Interesting. If you can do cross-view, you should be able to do parallel-view. Try placing something between your eyes (like your hand or a book) to try to force them to view parallel.
@@aaronphillips1746 The artists has drawn them 'in reverse' (for lack of a better term.) If you view them in parallel, you'll get the normal 'cross eyed' view. And vice versa.
With parallel view, you're converging your lines of sight somewhere behind the picture. With cross view, you're converging them in front of the picture. There are a few videos on YT that can teach you to do it. There are also a few cross view stereogram videos that are several minutes long (regular videos, not magic eye) that you can practice on to learn how to hold it. I've never been able to do parallel before, but I after seeing this video and not getting it, I looked up some of those to practice. Then I came back here and was able to see these properly. I still need to use my finger to get the proper focus, but with practice I shouldn't need to any more.
It is my first time viewing a video from your channel, and it was worth it. I remember these from back in the day, they were printed in the newspaper, but they were animals or common objects protruding from the background. I tried to show some stereograms to my Taiwanese friends a couple of years ago in several occasions, but it seems none of them was able to see them. The level of detail, depth and different planes in yours made me question if I was seeing them right, the transitions were also really nice.
I did stereo radiography of various objects. The adults could all see the effect but the students couldn't. Most were of asian descent but that probably doesn't matter physiologically but there may be a cultural effect. I remember when it was incredibly difficult to do but now it is easy and I do it both ways - cross eyed and distance looking - which give the opposite effect but still stereo
omg, I am 44 yo, all my life I struggled with those and thought its just not for my eyes, or its some kind of a joke others do, and today is the day I finally understood how to watch them, and with your video I saw parallel and x eyed pictures, some parallel I liked even more. the first one I can see only with X eyes and noticed that on white background is harder to focus. Wow, its amazing, my work stacked today, because I am staring at colorful pictures 😁🤣
Always love hearing from someone who has seen their first stereogram! The fact that you figured out both parallel and x eyed viewing at the same time is incredible. Welcome to the 3D club!
Challenge? This is the only way I can see stereograms. My eyes literally won't do whatever parallel view is wanting them to do after 30 years of trying, so I've had to look at them crosseyed & inverted since forever. Thanks for releasing these.
Glad these work for you! For parallel view stereograms, try holding something up to your nose (between your eyes) like a book or your hand. This can help force your eyes to go parallel.
to look parallel you kinda need to image looking at a very distant view. It happens when a person thinks about something deeply and has this kind of blank stare, not sure how to say it in english. Like you are looking into nothingness. U can try it.
@@PinkeySuavo Thanks though I know how you're supposed to do it. I've spent a lot of time since like the 1990s trying it. My eye muscles just won't do it, not even tricked into it, like the way some people can wiggle their ears and some people just can't, is what it seems like to me.
I’m so used to the traditional Magic Eye where you cross your eyes in the opposite direction (looking “through” the book/phone). This was nice & relaxing, thank you for sharing! I hope to see more!
@@jazzydannymc Just a play on words. The X is because these stereograms are meant for cross-eyed (X) viewing as opposed to parallel (II) viewing. It has nothing to do with the TV show.
@onlyhuman5 Thanks so much! Love to hear it. You'll probably find that a lot of other videos use quite a few of our images (without permission or attribution!).
1. Hammer 2. Frog 3. Kind of percussion in hearth shape? 4. Peace sign 5. 4-leaf clover 6. not sure what it is (02:20) 7. Hearth in some 5-star 8. Sailboat 9. Halloween pumpkin? 10. Some weird shape built of 4 hearth-shapes (03:55) 11. Kind of spiral? (04:08) 12. Horse (04:30) 13.
1. Martillo con Moneda (Hammer with Coin) 🔨🪙 2. Rana (Frog)🐸 3. Tambor con forma de Corazon (Heart-shaped drum)🥁♥️ 4. Simbolo de Amor y Paz (Love and peace symbol) ☮️ 5. Trebol (Clover)🍀 6. Cohete (Rocket) 🚀 7. Corazon dentro de estrella (Heart within Star) ❤🌟 8. Bote de vela (Sailboat) ⛵ 9. Calabaza de Halloween (Halloween's Pumpkin) 🎃 10. Figura con patron corazon (Heart-patterned shape) ❤🍀 11. Espiral (Spiral)🌀 12. Caballo (Horse)🐎
I dont know if it is only me but i ve managed to see 2 more layers in the same picture!! I mean when you see the first layer (3d shape) and do the same thing again the 3d goes deeper (2nd layer) and so on!!! I hope you understaned what i am saying!!!
That reminds me of a video I have seen called " The Hyperbolic Geometry of DMT Experiences". They talk about the exact thing you are describing and they just go deeper and deeper, truly a mindblowing video!
Большое спасибо за эту великолепную работу! Стереоэффект отличный! Качество картинок высочайшее, но признаюсь честно, не все удалось рассмотреть с первого раза. Но когда нашёл точку пересечения - вау! Особенно понравились загнутые сердечком четыре проволоки. Пересмотрю ещё разок!
Ха! А проволочек с сердечком три! А не четыре! Пересмотрел второй раз все картинки без единой проблемы! Очень шлюпка с парусом понравилась после пересмотра, сердечко в вазе в форме звезды, и очень классная спираль!
@@Eyetricks3DStereograms Хочу добавить слова одобрения! Ваши стереокартинки, пожалуй, лучшие из тех, что мне попадались на Ютубе. Я иногда посматриваю подобные ролики, и пока особенно радоваться было нечему. Часто изображения делают в посредственном качестве - даже не трёхмерные, а плоские над вторым плоским слоем при просмотре. У вас же, и глубина хорошо сделана, и сами предметы очень объёмные, и фоны продуманные! Браво! Я увлекаюсь просмотром стереограмм с детства, после прочтения книги советского популяризатора физики для детей и подростков Якова Перельмана. Книга называется "Занимательная физика". Автор простыми словами объяснял там, как мы видим стереоскопическое изображение. С тех пор я с удовольствием пользуюсь своим умением рассматривать как перекрёстные стереограммы, так и параллельные. Могу смотреть стереофильмы, если они подготовлены для перекрёстного просмотра. Одно время я увлекался любительской съёмкой стереофотографий. Делал два снимка со смещением фотоаппарата по горизонтали, а потом распечатывал две эти фотографии и смотрел стерео без каких либо приспособлений. Сейчас я с удивлением вижу, что подобных фото в интернете мало. Может быть я не так, или не там их ищу? Ещё раз, спасибо вам за ваше творчество!
@@Eyetricks3DStereogramsthere could even be a little tiny bit of Dark Side of the Moon right before that girl starts wailing but I think I hear more Untitled from Sigur Ros. Fascinating!
There is another way of seeing the stereo and it is done by focusing each eye to the distance instead of going cross eyed. This makes the 3D work in the other direction though it is a bit harder to do. It was easier to do without full screen
Glad you liked them. We've been designing these for quite a while. We use a lot of different tools like Photoshop, Xara Designer Pro, and Stereographic Suite to pull these together.
@@Eyetricks3DStereograms: The first one looks like a tapered rectangular thing, bigger on the right & smaller on the left, with a lot of schematic noise around it. It has some thin rectangular perpendicular depressions/cutouts at the left end of the shape. The second flower covered one, I’d actually have no idea how to succinctly describe what I’m seeing, and I couldn’t even guess at what it is. I mean, I definitely see it, but I just can’t identify it. The third one is shaped loosely like a cartoon basic house: a rectangle with a pointy top, except it has a butt (two half circles stuck to the bottom side by side). I could go on, but I think you get what I’m saying. I definitely see the images, but I have no idea what they are.
@@______IV It certainly sounds like you are very close to seeing the full 3D images. I'm not sure why you are able to see some of the elements, but not pull together the entire hidden image. This one is a little different than some of our others as it's made for cross-eyed viewing. If you are seeing depressions and indentations, you are looking at this one parallel. Have you tried looking at some of our others? Are you having the same issue with all of them?
@@Eyetricks3DStereograms : They all require the viewer to focus at a different focal distance than normal. So it’s just a matter of finding that focal point. I’m not having any issue with that. It’s just that the images aren’t identifiable. To be honest, I gave up after finding the first four or five to be so abstract. When I have to put in work to discover something, there has to be a commensurate payoff to keep me wanting more. I tried the first several, but the images do nothing for me. I think one of the next ones after what I already mentioned looks like an upside down shower drain trap? There were three or four things sticking up around a central hub. If the first few had been recognizable and interesting, I could have glossed over a few in the middle that were more abstract like these, but starting off with these put me off of continuing. Even if the answer to life, the universe, and everything was in one of the following images, I’d never find out.
We aren't sure, so It's hard to say. We've had some people with astigmatism or myopia that have reported being able to see them fine and others who say it affects their ability. Maybe we have an ophthalmologist in the group that can weigh in?
@Eyetricks3DStereograms My eyes are pretty messed up. I'm 45 years old. I have the macular scar, astigmatism, and far sightedness. I have different prescriptions for each eye. However, after about 10 or 15 minutes, looking at other stereogram, I was finally able to see the 3D image. SO COOL! Very trippy. Thanks for the reply! Merry Christmas!
@@scrapironfish Amazing! It's wild when you first get the background to drop and the 3D finally emerges. So glad that you finally got it to work. I've got a mild astigmatism that doesn't affect viewing stereograms, but others have reported that they can't see them at all with one. From what we've observed (un-scientifically), just about everyone with two decent eyes can get them to work with a little patience.
Glad you liked that one too Linda. Did you have difficulty adjusting to this one with cross-eyed viewing versus our normal parallel viewing videos? Some people have trouble doing both.
Good thing these are for crossed eyes. My eyes can't do the far-away versions because of eye muscle surgery. You CAN cross those but they look inside-out so you can tell what they are but can't enjoy the pop out effect.
I've always been able to do these so fast, for some reason, the images in this video are coming out reverse 3D. Like the image is inward instead of popping outward. Is it just me?
@jovenasorx7564 The images in this video are meant to be viewed with crossed eyes. If you view them like you normally do (parallel eyes), they will appear inverted. It's a different viewing technique to make these pop out.
Hammer, frog, what the hell was that, looks like an upside down hoof, peace symbol, 4 leaf clover / shamrock, Jetson's rocket LOL, Pentastar with heart .... lost interest. I do love how you did the full 3D, not just multiple flat planes.
Hi, this collection of images are designed for cross-eyed (X) viewing. If you view them normally, then they will all appear inverted. You have to cross your eyes for these to "pop out". You can see more about the 2 viewing methods here:
There are unknown way to visualize subspace, or vector spaces. You can stretching the width of the x axis, for example, in the right line of a 3d stereo image, and also get depth, as shown below. L R |____| |______| TIP: To get the 3d depth, close one eye and focus on either left or right line, and then open it. This because the z axis uses x to get depth. Which means that you can get double depth to the image.... 4d depth??? :O It's even possible to add 4d depth to a isometric cube, by move left face of the right cube along x axis, and leave the left cube unchanged. Would be awesome, if someone make a game that way! Nice video! 🙂
These stereograms are a little different than most of ours. They are meant for cross-eyed viewing. If you view them parallel (like the rest of our images), they will appear concave. You can read more about the difference between the two viewing methods here:
These stereograms are a little bit different than our usual ones. These are meant for cross-eyed viewing vs. the normal (parallel) method. If you look at these like you usually do, you'll see the inverse (everything is concave). For these you have to cross your eyes in order to get the results you'd expect.
Yes. If they appear concave, it means you are viewing them with your eyes parallel. Most stereograms are designed that way. These, however, are a little different and meant for viewing with your eyes crossed. If you view them with crossed eyes, they will be convex.
🤣We actually did a full video of sailboats and schooners here: We tagged Kevin Smith, but he never responded. @KevinSmith
Yes, you can still see them but the effect is reversed. Objects that should come out at you in this video will appear to go inward when viewed parallel.
If you view this batch of images with your eyes parallel (not crossed), they become reversed. These were meant for cross-eyed viewing. Most of our stereograms, however, are designed for parallel viewing.
X Eyes makes my eyes tired as well if I do it too long. I don't have any issues like this with parallel viewing. Do your eyes get tired using parallel?
@@Eyetricks3DStereograms what is parallel view and X eyes? I don't know, i just do it like when my eyes feel tired and it start turning outward but then i can see the 3D effect. When i do this again when my eyes not even feel tired, now it's feel tired after only 1 or 2 minutes. It's feel like when i first time using my eyeglasses for myopia.
@@Raven_Ray1 Here are a couple of our community posts that dive into the difference between X (cross) eyes vs II (parallel) view. Most of our videos are meant for parallel, but this one is designed for cross. If you are seeing the images in this video "pop out", you're viewing cross. If they "pop in" then you are looking at them parallel. The opposite is true for most of our other images as they are designed for parallel.
I always finding viewing stereograms easier on a computer monitor vs a mobile phone. But maybe since these are designed for cross-eyed viewing, you are having an easier time on a smaller screen.
As someone who can't do parallel view, this really helps me understand how most people see magic eye.
Interesting. If you can do cross-view, you should be able to do parallel-view. Try placing something between your eyes (like your hand or a book) to try to force them to view parallel.
@@Eyetricks3DStereograms I can do parallel view but not cross eyed lol
@@Eyetricks3DStereogramsso all these images are “sunk in” and not floating like 3D lol
@@aaronphillips1746 The artists has drawn them 'in reverse' (for lack of a better term.) If you view them in parallel, you'll get the normal 'cross eyed' view. And vice versa.
With parallel view, you're converging your lines of sight somewhere behind the picture. With cross view, you're converging them in front of the picture. There are a few videos on YT that can teach you to do it. There are also a few cross view stereogram videos that are several minutes long (regular videos, not magic eye) that you can practice on to learn how to hold it.
I've never been able to do parallel before, but I after seeing this video and not getting it, I looked up some of those to practice. Then I came back here and was able to see these properly. I still need to use my finger to get the proper focus, but with practice I shouldn't need to any more.
My favorite was the heart in the star…very cool. Thank you!
Good choice!
It's such an awesome sensation when the 3D effect comes in, almost like having a lucid dream.
Maybe they'll help me with that :)
@@Nitephall you mean like as in Vanilla Sky?
The star with a heart in it. That was my favorite one so far
It is my first time viewing a video from your channel, and it was worth it. I remember these from back in the day, they were printed in the newspaper, but they were animals or common objects protruding from the background. I tried to show some stereograms to my Taiwanese friends a couple of years ago in several occasions, but it seems none of them was able to see them. The level of detail, depth and different planes in yours made me question if I was seeing them right, the transitions were also really nice.
Glad you found us and enjoyed the video. Thanks for commenting.
I did stereo radiography of various objects. The adults could all see the effect but the students couldn't. Most were of asian descent but that probably doesn't matter physiologically but there may be a cultural effect. I remember when it was incredibly difficult to do but now it is easy and I do it both ways - cross eyed and distance looking - which give the opposite effect but still stereo
omg, I am 44 yo, all my life I struggled with those and thought its just not for my eyes, or its some kind of a joke others do, and today is the day I finally understood how to watch them, and with your video I saw parallel and x eyed pictures, some parallel I liked even more. the first one I can see only with X eyes and noticed that on white background is harder to focus.
Wow, its amazing, my work stacked today, because I am staring at colorful pictures 😁🤣
Always love hearing from someone who has seen their first stereogram! The fact that you figured out both parallel and x eyed viewing at the same time is incredible. Welcome to the 3D club!
Challenge? This is the only way I can see stereograms. My eyes literally won't do whatever parallel view is wanting them to do after 30 years of trying, so I've had to look at them crosseyed & inverted since forever. Thanks for releasing these.
Glad these work for you! For parallel view stereograms, try holding something up to your nose (between your eyes) like a book or your hand. This can help force your eyes to go parallel.
to look parallel you kinda need to image looking at a very distant view. It happens when a person thinks about something deeply and has this kind of blank stare, not sure how to say it in english. Like you are looking into nothingness. U can try it.
@@PinkeySuavo Thanks though I know how you're supposed to do it. I've spent a lot of time since like the 1990s trying it. My eye muscles just won't do it, not even tricked into it, like the way some people can wiggle their ears and some people just can't, is what it seems like to me.
Well, that was challenging and fun. My astigmatism made it harder to recover, but the magic is worth it for me.
I also deal with astigmatism (minor), but it hasn't affected my 3D ability yet!
Finally I found stereograms where the shapes really have volume!
Good.. I can see picture 3D,but my eyes litle sick hahahah
Wow, thats amazing. I never saw this magic pictures before. Thx a lot.
These were really good. Clear and distinct images.
Glad you liked them!
I’m so used to the traditional Magic Eye where you cross your eyes in the opposite direction (looking “through” the book/phone). This was nice & relaxing, thank you for sharing! I hope to see more!
@jazzydannymc Glad you enjoyed them! There is a link in the description to 2 other videos in the X-Files collection. You'll probably enjoy those too.
Cool, I’ll check them out! Just curious why did you call it X files?
@@jazzydannymc Just a play on words. The X is because these stereograms are meant for cross-eyed (X) viewing as opposed to parallel (II) viewing. It has nothing to do with the TV show.
Since I watch your videos, UA-cam's algorithm suggests other channels, but the beauty and elegance of your designs are very different from others.💯❤️
@onlyhuman5 Thanks so much! Love to hear it. You'll probably find that a lot of other videos use quite a few of our images (without permission or attribution!).
@@Eyetricks3DStereograms Yes, it is exactly as you say.
The Peace symbol at 1.35, the heart in the star at 2:33 and the spiral at 4.05 are great.
I loved the inside of the nautilus shell. Thank you, these were grand.
3:54 it is sooo beautiful
@@НафисаСаъдуллаева-л6у Thanks! 🔥
How to you make these its really cool and i want to make my own
Give this site a try. It will help you understand how stereograms are constructed.
1. Hammer
2. Frog
3. Kind of percussion in hearth shape?
4. Peace sign
5. 4-leaf clover
6. not sure what it is (02:20)
7. Hearth in some 5-star
8. Sailboat
9. Halloween pumpkin?
10. Some weird shape built of 4 hearth-shapes (03:55)
11. Kind of spiral? (04:08)
12. Horse (04:30)
Wow! These are fantastic. Some of the best I've seen. And they (most) transitioned seamlessly.
🔥Thanks! Glad you enjoyed them.
COOL ! So fun. 👍
Thanks for the visit. Do you typically prefer cross view stereograms like these?
@ I didn’t even know the name of these ‘ stereograms ‘ . What other kinds are there ? 🤔
@jamiemay6065 Most of our designs are meant for parallel views , and you do not cross your eyes.
1. Martillo con Moneda (Hammer with Coin) 🔨🪙
2. Rana (Frog)🐸
3. Tambor con forma de Corazon (Heart-shaped drum)🥁♥️
4. Simbolo de Amor y Paz (Love and peace symbol) ☮️
5. Trebol (Clover)🍀
6. Cohete (Rocket) 🚀
7. Corazon dentro de estrella (Heart within Star) ❤🌟
8. Bote de vela (Sailboat) ⛵
9. Calabaza de Halloween (Halloween's Pumpkin) 🎃
10. Figura con patron corazon (Heart-patterned shape) ❤🍀
11. Espiral (Spiral)🌀
12. Caballo (Horse)🐎
1. Молоток и гвоздь! Простите!
@@Ivanych_Milovadzeyo los vi sumidos y no reconoci la imagen
I dont know if it is only me but i ve managed to see 2 more layers in the same picture!! I mean when you see the first layer (3d shape) and do the same thing again the 3d goes deeper (2nd layer) and so on!!! I hope you understaned what i am saying!!!
That reminds me of a video I have seen called " The Hyperbolic Geometry of DMT Experiences". They talk about the exact thing you are describing and they just go deeper and deeper, truly a mindblowing video!
Большое спасибо за эту великолепную работу!
Стереоэффект отличный!
Качество картинок высочайшее, но признаюсь честно, не все удалось рассмотреть с первого раза. Но когда нашёл точку пересечения - вау!
Особенно понравились загнутые сердечком четыре проволоки.
Пересмотрю ещё разок!
Ха! А проволочек с сердечком три! А не четыре!
Пересмотрел второй раз все картинки без единой проблемы!
Очень шлюпка с парусом понравилась после пересмотра, сердечко в вазе в форме звезды, и очень классная спираль!
@@Ivanych_Milovadze Thanks for the feedback. Really glad you are enjoying the images!
@@Eyetricks3DStereograms Хочу добавить слова одобрения!
Ваши стереокартинки, пожалуй, лучшие из тех, что мне попадались на Ютубе.
Я иногда посматриваю подобные ролики, и пока особенно радоваться было нечему. Часто изображения делают в посредственном качестве - даже не трёхмерные, а плоские над вторым плоским слоем при просмотре.
У вас же, и глубина хорошо сделана, и сами предметы очень объёмные, и фоны продуманные!
Я увлекаюсь просмотром стереограмм с детства, после прочтения книги советского популяризатора физики для детей и подростков Якова Перельмана. Книга называется "Занимательная физика".
Автор простыми словами объяснял там, как мы видим стереоскопическое изображение.
С тех пор я с удовольствием пользуюсь своим умением рассматривать как перекрёстные стереограммы, так и параллельные.
Могу смотреть стереофильмы, если они подготовлены для перекрёстного просмотра.
Одно время я увлекался любительской съёмкой стереофотографий.
Делал два снимка со смещением фотоаппарата по горизонтали, а потом распечатывал две эти фотографии и смотрел стерео без каких либо приспособлений.
Сейчас я с удивлением вижу, что подобных фото в интернете мало.
Может быть я не так, или не там их ищу?
Ещё раз, спасибо вам за ваше творчество!
Does it list the music? It sounds so much like Sigor Ros, like at the end of Vanilla Sky. It's haunting, pretty!
The song is called Grass by Silent Partner. Here's a link to the full song:
@Eyetricks3DStereograms whew, thank you. Just saved me from being up all night!
@@sandi21515 😂
@@Eyetricks3DStereogramsthere could even be a little tiny bit of Dark Side of the Moon right before that girl starts wailing but I think I hear more Untitled from Sigur Ros. Fascinating!
@@sandi21515 I don't know Untitled, but I'm going to check it out now.
I use this viewing technique to see people in a new way. Ones that previously seemed so one-dimensional now have true depth!😉
El último es hermoso!!!!🐎🥰
Gracias gracias gracias 🙏
There is another way of seeing the stereo and it is done by focusing each eye to the distance instead of going cross eyed. This makes the 3D work in the other direction though it is a bit harder to do. It was easier to do without full screen
Fascinating. 💯
They were so clear !
Very cool, thanks!
Вот это да! Все фигурки объёмные, ещё чуть-чуть и выпадут из экрана!
Super beau et fascinant à regarder.
These were very good! But how did you make them?
Glad you liked them. We've been designing these for quite a while. We use a lot of different tools like Photoshop, Xara Designer Pro, and Stereographic Suite to pull these together.
@@Eyetricks3DStereograms That's really cool! Thanks for sharing the information. Makes me inspired to create my own!
You should definitely give it a try!
Are there any identifiable images, or are these simply textural experiments?
There are definitely identifiable images. What are you seeing?
@@Eyetricks3DStereograms: The first one looks like a tapered rectangular thing, bigger on the right & smaller on the left, with a lot of schematic noise around it. It has some thin rectangular perpendicular depressions/cutouts at the left end of the shape. The second flower covered one, I’d actually have no idea how to succinctly describe what I’m seeing, and I couldn’t even guess at what it is. I mean, I definitely see it, but I just can’t identify it. The third one is shaped loosely like a cartoon basic house: a rectangle with a pointy top, except it has a butt (two half circles stuck to the bottom side by side). I could go on, but I think you get what I’m saying. I definitely see the images, but I have no idea what they are.
@@______IV It certainly sounds like you are very close to seeing the full 3D images. I'm not sure why you are able to see some of the elements, but not pull together the entire hidden image. This one is a little different than some of our others as it's made for cross-eyed viewing. If you are seeing depressions and indentations, you are looking at this one parallel.
Have you tried looking at some of our others? Are you having the same issue with all of them?
@@Eyetricks3DStereograms : They all require the viewer to focus at a different focal distance than normal. So it’s just a matter of finding that focal point. I’m not having any issue with that. It’s just that the images aren’t identifiable. To be honest, I gave up after finding the first four or five to be so abstract. When I have to put in work to discover something, there has to be a commensurate payoff to keep me wanting more. I tried the first several, but the images do nothing for me. I think one of the next ones after what I already mentioned looks like an upside down shower drain trap? There were three or four things sticking up around a central hub. If the first few had been recognizable and interesting, I could have glossed over a few in the middle that were more abstract like these, but starting off with these put me off of continuing. Even if the answer to life, the universe, and everything was in one of the following images, I’d never find out.
I have a macular scar on my retina in one eye.which has affected the shape of my retina.
Can this affect my ability to see stereographs?
We aren't sure, so It's hard to say. We've had some people with astigmatism or myopia that have reported being able to see them fine and others who say it affects their ability. Maybe we have an ophthalmologist in the group that can weigh in?
My eyes are pretty messed up. I'm 45 years old. I have the macular scar, astigmatism, and far sightedness. I have different prescriptions for each eye.
However, after about 10 or 15 minutes, looking at other stereogram, I was finally able to see the 3D image. SO COOL! Very trippy.
Thanks for the reply! Merry Christmas!
@@scrapironfish Amazing! It's wild when you first get the background to drop and the 3D finally emerges.
So glad that you finally got it to work. I've got a mild astigmatism that doesn't affect viewing stereograms, but others have reported that they can't see them at all with one. From what we've observed (un-scientifically), just about everyone with two decent eyes can get them to work with a little patience.
I could see the entire clip in 3d without break, took me only few seconds to get the first one in focus.
That's great. Glad it worked for you!
Interesting, but some of them were difficult to visualize because the boundaries just didn’t make sense to me.
Interesting. Are you viewing them with your eyes crossed?
Doing these the normal way is so weird. It feels like I’m looking at them from the wrong side of my phone 🤣
😂Everything is so concave if you look at them in parallel!
Zone out into the screen with different depts. of views so cool
Что же вы нас пугаете такой музыкой 🫣а в остальном 👍
Haha, glad you liked the images. The music is a little haunting, will try to find some different music for the next video!
Chemilion was insane ❤
Ok, the spiral was cool, too.
Glad you liked that one too Linda. Did you have difficulty adjusting to this one with cross-eyed viewing versus our normal parallel viewing videos? Some people have trouble doing both.
@@Eyetricks3DStereograms no, I was able to see it fine. Sometimes I have to readjust between images, sometimes I can transition ok.
I loved it too!!❤😊
I shed a few tears, its like a very gentle DMT trip.
I wasn't aware that DMT offered a "gentle" option.
This one makes more sense to my eyes in parallel view 💙
I agree that was only one object the others just like basin or tunnel not an object it self
Pues no reconoci ninguno
FWIW: You can also view with relaxed eyes. Cross eyes will give headaches
I agree about cross eyes, it gives me a headache as well. But the effect is pretty incredible.
Good thing these are for crossed eyes. My eyes can't do the far-away versions because of eye muscle surgery. You CAN cross those but they look inside-out so you can tell what they are but can't enjoy the pop out effect.
@fmphotooffice5513 Happy that these work better for you. We will try to create some more cross-eyed videos for you.
I've always been able to do these so fast, for some reason, the images in this video are coming out reverse 3D. Like the image is inward instead of popping outward. Is it just me?
@jovenasorx7564 The images in this video are meant to be viewed with crossed eyes. If you view them like you normally do (parallel eyes), they will appear inverted. It's a different viewing technique to make these pop out.
Hammer, frog, what the hell was that, looks like an upside down hoof, peace symbol, 4 leaf clover / shamrock, Jetson's rocket LOL, Pentastar with heart .... lost interest. I do love how you did the full 3D, not just multiple flat planes.
They all seem inverted, like you're looking into a shell of the thing it's supposed to be
Hi, this collection of images are designed for cross-eyed (X) viewing. If you view them normally, then they will all appear inverted. You have to cross your eyes for these to "pop out".
You can see more about the 2 viewing methods here:
There are unknown way to visualize subspace, or vector spaces.
You can stretching the width of the x axis, for example, in the right line of a 3d stereo image, and also get depth, as shown below.
|____| |______|
TIP: To get the 3d depth, close one eye and focus on either left or right line, and then open it.
This because the z axis uses x to get depth. Which means that you can get double depth to the image.... 4d depth??? :O
It's even possible to add 4d depth to a isometric cube, by move left face of the right cube along x axis, and leave the left cube unchanged.
Would be awesome,
if someone make a game that way!
Nice video!
Great observations, thanks for sharing. A stereogram game sounds interesting, but I wonder how long you could play it before your eyes revolted.
Why are these concave and not convex
These stereograms are a little different than most of ours. They are meant for cross-eyed viewing. If you view them parallel (like the rest of our images), they will appear concave.
You can read more about the difference between the two viewing methods here:
It means whatever we like it control our body and mind ?
Why are these all inverted?
These stereograms are a little bit different than our usual ones. These are meant for cross-eyed viewing vs. the normal (parallel) method. If you look at these like you usually do, you'll see the inverse (everything is concave). For these you have to cross your eyes in order to get the results you'd expect.
Im so annoyed i only have one good eye so no matter how many times i try to cross my eyes it kinda felt like im just looking to the left 😭🤣
You'll definitely need two working eyes for these to work.
Все фигурки вогнуты, я прекрасно вижу стерео картинки, но тут они не объемные, а вогнутые...
Yes. If they appear concave, it means you are viewing them with your eyes parallel. Most stereograms are designed that way. These, however, are a little different and meant for viewing with your eyes crossed. If you view them with crossed eyes, they will be convex.
@@Eyetricks3DStereograms понял, это другая методика
@@Eyetricks3DStereograms я разобрался, но этот метод не привычен. спасибо, теперь я все понял, вы меня научили!
cool but what does this have to do with the x-files?
@@queen3333___ A bit of a play on words... these stereograms all require you to cross (X) your eyes to see them properly.
@@Eyetricks3DStereograms oh, interesting! thanks for making these
@@queen3333___ No problem, thanks for watching!
"It's a schooner!"
🤣We actually did a full video of sailboats and schooners here:
We tagged Kevin Smith, but he never responded. @KevinSmith
I can still see it even if i use paralel method
Yes, you can still see them but the effect is reversed. Objects that should come out at you in this video will appear to go inward when viewed parallel.
Glad you were able to get both viewing methods (parallel vs cross-eyed) to work!
Did you know you can also reverse the image, try it. Some of the images don't look good reversed thou.
If you view this batch of images with your eyes parallel (not crossed), they become reversed. These were meant for cross-eyed viewing. Most of our stereograms, however, are designed for parallel viewing.
Can anyone tell me how to see these images so that they may appear 3D
to me?
Hi - Try this.
I can only see them with inverted depth.
These designs are meant to be viewed with crossed eyes. If you keep your eyes parallel for this set, they will appear inverted.
@@Eyetricks3DStereograms Thanks, but I think I can only do the eye separation ones.
@@philsweeney81 I personally find the cross-eyed method to be the more difficult of the two.
Its a Hammer.
I can't see😢
Sorry you're having trouble! Try this video for some tips to view them:
My eyes are parallel what am doing here😅
My eye feel very tired now.
X Eyes makes my eyes tired as well if I do it too long. I don't have any issues like this with parallel viewing. Do your eyes get tired using parallel?
what is parallel view and X eyes?
I don't know, i just do it like when my eyes feel tired and it start turning outward but then i can see the 3D effect. When i do this again when my eyes not even feel tired, now it's feel tired after only 1 or 2 minutes. It's feel like when i first time using my eyeglasses for myopia.
@@Raven_Ray1 Here are a couple of our community posts that dive into the difference between X (cross) eyes vs II (parallel) view.
Most of our videos are meant for parallel, but this one is designed for cross. If you are seeing the images in this video "pop out", you're viewing cross. If they "pop in" then you are looking at them parallel. The opposite is true for most of our other images as they are designed for parallel.
I saw the goddam sailboat! was it a scooner?
😂 You're a master at this! We actually created a video with just sailboat images.
4:00 mi favorito👏
Help me i dont understand
Hi! Try this:
Pelo smartphone é mais fácil, agora pela tela do pc é quase que impossivel.
I always finding viewing stereograms easier on a computer monitor vs a mobile phone. But maybe since these are designed for cross-eyed viewing, you are having an easier time on a smaller screen.
Dammit this never works for me
No stereograms work for you, or just these cross-eyed versions?
My eyes hurt
😵💫 Crossing them for too long makes mine hurt a little too.
Just uploaded a new video of cross-eyed images!
Чтобы увидеть такие картинки надо скосить глаза, будто пытаетесь увидеть свой нос или показать косоглазие. Еще так косятся глаза у очень пьяных ))