Yes! This is the most important part of learning history. A proper timeline in proper context. Great video! Serves as a good starting point to interest people in Mesopotamian history.
Mesopotamia are 2 Greek words Meso = middle and potamos = river . The area between two rivers . Tigris= Tiger and Eufratis from the words eu which means good and the verb φραζω which means "i close". On this case these two rivers close this piece of land between them.
This series has some cool tidbits but this is one of a couple of errors I’ve found. In another of the books in this series focused on the ancient near East, the author referred to a Neo-Assyrian ruler named Ashurbanipal II, when it should have been Ashurnasirpal II.
Looks like I found who to ask my questions, lol! My passion is the development of mankind, based on the psychology of mankind. I have beginner books, Huston Smith, World Religions, Almanac of World History by National Geographic, History of the World Map by Map, Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall, and 2 History Books on China; for some reason I am drawn to China. I haven't read these yet, but am worried they will be too general. Since I am self taught, like to ask others what they have learned and recommend to help me widen my understanding. Thank-you 🙏.
@@dk8198 not true, ancient civilizations is something taught starting in middle school. 6th grade history textbook was literally called, “Ancient Civilizations.” It’s part of the common core standards
Wow imagine if we made this into a television show ? Dramatized history , based on actual events and people so that we could learn out about ancient cultures while making it interesting ?
Weve seen some attempts but I think I know what u are saying. The ancient history is way more mysterious. Film makers these days can do a great job but those producers and directors are expensive to hire. That is so that we get a brilliant interpretation of this history. Great suggestion!
most of the Abrahamic stories in the bible comes from this very location, and some of the kings and empires and states are mentioned in the bible, also Abraham is also from Mesopotamia, why nobody mentions that?
@@danielmogos8990 The bible is definitely not correct, it's basically saying lord of the rings is correct because it contains elements based on historical events.
Because everything in the bible is plagiarized from older cutlures. The bible is not a historical record its a book of faith not fact. According to christianity the earth is 5,000 years old,flat and was populated by incest. Science and archeology debunks all those things. Mesopotamian and Hindu gods and its people long existed before yahweh "created" the world. To use the bible as anything other than a mythical work of fiction will only confuse those looking for truth.
I love learning about Mesopotamia and its history. Im an American but I recently started learning to play the Oud in the past year. An instrument I understand to originate from Mesopotamia.
I’m trying to learn some history and I find it goes straight over my head. I’ve attempted many channels / videos. Yours is easy to understand and digestible 👏🏼
I believe Mesopotamia is a war bound nation. Father Abraham from the Bible came from UR of the Chaldeans(Aramaic) . God the Father told him to leave his land, culture, and people. Abraham is the Father of Faith. He is the founder of the Hebrews people.
Congrats on this video. It is really well written and delivered. I am fascinated by the font you used. Is it a custom font? I would love to use it as well.
"And he said, “Brethren and fathers, listen: The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran,and said to him, ‘Get out of your country and from your relatives, and come to a land that I will show you.’Then he came out of the land of the Chaldeans and dwelt in Haran. And from there, when his father was dead, He moved him to this land in which you now dwell.And God gave him no inheritance in it, not even enough to set his foot on. But even when Abraham had no child, He promised to give it to him for a possession, and to his descendants after him.But God spoke in this way: that his descendants would dwell in a foreign land, and that they would bring them into bondage and oppress them four hundred years.‘And the nation to whom they will be in bondage I will judge,’ said God, ‘and after that they shall come out and serve Me in this place.’Then He gave him the covenant of circumcision; and so Abraham begot Isaac and circumcised him on the eighth day; and Isaac begot Jacob, and Jacob begot the twelve patriarchs." - Acts 7:2-8
ततः सुमेरु पुरं प्राप्य यवनाः क्षत्रिया जिताः | अन्ये च बहवः शूराः क्षत्रियाः क्षत्रियैर्जिताः || ८५ ||" Translation: "Then, having reached the city of Sumeru, the Yavanas (Greeks) and other Kshatriyas were defeated by the Kshatriyas."
I have to say the more knowledge you gain the more wealth you will be but I am a history buff I stay up late and I lose sleep watching this stuff but I wish they would show this stuff on the history channel I watch the history channel all the time and they don't show this stuff I bet they used to but I miss it that's when the history channel was really the history channel and I mean really the history channel and I have a wealth of knowledge and this is exactly why too
Great to have an overview of earliest civilization. Just a few bloopers-- * The Ubaidians occupied that land earlier, and probably generated most of what Sumerians were too hastily credited for--pottery, agriculture, etc. * The Sumerians invented writing, perhaps, but not language itself, which probably emerged at least 35,000 years earlier. * The word Mesopotamia is Greek--from "middle" + "river." * Sumer might have started five millennia ago, but unlikely the fifth millennium BCE.
I like what you have done here but I am disappointed when I see things like the guillotine pop up at time 9:48. I get your point but that is not part of this time period or culture so maybe choose a more appropriate graphic representation.
Mesopotamia is not a word of Sumerian origin. Its a word of Greek origin which directly translates to ' land between rivers '. Previous names included Naharaim, derived from Hebrew
This was fascinating to watch, and my main takeaway was just that...anything can happen. People come and people go, some empires last thousands of years and others die after their conqueror dies. Technology advances and stuff happens...
music nearly overwhelms narrative. this seems to be a common occurrence with all sumerian documentaries. documentaries like this one are fascinating and very informative of our past as a race on earth, therefore, i view it as a pity that in most the narrative is interrupted, either deliberately, or accidentally by the 'ambient' music at key points in narrative.
Asshur was a son of Shem: Genesis10[22] The children of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram. Asshur's offpsring were known as the Ashurrians, Asshurs, or Assyrians. Asshur was deified, and was called Shar Kishshati, the forerunners of Shahs, Tzars, Caesars, and Kaisers. After Asshur the kings were called Asshurs, Asuras (Hindu), Ahhuras (Persian), such as king Ashur-nasirbal. Josephus wrote, "Asshur live in the city of Nineve, and named his subjects Assyrians . . ." The Bible is true human history, and provides an explanation for the origin of all of the world's false religions, which were a distorted remembrance of the true God from before the flood and ancestor worship. Some of the people named in the Bible which lived before and shortly after the flood became deities in these distorted memories. I will provide here just a tiny sliver of the tremendous amount of information which demonstrates it is true. Children of Shem Shem > Shemites > Semites, involved in the early stage of Sumer, Sumerian is a semitic language In Hebrew Shem may be used to mean "Name", "Fame" or "Reputation". Sharma or Sarma in Hindu is derived from Shem, the son of Noah. In Hindi, the name Sharma or Sarma means teacher or preacher and may be used as a surname of Brahmins (Hindu preachers and teachers). "The people called Sumerians, whose language became the prevailing language of the territory, probably came from around Anatolia, arriving in Sumer about 3300 bc." Sumer was first settled by a pre-sumerian people. Afterward a semitic tribe replaced them and established the culture commonly referred to as Sumerian. Britanica: "Sumer was first settled between 4500 and 4000 bc by a non-Semitic people who did not speak the Sumerian language. These people now are called proto-Euphrateans or Ubaidians, for the village Al-Ubaid, where their remains were first discovered. The Ubaidians were the first civilizing force in Sumer, draining the marshes for agriculture, developing trade, and establishing industries, including weaving, leatherwork, metalwork, masonry, and pottery. After the Ubaidian immigration to Mesopotamia, various Semitic peoples infiltrated their territory, adding their cultures to the Ubaidian culture, and creating a high pre-Sumerian civilization. Elam Elam is the ancient name for Persia, which is itself the ancient name for Iran. Until the time of Cyrus the people here were called Elamites, and they were still often called that even in New Testament times. In Acts 2:9, the Jews from Persia who were present at Pentecost were called Elamites. The Persians are thus descended from both Elam, the son of Shem, and from Madai, the son of Japheth (see above). Since the 1930s they have called their country Iran. Elam: Genesis 10[22] The children of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram. Elam, son of Shem, decendants known Elamites (c. 2530-2450 bc, southwestern Iran) first founders of Sumeria according to professors Chile and Mallowan. Descendants moved west from Sumeria to Iran (district of Pul), then to Europe where they are known as the Polani in Poland, as ELAMTU to the Babylonians, ELYMAIS to the Greeks, HALAMTI/HUZ to the Persians. Elamite Empire: Elam: Elam, Elamite, altami, Akkadian Elamtu, also called Susiana, ancient country in southwestern Iran approximately equivalent to the modern region of Khuzestan. Asshur was a son of Shem: Genesis10[22] The children of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram. Asshur's offpsring were known as the Ashurrians, Asshurs, or Assyrians. Asshur was deified, and was called Shar Kishshati, the forerunners of Shahs, Tzars, Caesars, and Kaisers. After Asshur the kings were called Asshurs, Asuras (Hindu), Ahhuras (Persian), such as king Ashur-nasirbal. Josephus wrote, "Asshur live in the city of Nineve, and named his subjects Assyrians . . ." Arphaxad Arphaxad: Gen10[22] The children of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram. Arphaxad, son of Shem, named Arphaxadites now called Chaldeans (Josephus). Aramaic was the language of the Arphaxad and thus also of the Chaldeans. Known as ARP-HURRA (Hurrians, Nuzi Tablets 1,400 BC, ARRAHU (Akkadians), ARPHAXITIS (Ptomemy) where the population was called the KURO-ARAXES, became the GERMANI - germanic tribes of Europe. Arphaxad was the progenitor of the Chaldeans. This ‘is confirmed by the Hurrian (Nuzi) tablets, which render the name as Arip-hurra-the founder of Chaldea.’11 His descendant, Eber, gave his name to the Hebrew people via the line of Eber-Peleg-Reu-Serug-Nahor-Terah-Abram (Genesis 11:16-26). Eber’s other son, Joktan, had 13 sons (Genesis 10:26-30), all of whom appear to have settled in Arabia. He was the progenitor of the Chaldeans, his name being equivalent to 'arpkeshed', that is, the boundary of Chaldea. That he was indeed the forebear of the Chaldeans is confirmed by the Hurrian (Nuzi) tablets, which render the name as Arip-hurra - the founder of Chaldea. The name was also known to the Akkadians as Arraphu. Some scholars have endeavoured to treat his name as a derivative of the Assyrian phrase 'arba-kishshatu', meaning the four corners of the world; but given the somewhat localized nature of the Chaldean people, confining themselves for the most part to southern Mesopotamia, this derivation is unlikely. The Assyians knew his descendants as the Kaldu, adept astrologers, magicians and mathematicians. Ptolemy, however, recorded the name of their land as Arrapachitis, whilst it was known to others as Arphaxitis. The very earliest settlement of the children of Arphaxad, however, appears to have been what is today a two and a half acre ruin called Arpachiya. It lies some four miles to the east of ancient Nineveh, and is the remains of a very early farming community. Lud Genesis 10[22] The children of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram. Lud was the ancestor of the Lydians. Lydia was in what is now Western Turkey. Their capital was Sardis - one of the seven churches of Asia was at Sardis (Revelation 3:1) Lydians, famous archers, light-skinned people (Herodotus, Histories), known as LUDDU to the Akkadians, LUDEM to the Egyptians, and Ludbu to the Assyrians, town of Ludbu on Euphrates, migrated into N. Italy with the Etruscans. Aram Aram: Genesis 10[22] The children of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram. Aram, son of Shem, father of the Aramaic language, taken captive by the Assyrians (Josephus, Antiquities 9:2:3), remembered in Aram-naharaim and Armenia, moved to Iran (Jospehus) as the Aramii onto S. Russia (Pliny, Natural History 4:18:50) Aram is the Hebrew word for Syria. Whenever the word Syria appears in the Old Testament it is a translation of the word Aram. The Syrians call themselves Arameans, and their language is called Aramaic. Before the spread of the Greek Empire, Aramaic was the international language (2 Kings 18:26 ff). On the Cross, when Jesus cried out, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani’ (Mark 15:34), He was speaking Aramaic, the language of the common people. Ham Genesis10[6] And the sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan. Hamites (offspring of Ham, Son of Noah): Hamites > Hamitic People > Hamites of Egypt > K-HEM-ET (god of Egypt), K-HEM-IA is said by Plutarch (100 S.D.) to be the "country of Ham", which agrees with Josephus's Antiquities 1:6:1. PUT - son of Ham (Genesis) - Lybia according to ancient Egyptians according to Egyptian relief and PUTA according to Persian relief In early Aryan mythology Japheth is remembered as Djapatischta (chief of the race). East Indians called him Jyapeti or Pra-Japati. In Greek Jaheth (Iapetos) is remembered as the "father of the human race" by his son Prometheus. Japetus' grandson, Deucalion, enters a great box with his wife and 3 children to survive a flood arising in Greece which will destroy all humans. According to Homer (Il. viii. 479) Iapetus is imprisoned with Cronus in Tartarus, and Silius Italicus (xii. 148, &c.) relates that he is buried under the island of Inarime. In Homeric Greek myth Japetus is not the son of the flood survivor, Deucalion, he is the grandfather. Yet, his descendents, including Deucalion and progeny, are called Iapetiade. The descendants of Japetus survive a flood that destroys mankind in Greece. He is the ruler of the western part of the earth, and he and his three brothers upehld other four columns which supported the heavens. Iapetus' grandson, Deucalion, enters a great box with his wife and 3 children to survive a flood arising in Greece which will destroy all humans. In Homeric Greek myth Japetus is not the son of the flood survivor, Deucalion, he is the grandfather. Yet, his descendents, including Deucalion and progeny, are called Iapetiade. So descendants of Japetus survive a flood that destroys mankind in Greece. His descendants, Prometheus, Atlas, and others, are often designated by the patronymic forms Iapelidae (es), Iapetionidae (es), and the feminine Iapetionis. (Hes. Theog. 528; Ov. Met. iv. 631; Pind. Ol. ix. 59.) Romans remembered Japheth as Ju-Pater or Jupiter. The Scandinavians remember Yapheth as Seskef. The Saxons perpetuated his name as Iafeth, subsequently transliterated as Sceaf (pronounced "sheef" or "shaif" - and recorded his name in their early genealogies as the son of Noah, the forebear of their various peoples).
Exactly. Persian Propaganda has falsified history so much. Mesopotamia is NOT Persia. Also all these lies about Cyrus II. being a good governor are so deeply rooted now, because the Persians are putting so much effort in distributing propagandist narratives. Everything to hide their inferiority in comparison to the mesopotamian civilizations of Sumer, Akkad, Babylon and Assyria.
The graphics are slick, the info is educational, but that voice makes this sound like the infomercial that it is.
5 років тому+2
Regardless which people believe, whether people go by the Bible or Scientific research, life for the average person was really REALLY difficult. If your military decides to go to war, whether it was what you wanted or not, if you lost, the entire population suffered greatly from there "New Masters". Warfare, disease, famine, were all a constant realization. You were made to accept and worship there gods. Here we are in the 21 Century and nothing has really changed. The only difference is the weapons are better and kill far more than the past wars. In the Abrahamic Faiths, you either accept and worship according to there opinions of God or face harsh penalties. If God created everything long before humans ever existed then when does God need humanity to do anything in his name?
I like your comment, except that nobody goes to the Bible for scientific research, certainly not the scientists. Yes I agree on the god problem, but don’t forget god is purely a human invention , not to mention that everything came from sumeria, gods government systems , trade etc,etc. so forget the Bible is nothing but miths of prior civilizations .
It all started with Eridu, UR and Sumeria. Later empire overtaken by outsiders and an new kingsline: Akkadia Sagon the great, King of Akkad is the story of Moses in the reed basket in Egypt in the bible. Alexander the Great of Macedonia inherited the kingdom of Macedonia of his father he conquerd both Greece and whole mesopotamia and all the way to India and Egypt.
How was Greek culture one of most influential in Human history? When I know how much Persian culture has influenced Central Asia, Indian subcontinent, Iran itself, Arab nations, Egypt, Asia minor till Europe (via Ottomans) and even Greeks and what not... almost every nation less or more has been influenced by the Persians. If you take recent European influence out of context every nation in this world is way highly influenced by Persians than any other culture. And I am not a Persian myself. But admire their might, which was mightier than any other.
Yes but "the west" is overall influenced by fundamentally Greek original ideas of science, politics, individualism, materialism and visual styles, i.e. realism, idealism, proportion, etc. Much invaluable knowledge came in from the Arabs and the Middle East in general of course. But the West is enjoying a global influence at this particular time. The Middle East had it's brilliant and influential time up until the minds of men were hobbled by the rigors of Islam, just like the minds of western men were hobbled by Christianity up until the Renaissance.
Geoffrey S Tuttle "Humans" don't just live in the West. So Human history is beyond just that. Persian culture does not necessarily mean "Islamic Middle Eastern culture". Persian culture was so rich so much that it also influenced the Muslims who arrived in Persia and created a new identity for the Muslims themselves. Persian culture also influenced West through the Arabs of Middle East. The Turks mostly only had Turkish as language and still Persian was their culture and they also borrowed many Persian vocabulary into the language. Turks ruled Eastern Europe succeeding the Greek empire of Byzantine itself for almost 3-4 centuries Since Persian culture was considered foreign for the Western minds they did not accept how highly it influenced their own culture.
Most Of Center Asians and Indians spoke Persian Language and nobody forced them But Russia and Britain Destroyed Persian Language in India and Center Asia
This is Persian culture copied from Mesopotamia Persians have no culture of their own The Persians were using the cuneiform script and traces copied from the Assyrians and Babylonians😆
@@MrCrow-xg8el Exactly, even their art was copy paste of mesopotamian's art. It took them 800 years to start developing their own art during Parthian era and this time they were inspired by small ArameoArabic kindoms like Arabaya/Hatra and Maysan/Characene.
For the critics … good for you to question this programming an establishment version of his-story! Buy some books so they can mislead you more! For the complimentary … just don’t let this version be the end all! Keep looking deeper than this! Glad it has you interested! Know who you are! Lastly, the pics used bothered me and so does some of the sequence! Beware of the colonization of information! Why is it pushed so ? To feed the ego… We are all one!
Assyrians did not have a 1000 year hegemony starting in the middle of the Bronze age. Were an emerging power before the "bronze age collapse" but not a 500 year hegemony right? Then had maybe a 250-300 year run as the big bad Assyrians in the Iron age.
Neither Persia nor the Greeks (By Greeks I mean Spartans and Athenians) won the Greco-Persian wars. It was won by Macedon (Again the Greek state not the modern Bulgarian one)
I love these programs, Especially when it's told so accurately. I wonder what people will say 5,000 years from now about us modern humans?. If we are still here?
Genesis 10:8-12 (Torah) 8) Kush (Nubia, Sudan, Ethiopia) begot Nimrud: and he became a warrior/tyrant upon the earth. 9) He was a warrior hunter in the face of the Most High: therefore it is said, like Nimrud the warrior hunter in God’s face. 10) And the first of his kingdom was Babel (East Africa), Erekh, Akkad, (city north of Iraq) and Calneh, in the land of Shinar (Sumer) 11) From that land he went to Asshur, (Regions of Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Iran), and built Nineveh, Rehoboth Ir, Calah, 12) And Resen between Nineveh and Calah: that is the principal city. Nimrud ruled from East Africa all the way to India he was from North Sudan. The people out of North Sudan a part of the Kush Empire was where the men were very tall and strong Nimrud came from there. These people are mentioned by Isaiah in 18:2. These people were known to be a fierce warrior class. Nimrud was known by many different names, here is a list of some just to name a few: Gilgamesh, Baal, Belus, Melcartth, Adonis, Eshmun, Dumuzi, Dionysus, Bacchus, Orion, Mithra, Apollo, Ra, Tammuz, Osiris, Titan, Hercules. Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson was convinced that there was a relationship between the Sumerians and Africans. As a result he used two African languages: one Semitic and the other Kushitic to decipher the cuneiform writing. Rawlinson was sure that the ancient Nubians and Puntites founded Mesopotamian civilization.(1) The Sumerians referred to themselves as ùĝ saĝ gíg ga (cuneiform: 𒌦 𒊕 𒈪 𒂵), phonetically /uŋ saŋ gi ga/, literally meaning "the black-headed people" Sumerians were head shavers just like the Egyptians. Sumerian Ruler Gudea Madrid, Spain - February 24, 2017: head of Gudea at National Archeological Museum of Madrid. He was a ruler of the Sumerian city of Lagash in Southern Mesopotamia. The Sumerians came from the Sahara before it became a desert. Affinities exist between Nubia ware and pottery from Ennedi and Tibesti. Dr. Himanshu Narayan Singh (CSIR-Institute of Genomics & Integrative Sciences, Delhi, India) believes that this pottery spread from Nubia, through Mesopotamia and Iran southward into India.(5) The earliest examples of this BRW date to the Amratian period (c4000-3500 B.C.). These Saharan people were round-headed ancient Mediterranean types. They were often referred to as Cafsa or Capsians; a group of people not devoid of negroid characteristics according to Jehan Desanges a French historian, philologist and epigrapher, a specialist of North Africa during Antiquity. A member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton[1](11) Wyatt MacGaffey, Professor of Anthropology, Haverford College, Pennsylvania claims that the term “Mediterranean” is an anthropological euphemism for “Negro”. The boats of the Saharan people are similar to those found on ancient engravings of boats in Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley. Many of the boats found in the eastern desert of Egypt and among the Red Sea Hills show affinities to Mesopotamian models. The Sumerians and Elamites often referred to themselves as “ksh”. For example the ancient Sumerians called their dynasty “Kish”. The words “kish”, “kesh” and “kush” were also names for ancient Nubia-Sudan. The Elamites also came from Kush. According to the classical writer Strabo, Susa the centre of the Elamite civilization was founded by Tithonus, king of Kush. B.B. Lal (Braj Basi Lal, better known as B. B. Lal, is an Indian archaeologist. He was the Director General of the Archaeological Survey of India from 1968 to 1972 and has served as Director of the Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla.) has shown conclusively that the Dravidians (original east Indians); (southern India), came from Nubia and were related to the C-Group people who founded the Kerma dynasty.(3) They both used a common black-and-red ware (BRW) which Lal found was analogous to ceramics used by the megalithic people in India who also used analogous pottery signs identical to those found in the corpus of Indus Valley writing. (4)
Most people are aware that the Pharaonic civilization of ancient Egypt is one of the world’s oldest and longest-lasting. However, the nation of Ta-Seti predated Egyptian civilization. According to Our Weekly, in 1962, a research team headed by Keith C. Seele, director of the University of Chicago’s Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition, discovered a Pharaonic dynasty in Nubia that predated the first Pharaonic period in Kemet (Egypt). The area extended from northern Sudan to southern Kemet; in some literature it was referred to as ancient Ethiopia, or as in the Bible, Kush. Today, it is called Ta-Seti. On March 1, 1979, The New York Times carried a front page article by Boyce Rensberger, with the headline: “Nubian Monarchy Called Oldest.” In the article, Rensberger wrote: “Evidence of the oldest recognizable monarchy in human history, preceding the rise of the earliest Egyptian kings by several generations, has been discovered in artifacts from ancient Nubia.” He estimated that “The first kings of Ta-Seti may well have ruled about 5900 BC.”
History of Early Ethiopia or Kush (13,000-7500 BC) The region known as Kush has been inhabited for several millennia. Royal Ontario Museum and University of Khartoum researchers found a "tool workshop" south of Dongola, Sudan with thousands of paleolithic axes on rows of stones, dating back 70,000 years. As early as 13,000 BC, ceremonial burial practices were taking place at Jebel Sahaba and Wadi Halfa in the northern part of modern-day Sudan (known to archaeologists as the "Qadan" period, 13,000-8,000 BC). At the Toshka site in modern-day "Lower Nubia," archaeologists have uncovered tombs where domesticated wild cattle were placed above human remains, indicative of the use of cattle in a ceremonial fashion. Circular tomb walls with above-ground mounds are further evidence of the beginnings of ceremonial burials. At other sites nearby, we can see the development of Ethiopian (better known as "Egyptian") civilization. At the Kadruka cemetery, spouted vessels were found, and the tombs at El Gaba were filled with jewelry, pottery, ostrich feathers, headrests, facial painting, etc.--all of which were present in "dynastic Egypt," and are still used today amongst different peoples of modern-day Ethiopia. The neolithic Sabu rock paintings even depict dynastic Egyptian-style boats. Just west of the city of Kerma lies the site of Busharia, where shards of pottery dating from 8000 to 9000 BC have been found. A nearby discovery at El-Barga shed light on foundations of round buildings, graves and pottery shards from 7,500 BC. Therefore Kushitic civilization began on the banks of the Nile over 15,000 years ago and was settled at least 55,000 years prior. Furthermore, based on the traditions of the first settlers and the artifacts found in this region, Kushitic civilization gave birth to that of so-called "Egypt"
Got more clarity and information than I expected. Thank you for that. One question. At 0:56 why did you mention modern day Iran? Shouldn't that be Iraq?
because modern day iraq was called Mesopotamia ages ago, Right now its called iraq he mentioned that so people wont get confused abt which country is rlly called Mesopotamia
@@Lara-qw4zsThat doesn't answer the commentor's question though, modern Iraq (which isn't the same as Mesapotamia), have nothing to do with the civilization of Iran/Persia besides being conquered by and made into a vessel state by the Persians.
This video is a masterpiece ❤ I learned so much. I always thought the Sumerians were Semitic, so if not, then what are they exactly? Are they at least Afro-Asiatic? Do any living groups today descend from them?
We are still unsure of the exact origins of The Sumerian people and the issue is still highly debated. They spoke a language isolate that as far as we can tell is not related to any existing languages today. It is possible that the Sumerians are an indigenous people that developed out of the prehistoric Ubaid culture native to the region. It is also possible they migrated to the region from an unknown region.
It depends on what they are using as definition of semite which is dark-skinned, aramaic speaking (not white jewish). Whenever historian refers to Palestine as israel, i know whose perspective its being told from.
Mesopotamia is not a Sumerian name, it is Greek and it was the name given to the land by the Greeks after they conquered it meso is between, potamos is river.
0:50 - Says " 'Mesopotamia', literally translated from the Sumerian to mean …" No. The name "Mesopotamia" is from Greek, not Sumerian. 3:00 - Says Sumerians lived in Mesopotamia since "probably the beginning of human existence". That's a pretty bold claim. So humans *started out* here, *and* they were the same humans that, hundreds of thousands of years later, we call "Sumerians"? 4:00 - Says the Sumerians were the first to have writing (probably true) **and language**. This is absurd. Anyone reading this: Google "When did human language develop?" for better information. There are a lot of other channels doing histories of this and other periods. So far what makes this video stand apart from the others is its errors.
@@danielmogos8990 Because humans had language long before they started writing it down. So the fact that some humans were the first to have writing does in any way mean they were the first to have *language*. What would make us believe otherwise?
Worthy to note that the Persians did not force their religion (Zoroastrianism) upon any land they concurred, yet the Arabs (Islam) did the very opposite.
Correction: The Greeks lost at Thermopylae.
What about the anunnaki,it was them who thought them how to build a civilization
thanos 66 I’d be interested to hear at least what some interpretations are of the old translations that mention them. Interesting stuff
Sure - but if you look at the numbers the Persians suffered extraordinarily heavy losses. It was not really a victory for anyone.
it was a Pyrrhic win for the Persians though
I see lots of people watching this for online classes. Is there anyone here watching just out of general curiosity for history like me?
Yes, I am, quite informative, enlightening
21:42 yes, I am.
I am
I am I'm surprised I didn't learn any of this history in school tho
I am just doing my bible study.
Great historical timeline. I knew most of the info, but never had it in my head in the correct order before this video. Thanks.
Yes! This is the most important part of learning history. A proper timeline in proper context.
Great video! Serves as a good starting point to interest people in Mesopotamian history.
Mesopotamia are 2 Greek words Meso = middle and potamos = river . The area between two rivers . Tigris= Tiger and Eufratis from the words eu which means good and the verb φραζω which means "i close". On this case these two rivers close this piece of land between them.
This series has some cool tidbits but this is one of a couple of errors I’ve found. In another of the books in this series focused on the ancient near East, the author referred to a Neo-Assyrian ruler named Ashurbanipal II, when it should have been Ashurnasirpal II.
Looks like I found who to ask my questions, lol! My passion is the development of mankind, based on the psychology of mankind. I have beginner books, Huston Smith, World Religions, Almanac of World History by National Geographic, History of the World Map by Map, Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall, and 2 History Books on China; for some reason I am drawn to China.
I haven't read these yet, but am worried they will be too general. Since I am self taught, like to ask others what they have learned and recommend to help me widen my understanding.
Thank-you 🙏.
I Greci ne hanno semplicemente parlato della Mesopotamia non hanno inventato il termine già esisteva
It cant they used the term without speaking the language
How were the Persians from Mesopotamia?
One of the BEST explanations of ancient civilization. Something like this needs to be rolled out in schools . . .
The western world doesn’t like to teach people about ancient cultures especially the Persians or Zoroastrianism I wonder why
Yes, it's political. They don't teach generations about different cultures and civilizations.@@dk8198
@@dk8198 not true, ancient civilizations is something taught starting in middle school. 6th grade history textbook was literally called, “Ancient Civilizations.” It’s part of the common core standards
Wow imagine if we made this into a television show ? Dramatized history , based on actual events and people so that we could learn out about ancient cultures while making it interesting ?
Weve seen some attempts but I think I know what u are saying. The ancient history is way more mysterious. Film makers these days can do a great job but those producers and directors are expensive to hire. That is so that we get a brilliant interpretation of this history. Great suggestion!
most of the Abrahamic stories in the bible comes from this very location, and some of the kings and empires and states are mentioned in the bible, also Abraham is also from Mesopotamia, why nobody mentions that?
Because they dont believe the Bible, even though the Bible is correct according to archaeology
@@danielmogos8990 The bible is definitely not correct, it's basically saying lord of the rings is correct because it contains elements based on historical events.
@@deathroman13 Dude, are you smoking something?
Because everything in the bible is plagiarized from older cutlures. The bible is not a historical record its a book of faith not fact. According to christianity the earth is 5,000 years old,flat and was populated by incest. Science and archeology debunks all those things. Mesopotamian and Hindu gods and its people long existed before yahweh "created" the world. To use the bible as anything other than a mythical work of fiction will only confuse those looking for truth.
Sangue blu è omertoso
I love learning about Mesopotamia and its history. Im an American but I recently started learning to play the Oud in the past year. An instrument I understand to originate from Mesopotamia.
This video is a bit outdated on certain topics if recommended reading about it.
The Oud didn't originate from Mesapotamia.
Love the format and the presentation of these videos, keep em coming!
Glad to hear that, we will!
Correction-- the word 'Mesopotamia' comes from ancient Greek, not Sumerian.
Sono i Greci che discendono dalla Mesopotamia Babilonese dove hanno imparato la scrittura
The start hits different. It illicits a nostalgic itch toward these civilizations.
Well, the coming of Persians is seen as the end of the Mesopotamian culture, to be followed by the Greeks and Romans.
The book of daniel talks about it.
hence my comment pre "greek" indo-europeans...non semitic ...hence indo-european
Hard time bring tough men tough men bring easy time easy time brings soft men soft man brings hard times
L'arrivo dei Persiani è stato determinato dagli Arabi Egiziani di etnia opposta a Greci e Romani
@@syrenaxhaferi7278 Conta di più il sangue il territorio è stato colonizzato
I’m trying to learn some history and I find it goes straight over my head. I’ve attempted many channels / videos. Yours is easy to understand and digestible 👏🏼
I believe Mesopotamia is a war bound nation. Father Abraham from the Bible came from UR of the Chaldeans(Aramaic) . God the Father told him to leave his land, culture, and people. Abraham is the Father of Faith. He is the founder of the Hebrews people.
This is a fantastic documentary. Great music, great imagery, and great narration. 👍
Congrats on this video. It is really well written and delivered. I am fascinated by the font you used. Is it a custom font? I would love to use it as well.
Observing Iraq, it is the country between Mesopotamia, and it is the oldest country in the world, with a age of 7,300
Perfect video. For the visual understanding of continuing process of history. ♥ thanks for this
Who else has to watch this for History Class?
i am
Me- 😭🖐🏻
me :D
This is sooo good. Thank you.
"And he said, “Brethren and fathers, listen: The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran,and said to him, ‘Get out of your country and from your relatives, and come to a land that I will show you.’Then he came out of the land of the Chaldeans and dwelt in Haran. And from there, when his father was dead, He moved him to this land in which you now dwell.And God gave him no inheritance in it, not even enough to set his foot on. But even when Abraham had no child, He promised to give it to him for a possession, and to his descendants after him.But God spoke in this way: that his descendants would dwell in a foreign land, and that they would bring them into bondage and oppress them four hundred years.‘And the nation to whom they will be in bondage I will judge,’ said God, ‘and after that they shall come out and serve Me in this place.’Then He gave him the covenant of circumcision; and so Abraham begot Isaac and circumcised him on the eighth day; and Isaac begot Jacob, and Jacob begot the twelve patriarchs." - Acts 7:2-8
Since I'm elementary I love history and now I'm here❤
Wow great timeline. Great work!
i love thisss! keep making more vids on your channel it will help me aand others a lot!
Aye, any of my fellow global studies classmates here?
@Jadon Hoag I am student of international studies
ततः सुमेरु पुरं प्राप्य यवनाः क्षत्रिया जिताः |
अन्ये च बहवः शूराः क्षत्रियाः क्षत्रियैर्जिताः || ८५ ||"
"Then, having reached the city of Sumeru, the Yavanas (Greeks) and other Kshatriyas were defeated by the Kshatriyas."
Thank you! Mesopotamia has always been a monster to wrap my head around and this has helped a lot!
I have to say the more knowledge you gain the more wealth you will be but I am a history buff I stay up late and I lose sleep watching this stuff but I wish they would show this stuff on the history channel I watch the history channel all the time and they don't show this stuff I bet they used to but I miss it that's when the history channel was really the history channel and I mean really the history channel and I have a wealth of knowledge and this is exactly why too
Assyrians are still here. We will be back were just taking a coffee break!
No y'all will be destroyed
Hard time bring tough men tough men bring easy time easy time brings soft men soft man brings hard times
Great to have an overview of earliest civilization. Just a few bloopers--
* The Ubaidians occupied that land earlier, and probably generated most of what Sumerians were too hastily credited for--pottery, agriculture, etc.
* The Sumerians invented writing, perhaps, but not language itself, which probably emerged at least 35,000 years earlier.
* The word Mesopotamia is Greek--from "middle" + "river."
* Sumer might have started five millennia ago, but unlikely the fifth millennium BCE.
I Greci discendono dai Babilonesi quindi la parola Mesopotamia è Sumera
Good overview. Just what I wanted
May your health improve each day, bringing you more energy, peace, and joy. Wishing you wellness! 💖🌼
At 15:23 someone says something in background. Can’t make it out
Yeah that caught me off-guard; I thought someone had snuck up behind my desk 😆
Beautiful! I love this!
I like what you have done here but I am disappointed when I see things like the guillotine pop up at time 9:48. I get your point but that is not part of this time period or culture so maybe choose a more appropriate graphic representation.
Mesopotamia is not a word of Sumerian origin. Its a word of Greek origin which directly translates to ' land between rivers '. Previous names included Naharaim, derived from Hebrew
Probabilmente quando sono insorti i Sumeri si chiamava già Mesopotamia che potrebbe significare terra tra due fiumi
Please, make one on Indus Valley Civilization ( Mehrgarh, Lothal).
Ai fedeli imbecilli interessa la valle dell Indo
Mesopotamia = Sumerians + Assyrians + Akkadians + Babylonians only The Persians are not from Mesopotamia
I'm here for an Art 101 class. This is my favorite cradle of civilization
This is fantastic. I could watch this for hours. Just got the audio book.
Glad to hear that, hope you'll like the audiobook!
Gli audiolibri fanno più male alla salute di questa musica in sottofondo nei video
Same. Where did you get the audiobook?
How could the Assyrians capture Palestine, when that name would not be used until the Romans named it in 67 AD?
The greeks were the first to come with with the name and before that ancient Egyptians you goddamn zionist
This was fascinating to watch, and my main takeaway was just that...anything can happen. People come and people go, some empires last thousands of years and others die after their conqueror dies. Technology advances and stuff happens...
music nearly overwhelms narrative. this seems to be a common occurrence with all sumerian documentaries. documentaries like this one are fascinating and very informative of our past as a race on earth, therefore, i view it as a pity that in most the narrative is interrupted, either deliberately, or accidentally by the 'ambient' music at key points in narrative.
Tutto ciò è correlato con il vostro anonimato
Beautifully summarized and simplified.
Asshur was a son of Shem: Genesis10[22] The children of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram. Asshur's offpsring were known as the Ashurrians, Asshurs, or Assyrians. Asshur was deified, and was called Shar Kishshati, the forerunners of Shahs, Tzars, Caesars, and Kaisers. After Asshur the kings were called Asshurs, Asuras (Hindu), Ahhuras (Persian), such as king Ashur-nasirbal. Josephus wrote, "Asshur live in the city of Nineve, and named his subjects Assyrians . . ."
The Bible is true human history, and provides an explanation for the origin of all of the world's false religions, which were a distorted remembrance of the true God from before the flood and ancestor worship. Some of the people named in the Bible which lived before and shortly after the flood became deities in these distorted memories. I will provide here just a tiny sliver of the tremendous amount of information which demonstrates it is true.
Children of Shem
Shem > Shemites > Semites, involved in the early stage of Sumer, Sumerian is a semitic language
In Hebrew Shem may be used to mean "Name", "Fame" or "Reputation". Sharma or Sarma in Hindu is derived from Shem, the son of Noah. In Hindi, the name Sharma or Sarma means teacher or preacher and may be used as a surname of Brahmins (Hindu preachers and teachers). "The people called Sumerians, whose language became the prevailing language of the territory, probably came from around Anatolia, arriving in Sumer about 3300 bc." Sumer was first settled by a pre-sumerian people. Afterward a semitic tribe replaced them and established the culture commonly referred to as Sumerian. Britanica: "Sumer was first settled between 4500 and 4000 bc by a non-Semitic people who did not speak the Sumerian language. These people now are called proto-Euphrateans or Ubaidians, for the village Al-Ubaid, where their remains were first discovered. The Ubaidians were the first civilizing force in Sumer, draining the marshes for agriculture, developing trade, and establishing industries, including weaving, leatherwork, metalwork, masonry, and pottery. After the Ubaidian immigration to Mesopotamia, various Semitic peoples infiltrated their territory, adding their cultures to the Ubaidian culture, and creating a high pre-Sumerian civilization.
Elam is the ancient name for Persia, which is itself the ancient name for Iran. Until the time of Cyrus the people here were called Elamites, and they were still often called that even in New Testament times. In Acts 2:9, the Jews from Persia who were present at Pentecost were called Elamites. The Persians are thus descended from both Elam, the son of Shem, and from Madai, the son of Japheth (see above). Since the 1930s they have called their country Iran.
Elam: Genesis 10[22] The children of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram. Elam, son of Shem, decendants known Elamites (c. 2530-2450 bc, southwestern Iran) first founders of Sumeria according to professors Chile and Mallowan. Descendants moved west from Sumeria to Iran (district of Pul), then to Europe where they are known as the Polani in Poland, as ELAMTU to the Babylonians, ELYMAIS to the Greeks, HALAMTI/HUZ to the Persians.
Elamite Empire:
Elam: Elam, Elamite, altami, Akkadian Elamtu, also called Susiana, ancient country in southwestern Iran approximately equivalent to the modern region of Khuzestan.
Asshur was a son of Shem: Genesis10[22] The children of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram. Asshur's offpsring were known as the Ashurrians, Asshurs, or Assyrians. Asshur was deified, and was called Shar Kishshati, the forerunners of Shahs, Tzars, Caesars, and Kaisers. After Asshur the kings were called Asshurs, Asuras (Hindu), Ahhuras (Persian), such as king Ashur-nasirbal. Josephus wrote, "Asshur live in the city of Nineve, and named his subjects Assyrians . . ."
Arphaxad: Gen10[22] The children of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram. Arphaxad, son of Shem, named Arphaxadites now called Chaldeans (Josephus). Aramaic was the language of the Arphaxad and thus also of the Chaldeans. Known as ARP-HURRA (Hurrians, Nuzi Tablets 1,400 BC, ARRAHU (Akkadians), ARPHAXITIS (Ptomemy) where the population was called the KURO-ARAXES, became the GERMANI - germanic tribes of Europe.
Arphaxad was the progenitor of the Chaldeans. This ‘is confirmed by the Hurrian (Nuzi) tablets, which render the name as Arip-hurra-the founder of Chaldea.’11 His descendant, Eber, gave his name to the Hebrew people via the line of Eber-Peleg-Reu-Serug-Nahor-Terah-Abram (Genesis 11:16-26). Eber’s other son, Joktan, had 13 sons (Genesis 10:26-30), all of whom appear to have settled in Arabia. He was the progenitor of the Chaldeans, his name being equivalent to 'arpkeshed', that is, the boundary of Chaldea. That he was indeed the forebear of the Chaldeans is confirmed by the Hurrian (Nuzi) tablets, which render the name as Arip-hurra - the founder of Chaldea. The name was also known to the Akkadians as Arraphu. Some scholars have endeavoured to treat his name as a derivative of the Assyrian phrase 'arba-kishshatu', meaning the four corners of the world; but given the somewhat localized nature of the Chaldean people, confining themselves for the most part to southern Mesopotamia, this derivation is unlikely. The Assyians knew his descendants as the Kaldu, adept astrologers, magicians and mathematicians. Ptolemy, however, recorded the name of their land as Arrapachitis, whilst it was known to others as Arphaxitis. The very earliest settlement of the children of Arphaxad, however, appears to have been what is today a two and a half acre ruin called Arpachiya. It lies some four miles to the east of ancient Nineveh, and is the remains of a very early farming community.
Genesis 10[22] The children of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram.
Lud was the ancestor of the Lydians. Lydia was in what is now Western Turkey. Their capital was Sardis - one of the seven churches of Asia was at Sardis (Revelation 3:1) Lydians, famous archers, light-skinned people (Herodotus, Histories), known as LUDDU to the Akkadians, LUDEM to the Egyptians, and Ludbu to the Assyrians, town of Ludbu on Euphrates, migrated into N. Italy with the Etruscans.
Aram: Genesis 10[22] The children of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram. Aram, son of Shem, father of the Aramaic language, taken captive by the Assyrians (Josephus, Antiquities 9:2:3), remembered in Aram-naharaim and Armenia, moved to Iran (Jospehus) as the Aramii onto S. Russia (Pliny, Natural History 4:18:50)
Aram is the Hebrew word for Syria. Whenever the word Syria appears in the Old Testament it is a translation of the word Aram. The Syrians call themselves Arameans, and their language is called Aramaic. Before the spread of the Greek Empire, Aramaic was the international language (2 Kings 18:26 ff). On the Cross, when Jesus cried out, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani’ (Mark 15:34), He was speaking Aramaic, the language of the common people.
Genesis10[6] And the sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan.
Hamites (offspring of Ham, Son of Noah):
Hamites > Hamitic People > Hamites of Egypt > K-HEM-ET (god of Egypt), K-HEM-IA is said by Plutarch (100 S.D.) to be the "country of Ham", which agrees with Josephus's Antiquities 1:6:1. PUT - son of Ham (Genesis) - Lybia according to ancient Egyptians according to Egyptian relief and PUTA according to Persian relief
In early Aryan mythology Japheth is remembered as Djapatischta (chief of the race). East Indians called him Jyapeti or Pra-Japati.
In Greek Jaheth (Iapetos) is remembered as the "father of the human race" by his son Prometheus. Japetus' grandson, Deucalion, enters a great box with his wife and 3 children to survive a flood arising in Greece which will destroy all humans. According to Homer (Il. viii. 479) Iapetus is imprisoned with Cronus in Tartarus, and Silius Italicus (xii. 148, &c.) relates that he is buried under the island of Inarime. In Homeric Greek myth Japetus is not the son of the flood survivor, Deucalion, he is the grandfather. Yet, his descendents, including Deucalion and progeny, are called Iapetiade. The descendants of Japetus survive a flood that destroys mankind in Greece. He is the ruler of the western part of the earth, and he and his three brothers upehld other four columns which supported the heavens. Iapetus' grandson, Deucalion, enters a great box with his wife and 3 children to survive a flood arising in Greece which will destroy all humans. In Homeric Greek myth Japetus is not the son of the flood survivor, Deucalion, he is the grandfather. Yet, his descendents, including Deucalion and progeny, are called Iapetiade. So descendants of Japetus survive a flood that destroys mankind in Greece.
His descendants, Prometheus, Atlas, and others, are often designated by the patronymic forms Iapelidae (es), Iapetionidae (es), and the feminine Iapetionis. (Hes. Theog. 528; Ov. Met. iv. 631; Pind. Ol. ix. 59.)
Romans remembered Japheth as Ju-Pater or Jupiter.
The Scandinavians remember Yapheth as Seskef. The Saxons perpetuated his name as Iafeth, subsequently transliterated as Sceaf (pronounced "sheef" or "shaif" - and recorded his name in their early genealogies as the son of Noah, the forebear of their various peoples).
Agh you don’t know how much I’ve been waiting for this topic, Im gonna have a quiz about this next week
Ancient Mesopotamia(Iraq)❤❤❤
Persians are not part of ancient mesopotamia friend. They are part of a distinct civilization that interacted with mesopotamians.
Exactly. Persian Propaganda has falsified history so much. Mesopotamia is NOT Persia. Also all these lies about Cyrus II. being a good governor are so deeply rooted now, because the Persians are putting so much effort in distributing propagandist narratives. Everything to hide their inferiority in comparison to the mesopotamian civilizations of Sumer, Akkad, Babylon and Assyria.
Thank you for this presentation, it helped me understand more about this region and time period.
Maps would be extremely helpful
I am a Haplo J2a as DNA examen is aproved , my ancesters come from this region .
J2A is Persian
The graphics are slick, the info is educational, but that voice makes this sound like the infomercial that it is.
Regardless which people believe, whether people go by the Bible or Scientific research, life for the average person was really REALLY difficult. If your military decides to go to war, whether it was what you wanted or not, if you lost, the entire population suffered greatly from there "New Masters". Warfare, disease, famine, were all a constant realization. You were made to accept and worship there gods. Here we are in the 21 Century and nothing has really changed. The only difference is the weapons are better and kill far more than the past wars. In the Abrahamic Faiths, you either accept and worship according to there opinions of God or face harsh penalties. If God created everything long before humans ever existed then when does God need humanity to do anything in his name?
I like your comment, except that nobody goes to the Bible for scientific research, certainly not the scientists. Yes I agree on the god problem, but don’t forget god is purely a human invention , not to mention that everything came from sumeria, gods government systems , trade etc,etc. so forget the Bible is nothing but miths of prior civilizations .
Hey I Wana tell a thing over school has your video for the subject understanding
Beautiful culture and such a beacon of what humans can do together.
Not separate
Sir this video is really informative and helped me so much in my social thank you
If you want know more buy this book(Soran hamarash)
The civilization of my country, Iraq
No word about Aratta, Urartu and Armenia(different names of Armenia), although the oldest map of the world has Armenia in the center of the map.
so fantastic and informative and Impressive thanks a lot ♥️🌷
This video failed to mention the Byzantine Empire which had the Justinian Code, and who came before the Muslims.
It all started with Eridu, UR and Sumeria.
Later empire overtaken by outsiders and an new kingsline:
Akkadia Sagon the great, King of Akkad is the story of Moses in the reed basket in Egypt in the bible.
Alexander the Great of Macedonia inherited the kingdom of Macedonia of his father he conquerd both Greece and whole mesopotamia and all the way to India and Egypt.
Tutto ciò ha inizio dopo il diluvio universale dell'area Medio Orientale circa seimilanni
Le più grandi è antiche città Medio Orientali non hanno superiore a cinquemilanni sono costruzioni del dopo diluvio
Siamo un incrocio di discendenze dall'Rh + all'Rh negativo il primo dagli AQUILANI e il secondo dal SERPENTE per mezzo dei giganti etero solo maschi
Akkid is kurd
How was Greek culture one of most influential in Human history? When I know how much Persian culture has influenced Central Asia, Indian subcontinent, Iran itself, Arab nations, Egypt, Asia minor till Europe (via Ottomans) and even Greeks and what not... almost every nation less or more has been influenced by the Persians. If you take recent European influence out of context every nation in this world is way highly influenced by Persians than any other culture.
And I am not a Persian myself. But admire their might, which was mightier than any other.
Yes but "the west" is overall influenced by fundamentally Greek original ideas of science, politics, individualism, materialism and visual styles, i.e. realism, idealism, proportion, etc. Much invaluable knowledge came in from the Arabs and the Middle East in general of course. But the West is enjoying a global influence at this particular time. The Middle East had it's brilliant and influential time up until the minds of men were hobbled by the rigors of Islam, just like the minds of western men were hobbled by Christianity up until the Renaissance.
Geoffrey S Tuttle "Humans" don't just live in the West. So Human history is beyond just that.
Persian culture does not necessarily mean "Islamic Middle Eastern culture". Persian culture was so rich so much that it also influenced the Muslims who arrived in Persia and created a new identity for the Muslims themselves.
Persian culture also influenced West through the Arabs of Middle East. The Turks mostly only had Turkish as language and still Persian was their culture and they also borrowed many Persian vocabulary into the language. Turks ruled Eastern Europe succeeding the Greek empire of Byzantine itself for almost 3-4 centuries
Since Persian culture was considered foreign for the Western minds they did not accept how highly it influenced their own culture.
Most Of Center Asians and Indians spoke Persian Language and nobody forced them
But Russia and Britain Destroyed Persian Language in India and Center Asia
This is Persian culture copied from Mesopotamia Persians have no culture of their own The Persians were using the cuneiform script and traces copied from the Assyrians and Babylonians😆
@@MrCrow-xg8el Exactly, even their art was copy paste of mesopotamian's art. It took them 800 years to start developing their own art during Parthian era and this time they were inspired by small ArameoArabic kindoms like Arabaya/Hatra and Maysan/Characene.
Maps of each change would have made this twice as good. But still superb.
Excellent the story. Complete
so it was all one civilisations in different playces, like varaos in egypte 5300 bc , sumerians 5500bc ect
For the critics … good for you to question this programming an establishment version of his-story! Buy some books so they can mislead you more!
For the complimentary … just don’t let this version be the end all! Keep looking deeper than this! Glad it has you interested! Know who you are!
Lastly, the pics used bothered me and so does some of the sequence! Beware of the colonization of information! Why is it pushed so ? To feed the ego… We are all one!
Why this annoying background noise you might be calling music.
The role of the Romans who conquered the Greeks before the Arabs came along was not given emphasis here.
Great video but the Music is too loud
Assyrians did not have a 1000 year hegemony starting in the middle of the Bronze age. Were an emerging power before the "bronze age collapse" but not a 500 year hegemony right? Then had maybe a 250-300 year run as the big bad Assyrians in the Iron age.
Neither Persia nor the Greeks (By Greeks I mean Spartans and Athenians) won the Greco-Persian wars. It was won by Macedon (Again the Greek state not the modern Bulgarian one)
Sono guerre vinte dalla Massoneria
Anyone else watching this for geography??
Way too few maps. You use the visuals for doubling the text of the narration, rather that showing useful maps?
Thank you!
I love these programs, Especially when it's told so accurately. I wonder what people will say 5,000 years from now about us modern humans?. If we are still here?
Great video
Genesis 10:8-12 (Torah)
8) Kush (Nubia, Sudan, Ethiopia) begot Nimrud: and he became a warrior/tyrant upon the earth.
9) He was a warrior hunter in the face of the Most High: therefore it is said, like Nimrud the warrior hunter in God’s face.
10) And the first of his kingdom was Babel (East Africa), Erekh, Akkad, (city north of Iraq) and Calneh, in the land of Shinar (Sumer)
11) From that land he went to Asshur, (Regions of Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Iran), and built Nineveh, Rehoboth Ir, Calah,
12) And Resen between Nineveh and Calah: that is the principal city.
Nimrud ruled from East Africa all the way to India he was from North Sudan. The people out of North Sudan a part of the Kush Empire was where the men were very tall and strong Nimrud came from there. These people are mentioned by Isaiah in 18:2. These people were known to be a fierce warrior class.
Nimrud was known by many different names, here is a list of some just to name a few: Gilgamesh, Baal, Belus, Melcartth, Adonis, Eshmun, Dumuzi, Dionysus, Bacchus, Orion, Mithra, Apollo, Ra, Tammuz, Osiris, Titan, Hercules.
Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson was convinced that there was a relationship between the Sumerians and Africans. As a result he used two African languages: one Semitic and the other Kushitic to decipher the cuneiform writing. Rawlinson was sure that the ancient Nubians and Puntites founded Mesopotamian civilization.(1)
The Sumerians referred to themselves as ùĝ saĝ gíg ga (cuneiform: 𒌦 𒊕 𒈪 𒂵), phonetically /uŋ saŋ gi ga/, literally meaning "the black-headed people"
Sumerians were head shavers just like the Egyptians.
Sumerian Ruler Gudea
Madrid, Spain - February 24, 2017: head of Gudea at National Archeological Museum of Madrid. He was a ruler of the Sumerian city of Lagash in Southern Mesopotamia.
The Sumerians came from the Sahara before it became a desert. Affinities exist between Nubia ware and pottery from Ennedi and Tibesti.
Dr. Himanshu Narayan Singh (CSIR-Institute of Genomics & Integrative Sciences, Delhi, India) believes that this pottery spread from Nubia, through Mesopotamia and Iran southward into India.(5) The earliest examples of this BRW date to the Amratian period (c4000-3500 B.C.).
These Saharan people were round-headed ancient Mediterranean types. They were often referred to as Cafsa or Capsians; a group of people not devoid of negroid characteristics according to Jehan Desanges a French historian, philologist and epigrapher, a specialist of North Africa during Antiquity. A member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton[1](11) Wyatt MacGaffey, Professor of Anthropology, Haverford College, Pennsylvania claims that the term “Mediterranean” is an anthropological euphemism for “Negro”.
The boats of the Saharan people are similar to those found on ancient engravings of boats in Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley. Many of the boats found in the eastern desert of Egypt and among the Red Sea Hills show affinities to Mesopotamian models.
The Sumerians and Elamites often referred to themselves as “ksh”. For example the ancient Sumerians called their dynasty “Kish”. The words “kish”, “kesh” and “kush” were also names for ancient Nubia-Sudan.
The Elamites also came from Kush. According to the classical writer Strabo, Susa the centre of the Elamite civilization was founded by Tithonus, king of Kush.
B.B. Lal (Braj Basi Lal, better known as B. B. Lal, is an Indian archaeologist. He was the Director General of the Archaeological Survey of India from 1968 to 1972 and has served as Director of the Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla.) has shown conclusively that the Dravidians (original east Indians); (southern India), came from Nubia and were related to the C-Group people who founded the Kerma dynasty.(3)
They both used a common black-and-red ware (BRW) which Lal found was analogous to ceramics used by the megalithic people in India who also used analogous pottery signs identical to those found in the corpus of Indus Valley writing. (4)
Most people are aware that the Pharaonic civilization of ancient Egypt is one of the world’s oldest and longest-lasting. However, the nation of Ta-Seti predated Egyptian civilization.
According to Our Weekly, in 1962, a research team headed by Keith C. Seele, director of the University of Chicago’s Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition, discovered a Pharaonic dynasty in Nubia that predated the first Pharaonic period in Kemet (Egypt).
The area extended from northern Sudan to southern Kemet; in some literature it was referred to as ancient Ethiopia, or as in the Bible, Kush. Today, it is called Ta-Seti.
On March 1, 1979, The New York Times carried a front page article by Boyce Rensberger, with the headline: “Nubian Monarchy Called Oldest.”
In the article, Rensberger wrote: “Evidence of the oldest recognizable monarchy in human history, preceding the rise of the earliest Egyptian kings by several generations, has been discovered in artifacts from ancient Nubia.” He estimated that “The first kings of Ta-Seti may well have ruled about 5900 BC.”
History of Early Ethiopia or Kush (13,000-7500 BC)
The region known as Kush has been inhabited for several millennia. Royal Ontario Museum and University of Khartoum researchers found a "tool workshop" south of Dongola, Sudan with thousands of paleolithic axes on rows of stones, dating back 70,000 years. As early as 13,000 BC, ceremonial burial practices were taking place at Jebel Sahaba and Wadi Halfa in the northern part of modern-day Sudan (known to archaeologists as the "Qadan" period, 13,000-8,000 BC).
At the Toshka site in modern-day "Lower Nubia," archaeologists have uncovered tombs where domesticated wild cattle were placed above human remains, indicative of the use of cattle in a ceremonial fashion. Circular tomb walls with above-ground mounds are further evidence of the beginnings of ceremonial burials.
At other sites nearby, we can see the development of Ethiopian (better known as "Egyptian") civilization. At the Kadruka cemetery, spouted vessels were found, and the tombs at El Gaba were filled with jewelry, pottery, ostrich feathers, headrests, facial painting, etc.--all of which were present in "dynastic Egypt," and are still used today amongst different peoples of modern-day Ethiopia. The neolithic Sabu rock paintings even depict dynastic Egyptian-style boats.
Just west of the city of Kerma lies the site of Busharia, where shards of pottery dating from 8000 to 9000 BC have been found. A nearby discovery at El-Barga shed light on foundations of round buildings, graves and pottery shards from 7,500 BC.
Therefore Kushitic civilization began on the banks of the Nile over 15,000 years ago and was settled at least 55,000 years prior.
Furthermore, based on the traditions of the first settlers and the artifacts found in this region, Kushitic civilization gave birth to that of so-called "Egypt"
Got more clarity and information than I expected. Thank you for that. One question. At 0:56 why did you mention modern day Iran? Shouldn't that be Iraq?
because modern day iraq was called Mesopotamia ages ago, Right now its called iraq he mentioned that so people wont get confused abt which country is rlly called Mesopotamia
Iraq didn’t exist, Iraq and Syrian and Turks all that was Persia under Iranian rule ! Iraq was Iran for thousands of years
@@Lara-qw4zsThat doesn't answer the commentor's question though, modern Iraq (which isn't the same as Mesapotamia), have nothing to do with the civilization of Iran/Persia besides being conquered by and made into a vessel state by the Persians.
Have you looked into Gobleki Tepe? It pre-dates sumerian society for thousands of years
It's just a temple.
that place probably was a ancient city/settlement of the Hittites.
ancestors of Troy.
How come Sumerian is a language isolate while Akkadian to its northeast and ancient Egyptian to its southwest spoke related languages?
Perché l'AQUILA e il SERPENTE sono simboleggiate nel Caduceo governano insieme la civiltà sequestrata
This video is a masterpiece ❤ I learned so much. I always thought the Sumerians were Semitic, so if not, then what are they exactly? Are they at least Afro-Asiatic? Do any living groups today descend from them?
Marsh arabs are descendants of the Sumerians
@@sunnya2134 no they are Arabs descendants of ma'd ben adnan, original arabs, adnani arabs(about marsh arabs)
We are still unsure of the exact origins of The Sumerian people and the issue is still highly debated. They spoke a language isolate that as far as we can tell is not related to any existing languages today. It is possible that the Sumerians are an indigenous people that developed out of the prehistoric Ubaid culture native to the region. It is also possible they migrated to the region from an unknown region.
It depends on what they are using as definition of semite which is dark-skinned, aramaic speaking (not white jewish). Whenever historian refers to Palestine as israel, i know whose perspective its being told from.
music is too loud.
You're welcome!
Don't forget the Kard, Kurgan, Hurrians, Hittites, Elamites.
Mesopotamia is not a Sumerian name, it is Greek and it was the name given to the land by the Greeks after they conquered it meso is between, potamos is river.
Are the books available in pakistan? Please reply...
🇮🇶Civilizations of Mesopotamia(Iraq)🇮🇶Babylon🇮🇶Sumer🇮🇶Abbasid🇮🇶Akkad🇮🇶and Assyria🇮🇶Arabian Gulf❤️
*Persian gulf
0:50 - Says " 'Mesopotamia', literally translated from the Sumerian to mean …" No. The name "Mesopotamia" is from Greek, not Sumerian.
3:00 - Says Sumerians lived in Mesopotamia since "probably the beginning of human existence". That's a pretty bold claim. So humans *started out* here, *and* they were the same humans that, hundreds of thousands of years later, we call "Sumerians"?
4:00 - Says the Sumerians were the first to have writing (probably true) **and language**. This is absurd. Anyone reading this: Google "When did human language develop?" for better information.
There are a lot of other channels doing histories of this and other periods. So far what makes this video stand apart from the others is its errors.
4:00 Well the oldest thing we have is some Sumerian writing, what should make us believe something else?
@@danielmogos8990 Because humans had language long before they started writing it down. So the fact that some humans were the first to have writing does in any way mean they were the first to have *language*. What would make us believe otherwise?
@@erickingsepp oh, ok. I missread your comment. Indeed that doesnt make sense
We owe everything to Sumer
You mean the so called black people!!!
I live in Denmark and my father was Assyrian
Sei biondo come gli Assiri o bruno Persiano
@@rosolinolosciuto3644Asyrian were mostly dark haired not blond lol
@@rosolinolosciuto3644*Sei biondo come i persiani o bruno Assiro.
6:11 dat skyrim steel sword
Welcome back to online classes 😅all the malaysian student
Not only Malaysian Nepalese students too😅
Thank you so much
Hard time bring tough men tough men bring easy time easy time brings soft men soft man brings hard times
Correction: Mesopotamia is what the ancient Greeks called the region. It is not a Sumerian word
Where my online bois, and girls at!!!!!!!!?!?!
Worthy to note that the Persians did not force their religion (Zoroastrianism) upon any land they concurred, yet the Arabs (Islam) did the very opposite.