Hey man just want to drop some tips for you: do some gambling to get money for the implants from new vegas clinic, blackjack is easy and fun, just remember you gotta hit 21, ace is 1 or 10, king queen joker = 10 if you have 50 repair you can craft weapon repair kit ( 2 scrap metal, scrap eletronic, duct tape, wonderglue and wrench ) and repair expensive guns like the minigun from the nightkin in Novac, respawn every week near a rock behind the farm, or plasma defender, that drops in the repcon, the space ghouls place, look for the corpses. And in Novac there's tons of materials, you can craft like 5 or more weapon repair kits. the higher your repair, the better you fix the weapon when using the kit before selling, pop a mentats, drink a beer, read the magazine and put the +10 barter gear if you still need caps, rob the Silver Rush in Freeside, just drag the items to the bathroom and steal, you can even sell some stuff back to the owner lol, don't feel bad about it, they are bad people for gear I strongly recommend to buy the combat armor mark 2 from the gun runners and the assault carbine ( GRA version since it has 3 in-game mods ) and learn about the different ammo types, 5mm for example has -10DT meaning it will bypass almost any armor, for comparison, a Deathclaw has 15 DT. If you need more, buy the armor penetrating, it bypass 25DT, it's insane! Paciencia is such a great weapon, Cliff from Novac and the Gun Runners sell it, it doubles your crit chance and crit damage, since it's an unique weapon, it is already moded Hope you are having a good time, this game is the best! I was doing a permadeath on very hard, no companions, no sleep healing, no storaging items, it gets REAL intense, you have to plan everything, it's great, love it, perhaps you give it a shot in the future since you like FO4 FROST
Hey man just want to drop some tips for you:
do some gambling to get money for the implants from new vegas clinic, blackjack is easy and fun, just remember you gotta hit 21, ace is 1 or 10, king queen joker = 10
if you have 50 repair you can craft weapon repair kit ( 2 scrap metal, scrap eletronic, duct tape, wonderglue and wrench ) and repair expensive guns like the minigun from the nightkin in Novac, respawn every week near a rock behind the farm, or plasma defender, that drops in the repcon, the space ghouls place, look for the corpses. And in Novac there's tons of materials, you can craft like 5 or more weapon repair kits. the higher your repair, the better you fix the weapon when using the kit
before selling, pop a mentats, drink a beer, read the magazine and put the +10 barter gear
if you still need caps, rob the Silver Rush in Freeside, just drag the items to the bathroom and steal, you can even sell some stuff back to the owner lol, don't feel bad about it, they are bad people
for gear I strongly recommend to buy the combat armor mark 2 from the gun runners and the assault carbine ( GRA version since it has 3 in-game mods ) and learn about the different ammo types, 5mm for example has -10DT meaning it will bypass almost any armor, for comparison, a Deathclaw has 15 DT. If you need more, buy the armor penetrating, it bypass 25DT, it's insane!
Paciencia is such a great weapon, Cliff from Novac and the Gun Runners sell it, it doubles your crit chance and crit damage, since it's an unique weapon, it is already moded
Hope you are having a good time, this game is the best! I was doing a permadeath on very hard, no companions, no sleep healing, no storaging items, it gets REAL intense, you have to plan everything, it's great, love it, perhaps you give it a shot in the future since you like FO4 FROST
Thanks so much for all the tips man! I really appreciate it, definitely will be using some of this info in the next steam 🫡
Are you running Fallout NV when you wake up???
Was busy yesterday dude! will be back tonight :)
That's a cool I fix Ed-E finally lol
Only 17likes guys we can do better