This is the video that saved my ass. My goodness I couldn't beat this guy until your video. FFS it was tough. Spamming parry like you did for the final phase of Nameless was a game changer.
Mate you are a fucking legend!!! Just done it tonight!! Never been more happier with a plat. Took 6 days on that NG++ nameless. Your build worked a treat. Subbed for life now.
@@lemonlazer5687 aw sick cheers mate!!!! Glad it helped out!!!! I’m gonna jump back on lies of p after black myth wukong. I’m starting that on release day Tuesday 🙌🏻 thanks for watching mate 🫡🦊
Ugh, that second phase is unrelenting. I just gave it my heart. Game went from a 10 to 8. Beating it twice is enough for me. Curious why the developers made it so hard. This is hands down the hardest boss I’ve ever face. Good stuff btw.
Cheers mate ha ha. Don’t get me wrong the first time I fought him he was a real pain in the arse 🤣🤣 emotions real when you beat a proper twat in these kinda games mate ha ha. Cheers for watching 👍🏼🦊
@@kennethmcrobbie8499 ha ha cheers mate 🤣 it took a bit of trial and error to get to that point but the build all working together made it easier 💪🏼🤣 cheers for watching mate, hope you find it helpful 🫡🦊
I’ve been testing out the butchers knife handle and it’s awesome but I think damage wise the glaive set up wonders better for damage and that big lunge forwards
Cheers mate and thanks for watching. Yeah you probably get away with putting the stamina amulet on instead of the crit amulet but I wanna harder hitting and more legion arm use for this one ☺️👍🏼
I didn't bother with legion arm or grinstones, because he would always twat me whenever I used them. I just parried as much as possible and spam healed. If you stay close to him and be aggressive, you still need to parry, but you negate his BS long range attacks.
Assuming you know the assassin necklace does nothing with that weapon right? It only does if the weapon has a base crit like the tyrant dagger or the trident. Good weapon combo none the less. Booster glaive carried me on my first playthrough until i found my favorite combo of the tyrant dagger and the sworn spear handle or whatever its called.
Cheers mate. I didn’t actually realise that when I made the video, I only found that out recently. I’m also currently trying to figure out the build stats for the trident for my NG+ 4 run as it’s a weapon I really wanna have a go with. That’s build of yours sounds savage ha ha. I did try the butchers handle on the weapon in this video and slays pretty hard as well with the weapon art
I would say you would need anymore than 50 in motivity for ng+ if you are a motivational build. Definitely have the puppet string maxed out and maybe trying swapping the weapon up to the glaive handle with nativity crank and a maxed out spanner head if your using nativity build. The full charged fable attack can’t be interrupted and it hits hard. Aim for 50 vitality then spread the other stats in stamina and capacity mate. That would be my advice for the motility build with a similar set up. The mix of the puppet sting, spanner damage and fable arts should do you good mate. I’d also suggest when your anticipating his attacks keep your finger on the block button and hen repeat pressing to get those perfect guards in. Hole that helps mate 🦊
I believe the booster glaive is towards the middle of chapter 3 in the swap by the big robot puppet. I’m currently doing a walkthrough recording so will be able to confirm when I get there. Otherwise if you sold it I believe you’d have to wait for ng + to get it again 😭
I just don't get it guys. I'm currently with 100 Motivity, 60 Vit and using an Motivity weapon. I don't do this much damage and his atks just drains my stamina away when I try to block it (i have 40 stamina). I die in 2-3 hits no matter the phase. I'm also at NG+1. Am I getting nerfed cause I have too much stats or smth?
Are your weapons maxed out mate? Also maybe look into your p organ so you using the benefits of guard regain and the power of fable arts. Your amulet set up can help as well
I can put a glimpse on my community tab mate but I have mostly everything now on the p organ up to the final phase. I’m actually recording a 100% walkthrough for a trophy guide atm so I will implement the organ into that 😊
@@aggymatt Seriously, though, this build and moveset is crazy. As a Technique player, I dreaded having to re-spec to finally defeat that bellend, but most Nameless Puppet strategies favor Motivity and Advance so heavily that I thought it might be the cost of doing business. Tried this, got him in one. Finally, a video for us.
@@largodeluxe6325 a wicked thanks mate 🙌🏻 I’ll be honest I was using this kinda set up as a motivity build and it just wasn’t working so I adapted this same weapon and I was so shocked at how my damage it did as well as plying the puppet string in as well. I’m planning on revisiting lies of p soon as I wanna make some more content on it. It’s just finding the time 😂
He’s a proper monster mate. I learnt the hard way on my first play through. You can respect at the tree if you did want to change. Got a few more videos dude to come out on lies of p over the next few weeks. Cheers for watching 👍🏼🦊
@@culllivesmatterI just beat him after a good 3 days almost 10 hours. He’s an a-hole of the highest order. I switched to the trident and made a balanced build eventhough used an advance build the entire game without much issue. I switched he’s to the sheild legion arm and perfect parry grindstone. First phase is easy. Second phase use the grindstone right away, perfect parry his attacks. The best advice I could give is to roll towards his divebomb attacks. And make sure you block everything, with a decent guard regain (50+) you won’t die. Good luck man, he’s no joke and I’ve played most soulsborne games.
@@culllivesmatter ah nice mate. The game is great and for your first souls like I’d say it’s a great place to begin. This is my 3rd souls (like) game now that I’ve completed and I just keep coming back for more. I’m on my 4rh play through of lies of p atm ha ha
I'm late to the game and beat this C sucker yesterday using dragon sword +5. I'm a stubborn old biddy who would've died trying b4 giving my heart away 😂❤
🤣 we’re all stubborn mate 🤣 I know that one. But yeah this dude is a massive twat mate!!! I’ll be back on lies of p soon coz it’s an awesome game!!! I haven’t played or beat it nearly enough yet ha ha. Thanks for watching mate 🫡🦊
a wow thats mental!!! I'm gonna have to try that out when I jump backin!! I'm planning on a fresh run in the summer. probably my favorite game of last year Lies Of P mate. Cheers for watching
He’s a proper pain in the neck mate!! Gotta keep trying dude. It took me about 3 hours to beat him first time round. Wasn’t til my second play through I started understanding the weapon skills and quartz tree properly. You got this mate 🦊
Really Nameless is trash against crits. I respect half motivity and technique at 20 each, then dropped every amulet that give health or stamina boost, used Aegis and beat the brakes off off of him after what felt like 100 tries.
For me nameless puppet and lasaxia were the hardest mate 🤣 I’m still fairly new to souls and souls like games myself. Cheers for watching dude. The build does hit like a truck and it was very easy mode for ng++ as well 🦊
This is ng+ and not a guide video mate 👍🏼 I used the tree to respec and the end of my first playthrough and motivity was just used as a dump stat as I didn’t wanna put any more levels anywhere else. Appreciate the feedback.
This is the video that saved my ass. My goodness I couldn't beat this guy until your video. FFS it was tough. Spamming parry like you did for the final phase of Nameless was a game changer.
Aw wicked. No worries mate. Glad it helped you out 🙌🏻🦊 cheers for the feedback and watching 👍🏼
Thanks for this guide. While my stats weren't the same, I was still able to beat him the 2nd time I used the weapon build you recommended.
Aw nice one mate. Glad it helped out 👍🏼 will have a few other lies of p stuff coming soon. Cheers for watching 🦊
Duuude.. hits like a truck!!! A tried so many builds.. this one saved my sleep! Thanks much!!!!!
No worries mate!!!! Glad it was helpful. Thanks for watching 👍🏼🦊
Mate you are a fucking legend!!! Just done it tonight!! Never been more happier with a plat. Took 6 days on that NG++ nameless. Your build worked a treat. Subbed for life now.
@@lemonlazer5687 aw sick cheers mate!!!! Glad it helped out!!!! I’m gonna jump back on lies of p after black myth wukong. I’m starting that on release day Tuesday 🙌🏻 thanks for watching mate 🫡🦊
Ugh, that second phase is unrelenting. I just gave it my heart. Game went from a 10 to 8. Beating it twice is enough for me. Curious why the developers made it so hard. This is hands down the hardest boss I’ve ever face. Good stuff btw.
Finally i beat nameless puppet at newgameplus..using proof of humanity sword.. puppet strings and perfectblock Grindstone....
Sick damage on that build dude 😍🖤
I think for range and damage this is the most powerful option. There’s a motivate build be it doesn’t have the range
Great video, I've been stuck on this Ng plus for 50 plus deaths. Bloody thing! 😂 Love the emotion at the end! 😂
Cheers mate ha ha. Don’t get me wrong the first time I fought him he was a real pain in the arse 🤣🤣 emotions real when you beat a proper twat in these kinda games mate ha ha. Cheers for watching 👍🏼🦊
Came for the lies of p stayed for the accent
Cheers mate 👍🏼 thanks for watching 🦊
thanks mate, after hours of trying and many deaths, i found this video. 2nd try with your setup and done. (first try was about a 10% wipe) 👍
@@DriverDenny aw that awesome mate 👍🏼 glad to be of service 🫡🦊
Think this might be the one. appreciated fella!
You destroyed that muppet/puppet wiv a swagger lol.
Legendary ✌️😅
@@kennethmcrobbie8499 ha ha cheers mate 🤣 it took a bit of trial and error to get to that point but the build all working together made it easier 💪🏼🤣 cheers for watching mate, hope you find it helpful 🫡🦊
The Aggy chosen undead tarnished puppet Yharnham gangster! 👊
🤣🤣 💪🏼
Lies of Aggy 🤣🦊
After getting gud with the parry, I bet him with this strat. Took me a couple of hours but is done lol. Thank you.
@@JosuePR_41 ha ha he is a nightmare mate. Glad you found it helpful 🫡 cheers for watching 🦊
i use the knife handle with that axe head, should i swap for the one you using?
I’ve been testing out the butchers knife handle and it’s awesome but I think damage wise the glaive set up wonders better for damage and that big lunge forwards
Great build and guide - thanks. That weapon hits hard but the stamina it consumes is a bit 😮
Cheers mate and thanks for watching. Yeah you probably get away with putting the stamina amulet on instead of the crit amulet but I wanna harder hitting and more legion arm use for this one ☺️👍🏼
I got my ass beat so hard by that boss. Thanks for the build lol
🤣 no worries man ha ha. He slapped me first time round until I started figuring stuff out
❤ what a soothing voice!!!
You’re welcome 🤣 I’ll start making bedtime story tapes soon
I didn't bother with legion arm or grinstones, because he would always twat me whenever I used them. I just parried as much as possible and spam healed. If you stay close to him and be aggressive, you still need to parry, but you negate his BS long range attacks.
Assuming you know the assassin necklace does nothing with that weapon right? It only does if the weapon has a base crit like the tyrant dagger or the trident.
Good weapon combo none the less. Booster glaive carried me on my first playthrough until i found my favorite combo of the tyrant dagger and the sworn spear handle or whatever its called.
Cheers mate. I didn’t actually realise that when I made the video, I only found that out recently. I’m also currently trying to figure out the build stats for the trident for my NG+ 4 run as it’s a weapon I really wanna have a go with. That’s build of yours sounds savage ha ha. I did try the butchers handle on the weapon in this video and slays pretty hard as well with the weapon art
@@aggymatt kitchen knife handle on the live puppet is absolutely nasty.
@@itz_x_salvation395 yeah that’s the one mate. I’ve been slaying with that atm. It’s a naughty combo ha ha
If I wasn’t on NG+ and just regular NG, what stats would you recommend given they’ll be lower than this video?
I would say you would need anymore than 50 in motivity for ng+ if you are a motivational build. Definitely have the puppet string maxed out and maybe trying swapping the weapon up to the glaive handle with nativity crank and a maxed out spanner head if your using nativity build. The full charged fable attack can’t be interrupted and it hits hard. Aim for 50 vitality then spread the other stats in stamina and capacity mate. That would be my advice for the motility build with a similar set up. The mix of the puppet sting, spanner damage and fable arts should do you good mate. I’d also suggest when your anticipating his attacks keep your finger on the block button and hen repeat pressing to get those perfect guards in. Hole that helps mate 🦊
Please tell me I’m not screwed if I accidentally sold the handle cause I’m trying to find it
I believe the booster glaive is towards the middle of chapter 3 in the swap by the big robot puppet. I’m currently doing a walkthrough recording so will be able to confirm when I get there. Otherwise if you sold it I believe you’d have to wait for ng + to get it again 😭
That weapon is hideous. I love it.
Ridiculous innit mate 🤣
@@TheReelGamer98 weeeeeey go on mate 💪🏼 victory 🫡🦊 he is a massive pain 🤣
I just don't get it guys. I'm currently with 100 Motivity, 60 Vit and using an Motivity weapon. I don't do this much damage and his atks just drains my stamina away when I try to block it (i have 40 stamina). I die in 2-3 hits no matter the phase. I'm also at NG+1. Am I getting nerfed cause I have too much stats or smth?
Are your weapons maxed out mate? Also maybe look into your p organ so you using the benefits of guard regain and the power of fable arts. Your amulet set up can help as well
What’s your P organ set up ?
I can put a glimpse on my community tab mate but I have mostly everything now on the p organ up to the final phase. I’m actually recording a 100% walkthrough for a trophy guide atm so I will implement the organ into that 😊
Fuck yeah man this was a pain in my ass
You had me at "proper twat." XD Thanks for the tips!
Sweet ha ha. Cheers mate. Thanks for watching 👍🏼🦊
@@aggymatt Seriously, though, this build and moveset is crazy. As a Technique player, I dreaded having to re-spec to finally defeat that bellend, but most Nameless Puppet strategies favor Motivity and Advance so heavily that I thought it might be the cost of doing business. Tried this, got him in one. Finally, a video for us.
@@largodeluxe6325 a wicked thanks mate 🙌🏻 I’ll be honest I was using this kinda set up as a motivity build and it just wasn’t working so I adapted this same weapon and I was so shocked at how my damage it did as well as plying the puppet string in as well. I’m planning on revisiting lies of p soon as I wanna make some more content on it. It’s just finding the time 😂
I beat him 2nd try with acid spear. Thought it's gonna take me 2 hours.
Bruh i forgot to level capacity now I gotta wait for the gold fruit 💀
Mate that fruit is a pain to grow. I feel your pain 🤣
I still have yet to beat him, I’ll this weapon next time I play
He’s a proper monster mate. I learnt the hard way on my first play through. You can respect at the tree if you did want to change. Got a few more videos dude to come out on lies of p over the next few weeks. Cheers for watching 👍🏼🦊
This my first souls like game ever and been stuck for awhile. Was advance up until two dragon and switched to technique
@@culllivesmatterI just beat him after a good 3 days almost 10 hours. He’s an a-hole of the highest order. I switched to the trident and made a balanced build eventhough used an advance build the entire game without much issue. I switched he’s to the sheild legion arm and perfect parry grindstone. First phase is easy. Second phase use the grindstone right away, perfect parry his attacks. The best advice I could give is to roll towards his divebomb attacks. And make sure you block everything, with a decent guard regain (50+) you won’t die. Good luck man, he’s no joke and I’ve played most soulsborne games.
@@culllivesmatter ah nice mate. The game is great and for your first souls like I’d say it’s a great place to begin. This is my 3rd souls (like) game now that I’ve completed and I just keep coming back for more. I’m on my 4rh play through of lies of p atm ha ha
P organs?
I’ll try and do a video over the weekend with the p organs or tomorrow if I have time mate 👍🏼 mainly focussed around the fable charges
@@aggymatt 👍
Throwables are the best 🎉
wow i killed him quicker than i did in normal ng
only took around 10 tries (before i used this build included)
Aw nice mate. Glad you found it helpful. Cheers for watching 🦊 more coming soon
Bro didn’t even use the blade in second phase rip glaive build
I'm late to the game and beat this C sucker yesterday using dragon sword +5. I'm a stubborn old biddy who would've died trying b4 giving my heart away 😂❤
🤣 we’re all stubborn mate 🤣 I know that one. But yeah this dude is a massive twat mate!!! I’ll be back on lies of p soon coz it’s an awesome game!!! I haven’t played or beat it nearly enough yet ha ha. Thanks for watching mate 🫡🦊
@@aggymatt I've subbed so look forward to your new P content.
@@Demonsoul67 ah legend here’s mate!! 🫡🦊
if u use mjolnir instead of the axe the build is insane it can go up to 2k ez no ng
a wow thats mental!!! I'm gonna have to try that out when I jump backin!! I'm planning on a fresh run in the summer. probably my favorite game of last year Lies Of P mate. Cheers for watching
Idk 🤷🏾♂️ what’s going on with mines but yeah im done with this boss lol
He’s a proper pain in the neck mate!! Gotta keep trying dude. It took me about 3 hours to beat him first time round. Wasn’t til my second play through I started understanding the weapon skills and quartz tree properly. You got this mate 🦊
I beat him this morning lol 😂 I used your build and got it done ✔️
Top banana 🍌🦊
Really Nameless is trash against crits. I respect half motivity and technique at 20 each, then dropped every amulet that give health or stamina boost, used Aegis and beat the brakes off off of him after what felt like 100 tries.
How much fighting was involved using the aeigis? Nice technique tho 👍🏼
“hardest boss in lies of p”
*me who defeated the puppet in 2 tries on 3 playthroughs*
:i am him
and awesome build man i might give it a shot!
For me nameless puppet and lasaxia were the hardest mate 🤣 I’m still fairly new to souls and souls like games myself.
Cheers for watching dude. The build does hit like a truck and it was very easy mode for ng++ as well 🦊
11 motivity?
Create guide like this you should pick class with 5 motivity.
This is ng+ and not a guide video mate 👍🏼 I used the tree to respec and the end of my first playthrough and motivity was just used as a dump stat as I didn’t wanna put any more levels anywhere else. Appreciate the feedback.