get the source code?
Hellllooo could you please give the code and schematic?
How much for you to build me one? I'll buy
What's camera name?
Mobius. See also Runcam2
sir...can u share link all component that u use
omg nice bro!! you give me some cool project idea with this video!! i'll make it!
would you give this project code..........
work yourself ? nothing will be handed to you in life
or at least, shouldnt
Why shouldnt it. Why should life be any harder than it has to be. Thats a shitty attitude to have.
xaxaxa Arduino is open source you dumbass the reason this whole community exists is because people share...some people dont learn
well, you can also learn if you read stuff that others write down...
That's why we move forward and don't reinvent the wheel over and over again...
nice work mate :)
Very cool! You've inspired me to dig out my RC stuff again. What's your visa situation in Japan, if you don't mind me asking?
Remember to close your eyes a bit when you blow the dust off ;) Work visa.
Why didn't you use a raspberry instead?
Because I don't have one.
***** good reason xD
It's a great project
that was great! iam impressed!
WOW really great job....... you have really work very hard on this..... if you don't mind can you give me complete information of it so that I can make the replica of it.....I really like ur work..
Link of proyect
hello #iforce2d can u please give the scematic of this project :)
Very good
I2C It's not I-SQUID-C, it's I TWO C.
Please help the Community by sharing the source code.
This will help others to create innovative projects.
iforce2d thank you sir, i will have a look.
Im working on a project with a boat that moves waypoint back to home position but im kinda stuck now with the project.
Nice awesome work :)
So cool!
home run!
if you have this sitting around collecting dust, I'll buy it.
35.616264, 139.611139 Why am I like this
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Need some precision
Wow nice project.
I also work on something similar but i would like some help xD
Do you mind to share the code ? :D