They're not gone. More than likely you'll be able to see them again in one form or another. Where will you see them? I just don't know however, this life definitely isn't it in our spiritual journey. ✌️
By eternity, I meant like never seeing them physically in earth. That’s what interests me...they’re in a whole different dimension while we’re still stuck here in this shit hole matrix
Exactly man, that’s why I’m not too afraid of death. I feel like it might just be a matter of time until something comes about it again. Be it millions billions or trillions of years.
With all the chaos and disasters and deaths happening daily across the world, there is little peace in people's hearts. What most don't understand is that true peace can only come from knowing Jesus.The most important decision you will ever make is where you will spend eternity. The Bible says that you can know that you have eternal life in heaven, but If you are putting your trust in anything other than the finished work of Jesus on the cross to get you to heaven, you do not understand God's way. Please let me share with you how you can know you have a home in heaven. The Bible says that we are all sinners. When God created Adam and Eve, He made them perfect without sin, but they chose to disobey God and became sinful in nature. This sin nature was passed down to all humanity. Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: Your sin separates you from God. Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God; A holy, righteous God cannot allow sin into heaven. Sin must be paid for and God's price for sin is death, but not just a physical death, but a spiritual death which means separation from God forever in a lake of fire in hell. Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. In the Old Testament when man sinned, God required the sacrifice of a perfectly spotless lamb as a substitute to pay for the sins of each person. The blood of that lamb was only a temporary payment for their sin and so this had to be done often. Jesus Christ, God's Son took on flesh, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and offered Himself as that perfect, spotless Lamb and shed His blood as payment for the sins of the whole world. John 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. Jesus loved you so much He WILLINGLY came and allowed wicked men to spit on Him, mock Him and scourge Him until He was unrecognizable as a man. They stripped him naked, thrust a crown of thorns on His head and nailed His hands and feet to a cross. He hung in agony for hours bleeding, thirsting, struggling for every breath. He died innocently in your place so that you could be saved from going to hell. It was His blood that satisfied the just demands of a holy God. God will not accept anything else. There is no greater love than that! John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. The good news is that Jesus didn't stay dead in the grave. He came back to life 3 days later just like He promised and He still lives today! Matthew 28:5 And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. 6. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. Friend, Jesus did all this because He wants to give you the FREE gift of eternal life in heaven with Him! You cannot do anything to earn your own way into heaven. You can't work for it, be baptized for it, go to church for it or try to be good enough for it. It is a FREE gift that God is offering to you if you will simply receive it by faith. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9. Not of works, lest any man should boast. God said there is only one way to get to heaven, but it is not hard. You must admit you are a sinner headed for hell. You must believe that Jesus died and paid for your sin with His own blood on the cross, was buried and 3 days later rose from the dead. Then you must repent and turn to God and call on Him for mercy to save you from hell and give you eternal life in heaven with Him. Romans 10:9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 13. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. None of us deserve God's mercy and grace, but let me warn you friend, that if you reject His FREE gift, you are already condemned and when you die, you will suffer the torment of burning in hell for eternity in a lake of fire where you will be forever separated from God and all that is loving and good. John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Please don't wait! Don't take the risk of putting it off until another day, repent, turn to Christ NOW wherever you are at because you aren't guaranteed to live another day on this Earth. Believe God's Word, ask Him to save you and He will just like He promised. ---------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like more information or don't have a church to attend, we livestream our services and would love for you to join us. You can find us on FaceBook at “Reg Kelly - Table in the Wilderness”, on Sermon Audio (Reg Kelly, Liberty Faith Bible Church), on UA-cam (Liberty Faith Church and Reg Kelly Sermons) and on the web (Liberty Faith Bible Church, Norwood, Mo.).
You will be reincarnation as a new being, losing your present consciousness. Your thoughts will come to an end and this will be the beginning of a new life. We both soul will probably never meet but happy journey ❤️ to your immortal soul in this eternal universe 🙏. Hare krishna 🙏
My biggest fear isn’t really dying, but just how short life really is. It scares me so bad to think that as I get older I won’t be able to do the things I used to be able to and loved. To see friends and family pass on. To know the inevitability of my own death and that I won’t have the time to do everything I wanted. It’s impossible. I guess I fear aging. Idk Wow. I really didn't think that so many people felt the same way. It makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one.
Jason Ihrig: Yep, that's just about the way it is. Just cannot be candy-coated. But gotta do the best we can while we can - because no outside forces here to look out for our ass.
The fact that everyone in the comments is going to die really, really scares me... Edit : just to clarify, I’m not scared of death itself, I’m just scared that everyone in the comments will once die and be forgotten when they’re currently alive
When my sister passed away 6 years ago, she knew she was dying. She told my mom in the car on the way to the hospital that if she didn't make it, to tell all of us she loved us. Her death put life into perspective for me and to this day, I struggle with the anxiety of dying. For me, it's more so about the pain that may be and having to no longer experience life with my family and loved ones. I have a daughter, and the thought of one or the other of us not getting to go through life with the other is so sad to me. Losing someone you love unexpectedly opens your eyes and shows you just how important it is to live while you're alive. How important pictures and memories are. Because the day we die, that's what we become, a memory.
You’re right! What’s so interesting is, how we take loved ones who are alive for granted-until we think about life without them, and it renewals our relationship with that loved one. Idk how to explain that emotion, but it’s just deeply THERE.
Don't be brainwashed by the cartels on this earth. They want to keep us as their slaves. We can't die because we are constantly being created. We consist of quarks which are constantly bursting forth spinning billions of times a second as 3 points of light forming protons and neutrons. This constantly bursting forth of quarks and the constant vibrating/pulsating of atoms means we are constantly being created. Atoms spin as positive/negative poles. WE consist of 7 billion billion billion atoms. Each one is an electrical energy field. We are senders and receivers. You could calm yourself and then listen for your sister's voice. She still exists. Get the book Hands of Light written by the physicist Barbara Brennan. She says we are eternal holograms and eternal electrical energy fields.
I'll let you in on a secret. You pass from death to life. If you're alive, then you made to Heaven on Earth. I don't believe in the other, (even though I've caught glimpse of it for a split second or less). However, to be fair I haven't ever met you & it is possible you might not belong here. Hopefully all that should of never been are already gone for good. That is what I truly know to be. Too long to explain any further. Peace to all!
*I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.* (Jesus Christ - the One who rose from the dead)
Hear answers from our Redeemer Himself whom you call Jesus, at the bottom of this comment is more of the Word of the Lord spoken to this generation; "11/15/04 From The Lord, Our God and Savior The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear (Regarding the state of the dead[1]) Thus says The Lord: All people sleep in death, both those who have done good and those who have done evil. In no way are they among the living, nor are they aware. They know nothing at all, for all their thoughts have perished with them. All remain at rest, until the day I call them to awake; some to the first, the resurrection of life, and many more to the second, the resurrection of judgment. Blessed and holy are those who take part in the first resurrection. For over them the second death[2] has no power, as it is written.[3] You have heard it said: To be absent from the body Is to be present with The Lord[4]... This saying is true... For all those who die in Messiah will Indeed look upon Him at the Last Day,[5] Yet it will be to them as the blink of an eye... For the dead know not the passage of time, Nor do they know they have fallen asleep... Thus there is indeed life after death, Yet during death there is most certainly not. For I tell you the truth, if there is life during death, as it is commonly taught amongst the people, then none truly die. And if all have the victory over death, then all are like The Messiah; thereby making The New Covenant useless and the resurrection of no effect. This teaching is false, denying both the sacrifice of The Messiah and the Word of God. For if none truly die, then The Messiah is no longer the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. And if He is not the first to be freed from death and the grave, then The Messiah did not die. And if The Messiah did not die, then the power of sin has the victory and the grave has become your final resting place, leaving you with no hope of salvation. Yet the Scriptures do not lie. The wages of sin is death;[6] from the beginning, I declared it! And yet the churches continue to stand divided against themselves, corrupting My Word as they fall in line with satan, deceiving and being deceived, preaching, “You will not surely die,”[7] teaching that which runs contrary to the Scriptures. Therefore, hear the Word of The Lord, O foolish and deceived generation: If as you say, there is no death and all continue on as living spirits, whether it be in Heaven or in hell or in some other place, then you also say there is no God and no Savior who was sent to save you from the penalty of sin, which is death. Where then does that leave you? You are lost, a people without hope, multitudes of deceived people waiting for their own inevitable destruction, a creation wrought in vain! Yet The Messiah did indeed pay the penalty for your sins, even unto death... He is risen, The Firstborn from the dead; by which you are also delivered from death, if you so choose to receive of His life, if you so choose to embrace Him as He truly is! For He alone will stretch out His hand in that day And lift His beloved from the grave, in which all must sleep, Save those who remain awake at His coming, as it is written[8]... And behold, the time is indeed coming, when all Who are in the grave will hear His voice and come out... Those who have done good, to the resurrection of life... And those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judgment... I AM THE LORD."
Anyone else currently having a winter existential depression and just binge-watching a bunch of deep philosophical videos. Just me? *EDIT: December 2019 me had no clue how bad things would get in 2020.*
I remember when I was held at gun point… moments before it happened I felt physically in my body something was wrong. When they approached me I knew it was going to be one of my final moments in life…. My first thought while being padded down was “at least I don’t have to work tomorrow.” Then my thought right after was “I’m going to die tonight. Right here.” Then everything around me felt so calm & I was ready to face death. It almost felt like everything was a dream. Reality around me was like altered for a moment. But the next thing I hear is “run before I shoot you.” & I ran for my life. I swear yall, in that moment I really felt my soul or being or consciousness slowly leaving the tip of my head. But it was so comforting. If you feel nervous about death, remember to just see your loved ones. Love them. Be with them. Even if it means being a bigger person, be it! You’re not promised to be a person again tomorrow.
What you experienced is an endorphin rush brought on by what you thought was your impending death. It's the brains way of trying to keep you calm and reduce the emotional stress of dying. If you want to experience that feeling again without actually facing death eat tons of extremely hot chilli peppers. You must push through the pain barrier and keep on eating more chillies until you feel dizzy and your ears begin to whistle. After that you will feel calm ,relaxed and in a great mood because your brain will think " HEY WE'RE BEING BURNED TO DEATH! " and release a large amount of endorphins into your body. This isn't a joke. I've done it many times. That's why people get addicted to eating mega hot spicy food. It's not the pain or the taste.. it's the way you feel afterwards.
@Miya yeah but that book remains unchanged from 1400 years ago. youtube these:- 9 Shocking Facts From the Quran! 8 Stunning Linguistic Miracles of The Holy Quran | Kinetic Typography 27 Undeniable Miracles of Quran 10 Surprising Scientific Miracles In The Quran
I’m not discriminating your religion or others at all, I just want to raise a question. Why is it that you think your religion shows you the true afterlife, i’m an atheist and I think all of this religious and not religious stuff is stupid because ultimately if there is a heaven, if you are a good person you deserve to go, if there isn’t you can’t do anything. Ofc no disrespect meant towards any religion at all
When I was 13, I don’t remember how but I was having serious heart pain as if a nail had pierced it. It was around 3:00 am by the time we got to the hospital (started it 11:00-ish pm). In the car ride there it’s almost like I had heard a voice. I’ve always been hearing sounds and voices, it’s just my every day life hearing them but this was different. Earlier that year my sibling passed and it’s as if I could hear their voice, trying to comfort me. I just sat there in the car, my dad yelling “just hold on [My Name], we’ll get there soon!” But I didn’t care, tears slowly appeared from my eyes, dripped down my cheeks. I never had life easy but I always tried, I never cared about myself, only those around me and in that moment, for the first time ever, I truly felt at peace, I was finally going to see her again. I don’t believe in god but I was happy to know that there was room for me somewhere. Death was the most satisfying thing I ever felt. I was calm. I was finally at peace. When I got to the hospital and survived, I still felt her as if she was next to me. I’ll never forget that gift. It showed me how valuable and short life is. Make the most of it. -Phoenix
@dasdadasd adasdads i wasnt reffering to you when I said why would you lie you moron, it was an open question because the original comment was obviously telling bullshit like, unless you're really naive to believe in Ghost and stuff, why would you lie? To make people happy? So those Fake mediums who litteraly lie to you but still make you happy, you really think it's necessary ? But someone like you certainly still believe in those shit, keep up with the delusion lol
@@thotslayer9914 You ever been knocked out? Or even fallen asleep without a dream? I've done both. In both, it is nothingness. There is no white light, nor pitch black. You sense.. nothing.. and this is what happens more than likely after death.
Bro this you have to remember that after this world there is another world where we all will stand and god will decide who has to go to paradise and who has to go to hell this is very important. If you want to learn something about this search on youtube that if there is another life after this life but also add this thing "in islam" this thing is important. I hope you will do this and I hope you will go to paradise
I am suffering from existential death anxiety, and this stuff simply does not seem to fix my problem. idek that I am so much more.. I know that one day my consciousness seizes and I cannot wrap my mind around the concept of no longer existing.. enough to trigger panic attacks.
Myrna Metaphor I have the same issues :/ fucking sucks whenit happens, even worse, usually happens when I'm about to fall asleep. And I have to get up to drink water or something.
Cake Lord same I have to force my self to snap out of it and distract my mind by watching tv and forget the thoughts I found that listening to music at night helps
Whenever I think “I don’t remember consciousness before I was born, so how can there be consciousness after we die,” I think about how I don’t remember being born or being a baby AT ALL. So there could certainly be thousands of experiences we’ve had prior to -and will have after- birth.
@G Ghee You are not stuck forever. We will have a afterlife and you have to justify youself in front of god. This life has a reason. Think about the good and bad things in life. This is a test for ourself how we handle things. If this life is meaningless we can kill each other with no problem. But we dont because we know that there is and has to be something. When you are in heaven than you are not stuck forever. You will not be able to to thinn about "Im stuck forever". God will give you this present and you will be very happy and dont think about if you are stuck or not
G Ghee The time that we are normally used is indeed just the planet rotating around the Sun, but time in of itself is indeed real and even considered by some as the fourth dimension.
@@ghostly2.3 Because no man is afraid of life, only death. Everybody believes in the lies you are told in life, but the one true truth that is true for everyone is death, and people dont accept it
@Big Al I dont mean everybody has different deaths as in how they die, what I mean is that everybody feels differently about death. Somebody like you looks forward to death, while others fear it. Some may think death is a person. Death is what ever you imagine it to be
I was in coma. During that coma i had 17 distinct journeys. In fact when i "came round" many months later, i thought i was still in coma and on journey 18. During those journeys that medically speaking was a length of time where as a human being i was pirouetting between life and death. No tunnels, no epitaphs laced with gold, just different dimensions. Parallel beings, lives. Beings made up of energy's, existence being made out of senses. On 1 of my journeys in coma i physically lived under the sea, the oceans. On the sea floor. Yup. It was utterly sublime. So now? Of course physically i am not a well fellow, yet i have no fear. If i was asked after coma what does it teach me about death in 1 word? I would say it is a "gateway" from 1 dimension to the other. I fluttered between them for quite a while. I know when eventually i succumb to my physical being no more, i will go on to have the busiest time of my existence when i am "dead". So i will. Be peaceful, be healthy and be strong. Loveness to you all. Xx
In Greek myth, there were two gods, the sons of Nyx, the goddess of the night. Those sons were Hypnos, god of dreams and Thanatos, god of death. They were twins. This is to signify that the Greeks believed that dreams and the concept of death were closely related to one another.
I will die someday but this comment will keep me alive forever . Edit : thanks for so much love . And I m just 20 now so its time 😂😂 Wish u all very happy and healthy and successful life . Love from 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 INDIA🇮🇳❤💕
My biggest fear of death is not my death but actually seeing my parents leave me behind .. I am 24 now they are hitting 45-50.. Whenever i think of the idea that year by year they are getting older and that one day they will be gone, It does crush my heart.. I hope that there is a chance of being together in the after world and not lose concious about who you were and who was ur sis/bro and parents & friends.
I have exactly the same thought. After watching my Grandad die 2 years ago, death has scared me. And the thought of having to go through that again with my parents breaks my heart. I'm glad you said that too
I know this might sound weird, but sometimes i want to die just to experience what lies beyond death. I am always interested in what happens after death, but i love living life to much to actually go there.
I think the hardest thing dealing with death that most people miss is how important every moment with someone really is. We hold on to grudges and hate within our hearts for people and when they are gone just like that without saying goodbye is something that most people have a hard time dealing with in their life. They then start blaming themselves for not taking the time to call someone or go see someone. I see it all the time around me people are struggling to move forward because they are holding on to the past and they haven’t forgiven themselves for their actions before that person time expired on earth. People just don’t genuinely love someone until they are gone and that’s the wrong time to love them love them while they are here with us. There’s too much hate in the world not enough love. For those who lost someone that close to them I hope that you forgive yourself and move forward don’t ever lose the memories.
James, my son, my only boy. If you are somehow still out there, know that I will never stop missing you. I'll never stop loving you. I wish I could hold you again in my arms.
He is there friend im positive of it. All our loved one's are there. As Einstein said energy cannot be destroyed it just transforms to another state or being. Its that state of energy that we have alot to learn about yet, we touch on it when we dream or have near death experiences and science is getting close to it everyday with the growing research into quantum physics.
blue lining I think I’ll think oh I should have done more whilst in mortality. However, I think that already. I should have done more with ‘my’ 20’s. My 30’s. Since the day I left school. It’s ok there’s today. Can still learn the lesson.
@@MrGibo2000 I have watched tons of videos of NDE, we have to believe, that there is after life world which is full of unconditional love . And they are actually here with us, only unseen to us because we are not in the same frequency. LOVE does not disappear , Try to feel their presence.
@Sandra Turajlich , I'm so sorry. I don't know how you ever get over the loss of one of your Children. My Wife passed 5 Months ago. She was also 44. I am absolutely lost and devastated.
Yeah, but I often think of death as eternal sleep. Though normally time passes by instantly when unconscious, I only sense time when I'm conscious, that is, when I'm dreaming. But in death, is it unconsciousness for eternity or there's another life after death and once you die, you'll asap get teleported to your afterlife?
@@vedantsridhar8378 sleep is nothing like death, the closest thing to it is going under anaesthesia for surgery, I experienced it(or rather the lack of experience) and there was simply nothing during the period when I was drugged and waking up
@@apollo5726 I've been afraid of death most of my life because I can't stop thinking of all the things I won't get to do, or all the good times with my girlfriend and family I'll miss out on. But to regret dying "early" or dying at all is to miss the entire point of life. Now I've learned that death will come as surely as the sun will rise, and instead of fighting it I enjoy every single day, every moment and approve it all that much more. That's what this quote means to me personally. Death is as natural as life. No pleasure without pain, right?
I'm not afraid of die at all, only the pain which I would endure in the process. The thought of what's on the other side excites me, yet time will come precisely when it should. This video is enlightening, makes me want to take my daughter out of school and just LIVE!
I nearly drowned once and I remember giving up trying to save myself and in that moment I accepted I was going to die I felt the most tranquility and peace I’ve ever felt. I just knew everything was going to be fine.
@@Evilswitch-q1o I had a similar experience. Except is scared the shit out me having these black figures in my minds eye telling me its ok to let go. I am very scientific though, I just put it down to an hallucination in a very stressful situation, which is probably what happened. The brain is very powerful at making you deluded, at feeding you false information.
Imaging dying, and then get so see a 1 hour movie of the life you lived. The best moments, the saddest moment and so on. And then after that, move on to the next thing.
I was thinking that just yesterday! I thought "I wish, after I die I could watch the entire motion picture of my life, like a domino topple - finally done, so it can be released."
That's why ya gotta live it whilst you're around breathing. Though you did not ask for it you only get this chance once, live well, be happy as much as you can, harm nobody. e.
Hobert Crittenden woah if u don’t remember dying and u don’t remember being born what if your life is just on a whole cycle because you never remember it starting for ending
Your comment was exactly what entered my head 5 minutes ago, then searched for you tube video and here I am, it's got to be the most difficult thing any human could think about
Let it go, there is not really a point in thinking about that because it's a mystery to everyone. And we do not have evidence of anything that happens, so it's best to let it go
Let me tell you what bad advice looks like. “Let it go”. “Just live long and try to have fun”. Don’t do those things. It won’t matter how happy you are if you don’t at least have a belief as to why you exist.
Think about this: Death is an illusion if you know the ego is an illusion. the ego is just a false identity that you created due to your surroundings and self awareness, but behind that we all come from the same God. God is the universe, it’s pure consciousness. The ego is the only thing that separates us. We are all just different perceptions of the universe. life is eternal. Death is just a removal of separateness. We’re all one. When you die, it’s as if nothing ever happened, you return to that same place you were before you were born. But it’s not something an ego can comprehend cuz it’s complete nothingness, it’s not an experience. It just is.
gavv mate except you don’t know death is like that. You’re assuming that because that’s how it was before we were born or in surgery, that must be how it is after we die. And you don’t know that.
Marion Towle, You live because life is a gift. Dying is a natural for all humans and living things. Us being Human, we take on a different and a more emotional outlook to passing on. It's easy for me to say. But I try to take a positive outlook about it. There's nothing that I can do to prevent my final time here.
@@SweeneyBourque That must have been a shock to the entire family? I remember my late father saying that when his time came he hoped it would be quick and that he would know nothing about it. He also said that the sad part of that particular scenario was the shock that would be felt by family and friends.
This is why I love UA-cam. You log on and randomly get recommended an amazing video with beautiful visuals, captivating music, unique perspectives, and thought-provoking quotes that inspire you to stop, think, and enjoy this current moment of life with gratitude… All in just 4 minutes.
i just want to tell you my perspectives of life: to me, life is like a book, it all starts on the prologue, then goes on to chapter one after another year of life, sometimes books end on chapter 13 or chapter 60, but just know, one day our final chapter will come, all of has will one day finish our book, and become apart of as i call the “book shelf” or “the library”, sometimes people will skim through out book (loved ones sharing memories of us) but we will all one day, finish our final chapter thank you for reading
Not necessarily true, because tomorrow for you is also not guaranteed. You can die at any moment, how ever unlikely it may be, the possibility that your grandparents out live you is still there.
@@jayprky agreed for some reason if feel like its a ticking bomb waiting to be pulled and i try not to think about it but its the harsh truth am already depressed and am not at all prepared for this and idk what am gonna do when that time will come
@@thenorseprodigy7466 I hear ya.... u can start to go down the rabbit hole thinking of all the worst possible things or the best ones that is waiting for you..either way u still exist if you can perceive either or.
@NitroLPR9 Same for me. I'm not afraid of dying. I am terrified of dying while in pain because that will be the last thing I remember before I close my eyes.
I asked my mom if we were living in a simulation and if anything is real. I guess she was not in the best mood. She pulled off her shoe and asked me how how real I thought that shoe would feel across my head.
We ask ourselves though, what is it all for? Not death, but life... for what purpose did I experience these lessons, why must I change, why does it matter if I experience it or not? Who controls this? Our own ego controls everything? Our soul? Is it us that founds the experience of life to create a development in the state of mind, relating to the entire...everything?
Nate River Don't want to be a downer skeptic in this woo parade you guys are having in this comment section. But why would a spirit choose a life of a premature child, or say some starving child in Africa? What idiotic spirits, don't you think? That they would go out of their way playing around in limbo just to end up in a body that sucks and somehow "learn" from it... I guess you can bring up Steven Hawking..yes he had issues and came out strong and well known. But what about a baby with terrible lungs who only had weeks to live, or say an unborn... How about fetus abortions? I came to life just to get aborted by some regretful bitch, a so called "mother"... I've learned that humans hate kids now, is that it?
ArdinVincent If spirits do exist, and inhabit more higher planes of existence, why bother coming to this 3 dimensional temp universe? If they came to learn and experience in this supposed "ultimate existence/challenge-verse", then what stops them from experiencing the same in the spiritual realm(s)?
It’s pointless to even fear anything after death. There could only be one of two scenarios: A) you die and that’s the end of you just like before you were born B) you physically die but your awareness or consciousness remains in the light of peace for eternity Now, in case of scenario (A) it wouldn’t matter because you wouldn’t know, feel or sense anything In case of scenario (B) you’ll know for sure that your loved ones will eventually join you in the eternal and again there’s no point to worry about anything
joel gonzalez 1 John 4:10 In this is love:Not that we loved God,but that he sent his only son (JESUS)as the atoning sacrifice for our sin Worry no more!
It's not death itself that I fear, it's the fear of not accomplishing everything I want BEFORE death and not living my best life. And it's not going well so far
@@mariguanaiguana motivation is the biggest problem for me, I recently stopped doing things that I once enjoyed and am good at. And there is actually no reason, which may be worse than having a reason? Idk, maybe this is a phase or something 😆 I hope things get better for both of us ♡
Contra Land “No reason” may actually be a reason. It honestly sounds like a textbook definition of minor depression. But good luck! I hope it gets better too!
I've had a near death experience, I'm an atheist and I'm still an atheist but that was the day I stopped fearing death because all I remember is how warm, calm, peaceful and beautiful everything around me seemed to be. It took me a month to fully recover but I've never forgotten that day 28 years later.
@@svndvs Many people know the life of this world is very beautiful and amazing but many people do not know that in the life of this world there is one very important test, the test is WHO IS THE REAL GOD TO EVERYTHING IN THIS LIFE.. so your very importan mission in this life is seek (and accept) the truth (religion) before death comes to you because this life is your first and last chance for you to get the true religion from God .. Who fail in this test will go to Hell forever n who pass this test will go to Heaven forever, so for me NDE is useless
i’m not scared of death, i’m scared of getting to the end of life knowing that i didn’t live up to my fullest potential. leaving this world knowing that i never truly lived; i just tried to survive (not being homeless, going to work and school more than half of my life). having spent most of my days trying to survive in this world instead of actually living in it, enjoying it, & appreciating it.
Turn that fear into motivation. Don’t think of what you could’ve done or what you did do, think of what you can do in the amount of time given. The definition of a fulfilled life can be different from person to person. That gives us a lot of flexibility with how we go about fulfilling it because there are no rules to happiness. If you want to experience the world then go do it, there’s nothing stopping you.
This is a fragment of your life, this is the beginning. When we die that's when we start our lives. If you believe in Jesus, then you'll go to heaven, if you don't, you'll go to hell
Dear future self: The time is 1:30 am. April 9th 2021. You are high in bed counting down your days till graduation and reminiscing from all your years. Hope you’re well dawg ✅
People say it’s like going back to before you were born but what about our thoughts and memories and our consciousness? it’s such a scary thought, most of the time I don’t think about it but when I do it hits hard
*Consciousness is NOT Fundamental ! It consists of 2 Components; 1. An Analytical Process involving the brain, and 2. "AWARENESS" which is NOT a human Component, but instead is Non-Dimensional, and in NO WAY represents, nor even remotely looks anything like any species, including the human species !*
“Once you stop fearing death that’s when you actually starting living” Edit: The meaning of this quote is that you fearing death stops you from doing certain things that life has to offer, if you fear death you are not living but only existing. Live life because all the time you have is limited and can’t be taken back.
@John Connor If you are fearing death you are not living but just existing. Consider little children they have no understanding of death yet nobody is more alive than a 3 year old.
Ben Of Kvatch ,I believe the opposite i believe there's a God. And judgement will come, but I know nothing I saw will convince y'all, so all i have to say is "only time will tell"
Ben Of Kvatch any reason you're so negative? If you don't believe if then that's great for you but don't go bashing other peoples beliefs. Respect other people's opinions and thoughts just like you would want yours to be.
Six years ago, I may not have needed this video. Today, I saw it, clicked on it, watched it. It was exactly what I needed at this time 10:38 p.m. Mountain Time on Monday, August 29th, 2022. This for me, was the example of the Heavens and Earth in perfect alignment. Thank you for being here at this exact moment when I was privileged to hear this beautiful and perfect message sent to me from the unseen.
The Bible says that it is appointed unto man once to die and then comes judgment. The most important decision you will ever make is where you will spend eternity. The Bible says that you can know that you have eternal life in heaven, but If you are putting your trust in anything other than the finished work of Jesus on the cross to get you to heaven, you do not understand God's way. Please let me share with you how you can know you have a home in heaven. The Bible says that we are all sinners. When God created Adam and Eve, He made them perfect without sin, but they chose to disobey God and became sinful in nature. This sin nature was passed down to all humanity. Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: Your sin separates you from God. Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God; A holy, righteous God cannot allow sin into heaven. Sin must be paid for and God's price for sin is death, but not just a physical death, but a spiritual death which means separation from God forever in a lake of fire in hell. Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. In the Old Testament when man sinned, God required the sacrifice of a perfectly spotless lamb as a substitute to pay for the sins of each person. The blood of that lamb was only a temporary payment for their sin and so this had to be done often. Jesus Christ, God's Son took on flesh, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and offered Himself as that perfect, spotless Lamb and shed His blood as payment for the sins of the whole world. John 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. Jesus loved you so much He WILLINGLY came and allowed wicked men to spit on Him, mock Him and scourge Him until He was unrecognizable as a man. They stripped him naked, thrust a crown of thorns on His head and nailed His hands and feet to a cross. He hung in agony for hours bleeding, thirsting, struggling for every breath. He died innocently in your place so that you could be saved from going to hell. It was His blood that satisfied the just demands of a holy God. God will not accept anything else. There is no greater love than that! John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. The good news is that Jesus didn't stay dead in the grave. He came back to life 3 days later just like He promised and He still lives today! Matthew 28:5 And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. 6. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. Friend, Jesus did all this because He wants to give you the FREE gift of eternal life in heaven with Him! You cannot do anything to earn your own way into heaven. You can't work for it, be baptized for it, go to church for it or try to be good enough for it. It is a FREE gift that God is offering to you if you will simply receive it by faith. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9. Not of works, lest any man should boast. God said there is only one way to get to heaven, but it is not hard. You must admit you are a sinner headed for hell. You must believe that Jesus died and paid for your sin with His own blood on the cross, was buried and 3 days later rose from the dead. Then you must repent and turn to God and call on Him for mercy to save you from hell and give you eternal life in heaven with Him. Romans 10:9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 13. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. None of us deserve God's mercy and grace, but let me warn you friend, that if you reject His FREE gift, you are already condemned and when you die, you will suffer the torment of burning in hell for eternity in a lake of fire where you will be forever separated from God and all that is loving and good. John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Please don't wait! Don't take the risk of putting it off until another day, repent, turn to Christ NOW wherever you are at because you aren't guaranteed to live another day on this Earth. Believe God's Word, ask Him to save you and He will just like He promised. ---------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like more information or don't have a church to attend, we livestream our services and would love for you to join us. You can find us on FaceBook at “Reg Kelly - Table in the Wilderness”, on Sermon Audio (Reg Kelly, Liberty Faith Bible Church), on UA-cam (Liberty Faith Church and Reg Kelly Sermons) and on the web (Liberty Faith Bible Church, Norwood, Mo.).
@@kelleymcfadden9675 Um, I was a bit surprised by your response. Did I give you the impression that I was a “seeker?” That I did not have a personal relationship with my Savior? FYI, I am a member of an Episcopal Church and have been baptized, confirmed in the Name of Jesus Christ, so trying to convert me is a mute point. And, if I wasn’t, I would be really insulted by the fact that you seem to have all the answers. There are many different beliefs and faiths that differ from our own and we need to respect those boundaries. An example of over reach, trying to convert Jews to Christianity. Without Judaism, there would never have been Christianity. As I said before, this was a beautiful video that I needed in that moment, made a comment about it’s perfect message, in that moment. No need to read more into it than necessary.
i feel like "worth" and "meaning" are such manufactured ideas to try and apply to something that's just a vast, endless happening plants dont grow because they see meaning in it, they just do it I feel like these concepts are just the by-products of under-evolved language
A body is useless without a brain, and therefore a Universe is useless without living beings. But eventually everything will come to an end, and when it does, we must be grateful that we got the experience of being a Universe's eyes.
I have mix feelings for Death. Sometimes I want to die just cause I can't keep up with my life no more, and I want to experience what happens afterwards even if there is nothing. But then I want to live forever and see where humans go in the future and if what we accomplish. It's weird ik
The Chode Same. Sometimes I just wanna die and see what REALLY HAPPENS when I die but then I also want to stay alive forever to see everything, if aliens are real, what will happens to us humans, etc.
“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.” -Albert Camus
This is so true and ive experienced that myself. Once I stopped chasing certain things I believed would make me happy and started to apprecaite the things I had with a positive outlook on life everything changed for me. Wanting more is not a bad thing but there is a certain limit to it. Being happy no matter what will actually attract more into your life as you will use the tools you already have to gain more if that makes sense. Call it law of attraction or whatever. Not a fan of books like the secret etc as they are more focused on money but certain parts of law of attraction is the key to happiness. 1. Live life in the moment 2. Appreciate the things you have 3. Have a positive outlook on everything and realise that god or a higher being always has a bigger plan for you no matter if you believe in religion or not. Bad things happend so that good can come out of it. May you all be happy.
Giu SRF I'm sorry to hear that bro. File a police report and hopefully those scums are put in jail then as corny as it sounds I want you to think about the positive things. You are still alive. You are still healthy enough to post that comment. You probably have family and friends whom you love. My point is that no matter what happends we still have positive things and I'm not saying ignore the bad stuff but majority of your focus should be on positive aspects on your life as that is a proven integral part of happiness.
I'm not scared of dying I'm scared of not being able to see how much humanity progresse's. I've always loved technology and the coolest things being shown in the curren situation that humanity is in.
If, when we die, we are on “the same place” than before existing, we will reborn again and again. If you can go from non-existence to existence one time, why not two? That has no sense dude
@@chiefline7084 You as a person and the memory you are with, is dead, and will never have any continuation of it. But universe will express sentience through experience, not nothingness. So in essence, universe will just experience another person's brain (from birth to death) We are not people experiencing the universe, but in contrary, we are the universe experiencing a person.
Yeah we will have another first person experience. Maybe in another planet por another life form, and everything we have in this life will cease to exist. If we are alive now, why not in a future? Nothingness does not exist.
I’m not scared of death, I’m scared of what happens after. I’m just scared of living for eternity, without end. How it never ends, but now it doesn’t make sense if I die and I’m just gone and my soul’s just gone. And these aren’t thoughts I want to think, but I can’t stop. And I’m so scared I could die any second and just be like I never existed. I’m just scared.
1:04 The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody is rushing around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.
I think when you die it’s just like before you were born. You’re not there. It’s doesn’t matter. Doesn’t hurt. It’s not good. It’s not bad. It’s just nothing. Literally nothing to fear
i mean maybe it is. whatever death is i don't see any scenario that i fear really. but if you go by that thought, have you ever considered that you might live again? if it is the same as before, then it might repeat itself over and over
My friend you are wrong. That is called annihaltionism. It is a very sobering reality when you realize that if you are outside of the kingdom of god you will lift up your eyes into a place of despair and torment. HELL is real. In hell all you do is FEAR, in hell you are in AGONY, in hell it is nothing but BAD. But being with CHRIST is nothing but good. REPENT, BELIEVE on the GOSPEL, ask GOD for the HOLY SPRIT, and he will give you him. Surrender your life to Christ, leave your wicked worldly lusts/desires, pick up your cross and follow HIM. Obey jesus. Prepare to meet thy God Amos 4:12 says.
@@brothersamuelrogers8138 i would not complain at all if we meet him. i have always been open minded because to me nobody walking this earth can be sure of what death will really bring
I used to believe that, but now I think that's a lie we've been told. This is just a short blip of our existence, but b/c as humans we are so limited, it seems like everything. I'm really looking forward to what's next.
Same for me. I hope it’s not a tragic passing or something painful. I imagine best case scenario I’m very old, and I have plenty of time to know I’m dying, and that it’ll be peaceful and painless.
I took care of a patient once and he told me that when we die we simply join an energy that is around everywhere kind of like the wind, you can see and feel all but yet you are nowhere.
@Jonathan Hughes saved from what my sin that I didn't ask for? God does not accomplish ANYTHING in the lives of others. I reject you and ... I REJECT HIS SPIRIT !!!!!
We go to sleep every night, into the unknown, without knowing if we'll ever wake up!. Think of that every time you decide that you fear death. Your a fearless one, you prove it night after night!
I am soooo happy to be alive. You only live once. Something I’ve been believing since age of 10. We all are so privileged to be on this earth on this very day. Make the most you can in your life. ♥️😊
humans are really just the universe becoming conscious and exploring itself. We’re chaotic, messy, we fight, we love, we’re random and unpredictable and it’s awesome. Everything you want is already in you and you’re not separate from everything else. you *are* everything else.
Yoink or be yoinked I love what you just said.. I came to this realization a while back and I think this is the absolute truth. We are the universe. You are me. I am you! Everything is one. We are the universe just figuring itself out!
When we die, we will meet God, our creator. He will ask us: Whats have you done with your time, what havr you done with your life. We will all be guilty of sin. But when we personally know Jesus Christ and that he took away our sin, we will be forever in heaven with God. If we don't know the savior we will go to hell. But.. it is still the time that we can get to know Jesus Christ, the saviour. Read the bible and ask God who He is en who we are for Him.
*if reincarnation is real* imagine being like 16 and dying, but then being reborn, but your family from your past life is still alive, and living their life, and still grieving over you, but you have no idea they exist, and they have no idea you exist, or that you're them. Someone walking around, or a baby in a stroller on the street could be a person you lost.
We all are immortal, technically, we all are 10th dimensional beings that chose this 3rd dimensional universe. Therefore, it is true that the purpose of life is live.
babies are born bloody screaming and crying which doesn't imply they were happy to be here if death is just like before we were born that means it's back to genetics dna code to be recycled back to this reality with no memories of the last life we lived. "born again" which would suck to do this life and die all over again and again and again.
@@ts4686 yeah well besides drugs and drug overdoses sleeping is as close to getting away from this reality and as close to a death simulation us living can get.
@@scottrocket3274 How do you know that? How do you know what death is like? Do you believe we keep dreaming and processing when we die, as we do during sleep?
@@ts4686 there are no known knows in death all I speak about when concerning death is from my own near death experiences I used to play with hard drugs that brought me closer to death then most people and quite a few times.Seen my own body dead.Also seen a white light outside my bedroom door.To make a type of comparison Yes I do believe Death is like a knocked out dream state that lasts forever. Upon my own OBE near death experience i was not hot not cold.clearish see through white like a ghost. With a sense of weightless float to me. As to make a comparison It was like a dream.The interesting part was seeing with my non physical eyes.Which leads me to believe we do continue to exist after we die.When I seen myself dead I was purple so I had to have been dead for awhile.
My grandpa passed away yesterday and the day before he was screaming and calling for help and now i just lost my self and being heavily impacted by everything this hurts it hurt so much and will never recover
Its crazy how you see a person almost everyday in your life, then the next day they’re gone (physically)for eternity...
Not for eternity. A short time only.
They're not gone. More than likely you'll be able to see them again in one form or another. Where will you see them? I just don't know however, this life definitely isn't it in our spiritual journey. ✌️
And then you are as well. We're like flowers. Long living ones hopefully.
not necessarily for eternity................
By eternity, I meant like never seeing them physically in earth. That’s what interests me...they’re in a whole different dimension while we’re still stuck here in this shit hole matrix
The fact that we've been dead for billion of years before we were born is hard to imagine. Time really is meaningless when we die
Exactly man, that’s why I’m not too afraid of death. I feel like it might just be a matter of time until something comes about it again. Be it millions billions or trillions of years.
@@zaza-pn5pn I never thought about it like that. You have a good point.
We never were dead we were created
@@catoams That brings up so many strange amazing questions, glad you mentioned it. Just, what *is* death?
Not being born isn't necessarily the same as having died. At least not that we know of.
"I am not afraid to die. I'm just scared that I haven't been alive enough."
Bruh ya profile pic looks like the zodiac killer
you stole that from me
Well said.
I'll be taking this
Lol I'm the 666th like
When I think about death, it gives me shivers.. not because I’m scared of death, it’s because I’m scared of not seeing the things I enjoy anymore.
I reconnend two article for read.. 1 The Journey after Death The Religion of Islam 2 Death and the Hereafter Islamic Pamphlets
With all the chaos and disasters and deaths happening daily across the world, there is little peace in people's hearts. What most don't understand is that true peace can only come from knowing Jesus.The most important decision you will ever make is where you will spend eternity. The Bible says that you can know that you have eternal life in heaven, but If you are putting your trust in anything other than the finished work of Jesus on the cross to get you to heaven, you do not understand God's way. Please let me share with you how you can know you have a home in heaven.
The Bible says that we are all sinners. When God created Adam and Eve, He made them perfect without sin, but they chose to disobey God and became sinful in nature. This sin nature was passed down to all humanity.
Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
Your sin separates you from God.
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God;
A holy, righteous God cannot allow sin into heaven. Sin must be paid for and God's price for sin is death, but not just a physical death, but a spiritual death which means separation from God forever in a lake of fire in hell.
Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
In the Old Testament when man sinned, God required the sacrifice of a perfectly spotless lamb as a substitute to pay for the sins of each person. The blood of that lamb was only a temporary payment for their sin and so this had to be done often. Jesus Christ, God's Son took on flesh, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and offered Himself as that perfect, spotless Lamb and shed His blood as payment for the sins of the whole world.
John 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
Jesus loved you so much He WILLINGLY came and allowed wicked men to spit on Him, mock Him and scourge Him until He was unrecognizable as a man. They stripped him naked, thrust a crown of thorns on His head and nailed His hands and feet to a cross. He hung in agony for hours bleeding, thirsting, struggling for every breath. He died innocently in your place so that you could be saved from going to hell. It was His blood that satisfied the just demands of a holy God. God will not accept anything else.
There is no greater love than that!
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
The good news is that Jesus didn't stay dead in the grave. He came back to life 3 days later just like He promised and He still lives today!
Matthew 28:5 And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.
6. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
Friend, Jesus did all this because He wants to give you the FREE gift of eternal life in heaven with Him!
You cannot do anything to earn your own way into heaven. You can't work for it, be baptized for it, go to church for it or try to be good enough for it. It is a FREE gift that God is offering to you if you will simply receive it by faith.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9. Not of works, lest any man should boast.
God said there is only one way to get to heaven, but it is not hard. You must admit you are a sinner headed for hell. You must believe that Jesus died and paid for your sin with His own blood on the cross, was buried and 3 days later rose from the dead. Then you must repent and turn to God and call on Him for mercy to save you from hell and give you eternal life in heaven with Him.
Romans 10:9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
13. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
None of us deserve God's mercy and grace, but let me warn you friend, that if you reject His FREE gift, you are already condemned and when you die, you will suffer the torment of burning in hell for eternity in a lake of fire where you will be forever separated from God and all that is loving and good.
John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
Please don't wait! Don't take the risk of putting it off until another day, repent, turn to Christ NOW wherever you are at because you aren't guaranteed to live another day on this Earth. Believe God's Word, ask Him to save you and He will just like He promised.
If you would like more information or don't have a church to attend, we livestream our services and would love for you to join us.
You can find us on FaceBook at “Reg Kelly - Table in the Wilderness”, on Sermon Audio (Reg Kelly, Liberty Faith Bible Church), on UA-cam (Liberty Faith Church and Reg Kelly Sermons) and on the web (Liberty Faith Bible Church, Norwood, Mo.).
@@kelleymcfadden9675 the problem with bible is, Idiots kept changing the bible over and over again
@@187Zaidan this.
You will be reincarnation as a new being, losing your present consciousness.
Your thoughts will come to an end and this will be the beginning of a new life.
We both soul will probably never meet but happy journey ❤️ to your immortal soul in this eternal universe 🙏.
Hare krishna 🙏
My biggest fear isn’t really dying, but just how short life really is. It scares me so bad to think that as I get older I won’t be able to do the things I used to be able to and loved. To see friends and family pass on. To know the inevitability of my own death and that I won’t have the time to do everything I wanted. It’s impossible. I guess I fear aging. Idk
Wow. I really didn't think that so many people felt the same way. It makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one.
Jason Ihrig then theres nothing stopping you from keeping all that up man, just cherish all you can
Jason Ihrig: Yep, that's just about the way it is. Just cannot be candy-coated. But gotta do the best we can while we can - because no outside forces here to look out for our ass.
Your comment almost made me cry cause I feel the exact same way
God I literally think about that every day.
You can slow down time actually keep looking at the clock time seems to go slower when you do that
The fact that everyone in the comments is going to die really, really scares me...
Edit : just to clarify, I’m not scared of death itself, I’m just scared that everyone in the comments will once die and be forgotten when they’re currently alive
i refuse
sunset fax bruh
Nah I’m not dying
@@fastbreakbank Technically we are all sloooowly dying
sunset not me slim simply just gonna say no
I’m not scared of death, I’m scared of not knowing what’s on the other side.
I'll see dude 🙏
@joel - there is nothing to be scared of. Because there is nothing.
Religion is the answer. Learn the answer
Fear is not real, it’s just a result of our imagination.
@@youngyahye4765 religion is a easy answer, not the absolute truth.
When my sister passed away 6 years ago, she knew she was dying. She told my mom in the car on the way to the hospital that if she didn't make it, to tell all of us she loved us. Her death put life into perspective for me and to this day, I struggle with the anxiety of dying. For me, it's more so about the pain that may be and having to no longer experience life with my family and loved ones. I have a daughter, and the thought of one or the other of us not getting to go through life with the other is so sad to me. Losing someone you love unexpectedly opens your eyes and shows you just how important it is to live while you're alive. How important pictures and memories are. Because the day we die, that's what we become, a memory.
You’re right!
What’s so interesting is, how we take loved ones who are alive for granted-until we think about life without them, and it renewals our relationship with that loved one.
Idk how to explain that emotion, but it’s just deeply THERE.
Don't be brainwashed by the cartels on this earth. They want to keep us as their slaves. We can't die because we are constantly being created. We consist of quarks which are constantly bursting forth spinning billions of times a second as 3 points of light forming protons and neutrons. This constantly bursting forth of quarks and the constant vibrating/pulsating of atoms means we are constantly being created.
Atoms spin as positive/negative poles. WE consist of 7 billion billion billion atoms. Each one is an electrical energy field. We are senders and receivers. You could calm yourself and then listen for your sister's voice. She still exists.
Get the book Hands of Light written by the physicist Barbara Brennan. She says we are eternal holograms and eternal electrical energy fields.
I'll let you in on a secret. You pass from death to life.
If you're alive, then you made to Heaven on Earth. I don't believe in the other, (even though I've caught glimpse of it for a split second or less).
However, to be fair I haven't ever met you & it is possible you might not belong here.
Hopefully all that should of never been are already gone for good.
That is what I truly know to be.
Too long to explain any further.
Peace to all!
*I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.* (Jesus Christ - the One who rose from the dead)
Hear answers from our Redeemer Himself whom you call Jesus, at the bottom of this comment is more of the Word of the Lord spoken to this generation;
"11/15/04 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding the state of the dead[1])
Thus says The Lord: All people sleep in death, both those who have done good and those who have done evil. In no way are they among the living, nor are they aware. They know nothing at all, for all their thoughts have perished with them. All remain at rest, until the day I call them to awake; some to the first, the resurrection of life, and many more to the second, the resurrection of judgment. Blessed and holy are those who take part in the first resurrection. For over them the second death[2] has no power, as it is written.[3]
You have heard it said:
To be absent from the body
Is to be present with The Lord[4]...
This saying is true...
For all those who die in Messiah will
Indeed look upon Him at the Last Day,[5]
Yet it will be to them as the blink of an eye...
For the dead know not the passage of time,
Nor do they know they have fallen asleep...
Thus there is indeed life after death,
Yet during death there is most certainly not.
For I tell you the truth, if there is life during death, as it is commonly taught amongst the people, then none truly die. And if all have the victory over death, then all are like The Messiah; thereby making The New Covenant useless and the resurrection of no effect. This teaching is false, denying both the sacrifice of The Messiah and the Word of God. For if none truly die, then The Messiah is no longer the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. And if He is not the first to be freed from death and the grave, then The Messiah did not die. And if The Messiah did not die, then the power of sin has the victory and the grave has become your final resting place, leaving you with no hope of salvation.
Yet the Scriptures do not lie. The wages of sin is death;[6] from the beginning, I declared it! And yet the churches continue to stand divided against themselves, corrupting My Word as they fall in line with satan, deceiving and being deceived, preaching, “You will not surely die,”[7] teaching that which runs contrary to the Scriptures.
Therefore, hear the Word of The Lord, O foolish and deceived generation: If as you say, there is no death and all continue on as living spirits, whether it be in Heaven or in hell or in some other place, then you also say there is no God and no Savior who was sent to save you from the penalty of sin, which is death.
Where then does that leave you? You are lost, a people without hope, multitudes of deceived people waiting for their own inevitable destruction, a creation wrought in vain! Yet The Messiah did indeed pay the penalty for your sins, even unto death... He is risen, The Firstborn from the dead; by which you are also delivered from death, if you so choose to receive of His life, if you so choose to embrace Him as He truly is!
For He alone will stretch out His hand in that day
And lift His beloved from the grave, in which all must sleep,
Save those who remain awake at His coming, as it is written[8]...
And behold, the time is indeed coming, when all
Who are in the grave will hear His voice and come out...
Those who have done good, to the resurrection of life...
And those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judgment...
In 100 years, this comment section will be full of dead people.
the thought that possibly some of them are dead is scary
@@jayprky Ah you understand life is short.
AI may change that
Maybe not, now there is talk that we can live to 1000 years old 👌
If only google and youtube exist. Who knows what happens 20 years later?
Anyone else currently having a winter existential depression and just binge-watching a bunch of deep philosophical videos. Just me?
*EDIT: December 2019 me had no clue how bad things would get in 2020.*
Jay Donagh same here bro
Same brother, the winter blues never skips a year
wow yeah it must be the winter darkness bro
@@schiiiei Yep, gets harder every year lol
It's not death we fear. It's leaving the relationships we so dearly loved, behind...
some of us don't have that. we fear death.
NIc K such an underrated comment
So true. But I believe we can still hear, touch, and see them after we pass....
@@navigator1819 Your physical shell may die, but your soul lives on. We incarnate as many times as we wish.
timothy moore what if we don’t want to reincarnate anymore
If this video still exists in 100 years, than reader, I’m dead. I now know what’s on the other side.
rip bro 😢
Damn imagine being dead
100 years?
Damn that's deep this comment deserves more likes
I remember when I was held at gun point… moments before it happened I felt physically in my body something was wrong. When they approached me I knew it was going to be one of my final moments in life…. My first thought while being padded down was “at least I don’t have to work tomorrow.” Then my thought right after was “I’m going to die tonight. Right here.” Then everything around me felt so calm & I was ready to face death. It almost felt like everything was a dream. Reality around me was like altered for a moment. But the next thing I hear is “run before I shoot you.” & I ran for my life.
I swear yall, in that moment I really felt my soul or being or consciousness slowly leaving the tip of my head. But it was so comforting.
If you feel nervous about death, remember to just see your loved ones. Love them. Be with them. Even if it means being a bigger person, be it! You’re not promised to be a person again tomorrow.
Amen to that 🙏🏻💗🌏
What you experienced is an endorphin rush brought on by what you thought was your impending death. It's the brains way of trying to keep you calm and reduce the emotional stress of dying. If you want to experience that feeling again without actually facing death eat tons of extremely hot chilli peppers. You must push through the pain barrier and keep on eating more chillies until you feel dizzy and your ears begin to whistle. After that you will feel calm ,relaxed and in a great mood because your brain will think " HEY WE'RE BEING BURNED TO DEATH! " and release a large amount of endorphins into your body. This isn't a joke. I've done it many times. That's why people get addicted to eating mega hot spicy food. It's not the pain or the taste.. it's the way you feel afterwards.
@@reggieking1045 bruh stop spitting facts
You shouldn't fear death. You should fear the fact that you might haven't started to live yet
This life is not the real one... this life is just a very quick test for the real the Holy Qur'an.
Feel free to ask about any thing.
@Miya yeah but that book remains unchanged from 1400 years ago.
youtube these:-
9 Shocking Facts From the Quran!
8 Stunning Linguistic Miracles of The Holy Quran | Kinetic Typography
27 Undeniable Miracles of Quran
10 Surprising Scientific Miracles In The Quran
I’m not discriminating your religion or others at all, I just want to raise a question. Why is it that you think your religion shows you the true afterlife, i’m an atheist and I think all of this religious and not religious stuff is stupid because ultimately if there is a heaven, if you are a good person you deserve to go, if there isn’t you can’t do anything. Ofc no disrespect meant towards any religion at all
@@himanaggar Thanks but no thanks
Theodore Marin brilliant
It's not death that people fear. It's not knowing what comes after is what people fear
Glitch 076 for me the pain of death is what scares me
Both true
After death God decide if you going to the heaven or going down..... That's all
When I was 13, I don’t remember how but I was having serious heart pain as if a nail had pierced it. It was around 3:00 am by the time we got to the hospital (started it 11:00-ish pm). In the car ride there it’s almost like I had heard a voice. I’ve always been hearing sounds and voices, it’s just my every day life hearing them but this was different. Earlier that year my sibling passed and it’s as if I could hear their voice, trying to comfort me. I just sat there in the car, my dad yelling “just hold on [My Name], we’ll get there soon!” But I didn’t care, tears slowly appeared from my eyes, dripped down my cheeks. I never had life easy but I always tried, I never cared about myself, only those around me and in that moment, for the first time ever, I truly felt at peace, I was finally going to see her again. I don’t believe in god but I was happy to know that there was room for me somewhere. Death was the most satisfying thing I ever felt. I was calm. I was finally at peace. When I got to the hospital and survived, I still felt her as if she was next to me.
I’ll never forget that gift.
It showed me how valuable and short life is.
Make the most of it.
Why you lying
@@myst6387 shut up
@dasdadasd adasdads why would you lie to make people happy ?
@dasdadasd adasdads i wasnt reffering to you when I said why would you lie you moron, it was an open question because the original comment was obviously telling bullshit like, unless you're really naive to believe in Ghost and stuff, why would you lie? To make people happy? So those Fake mediums who litteraly lie to you but still make you happy, you really think it's necessary ? But someone like you certainly still believe in those shit, keep up with the delusion lol
Am I the only one who sometimes thinks about what my consciousness was doing before I was born and opened my physical eyes for the first time?
Your consiousness was developed after your brain was.
Your conciousness didn't exist.
@@thotslayer9914 You ever been knocked out? Or even fallen asleep without a dream? I've done both. In both, it is nothingness. There is no white light, nor pitch black. You sense.. nothing.. and this is what happens more than likely after death.
@@thotslayer9914 Positive. I closed my eyes, and I opened them and it was like time travel.
@@thotslayer9914 you were a soul I bet.
The fear of death starts on the moment you have something to life for.
Wayfarin Stranger thank you
The Searcher lose ?
Very true.
I give my life to God, this is bullshit.
What calms me is knowing that we’re all in this together 🥺
What if... everyone is a simulation and you are the only real one?
@@turkishpunisher6386 doesn't change much, as Id still believe that everyone is real
In reality we're not, cause when your loved ones die, you're not with them, and when you die you're also alone
@@turkishpunisher6386 so your giving me clues because Ik I’m real cuz I though the same way
Na just you you the only one in this
It’s so humbling to know that we are in this together 💯❤️
A gift for you.
Bro this you have to remember that after this world there is another world where we all will stand and god will decide who has to go to paradise and who has to go to hell this is very important.
If you want to learn something about this search on youtube that if there is another life after this life but also add this thing "in islam" this thing is important.
I hope you will do this and I hope you will go to paradise
I agree. We are all the same. Pantheism 💯❤
We are all robot batteries this is just a simulation
Best comment
People who are getting such videos in their recommendations, are Pure gold !
well said, love!
u must me an empath!
As shucks ya makin me blush 😊
@@vladvalo ❤❤💚
I’m not scared of dying, i’m scared that i may never exist again
It might be like you was never born. We can think back as far as we can but whats after that. When u was just born.
@@johnsky1009 exactly
Or have to go through it all again 🥺
And does it matter?
Every time I watch these vids I get an existential crisis
While it can seem like a crisis, it is just the familiar feeling that comes with the knowledge that everything is connected.
I am suffering from existential death anxiety, and this stuff simply does not seem to fix my problem. idek that I am so much more.. I know that one day my consciousness seizes and I cannot wrap my mind around the concept of no longer existing..
enough to trigger panic attacks.
Myrna Metaphor I have the same issues :/ fucking sucks whenit happens, even worse, usually happens when I'm about to fall asleep. And I have to get up to drink water or something.
Cake Lord same I have to force my self to snap out of it and distract my mind by watching tv and forget the thoughts I found that listening to music at night helps
Money Man yes exactly but it's still strange af
Whenever I think “I don’t remember consciousness before I was born, so how can there be consciousness after we die,” I think about how I don’t remember being born or being a baby AT ALL. So there could certainly be thousands of experiences we’ve had prior to -and will have after- birth.
Why did you cross them words out
But why your "consciousnesss" begin to exist and applies to the brain and all that neuron functions.
"Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die." - Albert King
Because most people know that they haven't lived their lives according to God's wishes
but if we dont die we will not get to heaven
@G Ghee You are not stuck forever. We will have a afterlife and you have to justify youself in front of god. This life has a reason. Think about the good and bad things in life. This is a test for ourself how we handle things. If this life is meaningless we can kill each other with no problem. But we dont because we know that there is and has to be something.
When you are in heaven than you are not stuck forever. You will not be able to to thinn about "Im stuck forever". God will give you this present and you will be very happy and dont think about if you are stuck or not
@G Ghee I didnt understand anything you said
G Ghee The time that we are normally used is indeed just the planet rotating around the Sun, but time in of itself is indeed real and even considered by some as the fourth dimension.
Life once asked death
"Why are people so afraid of you and not me?" Death said
"Because you are a beautiful lie, and I am the painful truth."
GhostCallOut 22 how is life a lie
@@ghostly2.3 Because no man is afraid of life, only death. Everybody believes in the lies you are told in life, but the one true truth that is true for everyone is death, and people dont accept it
I found this to be much deeper than the video.
@Big Al An experience it may be, but death is different for everybody
@Big Al I dont mean everybody has different deaths as in how they die, what I mean is that everybody feels differently about death. Somebody like you looks forward to death, while others fear it. Some may think death is a person. Death is what ever you imagine it to be
I’m not afraid to die, just afraid of leaving people I care about.
Oh yeah same here all the way pal. I’ve been losing family members ever sense I was FIVE and it’s been happening too much for any of my standards. 😔
I can't imagine leaving my soulmate and 3 year old daughter behind
Yeah I die I die but my kids would be more hurt then me myself dieing. Crazy I think about that when I'm with them keeps me solid on how I raise them
Jack ツ yeah ne too bru.
I was in coma. During that coma i had 17 distinct journeys. In fact when i "came round" many months later, i thought i was still in coma and on journey 18. During those journeys that medically speaking was a length of time where as a human being i was pirouetting between life and death. No tunnels, no epitaphs laced with gold, just different dimensions. Parallel beings, lives. Beings made up of energy's, existence being made out of senses. On 1 of my journeys in coma i physically lived under the sea, the oceans. On the sea floor. Yup. It was utterly sublime. So now? Of course physically i am not a well fellow, yet i have no fear. If i was asked after coma what does it teach me about death in 1 word? I would say it is a "gateway" from 1 dimension to the other. I fluttered between them for quite a while. I know when eventually i succumb to my physical being no more, i will go on to have the busiest time of my existence when i am "dead". So i will. Be peaceful, be healthy and be strong. Loveness to you all. Xx
This was one of the most beautiful and comforting things I've ever read. Thank you for sharing your experience.
Coma changes people
That's called hallucinating because your brain goes haywire.
In Greek myth, there were two gods, the sons of Nyx, the goddess of the night. Those sons were Hypnos, god of dreams and Thanatos, god of death. They were twins.
This is to signify that the Greeks believed that dreams and the concept of death were closely related to one another.
@@maikelfeskens9322 LMFAO
I will die someday but this comment will keep me alive forever .
Edit : thanks for so much love . And I m just 20 now so its time 😂😂
Wish u all very happy and healthy and successful life .
Love from 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 INDIA🇮🇳❤💕
@@Linda-gi1dy ☺️😁😌🙂
Deep :O
@@paper2941 love u
Anrn Walna damn way to help man XD
My biggest fear of death is not my death but actually seeing my parents leave me behind .. I am 24 now they are hitting 45-50.. Whenever i think of the idea that year by year they are getting older and that one day they will be gone, It does crush my heart.. I hope that there is a chance of being together in the after world and not lose concious about who you were and who was ur sis/bro and parents & friends.
phantom my parents were 40 when I was born so you're lucky my man cherish them as long as you can.
Embrace it my mom was in jail for half my life.
I have exactly the same thought. After watching my Grandad die 2 years ago, death has scared me.
And the thought of having to go through that again with my parents breaks my heart.
I'm glad you said that too
lilmaestro same
My parents are 61 and 67 and I’m 19. Trust me, I feel you.
I know this might sound weird, but sometimes i want to die just to experience what lies beyond death. I am always interested in what happens after death, but i love living life to much to actually go there.
Alexander Miltenburg you got plenty of time, enjoy your life knowing that some day you'll know what comes after death :)
Alexander Miltenburg That's called being overly curious.
Alexander Miltenburg I don't care about all that, I just want to fucking die
Yeah obviously i care about the people i love and i know people around me care and love and will miss me but i also just wanna die just to see🤷♂️
Alex Whitfield exactly!
I think the hardest thing dealing with death that most people miss is how important every moment with someone really is. We hold on to grudges and hate within our hearts for people and when they are gone just like that without saying goodbye is something that most people have a hard time dealing with in their life. They then start blaming themselves for not taking the time to call someone or go see someone. I see it all the time around me people are struggling to move forward because they are holding on to the past and they haven’t forgiven themselves for their actions before that person time expired on earth. People just don’t genuinely love someone until they are gone and that’s the wrong time to love them love them while they are here with us. There’s too much hate in the world not enough love. For those who lost someone that close to them I hope that you forgive yourself and move forward don’t ever lose the memories.
James, my son, my only boy. If you are somehow still out there, know that I will never stop missing you. I'll never stop loving you. I wish I could hold you again in my arms.
He is there friend im positive of it. All our loved one's are there. As Einstein said energy cannot be destroyed it just transforms to another state or being. Its that state of energy that we have alot to learn about yet, we touch on it when we dream or have near death experiences and science is getting close to it everyday with the growing research into quantum physics.
@@tomsmith8511 I could not have put it better myself. Namaste
You will see James again. I am certain of it.
My James came to me to prove he still "was". As per our previous agreement
You will hold him again !
"The anticipation of death is worse than death itself", this quote helps me, and i don't even like quotes
blue lining I think I’ll think oh I should have done more whilst in mortality. However, I think that already. I should have done more with ‘my’ 20’s. My 30’s. Since the day I left school. It’s ok there’s today. Can still learn the lesson.
The apprehension of death is greater misery than the event itself!!!
The quote is sooo truuuee
If you're here because you've just Lost someone very close to you - You are not alone.
I just lost the love of my life, I need to know he is still out there somewhere
@@amyzhang2082 , thats the big Question. I ask myself the same thing every day of my Life.
@@MrGibo2000 I have watched tons of videos of NDE, we have to believe, that there is after life world which is full of unconditional love . And they are actually here with us, only unseen to us because we are not in the same frequency. LOVE does not disappear , Try to feel their presence.
@@saabirchaudhry2545 Im sorry for your loss
@Sandra Turajlich , I'm so sorry. I don't know how you ever get over the loss of one of your Children. My Wife passed 5 Months ago. She was also 44. I am absolutely lost and devastated.
My father passed away recently and this gives me hope. Thank you.
May he rest in peace - my condolences.
May he rest in peace ❤️❤️
rip:( 😞
Sending my love to you and your family. May he rest in peace.
@@darylchan694 Thank You Daryl ❤
Nothing like having an existential crisis in the middle of the night.
tell me about it☠️
I have many existential crisis
Karen Martinez sameee
I'm having one at 4 pm in the afternoon
Lol love it
One day, someone will read this not knowing the person on the other side isn’t here anymore.
@Magi GTFO
Well they kinda will cuz like- you kinda. U kinda just said it 💀
Before that youtube will turn the comment section off.😑😑😑
*agree you on that* 👐
um.. that's deep-
Oh don’t mind me, just having an existential crisis at 2AM
Good noodle - You Know the norm
Same it’s 2:48 AM
Join the club, bub
Good noodle - same
If you’re finding it hard to imagine what death is like, it’s because you’re imagining it. It’s like trying to see using your elbow.
I realize this.thanks I've been in so much anxiety because im scared of death.this soothed me
Yeah, but I often think of death as eternal sleep. Though normally time passes by instantly when unconscious, I only sense time when I'm conscious, that is, when I'm dreaming. But in death, is it unconsciousness for eternity or there's another life after death and once you die, you'll asap get teleported to your afterlife?
Thanks you kind of changed my perspective
@@vedantsridhar8378 sleep is nothing like death, the closest thing to it is going under anaesthesia for surgery, I experienced it(or rather the lack of experience) and there was simply nothing during the period when I was drugged and waking up
“Now I understand why we die. The reason we die is to give us the opportunity to understand what life’s all about. .”
Man that hit me hard.
It's the other way round
Death is part of the journey supposed to help us understand how valuable everyday life is.
If you die without Jesus, hell will hit you harder !!
It hit home for me as well. I kept replaying that part over and over.
@@truthtrekker you keep saying "inside of the sun", but you won't explain what you mean by "the sun".
"Remembering that you're going to die is the best way to avoid thinking you have something to lose"
I cant shake how incredible this is
True. The line was from steve jobs before he died.
Can you explain this quote for me?
@@apollo5726 I've been afraid of death most of my life because I can't stop thinking of all the things I won't get to do, or all the good times with my girlfriend and family I'll miss out on. But to regret dying "early" or dying at all is to miss the entire point of life. Now I've learned that death will come as surely as the sun will rise, and instead of fighting it I enjoy every single day, every moment and approve it all that much more. That's what this quote means to me personally. Death is as natural as life. No pleasure without pain, right?
Luke Dodge incredible. Thank you.
@@lovejalo1978 exactly, in 2005
I don’t fear death, I’m afraid of not having consciousness
Todd Howard’s pile of cash and bad reputation exactly
That's why I've never been one to use drugs and alcohol. I have to be in control.
I'm afraid of the outcome.
Kenneth Ruvolo doing weed brought me here.. it’s changed my life and i want to dedicate myself to god
Not having consciousness leaves you in a state of nothing, you are unaware of anything when not having consciousnes
Beatr00t yes that is exactly what I’m afraid of
I'm not afraid of die at all, only the pain which I would endure in the process. The thought of what's on the other side excites me, yet time will come precisely when it should. This video is enlightening, makes me want to take my daughter out of school and just LIVE!
Same. Its fascinating and there is no other way to understand death better than being dead yourself.
I feel the same way im actually relieved that this will all be over someday😌 imagine beeing traped in life for en enternity 🤯
I nearly drowned once and I remember giving up trying to save myself and in that moment I accepted I was going to die I felt the most tranquility and peace I’ve ever felt. I just knew everything was going to be fine.
how did u survive
@@pataykaftw when I gave up I floated and that gave me hope again to swim for my life
@@Evilswitch-q1o u were still holding your breath tho right
@@piperku4850 I floated right after I only had that feeling for a split second mr detective
@@Evilswitch-q1o I had a similar experience. Except is scared the shit out me having these black figures in my minds eye telling me its ok to let go. I am very scientific though, I just put it down to an hallucination in a very stressful situation, which is probably what happened. The brain is very powerful at making you deluded, at feeding you false information.
Imaging dying, and then get so see a 1 hour movie of the life you lived. The best moments, the saddest moment and so on. And then after that, move on to the next thing.
That's a haunting thought.
@@carryon5021 depends on how you see it!😍
@@MrTeeHee 😂😂😂😂
I was thinking that just yesterday! I thought "I wish, after I die I could watch the entire motion picture of my life, like a domino topple - finally done, so it can be released."
I’ll be like ughhh I don’t wanna go through this shit again. Let me sleep 😴
We don’t remember being born and we won’t remember dying
Replete Cell because, in a sentence, death is not an experience to be remembered. my death will be an new beginning. as was my birth. not an end
I don’t want to be reborn to see the world burn
That's why ya gotta live it whilst you're around breathing. Though you did not ask for it you only get this chance once, live well, be happy as much as you can, harm nobody.
Hobert Crittenden woah if u don’t remember dying and u don’t remember being born what if your life is just on a whole cycle because you never remember it starting for ending
“Death smiles at us all, but all a man can do is smile back”
- Marcus Aurelius
You can also just not, he didn't even really say that anyway.
Almost having a panic attack to think we just die...and then just we stop existing like I can’t comprehend that
Your comment was exactly what entered my head 5 minutes ago, then searched for you tube video and here I am, it's got to be the most difficult thing any human could think about
Let it go, there is not really a point in thinking about that because it's a mystery to everyone. And we do not have evidence of anything that happens, so it's best to let it go
Let me tell you what bad advice looks like. “Let it go”. “Just live long and try to have fun”. Don’t do those things. It won’t matter how happy you are if you don’t at least have a belief as to why you exist.
Think about this: Death is an illusion if you know the ego is an illusion. the ego is just a false identity that you created due to your surroundings and self awareness, but behind that we all come from the same God. God is the universe, it’s pure consciousness. The ego is the only thing that separates us. We are all just different perceptions of the universe. life is eternal. Death is just a removal of separateness. We’re all one. When you die, it’s as if nothing ever happened, you return to that same place you were before you were born. But it’s not something an ego can comprehend cuz it’s complete nothingness, it’s not an experience. It just is.
gavv mate except you don’t know death is like that. You’re assuming that because that’s how it was before we were born or in surgery, that must be how it is after we die. And you don’t know that.
"I started to fell depressed. Do we just live to die?"
Basically my mood everyday.
What matters is how we lived.
I don't know if I'm living my life good or bad. Sometimes I feel like I just want to die.
Marion Towle :3 no you make your life count :)
Damn yall depressed fat moods
Marion Towle, You live because life is a gift. Dying is a natural for all humans and living things. Us being Human, we take on a different and a more emotional outlook to passing on. It's easy for me to say. But I try to take a positive outlook about it. There's nothing that I can do to prevent my final time here.
The state of death doesn't scare me. How I get there scares me if it involves a lot of pain.
I hear u. But it’s unknown. Or an infinite amount of possibilities. Could drive one mad contemplating it all. Or we can let it be
I've seen both .... I've seen people have heart attacks that scared the living shit outta me and I've seen people go peacefully
My aunt was in the hospital and awake alert and talking to the doctor she burped and boom was dead scared the hell outta him even
That must have been a shock to the entire family? I remember my late father saying that when his time came he hoped it would be quick and that he would know nothing about it. He also said that the sad part of that particular scenario was the shock that would be felt by family and friends.
@@philbell5774 oh it scared the hell outta me
This is why I love UA-cam.
You log on and randomly get recommended an amazing video with beautiful visuals, captivating music, unique perspectives, and thought-provoking quotes that inspire you to stop, think, and enjoy this current moment of life with gratitude…
All in just 4 minutes.
if you have suicidal thoughts, please don’t watch this, or at least watch it with extreme caution. you are loved.
•jessica• its too late
It's really too.late I'm watching and I thought about sucide last week
•jessica• oops
Asian Wayne Your family loves you, you have so much to life for👍 We Love You
Asian Wayne You ever watched Shia Lebouf motivational video,Just do it!!!
i just want to tell you my perspectives of life:
to me, life is like a book,
it all starts on the prologue,
then goes on to chapter one after another year of life,
sometimes books end on chapter 13 or chapter 60,
but just know,
one day our final chapter will come,
all of has will one day finish our book,
and become apart of as i call the “book shelf” or “the library”,
sometimes people will skim through out book (loved ones sharing memories of us)
but we will all one day,
finish our final chapter
thank you for reading
Disaya McKay I have stage 4 cirrhosis and need a liver transplant..just wanna say bless you and much love. Wish you the best❤️
jared houston thank you, same to you❤️
Thank you for sharing that
Hopefully you get better. Sending positive energy your way 🙏🖤
Thank you Disaya and best of luck with your book!
The hard part about this is that you have to see your parents go before us and that's something very difficult to comprehend.
especially grandparents, man im not ready for that yet
@@jayprky same bro
Not necessarily true, because tomorrow for you is also not guaranteed. You can die at any moment, how ever unlikely it may be, the possibility that your grandparents out live you is still there.
@@jayprky agreed for some reason if feel like its a ticking bomb waiting to be pulled and i try not to think about it but its the harsh truth am already depressed and am not at all prepared for this and idk what am gonna do when that time will come
And even worse is when you see your child go before you
I’m not super scared of nothingness, I’m scared of experiencing something worst than what I have in this life
"People fear death even more than pain. ... Life hurts a lot more than death. At the point of death, the pain is over."
Jim Morrison.
I do not fear death, but I fear what will happen to me after I die 😢
@@thenorseprodigy7466 I hear ya.... u can start to go down the rabbit hole thinking of all the worst possible things or the best ones that is waiting for you..either way u still exist if you can perceive either or.
Life and death aren't two different things , Death is a part of life !
@NitroLPR9 Same for me. I'm not afraid of dying. I am terrified of dying while in pain because that will be the last thing I remember before I close my eyes.
I asked my mom if we were living in a simulation and if anything is real. I guess she was not in the best mood. She pulled off her shoe and asked me how how real I thought that shoe would feel across my head.
She’s old school 😁
@@lr4428 if it was a flip flop she woupd be old testament
Hahaha back to reality 👍🏽
"Even if it's tough, people should appreciate what it means to be alive"
You said it, pal.
We ask ourselves though, what is it all for? Not death, but life... for what purpose did I experience these lessons, why must I change, why does it matter if I experience it or not? Who controls this? Our own ego controls everything? Our soul? Is it us that founds the experience of life to create a development in the state of mind, relating to the entire...everything?
Nate River Don't want to be a downer skeptic in this woo parade you guys are having in this comment section.
But why would a spirit choose a life of a premature child, or say some starving child in Africa? What idiotic spirits, don't you think? That they would go out of their way playing around in limbo just to end up in a body that sucks and somehow "learn" from it...
I guess you can bring up Steven Hawking..yes he had issues and came out strong and well known. But what about a baby with terrible lungs who only had weeks to live, or say an unborn... How about fetus abortions? I came to life just to get aborted by some regretful bitch, a so called "mother"... I've learned that humans hate kids now, is that it?
ArdinVincent If spirits do exist, and inhabit more higher planes of existence, why bother coming to this 3 dimensional temp universe? If they came to learn and experience in this supposed "ultimate existence/challenge-verse", then what stops them from experiencing the same in the spiritual realm(s)?
JugCityKid fuck off
I keep coming back to this video once or twice a month. It's a reminder for me to live my life to the fullest and never look back.
I'm not scared of death, I'm scared of death affecting the people around me, like my family, friends and even pets.
Me too. A pretty selflessness thought too.
It’s pointless to even fear anything after death.
There could only be one of two scenarios:
A) you die and that’s the end of you just like before you were born
B) you physically die but your awareness or consciousness remains in the light of peace for eternity
Now, in case of scenario (A) it wouldn’t matter because you wouldn’t know, feel or sense anything
In case of scenario (B) you’ll know for sure that your loved ones will eventually join you in the eternal and again there’s no point to worry about anything
@@nextup123 That is comforting to read what you wrote so thank you 😊
Same here buddy
joel gonzalez 1 John 4:10 In this is love:Not that we loved God,but that he sent his only son (JESUS)as the atoning sacrifice for our sin Worry no more!
It's not death itself that I fear, it's the fear of not accomplishing everything I want BEFORE death and not living my best life. And it's not going well so far
Contra Land If you’re a minor than don’t worry about it. But if you’re a 30 year old adult that’s a complete failure than I’d start worrying
@@mariguanaiguana I am a minor but time seems to go so fast lately 😂
Contra Land I’m dead, same. I know how you feel. Maybe you could use this realization as motivation to make something of your life?
@@mariguanaiguana motivation is the biggest problem for me, I recently stopped doing things that I once enjoyed and am good at. And there is actually no reason, which may be worse than having a reason? Idk, maybe this is a phase or something 😆 I hope things get better for both of us ♡
Contra Land “No reason” may actually be a reason. It honestly sounds like a textbook definition of minor depression. But good luck! I hope it gets better too!
The fact that,
You live only 3-5 minutes
but after each breath you take
Reset the timer..
Breach RSPS-OWNER Oh my god.
I don’t get it
That's deeper than the video.
Sylis TM okay, maybe 10 minutes then
I've had a near death experience, I'm an atheist and I'm still an atheist but that was the day I stopped fearing death because all I remember is how warm, calm, peaceful and beautiful everything around me seemed to be. It took me a month to fully recover but I've never forgotten that day 28 years later.
NDE is useless
@@svndvs Many people know the life of this world is very beautiful and amazing but many people do not know that in the life of this world there is one very important test, the test is WHO IS THE REAL GOD TO EVERYTHING IN THIS LIFE.. so your very importan mission in this life is seek (and accept) the truth (religion) before death comes to you because this life is your first and last chance for you to get the true religion from God .. Who fail in this test will go to Hell forever n who pass this test will go to Heaven forever, so for me NDE is useless
@@svndvs if u want know about the real life or the real future of mankind read the Quran(translation)... Yusuf Ali Quran English Translation
@@amanumin7201stop drinking the religious koolaid and look elsewhere.
i’m not scared of death, i’m scared of getting to the end of life knowing that i didn’t live up to my fullest potential. leaving this world knowing that i never truly lived; i just tried to survive (not being homeless, going to work and school more than half of my life). having spent most of my days trying to survive in this world instead of actually living in it, enjoying it, & appreciating it.
When we die, we just transition. Like a Caterpillar to a butterfly. watch this
Turn that fear into motivation. Don’t think of what you could’ve done or what you did do, think of what you can do in the amount of time given. The definition of a fulfilled life can be different from person to person. That gives us a lot of flexibility with how we go about fulfilling it because there are no rules to happiness. If you want to experience the world then go do it, there’s nothing stopping you.
Bruh _ thank you
This is a fragment of your life, this is the beginning. When we die that's when we start our lives. If you believe in Jesus, then you'll go to heaven, if you don't, you'll go to hell
Energy can't die, its transferred from one place to another.
Spree Gaming love your comment
We're not energy.
Mr. Fox Were made-up of energy.
the almighty fractal is the only truth
for it is every truth
Dear future self: The time is 1:30 am. April 9th 2021. You are high in bed counting down your days till graduation and reminiscing from all your years. Hope you’re well dawg ✅
Good luck with your life man 😌
Hope you end up doing good. We’re in this together
@@nicetrythief8347 yessir
You should screenshot your comment and save it somewhere
People say it’s like going back to before you were born but what about our thoughts and memories and our consciousness? it’s such a scary thought, most of the time I don’t think about it but when I do it hits hard
*Consciousness is NOT Fundamental ! It consists of 2 Components; 1. An Analytical Process involving the brain, and 2. "AWARENESS" which is NOT a human Component, but instead is Non-Dimensional, and in NO WAY represents, nor even remotely looks anything like any species, including the human species !*
It’s a hard thing to think of..
consciousness is the basic and immortal state. It has no thoughts, memory, judgement or experience. These are only within the physical state.
What you really are is far far beyond your body & accumulated identity
“Once you stop fearing death that’s when you actually starting living”
Edit: The meaning of this quote is that you fearing death stops you from doing certain things that life has to offer, if you fear death you are not living but only existing. Live life because all the time you have is limited and can’t be taken back.
So true
Omg that is so true!! I’m so busy worrying about dying that I can’t even live my life!!
@@carryon2406 same!
I feel like I don't exist...I don't fear death.. The quote is not true for me.
@John Connor If you are fearing death you are not living but just existing. Consider little children they have no understanding of death yet nobody is more alive than a 3 year old.
I’m not scared of death, i just want to remember this life in my next life
not likely you will. Not in the program.
lina nicolia not gonna stop her of wanting tho
You need to read Michael Newton's work, it will impact you.
lina nicolia a lot of people remember their past lives. Especially kids. Once you access control over your pineal gland you can channel it
EXACTLY! I’ve always said this to myself and my loved ones, I wanna remember and “relive” these memories! Thanks for having me remember
This made me break into tears, the realization of life...anything could happen at anytime, just live it to the fullest .
Ben Of Kvatch ,I believe the opposite i believe there's a God. And judgement will come, but I know nothing I saw will convince y'all, so all i have to say is "only time will tell"
Ben Of Kvatch any reason you're so negative? If you don't believe if then that's great for you but don't go bashing other peoples beliefs. Respect other people's opinions and thoughts just like you would want yours to be.
Amen 💜
master, i am letting you know that I will reach the top of your tower in a few hours. i need some beans...
Despair TheWumbo No its not ;) We created the lives long before we entered the physical world, sooner or later (in your death) you will remember ;)
Six years ago, I may not have needed this video. Today, I saw it, clicked on it, watched it. It was exactly what I needed at this time 10:38 p.m. Mountain Time on Monday, August 29th, 2022. This for me, was the example of the Heavens and Earth in perfect alignment. Thank you for being here at this exact moment when I was privileged to hear this beautiful and perfect message sent to me from the unseen.
The Bible says that it is appointed unto man once to die and then comes judgment. The most important decision you will ever make is where you will spend eternity. The Bible says that you can know that you have eternal life in heaven, but If you are putting your trust in anything other than the finished work of Jesus on the cross to get you to heaven, you do not understand God's way. Please let me share with you how you can know you have a home in heaven.
The Bible says that we are all sinners. When God created Adam and Eve, He made them perfect without sin, but they chose to disobey God and became sinful in nature. This sin nature was passed down to all humanity.
Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
Your sin separates you from God.
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God;
A holy, righteous God cannot allow sin into heaven. Sin must be paid for and God's price for sin is death, but not just a physical death, but a spiritual death which means separation from God forever in a lake of fire in hell.
Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
In the Old Testament when man sinned, God required the sacrifice of a perfectly spotless lamb as a substitute to pay for the sins of each person. The blood of that lamb was only a temporary payment for their sin and so this had to be done often. Jesus Christ, God's Son took on flesh, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and offered Himself as that perfect, spotless Lamb and shed His blood as payment for the sins of the whole world.
John 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
Jesus loved you so much He WILLINGLY came and allowed wicked men to spit on Him, mock Him and scourge Him until He was unrecognizable as a man. They stripped him naked, thrust a crown of thorns on His head and nailed His hands and feet to a cross. He hung in agony for hours bleeding, thirsting, struggling for every breath. He died innocently in your place so that you could be saved from going to hell. It was His blood that satisfied the just demands of a holy God. God will not accept anything else.
There is no greater love than that!
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
The good news is that Jesus didn't stay dead in the grave. He came back to life 3 days later just like He promised and He still lives today!
Matthew 28:5 And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.
6. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
Friend, Jesus did all this because He wants to give you the FREE gift of eternal life in heaven with Him!
You cannot do anything to earn your own way into heaven. You can't work for it, be baptized for it, go to church for it or try to be good enough for it. It is a FREE gift that God is offering to you if you will simply receive it by faith.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9. Not of works, lest any man should boast.
God said there is only one way to get to heaven, but it is not hard. You must admit you are a sinner headed for hell. You must believe that Jesus died and paid for your sin with His own blood on the cross, was buried and 3 days later rose from the dead. Then you must repent and turn to God and call on Him for mercy to save you from hell and give you eternal life in heaven with Him.
Romans 10:9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
13. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
None of us deserve God's mercy and grace, but let me warn you friend, that if you reject His FREE gift, you are already condemned and when you die, you will suffer the torment of burning in hell for eternity in a lake of fire where you will be forever separated from God and all that is loving and good.
John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
Please don't wait! Don't take the risk of putting it off until another day, repent, turn to Christ NOW wherever you are at because you aren't guaranteed to live another day on this Earth. Believe God's Word, ask Him to save you and He will just like He promised.
If you would like more information or don't have a church to attend, we livestream our services and would love for you to join us.
You can find us on FaceBook at “Reg Kelly - Table in the Wilderness”, on Sermon Audio (Reg Kelly, Liberty Faith Bible Church), on UA-cam (Liberty Faith Church and Reg Kelly Sermons) and on the web (Liberty Faith Bible Church, Norwood, Mo.).
@@kelleymcfadden9675 Um, I was a bit surprised by your response. Did I give you the impression that I was a “seeker?” That I did not have a personal relationship with my Savior? FYI, I am a member of an Episcopal Church and have been baptized, confirmed in the Name of Jesus Christ, so trying to convert me is a mute point. And, if I wasn’t, I would be really insulted by the fact that you seem to have all the answers. There are many different beliefs and faiths that differ from our own and we need to respect those boundaries. An example of over reach, trying to convert Jews to Christianity. Without Judaism, there would never have been Christianity. As I said before, this was a beautiful video that I needed in that moment, made a comment about it’s perfect message, in that moment. No need to read more into it than necessary.
I’m not scared of dying, I’m scared of living a pointless life.
every life is worthless, you can be rich and famous and spoke about for hundreds of years after your death but you will know none of it
An existential crisis is the most terrifying thing ever to me.
you decide yourself what you define as a "meaningful life" and as long as you think it is, it is.
@@Sean-vh1rr exactly. It's totally subjective.
i feel like "worth" and "meaning" are such manufactured ideas to try and apply to something that's just a vast, endless happening
plants dont grow because they see meaning in it, they just do it
I feel like these concepts are just the by-products of under-evolved language
I went from watching "spongebob SquarePants dancin' to shooting stars for ten hours" to this now wtf
Much Wow Gotta love You Tube!
I came from watching the soviet union anthem for 10 hours to here. Now I understand that Stalin is truly alive
That's the right path
i got here from the “I spilled lipstick in your Valentino bag” vine??? help?????
Much Wow I was learning how to fish from tutorials now .... I have no purpose to know how to fish ...
Life asked death "why do people love me but hate you?" Death responded, "because you are a beautiful lie and i am a painful truth."
Omg thats so deep
*I'm 14 and this is deep*
Please do not go to school with an assault rifle. Life is everything.
kira Kensai this quote is not true because if life is a lie then death can not be existent and therefore can’t be truth
A body is useless without a brain, and therefore a Universe is useless without living beings. But eventually everything will come to an end, and when it does, we must be grateful that we got the experience of being a Universe's eyes.
Thanking universe for the experience is not enough when consciousness ceases to exist, and should not return to exist.
Without light, we'd be blind. Without darkness, we'd be blinded.
I like this quote. thanks
Sadly yes
@@minddrift7152 what do you mean?
@@khaostrumanshow4841 which part?
@Ninja TypesTooFast sometimes things aren't as simple as good and bad.
I have mix feelings for Death. Sometimes I want to die just cause I can't keep up with my life no more, and I want to experience what happens afterwards even if there is nothing. But then I want to live forever and see where humans go in the future and if what we accomplish. It's weird ik
The Chode we are very very similar
No I don't know what that is lol
The Chode Same. Sometimes I just wanna die and see what REALLY HAPPENS when I die but then I also want to stay alive forever to see everything, if aliens are real, what will happens to us humans, etc.
FMA Official yr just gay thats all
666 666 That has nothing to do with that lmao.
“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.”
-Albert Camus
kian raissian yet I will continue to do so
This is so true and ive experienced that myself. Once I stopped chasing certain things I believed would make me happy and started to apprecaite the things I had with a positive outlook on life everything changed for me.
Wanting more is not a bad thing but there is a certain limit to it. Being happy no matter what will actually attract more into your life as you will use the tools you already have to gain more if that makes sense. Call it law of attraction or whatever. Not a fan of books like the secret etc as they are more focused on money but certain parts of law of attraction is the key to happiness.
1. Live life in the moment
2. Appreciate the things you have
3. Have a positive outlook on everything and realise that god or a higher being always has a bigger plan for you no matter if you believe in religion or not. Bad things happend so that good can come out of it.
May you all be happy.
sharmaarke osman i just got attacked by a gang, now my face it s fucking broken,im not joking
Giu SRF I'm sorry to hear that bro. File a police report and hopefully those scums are put in jail then as corny as it sounds I want you to think about the positive things. You are still alive. You are still healthy enough to post that comment. You probably have family and friends whom you love. My point is that no matter what happends we still have positive things and I'm not saying ignore the bad stuff but majority of your focus should be on positive aspects on your life as that is a proven integral part of happiness.
sharmaarke osman i will try,sorry if isn't the best answer but my first language isn't inglish
I'm not scared of dying I'm scared of not being able to see how much humanity progresse's. I've always loved technology and the coolest things being shown in the curren situation that humanity is in.
When you realize, death is just like before we are born, we never experienced our non-existence, and suddenly we exist
@@chiefline7084 do you think reincarnation or an afterlife is a possibility?
If, when we die, we are on “the same place” than before existing, we will reborn again and again. If you can go from non-existence to existence one time, why not two? That has no sense dude
@@Jsjxjzisje772 Because brain memory can only experience and remember one life not two.
@@chiefline7084 You as a person and the memory you are with, is dead, and will never have any continuation of it.
But universe will express sentience through experience, not nothingness. So in essence, universe will just experience another person's brain (from birth to death)
We are not people experiencing the universe, but in contrary, we are the universe experiencing a person.
Yeah we will have another first person experience. Maybe in another planet por another life form, and everything we have in this life will cease to exist. If we are alive now, why not in a future? Nothingness does not exist.
Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back
*I am 14 and this deep*
hell no im never dying! im gonna look for the philosophers stone.
@@NoxForest 😂😂
@Róbert Valent well yeah. But what happens to us?
@@NoxForest lmaooo 🤣🤣🤣❤
just reading these comments is about to make me have a existential crisis
Dominic Games I’ve been through the existential thing occasionally. At least we’re not the only ones.
I feel you
I’m not scared of death, I’m scared of what happens after. I’m just scared of living for eternity, without end. How it never ends, but now it doesn’t make sense if I die and I’m just gone and my soul’s just gone. And these aren’t thoughts I want to think, but I can’t stop. And I’m so scared I could die any second and just be like I never existed. I’m just scared.
How do you know your not dreaming???
1:04 The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody is rushing around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.
Idk why but after watching this video I feel like a pulling sensation in my mind telling me to quit my job leave home and travel
David Anderson Do it! 🦋
If you've got the funds bro then Go and do it. Best thing you'll Ever do! Good luck
If you got the money DO IT!!
Calvin Stout imma save up some money but thanks for the support🦋
KNT Nicole thanks for the support!
I think when you die it’s just like before you were born. You’re not there. It’s doesn’t matter. Doesn’t hurt. It’s not good. It’s not bad. It’s just nothing. Literally nothing to fear
i mean maybe it is. whatever death is i don't see any scenario that i fear really. but if you go by that thought, have you ever considered that you might live again? if it is the same as before, then it might repeat itself over and over
My friend you are wrong. That is called annihaltionism. It is a very sobering reality when you realize that if you are outside of the kingdom of god you will lift up your eyes into a place of despair and torment. HELL is real. In hell all you do is FEAR, in hell you are in AGONY, in hell it is nothing but BAD. But being with CHRIST is nothing but good. REPENT, BELIEVE on the GOSPEL, ask GOD for the HOLY SPRIT, and he will give you him. Surrender your life to Christ, leave your wicked worldly lusts/desires, pick up your cross and follow HIM. Obey jesus. Prepare to meet thy God Amos 4:12 says.
@@brothersamuelrogers8138 i would not complain at all if we meet him. i have always been open minded because to me nobody walking this earth can be sure of what death will really bring
I used to believe that, but now I think that's a lie we've been told. This is just a short blip of our existence, but b/c as humans we are so limited, it seems like everything. I'm really looking forward to what's next.
Max Rogers piss off with your god preaching bullshit.
Being dead doesn't bother me it's how I go about getting there that concerns me the most.
mrmartyd .......I just don’t want it to hurt
Marge Shukri True
Same. It’s the process of dying that scares me.
Bruh I felt this because that's my fear.. I'm not scared of death it's how I Die I'm worried about 😢
Same for me. I hope it’s not a tragic passing or something painful. I imagine best case scenario I’m very old, and I have plenty of time to know I’m dying, and that it’ll be peaceful and painless.
I took care of a patient once and he told me that when we die we simply join an energy that is around everywhere kind of like the wind, you can see and feel all but yet you are nowhere.
I was just trying to finish my math assignment... thanks for the existential crisis
Do you also get headaches or that irritating thought of not seeing your own funeral or cant sleep because you're scared that you wouldn't wake up?
Literally a top tier 1st world problem lol
God will save a woman from drowning but not a child with cancer....
Go God!!
@Jonathan Hughes saved from what my sin that I didn't ask for?
God does not accomplish ANYTHING in the lives of others.
I reject you and ...
We go to sleep every night, into the unknown, without knowing if we'll ever wake up!. Think of that every time you decide that you fear death. Your a fearless one, you prove it night after night!
What a great way to think about it. Thankyou. I have a hard time accepting death.
Facts!! And we leave the body when we sleep. Thats temp death ( sleep)
@@izzij3599 awe, I'm so glad that helped you!.
Well said
I am soooo happy to be alive. You only live once. Something I’ve been believing since age of 10. We all are so privileged to be on this earth on this very day. Make the most you can in your life. ♥️😊
Shr3dder good question
No lol
How can you know if you only live once?
Maybe you don't
Can't wait to get off this space rock LOL Whatever is coming can't be worse, can it?? Hope not, if it is, I'd be really bummed out!!
Life is beautiful because there is an end of it. Without it, life would be boring
Quote Dani Loud
I love this one
I will keep this forever in my head holy shit
@@ivancampain1635 Wow I never thought I wrote a so philosophical thing lol
its hard for me to take jim carrey seriously when all i see in my head is him asking if you want to hear the most annoying sound in the world
Hexer out of all these philosophical comments, i believe this is the best one
Hexer this made me laugh so hard
Hexer Jim is much more than a comedy actor
GeorgyM true
Hexer is one of those people that doesn't know when someone is being serious and when they aren't.
humans are really just the universe becoming conscious and exploring itself. We’re chaotic, messy, we fight, we love, we’re random and unpredictable and it’s awesome. Everything you want is already in you and you’re not separate from everything else. you *are* everything else.
I love this
No it’s not this world is overrun with death and murder and lies and empty dark selfish deception
Yoink or be yoinked shut the fuck up
Yoink or be yoinked I love what you just said.. I came to this realization a while back and I think this is the absolute truth. We are the universe. You are me. I am you! Everything is one. We are the universe just figuring itself out!
“No one ever asks to attend the party. But once there, no one ever wants to leave”. ~Elvis Presley~
I feel the same way about taking showers.
When we die, we will meet God, our creator. He will ask us: Whats have you done with your time, what havr you done with your life. We will all be guilty of sin. But when we personally know Jesus Christ and that he took away our sin, we will be forever in heaven with God. If we don't know the savior we will go to hell.
But.. it is still the time that we can get to know Jesus Christ, the saviour.
Read the bible and ask God who He is en who we are for Him.
What does that mean?
Mark Flierl Think of life as the “party” and you’ll get it.........I hope😆
@@dankydiecast5686 Most people who have near death experiences don't want to come back. It's pretty hard for me to think of life as a party.
Thank you god for this gift of life as a human. Though I am small, I will not question my existence. But live for the moments 🙏
A gift for you.
Well congrats on that "gift".
"Damn, the comment section is full of wisdom".
Of course, it’s you tube where the mysteries of life the universe and everything is revealed.
Ok but why do you love civics ?
You must be reading different comments than I.🙄
Listen, it's simple. Don't die, and your reward is that you stay alive.
@Jack Brown Woah, that's wise.
*if reincarnation is real*
imagine being like 16 and dying, but then being reborn, but your family from your past life is still alive, and living their life, and still grieving over you, but you have no idea they exist, and they have no idea you exist, or that you're them.
Someone walking around, or a baby in a stroller on the street could be a person you lost.
Iris Moore omg STOP 😪
I thought that aswell man
Why would the population be increasing though?
slicktmi people are dying second too , people are born every second
We all are immortal, technically, we all are 10th dimensional beings that chose this 3rd dimensional universe.
Therefore, it is true that the purpose of life is live.
“What was it like to wake up after never gone to sleep. That was when you were born.”
That really got me emotional.
babies are born bloody screaming and crying which doesn't imply they were happy to be here if death is just like before we were born that means it's back to genetics dna code to be recycled back to this reality with no memories of the last life we lived. "born again" which would suck to do this life and die all over again and again and again.
But babies sleep a lot in the womb.....
@@ts4686 yeah well besides drugs and drug overdoses sleeping is as close to getting away from this reality and as close to a death simulation us living can get.
@@scottrocket3274 How do you know that?
How do you know what death is like?
Do you believe we keep dreaming and processing when we die, as we do during sleep?
@@ts4686 there are no known knows in death all I speak about when concerning death is from my own near death experiences I used to play with hard drugs that brought me closer to death then most people and quite a few times.Seen my own body dead.Also seen a white light outside my bedroom door.To make a type of comparison Yes I do believe Death is like a knocked out dream state that lasts forever. Upon my own OBE near death experience i was not hot not cold.clearish see through white like a ghost. With a sense of weightless float to me. As to make a comparison It was like a dream.The interesting part was seeing with my non physical eyes.Which leads me to believe we do continue to exist after we die.When I seen myself dead I was purple so I had to have been dead for awhile.
My grandpa passed away yesterday and the day before he was screaming and calling for help and now i just lost my self and being heavily impacted by everything this hurts it hurt so much and will never recover
I'm so sorry, how are you?