My Polacy powstrzymaliśmy Rosję przed inwazją Europy……………?? Początek - Rewolucja Październikowa , w tym czasie zostaje dostarczona do Rosji Komuna ( komuna nigdy nie była Rosyjska), a zrobili to Żydzi - Bolszewicy, którzy przejęli Rosję ( mordując Cara i jego całą rodzinę ), komuna została dostarczona do Rosji i później z niej wyszła i tak wmawiają Światu , że Rosja szła z tą komuną , a Polacy ją zatrzymali. Obecnie komuna ma się dobrze w kraju z którego wyszła ( Niemcy) powędrowała do Uni Europejskie i wprowadzana jest po całej Europie.
Only in Poland, saving Jews was punishable by death for the entire family, in other countries, such as France, they received money for betraying a Jew, and no one murdered them for hiding them if it turned out that they were hiding them. France and French citizens gained great fortunes in a few months by trading with Germany, is it fair?
Have you ever heard about `szmalcownicy'? That was our citizens who were sold Jews for money... And there was so many of them that people creat special word for this kind of people who created fortunes on this activity... So stop throwing rocks on French becouse in Poland not everything was so bright too.
@@michachodkowski8499 I agree, they existed and there's no point in hiding it, although the amout of such honorless "people" is almost non-existent compared to people of other countries. "12,000 Jews survived in Warsaw up to the Warsaw Uprising in 1944. To save 12,000 Jews, at least 100,000 people must have been involved. Warsaw had 700,000 people at that time. Every 7th Pole was involved in helping. There was no other such city in Europe." - Marek Edelman, the leader of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Would you really compate it to people who weren't even making 1% of population?
@@michachodkowski8499to jest narracja znanej plemiennej diaspory, powielasz ją bezmyślnie, a nie mówisz nic o "Żymianach" współpracujących z gestapo, takich przypadków było wiele, samobiczowanie to domena szabesgojów.
❤Maria Skłodowska was a polish girl born in Warsaw, daughter of polish parents and only because of marridge, she became Curie; the first woman with 2 Nobel, one in chemistry and one in physics and Polonium, discovered by her, ist named to the glory of Poland, her roots ❤ many people don't know that, but Im very proud of her as a polish girl who also studied chemistry and lives abroad ❤
To 5th point. It should be added that the British Government took a fee from Poland for defending Great Britain. Probably for the first time in history, defenders helping another country had to pay for the help they provided.
To manipulacja. Rzad Polski na uchodzctwie zaproonował, że zapłaci za wynajem, aby polskie wojsko nie było elementem armii brytyjskiej. Wiekszość długu została umożona. Podkreślanie, że to Brytole kazali płacić to komunistyczna propaganda, wciąż powtarzana. Sam się kiedyś na to nabrał em.
@@anna5537 Krótko po przystąpienie do wojny Stanów Zjednoczonych w grudniu 1941 roku i dzięki Lend Lease Act, sprawa regulowania polskich zobowiązań, przestała być palącym problemem. Z dniem 1 stycznia 1943 roku, brytyjskie Ministerstwo Lotnictwa zaprzestało naliczanie jakichkolwiek kosztów za obsługę Polskich Sił Powietrznych, uznając je za całkowicie bezcelowe wobec faktu amerykańskich zobowiązań finansowych i materiałowych. Co więcej, 29 czerwca 1944 roku zawarto kolejną umowę z rządem brytyjskim, która ostatecznie umorzyły wszystkie należności wojskowe za funkcjonowanie Polskich Sił zbrojnych na Zachodzie. Wszak trudno wołać pieniądze od sojusznika, za sprzęt i paliwo, które i tak Wielka Brytania w większości dostała za darmo do USA dzięki ustawie Lend Lease Act. Była to ustawa podpisana 11 marca 1941 r., która umożliwiała prezydentowi Stanów Zjednoczonych „sprzedawać, przenosić własność, wymieniać, wydzierżawiać, pożyczać i w jakikolwiek inny sposób udostępniać innym rządom dowolne produkty ze sfery obronności”.
They have stolen the gold from us and not only them, there was America who took it too and Australia. It was only about a tonne of gold so not that much. It will come back to them. God will pay them back for it, we will do nothing.
Poles fought and helped everywhere. Regaining independence of the USA, during WORLD WAR II the Battle of Britain, France, Narvik, Operation Overlord, Operation Market Garden, Battle of TobruK, Monte Cassino, Battle of Breda, where the Polish division liberated the Dutch city. We were the ones who broke the Enigma codes and took people away. Later, when we needed help during the Warsaw Uprising, they didn't invite us even to the victory march because they were afraid of Stalin
@@RR-po7fy jesteśmy w czarnej dupie, ale przynajmniej w swojej 😉Nikomu w tę dupę nie wchodziliśmy, nie wchodzimy i wchodzić nie będziemy..... Mamy swój honor, sami o wszystko walczymy i jeszcze pomagamy innym...
The amout of such betrayals is heartbreaking and i sometimes just sit down and think with pain about why my country is always treated so painfully by everyone, just why..I feel so sorry for my ancestors who did everything and yet often didn't even get a chance to see a free Poland..;/ The worst and most painful fact is that the opposite is true, and no matter how many times Poles were betrayed, they were always able to lend a helping hand, no matter at what cost, no matter if it were about to cost them their own life. I remember once listening to the radio about fires in France and the Czech Republic, where Polish firefighters were the first to arrive on site and helped the most. At that moment my dad told me "That's what the Poles are" and I will remember these words forever. Poland has always been marginalized and its warnings were treated as the opinions of this "worse partner", although what am i even talking about - this is the case to today Not many people know that Poland was aware of and has been warning the West about the Russian threat for decades - Its warnings have been ignored, it has been threated as some crazy man and called "russophobic" and "untrustrul of Russia" because of it's history. Despite the constant aggression, Georgia, Crimea, the West didn't do much because they wanted not to endanger themselves and have good relations with Russia - as if I hadn't seen it before, what about this whole "never again" thingy?
@@bloomxx. Mi też to rozdziera serce... Dodatkowo teraz Żydzi zakłamują historię razem z Niemcami. Jeszcze dekada albo dwie i tak zakłamią historię, że dzieci w szkole będą się uczyć, że to Polacy wywołali II wojnę światową. NIE ZGADZAM SIĘ NA TO ! ! ! ! To Niemcy nas napadli !!! 1 września 1939 roku !!! To Niemcy hitlerowskie wywołały II wojne światową !!! PROSZĘ, PAMIĘTAJCIE O TYM WSZYSCY. UCZCIE HISTORII PRAWDZIWEJ SWOJE DZIECI I PROSZĘ, MÓDLCIE SIĘ ZA POLAKÓW, bo w obecnym Rządzie zdrajców nie brakuje..... MY POLACY JESTEŚMY BARDZO ZMARTWIENI TERAZ
Ja jestem dumny że jestem Polakiem z dziada pradziada i nigdy się tego nie wstydziłem wręcz przeciwnie i w takiej wierze wychowuje swoje dzieci żeby wiedziały skąd się wywodzą i pamiętały kim są kim byli nasi przodkowie i że oddali życie za nasza wolność.. Pozdrawiam serdecznie z Polski ❤🇵🇱🌷😘
i,was born in jaroslaw ,came to canada at 6 ,yes and i am fluent and did some studies in polish till my teens (thanks to my mom) so yeah i get around in 3 languages including french as third,haveing lived here for like 57 years i come to observe it from an un biased perspective and come to the conclusion that faith in christianity has much to do with it :)Godspeed y'all
NO, They didn't. Polish Counterintelligence's work was crucial to breaking the code by giving British services all their work done on German cryptographic machines since 1933. So, technically, Poles didn't break Enigma (because if they did, Kriegsmarine's version would be a no-brainer), but on the other hand without that work Turing would not be successful. So, no, they didn't but they sort of did.
From what I know. The Enigma was continually advancing, making it necessary to break it repeatedly (as you referred to the war version). The Poles began deciphering it in 1933. Later, as they started lacking resources and as the threat of war grew, they passed it to the British. So, the Poles actually broke the Enigma code, but the British continued breaking it throughout the war with their advancements. Is that correct?
Yes, they did...Hitler lost because of that. He was beyond furious about that. Yet everyone sais it was Americans who saved us. They contributed yes, but until Pirl Harbour's tragedy, Americans didn't care about our horrible suffering and blood shed.....
Nice! I’m Polish man. I just wanted to say, that because of Polish pilots were so brave fighting for England, after II world war we paid back for England 107 650 000 pounds for a maintaining the Polish Air Force.”THANK YOU F…..g MUCH ENGLAND
@jankowalski523 Dlaczego tak do niej piszesz? Dodała bardzo sympatyczny komentarz nt. Polski i Polaków. Nie znasz jej, nie wiesz, co robi, a czego nie robi. Wrzucasz wszystkich do jednego worka, ponieważ wiaterek medialny się odwrócił i kochanie minęło? Używasz czasem swojego mózgu? Wcześniej żadnego krytycznego komentarza nie można bylo napisać, gdyż od razu zostawało się ruską onucą, a teraz hurra urra na Ukraińców? Ciekawe, czy podczas jakiegokolwiek konflitu poszedłbyś walczyć i umierać za naszą klasę rządzącą (wczesniejszą, obecną - obojętne). Łatwo rozporządzać czyimś życiem, gorzej swoim. I nie bój się, nie zabierze Ci pieniążków. Lepiej zajmij się ustalaniem, kto i ile Ci zabiera. Ukraińcy, których znam ciężko tu pracują. Mogę mówić o nich jedynie w samych superlatywach.
Trzymaj się. Uważaj na siebie i rodzine. Nic ważniejszego nie ma a jak upadną mocodawcy Żeleńskiego to naród odzyska swoje ziemie. Teraz trzeba sprzątnąć gnidy bestii i zrobić sprzątanko. Kocham i 3mam kciuki
The young man ignored two much more important events when Poland changed the world. In 1920 when the Poles defeated the Soviet Army at the Battle of Warsaw, and halting the Communist invasion of a war weary Europe. And in the mid 17th century when a huge Muslim Army of the Ottoman Empire invaded Europe to capture Roman and destroy the Christian faith. While the Muslims were encamped around Vienna and besieging the city the Army of Poland's King John Sobieski arrived to the battle and shattered the Turkish army with a charge of his heavy cavalry the 'Winged Hussars'! The Muslim Invasion of Europe was defeated!
First europea constitution - „The adoption of the Constitution of 3 May 1791 was a milestone not only in the statehood of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth but also in history, constitutional law and international relations. It is widely considered to be the first modern constitution in Europe and one of the world's greatest documents of freed”
The Battle of Vienna was fought on September 12, 1683 between the troops of the Polish Hussars under the command of King Jan III Sobieski and the army of the Ottoman Empire under the command of vizier Kara Mustafa. The battle saved Europe from Islam. On August 13-15, 1920, the decisive battle of the Polish-Bolshevik war took place on the outskirts of Warsaw. Called the "Miracle on the Vistula" and considered the 18th breakthrough battle in world history, it decided on Poland maintaining its independence and saving Europe from Bolshevism.
Bo świat stara się być "poprawny politycznie". Niestety tą poprawnością, przekłamują historię. Sami Niemcy, mówią o sobie "że to my robiliśmy a nie naziści". Przyznają się do tych zbrodni i nie wypierają się ich. Niestety to świat chce zmienić historię.
@@tolabola795 Oj, coraz częściej od Niemców słyszę "to naziści NAM zrobili" i nawet jak starają się być w porządku w stosunku do Polski to lecą teksty w stylu "dziękujemy, Polacy, że walczyliście dla nas z nazistami, którzy przejęli też nasz kraj"
@@Lola_in_the_Black marginalne teksty. Na szczęście wiekszość, nie stara się wybielać swojej historii. Również rządzący nie robią uników, więc tu duży plus. Jednak, kiedy się słyszy takie teksty jak powyżej, to od razu trzeba reagować.
Because lie repeated multiple times will wipe out the truth over time and new generations tought in shcools that itwas Nazis not Germans will accept that lie.
I recommend: "Bloody foreigners. Untold Battle of Britain. (polskie napisy)" "10 Inventions You Didn't Know Were Polish" "Winged Hussars - Polish Cavalry - Sabaton History 053 [Official]" "The Story of Wojtek | The Polish Military Bear"
@@MichaFraniak-ml7ue Wuja tam zatrzymał. Jagielle nawet Malborka nie chciało się zdobyć. Prusy Wschodnie siedziały nam jak drzazga w 4 literach do IIWŚ.
He didn't mention how forgiving Poland is. During 2nd World War Ukrainians attacked Poland by surprise and murdered lots of Poles (read about Wolyhynia masacre). My grandma little brother was killed and she and her family had to escape and hide during the middle of the night...
I didn't forgive because Ukrainins never asked for forgiveness. And they didn't allow to exhume and properly bury those they slaughtered. Absolute monsters.
Poles are a nation that loves nature, country and our land. It's better not to mess with us, because if you piss us off, we'd rather die than surrender. besides, Poland has existed since 966, so 'Poland hasn't gone away yet as long as we're alive'
@@tidik73Nie lubię takich sformułowań, ale osmialam się, bo my w większości żyjemy wg. przykazań Pana Jezusa i chcemy prawdy, sprawiedliwości i pokoju.
Tak jak w Ameryce południowej - kiedy Polscy wojacy zdali sobie sprawę, że przeciw Polakom są tylko kobiety i dzieci - tak samo zrobili co i ja Polak bym zrobił - Chronić kobiety i dzieci nawet za cenę własnego życia - nic tu się nie zmieniło - mamy to w genach
Albo w ciągu jednego dnia. Tak na prawdę gdyby ludzie zrozumieli ze jest garstka ludzi na świecie która prowokuje wszystkie ruchy i wojny to już dawno byśmy żyli jako wolni ludzie bo ludzie w każdym kraju są po prostu ludźmi i pragną spokojnego normalnego życia a są manipulowani i wpaja sie ludziom niską wibracje strachu aby się bali bo tylko przez niskie wibracje w tym strach można ludzi wysyłać na wojny itp. Dziękuję ❤
@@RozmowyWszoku24 po pierwsze Polska jako państwo nigdy nie kolaborowała z Niemcami, a Czechów nie najechała tylko zaanektowała należne traktatami wersalskimi teremy zajęte podstępnie w 1920r przez Czechów. I nie było to działanie z Niemcami tylko wbrew Niemcom, zajmując miedzy innymi strategiczny węzeł kolejowy … i nie dzień przed, ignorancie tylko rok.
Poles are always the first to help, but all this work made our skin very tough. Its just like all those memes about the funny friend having a difficult life
Dear Madam, Poles are such a "strange" nation in the modern world; we don't fit into "modernity". Many Poles have not done and do not do anything extraordinary: they believe in God and that man has free will because he was created in the image of God. And this is how we have to live so that people can be happy on the only planet intended for human life. Best regards and welcome to Poland!
@@sensuscommunis2526 Juliusz Słowacki (19th-century Polish poet) wrote: What I want is for a flexible language to say everything that the head thinks, etc. And I only wrote this: man belongs to animals, but - created in the image of God - he has the obligation to be "human". Amen!
You know, it's really good to get to know the perspective of someone who does not know our history too well. In here, Polish people have to know the history well since it has not been the mst merciful for our country. And until recenty Poland has been viewed on the outside from the perspective from which enitre Soviet block was seen. After it's collapse Russia was also spreading some negative propaganda against Poland trying to make sure that Ukraine or Bialorussia or Lithuania do not make friends with Poland too much. People were made to believe that there is a reason to fear Poland. But what people, especially in African countries or with African roots should learn is what was the experience of Poland in relation with Russia and Germany and other countries which in the past were European strong colonial countires. I think especially for Africa now it's important lesson to learn from on its way to become stronger and more independent in the future. And yes, unlike other very white coutnries Poland has a lot of experience with being subjected to slavery, with being enslaved as a country, with being overpowered by countries with imperalistic mindset, so Poland and its people do understand people and countries in such situations and can exchange experience with them and with their people in a respectful manner. And yes, Poland as a country would like to maintan mutually respectful relationships with people in many regions of the world who seek a partner country and society that would treat them as equal, self-respecting people.
Im Pole and Im so grateful for what you are doing and saying about us, girl! ❤ I hope that finally, after all the problems we were going throw, we will get, what we deserve for us and our country. Because yes, we can be a great example for others how to deal with obstactes and rise into a fantastic place to live with a beautifull, helpful, authentic people ❤❤❤😊
I’m polish born raised Canadian some of this information was brand new to me I just wanna say thank you so much for sharing this info it makes me feel great to be polish I now I know it’s not just me that’s feels like helping everyone no matter of color or race it’s in my blood ! Thank you 🙏⭐️😘❤️
Thank you for your film, emotions, words, interest and search for the truth. This is very nice for me as a Pole. All the best to you and God bless you, Szczęść Boże🤍❤️
Hi all I'm from Poland. I'm sure all countries have similar history. This story is only proof that colour of your skin is only shade of humanity. Have a great day 😀
I see you have a huge heart ❤ you are so emotional to other’s pain, it feels like you are feeling it in yoursef ❤ I am Polish and the one I love the most is when Polish soldiers helped Haitians fight French soldiers and to end slavery, and they stayed there in Haiti as their brothers ❤️ to this day there are a lot of Polish descendents
Not to mention the Battle of Grunwald that was a war waged by the Knights Templar that became a militarized and mercenary group ruining the name of Christianity. Christian Poland wasted them and they're no longer terrorized neighboring nations under the guise of Christianity. The Second was the Siege of Vienna when the Ottoman Empire's quest to bring Islam into Europe Failed thanks to the Coalition of Military Powers, at the spear point was the Polish King who led the charge of the LARGEST CALVARY CHARGE IN HUMAN HISTORY....over 20,000 horsemen crashed into 120,000 Ottomans and it was the turning point and peak might of Ottoman power. Famous Quote from an Ottoman eye witness "They look like storm clouds, bristilling in armour and weapons, it was like a tide of black pitch rolling down the hill crushing and burning everything in its path" im proud of my ancestors :_)
Podobno Polska po trzeciej wojnie światowej ma być znacznie większym państwem. szkoda tylko, ze wielu z nas tego nie dożyje. Zdrowia, szczęścia, pomyślności wszystkim dobrym ludziom...... Supposedly, Poland is to be a much larger country after World War III. it's just a pity that many of us will not live to see it. Health, happiness and prosperity to all good people.
Hello, thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing the history of our weary country. if there is a god or a higher consciousness that connects all our souls, then as a Pole I owe it an infinite debt of gratitude for being born in Poland and raised by my grandmother who survived the atrocities of the German occupation. I was raised according to traditional values that are hard to find in modern times. Sometimes I have the impression that after World War II the world collapsed and is slowly drowning in human scandal, depravity and degeneration. One of the most eye-opening conclusions drawn from Poland's history is that the only true value in the world is how we treat other people. because when it all collapses, no amount of money will help us. May God keep us in his care!
@@arturjj8761 Poprawiać - nie, ale uprościć dla większej zrozumiałości - można. Zresztą w XIX wieku zabór pruski stał się jednocześnie zaborem niemieckim.
I am Polish and only after watching a film by an African American did I learn that racial segregation also applied to Poles. They called us "the wrong kind of white" or "white n-word of Europe " and racism affected us too. It is the reminder of how stupid is racism itself is. Polish people also helped in uprising of slaves on Haiti! They don't teach this in history classes.
Tru is different 00000,001% people like u have now this knowledge, but rest of world got some delusion and don't know what was happening and what is happening take care
One small amendment needs to be made: Communists were actually ruling Poland from 1944 to 1989. 1952 was when the name of the country was changed to the People's Republic of Poland and the Communist constitution was adopted, but the Communist government controlled by the Soviet Union was imposed as early as in 1944. First it captured the Eastern part of Poland (Lublin and its surroundings) and then gradually extended its authority to the West and North as Germans were pushed away. As for August 1989, I remember a huge inscription saying TV LIES painted on the sidewalk in front of a municipal building in my town. I was a kid at that time and it was the first time I felt something unusual and important was going on.
This is also one of such moments that still few people outside of Poland are aware of, a Polish contribution to the independence of native people in Haiti:
Poland is the best place to live. 🤍❤️ Poland is Great. We Poles call our homeland The Most Bright Republic of Poland. It's a real name. If You want, listen to the Polish patriotic song "Rota" (available on UA-cam). Hugs
Jesem dumna z Ojczyzny i jej ludnosci .Jesteśmy narodem powstajacym z popiołów jak Fenikx.Zawsze dajemy rade dla naszej Ojczyzny .Zgieci nie złamani.Chwała Polsce .
It should be added that the Polish national hero Tadeusz Kościuszko, fighting for the independence of the USA, donated all his remuneration received by their government to free black slaves because he saw how they were treated.
This list is missing two most important points. 1. Battle of Vienna - a battle fought on September 12, 1683 near Vienna between the Polish-Imperial troops under the command of King John III Sobieski and the army of the Ottoman Empire under the command of vizier Kara Mustafa. If Sobieski lost, Europe would be Muslim. 2. The Battle of Warsaw, commonly called the Miracle on the Vistula - a military operation fought on August 13-25, 1920 between the Red Army attacking Warsaw and northwest of it and the Polish Army grouped on the Vistula and Wieprz, the decisive battle of the Polish-Bolshevik war. If Piłsudski had lost, Europe would have been a communist continent since the 1920s.
About the Haiti - I don't remember learning about that in school, but we never had slaves or colonies, so for Poles to go on the side of slaves to help them fight the oppressors makes sense. We can fight when we have to, but we can do things peacefully too. We are a peaceful and safe country, we've been through a lot so we don't go attacking innocent people. Poland did an incredible work with rebuilding the country. Napoleon said if the job is impossible - send there Polish people.
Really thank you for your appreciation and respect. It makes you even more sympathetic and charming than before. Same respect and appreciation to you. :) I would like to learn about your country. Honest interest, especially in its history. With proper respect I ask. Please, could you tell me which one it is (I just discovered your channel so I haven't seen yet all of your videos). I apologize for my english. God bless and protect you and your loved ones.
God, Honor, Motherland - throughout our history those words rooted into our DNA. Despite many young people leaving Church we still pray for our Country and Mother Mary has huge influence in our country.
To be completely honest: it's not like all Poles are great and we don't have any flaws. We are like any nation in terms of doing good and doing bad. However, what characterizes us is that no matter how much we are at odds with each other, how divided we are, when times of fear come... we act together. We cope best with poverty when we have less rather than more. We work quickly and efficiently. All divisions disappear, what counts is a common goal, especially when it comes to fighting for freedom. The history of our country shows each of you... that if you do not fight together as a nation for your better future... there is no hope for you. Only together you can change something, especially in times of war or conflict, and that's why I love my country / my nation.
Great video 👍 it is worth to add that Poland has very strong catholic faith and there are many proofs that by praying God saves Poland from enemies. Polska zawsze będzie Polska!🇵🇱 Z Bogiem i Maryja !
Come to Poland. You will se what we are capable of. We are fixed. We are helpfull, we are kind. But if you if you cross the line, we will have no mercy, for anyone. We have goodness in our hearts. Don't abuse it, we're not stupid and we see when you're just taking advantage of it. Thrust and respect.
ale YT nadal nie ma w propozycji polskich napisów- dlaczego!!! My kochamy nasz kraj, zawieżylismy go Maryi, w przysiędze mamy znamienne zdanie: Bóg, Honor, Ojczyzna!
@@cosmiccore8251to nasz Bóg od zawsze jesteśmy związani z Chrystusem od narodzin Polski bez Chrześcijaństwa i głębokiej wiary w Boga nasz naród by nie przetrwał Prusy protestanckie Rosja prawosławna mogliśmy utożsamiać się z Rzymskim Katolicyzmem później okupacja barbarzyńców Hitlera i Stalina Komunizm też zwalczał naszą wiarę dlatego poległ i dzięki Bogu zaczyna się w Polsce nowa wojna z Chrześcijańskimi wartościami i coraz więcej rodaków się budzi
@@cosmiccore8251poczytaj Biblie wtedy sie upewnisz czyim Krolem Jesus jest. Przedewszystkim byl bestronny.!! Nie reprezentowal ani tez nie reprezentuje jednego narodu.
We (Poles) also stopped Turks in 1683 and Russians in 1920, from invading Europe...
To chyba Jan 3 Sobieski uratowal Austrie przed osmanami i później został wydymany przez Austrie 😢😢
yeah we did ,but then austians ,germans,and ruskies showed the gratitude few decades later to attacking and partying Poland between themselves
@@TE-KA-303Nie chyba , tylko na pewno! Przecież to polski król Jan Sobieski , przyszedł z polskim wojskiem na odsiecz Wiednia , i pokonał Turków.
@@Iro-jf5pv. Tylko to były wojny religijne , bronili Watykanu, krucjaty odbywały się w różnych kierunkach.
My Polacy powstrzymaliśmy Rosję przed inwazją Europy……………??
Początek - Rewolucja Październikowa , w tym czasie zostaje dostarczona do Rosji Komuna ( komuna nigdy nie była Rosyjska), a zrobili to Żydzi - Bolszewicy,
którzy przejęli Rosję ( mordując Cara i jego całą rodzinę ), komuna została dostarczona do Rosji i później z niej wyszła i tak wmawiają Światu , że Rosja szła z tą komuną , a Polacy ją zatrzymali.
Obecnie komuna ma się dobrze w kraju z którego wyszła ( Niemcy) powędrowała do Uni Europejskie i wprowadzana jest po całej Europie.
Poland needs a hug, they absorbed so much shit through the times and are standing stronger than ever
/Hug from Denmark❤
Pozdrawiam 👋🇵🇱🤝🇩🇰
raczej słabsza niż kiedykolwiek...
Szacunek .
Only in Poland, saving Jews was punishable by death for the entire family, in other countries, such as France, they received money for betraying a Jew, and no one murdered them for hiding them if it turned out that they were hiding them. France and French citizens gained great fortunes in a few months by trading with Germany, is it fair?
Have you ever heard about `szmalcownicy'? That was our citizens who were sold Jews for money... And there was so many of them that people creat special word for this kind of people who created fortunes on this activity... So stop throwing rocks on French becouse in Poland not everything was so bright too.
Once again kiddo. Where was the death penalty for helping jews? Which government send Jews to concentration camps?
@@michachodkowski8499 I agree, they existed and there's no point in hiding it, although the amout of such honorless "people" is almost non-existent compared to people of other countries.
"12,000 Jews survived in Warsaw up to the Warsaw Uprising in 1944. To save 12,000 Jews, at least 100,000 people must have been involved. Warsaw had 700,000 people at that time. Every 7th Pole was involved in helping. There was no other such city in Europe." - Marek Edelman, the leader of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Would you really compate it to people who weren't even making 1% of population?
@@michachodkowski8499to jest narracja znanej plemiennej diaspory, powielasz ją bezmyślnie, a nie mówisz nic o "Żymianach" współpracujących z gestapo, takich przypadków było wiele, samobiczowanie to domena szabesgojów.
@@michachodkowski8499polecam historię Stefanii Brandstätter
❤Maria Skłodowska was a polish girl born in Warsaw, daughter of polish parents and only because of marridge, she became Curie; the first woman with 2 Nobel, one in chemistry and one in physics and Polonium, discovered by her, ist named to the glory of Poland, her roots ❤ many people don't know that, but Im very proud of her as a polish girl who also studied chemistry and lives abroad ❤
Maria Slkodowska-Curie is known as "Madame Curie" to hide her Polish birthplace.
She only got the prize because at the time she stole someone else work in radioactivity she was a french citizen!
Absolutly bullshit.
To 5th point.
It should be added that the British Government took a fee from Poland for defending Great Britain.
Probably for the first time in history, defenders helping another country had to pay for the help they provided.
I nie ostatni niestety. Kto oddając czołgi sąsiadom jeszcze płacił cło za nie na granicy dopiero co ?
To manipulacja. Rzad Polski na uchodzctwie zaproonował, że zapłaci za wynajem, aby polskie wojsko nie było elementem armii brytyjskiej.
Wiekszość długu została umożona.
Podkreślanie, że to Brytole kazali płacić to komunistyczna propaganda, wciąż powtarzana. Sam się kiedyś na to nabrał em.
@@anna5537 Krótko po przystąpienie do wojny Stanów Zjednoczonych w grudniu 1941 roku i dzięki Lend Lease Act, sprawa regulowania polskich zobowiązań, przestała być palącym problemem. Z dniem 1 stycznia 1943 roku, brytyjskie Ministerstwo Lotnictwa zaprzestało naliczanie jakichkolwiek kosztów za obsługę Polskich Sił Powietrznych, uznając je za całkowicie bezcelowe wobec faktu amerykańskich zobowiązań finansowych i materiałowych. Co więcej, 29 czerwca 1944 roku zawarto kolejną umowę z rządem brytyjskim, która ostatecznie umorzyły wszystkie należności wojskowe za funkcjonowanie Polskich Sił zbrojnych na Zachodzie. Wszak trudno wołać pieniądze od sojusznika, za sprzęt i paliwo, które i tak Wielka Brytania w większości dostała za darmo do USA dzięki ustawie Lend Lease Act. Była to ustawa podpisana 11 marca 1941 r., która umożliwiała prezydentowi Stanów Zjednoczonych „sprzedawać, przenosić własność, wymieniać, wydzierżawiać, pożyczać i w jakikolwiek inny sposób udostępniać innym rządom dowolne produkty ze sfery obronności”.
They have stolen the gold from us and not only them, there was America who took it too and Australia. It was only about a tonne of gold so not that much. It will come back to them. God will pay them back for it, we will do nothing.
@@anna5537 to niestety smieszne ale tak dziala unia europejska ktora zachecala do pomocy żeby pobrać cło xDDDD
I'm not Polish, but I don't hesitate to say Poland is admirable! ❤ 🇵🇱
Dziękuję ❤
Happy to hear that🙂regards from Poland 🫶🏼
thanks for your kinde words about my country 🇵🇱❤️🙂
Dziękuję ❤
Poles fought and helped everywhere. Regaining independence of the USA, during WORLD WAR II the Battle of Britain, France, Narvik, Operation Overlord, Operation Market Garden, Battle of TobruK, Monte Cassino, Battle of Breda, where the Polish division liberated the Dutch city. We were the ones who broke the Enigma codes and took people away. Later, when we needed help during the Warsaw Uprising, they didn't invite us even to the victory march because they were afraid of Stalin
Ania my zawsze w czarnej d…. ale DUMY NAM NIKT NIE ODBIERZE i otwartych drzwi dla potrzebującego , gościny !!!! ✌️🇵🇱💪
@@RR-po7fy jesteśmy w czarnej dupie, ale przynajmniej w swojej 😉Nikomu w tę dupę nie wchodziliśmy, nie wchodzimy i wchodzić nie będziemy..... Mamy swój honor, sami o wszystko walczymy i jeszcze pomagamy innym...
The amout of such betrayals is heartbreaking and i sometimes just sit down and think with pain about why my country is always treated so painfully by everyone, just why..I feel so sorry for my ancestors who did everything and yet often didn't even get a chance to see a free Poland..;/
The worst and most painful fact is that the opposite is true, and no matter how many times Poles were betrayed, they were always able to lend a helping hand, no matter at what cost, no matter if it were about to cost them their own life.
I remember once listening to the radio about fires in France and the Czech Republic, where Polish firefighters were the first to arrive on site and helped the most. At that moment my dad told me "That's what the Poles are" and I will remember these words forever.
Poland has always been marginalized and its warnings were treated as the opinions of this "worse partner", although what am i even talking about - this is the case to today
Not many people know that Poland was aware of and has been warning the West about the Russian threat for decades - Its warnings have been ignored, it has been threated as some crazy man and called "russophobic" and "untrustrul of Russia" because of it's history. Despite the constant aggression, Georgia, Crimea, the West didn't do much because they wanted not to endanger themselves and have good relations with Russia - as if I hadn't seen it before, what about this whole "never again" thingy?
Mi też to rozdziera serce...
Dodatkowo teraz Żydzi zakłamują historię razem z Niemcami.
Jeszcze dekada albo dwie i tak zakłamią historię, że dzieci w szkole będą się uczyć, że to Polacy wywołali II wojnę światową.
To Niemcy nas napadli !!!
1 września 1939 roku !!!
To Niemcy hitlerowskie wywołały II wojne światową !!!
bardzo prosta sprawa wypiąć się na wszystkich i żyć dla Polski
Ja jestem dumny że jestem Polakiem z dziada pradziada i nigdy się tego nie wstydziłem wręcz przeciwnie i w takiej wierze wychowuje swoje dzieci żeby wiedziały skąd się wywodzą i pamiętały kim są kim byli nasi przodkowie i że oddali życie za nasza wolność.. Pozdrawiam serdecznie z Polski ❤🇵🇱🌷😘
szkoda tylko że za tą otwartość i pomoc płacimy utratą suwerenności, rządzą u nas wszyscy tylko nie Polacy. Pozdrawiam
i,was born in jaroslaw ,came to canada at 6 ,yes and i am fluent and did some studies in polish till my teens (thanks to my mom) so yeah i get around in 3 languages including french as third,haveing lived here for like 57 years i come to observe it from an un biased perspective and come to the conclusion that faith in christianity has much to do with it :)Godspeed y'all
Poles also broke the Enigma code during World War II.
Actually Poles broke it in 1933 and then passed the knowledge to the British right before the war.
NO, They didn't. Polish Counterintelligence's work was crucial to breaking the code by giving British services all their work done on German cryptographic machines since 1933. So, technically, Poles didn't break Enigma (because if they did, Kriegsmarine's version would be a no-brainer), but on the other hand without that work Turing would not be successful.
So, no, they didn't but they sort of did.
From what I know. The Enigma was continually advancing, making it necessary to break it repeatedly (as you referred to the war version). The Poles began deciphering it in 1933. Later, as they started lacking resources and as the threat of war grew, they passed it to the British. So, the Poles actually broke the Enigma code, but the British continued breaking it throughout the war with their advancements. Is that correct?
We won battle of England, Division 303
Yes, they did...Hitler lost because of that. He was beyond furious about that.
Yet everyone sais it was Americans who saved us. They contributed yes, but until Pirl Harbour's tragedy, Americans didn't care about our horrible suffering and blood shed.....
Nice! I’m Polish man. I just wanted to say, that because of Polish pilots were so brave fighting for England, after II world war we paid back for England 107 650 000 pounds for a maintaining the Polish Air Force.”THANK YOU F…..g MUCH ENGLAND
That will never cease to piss me off... English Brutuses...
That's I wanted to also say that. Nice pay back, with literal invoice for defending their country lol
You can also add, that invoice was cancelled by England and Poland didn't pay it. That how bureaucracy works. Everything must be written in tax books.
@@tentaki1443 never knew that fact :)
I'm Ukrainian 🇺🇦
God bless Poland🇵🇱 wonderful country with great strong people ❣️❣️❣️
Дякуємо Польща
Dzienkuje Polsko
@jankowalski523 Dlaczego tak do niej piszesz? Dodała bardzo sympatyczny komentarz nt. Polski i Polaków. Nie znasz jej, nie wiesz, co robi, a czego nie robi. Wrzucasz wszystkich do jednego worka, ponieważ wiaterek medialny się odwrócił i kochanie minęło? Używasz czasem swojego mózgu? Wcześniej żadnego krytycznego komentarza nie można bylo napisać, gdyż od razu zostawało się ruską onucą, a teraz hurra urra na Ukraińców? Ciekawe, czy podczas jakiegokolwiek konflitu poszedłbyś walczyć i umierać za naszą klasę rządzącą (wczesniejszą, obecną - obojętne). Łatwo rozporządzać czyimś życiem, gorzej swoim. I nie bój się, nie zabierze Ci pieniążków. Lepiej zajmij się ustalaniem, kto i ile Ci zabiera. Ukraińcy, których znam ciężko tu pracują. Mogę mówić o nich jedynie w samych superlatywach.
Napisał russki troll
Trzymaj się. Uważaj na siebie i rodzine. Nic ważniejszego nie ma a jak upadną mocodawcy Żeleńskiego to naród odzyska swoje ziemie. Teraz trzeba sprzątnąć gnidy bestii i zrobić sprzątanko.
Kocham i 3mam kciuki
Tylko ukraińcy czczą banderę i nienawidzą polaków.Nie można pochować zamordowanych bestialsko w 1943 na Wołyniu Polaków
Dziękuję za dobre słowo.Powodzenia wam
The young man ignored two much more important events when Poland changed the world. In 1920 when the Poles defeated the Soviet Army at the Battle of Warsaw, and halting the Communist invasion of a war weary Europe. And in the mid 17th century when a huge Muslim Army of the Ottoman Empire invaded Europe to capture Roman and destroy the Christian faith. While the Muslims were encamped around Vienna and besieging the city the Army of Poland's King John Sobieski arrived to the battle and shattered the Turkish army with a charge of his heavy cavalry the 'Winged Hussars'! The Muslim Invasion of Europe was defeated!
You are a very nice and empathetic person :) Greetings from Poland!
You are so kind
Thanks ☺️
What a beautiful lady. Polish greetings from the Netherlands
First europea constitution - „The adoption of the Constitution of 3 May 1791 was a milestone not only in the statehood of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth but also in history, constitutional law and international relations. It is widely considered to be the first modern constitution in Europe and one of the world's greatest documents of freed”
The Battle of Vienna was fought on September 12, 1683 between the troops of the Polish Hussars under the command of King Jan III Sobieski and the army of the Ottoman Empire under the command of vizier Kara Mustafa. The battle saved Europe from Islam.
On August 13-15, 1920, the decisive battle of the Polish-Bolshevik war took place on the outskirts of Warsaw. Called the "Miracle on the Vistula" and considered the 18th breakthrough battle in world history, it decided on Poland maintaining its independence and saving Europe from Bolshevism.
Dobrze że to dodałeś!
Thank You for all you do❤❤❤ hugs from Poland 🇵🇱
I am a Pole and I am proud of it!
Thanks a lot ☺️
To nie Twoja zasługa.
Zasługa Polaków
Polecam utwór zespołu Dżem " Wiktoria" - wydany za czasów komuny
@@Asgarden jak zwykle troll sie znajdzie
Greetings from Poland 🖐️🇵🇱
Hello 👋 🙏
Great video. Polish people are kind and brave.
Why do people all over the world say Nazis and not German Nazis because they were Germans!
Because new Germans don't do this and they wants to separate themselves from bad history.
Bo świat stara się być "poprawny politycznie". Niestety tą poprawnością, przekłamują historię.
Sami Niemcy, mówią o sobie "że to my robiliśmy a nie naziści". Przyznają się do tych zbrodni i nie wypierają się ich. Niestety to świat chce zmienić historię.
@@tolabola795 Oj, coraz częściej od Niemców słyszę "to naziści NAM zrobili" i nawet jak starają się być w porządku w stosunku do Polski to lecą teksty w stylu "dziękujemy, Polacy, że walczyliście dla nas z nazistami, którzy przejęli też nasz kraj"
@@Lola_in_the_Black marginalne teksty. Na szczęście wiekszość, nie stara się wybielać swojej historii.
Również rządzący nie robią uników, więc tu duży plus.
Jednak, kiedy się słyszy takie teksty jak powyżej, to od razu trzeba reagować.
Because lie repeated multiple times will wipe out the truth over time and new generations tought in shcools that itwas Nazis not Germans will accept that lie.
My emotional miss❤ We cry together❤Thank you for your reaction❤
"Because we are not begging for freedom. We are fighting for it."
God bless You ❤, and thank You for your beautifull words about Poland 😊❤
I recommend:
"Bloody foreigners. Untold Battle of Britain. (polskie napisy)"
"10 Inventions You Didn't Know Were Polish"
"Winged Hussars - Polish Cavalry - Sabaton History 053 [Official]"
"The Story of Wojtek | The Polish Military Bear"
This was great!!! Thank you Starr!!😊
Dlaczego nie ma tu o Grunwaldzie 1410 Wiedniu 1680 Bitwie Warszawskiej 1920 wtedy zmieniliśmy bieg historii
Jak grunwald zmienił światy typie?
@@ukaszp9650 zatrzymał Zakon Krzyżacki
@@ukaszp9650 Typie? Gnoju?
@@MichaFraniak-ml7ue Wuja tam zatrzymał. Jagielle nawet Malborka nie chciało się zdobyć. Prusy Wschodnie siedziały nam jak drzazga w 4 literach do IIWŚ.
He didn't mention how forgiving Poland is. During 2nd World War Ukrainians attacked Poland by surprise and murdered lots of Poles (read about Wolyhynia masacre). My grandma little brother was killed and she and her family had to escape and hide during the middle of the night...
I didn't forgive because Ukrainins never asked for forgiveness. And they didn't allow to exhume and properly bury those they slaughtered. Absolute monsters.
Dzięki za te słowa dobra kobieto.Zapraszamy do Polski.
Thank you 🙏
Regards and blessings from Poland 🇵🇱🤍❤️
Thanks a lot! 🙏☺️
Hello from Poland🇵🇱. All the best.🙂
Poles are a nation that loves nature, country and our land. It's better not to mess with us, because if you piss us off, we'd rather die than surrender.
besides, Poland has existed since 966, so 'Poland hasn't gone away yet as long as we're alive'
And before 966 Slavs existed long long time already. It was human big power🧡
@@annaswital5650 hehe... we r pegands kinda did christianity couse wos viabin at a time.
@@annaswital5650 we kinda went christiani couse it was waibin' at a time. we r pegans weay back as Slavic region.
Thank you for this video! God bless you ❤❤❤ I'm pole. Greetings from Poland ❤❤❤ 🤗☺️👍👏💞
a tak w ogóle to pięknym byłoby gdyby na Ziemi panował POKÓJ wśród ludzi !!!
ale jak nie bylo pokoju Bog stworzyl polaka zeby przywrocil pokoj
@@tidik73które bogi? Moimi są Rod, Perun, Weles, Mokosz (...) oni są tu cały czas ze mną i innymi Słowianami, są wpisani w nasze DNA.
piękne słowa
@@tidik73Nie lubię takich sformułowań, ale osmialam się, bo my w większości żyjemy wg. przykazań Pana Jezusa i chcemy prawdy, sprawiedliwości i pokoju.
Hugs from Poland ❤
It is so nice to hear someone talk about our country history
Tak jak w Ameryce południowej - kiedy Polscy wojacy zdali sobie sprawę, że przeciw Polakom są tylko kobiety i dzieci - tak samo zrobili co i ja Polak bym zrobił - Chronić kobiety i dzieci nawet za cenę własnego życia - nic tu się nie zmieniło - mamy to w genach
Gdyby wszystkie kraje Europy, w 40tych latach ubiegłego wieku, zachowały siè tak jak Polska to IIWŚ skońyłaby się w ciągu kilku miesięcy!
Albo w ciągu jednego dnia. Tak na prawdę gdyby ludzie zrozumieli ze jest garstka ludzi na świecie która prowokuje wszystkie ruchy i wojny to już dawno byśmy żyli jako wolni ludzie bo ludzie w każdym kraju są po prostu ludźmi i pragną spokojnego normalnego życia a są manipulowani i wpaja sie ludziom niską wibracje strachu aby się bali bo tylko przez niskie wibracje w tym strach można ludzi wysyłać na wojny itp. Dziękuję ❤
To chyba nie wiesz o kolaboracji z Adolfem i wspólnym najechaniu Czech dzień wcześniej?
@@RozmowyWszoku24 po pierwsze Polska jako państwo nigdy nie kolaborowała z Niemcami, a Czechów nie najechała tylko zaanektowała należne traktatami wersalskimi teremy zajęte podstępnie w 1920r przez Czechów.
I nie było to działanie z Niemcami tylko wbrew Niemcom, zajmując miedzy innymi strategiczny węzeł kolejowy … i nie dzień przed, ignorancie tylko rok.
@@Polexitnatychmiast ok. Niech ci będzie.
@@RozmowyWszoku24 Cieszę się, że zrozumiałeś.
Poles are always the first to help, but all this work made our skin very tough. Its just like all those memes about the funny friend having a difficult life
Dear Madam, Poles are such a "strange" nation in the modern world; we don't fit into "modernity".
Many Poles have not done and do not do anything extraordinary: they believe in God and that man has free will because he was created in the image of God.
And this is how we have to live so that people can be happy on the only planet intended for human life.
Best regards and welcome to Poland!
@@sensuscommunis2526 Juliusz Słowacki (19th-century Polish poet) wrote: What I want is for a flexible language to say everything that the head thinks, etc.
And I only wrote this: man belongs to animals, but - created in the image of God - he has the obligation to be "human".
@@PiotrBuczyński-q4x Maybe I misunderstood you.
You know, it's really good to get to know the perspective of someone who does not know our history too well. In here, Polish people have to know the history well since it has not been the mst merciful for our country. And until recenty Poland has been viewed on the outside from the perspective from which enitre Soviet block was seen. After it's collapse Russia was also spreading some negative propaganda against Poland trying to make sure that Ukraine or Bialorussia or Lithuania do not make friends with Poland too much. People were made to believe that there is a reason to fear Poland. But what people, especially in African countries or with African roots should learn is what was the experience of Poland in relation with Russia and Germany and other countries which in the past were European strong colonial countires. I think especially for Africa now it's important lesson to learn from on its way to become stronger and more independent in the future. And yes, unlike other very white coutnries Poland has a lot of experience with being subjected to slavery, with being enslaved as a country, with being overpowered by countries with imperalistic mindset, so Poland and its people do understand people and countries in such situations and can exchange experience with them and with their people in a respectful manner. And yes, Poland as a country would like to maintan mutually respectful relationships with people in many regions of the world who seek a partner country and society that would treat them as equal, self-respecting people.
Im Pole and Im so grateful for what you are doing and saying about us, girl! ❤ I hope that finally, after all the problems we were going throw, we will get, what we deserve for us and our country. Because yes, we can be a great example for others how to deal with obstactes and rise into a fantastic place to live with a beautifull, helpful, authentic people ❤❤❤😊
I’m polish born raised Canadian some of this information was brand new to me I just wanna say thank you so much for sharing this info it makes me feel great to be polish I now I know it’s not just me that’s feels like helping everyone no matter of color or race it’s in my blood ! Thank you 🙏⭐️😘❤️
Canadian citizen with Polish family roots. Moved to Poland 1 1/2 yrs ago and definitely was the best decision in my life.
Thank you for your film, emotions, words, interest and search for the truth. This is very nice for me as a Pole. All the best to you and God bless you, Szczęść Boże🤍❤️
Polacy to cudowny naród
Thank you guys!I love what you did.Hello from Canada.❤️
You are as wise as You're beautiful ❤ Thank You for covering my country's history ❤❤❤ Love from Poland 🇵🇱
Thanks for promotion Poland 🇵🇱
I sending you some much love ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Watch the documentary about Polish squadron 303 .Very interesting.
I am Polish and I am proud of it
Hi all I'm from Poland.
I'm sure all countries have similar history. This story is only proof that colour of your skin is only shade of humanity.
Have a great day 😀
I see you have a huge heart ❤ you are so emotional to other’s pain, it feels like you are feeling it in yoursef ❤
I am Polish and the one I love the most is when Polish soldiers helped Haitians fight French soldiers and to end slavery, and they stayed there in Haiti as their brothers ❤️ to this day there are a lot of Polish descendents
Thank you for this video. Hugs from Poland.
it is in our blood, we will always help a country that needs help!! Alwayes
we are always the power
Not to mention the Battle of Grunwald that was a war waged by the Knights Templar that became a militarized and mercenary group ruining the name of Christianity. Christian Poland wasted them and they're no longer terrorized neighboring nations under the guise of Christianity. The Second was the Siege of Vienna when the Ottoman Empire's quest to bring Islam into Europe Failed thanks to the Coalition of Military Powers, at the spear point was the Polish King who led the charge of the LARGEST CALVARY CHARGE IN HUMAN HISTORY....over 20,000 horsemen crashed into 120,000 Ottomans and it was the turning point and peak might of Ottoman power. Famous Quote from an Ottoman eye witness "They look like storm clouds, bristilling in armour and weapons, it was like a tide of black pitch rolling down the hill crushing and burning everything in its path" im proud of my ancestors :_)
First ,the dates about Solidarity he said wrong. Not 1990 .It was 1980.. I was there.
Thank You. You fan from Poland ❤
Podobno Polska po trzeciej wojnie światowej ma być znacznie większym państwem. szkoda tylko, ze wielu z nas tego nie dożyje. Zdrowia, szczęścia, pomyślności wszystkim dobrym ludziom...... Supposedly, Poland is to be a much larger country after World War III. it's just a pity that many of us will not live to see it. Health, happiness and prosperity to all good people.
Hello, thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing the history of our weary country. if there is a god or a higher consciousness that connects all our souls, then as a Pole I owe it an infinite debt of gratitude for being born in Poland and raised by my grandmother who survived the atrocities of the German occupation. I was raised according to traditional values that are hard to find in modern times. Sometimes I have the impression that after World War II the world collapsed and is slowly drowning in human scandal, depravity and degeneration. One of the most eye-opening conclusions drawn from Poland's history is that the only true value in the world is how we treat other people. because when it all collapses, no amount of money will help us. May God keep us in his care!
Polska została podzielona pomiędzy trzech zaborców , Rosję, Niemcy i Austrię!!!
Jakie Niemcy? Może wróć do szkoły?
@@arturjj8761 niemcy to spadkobiercy rzeszy a rzesza prus
@@arturjj8761Prusacy to też Niemcy. Amerykanów nie trzeba zrzucać takimi szczegółami, żeby się nie pogubili.
@@Asgarden Ale czemu poprawiać coś co zostało prawidłowo powiedziane w filmie na nieprawidłowe stwierdzenie?
Poprawiać - nie, ale uprościć dla większej zrozumiałości - można. Zresztą w XIX wieku zabór pruski stał się jednocześnie zaborem niemieckim.
Haven you heard about August Agbola O'Brown called Ali? The one black fighter of Warsaw Uprising during the IIWW.. 😊
I am Polish and only after watching a film by an African American did I learn that racial segregation also applied to Poles. They called us "the wrong kind of white" or "white n-word of Europe " and racism affected us too. It is the reminder of how stupid is racism itself is. Polish people also helped in uprising of slaves on Haiti! They don't teach this in history classes.
Tru is different 00000,001% people like u have now this knowledge, but rest of world got some delusion and don't know what was happening and what is happening take care
One small amendment needs to be made: Communists were actually ruling Poland from 1944 to 1989. 1952 was when the name of the country was changed to the People's Republic of Poland and the Communist constitution was adopted, but the Communist government controlled by the Soviet Union was imposed as early as in 1944. First it captured the Eastern part of Poland (Lublin and its surroundings) and then gradually extended its authority to the West and North as Germans were pushed away. As for August 1989, I remember a huge inscription saying TV LIES painted on the sidewalk in front of a municipal building in my town. I was a kid at that time and it was the first time I felt something unusual and important was going on.
Greetings from Poland :-)
This is also one of such moments that still few people outside of Poland are aware of, a Polish contribution to the independence of native people in Haiti:
you should watch
bloody foreigners - untold battle of britain
amazing Polish Spirit
Poland is the best place to live. 🤍❤️ Poland is Great. We Poles call our homeland The Most Bright Republic of Poland. It's a real name. If You want, listen to the Polish patriotic song "Rota" (available on UA-cam). Hugs
Jesem dumna z Ojczyzny i jej ludnosci .Jesteśmy narodem powstajacym z popiołów jak Fenikx.Zawsze dajemy rade dla naszej Ojczyzny .Zgieci nie złamani.Chwała Polsce .
Lion teaching eagle "how to fly" lol :D
Thanks very much we have to rimand whole word about it ❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
It should be added that the Polish national hero Tadeusz Kościuszko, fighting for the independence of the USA, donated all his remuneration received by their government to free black slaves because he saw how they were treated.
Nie płacz bo życie jest piękne. A co było wszyscy pamiętamy i wiemy jak trzeba się zachować bo my jesteśmy i tylko Bóg honor ojczyzna
This list is missing two most important points.
1. Battle of Vienna - a battle fought on September 12, 1683 near Vienna between the Polish-Imperial troops under the command of King John III Sobieski and the army of the Ottoman Empire under the command of vizier Kara Mustafa. If Sobieski lost, Europe would be Muslim.
2. The Battle of Warsaw, commonly called the Miracle on the Vistula - a military operation fought on August 13-25, 1920 between the Red Army attacking Warsaw and northwest of it and the Polish Army grouped on the Vistula and Wieprz, the decisive battle of the Polish-Bolshevik war. If Piłsudski had lost, Europe would have been a communist continent since the 1920s.
One more : bitwa pod Wiedniem - Król Jan III Sobieski-
Thank you ❤🙏
About the Haiti - I don't remember learning about that in school, but we never had slaves or colonies, so for Poles to go on the side of slaves to help them fight the oppressors makes sense. We can fight when we have to, but we can do things peacefully too. We are a peaceful and safe country, we've been through a lot so we don't go attacking innocent people. Poland did an incredible work with rebuilding the country. Napoleon said if the job is impossible - send there Polish people.
Keep your microfon bit higher.But it was nice video
Best video of yours ❤
Really thank you for your appreciation and respect.
It makes you even more sympathetic and charming than before. Same respect and appreciation to you. :)
I would like to learn about your country. Honest interest, especially in its history.
With proper respect I ask. Please, could you tell me which one it is (I just discovered your channel so I haven't seen yet all of your videos).
I apologize for my english.
God bless and protect you and your loved ones.
My great grama and grandpa hid Jews twice on the risk of family execution
Chwała Bohaterom❤❤❤
God, Honor, Motherland - throughout our history those words rooted into our DNA. Despite many young people leaving Church we still pray for our Country and Mother Mary has huge influence in our country.
Poland and Pride to be polish!
To be completely honest: it's not like all Poles are great and we don't have any flaws. We are like any nation in terms of doing good and doing bad. However, what characterizes us is that no matter how much we are at odds with each other, how divided we are, when times of fear come... we act together. We cope best with poverty when we have less rather than more. We work quickly and efficiently. All divisions disappear, what counts is a common goal, especially when it comes to fighting for freedom. The history of our country shows each of you... that if you do not fight together as a nation for your better future... there is no hope for you. Only together you can change something, especially in times of war or conflict, and that's why I love my country / my nation.
Great video 👍 it is worth to add that Poland has very strong catholic faith and there are many proofs that by praying God saves Poland from enemies.
Polska zawsze będzie Polska!🇵🇱
Z Bogiem i Maryja !
dzieki widac ze co nie ktorzy znaja historie
Fix your audio and I will share it. I have heard the Haitian story before, and was really surprised to find it out.
Thank you
The is a cool movie about polish pilots “Mission of honor” 👍
Uwielbiam Twoją wrażliwość:*
We are still changing the world, Thank you so much that you talk about Poland
Come to Poland. You will se what we are capable of. We are fixed. We are helpfull, we are kind. But if you if you cross the line, we will have no mercy, for anyone. We have goodness in our hearts. Don't abuse it, we're not stupid and we see when you're just taking advantage of it. Thrust and respect.
ale YT nadal nie ma w propozycji polskich napisów- dlaczego!!!
My kochamy nasz kraj, zawieżylismy go Maryi, w przysiędze mamy znamienne zdanie: Bóg, Honor, Ojczyzna!
Yes, it's all true, but someone wants history to be distorted and the message to be negative about Poles, and that's sad.
Poland is strong only thanks to our king - Jezus Chrystus.
100% true ❤
😂mów za siebie, to król żydowski a nie nasz Polaków
@@cosmiccore8251to nasz Bóg od zawsze jesteśmy związani z Chrystusem od narodzin Polski bez Chrześcijaństwa i głębokiej wiary w Boga nasz naród by nie przetrwał Prusy protestanckie Rosja prawosławna mogliśmy utożsamiać się z Rzymskim Katolicyzmem później okupacja barbarzyńców Hitlera i Stalina Komunizm też zwalczał naszą wiarę dlatego poległ i dzięki Bogu zaczyna się w Polsce nowa wojna z Chrześcijańskimi wartościami i coraz więcej rodaków się budzi
@izaz4446 u r an idiot 🤷
@@cosmiccore8251poczytaj Biblie wtedy sie upewnisz czyim Krolem Jesus jest. Przedewszystkim byl bestronny.!! Nie reprezentowal ani tez nie reprezentuje jednego narodu.
and after the war, the British made Poles pay for the use of planes... can you imagine that?
Because we do not beg for freedom, we fight for it.
Witaj 🖖Żuć okiem również na Monte Cassino i Enigmę🙂Pozdrawiam ✌
Find squadron 303 this sad in final moment