Hi Rob, great video. So if understood for the aming part I should focus on crosshair, and use the peripheral vision and unfocus for seeing the other information. I'm correct?
I can't fucking stand it, i'm taking a corner and waiting for someone like 30 seconds, and then i take a look at the map for one second and then they come in and just one shot head me...
Remous this Is why you will one day get in an accident by forgetting to check a blind spot or something. Muscle memory is good but knowing when to replace it with pure focus in both driving and games is importang
NOTES - Your screen when playing FPS games is similar to your view when driving a car. -- What's on the road in front of you is important but there are plenty of places you need to take information such as your mirrors, blind spots, traffic lights, pedestrians, etc. - The road is your crosshair and your minimap, ammo, health, and other information is everything else. You have to bounce between things depending on the situation - Your eyes can hyper-focus on a specific point to the extent that you could even see the antennas of an ant. This is useful when you need to focus on a small target - Your eyes can also widen their focus onto a broader area but isn't as focused as the hyper-focused mode. But, you get to see everything at an acceptable amount of focus. Useful for taking in multiple points of info.
regarding to the 4th point. our eyes as humans are so hyperfocused on things we see in front of us, we dont even see our nose anymore. even tho we can always see our nose, if u really look
I'm so happy that i ended up finding this channel, now that I'm taking FPS games more serious, all this questions come to my head, and your channel happens to have all the answers to it. Thank you much! keep it up!!
YaNopeBaotHere You could get good at it though. Peripheral vision training can bring focus away from the center and more on the peripherals and so things that happen on the sides you notice easier, faster, and it makes the game easier to win.
@OhMyGurd Speed reading. Use a pencil or ruler to keep your line and practice reading the line as fast as you can. Over time you will get faster and you can read a few words ahead of where your eyes look at.
I find that focusing on the enemy actually helps me more. I tried using a dark bluish crosshair that was kind of difficult to see over the background, but it actually helped my shots because I focused more on the enemy head and I subconsciously aimed at them.
That just means you have really good hand eye coordination. Some people, like myself, will focus on an enemy and because we are so focused on the target we think we are shooting at them, when in reality the dot/crosshair is actually slightly off.
I’m playing on my first team in open with the some players with experience in higher leagues, currently 2-0 and I’ve been trying to up my game. I have the aim part down and u have been helping tremendously in further developing the game sense side of my game. Thank you for the great insight
@@GrogedUp yeah bro there’s no in between 😭playing apex zooted can make you a God or a complete bit. And most of the time for me it makes me a bot😂😂I’m too busy trying to understand the physics in the game. People out here flying and shit😂
When you want to improve reactivity to a change in direction during practice, then look at the target. If you want to improve smoothness and awareness then look at your cross hair.
a while back when i started to get good aim i started to look at the enemy and track their movements but after a while i hit a wall where my issue wasn't replicating the enemies movement, but replicating the enemies movement on the actual enemy. i found looking at my crosshair + good crosshair placement helped a lot more
I've heard from Noted (a retired R6 pro that's obsessed with improving) that if you develop a really good peripheral vision you can focus on the crosshair and still be able to track things around it, but it requires a lot of practice with those annoying GIF images with a crosshair and some blinking circles around it.
To put it simply, focus on the enemy heads but be aware where is your crosshair placed at the same time because our brain tends to react on what and where focus and see like how you flinch when you thought you are about to get hit by someone or something. Because solely focused on your crosshair alone would lead to you being shocked or unprepared when an enemy suddenly pops up or even of you react accordingly you would be aiming on the enemy's body instead of their heads resulting to higher potential of losing a lot of gunfights.
Funny enough, your right eye is exactly on the centre of my screen. I kept focusing on the light reflecting off it, and when you moved your head for half a second it threw me off. You were here to teach me how to focus, and you left me knowing how to make eye contact in a conversation!! Thank you :P
This is something really hard to identify in your own game-play and takes the acknowledgement that maybe you are making a mistake and the game isnt just unfair. I only picked my poor eye focus in gaming very recently. Haven't dropped the bad tendency yet but its getting better.
I never focus on my crosshair, always focus on my enemies. I'm an okay aimer but I will try to focus on my crosshair more to see if I'll improve. Thanks for sharing this information.
I think what ur doing is fine. But at a certain point it becomes fractioned. Like i mainly focus on my enemy up until im aligned with them. At that point it becomes like 80% enemy to make sure im on target, and 20% crosshair to make sure im within where im wanting to hit them As for improving i like to use aim400kg.com I zoom in to make it as big as possible and just use it to practice a bit and warm up
Wow! This video and your other videos are crammed full of great information, hope these videos become known and I'm really glad I found you on r/globaloffensive.
@@ronrambokim wait wait wait wait wati THAT Ronald "Ramb0" Kim?????????????????????????? SYN | Ramb0??????????????????????? Legit? Srsly? Bro. I met you first time 2000 at Babbages CPL and last time at ESWC Paris. I thought you disappeared forever. You were always one of my fav players to watch along with cogu and SpawN. CAL-Admins were so bias against you on forums, never ever deserved that ban. Hope your doing well.
I actually made a test myself on this and then i got this in my recommendation feed. I got to the conclusion that i need to focus more on the enemy that my crosshair. But normally i don't think about this in matches. Aiming just happens it's not something calculated
Thank you for your wisdom I didn’t know about this and all this time I have been focusing on my opponents but missing my shots it’s od with all my training I’ve been doing but now I realize I have to do both
BIG JoKeR hey I believe so I realized I’m playing apex and I tried this method when I looked at the enemy and then looked at my crosshair yo line up as fast as I could
Hey Ron! This was very helpful for me because i came from a game called rust (no crosshair) and i find myself losing sight of my crosshair and basically leaving it up to my sub conscious to aim for me i made it to imm 3 in val but i think this is going to make a huge difference for me thank you,
Surely the information of this video is correct and I assume the explanations are well-thought through. However, I really struggled to get the point of the speaker's analogies. I think I opened this video with a different question in mind: "Focus your eyes on the enemy and put your crosshair over him OR focus your eyes on your crosshair and stop once the centre of the screen aligns with the target". My question wasn't quite answered by the video, which isn't a big issue. However, this video offered quite a lot of analogies without a clear cut what the conclusion is.
to be honest the muscle memory does it all and you dont really go on aligning the crosshair across the map or your enemy unless you r holding anlges and doing long range stuff
From my experience you should focus on your crosshair, if your cross placement is correct. Only time I focus on finding enemies first and then aligning my cross to them is when I entry frag site where I am actively looking on 4-5 different spots.
Great videos man. It's been super helpful watching you stuff being that I switched from console to PC recently and needed improvement fast. Keep up the attention to detail on these.
It's one of the many interesting ways real life skills can be applied to video games. In marksmanship training or weapons training in the military you are taught to focus on your scope's reticle or front post of your rifle when you are ready to fire, but also to scan and look with peripheral vision. Constant changing between focusing in and out of targets, your reticle, and scanning your surroundings.
I never thought about it that much ever since I touched cs 1.6 when I was 7 I just learned it step by step and never really gave it an in-depth thought.
It's all about that peripheral awareness and being able to focus on your crosshair when needed.. For example if you play aim labs, gridshot is a task where you're always in that peripheral vision and never actually focusing on one dot at a time.. But if it's a precision task you have to dial in and concentrate on one dot.
Another analogy would be like playing baseball, you keep your eyes on the ball(the enemy) and use your peripheral vision to line up and hit the ball(your crosshair) you don't stare at your baseball bat and try and to hit the ball it's the other way around
cool, these are the exact things i compare cs to alot, a car and the nerveracking effect of it, and when focusing on ants or unfocusing making it look like the ground is slighty moving or its scattered with bugs.
After playing for a couple of hours I strat tilting and losing my ability to aim I think I burn my self out but I am not mentally or physically fatigued It's just that my aim starts sucking quite a lot even if I was owning before Why does this happen ? Would love to see a video about this topic or something similar to this Love ur content and good luck with the channel
Play less. I’ve played cs for 20 years and at the highest levels now I just play for fun maybe once or twice a week but the only games I play are league matches and I actually try and “get up” for those kinda games. If I play a match make or pug I don’t try and play “lazy” which effects aim as well. So my advice is try and play higher stakes games but less amount. I find I play much better when I play less because I’m much more into the game.
well, sometime it happend to me too go washyour face, play deathmatch if the game you play have. don't focus or stress to musch on the game. just take a break and play other game if you want is the bet way. I think you don't have any problems, it just happen sometime
this is a really good video and i noticed that you pretty "new" to uploading, my opinion would be to add more "on-screen" things so show what you are talking about. anyways great video keep it up.
The thing about information processing, when it comes to your speed-o-meter, after driving your own vehicles for so long, best thing about it is you can feel when you're driving speed limit, usually off by 1-3km/h but I digress
Related question: When flicking the mouse to shoot an enemy, what do you do with your eyes? Do you stay focused on the crosshair and move the crosshair to the target or do you move your eyes to the target and pull the crosshair along?
Its a reaction shot so its basically muscle memory, once you flick tho, its up to you to focus on your target or the crosshair, i tend to focus on my target.
Hmmm I Focus more on my target because I always know where my crosshair is ir was but the target can move along and that way I know how much I have to move my mouse. Hope It makes sens for you.
Also muscle memory helps. Because when you see a target and you have to look for your crosshair then make sure it's on the target, it drags out the time and also makes you less accurate. But if you can gauge the distance by muscle memory and just flick to target without having to look at crosshair, then it cuts down time to target.
aw man, this didn't answer my question. When aiming at an enemy should my focus be on my cross hair and use my peripherals on the enemy (who's behind my crosshair) or vise verse?
Vice versa trust me, it’s the proper way. if it feels weird just keep playing and you’ll get used to it. (Watch the enemy, see the crosshair in your peripheral vision) I personally don’t do that anymore but I now look at everything at once so I can switch enemies faster, I think it just takes time training your peripheral vision to be pinpoint accurate like me with this technique.
This is what I came to hear and agree with. I think this video over complicates a simple question. Your brain knows where the reticles are and how they bounce using peripherals sight, it's the target that is unpredictable. Edit for grammar and clarity.
@@bcd398 I learned it from playing mlb the show and being a top player in that game. Started doing it in shooters and my accuracy went up a good amount.
No, because people will spray from 50 meters away. You need to also focus on how long you hold left click, if you're bursting, tapping, control the shots. Simply looking at the target and pressing left click won't always work. And if you only focus on your target, then you can't focus on other targets or information, such as ally positioning, your health, ammo, minimap, etc. If you're talking about focusing on the opponent for a split second, then yes. I had some low-mental player tell me he couldn't ADS and look at the minimap at the same time and ragequit (obviously you won't be looking at the minimap the entire time but just glancing at it). Also, it's 5am and I'm procrastinating so I'm writing here instead.
Hm what i do is focus around the whole middle of the screen, so basically where im looking, rather than the crosshair. Always target first then when aligned, it becomes a 80% target focus and a 20% crosshair focus. And crosshair positioning left to muscle memory mostly. I sometimes use aim400kg.com to warm or sharpen up. Zoom in to make the area as big as possible.
When this really matters is in a gun fight and if you are shooting your gun then absolutely focus fully on the enemy and nothing else. Do not look at your crosshair. Watch the thing that's isnt in your control. The saying is eye on the ball. You focus on what u want to hit, and not what you're hitting with.
For me it is that when i focus onto one Point for too long, let's say im Holding an angle, then after some time my eyes cant focus anymore and my vision gets blurry automatically. Then i have to Focus again really hard to see clear.
@@azoom962 I think it's just that i'm tired so my eyes start to lose focus. On other days when I'm not tired i can hold an angle for a solid minute lol
this is also a big reason why ppl in games say what your ammo is, how much health you have, etc it eases the burden you have to carry by looking yourself so the next time u get pissed at ur teammate for saying info info u can just look at remember that teammate is pretty making it so u have one less thing to look at at that point in time which in some situations can be the difference maker between winning a round and losing
just keep your crosshair to the height of head and get so used to it so you don't need to focus on crosshair , then make your focus the enviroment....pro tip TBH
Rank up faster, carry your games, and master your mechanics with my Aiming Formula course - www.fpscoach.com/aimingformula
No cap I started using no crosshair for 2 weeks now and hit long range shots as well as up close
Hi Rob, great video. So if understood for the aming part I should focus on crosshair, and use the peripheral vision and unfocus for seeing the other information. I'm correct?
Come on, I'm not the only one here.
Everytime I look away from my crosshair for 1 second, I get pushed.
I can't fucking stand it, i'm taking a corner and waiting for someone like 30 seconds, and then i take a look at the map for one second and then they come in and just one shot head me...
Timing fucks us all in the end.
full 5 man rush
That's how games work. Whenever you look away the other players push up to fuck you up.
@@lightningcat6382 I can't do it any faster ok!? ;_;
Wtf I was just thinking this question today at work and now it was recommended to me... google brain chip
J F thank mr valens
Same thing
Abhishek Singh same
@@sqeekey1247 Google's mind reading tech us a real thing bruh
Haha.. watch Elon Musk JRE episode..
now i think driving is hard
Pfft I’m watching this and just thinking “I don’t do half this shit while driving.” It’s pure muscle memory, driving is automatic
@@velxus my aim and driving both are automatic now 😄😄
Remous this Is why you will one day get in an accident by forgetting to check a blind spot or something. Muscle memory is good but knowing when to replace it with pure focus in both driving and games is importang
@@velxus You should, you might miss a traffic signal if you don't.
Because it is
Aimer7 said that for a far away target, you should focus on your crosshair. And for a close target, focus on the target
Great advice
Great advice
Great advice
Great advice
Yo, ur so underrated, this channel will definitely help lots of people to make the next step up in counter strike
This channel is in less than 1 month he is growing pretty well.
He's an oldschool cs pkayer and caster.. lol
I play Quake and i find this very informative.
this is "3D Ramdo" ridiculous cs player back in the day!
@@kaped23 so?
- Your screen when playing FPS games is similar to your view when driving a car.
-- What's on the road in front of you is important but there are plenty of places you need to take information such as your mirrors, blind spots, traffic lights, pedestrians, etc.
- The road is your crosshair and your minimap, ammo, health, and other information is everything else. You have to bounce between things depending on the situation
- Your eyes can hyper-focus on a specific point to the extent that you could even see the antennas of an ant. This is useful when you need to focus on a small target
- Your eyes can also widen their focus onto a broader area but isn't as focused as the hyper-focused mode. But, you get to see everything at an acceptable amount of focus. Useful for taking in multiple points of info.
regarding to the 4th point. our eyes as humans are so hyperfocused on things we see in front of us, we dont even see our nose anymore. even tho we can always see our nose, if u really look
Instructions Unclear - Hand stuck in antpile.
@@Abdul_rehm7n ask him on the latest video
@@vincentxaveryharlim7125 lmao that's the stupidest question i've ever seen no disrespect intended
@@stylie473joker5 i didn't even ask a question
@@vincentxaveryharlim7125 oh sorry i was referring to the person who asked about masturbation bro
I'm so happy that i ended up finding this channel, now that I'm taking FPS games more serious, all this questions come to my head, and your channel happens to have all the answers to it. Thank you much! keep it up!!
Thx! 😄
For the question I don’t do both, I just zone out while in a a gunfight and miss
YaNopeBaotHere You could get good at it though. Peripheral vision training can bring focus away from the center and more on the peripherals and so things that happen on the sides you notice easier, faster, and it makes the game easier to win.
Shane Hunt do you recommend anything in particular for that?
@OhMyGurd Speed reading. Use a pencil or ruler to keep your line and practice reading the line as fast as you can. Over time you will get faster and you can read a few words ahead of where your eyes look at.
Shane Hunt thanks! I’ll give it a shot
Pulkit Sinha ??
Got this recommendation after I realized i'm absolute trash at Valorant. Nice
EDIT: 16th february 2021, still trash ):
You guys got keys
@@Adriel_HD yeah , playing daily
Atleast you CAN play Valorant
I find that focusing on the enemy actually helps me more. I tried using a dark bluish crosshair that was kind of difficult to see over the background, but it actually helped my shots because I focused more on the enemy head and I subconsciously aimed at them.
That just means you have really good hand eye coordination. Some people, like myself, will focus on an enemy and because we are so focused on the target we think we are shooting at them, when in reality the dot/crosshair is actually slightly off.
Idk but you are highly under rated, u'll soon grow bro, keep up the great content
Thank you LoGeX
Could use a little bit faster talking tho
@@Arel_Kursat he is talking slowly so his viewers understand him better
It's like looking at someone, you first look at both eyes, but as you look more, it's either the left or right eye and can't look at both again
Jesus these comments are so relatable to what I occasionally think about wtf lol
Yeah I always try to look at both but my brains like, "Nyet! Only one, take it or leave it...."
It almost annoys me xD
@@Nathansomething This is actually my favorite comment
Pyro you didn’t have to mess my brain up like that
@@Nathansomething great advice but I dont want to get charged for sexual assault 😂
this man is staring right into my soul
Real gamer stare
Best part is .... I read this comment first then watched the video.
Fuckin Trueee❤️😂😂
He's staring on his crosshair
These are the things no one talks about, thanks for sharing your wisdom.
Thank you sir
I’m playing on my first team in open with the some players with experience in higher leagues, currently 2-0 and I’ve been trying to up my game. I have the aim part down and u have been helping tremendously in further developing the game sense side of my game. Thank you for the great insight
Easy way: put your crosshairs on your enemy and you can see both lmao
Beater Meater It actually works bro, thank you.
This helped a lot thanks bro
Great advice
Thx i got 9 kills in a 5v5
@@tiay6269 god
This is a question I have been asking for years... finally someone addresses it
Its either hes fried or im fried bc those analogies were gettin crazy.
Lmao those made this video 100 times easier to understand.
As a fellow stoner too another is it like 50/50 with your aim too either weed makes me a god in apex or makes me a dysfunctional potato
@@GrogedUp yeah bro there’s no in between 😭playing apex zooted can make you a God or a complete bit. And most of the time for me it makes me a bot😂😂I’m too busy trying to understand the physics in the game. People out here flying and shit😂
Fr tho mandem was bringing up ants and shit. Had me tweaking😂
When you want to improve reactivity to a change in direction during practice, then look at the target. If you want to improve smoothness and awareness then look at your cross hair.
Reactivity to a change in direction, basically flicking right?
@@seerthefool yea
a while back when i started to get good aim i started to look at the enemy and track their movements but after a while i hit a wall where my issue wasn't replicating the enemies movement, but replicating the enemies movement on the actual enemy. i found looking at my crosshair + good crosshair placement helped a lot more
Me in my games:
"Scoped in with an awp for 20 secs.No one comes.I switch to knife to rotate.
The enemy team:You missed us boi???"
Happens a lot with me as well.
Just when I remove my utility out immediately someone comes and baam I'm dead. Game over.
Yes yes ye sye sye sye syes tes yes yes
@@peacemekka its all about the sound . Hear the knifes of jett coming towards you.
Keep scoping in and scoping out frequently again and again while searching enemy... U don't have to sit there scoping for 20 seconds.
Oh my gosh thank you! This is what struggle with the most (and keeping crosshairs at head height)
This is easily the most useful resource for FPS gaming and aiming that I have ever seen.
Great vid! It's awesome that so many years later a legend is still teaching others. Looking forward to future content!
I appreciate the kind words :)
When you hear "Ron Rambo Kim" this is the last guy you'll think about
I've heard from Noted (a retired R6 pro that's obsessed with improving) that if you develop a really good peripheral vision you can focus on the crosshair and still be able to track things around it, but it requires a lot of practice with those annoying GIF images with a crosshair and some blinking circles around it.
I've ALWAYS wondered that, but no one ever understood what I meant, thanks a lot man
I didn't understand his point :(
We have to focus on the crosshair or the enemies? Or both?
@@sebastianojeda9498 both, naturally, to make aiming harder.
To put it simply, focus on the enemy heads but be aware where is your crosshair placed at the same time because our brain tends to react on what and where focus and see like how you flinch when you thought you are about to get hit by someone or something. Because solely focused on your crosshair alone would lead to you being shocked or unprepared when an enemy suddenly pops up or even of you react accordingly you would be aiming on the enemy's body instead of their heads resulting to higher potential of losing a lot of gunfights.
Funny enough, your right eye is exactly on the centre of my screen. I kept focusing on the light reflecting off it, and when you moved your head for half a second it threw me off. You were here to teach me how to focus, and you left me knowing how to make eye contact in a conversation!! Thank you :P
Great to see you making content, I loved playing source back in the day and watching CGS, how times have changed..
A very clear and intuitive explanation! You've earned yourself a sub
This is something really hard to identify in your own game-play and takes the acknowledgement that maybe you are making a mistake and the game isnt just unfair. I only picked my poor eye focus in gaming very recently. Haven't dropped the bad tendency yet but its getting better.
I never focus on my crosshair, always focus on my enemies. I'm an okay aimer but I will try to focus on my crosshair more to see if I'll improve. Thanks for sharing this information.
I think what ur doing is fine. But at a certain point it becomes fractioned. Like i mainly focus on my enemy up until im aligned with them. At that point it becomes like 80% enemy to make sure im on target, and 20% crosshair to make sure im within where im wanting to hit them
As for improving i like to use aim400kg.com
I zoom in to make it as big as possible and just use it to practice a bit and warm up
@@Sinsanatis Thank you for your input and the website link. :)
@@arcaniaheart3570 np
I'd had this problem for a long time and you were able to solve it. Thank you for the support.
Wow! This video and your other videos are crammed full of great information, hope these videos become known and I'm really glad I found you on r/globaloffensive.
Thanks Oscar :)
wait wait wait wait wati THAT Ronald "Ramb0" Kim??????????????????????????
SYN | Ramb0??????????????????????? Legit?
Bro. I met you first time 2000 at Babbages CPL and last time at ESWC Paris. I thought you disappeared forever.
You were always one of my fav players to watch along with cogu and SpawN.
CAL-Admins were so bias against you on forums, never ever deserved that ban.
Hope your doing well.
I actually made a test myself on this and then i got this in my recommendation feed. I got to the conclusion that i need to focus more on the enemy that my crosshair. But normally i don't think about this in matches. Aiming just happens it's not something calculated
Thank you for your wisdom I didn’t know about this and all this time I have been focusing on my opponents but missing my shots it’s od with all my training I’ve been doing but now I realize I have to do both
So u focus on the person and the crosshair so u bounce back between both?
BIG JoKeR hey I believe so I realized I’m playing apex and I tried this method when I looked at the enemy and then looked at my crosshair yo line up as fast as I could
Ima has to try that thanks
BIG JoKeR no problem come back when you done
Raged GOD does this technique work with shotguns too ima try it today
Hey Ron! This was very helpful for me because i came from a game called rust (no crosshair) and i find myself losing sight of my crosshair and basically leaving it up to my sub conscious to aim for me i made it to imm 3 in val but i think this is going to make a huge difference for me thank you,
Surely the information of this video is correct and I assume the explanations are well-thought through. However, I really struggled to get the point of the speaker's analogies. I think I opened this video with a different question in mind: "Focus your eyes on the enemy and put your crosshair over him OR focus your eyes on your crosshair and stop once the centre of the screen aligns with the target".
My question wasn't quite answered by the video, which isn't a big issue. However, this video offered quite a lot of analogies without a clear cut what the conclusion is.
to be honest the muscle memory does it all and you dont really go on aligning the crosshair across the map or your enemy unless you r holding anlges and doing long range stuff
From my experience you should focus on your crosshair, if your cross placement is correct. Only time I focus on finding enemies first and then aligning my cross to them is when I entry frag site where I am actively looking on 4-5 different spots.
Great videos man. It's been super helpful watching you stuff being that I switched from console to PC recently and needed improvement fast. Keep up the attention to detail on these.
Keep up the content, you will get the views you deserve eventually!
Thank you
It's one of the many interesting ways real life skills can be applied to video games. In marksmanship training or weapons training in the military you are taught to focus on your scope's reticle or front post of your rifle when you are ready to fire, but also to scan and look with peripheral vision. Constant changing between focusing in and out of targets, your reticle, and scanning your surroundings.
This is a great video! It's a shame you don't have more views
I'm just glad the ones that do view the video like it :)
I never thought about it that much ever since I touched cs 1.6 when I was 7 I just learned it step by step and never really gave it an in-depth thought.
tmw he uses a driving analogy but you don't know how to drive
FPS and Driving coach kappa
I mean u dont really need to know how to drive in order to know what to do with ur eyes, assuming uve grown up around....cars
@@Sinsanatis Lmao my guy is an amish aimer
@@raff1495 haha lmao fr
LOL I failed driving exam 4 times.... I know how to drive but I suck at parking
You helped me a lot with all your video. Im still workin on my aim but i made big progress. Thank you sir :)
the driving analogy was amazing
This is such a chill video
I look up to you, thank you for the high quality and genuine information
I appreciate it, thank you :)
You're a legend, brother. Cool to see you have some content.
Thanks man :)
Thank you, now I can land my caitlyn ults perfectly
Really enjoyed your video! Found it helpful, keep up the good work :D
Thanks :)
This has helped a lot thanks!
This is the best explanation/ analogy for explaining this, thank you
It's all about that peripheral awareness and being able to focus on your crosshair when needed.. For example if you play aim labs, gridshot is a task where you're always in that peripheral vision and never actually focusing on one dot at a time.. But if it's a precision task you have to dial in and concentrate on one dot.
This was actually mind blowing, beatiful, you got a subscribe for life
Thank you :)
@@ronrambokim no worries🤙🏽
Another analogy would be like playing baseball, you keep your eyes on the ball(the enemy) and use your peripheral vision to line up and hit the ball(your crosshair) you don't stare at your baseball bat and try and to hit the ball it's the other way around
Your videos are incredibly valuable for semi pro and pro players - you think about things nobody does except them in such detail. Ahead of the curve!
Thank you :D
Hope you get a great coaching job next! MVP PK, coL, C9 are all great orgs youve coached. Good Luck and thanks for the vid
Thanks Jonathan. I'm having fun creating these coaching videos for you all!
i was actually thinking about it today and now i have the answer
thank you o much
Smart. I had the same question few days ago
love the fpscoach, new sub :D
Welcome :)
cool, these are the exact things i compare cs to alot, a car and the nerveracking effect of it, and when focusing on ants or unfocusing making it look like the ground is slighty moving or its scattered with bugs.
thanks now my scout skills is approving
After playing for a couple of hours I strat tilting and losing my ability to aim
I think I burn my self out but I am not mentally or physically fatigued
It's just that my aim starts sucking quite a lot even if I was owning before
Why does this happen ? Would love to see a video about this topic or something similar to this
Love ur content and good luck with the channel
You said it in your comment as soon as you lose control you lose aim stay cool ... and enjoy the game you play
Same. I thought it might be arm fatigue but its improbable.
Play less. I’ve played cs for 20 years and at the highest levels now I just play for fun maybe once or twice a week but the only games I play are league matches and I actually try and “get up” for those kinda games. If I play a match make or pug I don’t try and play “lazy” which effects aim as well. So my advice is try and play higher stakes games but less amount. I find I play much better when I play less because I’m much more into the game.
well, sometime it happend to me too
go washyour face, play deathmatch if the game you play have. don't focus or stress to musch on the game. just take a break and play other game if you want is the bet way. I think you don't have any problems, it just happen sometime
This is a guide I’ve been looking for so long THANK YOU SO MUCH COMING FROM A SILVER :)
Instructions unclear i learned how to drive a car
Nice take on it brother!! Thank you!!
this is a really good video and i noticed that you pretty "new" to uploading, my opinion would be to add more "on-screen" things so show what you are talking about. anyways great video keep it up.
Thanks for the tip :)
Ron Rambo Kim keep it Up more visuals Always spices up the video :)
Pure gamer..... Not blinking so much
valorant players coming to this vid to get good
Yes sir
Just play cs to practice. That’s what I’m doing
@@DinoTaps Imagine not playing valorant couldnt be me
@@woke1x550 Can't get a fucking key
im trash
good video bro. really underrated.
Great video!
Thank you sir
Thanks for the free classes 😌
1920: Were gonna have robots!
2020: How to use your eyes.
This theory Applies in a lot of fps games, It helped me improve on pubg mobile
The algorithm must be fed, for this was interesting.
The thing about information processing, when it comes to your speed-o-meter, after driving your own vehicles for so long, best thing about it is you can feel when you're driving speed limit, usually off by 1-3km/h but I digress
Related question: When flicking the mouse to shoot an enemy, what do you do with your eyes? Do you stay focused on the crosshair and move the crosshair to the target or do you move your eyes to the target and pull the crosshair along?
Tbh thats preference and if you can time the flick right. Mainly about knowing how long it'll take for your cursor to be onto the person.
Its a reaction shot so its basically muscle memory, once you flick tho, its up to you to focus on your target or the crosshair, i tend to focus on my target.
Munzu flicks is reaction time watch the crosshair when the crosshair is over the enemy shoot strictly reaction time
sometimes your arms/hands are faster than your eyes.
Hmmm I Focus more on my target because I always know where my crosshair is ir was but the target can move along and that way I know how much I have to move my mouse. Hope It makes sens for you.
keep up the content, love it
I never realized other people did the exact same thing where you unfocus your eyes in order to observe many ants on the ground at once.
this man winning dont blink contest
holy shit... :P this makes so much sens
Good question and good answer.
Also muscle memory helps. Because when you see a target and you have to look for your crosshair then make sure it's on the target, it drags out the time and also makes you less accurate.
But if you can gauge the distance by muscle memory and just flick to target without having to look at crosshair, then it cuts down time to target.
your work is amazing you inspire me to have a good microphone.
Damn, first vid i've had a chance to watch. Mad informative good sir. Looking forward to picking your brain :D
aw man, this didn't answer my question. When aiming at an enemy should my focus be on my cross hair and use my peripherals on the enemy (who's behind my crosshair) or vise verse?
Thats where game sense comes in. U can unlock it by playing hundreds to thousand of hours
Well if the enemy is near just focus on them and when they are far away focus on the crosshair
Vice versa trust me, it’s the proper way. if it feels weird just keep playing and you’ll get used to it. (Watch the enemy, see the crosshair in your peripheral vision)
I personally don’t do that anymore but I now look at everything at once so I can switch enemies faster, I think it just takes time training your peripheral vision to be pinpoint accurate like me with this technique.
for anyone who says you like looking at the enemy more, it's because of your mental and confidence. That's just my experience with some friends.
Tip for hitting shots: focus only on your target your brain does the rest.
This is what I came to hear and agree with. I think this video over complicates a simple question. Your brain knows where the reticles are and how they bounce using peripherals sight, it's the target that is unpredictable.
Edit for grammar and clarity.
@@bcd398 I learned it from playing mlb the show and being a top player in that game. Started doing it in shooters and my accuracy went up a good amount.
No, because people will spray from 50 meters away. You need to also focus on how long you hold left click, if you're bursting, tapping, control the shots. Simply looking at the target and pressing left click won't always work. And if you only focus on your target, then you can't focus on other targets or information, such as ally positioning, your health, ammo, minimap, etc. If you're talking about focusing on the opponent for a split second, then yes.
I had some low-mental player tell me he couldn't ADS and look at the minimap at the same time and ragequit (obviously you won't be looking at the minimap the entire time but just glancing at it). Also, it's 5am and I'm procrastinating so I'm writing here instead.
I tried out not having a crosshair in OW, and I felt like I did betterz strengthened my muscle memory and focus.
Everybody gangsta till you realise that you don't even know how to use your eyes
I guess if I could see the eyes of an ant I would be a pro gamer . Loving your content.
Hm what i do is focus around the whole middle of the screen, so basically where im looking, rather than the crosshair. Always target first then when aligned, it becomes a 80% target focus and a 20% crosshair focus. And crosshair positioning left to muscle memory mostly.
I sometimes use aim400kg.com to warm or sharpen up. Zoom in to make the area as big as possible.
I agree with you, and the most important thing is keep practicing (like Shroud always said)
@@meikahariani5050 ive started debating if i should pick up kovaaks. maybe on sale
When this really matters is in a gun fight and if you are shooting your gun then absolutely focus fully on the enemy and nothing else. Do not look at your crosshair. Watch the thing that's isnt in your control. The saying is eye on the ball. You focus on what u want to hit, and not what you're hitting with.
For me it is that when i focus onto one Point for too long, let's say im Holding an angle, then after some time my eyes cant focus anymore and my vision gets blurry automatically. Then i have to Focus again really hard to see clear.
!!!!!!!!!!! any solution for that?
@@azoom962 I think it's just that i'm tired so my eyes start to lose focus. On other days when I'm not tired i can hold an angle for a solid minute lol
this is also a big reason why ppl in games say what your ammo is, how much health you have, etc it eases the burden you have to carry by looking yourself so the next time u get pissed at ur teammate for saying info info u can just look at remember that teammate is pretty making it so u have one less thing to look at at that point in time which in some situations can be the difference maker between winning a round and losing
just keep your crosshair to the height of head and get so used to it so you don't need to focus on crosshair , then make your focus the enviroment....pro tip TBH