For All Mankind Season 3 Episode 1 Breakdown | Recap & Review

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024


  • @PetePeppers1
    @PetePeppers1  2 роки тому +50

    A pretty good start. Maybe the time jump here emphasizes some of the problems a show that's structured like this faces, but I feel confident things will come together. Let's go to Mars. Let me know what you think.

    • @stupidminotaur9735
      @stupidminotaur9735 2 роки тому +2

      on the sub reddit they found a mishap with the years with bill winning in 1986 and yet he was somehow he was rerunning it in 1992.. it was in one of the newspaper clippings in the beginning of the episode,

    • @PetePeppers1
      @PetePeppers1  2 роки тому +3

      They mention Hart was reelected in 88, Clinton is running in 92. I didn't catch the mistake but did notice that the date on Jordan's draft was wrong. It said 86 and the minisode on the watch page said 84, which was the real year he entered the draft.

    • @seaconfused
      @seaconfused 2 роки тому +1

      Do you know if Ron D. Moore is still involved in the development of the series, because I know he is now in Disney.

    • @stupidminotaur9735
      @stupidminotaur9735 2 роки тому

      @@PetePeppers1 i would have liked if trump had run and won after reagan's 2 terms in the 80's and won and then him being a populist both rep and dems run against him in his 2nd term and cause a 3 way race and him losing for a 2nd term. irl rogar stone wanted him to run in the 1980's after reagan but he didnt.

    • @chrisw443
      @chrisw443 2 роки тому

      @@seaconfused Yes he is heavily involved as an executive. He did an on camera interview for it somewhere. He and his writers have a general outline through season 7, sounds like it gets foggy after 5. To be honest, i do think they could end it on this season, as long as they keep definitive show ending stories every season up, the show could live on forever as a solid product.

  • @richy157
    @richy157 2 роки тому +87

    Agree with everything you said, I do think this season is gonna serve as a last hurrah for the OG cast and as a means to develop the characters of the new generation of astronauts. The OG crew will defo be mostly gone next season

    • @thomasjones4893
      @thomasjones4893 2 роки тому +8

      I would say that's true for everyone except maybe Margo and Molly. Those two would probably stay in mission control where their age doesn't handy cap them as much

    • @PetePeppers1
      @PetePeppers1  2 роки тому +17

      It's hard to imagine Margo doing anything other than working, but the situation with Sergei seems like it would probably force her out.

    • @Antares_451
      @Antares_451 2 роки тому +7

      It's space, it's dark, dangerous and deadly and some of our OG cast will cement their names in history for the program.. I'm still miss Gordo and Tracy.

    • @furanduron4926
      @furanduron4926 2 роки тому

      Its gonna have even less white people. This show is going dangerously woke.

    • @richy157
      @richy157 2 роки тому

      @@furanduron4926 ah yes, wokeism is when women and minorities exisr

  • @chrisdevine4848
    @chrisdevine4848 2 роки тому +48

    I have a health and safety background. For anyone thinking of building their own space hotel, might I might a few suggestions, if the situation as arose in this episode happens to you, so you don't get sued for gross negligence / incompetence:
    a) Begin the evacuation to the shuttle immediately and use it as a life raft (you don't have to undock it, as it's docked in the centre of the station where it is zero G, and largely unaffected by the rotation of the station - but it's safer than staying in the habitation ring). DO NOT wait until the G force is so high that escape basically becomes impossible. You have little leeway here. Even 1.5 G is like carrying a child on your shoulders. 1.05G should be your tolerance. If that is hit - evacuate. [Like, seriously, this was so dumb!]
    b) Know the maximum weight rating of your lifts, especially if these have to be used in an evacuation.
    c) Let the fit and able evacuate using the ladder from the outset (noting that the G force will reduce as they move towards the centre of the station), and reserve the lifts for those who cannot use them (older people, women, children, etc).
    d) Ideally though, replace ladders with staircases, at least for the initial part of the climb!
    e) Counter the rotation imposed by the broken thruster, by firing another thruster in the opposite direction. Even if these are less powerful (though that is another design floor you should really fix), this will buy you some time. Also seems unlikely that the wheel wouldn't have some sort of brakes on them. I mean, this would cause other issues, such as changing the orbit of the station... but that's better than turning your guests into pancakes, no?
    f) Maybe practice an evacuation every now and then? Clearly this had never been done before.
    Cracking episode though. And corporate gross negligence is totally a thing, so still quite believable! But Karen needs to go to prison! :)

    • @jakistam1000
      @jakistam1000 2 роки тому +5

      You are VERY right, especially for the points a) and e)! Why they weren't evacuating the moment they realized the engine is stuck, as well as why didn't they have engines powerful enough to overtake this one, was completely beyond me. Hell, I was even suprised that the engines were main source of spin! You can do that with electricity; no fuel required. It might take more time to speed up and slow down, but once rotating, the friction is minimal.

    • @conoruddin654
      @conoruddin654 2 роки тому +6

      How about a rocket that can't go past 4g on its own so the whole ship doesn't get destroyed or even 1g would make sense and that broken tether would be making a sort or spiral patten with the rotation not trying to takeout everyone out, and maybe connecting a manual override from inside the ship if possible . Seemed amazing at the start of the episode but really badly designed , maybe some sort of net to deflect space debris would make sense aswell and also if a window breaks like in this episode shutters that seals the window would be the thing to do , for the first space hotel these things should have been planned out from the start , I hope the rest of the season is good cause this didn't seem logical at all and I spent most the episode complaining about why these things weren't implemented already, corporate gross negligence is one thing bad writing is another .

    • @johnq4951
      @johnq4951 2 роки тому +4

      How about not using windows composed of a single pane of glass? Transparent aluminium? Or better yet no windows if they break so easily.

    • @aj384
      @aj384 2 роки тому

      @@johnq4951 no windows in a space hotel is just dumb

    • @Roach22
      @Roach22 Рік тому +4

      Some very good points here. I think windows will always be on space stations just because people would demand a view. But they would likely be a lot stronger than in this show, potentially divided into smaller panes and with the ability to have a solid shutter close and seal the window if there was ever a breach.

  • @MrKeller13
    @MrKeller13 2 роки тому +16

    The issue with the time jump with this season is that, these new generation of characters didn’t have the screen time I think to be cared about as much. Danny is not that likable and seems like he is going to be this real cocky guy and be a burnout from NASA eventually. Which I guess could be a good story. But hopefully won’t mirror Gordo too much.
    We had 2 seasons to really get to know the older characters and now, like you said we are really only getting one more with them. Hopefully we can get enough growth out of the younger generation for them to be able to carry their own season in a potential season 4..

    • @KaiserAllen
      @KaiserAllen Рік тому +2

      So true. Almost none of the new characters in season two (other than Kelly and Danny) were developed. They dropped Sally Ride, Rossi, the ginger guy and his friend almost instantaneously.

  • @Batterydennis
    @Batterydennis 2 роки тому +18

    Last night, I said to myself:
    I wonder when does that "alternate history space show's" (didn't remember what it was called) next season come out. I don't watch it myself but I enjoy hearing his summary.
    And today Boom. Here we go.

    • @veehope2702
      @veehope2702 2 роки тому

      I wonder how many seasons they will do? Could be fun if they take it into the near future as well.

    • @johnnyonline
      @johnnyonline 2 роки тому

      @@veehope2702 I think the plan was to take us from the 60's to the world of Star Trek.

  • @CowboysFFL80
    @CowboysFFL80 2 роки тому +91

    Love the show. But the thruster problem didn’t seem totally practical. There would no doubt be fuel line cutoffs for fire control, if not this scenario. Cut the fuel, and zero G while they spacewalk the repairs. Am I oversimplifying?

    • @mattstorm360
      @mattstorm360 2 роки тому +43

      It was built by a space tour company.
      Space X lost a rocket on the pad with a new refueling procedure. Because the way the tanks are designed there is a possibility that kerosene could freeze the oxygen lines and cause a rupture. A problem NASA solved years ago. So i can see the space company building this and not having the controls to cut the fuel because they never thought what if something breaks the control value at the point where the thruster sits.

    • @sageakporherhe783
      @sageakporherhe783 2 роки тому +21

      Thought about the exact same thing too, or maybe, being that it was privately funded, they basically cut corners in order to get it running in time to start making some money.

    • @sageakporherhe783
      @sageakporherhe783 2 роки тому +6

      @@mattstorm360 My thoughts exactly too. They never thought of this, so no one engineered towards it, mind you this technology marvel was built just around 1996, in the real world, this is still a dream and 10-20 years out.

    • @johntheux9238
      @johntheux9238 2 роки тому +3

      And why is there a big ass engine in one direction and reaction control thrusters in the other?

    • @mattstorm360
      @mattstorm360 2 роки тому +3

      @@johntheux9238 That engine is to get the wheel to spin up quickly. You generally don't need to slow it down quickly once it spins up so no need for another big ass engine in the other direction.

  • @m.e.3862
    @m.e.3862 2 роки тому +6

    I enjoyed it and I liked the stuff with the space station because it's a good reminder of how dangerous space is. Tech Bros have promised space hotels, orbital tours etc. without considering how it can all go sideways in an instant.
    I thought the wedding was uncomfortably cringy. The best man speech, the first dance music.... it's like an episode of Curb your Enthusiasm except in orbit!
    I liked and could empathize with the anger in Jimmy's speech and how much he hates NASA because I probably would resent the hell out of the institution that robbed me of just about everything important in life...
    great to see you covering this again, Pete😊

    • @Jogeta5
      @Jogeta5 2 роки тому

      That's the writers who like adding too much drama to the show, I think season 2 suffered for that.
      It's like they thought all the characters were getting along too well, so they need to shake things up before crap hit the fan.
      Well, at least season 3 is a lot better so far in my opinion, I quite enjoyed it.

  • @misterdarwin
    @misterdarwin 2 роки тому +4

    I think the hero moment of this season doesn't work on the same level as last is for three reasons: 1) The nature of the emergencies. The out of control station was a great ticking clock sequence and the sort of thing you could only do in space. It was a terrific way to ratchet up the tension, and there was a great deal of uncertainty in how it could play out. The solar storm was a different beast. It was a slowly unfolding disaster that couldn't be stopped. All our heroes could do was hide and wait it out. It wasn't an exciting scene - it was one of dread. And with the station, we knew when Dan went out that he COULD die, but we knew for certain what awaited Molly. 2) The characters. We spent more time with Molly, knew her, and knew her sacrifice when she set foot outside the cave. We really don't know Danny that well, haven't invested in him, and we didn't know whether or not he was engaging in a suicide mission the way Molly did. 3) The target. Dan was saving the station. We don't care about the station. Yes there were a lot of lives on board, but I don't think any of use really thought they were going to wipe out half the cast like that. Molly was saving Wubbo. Yeah, we didn't really know Wubbo, but at least he was a person. That grounded the risk and sacrifice in a way that an object couldn't.

  • @bigfan007
    @bigfan007 2 роки тому +12

    Curious that the astronaut groom who presumably had no training on the space hotel maintenance knew exactly how to fix the stuck thruster, even having the right tool on hand. He also climbed the long ladder in high G pretty quickly, jumping right into that space suit like it was a pair of well worn shoes. Fun episode, nonetheless.

    • @mgscheue
      @mgscheue 2 роки тому +4

      Yep. That struck me as very unrealistic, too.

    • @clairedavis5268
      @clairedavis5268 2 роки тому +4

      this show constantly has these almost "super easy barely an inconvenience" situations... almost

  • @sageakporherhe783
    @sageakporherhe783 2 роки тому +16

    This was a freaking great entry into season 3.

  • @fork9001
    @fork9001 2 роки тому +4

    Piscotty was my favourite side character last season, I hope he takes over Molly as head of astronaut office at some point or is on the nasa mars mission.
    Side point, he was part of the first crew on a Pathfinder, and we know that one of the Pathfinder shuttles exploded. This could mean the retirement of the Pathfinder fleet and we could get a wholesome moment with Ed, Sally and Piscotty meeting the final crew for the final flight of Pathfinder. Or perhaps they will fly the Pathfinder one more time together.

    • @PetePeppers1
      @PetePeppers1  2 роки тому +1

      Piscotty and Sally Ride aren't listed for Season 3 cast anywhere I've seen.

    • @fork9001
      @fork9001 2 роки тому +1

      @@PetePeppers1 Welp :(

  • @JamboNo5_
    @JamboNo5_ 2 роки тому +4

    I loved this episode and I'm so glad this show is back. Can't wait for your weekly videos.

  • @MattsCollection
    @MattsCollection 2 роки тому +23

    I was so excited to watch this last night! I love this show and I'm so glad it's back. There's definitely going to be a lot going on and if the first episode is any indication, this is going to be a wild ride!

    • @glennbabic5954
      @glennbabic5954 2 роки тому +2

      This show gives us the space program we all wanted growing up but have been robbed of in reality.

  • @rc59191
    @rc59191 2 роки тому +4

    Makes me happy that in an alternate timeline grunge and Nirvana still lives on.

  • @mugglescakesniffer3943
    @mugglescakesniffer3943 2 роки тому +4

    Yeah I am so excited to see it back and I so look forward to your commentaries.

  • @c187rocks
    @c187rocks 2 роки тому +3

    The payoff for Aleida shows how this show can write well.

  • @shzwon123
    @shzwon123 2 роки тому +21

    Would love to know what happened after the moon base was attacked by the Soviets

    • @Jogeta5
      @Jogeta5 2 роки тому +8

      Did you watch Connecting Seasons 2 & 3 news clips on Apple TV?
      I think the first one goes into what happened afterwards.

    • @williamerazo3921
      @williamerazo3921 2 роки тому

      Watch season 3

    • @Reelglad
      @Reelglad Рік тому

      ​@@williamerazo3921 lol nah.. they just completely act like it didn't happen, shit writing!

  • @dcatura1
    @dcatura1 2 роки тому +3

    The best part of this episode and all the extra releases that came along with Season 3, was the directors and writers correcting the Portland Trailblazers mistake of drafting David Bowie in the 1984 NBA Draft with the second pick and correctly taking Michael Jordan (you can’t blame the Rockets taking Olajuwon with the #1 pick) who would go onto win the NBA title in 1989, after Jordan was the scoring leader for 5 straight years.

    • @PositivelyBrainwashed
      @PositivelyBrainwashed 2 роки тому +1

      Agree, one of the best parts for me. I had to pause the show just to get a good laugh.

  • @TheGreg6466
    @TheGreg6466 2 роки тому +3

    I enjoyed it, your review is pretty much spot on, as usual, thanks, Pete.

  • @ferrag0279
    @ferrag0279 2 роки тому +5

    Finally! I love this show. A good First Episode, a little weird, but I am glad they are back.

  • @notyourForte1993
    @notyourForte1993 2 роки тому +2

    Wow this was released fast! Thank you!

  • @soopahsoopah
    @soopahsoopah 2 роки тому +7

    Love the show, but have to nitpick the entire station scene
    - the orbital debris was traveling waaaay too slow. The Polaris should have been visible for a few frames max before impact
    - it's not gravity, it's centrifugal force. It simulates gravity, but professionals would not refer to it that way.
    - no one apparently notices the higher g loads until 1.5G or so, which is ridiculous. You would definitely notice after 1.1G.
    - it takes an hour or more to suit up for EVA, and that's with help. No way Danny could have just tossed on a suit in time.

    • @Anonymiter
      @Anonymiter 2 роки тому +1

      Yeah those parts were bothering me too.
      While not explicit, I assumed the alcohol and unfamiliarity with the station was what was throwing most people off on the initial feeling of higher Gs. But Baldwin and Poole should have picked up on it way before they did. And Karen and Sam should have felt it immediately as they're fully acclimated to the environment and should have some kind of knowledge about G forces.
      And I can forgive the casual usage of "gravity" to refer to their "weight" in the outer ring, but when Baldwin refers to the "gravity" flinging Danny off the ring... and I just can't. If we're really reaching for excuses... he's a "pilot" not an engineer/scientist, he just fractured his leg, and blood probably wasn't getting to all the nooks and crannies of his brain?

    • @soopahsoopah
      @soopahsoopah 2 роки тому

      @Lurking Carrier Well at least they're consistent then.

    • @iambear.6526
      @iambear.6526 13 днів тому


  • @dragoninthewest1
    @dragoninthewest1 2 роки тому +3

    I was thoroughly disappointed there wasn't more beige colored computer stuff. As someone who was in elementary school in the 90s, I remember those beige color Macintosh. I feel like sleek black is much more of an early 2000's thing, although I do remember some dark gray and non-glossy black towers of windows 95 machines.

    • @thomasjones4893
      @thomasjones4893 2 роки тому +6

      That's kinda the point tho. The space race not calling it quits spurred technology to advance faster than it did in real life. Despite the show taking place in the 90s they're technologically in like 2005

    • @Jogeta5
      @Jogeta5 2 роки тому +2

      Well, the FAM timeline has the sleek look in the 90s.
      Technological development speed along instead of walked.

    • @dragoninthewest1
      @dragoninthewest1 2 роки тому

      @@thomasjones4893 but muh childhood. Although I want to really see the Gameboy and Pokemon red/ blue versions of this timeline. I think Danielle's stepson was playing on one during the wedding.

    • @truevulgarian
      @truevulgarian 2 роки тому +1

      @@thomasjones4893 Except Margo is still buying and listening to LP's.

  • @cenewman007
    @cenewman007 2 роки тому +5

    Needs more space stuff, and less Karen.

  • @eden20111
    @eden20111 Рік тому +1

    They aged the characters incredibly well!

  • @adrianspeeder
    @adrianspeeder 2 роки тому

    I fuckin' died laughin' when Billy Swan started playin'.

  • @rodesvilobo8670
    @rodesvilobo8670 2 роки тому +2

    Hi Bob, Welcome back

  • @seaconfused
    @seaconfused 2 роки тому +2

    It was good episode overall. Not as S2S1 but very enjoyable. I love that was *no sound in the space scenes* . I'm looking forward for what is to come.

  • @rajwalchopra1097
    @rajwalchopra1097 2 роки тому +3

    Loved the premiere. It was incredible!

  • @platypus1287
    @platypus1287 2 роки тому +14

    They should have left that affair trash out of season 2 and maybe Danny would be a likable character.

    • @Jogeta5
      @Jogeta5 2 роки тому

      Yeah, that was a bad decision and I think the showrunners know it from how it was brought up in the season 2 recap video.

    • @mnomadvfx
      @mnomadvfx 2 роки тому +1

      He is more likeable than her though - she was the adult in the situation, to say that her indulging his fantasy was a huge mistake on her part is s gigantic understatement.

  • @johnmitchell4043
    @johnmitchell4043 Рік тому

    please cover the time leap

  • @TymeTraveling777
    @TymeTraveling777 2 роки тому +1

    Bring the exspanse backkk !!

  • @astromanicdave
    @astromanicdave 2 роки тому +1

    Are we all forgetting the real point? Lennon survives, the Beatles reunite. Tatcher is dead. And we have fission power running electric cars. I think the soviets getting to the moon first was a small price to pay.

    • @misterdarwin
      @misterdarwin 2 роки тому

      There is certainly a heavy degree of wishcasting in this timeline.

    • @furanduron4926
      @furanduron4926 2 роки тому

      Also less white people apparently.

    • @mnomadvfx
      @mnomadvfx 2 роки тому

      FIssion power running electric cars..... yh, good luck with that 🤣
      This isn't just alt history but pure science fiction.

    • @misterdarwin
      @misterdarwin 2 роки тому +1

      @@mnomadvfx I think its all electric cars being powered off a fission and fusion fueled grid, not cars with mini nuclear reactors.

  • @donaldsmith8648
    @donaldsmith8648 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for the review cuz me and the wifey fell asleep on it 😃🤣

  • @bradbwh
    @bradbwh 2 роки тому

    Excellent. Following.

  • @ericcousino2068
    @ericcousino2068 2 роки тому +2

    Well I think this incident sets up Polaris to be the private 3rd party ship in the race towards Mars. No one is going to want to pay to stay in that hotel.

    • @PetePeppers1
      @PetePeppers1  2 роки тому +2

      Yeah, I was confused about that after seeing the trailer. I assumed Helios had built it based on what we see there. Makes sense for them to acquire it after what happened.

    • @ericcousino2068
      @ericcousino2068 2 роки тому

      @@PetePeppers1 plus it makes sense story wise first episode is set in 1992 and Mars mission is in 96 yet there is not mention of a private Mars Mission. So the timing makes sense. PS I too thought only having one shutoff valve for the fuel near the thruster did not make sense. Then I realized all the fuel for the thruster must be there on protrusion with it. I first thought the fuel was coming from the center hub but it is safer to have potentially explosive liquids stored at the edge of hub rather than the spoke.

    • @furanduron4926
      @furanduron4926 2 роки тому

      Also going to cause a problem with North Korea since they caused the whole mess with their shitty space rocket causing debris hit them. Aint no way USA going to let them send a single rocket to space anymore and just shoot them down if they do.

  • @Gator5000e
    @Gator5000e 2 роки тому

    Pete, great recap. This is the first show I’ve watched that you review so it was great hearing your voice again…….unfortunately every time I hear your voice I think of The Expanse. Really miss that show. Anyway I was a decent opening episode. I wish Apple would have dropped two episodes though. It was hard to keep the practical questions from side railing the story. Could they really have designed and built the hotel in ten years? Especially one as large and intricate sit appeared to be. The station lobby did give me a 2001 vibe though. It also seems the station would have had some kind of radar or early warning collision detection or at least video to warn or at least see what happened to the thruster. And the lack of some kind of redundant backup also made me go huh. It I’m glad the show is back and looking forward to your reviews and analysis of upcoming episodes.

  • @lrvogt1257
    @lrvogt1257 2 роки тому +1

    I love the show but this episode was pretty ordinary and formulaic. I never bought the idea that there was no way to turn off the fuel to the engine besides a spacewalk.

  • @robertcartier5088
    @robertcartier5088 2 роки тому +5

    Although, the series mostly has good physics, someone working on this particular script "screwed the pooch", as Cobb would say. ;-]
    As the space hotel spins increasingly faster, people are observing increased gravity... One such scene is of a black desk lamp, the kind that balances on a middle post, with a pivot point, a long arm with a light, and shorter arm with a counter weight. They show the high gravity by showing that the lamp no longer wants to stay up... The problem I have with that is that in order for that to happen, the gravity would have to affect only one side. The light side. Which makes no sense.
    In reality, the lamp should remain perfectly balanced because the increased gravity is also affecting the counterweight. The lamp would show no signs of falling for as long as the center post was able to support the total weight... after that, the whole thing would collapse.
    Case closed, pooch thoroughly screwed! ;-]

    • @jakistam1000
      @jakistam1000 2 роки тому +1

      I didn't take very close look at the lamp, but my impression was that the springs were what was holding it up, in which case, no screw up.

  • @emgee44
    @emgee44 2 роки тому

    I liked the episode but thought the whole thing with space hotel ring a bit OTT. They took some liberties with timing too.
    One minute Danny has to climb this ladder at more than 2G, he’ll then need to locate a space suit, get in it (that’s not easy in its self), then get out side for the perilous EVA, all the while the G’s are increasing to the point where the station should break up!
    But like the all American hero, he manages to pull it off. TBH I was kinda hoping they’d dumped him off, you know, to remind the audience that space is hard, dangerous and doesn’t take prisoners.
    The alt history is also compelling, Thatcher getting killed in the Brighton hotel bombing! I had to stop and pause that one to read the headline. Good show and I hope it gets a 4th season to bring it up to and possibly beyond our own timeline.

  • @johnmitchell4043
    @johnmitchell4043 Рік тому

    still waiting on the timeline differences between season 2 and 3 please!!

  • @nickelcityrider5431
    @nickelcityrider5431 2 роки тому +2

    I loved it. Thought it had me looked and along for the ride from the opening scene. I hope this series goes on for many seasons to come. The alt-Timeline stuff is so interesting. They don’t “ham” it up and bring you right into the “present” every season.

  • @berlindude75
    @berlindude75 2 роки тому +1

    Interesting newspaper articles at the start. Such as Thatcher having been killed by the IRA.

  • @turboaviation1307
    @turboaviation1307 2 роки тому +4

    Watched and loved the First Episode. But i couldn't digest few things.
    i) How did Danny suit up so quickly??
    ii) The Real Gravity Wheel doesn't work as shown in the Episode.
    iii)They could have fired up the Opposite Thruster and counteract the Force of the Failed Thruster.

    • @mattstorm360
      @mattstorm360 2 роки тому +3

      i) He is an astronaut and probably knows how to suit up fast for emergencies on Jamestown. It's also possible that the suits are easier and faster to get on. Years of space walks and moon walks finally paid off in space suit design.
      ii) Yeah i don't think the design of the wheel is good for the gravity they want. I think it needs to be wider but i don't got the math to confirm.
      ii) I don't think the opposite thruster is as strong. We see one thruster on the other side trying to fire but compared to the main one, it's not going to stop the turn.

    • @TheGreg6466
      @TheGreg6466 2 роки тому

      I thought the same about the thruster, the opposing thruster was smaller but there were several of them around the ring, if they all fired together they should over power the broken one, I suppose they're trying to say this space station was rushed or cheaply built so they weren't ready for the issue

    • @johntheux9238
      @johntheux9238 2 роки тому +5

      Such a small radius would make running/throwing flowers/taking an elevator quite challenging because of the Coriolis forces...

    • @Jogeta5
      @Jogeta5 2 роки тому +1

      @@TheGreg6466 These issues could come up in the next episode.

    • @mnomadvfx
      @mnomadvfx 2 роки тому +1

      It's honestly best you just shut off your brain for watching it.
      The series stopped being passably accurate alt history way back and just devolved into random sci fi with modern political correctness values attached to it.

  • @ChrundleTGreat
    @ChrundleTGreat Рік тому

    You got the Hart presidency/Wilson election a bit wrong. Gary Hart was President until 1988 when Wilson was elected. The next election was 1992. Remember, one presidential term is 4 years.

  • @FulguroGeek
    @FulguroGeek Рік тому +2

    Hope the rest of season 3 is better, i found that first episode was kind of a joke or a parody or something lol. For now even if the show is in a different time line than the reality, the show was always grounded in science somewhat, even the ducktape combinasion in last episode of season2 made sense and was pretty accurate, and would have worked maybe even better in real life giving an extra 10 seconds maybe for the 2 characters.. so even that was somewhat accurate. but that space hotel with rotating gravity lol with a wedding in it... felt like if we had not skip 8-9 years but 40 pr maybe 50 in the timeline of the show..... thats was nice ok episode but i felt that episode like if it was a joke more than anything else.

  • @TheKeenTribe
    @TheKeenTribe 2 роки тому

    My favourite part is the shoe throwing!

  • @TentaclePentacle
    @TentaclePentacle 2 роки тому

    The show is pretty good, way better than most of the shows right now. Not much good scifi shows, but this is one of them.

  • @bobsibert1968
    @bobsibert1968 2 роки тому +1

    I thought season 3 episode 1 was terrible? After watching the first 2 seasons I loved it now???

  • @unclerojelio6320
    @unclerojelio6320 2 роки тому +4

    I was able to overlook the physics mistakes of the first two seasons but they really went all out to piss me off for this episode. I was screaming at my poor iPad. Why, just why?

  • @AgentPepsi1
    @AgentPepsi1 2 роки тому +1

    I am glad the show has returned, but I think they writers should have given a little more thought on "social reality" than then have. Far too many women at NASA, especially engineers. Female engineers make up only 15-18% of the overall total nationally, and we are to believe that ALL the leading engineers at NASA are women? The final scene with the thruster: where are the fuel cutoffs? Spacecraft have multiple levels or redundancy. Would there not be a similar thruster (and opposed) to the other side of the spacecraft? Two or more typically fire for control and direction.

  • @foxmccloud7055
    @foxmccloud7055 2 роки тому

    Rogers Commission investigates-
    Prime Universe- The Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
    For All Mankind Universe- The Nuclear Accident at Jamestown
    Also in the For All Mankind Universe like in the Prime Universe, Michael Larsen takes CBS and "Press Your Luck" for $110,237.

  • @willc1294
    @willc1294 2 роки тому

    They could always draft in Michael Ironside and Ronny Cox for scenes when they reach Mars ;)

    • @mnomadvfx
      @mnomadvfx 2 роки тому

      That would instantly be more entertaining than everything I have seen so far in this series - it moves from one level of cringe to another and always keeps finding a new bottom level.

  • @TheStewieOne
    @TheStewieOne 2 роки тому +2

    In my opinion, this isn't the best way to start a new season. I mean there is so much other stuff going on and we start with a crisis on a space hotel. I'm sorry, but that's lame. I'm not trying to hate on the episode, but I felt that could have used the time for the first episode of the season to show us what happened to the characters doing the ten years since the second season. Again I'm not trying to hate the episode. It's just I don't have the best of luck when comes to season 3's of shows. Usually, they end up like season 3 of The 100.

  • @Matisaro
    @Matisaro 6 місяців тому

    "feel like this is the last time the characters of their generation will be in the spotlight"
    How would you like to steal an asteroid with me?

  • @sherlockhighland8292
    @sherlockhighland8292 2 роки тому

    The space hotel kind of reminds me of the space hotel in 2001 a space odyssey

    • @mnomadvfx
      @mnomadvfx 2 роки тому +1

      It's the same basic concept sans the whole space ship size dock on the station in 2001.

  • @Jake22419
    @Jake22419 2 роки тому +2

    10/10 absolute banger

    • @GDRaptorFan13
      @GDRaptorFan13 2 роки тому

      Agree 100%. Was 10/10 for me, and surprisingly 2-4 have been 10/10 as well! Season 3 is killer🔥🔥🔥so far. Such a good show, doesn’t get enough attention !!!!

  • @salmanjets718
    @salmanjets718 2 роки тому +3

    Michael Jordan to the Portland trailblazers 😮‍💨

  • @amiedheloise
    @amiedheloise 2 роки тому +3

    A bit disappointed with this premiere ; the storyline, the writting and even the acting sometimes were not super good imao ; did they change people in the writting room ? maybe it's me but something seem off ; hope it'll get better in the next episodes

    • @mgscheue
      @mgscheue 2 роки тому

      It’s the first episode I didn’t love. Not terrible by any means, but everything just seemed a bit off with it. I hope this isn’t typical for the remainder of the season.

    • @jupanuuu
      @jupanuuu 2 роки тому

      going from better call saul to this.. i felt it honestly. It's just so soap opera it's almost hard to watch, I'll probably give it a few other episodes..

  • @markpoidvin5382
    @markpoidvin5382 2 роки тому +6

    For me it was my favorite episode of the series. They managed to have a better balance of space and personal life. To me this is a problem that runs across Apple's entire platform, too much personal life. This show is at times frustrating for that, it felt like an AA meeting at points in the series. And INVASION is just brutal.

    • @Jogeta5
      @Jogeta5 2 роки тому

      Same, I'm glad we have the season 1 pace, plus the extra personal stuff without it being overbearing.
      I forgot about Invasion, I didn't realise that AppleTV had other shows with too much character drama instead of the story.

    • @conoruddin654
      @conoruddin654 2 роки тому

      This has been the worst episode For me by far, so unrealistic

  • @walshrd
    @walshrd 4 місяці тому

    I guess you didnt pay attn during high school physics classes. Ditto for the screenwriter. Ever heard of torque and angular momentum? The stuck thruster was providing the torque that accelerated the ring's rotation. When the thruster gets turned off, this torque disappears, and the ring continues to rotate at the rate it had at thruster termination: Conservation of angular momentum. So why did the ring rotation rate decrease? A decrease would have required a torque applied in the direction opposite that applied by the stuck thruster. You and the screenwriter missed some very basic physics. Those who noticed this fundamental technical error would not think much of S3 E1. It was a soap opera with technical BS.
    After digesting this episode for 24 hrs, I'll add a bit more. The thruster that went wild is called a vernier thruster. It's used to make small changes to a spacecraft's orientation and speed. Vernier's (plural) would be a necessary part of any spacecraft design including the ring. Some would be used to adjust the ring's rotation speed up OR down. That's a control issue. This is elementary stuff that the screenwriter had no idea about. Why weren't other verniers used to slow the rotation nullifying the one that caused the ring rotation problem? A stuck-open thruster is a temporary problem that would endanger no one. Not being able to control that thruster from the control room, no matter what, is absurd. All major spacecraft control systems are massively redundant.
    The technical part of S3 E1 is absurd. Nothing as technically bad as this has appeared in any previous episode. I do hope Apple did not hire the same screenwriter for any future episodes.

  • @mgscheue
    @mgscheue 2 роки тому +1

    A lot of interesting ideas as the timeline continues to diverge, but this first episode was a bit too Irwin Allen for me. The premise struck me as contrived, and many parts of it pretty unrealistic. I hope there’s not an increased emphasis on action at the expense of thoughtful drama. I love the show, and I want season three to be as good as the first two.

  • @bilibangbang
    @bilibangbang 2 роки тому

    If Gordo's son can do all that thing it's because he survived long enough in for all mankind, you've watch the show, the sht hit the fan everytime, if he survived 10 years, he is kinda stronk

  • @4DRC_
    @4DRC_ 2 роки тому

    The Polaris shuttles are either air launched or SSTOs I'm betting. I doubt tourism would be economical with anything disposable. Would love to know more, I hope they don't just gloss over it. Or how Polaris was assembled in the first place.

  • @marsspacex6065
    @marsspacex6065 2 роки тому +3

    Btw testing a rocket engine on the moon would be insanity you would launch the regolith at high speeds that could whip around the moon and hit everything. You would have to pave the surface.

  • @peterloohunt
    @peterloohunt 2 роки тому

    Did anyone else feel that the Polaris station was unrealistically large and spacious? Lovely nod to Kubrick's 2001 with the curved corridor, but I think the very first 'space hotel' would be much more cramped for obvious economic and engineering scale reasons.

    • @conoruddin654
      @conoruddin654 2 роки тому

      It was so much better than the iss so I agree this would make the richest man on the world bankrupt..... let's just say they had a lot of investors XD

  • @imrizzle83
    @imrizzle83 Рік тому

    The only thing i've ever had trouble with on this show is Jimmy Stevens - looking like a 45 year old when he was supposed to be a teenager in season 2 😭

  • @Roach22
    @Roach22 Рік тому +1

    I finally got around to starting season 3 and I must say this episode is the most disappointing thus far. There is “no way” any space station/hotel would be designed in such a way that the failure on the Polaris hotel would ever occur. While debris could easily hit the hotel, it’s highly unlikely this would cause the thruster to burn and continue to do so without being “automatically” shutdown by the onboard computers. Systems today are designed to avoid single point failures with automated systems in place to mitigate the follow-on risks. This would “definitely” include failures where the risk is a station being ripped apart that kills everybody. Very poor for a show that prides itself in getting the science right.

  • @kiplingmartin4903
    @kiplingmartin4903 2 роки тому

    If fusion energy is spreading around the world, then any country continuing to enrich uranium could no longer say it's for energy production.

  • @AT-AT-AT-AT
    @AT-AT-AT-AT 2 роки тому

    3:46 is our actual time line

  • @Smhallways
    @Smhallways 2 роки тому +1

    At the end of the episode you can see the station spinning with that guy tethered to it. And in the shot the station rotates about a quarter of a circle in approx 15 s. Which means roughly - time to make one full circle is about 60 s. And if you want to have 1g with the station rotating once a minute it would need to have the radius of about 911 m.
    Now, at the radius of 911m and rotation time of 60s it would have the tangential velocity of about 95 m/s.
    Then, if you want to increase gravity to twice the amount (2g) you would need to increase that velocity to about 135 m/s.
    So you would need to increase the rotating speed by 40m/s. Let me remind you that ISS is 110 meters wide and has a mass of 450 tonnes. This station is therefore nearly 20 times large which would make its mass close to 9000 tonnes.
    Now, you need a thruster to increase the rotational speed of a 9000000 kg station by 40 m/s. And they do it with that one feeble thruster, in a matter of perhaps an hour.
    So I am pissed.

    • @PetePeppers1
      @PetePeppers1  2 роки тому +2

      In the official podcast Ronald Moore talked about some of the liberties they took with the station

    • @mgscheue
      @mgscheue 2 роки тому

      @@PetePeppers1 Interesting. I will have to listen to that.

  • @Iwanbezbrody
    @Iwanbezbrody 2 роки тому +1

    This episode really puts certain elements of trailers into perspective

  • @Pioponk
    @Pioponk 2 роки тому

    Bro where's the timeline breakdown video?

  • @chrisw443
    @chrisw443 2 роки тому +1

    How is everyone NOT TALKING ABOUT ELECTRIC CARS?! COME ON! That first gen prius was fully electric! Are all cars Electric? Are there charging stations all around? THERE ARE FLAT SCREENS CASSETTES PDA'S AND PAYPHONES ALL AT ONCE! How much range do the EV's have now?! NUCLEAR FUSION?! HOLY MOLY. Thats amazing! Plus no horrible nuclear accidents like in our timeline! Also Karen and ED both knew and cared for Van Braun, and the polaris hotel is a Van Braun Ring! Which shows his original plans were used all the way until the 90's! OMG guys, GUYS. THE SOVIETS ARE STILL HERE! Universal rockets! the N3! Fairer and open socialism, but the same KGB sadly. They are so close to a better form of actual socialism its infurating. Socialism is democratic by nature, it looks like the soviets aren't. Lastly, I feel terrible for sergi, the poor guy feels so heartbroken by having to use his connection with margo for spying. Its not fair to him, and all he's done for the union.
    Look like the karen and danny thing sets you off. Its fair, its gross, but people fuck people they shouldn't all the time. Like all the time. They do need to work on aging danny a little more though, he's 18 or so in season 2, but in season 3 he doesn't look a day over 22 despite being 25 or 26 now.

  • @nix123ism
    @nix123ism Рік тому +1

    The out of contol spinning space hotel wasnt thought through, it defies the laws of physics, so the booster turns on and they cant turn it off , ok, then when the guy turns it off, the space hotel magically slows its spin and the gravity decreases, this is not what would happen, the booster turn off would stop the INCREASE in 'gravity' from the spin effect, it would not cause the gravity to decrease like shown in the episode it would mearly continue to spin at the same speed for ever and stablise gravity at 4.03 g . in order to lower the gravity, another booster boostung in the opposite direction to the errant booster would have to ignite to reduce the spin, this wasnt shown, as soon as the errant booster shuts off, they show gravity decreasing , this is nonsense.....

    • @TheEvilmooseofdoom
      @TheEvilmooseofdoom Рік тому

      Yeah, it was not a very well written episode. I can't bring myself to even start Ep2.

  • @jimmydabutler9022
    @jimmydabutler9022 2 роки тому

    Is there a different actor playing Sergei? Or am I going crazy...

  • @charlieiskandar1597
    @charlieiskandar1597 2 роки тому

    RIP sam

  • @tomv5988
    @tomv5988 2 роки тому

    I did like to interaction in this episode between Karen and Danny the young man that seems to be really caught up on her LOL I was expecting it too. I mean it was kind of predictable that would happen. Of course I only watched one episode of season 3 I'm kind of curious to see how it ends with them

  • @bravo_01
    @bravo_01 2 роки тому

    Any recommendations on other alternate history shows/films/documentaries?

  • @B4umkuchen
    @B4umkuchen 2 роки тому +1

    Excellent start to the third season and brilliant ending for a starter.

  • @alrightydave
    @alrightydave 2 роки тому

    5:12 she isn’t a new character. Aleida has been a prominent character since season 1 introduced initially as a child

    • @alrightydave
      @alrightydave 2 роки тому

      @John Smith he called one of them an assistant, and from what I could tell from watching the actual episode too that seemed like aleida

    • @alrightydave
      @alrightydave 2 роки тому

      @John Smith That character at the beginning of season 3 is Aleida just like from seasons 1/2. I didn’t judge from skin color, I just know that because I know the characters well

    • @PetePeppers1
      @PetePeppers1  2 роки тому

      I was talking about Nuri. The new assistant Emma introduced. The one who is talking during your time stamp link.

  • @lunagal
    @lunagal 2 роки тому

    Didn’t Danny die at the end? I thought he got hit by the big rope thing (that was out of control & almost hit him when first got out there)??

    • @furanduron4926
      @furanduron4926 2 роки тому

      Nah. The wire stopped him from being launched to space.

  • @11485
    @11485 2 роки тому

    Can anyone tell me where I can find the mini-sodes detailing the timeline differences at 2:07?

    • @PetePeppers1
      @PetePeppers1  2 роки тому

      Go to the Apple TV page to watch For All Mankind. Instead of clicking on an episode scroll down. There's a section that has them all there to watch by year.

    • @11485
      @11485 2 роки тому

      @@PetePeppers1 Do you have to be a subscriber? The reason I ask is because the mini-sodes aren’t there on the page.

  • @bennymutant
    @bennymutant 2 роки тому +1

    This show keeps on amazing. Poseidon Adventure in space!

  • @marknovak6498
    @marknovak6498 2 роки тому

    Would it be sillly to the this sh9w as an unofficial prequal for The Expance.

  • @alistairborthwick2031
    @alistairborthwick2031 2 роки тому

    I'm half way through the first series. The first two episodes were good, then it got a bit laboured with the fight for equality stuff.
    I like the idea of the story mirroring historical events but changing a few key details. It reminds me of the Amazon Prime series 'The Man in the High Castle'. I'm not an Apple fanboy, I mean they've even disabled comments on Apple TV videos on UA-cam.
    Grr ...
    So would anybody recommend me to carry on with 'For All Mankind'?
    Is it worth it or should I jump ship while I still can? 😃😀

    • @insomn3ak
      @insomn3ak 2 роки тому

      It’s totally worth it. Keep watching, you won’t regret it!

  • @ZFboombang
    @ZFboombang 2 роки тому

    Needed to watch at 1.5x speed

  • @Hochspitz
    @Hochspitz 2 роки тому

    I have not watched and love this spoiler. It helps me decide whether or not I shall bother as I wasn't that impressed with S2, although it was watchable.

  • @philiptrudel7994
    @philiptrudel7994 2 роки тому

    I though it was coming out in December

  • @anotheruser676
    @anotheruser676 2 роки тому +1

    So disappointed. Previous seasons were very good on the science and the art of solving problems. 'Lets start with a space hotel designed by land lubbers with fatal flaws and a screen with BIG GEE NUMBERS'

  • @deanzaZZR
    @deanzaZZR 2 роки тому

    Hey, good to be watching a series that Pete is reviewing. I really struggled with this one and finally fought through to finish the episode in 4 tries. Perhaps I'm too impatient and want to see boots on the ground on Mars. Being stuck in low Earth orbit the whole time seemed limiting.

  • @Vinnnyyy
    @Vinnnyyy 2 роки тому

    I think that Saul/Gene will die of a heart attack before he and Kim get to hug each other when they are finally reunited in the last episode

  • @addisonsmith7949
    @addisonsmith7949 2 роки тому

    I can’t wait to see season 4 they may be going to planet Venus

  • @cgdimension
    @cgdimension 2 роки тому +2

    Not sure about the whole nuclear fusion advancement, feels like it might be a cheat to push expansion in space more rapidly for season 4, our tech has yet to completely crack the problem and theirs is likely ten years behind us not ten ahead of today.

    • @misterdarwin
      @misterdarwin 2 роки тому

      And the availability of tritium would not seem to be the silver bullet needed to solve the problems with sustainable fusion.

    • @cgdimension
      @cgdimension 2 роки тому +1

      @@misterdarwin the current progress we have made thus far has been possible due to numerous teams of researchers and super computers that have taken decades of advancement to reach, don't think the computers of the 90s, and the first two decades of the millennium would be up to scratch.

    • @mnomadvfx
      @mnomadvfx 2 роки тому

      "and theirs is likely ten years behind us not ten ahead of today"
      It's mid 90s - they are 25 years behind us.
      The death of the space race did not diminish the development of tech or nuclear physics - commercialisation and capitalism drove tech development.
      This is just pure sci fi at this point masquerading as alt history drama.

    • @cgdimension
      @cgdimension 2 роки тому

      @@mnomadvfx I know I mean their tech level in the mid 90s is more like 2010 -2015 in certain areas

    • @misterdarwin
      @misterdarwin 2 роки тому +1

      @@cgdimension Probably not , though we see signs their computers are more advanced than ours were in 1992. You should also never discount the possibility of the "eureka!" moment that allows a quantum leap forward (though those too usually are building off a substantial amount of ground work laid by others).

  • @El-Duderino-His-Dudeness
    @El-Duderino-His-Dudeness 2 роки тому +1

    Great first episode, and I know it's a show, but I do find myself questioning certain realism aspects. Danny mentions how climbing up that elevator shaft would be like carrying another person. He's shone to be barely making that climb when he starts it. They kind of gloss that over. But then by the time he's out on the surface of the station, it's up to like 4 times as much. He's tethered, but I really gotta question his ability to both old on, and the tether and harness's ability to hold his weight at that 4x Gs. Just seemed a bit ridiculous.

    • @conoruddin654
      @conoruddin654 2 роки тому

      The 2 guys that died was at 1.5g when there tether snapped seems abit off

  • @berkiaskyclan2948
    @berkiaskyclan2948 2 роки тому

    Nice to see our glorious leader is now sending the great rockets to space!!!

  • @warhawk9566
    @warhawk9566 2 роки тому

    I just realized that the space race historically ended cause the US got 1 single victory, so the implication of the space race never ending if the US kept losing cause the US would never admit defeat is funny and fitting

  • @MrTbone2003
    @MrTbone2003 2 роки тому +8

    The Danny Stevens thread definitely needs some work. His part of this episode would have all been so much better if they had just left that dance number out of the episode. Right now, he's still not particularly compelling and he seems pretty two-dimensional.

    • @k0rpi681
      @k0rpi681 2 роки тому +1

      Not necessarily, Danny proved himself for larger audience

  • @sanjasrdanovic3727
    @sanjasrdanovic3727 2 роки тому +2

    Too little science, to much fiction - beginning on 3rd season. OK, we have one thruster on whole station? Who the hall build this? In reality, you will start other thruster(s) and eliminate spin.

    • @conoruddin654
      @conoruddin654 2 роки тому

      There was 4 thrusters they turned the other 3 off but it was still going too fast the problem for me was that why design thrusters that can go so fast that can destroy the whole ship ,or just having reverse thrusters for balance

  • @addisonsmith7949
    @addisonsmith7949 2 роки тому

    Do you think there will be A power plant on the moon Power Earth what about moving pollute industries off of earth