Genji/Tracer/McCree main here...all of the styles he brought up. 2 months since my original post: I'm no longer a Tracer main. I somehow lost the ability to track even though I haven't changed my mouse or sensitivity.
***EDIT*** Check this Chart out I made, it shows all the Signatures! Become one of the cool kids and join my Discord! We are already at over 3000 Members and it keeps growing. I am active on it every day and I don't miss any mentions, so if you want to chat come over! Keep in mind that I am busy coaching sometimes, so if I don't reply immediately, it's probably because I am currently working, but I'll try my best to get back to everyone :)
This video is a big eye-opener to me, I didn't think about time differences between pros and me. I'm maining Tracer/McCree/Genji currently at a Master level but I think I'll go into projectile only from now on, hopefully it'll get me to GM.
It's definitely a lot harder to keep one style of aiming when filling. I end up filling with a hero I'm not really that used to every other game, but I guess it's me whom should really change that. In one day I go from playing Lúcio to playing Mcree, to, to Reinhardt, to Mercy, to Pharah and etc. I can hold myself decently on all 3 categories, but rewatching my VODs and now having this being pointed out, it's pretty clear how I do much better on flicking hitscans, even though I play most time on Lúcio, my aim on Lúcio is terrible, and my usefulness is 80% positioning, well timed healing/speedboost and calling out stuff. Great video, and it was quite eye opening to me on an issue I didn't know I had.
Thank you very much for creating the Signature Chart ioStux! It has been very beneficial to me in choosing what heroes to specialize in. BTW, it was funny you said that the Pharah/McCree/Tracer hero pool are trash since that is mine minus the tracer! lol xD I was a one-trick Pharah for a longgg time, but am looking to branch out. Thanks for the free coaching tips brother. Much love!
I don't know if this is true, but it seems like on first glance that the flicking aiming style is really weak in terms of hero pool overall. Mcree is a niche pick, widow is situational and ana is also situational. Pine is insane at flickshots but he is stuck on the bench for NYXL most of the time.
I didn't mention this, but for Signature you generally mainly consider Hitscan one signature, most people don't differentiate between flicking and tracking. So you can play McCree Tracer Soldier for example which is perfectly fine!
You just really want some kind of limit - aiming style, role mindset (eg. main tank / offtank) , engagement distance (eg. 76, Pharah, Zenyatta). Something to keep stable seems to help in keeping your play in good form.
1:20 Couldn't you argue the spectrum is actually Flicking - Tracking - Projectile, with right meaning prediction and left being the opposite (Widow/McCree/Ashe), since tracking involves more prediction than flicking? Although I could certainly agree that the actual manner in which projectiles are fired resembles flicks more than tracking, due to strafing and such requiring very quick adjustments just before you fire.
You could break projectile down into 2 more styles as well, as you have projectiles that are affected by gravity, and those that aren't. And then you have mei who combines tracking and projectile aiming in her kit, and the projectile requires you to charge it which is almost like hanzo, but isn't affected by gravity so it's actually like zenyatta...
before I quit ow last year, my hero pool was every tank, every non mercy healer (for gm games), and tracer and genji if it was a lower sr game like upper masters. I probably should've specialized in something because my mechanics were trash but I understood the meta and comps and strats well. :(
ioStux my man i got improved 1k SR watching videos like this from you and other's and practicing thank you a lot :) Question please help: i am searching for it if u can help me plz i want simple "know how" step by step how to "Worm up" then practice and work on the three aim style tracking flicking projectile, like create this map take this hero do this and this until you reach this. :D my brain is simple. i know you said focus on 1 but as u said it could help me flexing and iam only doing it when needed, also i find my self popping in every 1 but not always,i mean mostly there is no middle for me either v nice aim or potato 80%, 20% is when i'am kinda decent. - so am thinking to know how of the 3 and try it out will help me decide which to focus on . - also by practicing what you saying will rise my 20% decent average. much love your work and time is appreciated thank you very much n(*~3~*)n
What about games like Rainbow 6 where everything is hitscan, would signatures narrow down to specific operators? Because flexibility is key in Siege. It's very odd, but probably doesn't transfer.
Could you list the heroes you consider 'flicking heroes' and the heroes you consider 'tracking heroes''? I've found a lot of success with McCree and Widow, but also with Soldier and Zarya, and being quite new to Overwatch, I would like to begin narrowing down by pool to one of those two duos - but which other heroes are included in each would be a big factor in which I landed on. Thank you so much for this amazing content.
I was wondering why my aim been feeling like its getting worst. I had 100 hrs on console as pharah. Switch to mccree on PC. Dps insta-lock. Forced to pick tank (zarya for tracking practice), but cant stand not having healers so my rage pick was Ana , who became my favorite hero ... and play ALL other heroes inbetween. Im spread to thin =[
ioStux Coaching | Overwatch thank you for the response. I find bastion, Moira, Hanzo, Torbjörn, mercy, zenyatta, soldier 76 intuitive. But Oversumo says my Moira, Torbjörn, Bastion and Hanzo are my top 4, 2 tracking, 2 projectile. Haha, tough choice. But then you can say Moira and bastion are the least aiming intensive hitscans.
To be honest neither would perfectly fit the hero pool, something like genji or Pharah would fit better, but most important of all you have to play what you enjoy!
It is a little bit strange I did it already. I like to play Zen,Ana,Lucio,Pharah,Genji and Hanzo and somtimes off tanks.That s why I suck hard as Hitscan DPS but I carry pretty hard when I go in my projectile pool
my strongest role is probably off tank but when i flex to support i play ana/zen. is that too wide of a hero pool to develop as an average player on ranked?
Is Genji, Mcree and Reaper a good signature? Since genji's right click is pretty much hit scan flick in close range. Although I really want to improve my tracer, I see your point. I'll focus more on flick style aiming. Especially since my tracking makes it seem like I have parkinsons.
How about Ana? She is flicking (quickscope), tracking (hardscope), and projectile (noscope+nade+dart). I have found that Zen is really the only hero who I can aim with alongside Ana, but I'm looking for other heroes. I tend to play mostly quickscope style ana, with little noscoping or hardscoping. Everyone says Widow, but I'm a god bodyshot widow and that's about it. Any heroes come to mind that aim like Ana (and me while playing her)?
So if someone were trying to master Zen, would you say it would be better to: play Zen exclusively (essentially onetricking him), focus on playing most support heroes or play other projectile heroes such as genji for example?
Should you just stick with the aiming style you are good at or should you try to improve in the areas you lack? I love Tracer but I can't track for shit. I can flick decently well. I play Rein, Dva, Roadhog, Winston, Reaper, Pharah, and recently Mccree. Would Doomfist be a better character instead of Tracer maybe? I can't seem to improve on Tracer despite watching high levels players and practicing her. I'm in mid diamond on my main account which mostly plays tank and feel like I could even push further, but my dps mostly Tracer account struggles to stay mid plat.
well just look at Libero if you want to see flexibility xD I mean is there any dps he cant play? And since I'm playing overwatch like 40h a week i am pretty good at all 3 styles. But as performance goes up and down there is every week a style I play best. In comp it's just important in harder games (vs top 500 players, etc)
Wouldn't it make more sense to separate the tank signatures into dive and deathball tanks? Asking because Winston - Dva seems more translatable then Winston-Reinhardt
Here is my situation, I am a Tank Main, but I want to learn some dps. Which Signature should I pick? Im already a okay genji but i also wanted to try out tracer, because i see much more potential in her when I get good at her.
Would soldier and mccree be okay if you aim like flower? Instead of smooth tracking he does a lot of small flicks. I find it hard to only play one of the two because of counters so i would like to play them both and get the best aim possible for me.
I go over the "aim like flower" in another aim secret, but Soldier and McCree is completely fine! They are both hitscan. Differentiating into Tracking and Flicking is just overkill and I mentioned it for completeness, McCree and Soldier are perfect :) For reference, my Hero Pool is Soldier McCree Tracer Ana and Zarya :)
I've been focusing recently a lot on hanzo, hog, ana, pharah and reaper. Do you recommend taking reaper out of my hero pool and are there other heroes I should focus on.
I am a Junkrat/Roadhog 2 Trick. However, I wanna rank up using both and seeing as how Junkrat is Projectile and Road is Flicking, should I ditch either one or keep going?
you mentioned, in a different video, that you can maximise potential as projectile characters by getting close, this may seem a dumb question, but could that cause inconsistency when practicing only projectile based heroes?
Lol im a GM Genji/mcree player primarily, I try to focus more so on mcree when it comes to practicing aim so i make sacrifices to my genji everytime i lower my sensitivity, I have extreme trouble using blades on genji because I have to use more of my mousepad which is starting to run out of space. 800 dpi 4 ingame sens btw. I have the same sense for all heroes and im trying to pick up playing tracer and i am struggling!
ioStux Coaching | Overwatch Damn, i'm currently level 10 and want to focus on a good solo carry for later. Widow , tracer and genji seem so good for that job but i cant decide who to put time in
I like to play widow, McCree, Ana, but I play Dva, soldier, Mercy cause I win easier on them. It’s a struggle, I try to flex a lot cause no one else will. Idk I make it work but I can’t decide between winning and playing what I like
wait you didnt tell me the signatures of all heros am i supposed to find that out ALONE??? ARE GENGU AND ZENNY BOTH PROJECTILE BECAUSE I MAIN THEM BOTH HEL P
So would you suggest people who main offtanks like me (Zarya, Hog, Dva) to instead switch as Zarya,Soldier,Tracer? (I've done a fair amount of Soldier as well whenever I see noone is a dps main in the game, though not tracer)
ioStux Coaching | Overwatch that means hog and reaper has the same signature like mccree or widow? The projectiles are kinda hitscan cause they're fast and u have to shout them in close range right?
Tracer main there, i used to flex to pharah and genji and carry with these heroes,recently started playing soldier as well, i have spent at least 20+ hours of each hero in game ,but should i stick to only playing tracking heroes or can i flex once in a while?(in high plat climbing to diamond tho)
In the long run it doesn't matter that much if you're not trying to go pro. Try to improve, but don't put such a huge emphasis on it that you can't have fun with the game by playing heroes that you find fun!
Too bad for me I literally play every hero in the game on different accounts so I've been hardstuck at high masters/low GM on all accounts I really want to improve but I enjoy playing every hero too much to change haha. I hope the next big FPS game after Overwatch required this flexibility and then I'd have a chance of not being trash
My hero pool is always enlarging. The ones I will play in comp cover all the types mentioned. I guess that’s why my aim is generally horse shit for all of them :D I’m starting a sniper only rule on my alt to get good at Widow, handsoap and Ana next. Poor future team members... I apologise in advance :D
I feel extremely conflicted by this. I've been spending a lot of time practicing as McCree lately, and I've seen vast improvement with him, but I'm a genji main. I've always loved genji. I have more hours on him than the next like 5 or 6 heroes combined, but I also want to play Soldier and McCree alongside Zen and my ass Pharah. Hmm
"Specializing will always be better and more time-efficient" Too bad I have to flex and fill in 95% of my games, because we have 0 tanks or supports otherwise... I just can't play my "signature" heroes... FeelsBadMan
Obviously there are always exceptions, so if you feel like switching makes sense, then go ahead, although usually its best to switch to another character that still has the same signature.
No reason you can't play what you want to. Designing your hero pool to have a similar aim style is a time usage optimization, you can literally just throw hours at the problem (either spend more of your days practicing or take more days to climb higher).
'Having such hero pool is garbage'. Meanwhile OWL showed how most wester plauyers with their 'signature' got fucked over by unfavorable meta where you almost always need a tracer specialist + other dps depending on a map and enemy gameplan. The second guy must be exceptional at Soldier, Pharah, Widow, Genji, Hog and Cree else he will be exploited. Same goes for supports, where right now you need a Zen specialist + other support, which led previous Lucio players to play Ana and these characteres have ZERO in common. I know these videos are targeted at newbs, but you should still point such things out.
As a Genji/McCree/Soldier main, this video is extremely FeelsBadMan
TrveMaggot yes, i Feel the same
Whe are signatur badass man
Genji/Tracer/McCree main here...all of the styles he brought up.
2 months since my original post: I'm no longer a Tracer main. I somehow lost the ability to track even though I haven't changed my mouse or sensitivity.
***EDIT*** Check this Chart out I made, it shows all the Signatures!
Become one of the cool kids and join my Discord! We are already at over 3000 Members and it keeps growing. I am active on it every day and I don't miss any mentions, so if you want to chat come over! Keep in mind that I am busy coaching sometimes, so if I don't reply immediately, it's probably because I am currently working, but I'll try my best to get back to everyone :)
i main hanzo, genji, zarya, and mei. what should i make my signature?
This video is a big eye-opener to me, I didn't think about time differences between pros and me.
I'm maining Tracer/McCree/Genji currently at a Master level but I think I'll go into projectile only from now on, hopefully it'll get me to GM.
did I just get told to become a 1 trick, hell yea dude
It's definitely a lot harder to keep one style of aiming when filling. I end up filling with a hero I'm not really that used to every other game, but I guess it's me whom should really change that.
In one day I go from playing Lúcio to playing Mcree, to, to Reinhardt, to Mercy, to Pharah and etc. I can hold myself decently on all 3 categories, but rewatching my VODs and now having this being pointed out, it's pretty clear how I do much better on flicking hitscans, even though I play most time on Lúcio, my aim on Lúcio is terrible, and my usefulness is 80% positioning, well timed healing/speedboost and calling out stuff.
Great video, and it was quite eye opening to me on an issue I didn't know I had.
Thank you very much for creating the Signature Chart ioStux! It has been very beneficial to me in choosing what heroes to specialize in. BTW, it was funny you said that the Pharah/McCree/Tracer hero pool are trash since that is mine minus the tracer! lol xD I was a one-trick Pharah for a longgg time, but am looking to branch out. Thanks for the free coaching tips brother. Much love!
Fleta is the meta
I don't know if this is true, but it seems like on first glance that the flicking aiming style is really weak in terms of hero pool overall. Mcree is a niche pick, widow is situational and ana is also situational. Pine is insane at flickshots but he is stuck on the bench for NYXL most of the time.
I didn't mention this, but for Signature you generally mainly consider Hitscan one signature, most people don't differentiate between flicking and tracking. So you can play McCree Tracer Soldier for example which is perfectly fine!
You just really want some kind of limit - aiming style, role mindset (eg. main tank / offtank) , engagement distance (eg. 76, Pharah, Zenyatta). Something to keep stable seems to help in keeping your play in good form.
1:20 Couldn't you argue the spectrum is actually Flicking - Tracking - Projectile, with right meaning prediction and left being the opposite (Widow/McCree/Ashe), since tracking involves more prediction than flicking?
Although I could certainly agree that the actual manner in which projectiles are fired resembles flicks more than tracking, due to strafing and such requiring very quick adjustments just before you fire.
I would agree, as flicking is purely reactional and projectiles are prediction. Tracking is a mix of both.
you can adapt this to every comp game good vid
Never knew signatures were that much important. Good thing most of my favorite heroes are projectile characters
but i like mccree and tracer :(
Malder The Gamer same, i dont want to choose 😭
Then don't choose and play what you want
The music behind thins is from the move "the enigma code", the soundtrack
You could break projectile down into 2 more styles as well, as you have projectiles that are affected by gravity, and those that aren't.
And then you have mei who combines tracking and projectile aiming in her kit, and the projectile requires you to charge it which is almost like hanzo, but isn't affected by gravity so it's actually like zenyatta...
my signature: using winston to get stationary bots on a practice range. too bad this map isn't in comp pool rotation.
Be the change you want to see in the world, let's start a poll :P
OW coach with cs go pro players in the thumbnail. This is dope:)
before I quit ow last year, my hero pool was every tank, every non mercy healer (for gm games), and tracer and genji if it was a lower sr game like upper masters. I probably should've specialized in something because my mechanics were trash but I understood the meta and comps and strats well. :(
My signature is definitely Tracking, Tracer/Zarya/Moira main
Moira needs aim?
ioStux my man i got improved 1k SR watching videos like this from you and other's and practicing thank you a lot :)
Question please help:
i am searching for it if u can help me plz
i want simple "know how" step by step
how to "Worm up" then practice and work on the three aim style tracking flicking projectile, like create this map take this hero do this and this until you reach this. :D my brain is simple.
i know you said focus on 1 but as u said it could help me flexing and iam only doing it when needed, also i find my self popping in every 1 but not always,i mean mostly there is no middle for me either v nice aim or potato 80%, 20% is when i'am kinda decent.
- so am thinking to know how of the 3 and try it out will help me decide which to focus on .
- also by practicing what you saying will rise my 20% decent average.
much love
your work and time is appreciated
thank you very much
What about games like Rainbow 6 where everything is hitscan, would signatures narrow down to specific operators? Because flexibility is key in Siege. It's very odd, but probably doesn't transfer.
Odd thing about the Support role is it doesn't really have any tracking-intensive heroes.
Could you list the heroes you consider 'flicking heroes' and the heroes you consider 'tracking heroes''? I've found a lot of success with McCree and Widow, but also with Soldier and Zarya, and being quite new to Overwatch, I would like to begin narrowing down by pool to one of those two duos - but which other heroes are included in each would be a big factor in which I landed on.
Thank you so much for this amazing content.
Check the top of the video description :)
My hero ❤
I was wondering why my aim been feeling like its getting worst. I had 100 hrs on console as pharah. Switch to mccree on PC. Dps insta-lock. Forced to pick tank (zarya for tracking practice), but cant stand not having healers so my rage pick was Ana , who became my favorite hero ... and play ALL other heroes inbetween. Im spread to thin =[
Would you put dva in the tracking category (lmb) or the projectile category (mini-rockets)?
Homemadepizza tracking because it's the same case for soldier 76
How I find out what signature is best for me?
Just try them and see whats most intuitive :)
ioStux Coaching | Overwatch thank you for the response. I find bastion, Moira, Hanzo, Torbjörn, mercy, zenyatta, soldier 76 intuitive. But Oversumo says my Moira, Torbjörn, Bastion and Hanzo are my top 4, 2 tracking, 2 projectile. Haha, tough choice. But then you can say Moira and bastion are the least aiming intensive hitscans.
Haha, still difficult.
I am a zen main, that plays reaper and roadhog as needed. Should I then look to add Mcree, instead of trying to add Soldier?
UCTeeth I have a similar problem lol. I play Zen, Pharah, Reaper, Soldier, Tracer, McCree, Ana and sometimes Zarya xD
add what you want, but Mcree would prob help the most with aim.
To be honest neither would perfectly fit the hero pool, something like genji or Pharah would fit better, but most important of all you have to play what you enjoy!
It is a little bit strange I did it already. I like to play Zen,Ana,Lucio,Pharah,Genji and Hanzo and somtimes off tanks.That s why I suck hard as Hitscan DPS but I carry pretty hard when I go in my projectile pool
got a question? in which category would you place Genji? projectile or maybe flicking? Is a hero pool such as widow / cree ; genji is fine?
Genji is projectile
my strongest role is probably off tank but when i flex to support i play ana/zen. is that too wide of a hero pool to develop as an average player on ranked?
Im a widow/tracer but the thing is with widow i track my shots more than i flick
Ikr i have that too, I think its fine if u do it like that tbh
Where can I find more out about improving as a support? I've been stuck in masters for like 4 seasons
What will be good "signature" hero with Moira? (Pls no Symetra)
Any character that tracks a lot, Zarya, Tracer, Soldier for example
ioStux Coaching | Overwatch Thanks!
Moira is tracking
Is Genji, Mcree and Reaper a good signature? Since genji's right click is pretty much hit scan flick in close range. Although I really want to improve my tracer, I see your point. I'll focus more on flick style aiming. Especially since my tracking makes it seem like I have parkinsons.
How about Ana? She is flicking (quickscope), tracking (hardscope), and projectile (noscope+nade+dart). I have found that Zen is really the only hero who I can aim with alongside Ana, but I'm looking for other heroes. I tend to play mostly quickscope style ana, with little noscoping or hardscoping. Everyone says Widow, but I'm a god bodyshot widow and that's about it. Any heroes come to mind that aim like Ana (and me while playing her)?
She is Hitscan
2:40 Yeah, I kinda invest almost as much and still go to school...
So if someone were trying to master Zen, would you say it would be better to: play Zen exclusively (essentially onetricking him), focus on playing most support heroes or play other projectile heroes such as genji for example?
Usually the Zen Player also plays hybrids like Mercy or Moira
Should you just stick with the aiming style you are good at or should you try to improve in the areas you lack?
I love Tracer but I can't track for shit. I can flick decently well. I play Rein, Dva, Roadhog, Winston, Reaper, Pharah, and recently Mccree.
Would Doomfist be a better character instead of Tracer maybe? I can't seem to improve on Tracer despite watching high levels players and practicing her. I'm in mid diamond on my main account which mostly plays tank and feel like I could even push further, but my dps mostly Tracer account struggles to stay mid plat.
But what pool does Genji fall into? I don't feel like his aiming skills translate very well to other projectile heroes.
Some consider him a Hybrid, although I personally put him in the Projectile category.
well just look at Libero if you want to see flexibility xD I mean is there any dps he cant play? And since I'm playing overwatch like 40h a week i am pretty good at all 3 styles. But as performance goes up and down there is every week a style I play best. In comp it's just important in harder games (vs top 500 players, etc)
So what is the most ‘optimal’ mechanical signature to climb in ladder?
probably tracking cuz tracer + soldier
What about being a flanker main? (Genji/Tracer)
Why was there G2 esports in the thumbnail of a OW video?
Wouldn't it make more sense to separate the tank signatures into dive and deathball tanks? Asking because Winston - Dva seems more translatable then Winston-Reinhardt
It's called Aim Secrets, not Strategy Secrets, thats why :D
I use 4.5 sens on soldier, and 6 sens as tracer, as i feel like my 4.5 soldier sens can't keep up playing close distance as tracer, what do?
Time to get a bigger mousepad, i make joke is very funny haHAA. I recommend changing your soldier sensitivity to 6
what is the music in the video?
Ana would count as a hitscan/flicking hero right?
Here is my situation, I am a Tank Main, but I want to learn some dps. Which Signature should I pick? Im already a okay genji but i also wanted to try out tracer, because i see much more potential in her when I get good at her.
Would soldier and mccree be okay if you aim like flower? Instead of smooth tracking he does a lot of small flicks. I find it hard to only play one of the two because of counters so i would like to play them both and get the best aim possible for me.
I go over the "aim like flower" in another aim secret, but Soldier and McCree is completely fine! They are both hitscan. Differentiating into Tracking and Flicking is just overkill and I mentioned it for completeness, McCree and Soldier are perfect :) For reference, my Hero Pool is Soldier McCree Tracer Ana and Zarya :)
I've been focusing recently a lot on hanzo, hog, ana, pharah and reaper. Do you recommend taking reaper out of my hero pool and are there other heroes I should focus on.
I would probably remove reaper. If you want a flanker type character then Genji would fit well :)
I am a Junkrat/Roadhog 2 Trick. However, I wanna rank up using both and seeing as how Junkrat is Projectile and Road is Flicking, should I ditch either one or keep going?
you mentioned, in a different video, that you can maximise potential as projectile characters by getting close, this may seem a dumb question, but could that cause inconsistency when practicing only projectile based heroes?
Check out the link at the top of the description :) The Primary is what matters. You don't get close that often
Do you have any advice for someone like me who plays flex dps in a Master team? If i only focus on one, the team will be way less flexible
Lol im a GM Genji/mcree player primarily, I try to focus more so on mcree when it comes to practicing aim so i make sacrifices to my genji everytime i lower my sensitivity, I have extreme trouble using blades on genji because I have to use more of my mousepad which is starting to run out of space. 800 dpi 4 ingame sens btw. I have the same sense for all heroes and im trying to pick up playing tracer and i am struggling!
Make 3 videos, each dedicated to tips for one of these styles?
Not a lot of tips sadly, just practice :) And most of the aim secrets are applicable to all aiming styles.
I am a mccree main but am so much better at tracking like soldier and tracer but i want to flick not tracking
What about McCree, Genji and Widow ?
Not great, thats midrange hitscan, projectile and longrange hitscan
ioStux Coaching | Overwatch Damn, i'm currently level 10 and want to focus on a good solo carry for later. Widow , tracer and genji seem so good for that job but i cant decide who to put time in
I like to play widow, McCree, Ana, but I play Dva, soldier, Mercy cause I win easier on them. It’s a struggle, I try to flex a lot cause no one else will. Idk I make it work but I can’t decide between winning and playing what I like
What is the signature for ana?
wait you didnt tell me the signatures of all heros am i supposed to find that out ALONE???
So would you suggest people who main offtanks like me (Zarya, Hog, Dva) to instead switch as Zarya,Soldier,Tracer? (I've done a fair amount of Soldier as well whenever I see noone is a dps main in the game, though not tracer)
If I already play a lot of lucio and zen and am looking to expand my hero pool, would genji/Pharah be a good addition?
Or would the difference in projectile speed screw up my aim?
What if I am a Genji main but I also play a lot of mccree, soldier and tracer? Am I screwed? 😂😩😩
Do you think its ok to main lucio and ana, because they have different aiming styles
That is completely fine, don't worry too much about it.
So far my hero pool currently is zarya and dva. Should I add moira for my hero pool?
sure, if you want to, would be a good fit :)
Thanks! Ive been enjoying her a bit recently. :)
Ohhhhh hahaha > McCree/Ana/Widow Main here xD
Think you meant tracking, flicking and leading.
Hey Iostux. What about Hanzo Junk and Zen?
They are all projectile based heros that can be effective no matter how close or far your enemy is.
what signature is genji?
Off tank player
Zarya, Dva, hog should i switch hog for tracer?
But there are different projectile speeds in the game... im a hog main should i only play hog and Reaper?🙈
The speeds aren't too important, you can get used to them, its more about "Should I put my crosshair on the target, or in front of the target?"
ioStux Coaching | Overwatch that means hog and reaper has the same signature like mccree or widow? The projectiles are kinda hitscan cause they're fast and u have to shout them in close range right?
NVM i found ur list in the description ... nice video series btw 😁❤
What about Ana? She's both a projectile character and hitscan.
She is generally seen as a Hitscan Character, in the same way as Soldier is hitscan despite his Helix Rocket being a projectile
ioStux Coaching | Overwatch Okay, thanks!
man as someone that loves to play mccree, zarya and soldier this is bad news
Whats the outro music called?
Darude Sandstorm
Innf107 fuck off
The Cinematic Orchestra - Arrival of the birds
from "the enigma code" soundtrack
is there anyway to relate this to fortnite?
Tracer main there, i used to flex to pharah and genji and carry with these heroes,recently started playing soldier as well, i have spent at least 20+ hours of each hero in game ,but should i stick to only playing tracking heroes or can i flex once in a while?(in high plat climbing to diamond tho)
In the long run it doesn't matter that much if you're not trying to go pro. Try to improve, but don't put such a huge emphasis on it that you can't have fun with the game by playing heroes that you find fun!
ObeseWizard i only play these heroes when i can counter enemies or my hitscans is not working good enough to win a game
Yeah sometimes switching to a hero that you're not the best at just because they hard counter your opponents is a good choice.
ObeseWizard tbh i think im pretty much same w every hero,avarage (TracerMain#21775 if ur curious)
ObeseWizard i play 1 day on my smurf and 1 day on main mostly
Too bad for me I literally play every hero in the game on different accounts so I've been hardstuck at high masters/low GM on all accounts
I really want to improve but I enjoy playing every hero too much to change haha. I hope the next big FPS game after Overwatch required this flexibility and then I'd have a chance of not being trash
why is g2 csgo there?
Why is there a drawing of the csgo SK team?
I wanted to represent how everyone on a team has their own "Signature"
What s the music in the background please?
Arrival of the Birds & Transformation :)
ioStux Coaching | Overwatch thanks dude :)
My hero pool is always enlarging. The ones I will play in comp cover all the types mentioned. I guess that’s why my aim is generally horse shit for all of them :D
I’m starting a sniper only rule on my alt to get good at Widow, handsoap and Ana next.
Poor future team members... I apologise in advance :D
tfw widow/tracer player
I feel extremely conflicted by this. I've been spending a lot of time practicing as McCree lately, and I've seen vast improvement with him, but I'm a genji main. I've always loved genji. I have more hours on him than the next like 5 or 6 heroes combined, but I also want to play Soldier and McCree alongside Zen and my ass Pharah. Hmm
What is Doomfist? Is he projectile? He's my favorite, but I find all the heroes to be fun, so I guess I'm a master of none. XD
Projectile :)
I think all of your tutorials help on TF2 too because OW is a (good) copy of this game.
Is Mei projectile or off tank? Is she flicking or projectile?
Langson mei is projectile
She is a Projectile character as Babs said, :)
But.... But..... Mcree and genji aren't the same signature ;-; gonna make me choose between the two
That's true!
I play mainly Ana, she got projectile and hitscan, am i fucked? 😆
"Specializing will always be better and more time-efficient"
Too bad I have to flex and fill in 95% of my games, because we have 0 tanks or supports otherwise...
I just can't play my "signature" heroes... FeelsBadMan
Baited me with G2 CS Team
Is hog track or flick?
Check the top of the description, theres a link :)
Lol what if it makes sense to switch?
Obviously there are always exceptions, so if you feel like switching makes sense, then go ahead, although usually its best to switch to another character that still has the same signature.
Again what is that noise
I guess I'll just become the best mc cree in the world then
roadhog, zarya, brigitte, moira, terrible hero pool I'm guessing?
Hog sticks out a bit. Could switch him for D.Va and/or Orisa and have a more coherent pool.
would like to keep hog in, hes my fave, rest i can swap, but thanks
No reason you can't play what you want to. Designing your hero pool to have a similar aim style is a time usage optimization, you can literally just throw hours at the problem (either spend more of your days practicing or take more days to climb higher).
Me (insert red arrow) subscribebutton
'Having such hero pool is garbage'. Meanwhile OWL showed how most wester plauyers with their 'signature' got fucked over by unfavorable meta where you almost always need a tracer specialist + other dps depending on a map and enemy gameplan. The second guy must be exceptional at Soldier, Pharah, Widow, Genji, Hog and Cree else he will be exploited.
Same goes for supports, where right now you need a Zen specialist + other support, which led previous Lucio players to play Ana and these characteres have ZERO in common.
I know these videos are targeted at newbs, but you should still point such things out.
I did O.o Near the end of the video :)
flicking hero pool seems really bad
I’m a signature at carrying the team. Sigh...