@@sonorastar2239 Yes...that's because Slovenia was one of the countries that made up Yugoslavia. Arguing whether they are "Slovenian" or "Yugoslavian" is like arguing whether Manic Street Preachers are "Cymraeg (Welsh)" or "British".
For awile Laibach was my band, too. I was proud to have such a unique band come out of my country - Yugoslavia. At the end of the day it doesn't matter whether they are Yugoslavian or Slovenian - they are still bloody brilliant! I am really pleased they are still going on and doing so well. Saw them in London in the 80's and many people walked out of the concert. I guess people were confused by their military image and presumed they were pro fascist. But the words of their songs tell a different story....
Not even that much of a fan of Laibach or industrial music in general, but this (as well as most of the albm it was on) will forever remain as one of the greatest cover versions and comments on the power and nature of popular music.
Laibach are special for a number of reasons. not least of which is that they can make such great music, social commentary, art & have fun all, at once.
This is actually a remake "one vision" from Queen. when you check out words are exact but it's surprising how the message changes. or maybe it always was quite totalitarian but somehow nobody noticed!
One man, one goal1 And one directive One heart, one soul Just one solution One flash of light Yes! One God, one vision One flesh, one blood One true religion One voice, one dream One strong will Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Give me a one vision No wrong, no right. I will tell you: black And white there is not Not death, not distress We only need One vision for the world One flesh, one blood One true religion One race and one dream One strong will Yes Sir! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes Sir! So give me your hands And give me your hearts I'm waiting There's only one direction And one nation So give me your hands And give me your hearts. I'm waiting There's only one direction One world and one nation Yes Sir! One vision Not envy, not quarrel Only the enthusiasm All the night Let's celebrate agreement Yes Sir! Yes! Yes Sir! One flesh, one blood One true religion One voice, one dream One strong will Give me one night Give me a dream A human A man One night Once (Yes Sir.) Just give me Give me One vision
The Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid recently had a temporary exhibit about Laibach and their cultural impact. I had known them from exploring electro/industrial music, but hadn't known they were such a big deal. They were quite the artistic-renegades in communist-era Yugoslavia.
A Laibach cover of Queen's Vision and it is sung in German ?!!? Jaaaaaaa, ICH LIEBE DIESES LIED !!!!! Those guys made this song more epic than the original.
While some friends here wanna learn German and think about the "light beer", I'm sitting here and try to immitate his awesome Slowenian accent :D Love this band, THIS ist definititely art!
When was in architecture school in the 90s, we’d be pulling all nighters and one of us had this album. We’d put it on when we needed a boost and when the time came we’d all scream “GIVE ME A LIGHT BEER!”. couldn’t believe it when I heard this song in a documentary about the Bosnian war. At the time, the hard voice against the aerobics anthem music sounded hilarious to me. I didn’t know there’s a lot more to this music/band. Rabbit hole time.
Ever heard the theory Queen was the most fascist rock band? I love Queen but I think it's a credible theory. Their later live performances were almost mass occult rituals the way Mercury provoked the crowds to respond, and their videos backed up the idea.
They haven't agreed to update Gary Numan's work with an album called "The Power Principle", but they did at least put my cover design on their website.
This version packs a punch. Way better than queens version. Love the simplicity of the video and the art direction. Should perform this for the Eurovision .It would get a ten from me.
@@netrioter I didn't believe in Communism until I heard Laibach. If it's cranking out artists like this we should probably keep just a little bit of it around. To breed more of this Laibach stuff of course. Not for anything nefarious like absolute world totalitarian control and monitoring of the global population. No not at all!
@@netrioter Offcially it was socialist ruled by communist party, but that has nothing to do with it. Yugoslavia was part of Eurovision since 1961 and won in 1989. Dont just write bullshit you dont know.
Camp as fuck. One of the few times I think they allow their humour to be front and centre. Opus Dei was an album me and my mates loved in 1987. Everyone else hated it. Go figure.
ein wahrhaftes Meisterwerk.. die Art, welche Worte für die Übersetzung von Freddies Text gewählt wurden sind so grandios grandios gewählt - die Sugestivkraft der verwendeten Worte ist immer wieder interessant, wenn man das Lied jemandem vorspielt, der das nicht kennt - die dann sofort (und von Laibach beabsichtigt) Faschismusansprachen im Kopf haben - wenn man dann den Leuten erklärt, dass es eine Wort zu Wort übersetzung von Queen ist, dann sind die erst mal baff - ich mein, Queen kann man nun vieles vorwerfen (Beste Band aller Zeiten, grossartigste Bühnenpresänz etc xD), aber ganz sicher nicht, rechts im politischen Spektrum zu stehen - trotzdem macht Laibach mit dem Video und Lied ein bisschen hellsichtiger, wenn es um Faschistische Ästhetik, auch in der Unterhaltungswelt geht (Man denke nur an die Queen Videos zu Radio Gaga oder Flash) - oh und es ist einfach grandios, wie Milos, dieser eher Unscheinbare Mensch und mit dieser Mütze den Militarismus so der Lächerlichkeit preisgibt - ich liebs.
I'd bet the uninitiated would think this is some alternate timeline where Queen was founded in East Germany, West Germany or Yugoslavia and not England. Sounds kickass.
@Schwanzmajor I know every Kraftwerk and every Rammstein song, if its theft you would easily be able to give me songs that sound like copies... Mein Modell was a cover apart from that song, there isnt a song thats remotely similar.
@Schwanzmajor What a crock of shit opinion. Rammstein was something entirely new and exciting when the emerged in the mid 90s. Yeah, they had lots of influences (just like Laibach, Die Krupps and even Kraftwerk), but they were never shy of admitting that and were always able to turn those influences into entirely their own thing. And this is coming from someone who doesn't even care all that much about Rammstein or their music.
Laibach - Narodziny narodu Jeden człowiek Jeden cel Jedna wskazówka Jedno serce Jedna dusza Tylko jedno rozwiązanie Jeden piec Żar Tak! Jeden Bóg Jeden wzór (ideał) Jedno ciało Jedna krew Jedna prawdziwa wiara Jedna sława Jeden sen Jedna mocniejsza wola Tak! Tak! Tak! Tak! Daj mi (jeden) wzór! Zero fałszu Zero prawdy Mówię tobie - czerń A biel jest dowodem Zero śmierci Zero biedy Potrzebujemy nagości Jeden ideał dla świata Jedno ciało Jedna krew Jedna prawdziwa wiara Jedna rasa i jeden sen Jedna mocniejsza wola Tak jest! Tak! Tak! Tak! Tak jest! Tak grzebiesz wasze ręce I dajesz mi wasze serca Czekam To/Coś daje tylko jeden kierunek Jedna ziemia i jeden lud Tak jest! Jedna idea Zero zazdrości Zero kłotni Tylko zachwyt całej nocy Narzucać swoją wolę (dosł. Rozpowszechniać porozumienia [międzynarodowe]) Tak jest! Tak! Tak jest! Jedno ciało Jedna krew Jedna prawdziwa wiara Jedna sława Jeden sen Jedna mocniejsza wola Daj mi noc Daj mi sen Jednego człowieka Jednego mężczyznę Jedną noc Jeden raz Tak jest Tylko daj mi Daj mi Jeden wzór Tekst pochodzi z www.tekstowo.pl/piosenka,laibach,geburt_einer_nation.html
Grandios! Aber nicht jeder versteht Ironie und Anspielung. Ein Freund reagierte empört, als ich ihm den Link zum Video weiterleitete. Er hätte sich das bei mir nicht gedacht. Damit wolle er nichts zu tun haben!
"Die ganze Nacht feiern wir Einigung!" Wenn man sich die Bilder aus Berlin von Sylvester 89/90 anschaut, hat dieser Song etwas Prophetisches! Die Idioten, die auf dem Brandenburger Tor herumgeklettert sind - ein guter Geist war da nicht!
The NSK (art collective Laibach was part of) had a knack for ridiculing socialist authorities every time they attempted anything. Check out the NSK Youth Day poster scandal for the most blatant example. Besides by 1987 the economic situation was rapidly deteriorating as debt and inflation soared. Meanwhile Serbian nationalists were taking control of the Communist party while democratic opposition was developing in the other republics, centered around Nova Revija in Slovenia. IIRC this is also the year Izetbegović published his essays about the importance of Muslim faith and identity in Bosnia and so on. The authorities had much bigger fish to wrestle with than some artsy Slovene music band.
@@pontram As it's written in the description, the video was indeed 'filmed in Slovenia' (then SR Slovenia, SFR Yugoslavia). Based on the first few seconds, I'm pretty sure it was shot in Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana.
1988, sitting in the queue to get on the Londonbound M4 elevated road. Hot afternoon, windows down on my Opel Manta GTE. This playing full blast on the car's stereo. I was getting the weirdest looks from all around me. Music to Anschluss by. Priceless 🤣
I understand German and yes,it sounds great and powerful, but it's not hard to hear out the ''Slav part''...it's made to sound powerful and you can understand the lyrics but most of the time they're not grammatically correct
"Jawoll" is actually the correct spelling. "Ja voll" means something slightly different. It would be the right answer if someone would ask you if you consider Laibach to be the greatest band on earth :)
Devetnica Sv. Leopoldu Bogdanu Mandiću (*Može se moliti tijekom cijele godine u svim osobnim potrebama kroz devet dana!) Sveti Leopolde Bogdane, Gospodin te je obogatio velikim blagom milosti za one koji se tebi utječu. Molimo te, isprosi nam živu vjeru i žarku ljubav, da uzmognemo biti trajno sjedinjeni s Bogom po njegovoj svetoj milosti. Slava Ocu… Sveti Leopolde Bogdane, tebe je božanski Spasitelj učinio savršenim oruđem svoga neizmjernog milosrđa u sakramentu pokore. Molimo te, isprosi nam milost, da se često i dobro ispovijedamo te da živimo slobodni od svakoga grijeha i postignemo savršenstvo na koje nas poziva Gospodin. Slava Ocu… Sveti Leopolde Bogdane, ti si izabrana posuda darova Duha Svetoga, koje si obilno izlijevao u brojne duše. Molimo te, isprosi nam da se oslobodimo od mnogih muka i nevolja koje nas pritišću i izmoli nam snagu da sve strpljivo nadvladavamo te steknemo zasluge za nebo. Slava Ocu… Sveti Leopolde Bogdane, koji si za svoga zemaljskoga života iskazivao nježnu ljubav prema Blaženoj Djevici Mariji, našoj dragoj Majci, i za uzvrat bio obdaren mnogim milostima, a sada si s Njom u blaženstvu, moli je da svrati svoj pogled na našu bijedu i da se prema nama uvijek pokaže milosrdnom majkom. Slava Ocu… Sveti Leopolde Bogdane, koji si uvijek pokazivao veliko razumijevanje za ljudske patnje i utješio mnoga skršena srca, priteci nam u pomoć. U svojoj dobroti nemoj nas napustiti, nego nas utješi i posreduj nam milost za koju te s velikim pouzdanjem molimo. Amen. Litanije sv. Leopolda Bogdana Mandića Gospodine, smiluj se! Kriste, smiluj se! Gospodine, smiluj se! Kriste, čuj nas! Kriste, usliši nas! Oče nebeski, Bože, Sine, Otkupitelju svijeta, Bože, Duše Sveti, Bože Sveto Trojstvo, jedan Bože, Sveta Marijo Sveti Leopolde, štovatelju Majke Božje, Sveti Leopolde, ljubitelju Euharistije, Sveti Leopolde, skromni slugo slugu Božjih, Sveti Leopolde, junački slugo pomirenja, Sveti Leopolde, pregaoče ekumenizma, Sveti Leopolde, činitelju mnogih čuda, Sveti Leopolde, uzore svećenika, Sveti Leopolde, uzore ispovjednika, Sveti Leopolde, uzore redovnika, Sveti Leopolde, uzore molitelja, Sveti Leopolde, uzore pokornika, Sveti Leopolde, uzore poslušnosti, Sveti Leopolde, uzore poniznosti, Sveti Leopolde, uzore strpljivosti, Sveti Leopolde, uzore pobožnosti, moli za nas Sveti Leopolde, poznavatelju ljudskih srdaca, Sveti Leopolde, poznavatelju budućnosti, Sveti Leopolde, voditelju mnogih duša, Sveti Leopolde, razboriti savjetniče, Sveti Leopolde, prijatelju svih ljudi, Sveti Leopolde, tješitelju patnika, Sveti Leopolde, tješitelju očajnih, Sveti Leopolde, tješitelju bolesnih, Sveti Leopolde, dobrotvore siromašnih, Sveti Leopolde, branitelju nevinih, Sveti Leopolde, miritelju zavađenih, Sveti Leopolde, ljubitelju svoga roda, Sveti Leopolde, diko svoga Reda, Sveti Leopolde, naš nebeski zaštitniče Jaganjče Božji, koji oduzimaš grijehe svijeta, oprosti nam, Gospodine! Jaganjče Božji, koji oduzimaš grijehe svijeta, usliši nas, Gospodine! Jaganjče Božji, koji oduzimaš grijehe svijeta, smiluj nam se, Gospodine! Moli za nas, sveti Leopolde! Da dostojni postanemo obećanja Kristovih! Pomolimo se! Bože, zaštitniče i prijatelju poniznih, koji si uzvisio slugu svoga Leopolda Bogdana, učinivši ga oruđem svoga milosrđa u sakramentu pokore, daj, ponizno Te molimo, da zavrijedimo jednostavnim putem vjere doći do gledanja tvoga lica u nebu. Po Kristu Gospodinu našemu. Amen. Molitva za jedinstvo kršćana Bože, jedina prava ljubavi i savršeno jedinstvo. Ti si Svetoga Leopolda, kapucina i svećenika, ukrasio krepošću velikog milosrđa prema grešnicima i potaknuo ga da gorljivo promiče jedinstvo kršćana; daj da po njegovu zagovoru, duhom i srcem obnovljeni svima iskazujemo tvoju ljubav i puni nade radimo za jedinstvo svih vjernika. Amen. Molitva da se isprose milosti po zagovoru sv. Leopolda Sveti Leopolde Bogdane, Bog Te je obdario velikim milostima da uzmogneš pomagati onima koji se Tebi utječu. Evo se i ja utječem Tebi i ponizno Ti se molim: isprosi mi živu vjeru i žarku ljubav, da se predam u ruke Božje i da iz tih Božjih ruku primim pomoć u ovoj svojoj nevolji… (navesti nakane). Oče naš… Zdravo Marijo… Slava Ocu… Molitva prije Sv. Ispovijedi Ti, Sveti Leopolde, kojega je Bog učinio izvanrednim liječnikom duša u svetoj ispovijedi, isprosi mi milost prave pokore, da se dobro ispovjedim te da pomiren s Bogom i ljudima smijem pouzdano očekivati da Bog ispuni i ovu moju molbu… (navesti nakanu). Oče naš… Zdravo Marijo… Slava Ocu… Molitva za pomirenje s ljudima Sveti Leopolde Bogdane, svoj si život darovao za pomirenje među ljudima, narodima i vjerama. Isprosi mi pravi mir, slogu i ljubav u obitelji, uspjeh u svakom poslu i prijateljstvo sa svim ljudima dobre volje, da poput Tebe budem čvrst u katoličkoj vjeri, dobar sa svima, pa i s onima koji drugačije vjeruju. Oče naš… Zdravo Marijo… Slava Ocu… Molitva Sv. Leopoldu za one koji su se udaljili od Boga Isuse, Spasitelju, koji si po molitvi i primjeru Sv. Leopolda, kapucina, k sebi priveo i vratio mnoge duše, molim Te, po njegovu zagovoru privuci k svom Božanskom i Spasiteljskom Srcu i (navesti ime onoga za čije se obraćenje moli). Pomozi mu, da na ovom svijetu u vjeri nađe smisao i radost života i tako za Vječnost spasi dušu svoju! Amen. Oče naš… Zdravo Marijo… Slava Ocu… Molitva Sv. Leopoldu za hrvatski narod Gospodina Isuse Kriste, Ti si ljubio svoj narod, svoju zemlju, jezik i običaje svojih ljudskih predaka. Po Tvom je primjeru Sv. Leopolda, kapucin, služeći braći ljudima u drugoj zemlji, vjerno ljubio i svoj hrvatski narod. I ja Te, zajedno sa Sv. Leopoldom Bogdanom, molim, da narod kojemu pripadam raste i napreduje u miru i slozi s drugim narodima, da kolijevke ne budu prazne, da se ognjišta ne ugase, da se svi prognani i izbjegli vrate svojim domovima, da za svakoga bude u domovini rada, kruha, pravde, mira i sreće, te da živimo i umiremo u Tvojoj milosti, pod zaštitom Majke Marije vjerni Velikom Zavjetu svojih pradjedova. Oče naš… Zdravo Marijo… Slava Ocu… Molitva za duh apostolata Sveti Leopolde, istrošio si se služeći drugima na slavu Božju i spas neumrlih duša. Danas, dok grijeh i sotona zavode svijet i duše, ukloni sablazan mnogih katolika koji se stide raditi za slavu Božju i spas duša. Sveti Leopolde, oslobodi i mene straha, ljudskog obzira i sebičnosti, a isprosi mi od Boga apostolski žar prvih kršćana, da i ja, svojim životom, primjerom i riječju; molim i radim za dolazak boljeg svijeta i obnovu evanđeoske ljubavi i dobrote među ljudima. Amen.
The comment section down here is a pathetic collection of predictable topoi of western cultural imaginaries of the East...and in the midst of it all is Laibach‘s playful madness dancing on the volcanoes of the short (but eventful, duh!) twentieth century...for the ignorant among you, these artists come from the land of Žižek and what they all have in common is a fucking cheeky genius! I remember purchasing their Let it be album (with Beatles covers) right before the Yugoslav wars broke out...shitty times, great art!
Have you ever listened to a song by Queen and thought "It needs to be covered by a Slovenian band, but in German." Laibach sure did.
Yugoslavian band.
@@sonorastar2239 At least Wikipedia says they are a slovenian band.
@@sonorastar2239 Yes...that's because Slovenia was one of the countries that made up Yugoslavia. Arguing whether they are "Slovenian" or "Yugoslavian" is like arguing whether Manic Street Preachers are "Cymraeg (Welsh)" or "British".
@@sonorastar2239 DOHH
i come from slovenia and i m pride on that band
For awile Laibach was my band, too. I was proud to have such a unique band come out of my country - Yugoslavia. At the end of the day it doesn't matter whether they are Yugoslavian or Slovenian - they are still bloody brilliant!
I am really pleased they are still going on and doing so well.
Saw them in London in the 80's and many people walked out of the concert. I guess people were confused by their military image and presumed they were pro fascist. But the words of their songs tell a different story....
You should be 😉and the lads at the tour de france
They're incredibly important. They don't get enough recognition.
You can bei proud of them, they're awesome! I love them too!👍🇮🇪💖
They are for me one of the most brilliant acts in the history of mankind. Cheers from Brazil.
The greatest Queen cover I've ever heard.
the honest one..;)
the best there is ;-)
You mean you watched, it sounds completely different and taking the lyrics it has nothing to do with those gays of Queen.
@@czarzenana5125 The only gay is Freddie that's all.
It really is
Listening to this as I get dressed for the beach and realized I was putting on my combat boots
You take off your combat boots?
I always wear combat boots to the beach. You never know when the fiddler crabs will rise up!
@@Fanaz10 Yes!!! (The footrot ist real)
If you're not wearing them allready keep the boots handy, never know when you may have to march...even in april
I only wear my combat boots to the beach
Best Queen cover in the universe
Here we are the Master Race of the Universe!
Totally agree
Yep, I was just watching the Queen-the making of One vision video and it is a cool video, a cool song, but this has got the real punch!
You may also like this one ua-cam.com/video/LeU1JfgfBWg/v-deo.html
One of Laibach's masterpieces.
Привет он обоcralca
Not even that much of a fan of Laibach or industrial music in general, but this (as well as most of the albm it was on) will forever remain as one of the greatest cover versions and comments on the power and nature of popular music.
Check Laibach's Life is Life.
Best cover version in the history of music!
I know I'm effing late but I have to compliment you solely on your YT handle, jawoll!
Laibach are special for a number of reasons.
not least of which is that they can make such great music, social commentary, art & have fun all, at once.
It’s been 34 years and still nobody has gotten him a light beer
I always thought he was saying, light bulb 😂
He says "ein Leitbild" which means "a Mission Statement" :-)
They gave him a Pepsi, but all he wanted was a light beer.
@@rjwusher Natural light is the king of light beers just saying
a german told me everytime laibach tries to sing in german they make grammatical errors, makes me love them even more lol
Hehehe because they're Slovenian hehehe
typical German lol
As Laibach tries to send up fascism
I am german too but I can say, usually LAIBACH has a good sense of using the german language.
Guess you culd say he truly is a grammar Nazi (:
I have no idea what I just watched, but it was captivating.
hahaha yeah me too!!!Its fun.
This is actually a remake "one vision" from Queen. when you check out words are exact but it's surprising how the message changes. or maybe it always was quite totalitarian but somehow nobody noticed!
Tell your family that you love them, but shout it in German because life is also confusing and terrifying.
For what it's worth, back in the 80s Queen was sometimes criticised for supposed fashist undertones to their lyrics.
One man, one goal1
And one directive
One heart, one soul
Just one solution
One flash of light
Yes! One God, one vision
One flesh, one blood
One true religion
One voice, one dream
One strong will
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Give me a one vision
No wrong, no right.
I will tell you: black
And white there is not
Not death, not distress
We only need
One vision for the world
One flesh, one blood
One true religion
One race and one dream
One strong will
Yes Sir! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes Sir!
So give me your hands
And give me your hearts
I'm waiting
There's only one direction
And one nation
So give me your hands
And give me your hearts.
I'm waiting
There's only one direction
One world and one nation
Yes Sir! One vision
Not envy, not quarrel
Only the enthusiasm
All the night
Let's celebrate agreement
Yes Sir! Yes! Yes Sir!
One flesh, one blood
One true religion
One voice, one dream
One strong will
Give me one night
Give me a dream
A human
A man
One night
(Yes Sir.)
Just give me
Give me
One vision
these are incorrect he definetly says give me a light beer at the end.
@@johngillespie3409 Oh, thanks for the correction
@@johngillespie3409 and Queen says give me fried chicken at the end.....
The Davos Anthem
Ahora en español por favor. Right now in spanish please.
The Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid recently had a temporary exhibit about Laibach and their cultural impact. I had known them from exploring electro/industrial music, but hadn't known they were such a big deal. They were quite the artistic-renegades in communist-era Yugoslavia.
When you can travel, check out the NSK exhibit in the contemporary art gallery of Ljubljana. It puts them in perspective.
It could be interesting to analyze influence of Leibach musik on political processes in Socialist Federative Republik of Slovenia in the late 80s..
Queen: Gimmie fried chicken.
Laibach: Get me a light beer.
Gebt mir ein Leitbild.....
@@ingovonderluhe2174 That means "give me a lite beer" in German.
A light beer FOR THE WORLD!! LOL
@@mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm4641 That is impossible. If you order light beer in Germany, you get shot.
@@kdks7843when you order a light beer in Germany, you'll get a Kölsch 😊
They were getting everyone prepared for the preposterous future which we live in, today.
Best comment.
It's been over 30 years since I saw this on MTV's 120 Minutes. Thanks for posting this and for the trip down memory lane.
Still gets better every time I watch
I recently watched this video on a big screen hanging amongst others from the ceiling in the museum of modern art in Vienna. Great! 🙂
Immer noch ein geiles Lied,nach all den Jahren und hunderten malen von anhören:-)
A Laibach cover of Queen's Vision and it is sung in German ?!!? Jaaaaaaa, ICH LIEBE DIESES LIED !!!!! Those guys made this song more epic than the original.
♥️♥️♥️ some Love from Germany ✌️ stay Wild Safe und Free 🐾🐰
great...ART!!! this is ART!
Art is Art...
La laa lalala!
when the Owl feel the power..is the feeling of the Land
Davide Barontini this overdose popular culture
While some friends here wanna learn German and think about the "light beer", I'm sitting here and try to immitate his awesome Slowenian accent :D Love this band, THIS ist definititely art!
tbf, i *am* german, and that "light beer" is *really* easy to "hear", lmao.
One flesh, one blood
One light beer
best music video ever made?
This came out a year after the original Laibach's still here Queen is long gone
Großartig(grand, magnificent)
When was in architecture school in the 90s, we’d be pulling all nighters and one of us had this album. We’d put it on when we needed a boost and when the time came we’d all scream “GIVE ME A LIGHT BEER!”. couldn’t believe it when I heard this song in a documentary about the Bosnian war. At the time, the hard voice against the aerobics anthem music sounded hilarious to me. I didn’t know there’s a lot more to this music/band. Rabbit hole time.
Good to hear Nick Nolte getting a shout out in this song!
And Nick Drake
Best cover of a Queen song EVER
Ever heard the theory Queen was the most fascist rock band? I love Queen but I think it's a credible theory. Their later live performances were almost mass occult rituals the way Mercury provoked the crowds to respond, and their videos backed up the idea.
@@joshuabroyles7565 cover, very comical
sch... Ihr seit so gut..... Dobro aus Villach Beljak
They can cover pretty much anything successfully
They did the shit before Rammstein. Rammstein is covering them.
They haven't agreed to update Gary Numan's work with an album called "The Power Principle", but they did at least put my cover design on their website.
The horns in this are amazing!
Going to see them tonight in a small town of Quebec, it's so weird, and it's gonna kill!
I'll be honest... I didn't know this cover even existed and the band is one of the most successful out of my country :P
Gonna see them in a few hours in Munich. Always a very intense gig
Vlad the Impaler came back from the dead to ironically cover pop songs. Just as the prophecy foretold.
vastly underrated comment.
@@plasticweapon Vastly under-rated Reply.
Love it! ;)
This isn't Zlad! though.
This version packs a punch. Way better than queens version. Love the simplicity of the video and the art direction. Should perform this for the Eurovision .It would get a ten from me.
"Way better than queens version"
But I do think it's an exceptionally good cover.
Yugoslavians in 87 weren't eligible for Eurovision. They were communist. A very progressive communist country but yes...still communists
@@netrioter I didn't believe in Communism until I heard Laibach. If it's cranking out artists like this we should probably keep just a little bit of it around. To breed more of this Laibach stuff of course. Not for anything nefarious like absolute world totalitarian control and monitoring of the global population. No not at all!
@@netrioter Offcially it was socialist ruled by communist party, but that has nothing to do with it. Yugoslavia was part of Eurovision since 1961 and won in 1989. Dont just write bullshit you dont know.
Camp as fuck. One of the few times I think they allow their humour to be front and centre. Opus Dei was an album me and my mates loved in 1987. Everyone else hated it. Go figure.
This really is the greatest thing ever. This is the national anthem of my heart.
Your heart is a nation?
@@bread9815 It is the national anthem my heart chooses over the one I have.
But also, yes. My heart is a nation. And that is its anthem.
@@Randomcorpse ok but what is your real national anthem
ein wahrhaftes Meisterwerk.. die Art, welche Worte für die Übersetzung von Freddies Text gewählt wurden sind so grandios grandios gewählt - die Sugestivkraft der verwendeten Worte ist immer wieder interessant, wenn man das Lied jemandem vorspielt, der das nicht kennt - die dann sofort (und von Laibach beabsichtigt) Faschismusansprachen im Kopf haben - wenn man dann den Leuten erklärt, dass es eine Wort zu Wort übersetzung von Queen ist, dann sind die erst mal baff - ich mein, Queen kann man nun vieles vorwerfen (Beste Band aller Zeiten, grossartigste Bühnenpresänz etc xD), aber ganz sicher nicht, rechts im politischen Spektrum zu stehen - trotzdem macht Laibach mit dem Video und Lied ein bisschen hellsichtiger, wenn es um Faschistische Ästhetik, auch in der Unterhaltungswelt geht (Man denke nur an die Queen Videos zu Radio Gaga oder Flash) - oh und es ist einfach grandios, wie Milos, dieser eher Unscheinbare Mensch und mit dieser Mütze den Militarismus so der Lächerlichkeit preisgibt - ich liebs.
Kinder, Küche, Kirche! Ein caesar! Ave! Ave! Ave!
Не ожидал что славяне будут творить чудеса. Мы едины хоть и разные
I'd bet the uninitiated would think this is some alternate timeline where Queen was founded in East Germany, West Germany or Yugoslavia and not England. Sounds kickass.
Ich freue mich über die künftige Herrrschaft unseren slovenischen Oberherren.
I'm flesh,I'm glut,I'm four leaf clover....Now,get me a Light Beer!
This would win Eurovision. I'm just crying with laughter. Freddy would have loved this as he never took anything too seriously.
This is so brilliant.
That is awesome! Jawohl! Ein Leitbild!
Love these guys !!
Fantastic. shows up queen’s original for the bilge it is
I really like this song - Glad to see it's still on youtube! Keep rockin!
I love you, Laibach!
This band had a big influence on Rammstein. The singer said it in an interview. Just look at their symbol.
@Schwanzmajor oo shut up.. if they were talentless they wouldnt be germanys biggest metal band of all time. and one of the worlds greats.
@Schwanzmajor I know every Kraftwerk and every Rammstein song, if its theft you would easily be able to give me songs that sound like copies... Mein Modell was a cover apart from that song, there isnt a song thats remotely similar.
@Schwanzmajor What a crock of shit opinion. Rammstein was something entirely new and exciting when the emerged in the mid 90s. Yeah, they had lots of influences (just like Laibach, Die Krupps and even Kraftwerk), but they were never shy of admitting that and were always able to turn those influences into entirely their own thing.
And this is coming from someone who doesn't even care all that much about Rammstein or their music.
@@FromthisInstanceOn Du hast is Techno pop (you have to listen to these songs more attentively)
@@МихаилПетров-ь5ю Du hast overlaps many genres. But I don't agree that its most precise description is Techno or Pop.
Laibach - Narodziny narodu
Jeden człowiek
Jeden cel
Jedna wskazówka
Jedno serce
Jedna dusza
Tylko jedno rozwiązanie
Jeden piec
Jeden Bóg
Jeden wzór (ideał)
Jedno ciało
Jedna krew
Jedna prawdziwa wiara
Jedna sława
Jeden sen
Jedna mocniejsza wola
Daj mi (jeden) wzór!
Zero fałszu
Zero prawdy
Mówię tobie - czerń
A biel jest dowodem
Zero śmierci
Zero biedy
Potrzebujemy nagości
Jeden ideał dla świata
Jedno ciało
Jedna krew
Jedna prawdziwa wiara
Jedna rasa i jeden sen
Jedna mocniejsza wola
Tak jest! Tak!
Tak jest!
Tak grzebiesz wasze ręce
I dajesz mi wasze serca
To/Coś daje tylko jeden kierunek
Jedna ziemia i jeden lud
Tak jest!
Jedna idea
Zero zazdrości
Zero kłotni
Tylko zachwyt
całej nocy
Narzucać swoją wolę
(dosł. Rozpowszechniać porozumienia [międzynarodowe])
Tak jest!
Tak jest!
Jedno ciało
Jedna krew
Jedna prawdziwa wiara
Jedna sława
Jeden sen
Jedna mocniejsza wola
Daj mi noc
Daj mi sen
Jednego człowieka
Jednego mężczyznę
Jedną noc
Jeden raz
Tak jest
Tylko daj mi
Daj mi
Jeden wzór
Tekst pochodzi z www.tekstowo.pl/piosenka,laibach,geburt_einer_nation.html
"A light beer for the world!"
So where can I get a nsk pasport?
Grandios! Aber nicht jeder versteht Ironie und Anspielung.
Ein Freund reagierte empört, als ich ihm den Link zum Video weiterleitete.
Er hätte sich das bei mir nicht gedacht. Damit wolle er nichts zu tun haben!
Haben leider viele Leute damals nicht verstanden, dass hier Propaganda als der Blödsinn enttarnt wird, der er ist - egal aus welcher Richtung.
Es soll sogar Leute geben, die dasselbe über Kraftwerk sagen. (Es ist manchmal alles sehr kompliziert.)
"Die ganze Nacht feiern wir Einigung!" Wenn man sich die Bilder aus Berlin von Sylvester 89/90 anschaut, hat dieser Song etwas Prophetisches! Die Idioten, die auf dem Brandenburger Tor herumgeklettert sind - ein guter Geist war da nicht!
Ha ha 😆 ein deutsches Kommentar...
immer noch genial.
Art at it's best.
Stil, energija, ritam, savrseno...
.... rakija? 😇
Not Meant to Be Funny, But the Lead Singer reminds me of Sasha Boran Cohan's "Borat!" Cool Video! ☝️ 🙂
This, Opus Dei and The Whistleblowers are the best songs from Laibach I ever head!
I'm stoked gonna see them perform this in Bucharest in March. It's been a while!
Slovenian genius
So good....I never even noticed the melody was vaguely familiar.
Queen who?!?! There is only LAIBACH!
With a different soundtrack this could be a famine relief video.
It's 'Gebt mir ein Leitbild' (give me an ideal/a model to follow). Not 'get me a light beer'...just sayin'.
Love the drummers in this clip! JAWOHL!
j y crois pas. cest vraiment super. je decouvre. j'adore In am so in,love with what they do
Somehow, I don't think Freddie Mercury realized what his song would sound like in German...
Heute mal nach Köln. Opus Dei Tour 2024....
They can cover pretty much anything successfuly
Best cover ever ! ❤
This is some crazy stuff... Searching for Opus Dei brought me here.
This video was shot in 1987, before the fall of the iron curtain. How was this possible?
The NSK (art collective Laibach was part of) had a knack for ridiculing socialist authorities every time they attempted anything. Check out the NSK Youth Day poster scandal for the most blatant example. Besides by 1987 the economic situation was rapidly deteriorating as debt and inflation soared. Meanwhile Serbian nationalists were taking control of the Communist party while democratic opposition was developing in the other republics, centered around Nova Revija in Slovenia. IIRC this is also the year Izetbegović published his essays about the importance of Muslim faith and identity in Bosnia and so on. The authorities had much bigger fish to wrestle with than some artsy Slovene music band.
They had a contract with the british Mute Records for their Opus Dei album. I don't think they recorded this video in the former Yugoslavia (SFRY).
Because Yugoslavia was not behind iron curtain. And 80’s in Yugoslavia were by far best music wise.
@@pontram As it's written in the description, the video was indeed 'filmed in Slovenia' (then SR Slovenia, SFR Yugoslavia). Based on the first few seconds, I'm pretty sure it was shot in Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana.
@@futuredays2471 I stand corrected 🙂
Outlandishly splendid.
If Freddie Mercury joined the Afrika Korps..
Yes 😂😂😂💪
You Sir won the Internet 👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👍👍👍
The anthem of Mladina ;-)).
still got the lp
You fall! yaaaa! YOU FALL!! I LIKE IT!
Get me a Knock! Get me a tum! GET ME! GET ME! A LIGHT BEER!!
das Schwarz und Weiß ist kein Beweiß - nicht tot - nicht rot - wir brauchen bloß - ein Leitbild für die Welt
The Wagnerian techno dance?
Still love this song.
heard this is in documentary and i was like 'no there's no way rammstein would be in a video about the fall of yugoslavia' and i was right
1988, sitting in the queue to get on the Londonbound M4 elevated road. Hot afternoon, windows down on my Opel Manta GTE. This playing full blast on the car's stereo. I was getting the weirdest looks from all around me. Music to Anschluss by. Priceless 🤣
queen sounds good here
Ich liebe dieses Lied so viel als ich jung war \m/
It is convenient to learn German by listening Laibach's songs.
Chak Ma Lau I believe their German is ungrammatical sometimes.
I understand German and yes,it sounds great and powerful, but it's not hard to hear out the ''Slav part''...it's made to sound powerful and you can understand the lyrics but most of the time they're not grammatically correct
They have a strong Eastern European accent, and yes, the grammar is off quite a bit sometimes. Definitely not the best way to learn the language.
your avatar pic made me shit my pants i thought i had a crack on my screen
Chak Ma Lau gib mir ein Leitbild
Il n'y a qu'un Laibach et Laibach est son Laibach !
Nothing calms me more than people growling "Ja voll!" in German, while behaving in a robotic manner.
Amit Raam its "jawohl" actually
It's in an dialect so it's actually 'jawoll'.
"Jawoll" is actually the correct spelling. "Ja voll" means something slightly different. It would be the right answer if someone would ask you if you consider Laibach to be the greatest band on earth :)
Jawoll. "Ja voll" when drunk.
Best cover of all time!)))
"get me a light beer".....
labshot So I'm not the only one who hears that.
***** LOL...no and it took years for me to confess that....
labshot Yup... I can't not hear it no matter how hard I try.
Robo - tetanus I know that is not the correct words to this song, but what do you hear?...
Robo - tetanus @1:16
Devetnica Sv. Leopoldu Bogdanu Mandiću
(*Može se moliti tijekom cijele godine u svim osobnim potrebama kroz devet dana!)
Sveti Leopolde Bogdane, Gospodin te je obogatio velikim blagom milosti za one koji se tebi utječu. Molimo te, isprosi nam živu vjeru i žarku ljubav, da uzmognemo biti trajno sjedinjeni s Bogom po njegovoj svetoj milosti.
Slava Ocu…
Sveti Leopolde Bogdane, tebe je božanski Spasitelj učinio savršenim oruđem svoga neizmjernog milosrđa u sakramentu pokore. Molimo te, isprosi nam milost, da se često i dobro ispovijedamo te da živimo slobodni od svakoga grijeha i postignemo savršenstvo na koje nas poziva Gospodin.
Slava Ocu…
Sveti Leopolde Bogdane, ti si izabrana posuda darova Duha Svetoga, koje si obilno izlijevao u brojne duše. Molimo te, isprosi nam da se oslobodimo od mnogih muka i nevolja koje nas pritišću i izmoli nam snagu da sve strpljivo nadvladavamo te steknemo zasluge za nebo.
Slava Ocu…
Sveti Leopolde Bogdane, koji si za svoga zemaljskoga života iskazivao nježnu ljubav prema Blaženoj Djevici Mariji, našoj dragoj Majci, i za uzvrat bio obdaren mnogim milostima, a sada si s Njom u blaženstvu, moli je da svrati svoj pogled na našu bijedu i da se prema nama uvijek pokaže milosrdnom majkom.
Slava Ocu…
Sveti Leopolde Bogdane, koji si uvijek pokazivao veliko razumijevanje za ljudske patnje i utješio mnoga skršena srca, priteci nam u pomoć. U svojoj dobroti nemoj nas napustiti, nego nas utješi i posreduj nam milost za koju te s velikim pouzdanjem molimo. Amen.
Litanije sv. Leopolda Bogdana Mandića
Gospodine, smiluj se!
Kriste, smiluj se!
Gospodine, smiluj se!
Kriste, čuj nas!
Kriste, usliši nas!
Oče nebeski, Bože,
Sine, Otkupitelju svijeta, Bože,
Duše Sveti, Bože
Sveto Trojstvo, jedan Bože,
Sveta Marijo
Sveti Leopolde, štovatelju Majke Božje,
Sveti Leopolde, ljubitelju Euharistije,
Sveti Leopolde, skromni slugo slugu Božjih,
Sveti Leopolde, junački slugo pomirenja,
Sveti Leopolde, pregaoče ekumenizma,
Sveti Leopolde, činitelju mnogih čuda,
Sveti Leopolde, uzore svećenika,
Sveti Leopolde, uzore ispovjednika,
Sveti Leopolde, uzore redovnika,
Sveti Leopolde, uzore molitelja,
Sveti Leopolde, uzore pokornika,
Sveti Leopolde, uzore poslušnosti,
Sveti Leopolde, uzore poniznosti,
Sveti Leopolde, uzore strpljivosti,
Sveti Leopolde, uzore pobožnosti, moli za nas
Sveti Leopolde, poznavatelju ljudskih srdaca,
Sveti Leopolde, poznavatelju budućnosti,
Sveti Leopolde, voditelju mnogih duša,
Sveti Leopolde, razboriti savjetniče,
Sveti Leopolde, prijatelju svih ljudi,
Sveti Leopolde, tješitelju patnika,
Sveti Leopolde, tješitelju očajnih,
Sveti Leopolde, tješitelju bolesnih,
Sveti Leopolde, dobrotvore siromašnih,
Sveti Leopolde, branitelju nevinih,
Sveti Leopolde, miritelju zavađenih,
Sveti Leopolde, ljubitelju svoga roda,
Sveti Leopolde, diko svoga Reda,
Sveti Leopolde, naš nebeski zaštitniče
Jaganjče Božji, koji oduzimaš grijehe svijeta, oprosti nam, Gospodine!
Jaganjče Božji, koji oduzimaš grijehe svijeta, usliši nas, Gospodine!
Jaganjče Božji, koji oduzimaš grijehe svijeta, smiluj nam se, Gospodine!
Moli za nas, sveti Leopolde!
Da dostojni postanemo obećanja Kristovih!
Pomolimo se!
Bože, zaštitniče i prijatelju poniznih, koji si uzvisio slugu svoga Leopolda Bogdana, učinivši ga oruđem svoga milosrđa u sakramentu pokore, daj, ponizno Te molimo, da zavrijedimo jednostavnim putem vjere doći do gledanja tvoga lica u nebu. Po Kristu Gospodinu našemu. Amen.
Molitva za jedinstvo kršćana
Bože, jedina prava ljubavi i savršeno jedinstvo. Ti si Svetoga Leopolda, kapucina i svećenika, ukrasio krepošću velikog milosrđa prema grešnicima i potaknuo ga da gorljivo promiče jedinstvo kršćana; daj da po njegovu zagovoru, duhom i srcem obnovljeni svima iskazujemo tvoju ljubav i puni nade radimo za jedinstvo svih vjernika. Amen.
Molitva da se isprose milosti po zagovoru sv. Leopolda
Sveti Leopolde Bogdane, Bog Te je obdario velikim milostima da uzmogneš pomagati onima koji se Tebi utječu. Evo se i ja utječem Tebi i ponizno Ti se molim: isprosi mi živu vjeru i žarku ljubav, da se predam u ruke Božje i da iz tih Božjih ruku primim pomoć u ovoj svojoj nevolji… (navesti nakane).
Oče naš… Zdravo Marijo… Slava Ocu…
Molitva prije Sv. Ispovijedi
Ti, Sveti Leopolde, kojega je Bog učinio izvanrednim liječnikom duša u svetoj ispovijedi, isprosi mi milost prave pokore, da se dobro ispovjedim te da pomiren s Bogom i ljudima smijem pouzdano očekivati da Bog ispuni i ovu moju molbu… (navesti nakanu).
Oče naš… Zdravo Marijo… Slava Ocu…
Molitva za pomirenje s ljudima
Sveti Leopolde Bogdane, svoj si život darovao za pomirenje među ljudima, narodima i vjerama. Isprosi mi pravi mir, slogu i ljubav u obitelji, uspjeh u svakom poslu i prijateljstvo sa svim ljudima dobre volje, da poput Tebe budem čvrst u katoličkoj vjeri, dobar sa svima, pa i s onima koji drugačije vjeruju.
Oče naš… Zdravo Marijo… Slava Ocu…
Molitva Sv. Leopoldu za one koji su se udaljili od Boga
Isuse, Spasitelju, koji si po molitvi i primjeru Sv. Leopolda, kapucina, k sebi priveo i vratio mnoge duše, molim Te, po njegovu zagovoru privuci k svom Božanskom i Spasiteljskom Srcu i (navesti ime onoga za čije se obraćenje moli). Pomozi mu, da na ovom svijetu u vjeri nađe smisao i radost života i tako za Vječnost spasi dušu svoju! Amen.
Oče naš… Zdravo Marijo… Slava Ocu…
Molitva Sv. Leopoldu za hrvatski narod
Gospodina Isuse Kriste, Ti si ljubio svoj narod, svoju zemlju, jezik i običaje svojih ljudskih predaka. Po Tvom je primjeru Sv. Leopolda, kapucin, služeći braći ljudima u drugoj zemlji, vjerno ljubio i svoj hrvatski narod.
I ja Te, zajedno sa Sv. Leopoldom Bogdanom, molim, da narod kojemu pripadam raste i napreduje u miru i slozi s drugim narodima, da kolijevke ne budu prazne, da se ognjišta ne ugase, da se svi prognani i izbjegli vrate svojim domovima, da za svakoga bude u domovini rada, kruha, pravde, mira i sreće, te da živimo i umiremo u Tvojoj milosti, pod zaštitom Majke Marije vjerni Velikom Zavjetu svojih pradjedova.
Oče naš… Zdravo Marijo… Slava Ocu…
Molitva za duh apostolata
Sveti Leopolde, istrošio si se služeći drugima na slavu Božju i spas neumrlih duša. Danas, dok grijeh i sotona zavode svijet i duše, ukloni sablazan mnogih katolika koji se stide raditi za slavu Božju i spas duša.
Sveti Leopolde, oslobodi i mene straha, ljudskog obzira i sebičnosti, a isprosi mi od Boga apostolski žar prvih kršćana, da i ja, svojim životom, primjerom i riječju; molim i radim za dolazak boljeg svijeta i obnovu evanđeoske ljubavi i dobrote među ljudima. Amen.
The comment section down here is a pathetic collection of predictable topoi of western cultural imaginaries of the East...and in the midst of it all is Laibach‘s playful madness dancing on the volcanoes of the short (but eventful, duh!) twentieth century...for the ignorant among you, these artists come from the land of Žižek and what they all have in common is a fucking cheeky genius! I remember purchasing their Let it be album (with Beatles covers) right before the Yugoslav wars broke out...shitty times, great art!
Ja Ja Ja Ja! Give me a light beer!
i am slowene and german, this is crazy
they sing german with heavy accent more german than a casual german without accent