Sunt hotarat sa mai filmez pe acolo, precum si la autogarile mai mici din oras, - doar sa fie putin mai cald ... Imi dardaie camera in mana pe frigul asta, mai ales dimineata. Mersi frumos!
It's Tarsin, not Tarzin. This bus travel company is not from Cluj (where I'm from) they had the headqurter in Radauti, a little city in Romania. They only stopped in Cluj, and they had across Europe lines from there, because Cluj it's one of the biggest city in the west of Romania. Their online site is:
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Asteptam si un clip cu autocare :)! Fain videoclipul, tine-o tot asa!
Pai, daca am filmat cam toate modelele de autobuze din oras, era de asteptat sa caut altceva. Multumesc frumos!
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Ar fi interesant si de dimineata pana la amiaza, oricum foarte frumos, sper sa faci mai des clipuri in zona asta
Sunt hotarat sa mai filmez pe acolo, precum si la autogarile mai mici din oras, - doar sa fie putin mai cald ... Imi dardaie camera in mana pe frigul asta, mai ales dimineata. Mersi frumos!
@@kixxspottingvideos8154 Abia Aștept Sa Filmezi 12 Dricuri In Cluj Napoca
UAUuuuuuuu autobuze si ma mai satur de uitat
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Where are Tarzin bus company?,I travelled from Ireland to Cluj and back with them,very good
It's Tarsin, not Tarzin. This bus travel company is not from Cluj (where I'm from) they had the headqurter in Radauti, a little city in Romania. They only stopped in Cluj, and they had across Europe lines from there, because Cluj it's one of the biggest city in the west of Romania. Their online site is:
@@kixxspottingvideos8154 Mult Succes In Activitate
La minutul 2:50 microbuz ctp cluj
Intr-adevar CTP are si 4-5 microbuze in flota, nu le-am filmat, dar mai apar pe ici pe colo printre cele mari.
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Se Știe Autogara Cluj Napoca