Coincidentally I have set up my system with the same items. I used it for the first time today and the barrel imploded - with a lot of effort and sweat I have just managed to made the barrel round-ish again. Any suggestions anybody - please?,
Did you use the same barrel? - the one I used is pretty sturdy would be surprised if I could get it to implode. Would need a super powerful vac I reckon!
Vagabond Vans Yes, same barrel and same vac. I have since looked at several UA-cam videos on the subject and suspect that there might have been a blockage or kink in the sawdust pipe. I have ordered a larger diameter hose and will see if that works.....
Hi guys. So good to find a channel thats not an American with th GYW in their garden or a Russian tryingbto kill himself making log splitters from shotguns. Had a similar problem, fixed it by rolling a piece of 15mm pipe into a circle and sticking it inside. Have to do it in tw or three pieces but it works fine. You're always gonna get blockages.
Coincidentally I have set up my system with the same items. I used it for the first time today and the barrel imploded - with a lot of effort and sweat I have just managed to made the barrel round-ish again. Any suggestions anybody - please?,
Did you use the same barrel? - the one I used is pretty sturdy would be surprised if I could get it to implode. Would need a super powerful vac I reckon!
Vagabond Vans Yes, same barrel and same vac. I have since looked at several UA-cam videos on the subject and suspect that there might have been a blockage or kink in the sawdust pipe. I have ordered a larger diameter hose and will see if that works.....
Ahh ok, yh that might be it. Good luck!
Hi guys. So good to find a channel thats not an American with th GYW in their garden or a Russian tryingbto kill himself making log splitters from shotguns. Had a similar problem, fixed it by rolling a piece of 15mm pipe into a circle and sticking it inside. Have to do it in tw or three pieces but it works fine. You're always gonna get blockages.
Champion. Thank You. BUT the volume of the “”music” 🙉🤯🙉🤯
Thanks for the feedback...seems weird as I just listened to it back as seemed reasonable well balanced. Were you listening with headphones on?
Vagabond Vans nope through the tv