There's a lot to be said of community. My roommate is pregnant and her parents had her thinking that she and her fiancee would have to pay for everything out of pocket. The second I told my work they got excited to clean out their baby things and are even planning to donate diapers. They've already donated toys and kids sized clothes. Community cannot be understated.
My understanding is one reason it’s difficult to raise children these days is there are fewer family or friends nearby to help raise them. Having a large extended family, people would always help each other out re: children. These days daycare is almost seen as the default, so I can understand why children can seem so expensive.
The devaluing of the parenthood role, too. It’s both the reason for why a teen gets paid low fees to tend to children… and why people try to run away from the role. Yes, it’s unpaid, but it’s valuable work… teachers don’t actually get paid to care about their students, they get paid to assign and grade homework and prepare lectures… but the unpaid work of caring and mentoring and nurturing curiosity and the lifelong passion for learning are invaluable and there is no way to filter those valuable teachers out to pay them better. Those gems fundamentally aren’t there for the pay anyways…
Well it IS important to determine if there is a regulatory driver for this or if it's actually just what people want. We should always strive to address regulatory chicanery, but complaining about muh traditional family values just for it's own sake is asinine conservative bs.
@@porkyrabbit if people with libertarian personalities don't have enough children, there is q risk that people with authoritarian personalities will take over.
@@Robert-fx3ng I wouldn't define not having to rely on the government as materialism or narcissism. You need to read Ayn Rand's book "The Virtue of Selfishness".
I'm 60 and never had kids. My husband and I are fine with it. We have a great life. I never negatively judged or mocked people who had them, but so many people felt the need to tell us we were selfish or would regret it later. Can we just leave people alone with their life choices?
Instead of mocking, people with children should say thank you to childless and hardworking people since they decided to die childless and leave all their wealth for another's kids to share.
@@BandytaCzasu I don't think I need to be thanked either. We're just doing our thing. I have no problem with people providing for the future of their kids.
I agree (I'm 60+ with retired and NK) It's odd to me that a Libertarian would question expressions of personal liberty. There's obviously some judgement and bias in this video.
Current stats show the average cost of raising a child in the US is between $290,014 - $310,605, while at the same time 40.7% of americans are living paycheck to paycheck. It isn't fair to discount the fact that most people who do the math realize they can't afford to raise children.
Those stats are highly misrepresented in cost imo. Since much of those numbers are covered by state or insurance. And much of child care is covered simply by having a good relationship with family who can occasionally watch your kids.
@@DreadPagesI'm a child pre-person who never had to worry about that but not everybody has a large family and a lot of friends who also don't work and are able to just take care of their baby.
@@DreadPages not trying to be rude, but when it comes to one individuals opinion, vs statistical data; one person's opinion does not count for much at all. I get what you are saying, of course there are anomalies where it could be less, or more, expensive. However, if planning for one's life it is best to assume you will not be the statistical outlier.
I’d like to know how much of those numbers are including the expectation that you save up for your kid’s college funds. Because the value and necessity of a college education is becoming more and more dubious by the year. Besides, figuring out how to pay for your own education builds character. Something our society could use a lot more of.
@@ptyleranodon3081 I'm glad you're not my parents. I am extremely lucky that they were able to cover my college and I got to start fresh without debt. I know this is not possible for everybody but I appreciate it every day because it's hard enough to get by without debt. I think there's other ways to build character and my parents were able to give me everything but they still made sure I need a value of dollars.
The sad part is peoples need to tear down others that dont have the same priorities as you. The truth is this couple (in a humorous way) are saying "we choose to set short term and long term financial goals, instead of getting pregnant at a young age" When the majority of people want all of the things with none of the sacrifice, seeing some people recognizing there are tradeoffs to reach their goals is a bit refreshing.
Never spent $$$ on coffee even before we had kids. Now that they’re on their own we still don’t. Watched our children grow into thoughtful, kind, and successful adults and now get to do it again with grandchildren.
I hadn't seen the video, but giggled seeing it here. I'm 56 and didn't have kids. I built a multimillion dollar business, traveled the world, was able to have horses my whole life, volunteered, bought a farm where I'm taking care of the land and built up my wealth. It's been a wonderful life. I think any life choice can be good. There's many ways to skin a cat. Do you and don't judge others.
Sounds Amazing Betty, and I have a great solution to wg's "problem" he brought up here, I'll volunteer right here and now to BOTH be there on your death bed AND take on the responsibility of inheriting your weath after you're gone! Lol Of course my point is that it's not hard to find lots of people in your life to form close relationships, some of whom you will bless with the gift of sharing your final moments and what wealth you left back in the material world. I'm also single, never went to college, bought a house in my early 20's and yes I have a dog, a solid career, and plenty of friends and colleagues who love and care for me in my early 30's. I'd love to pass something on to future generations but that can be done in so many ways better than parenting. It's been proven that kids take on the culture of their peers, not their parents. If your goal is to influence the next generation, I'd suggest joining a non-profit that works with kids, teaching at a high school or middle school level, helping run a youth program of some sort like sports or scouts, etc. I've spent more time talking to lots of teenage kids while we play video games together than their parents do, and no we're not just talking about video games... I'm sure they are telling me things they have never told their parents. Think about when you grew up, did you idealize living like your mom/dad or did you look out into the world to see what possibilities are out there for you and what you wanted for yourself? When you needed to share something deep and intimate or needed someone in a moment if crisis, did you talk to your best friend about it, or did you call up mom and dad to give you advice? It might be different answers for different people, but it's worth thinking about.
Your premise that no one is struggling today is ridiculous. Do you live under a rock? Most even so-called "middle-class' Americans are terrified of getting a serious illness, which alone could make them lose their homes.
I’ve yet to have anyone offer me a cogent reason as to how my decision not to have children affects them, or is any of their business. Anyone? Bueller?
I don't have a problem with people who don't want to have kids. It's the same way how I don't have a problem with people of a different sexual orientation or are in an interracial relationship. What's weird is the self labelling as a DINK and the justifications people use that feel insincere. If someone said they were gay because they got hurt by the opposite sex or were in an interracial relationship to diversify their gene pool, I'd now be highly skeptical of them as these seem like crazy rationales. With wanting to have kids and sexuality, we don't arrive at these lifestyles because we sit down and list the pros and cons, these things are just intrinsic feelings we have. Anyone trying to justify these lifestyles like they are purely rational choices are going to trigger some red flags to me. Sure there is family planning that brings some rational decision making into the mix, but the distinction between not wanting kids vs wanting but not being able to afford kids is something DINKs never seem to address. I know that people like to question those different from them and the response is to give a reason defending yourself, but you shouldn't have to give a reason if just not wanting kids is how you really feel. If you don't want to have kids because you just don't care, that's all you need to say. The moment you start to produce arguments like it's too expensive or the world is going to end due to climate change is going to invite more people to respond to those arguments and critique your lives further. As long as you are genuine, who cares what anyone else thinks. The easy way to see if someone is genuine is to ask them if they got rid of the concern/argument they had for not wanting kids, would they have kids? Example: If DINKs are afraid of not retiring and we gave them $10 billion dollars, would they still have kids? If they say they still wouldn't have kids, maybe they just don't want them and that's completely fine. If they would choose to have kids given more money, maybe they are being a bit cowardly and selfish in choosing not to sacrifice for something else or maybe it really is selfless because they don't want to bring a kid in the world with no resources.
Interesting argument. I always say, if you really do or don’t want something, just be honest about it. If you really want it, you can find a way, though you might have to make sacrifices.
Edcuated smart People will only have kids if they can provide for them it's not to have 7 so 2 can survive into adulthood. It's to have 2 so 2 can thrive and have all the opportunity others kids have.
The fact that everyone in this video is so out of touch that they don't realize that the clip is SATIRE...... Not people bragging about being DINK'S!!! This is just sad. You just look like old people yelling at things you don't understand. But that's been this whole channel lately. I miss the satirical videos this channel used to put out.
No $8 lattes here - the state decides for me to dispose of my income in failed public education and suck up the slack that the tax code provides breeders.
It's funny. Having been a single dad of three for many years (they're all in their 20's so THEY MADE IT!), and I can totally remember those days when you're just beat down with all that that entails, wondering what people without kids do with their free time. There's a part of me that is envious, but honestly, my kids are my proudest achievement and I would never trade that for any of that stuff. Lighten up dude, they're not making an argument for $8 lattes, they're making an argument for personal freedom. The only thing about the vide that makes me sus is that they even advertise this? Who are they gloating to? Parents?
I agree with his assessment, I can't get my 70 year old parents to babysit my 1 and 2 year old. They do not care, they were ran down by my siblings who had kids they didn't actually want to raise, making the grandparents the de-facto co parents. I waited until I could afford my wife staying home, instead of it being ideal we now get near zero support.
They are allowed to live their lives how they see fit. You should have started pumping out the grandkids first as by the sounds of things by the time you had kids, the grandparents had found the novelty of caring for young kids had worn off.
This is what we're talking about on ReasonTV? Must've been a slow news day.... Who cares what OTHER PEOPLE choose to do with their lives.... if you don't like it, don't do it. Easy.
Until we get those good jobs that only require and HS diploma and we get houses that are the equivalent of 3 years of those wages back, forget it. Birth rates will never rise significantly.
Don't forget about the two-income trap phenomenon, either. If enough people buy $8 lattes, the price soon increases to $12. It's like how one person standing up at a sporting event can see better, but the advantage disappears once everyone else stands.
We've got a significant cohort of people in this country who're convinced all the free money the gov't printed didn't cause inflation, because they don't understand supply and demand as it relates to monetary matters. And you think they're gonna grasp how tricking the American public into doubling the taxpayers (and consumers) is a trap?
I feel sorry for them, I don't know if it's the same for everyone but when I started a family all that stuff they celebrate became unimportant. I feel bad because that's how I used to think when I didn't know any better.
Trust me they don't want you to feel sorry for them, and neither do I. You're welcome to feel for the things that matter to you in your life and it would be nice if you didn't judge others for it because they chose a different life than you because believe me, the child free community has plenty to judge about the child having community.
@@Monkey-fv2km this reminds me of Russ Roberts's defense of parenthood in his discussions on his podcast EconTalk, especially the episodes with Paul Bloom and LA Paul. LA Paul has a book called "Transformative Experience" about this phenomenon. In one example she gives, it's like a scenario in which a vampire tells you how amazing it is to be one despite how weird and even revolting it can look from a human perspective. As a parent herself, she draws the analogy to parenthood and how she feels much more fulfilled in ways she can't describe as a parent, and yet objectively her as a single person would have judged her life to be worse than their own. The 'problem' is that once you choose to become a vampire by letting the vampire bite you (also an unpleasant an painful experience, like childbirth), there is no turning back into a human to experience life like it was before you were a vampire. A parent, once they make that decision, is no longer capable of undoing that decision and becoming childless again, unless you consider giving up the child for adoption or even murdering the child as options, both of which sound objectively morally reprehensible to most of society let alone parents. Not arguing with you, just sharing my thoughts and wondering what others have to share.
@@CrimsonLegacy true, any experience can only be relative to what you know, and we all move the scales to show our own life in its best light I don't begrudge people their choices, your life is your own... But I worry that whilst the childless lifestyle is great when you're young, it will lose its shine as you get older and can't do anything about it.
It seems clear from the DINKs video that they were making fun of DINKS, not that they were actually bragging or boasting about it. The video can of course still be used as a springboard for talking about DINKS, but the people who made the video don't seem to deserve the hate. Unless you want to criticize them FOR making fun of DINKS.
No one cares about genetic lines. Some of us prefer to focus on leaving a positive impact on the world without adding to the genetic mix. It's not about pride; it's about personal priorities and making a choice that aligns with our values.
@@wg8304 Adoption is rigged too. It is generally only allowed for Christian couples, otherwise, it is rare. Many places do have strict religious requirements. Single women are rarely allowed to adopt, I know a gal with a PHD who went through a lot to share her life with an adopted child but it was never allowed to happen simply because she was not married. Not putting myself through that either.
People will make up all kinds of reasons they're waiting to have children. It's easy. Here is the order most of us take in life. School>marriage>kids. That's it. More jobs are requiring more education. The education industry has become absurd. (Librarians paying 80k minimum for their specialized masters and enter the workforce at 30k/ year). People who don't go to college, what do they do? Have kids. They start earlier so they have more. College with a bachelor's or masters, you're starting in your 30s. Doctorate or other advanced degrees? Late thirties to 40s. As the 4 year education minimum requirement shifts, people will start having more children. We can only do so much at one time. It's not complicated. Check the median for West Virginia when compared to New York or anywhere in New England. In West Virginia, most mothers are 20-29. The median is 30 in the US. The highest in record. In my state, 48% off births are to women 30-39. So yes, 26 is a young mother. We can hypothesize why this is the case, and people will make up all sorts of reasons. The truth for every couple that i know who all started their families at mid 30s is that they didn't get married until their mid thirties. This isn't statistically relevant, but we all had kids right away. We _married_ late.
I have a few friends who run marathons. I never have but I usually join them for the celebration festivities at the end. DINKs are like that with their lives.
This amount of cope on the part of parents is as cringeworthy as the DINK video. The mental gymnastics used to pretend that having kids in our society is not more expensive than opting to not is silly. Some parents remind me of the stereotypical vegans who make their personal choice but then demand others make the same one as them or be labeled a bad person. And it is fair to say that single people who choose to not have kids, especially women, are viewed harshly by society in general, some would even call them selfish for it or lie by saying you can never know love or you will die alone. It is sad all around. Again, the video is cringe, but no worse than parents bragging about their kids and families all day on social media. My question is: why do you care?
Because look at your fuckin' attitude, chum. This comes at parents *all the time,* as self-centered, consumerist hedonists simply choose not to hold up their civilizational obligations. The self-centered, by dropping out, make the community aspects of society (which are absolutely vital to child-raising) shrink and become more onerous. The more people who choose "me me me" as their ultimate priority, the harder it gets for everyone else to keep propping up civilization.
@@irish1776 Gone are the days of the family farm. Now we end up in a facility because one kid lives overseas now, another is strung out on the streets of Portland, and the last one is a single mother too busy working full time and managing their own family to moonlight as a nurse.
Free choice. If I, as a theoretical employer, prefer to support traditional families in my selection of employees, I should have the right to do so. In practice, that might be a bad move, as those who use their responsibilities to plead for indulgence may be manipulators rather than performers. But the employer should certainly have the liberty to choose.
The grass is greener on both sides of the fence. DINKS AND SINKS be proud, productive and live your life. Remember, the loving folks with great kids will never say that they may regret the decision.
I do not think the single people or couples with no kids are knocking people with kids.These people do not want kids for themselves.Parents should respect that.
@@AfterDeath1986 Of course they don't. They have no idea. I didn't either at that age. I got married late , but even when I was single with no children I did not go around bragging about it. Its not an accomplishment.
I think you guys missed the point entirely... Personal Freedom - Career Goals - Financial Security - Health Issues (Having kids can be dangerous) - political instability, mass riots, and do not forget evil empires and controlling Governments who just want to send the kids to war.
I feel like the biggest danger in having children is the still-unexplained autism epidemic. Having children is more dangerous than playing Russian Roulette for this reason and everybody knows someone whose life has been ruined as a result. They need to find a way to stop this from happening or at least detecting it in utero before the third trimester if they want to make couples more comfortable with having children.
absolutely, my wife's sister has a kid with autism and the sister decided to go back to work immediately and leave the kid with grandma 8 hours a day. Now my wife and I have 2 kids and grandma is burnt out and won't watch them for more than 2-3 hours once a month. Don't let doctors inject a bunch of stuff into your kids until they can explain what's causing autism. Europe is already banning certain injections and the US is WAY behind the curve on actual research. At the very least we need to be spreading these injections out over multiple years instead of doing 3-4 injections at every 3 month checkup.
Nope. Vaccines have nothing to do with autism. That was spread by somebody who lost their medical license since. Having a baby is always Russian roulette, you never know if your child will have health problems, physical or mental. And then there's the risk to the mother health wise as well. Hard pass for me either way.
It just doesn't matter. If they are the sort to make smarmy videos as young people, they are the sort to make Paulina Porizkova videos in ten or fifteen when the eggs are gone.
I agree completely on the family aspect of raising kids but the problem today is the number of people that feel the need to move away from family, which then doesnt have that support.
This guy thinks everyone has the same financial tailwinds that boomers had. Who does he think he's kidding haha Everyone has seen a broke famiy that would be better off financially if they had practiced some reponsible birth control.
@@ledzeppelin1212 It isn’t selfless. They were typically used as both labour and a retirement plan historically. Now they are expensive pets that give ppl purpose. Either way its far from selfless, and both ‘sides’ need to stop attributing virtue or wrong to the act. Animals procreate. Some manage to. Some don’t.
Especially considering most so called adults act like children themselves. People generally dont even raise their kids anymore. Tik tok, youtube and social media does that and we just get more entitled and clueless morons to deal with. And the whole "you will die alone" cliche is funny. Plenty of people are dying alone left in nursing homes or worst because they were shitty parents or their kids plain dont give a shit about them for whatever reason.
@@discord37 Other than, y'know, participating in the process by which all species on Earth always have and always will continue to exist. Other than, y'know, paying back the work of those who came before us by providing for our collective existence in the future. But okay "absolutely no reason" sure let's go with that.
Non-secular nations are still continuing to have kids. Most the west is at an alarming population decline which is why Europe is forced to take on migrants from Africa. Secularists and non-religious folks will eventually exterminate themselves because their entire ideology is only temporarily flourishing.
Hi, can u make video about censoring palestinian voices ? There is lots of videos about cancel culture but non about silencing pro-palestininas. I really wonder why. Reason is still supportingfree speech right?
I think the thing that was so offputting about the dink video was that these people will depend on other people's children for society to continue as they age. So to sit there so smug about their life choice was cringe. You can't live the dink life if everyone does it.
No they won't. That's why they are investing and "maxing out their IRAs and such". There's nothing wrong with having kids or choosing not to. I know a few people who chose not to because they would be horrible parents and as a parent, yeah, I could see it.
Newsflash, so will people with kids. How many loved ones with families are sitting in nursing homes, hospitals, and hospice right now? So much cope over people not wanting kids, and with judgemental people like you in the world, who can blame them.
I pay $10k a year in property taxes . These property taxes are supposed to be invested into our local school system. I have no kids. So I think it works the other way too.
@@kodacres7820 One of the most depressing things I’d ever heard came from econometrics research showing that the likelihood of children visiting their ailing parents was based most on how big the inheritance would be in conjunction w how many siblings they were competing w…
"Max out our IRAs, Roth IRA's, and HSA's", how many parents of children that you know can say that? Sounds like it's the parents that are banking on getting taken care of by the next generation more than the childless folks
Facts: 1) Parents get tax breaks for having children from the government (ie they're already reliant on the government more because of having children). Let's not forget that all taxpayers are required to pay into public education and programs to support single parents and after school programs, regardless if you have children or not. 2) People without children have more disposable income to then save/invest to take care of themselves when they retire 3) The typical American answer to aging parents is to move them to a nursing home (both independent and assisted living care facilities) or have in-home nurses assist. Compared to other countries' cultural norms of moving parents into their home to be looked at solely by the family is not really the thing here
I don't even know how to reply.. The government takes care of a lot of people when they're old, have you heard of Medicaid? As a Gen x I've always been told there would be no social security left when I'm old so I've never had that mindset but also I will probably be able to pay my own way along with long-term care insurance. I was never expecting the government to take care of me. Although that's probably more reliable than a lot of people's children to take care of them. And don't forget I've been paying taxes so your children could get an education and I'm fine with that. Unless you're people who decided to homeschool and let the public schools go to crap.
Aaron Clarey just plans on using his savings. He has what he calls "Smith and Wesson" retirement plan for the day he can't afford anything and can't wipe his own butt.
DINKs are kids pretending to be adults. My cousin is one. She's been married for 15 years and still acts like she's dating. Just remember these kids that never growup can vote.
Lol I know right how dare somebody pick a different lifestyle than you want them to have and that you chose and maybe you regret a little. I love my life with no children, I'm a 50-year-old adult. And I vote in every election. I also pay taxes that support other people's children, without too much complaint. You would be screwed if everybody had children because there would be nobody who wasn't exhausted to help take care of your children.
@@23wtb Parents seem to be the coping ones to me. The most miserable ppl at work are the ones who are always stressed because they can barely afford a life for their dependents, and they get no rest after brutal weeks on the job. They love their kids, sure, but most of them are perpetually miserable and tired.
@@firstandforemost87 Meanwhile you're just a bucket of perpetual sunshine who makes the work-day just fly by, I'm sure. Let's look at this scientifically: First take out what you can't possibly know--which is their true emotional state. Now what we're left with is your observation, which is that "they seem" miserable and tired" *when you are observing them.* A couple of then-necessary facts then in this situation is that they seem miserable a) *at work* and b) *around you.* Your hypothesis is that their attitude at work is due to their unhappiness and stress due to their home-life. The null hypothesis would be that perhaps it's the work life, and it's impingement upon their (happy and desired) home life, that results in their seeming attitude. Therefore, to actually know anything, you'd have to observe them at home, and see what they say and how they "seem." What's more likely--that they say "Boy, sure do hate all this family and children business. I wish I could just work more," or, maybe at home they're saying "Lord, work sucks so hard. And there's this creepy guy there who''s always observing me like he's Grima Wormtongue or something."
There's another vital disconnect here: Childless people cannot fully empathize or sympathize with parents (having never experienced that state themselves) while the opposite isn't true--literally everyone who now has children, at one time, didn't. But nowadays people are allergic to the possibility that they don't know just as much as anyone else, and react with hostility to the proposal that maybe just maybe they don't have absolutely everything figured out.
Many childless people can't empathize because they never had any desire to have kids in the first place. It would be like a horse enthusiast trying to get non enthusiasts to empathize.
@@skylinefever Okay, but in your analogy, the internet would be flooded with videos of people who don't have horses bragging and crowing nonstop about how great it is to not have a horse, and about how much money they save and all the things they can do because they don't have to take care of a horse. That would be weird, no?
@@23wtb I hate kids and I dont have them. I find them annoying. I also dont entertain friends who have kids as they are extremely boring and keep going on and on about their kids. They seem like they dont have anything better to do in their lives. I love and enjoy the freedom of my DINK lifestyle. Everyone has their priorities and we have to respect that.
There's a lot to be said of community. My roommate is pregnant and her parents had her thinking that she and her fiancee would have to pay for everything out of pocket.
The second I told my work they got excited to clean out their baby things and are even planning to donate diapers. They've already donated toys and kids sized clothes.
Community cannot be understated.
My understanding is one reason it’s difficult to raise children these days is there are fewer family or friends nearby to help raise them.
Having a large extended family, people would always help each other out re: children.
These days daycare is almost seen as the default, so I can understand why children can seem so expensive.
The devaluing of the parenthood role, too. It’s both the reason for why a teen gets paid low fees to tend to children… and why people try to run away from the role. Yes, it’s unpaid, but it’s valuable work… teachers don’t actually get paid to care about their students, they get paid to assign and grade homework and prepare lectures… but the unpaid work of caring and mentoring and nurturing curiosity and the lifelong passion for learning are invaluable and there is no way to filter those valuable teachers out to pay them better. Those gems fundamentally aren’t there for the pay anyways…
For a libertarian channel, they sure seem upset about people living their lives the way they want to
This is something I'd expect from a traditional conservative.
@@WorthlessWinner who’s the traditional conservative?
Well it IS important to determine if there is a regulatory driver for this or if it's actually just what people want. We should always strive to address regulatory chicanery, but complaining about muh traditional family values just for it's own sake is asinine conservative bs.
@@tavelkyosoba fair critique
@@porkyrabbit if people with libertarian personalities don't have enough children, there is q risk that people with authoritarian personalities will take over.
Good for the DINKs! It's a very smart choice. Live your life the way you want to!
Most would not classify materialism coupled with narcissism as smart, but sad.
@@Robert-fx3ng I wouldn't define not having to rely on the government as materialism or narcissism. You need to read Ayn Rand's book "The Virtue of Selfishness".
@@Justin_Beaver564 it is amazing how Ayn Randy’s book is the answer to very thing. You are welcome to your own religion but allow others to use logic.
@@Robert-fx3ng Someone sounds very jealous of someone else's lifestyle.
I'm 60 and never had kids. My husband and I are fine with it. We have a great life. I never negatively judged or mocked people who had them, but so many people felt the need to tell us we were selfish or would regret it later. Can we just leave people alone with their life choices?
Instead of mocking, people with children should say thank you to childless and hardworking people since they decided to die childless and leave all their wealth for another's kids to share.
@@BandytaCzasu I don't think I need to be thanked either. We're just doing our thing. I have no problem with people providing for the future of their kids.
I agree (I'm 60+ with retired and NK) It's odd to me that a Libertarian would question expressions of personal liberty. There's obviously some judgement and bias in this video.
I don't need to be thanked either and I'd like to not be taxed for public education.@@dashnja.9202
@@HiwasseeRiver I think it is because libertarians need future consumers and producers, or the thing collpases.
Current stats show the average cost of raising a child in the US is between $290,014 - $310,605, while at the same time 40.7% of americans are living paycheck to paycheck. It isn't fair to discount the fact that most people who do the math realize they can't afford to raise children.
Those stats are highly misrepresented in cost imo. Since much of those numbers are covered by state or insurance. And much of child care is covered simply by having a good relationship with family who can occasionally watch your kids.
@@DreadPagesI'm a child pre-person who never had to worry about that but not everybody has a large family and a lot of friends who also don't work and are able to just take care of their baby.
@@DreadPages not trying to be rude, but when it comes to one individuals opinion, vs statistical data; one person's opinion does not count for much at all. I get what you are saying, of course there are anomalies where it could be less, or more, expensive. However, if planning for one's life it is best to assume you will not be the statistical outlier.
I’d like to know how much of those numbers are including the expectation that you save up for your kid’s college funds. Because the value and necessity of a college education is becoming more and more dubious by the year. Besides, figuring out how to pay for your own education builds character. Something our society could use a lot more of.
@@ptyleranodon3081 I'm glad you're not my parents. I am extremely lucky that they were able to cover my college and I got to start fresh without debt. I know this is not possible for everybody but I appreciate it every day because it's hard enough to get by without debt.
I think there's other ways to build character and my parents were able to give me everything but they still made sure I need a value of dollars.
The sad part is peoples need to tear down others that dont have the same priorities as you. The truth is this couple (in a humorous way) are saying "we choose to set short term and long term financial goals, instead of getting pregnant at a young age" When the majority of people want all of the things with none of the sacrifice, seeing some people recognizing there are tradeoffs to reach their goals is a bit refreshing.
Dude’s renting as a father of six but is talking down to their financial choices 💀
At US median prices renting a home vs buying a home became the better economic decision in 2022 IIRC
It could be for asset protection. It’s easy to seize real estate.
At the peak of the housing market it makes more sense to rent.
@@erikkovacs3097 he didn’t have six kids in the span of the last three years
Never spent $$$ on coffee even before we had kids. Now that they’re on their own we still don’t. Watched our children grow into thoughtful, kind, and successful adults and now get to do it again with grandchildren.
If you pay $8 for a latte then you certainly are a dink.
That's too bad
I Do one a week.
To each their own.
Yes the freedom to be selfish is definitely a freedom they have.
@valcaron a degree of selfishness sure, unmetered selfishness nah,
@@Caesarville Ayn Rand got it, and conservatives love her books.
I hadn't seen the video, but giggled seeing it here. I'm 56 and didn't have kids. I built a multimillion dollar business, traveled the world, was able to have horses my whole life, volunteered, bought a farm where I'm taking care of the land and built up my wealth. It's been a wonderful life. I think any life choice can be good. There's many ways to skin a cat. Do you and don't judge others.
Sounds like a great life… so if you are single and have no kids, then where does your wealth go when you die, and who visits you on your deathbed?
@@wg8304 itll go to someone's kids lol
Sounds Amazing Betty, and I have a great solution to wg's "problem" he brought up here, I'll volunteer right here and now to BOTH be there on your death bed AND take on the responsibility of inheriting your weath after you're gone! Lol
Of course my point is that it's not hard to find lots of people in your life to form close relationships, some of whom you will bless with the gift of sharing your final moments and what wealth you left back in the material world. I'm also single, never went to college, bought a house in my early 20's and yes I have a dog, a solid career, and plenty of friends and colleagues who love and care for me in my early 30's.
I'd love to pass something on to future generations but that can be done in so many ways better than parenting. It's been proven that kids take on the culture of their peers, not their parents. If your goal is to influence the next generation, I'd suggest joining a non-profit that works with kids, teaching at a high school or middle school level, helping run a youth program of some sort like sports or scouts, etc.
I've spent more time talking to lots of teenage kids while we play video games together than their parents do, and no we're not just talking about video games... I'm sure they are telling me things they have never told their parents. Think about when you grew up, did you idealize living like your mom/dad or did you look out into the world to see what possibilities are out there for you and what you wanted for yourself? When you needed to share something deep and intimate or needed someone in a moment if crisis, did you talk to your best friend about it, or did you call up mom and dad to give you advice? It might be different answers for different people, but it's worth thinking about.
@@wg8304the deathbed will be surrounded by people lining up for handouts
@@geesehoward7261Based on this juvenile comment, I'm guessing that her life is more fulfilling than yours will ever be
They are the best thing to ever Happen to humanity
Your premise that no one is struggling today is ridiculous. Do you live under a rock? Most even so-called "middle-class' Americans are terrified of getting a serious illness, which alone could make them lose their homes.
I’ve yet to have anyone offer me a cogent reason as to how my decision not to have children affects them, or is any of their business. Anyone? Bueller?
I don't have a problem with people who don't want to have kids. It's the same way how I don't have a problem with people of a different sexual orientation or are in an interracial relationship. What's weird is the self labelling as a DINK and the justifications people use that feel insincere.
If someone said they were gay because they got hurt by the opposite sex or were in an interracial relationship to diversify their gene pool, I'd now be highly skeptical of them as these seem like crazy rationales. With wanting to have kids and sexuality, we don't arrive at these lifestyles because we sit down and list the pros and cons, these things are just intrinsic feelings we have. Anyone trying to justify these lifestyles like they are purely rational choices are going to trigger some red flags to me. Sure there is family planning that brings some rational decision making into the mix, but the distinction between not wanting kids vs wanting but not being able to afford kids is something DINKs never seem to address.
I know that people like to question those different from them and the response is to give a reason defending yourself, but you shouldn't have to give a reason if just not wanting kids is how you really feel. If you don't want to have kids because you just don't care, that's all you need to say. The moment you start to produce arguments like it's too expensive or the world is going to end due to climate change is going to invite more people to respond to those arguments and critique your lives further. As long as you are genuine, who cares what anyone else thinks.
The easy way to see if someone is genuine is to ask them if they got rid of the concern/argument they had for not wanting kids, would they have kids? Example: If DINKs are afraid of not retiring and we gave them $10 billion dollars, would they still have kids? If they say they still wouldn't have kids, maybe they just don't want them and that's completely fine. If they would choose to have kids given more money, maybe they are being a bit cowardly and selfish in choosing not to sacrifice for something else or maybe it really is selfless because they don't want to bring a kid in the world with no resources.
Interesting argument.
I always say, if you really do or don’t want something, just be honest about it. If you really want it, you can find a way, though you might have to make sacrifices.
Why didn’t you just stop at the end of the first sentence? That’s all you needed to say instead of the word salad you then proceeded to type.
Edcuated smart People will only have kids if they can provide for them it's not to have 7 so 2 can survive into adulthood. It's to have 2 so 2 can thrive and have all the opportunity others kids have.
@@shahankhan7685 I often say Idiocracy got it right.
It comes down to an "each their own". I think a child free life is ultimately just easier...
The fact that everyone in this video is so out of touch that they don't realize that the clip is SATIRE......
Not people bragging about being DINK'S!!!
This is just sad.
You just look like old people yelling at things you don't understand. But that's been this whole channel lately. I miss the satirical videos this channel used to put out.
No $8 lattes here - the state decides for me to dispose of my income in failed public education and suck up the slack that the tax code provides breeders.
Exactly. I don't know how many never buy those stupid lattes, but still can't afford those things.
I am a SINK (single income no kids)
Or a SINKWAD (single income no kids, with a dog)
Or a SINKBOOH (single income no kids but owns own home
Hey I like those acronyms.
Same! but cat instead of dog.
@@discord37 SINKWAC?? Haha
It's funny. Having been a single dad of three for many years (they're all in their 20's so THEY MADE IT!), and I can totally remember those days when you're just beat down with all that that entails, wondering what people without kids do with their free time. There's a part of me that is envious, but honestly, my kids are my proudest achievement and I would never trade that for any of that stuff. Lighten up dude, they're not making an argument for $8 lattes, they're making an argument for personal freedom. The only thing about the vide that makes me sus is that they even advertise this? Who are they gloating to? Parents?
I agree with his assessment, I can't get my 70 year old parents to babysit my 1 and 2 year old. They do not care, they were ran down by my siblings who had kids they didn't actually want to raise, making the grandparents the de-facto co parents. I waited until I could afford my wife staying home, instead of it being ideal we now get near zero support.
They are allowed to live their lives how they see fit. You should have started pumping out the grandkids first as by the sounds of things by the time you had kids, the grandparents had found the novelty of caring for young kids had worn off.
What is this TradCon nonsense on my Reason? Libertarian principle #1 is that it's none of your business how I choose to live my life.
This is what we're talking about on ReasonTV? Must've been a slow news day.... Who cares what OTHER PEOPLE choose to do with their lives.... if you don't like it, don't do it. Easy.
I want to build wealth for my children not the government when I die.
Were dinks, we can afford to retire much younger
Until we get those good jobs that only require and HS diploma and we get houses that are the equivalent of 3 years of those wages back, forget it. Birth rates will never rise significantly.
Don't forget about the two-income trap phenomenon, either. If enough people buy $8 lattes, the price soon increases to $12. It's like how one person standing up at a sporting event can see better, but the advantage disappears once everyone else stands.
We've got a significant cohort of people in this country who're convinced all the free money the gov't printed didn't cause inflation, because they don't understand supply and demand as it relates to monetary matters. And you think they're gonna grasp how tricking the American public into doubling the taxpayers (and consumers) is a trap?
Stop wasting everyone's time with this nonsense.
This is a side effect of inflation
I feel sorry for them, I don't know if it's the same for everyone but when I started a family all that stuff they celebrate became unimportant.
I feel bad because that's how I used to think when I didn't know any better.
Trust me they don't want you to feel sorry for them, and neither do I. You're welcome to feel for the things that matter to you in your life and it would be nice if you didn't judge others for it because they chose a different life than you because believe me, the child free community has plenty to judge about the child having community.
@@discord37 feel free to judge if you've been both child free and had a family and still hold the opinions in the video.
@@Monkey-fv2km this reminds me of Russ Roberts's defense of parenthood in his discussions on his podcast EconTalk, especially the episodes with Paul Bloom and LA Paul. LA Paul has a book called "Transformative Experience" about this phenomenon. In one example she gives, it's like a scenario in which a vampire tells you how amazing it is to be one despite how weird and even revolting it can look from a human perspective. As a parent herself, she draws the analogy to parenthood and how she feels much more fulfilled in ways she can't describe as a parent, and yet objectively her as a single person would have judged her life to be worse than their own. The 'problem' is that once you choose to become a vampire by letting the vampire bite you (also an unpleasant an painful experience, like childbirth), there is no turning back into a human to experience life like it was before you were a vampire. A parent, once they make that decision, is no longer capable of undoing that decision and becoming childless again, unless you consider giving up the child for adoption or even murdering the child as options, both of which sound objectively morally reprehensible to most of society let alone parents.
Not arguing with you, just sharing my thoughts and wondering what others have to share.
@@CrimsonLegacy true, any experience can only be relative to what you know, and we all move the scales to show our own life in its best light
I don't begrudge people their choices, your life is your own... But I worry that whilst the childless lifestyle is great when you're young, it will lose its shine as you get older and can't do anything about it.
Studies show that isn’t the case and also, what an odd thing for you to worry about.
It's a cringe video but I dunno why libertarians would oppose people making their own choices
@@WorthlessWinner just because someone goes libertarian does not mean they have no opinions about the choices of others.
It seems clear from the DINKs video that they were making fun of DINKS, not that they were actually bragging or boasting about it. The video can of course still be used as a springboard for talking about DINKS, but the people who made the video don't seem to deserve the hate. Unless you want to criticize them FOR making fun of DINKS.
People are proud to end their genetic line?!
No one cares about genetic lines. Some of us prefer to focus on leaving a positive impact on the world without adding to the genetic mix. It's not about pride; it's about personal priorities and making a choice that aligns with our values.
@@Kid-vr6zfmaybe the thing to do would be to adopt, then?
@@wg8304 Adoption is rigged too. It is generally only allowed for Christian couples, otherwise, it is rare. Many places do have strict religious requirements. Single women are rarely allowed to adopt, I know a gal with a PHD who went through a lot to share her life with an adopted child but it was never allowed to happen simply because she was not married. Not putting myself through that either.
@@Kid-vr6zf that is messed up for sure, but I’m really not surprised either.
I'm neutral to it. I don't care if the line keeps going or not but it's not going past to me.
People will make up all kinds of reasons they're waiting to have children.
It's easy. Here is the order most of us take in life. School>marriage>kids.
That's it. More jobs are requiring more education. The education industry has become absurd. (Librarians paying 80k minimum for their specialized masters and enter the workforce at 30k/ year).
People who don't go to college, what do they do? Have kids. They start earlier so they have more.
College with a bachelor's or masters, you're starting in your 30s. Doctorate or other advanced degrees? Late thirties to 40s.
As the 4 year education minimum requirement shifts, people will start having more children. We can only do so much at one time. It's not complicated. Check the median for West Virginia when compared to New York or anywhere in New England. In West Virginia, most mothers are 20-29.
The median is 30 in the US. The highest in record.
In my state, 48% off births are to women 30-39.
So yes, 26 is a young mother.
We can hypothesize why this is the case, and people will make up all sorts of reasons. The truth for every couple that i know who all started their families at mid 30s is that they didn't get married until their mid thirties. This isn't statistically relevant, but we all had kids right away. We _married_ late.
The only way to improve brith rate is have a verry good wealth redistribution system.
I have a few friends who run marathons. I never have but I usually join them for the celebration festivities at the end. DINKs are like that with their lives.
Why brag about the fact that you have no children?
This amount of cope on the part of parents is as cringeworthy as the DINK video. The mental gymnastics used to pretend that having kids in our society is not more expensive than opting to not is silly.
Some parents remind me of the stereotypical vegans who make their personal choice but then demand others make the same one as them or be labeled a bad person. And it is fair to say that single people who choose to not have kids, especially women, are viewed harshly by society in general, some would even call them selfish for it or lie by saying you can never know love or you will die alone. It is sad all around.
Again, the video is cringe, but no worse than parents bragging about their kids and families all day on social media.
My question is: why do you care?
Because look at your fuckin' attitude, chum. This comes at parents *all the time,* as self-centered, consumerist hedonists simply choose not to hold up their civilizational obligations. The self-centered, by dropping out, make the community aspects of society (which are absolutely vital to child-raising) shrink and become more onerous. The more people who choose "me me me" as their ultimate priority, the harder it gets for everyone else to keep propping up civilization.
That is extremely common. Its a daily thing at the DW to call childless ppl selfish and to tell them they’ll be alone.
At the end of the day, having kids or not, we will all probably end up alone in a nursing home... so it doesn't really matter either way.
Gone are the days of the family farm. Now we end up in a facility because one kid lives overseas now, another is strung out on the streets of Portland, and the last one is a single mother too busy working full time and managing their own family to moonlight as a nurse.
@@firstandforemost87 Serious ffin ouch, man. Thank God we decided not to live this way.
I miss the days when DINK was a slur
Slur? 🥴
@@SirNic4180 Traditionally it has 2 usages: 1) A foolish person and 2) synonym for 'dick.'
Found the conservative
I know. I was like. Do they know what that means?
Free choice. If I, as a theoretical employer, prefer to support traditional families in my selection of employees, I should have the right to do so.
In practice, that might be a bad move, as those who use their responsibilities to plead for indulgence may be manipulators rather than performers. But the employer should certainly have the liberty to choose.
The grass is greener on both sides of the fence. DINKS AND SINKS be proud, productive and live your life. Remember, the loving folks with great kids will never say that they may regret the decision.
I do not think the single people or couples with no kids are knocking people with kids.These people do not want kids for themselves.Parents should respect that.
If you wait to have kids until you’re ready, you will never have kids, because you will never be ready
The proper, reasonable, libertarian response to having kids should be antinatalism, full stop.
I found that video sad and cringe at the same time.
It is very sad, most of these people are very young and they may not realize what they are losing.
@@AfterDeath1986 Of course they don't. They have no idea. I didn't either at that age. I got married late , but even when I was single with no children I did not go around bragging about it. Its not an accomplishment.
It was cringe but a mere drop in the bucket compared to the countless kid related posts online.
Hypocrites. 😂
I think you guys missed the point entirely... Personal Freedom - Career Goals - Financial Security - Health Issues (Having kids can be dangerous) - political instability, mass riots, and do not forget evil empires and controlling Governments who just want to send the kids to war.
I feel like the biggest danger in having children is the still-unexplained autism epidemic. Having children is more dangerous than playing Russian Roulette for this reason and everybody knows someone whose life has been ruined as a result. They need to find a way to stop this from happening or at least detecting it in utero before the third trimester if they want to make couples more comfortable with having children.
absolutely, my wife's sister has a kid with autism and the sister decided to go back to work immediately and leave the kid with grandma 8 hours a day. Now my wife and I have 2 kids and grandma is burnt out and won't watch them for more than 2-3 hours once a month.
Don't let doctors inject a bunch of stuff into your kids until they can explain what's causing autism. Europe is already banning certain injections and the US is WAY behind the curve on actual research. At the very least we need to be spreading these injections out over multiple years instead of doing 3-4 injections at every 3 month checkup.
Nope. Vaccines have nothing to do with autism. That was spread by somebody who lost their medical license since.
Having a baby is always Russian roulette, you never know if your child will have health problems, physical or mental. And then there's the risk to the mother health wise as well. Hard pass for me either way.
It just doesn't matter. If they are the sort to make smarmy videos as young people, they are the sort to make Paulina Porizkova videos in ten or fifteen when the eggs are gone.
I agree completely on the family aspect of raising kids but the problem today is the number of people that feel the need to move away from family, which then doesnt have that support.
He revealed the truth of why teen boys take up guitar.
This guy thinks everyone has the same financial tailwinds that boomers had. Who does he think he's kidding haha Everyone has seen a broke famiy that would be better off financially if they had practiced some reponsible birth control.
Having kids is selfish. Adopt!
Absolutely not
Having kids is definitely selfless, but adopting is far MORE selfless
It isn’t selfless. They were typically used as both labour and a retirement plan historically. Now they are expensive pets that give ppl purpose.
Either way its far from selfless, and both ‘sides’ need to stop attributing virtue or wrong to the act.
Animals procreate. Some manage to. Some don’t.
@@yeshua_base64 make people want to raise the Idiocracy's forgotten condoms.
The reaction to people not wanting kids and talking about it, is CRAZY.
Having kids is quite selfish imo
There is absolutely no reason people give for having children that doesn't start with I want. It's nothing but selfish.
Especially considering most so called adults act like children themselves. People generally dont even raise their kids anymore. Tik tok, youtube and social media does that and we just get more entitled and clueless morons to deal with.
And the whole "you will die alone" cliche is funny. Plenty of people are dying alone left in nursing homes or worst because they were shitty parents or their kids plain dont give a shit about them for whatever reason.
@@discord37 Other than, y'know, participating in the process by which all species on Earth always have and always will continue to exist. Other than, y'know, paying back the work of those who came before us by providing for our collective existence in the future. But okay "absolutely no reason" sure let's go with that.
@@23wtb Haha! Exactly. And that discourse always comes from Westerners.
@@23wtb No one gives that as a reason for having kids. And, it's still a selfishly motivated reason.
But if no one has kids, there will be no human left
Some people will always desire children, no matter what incentives or disincentives exist. Also, the Idiocracy will continue to forget condoms.
Non-secular nations are still continuing to have kids. Most the west is at an alarming population decline which is why Europe is forced to take on migrants from Africa. Secularists and non-religious folks will eventually exterminate themselves because their entire ideology is only temporarily flourishing.
@@skylinefever haha... true.
I feel like nothing was said in this video. IDK, I didn't watch more than a couple seconds, but that's just how I feel.
Those DINKs were in a phase of life. If they hit their 30s and still like this then there could be an issue. Let 20 year olds have some fun.
Hi, can u make video about censoring palestinian voices ? There is lots of videos about cancel culture but non about silencing pro-palestininas. I really wonder why. Reason is still supportingfree speech right?
What would you think of people who brag about being single?
Everything must have a title now. This is what propaganda looks like. I’m so over all this crap.
What does this have to do with Libertarianism?
Both had interesting points
I think the thing that was so offputting about the dink video was that these people will depend on other people's children for society to continue as they age. So to sit there so smug about their life choice was cringe. You can't live the dink life if everyone does it.
No they won't. That's why they are investing and "maxing out their IRAs and such".
There's nothing wrong with having kids or choosing not to. I know a few people who chose not to because they would be horrible parents and as a parent, yeah, I could see it.
Newsflash, so will people with kids.
How many loved ones with families are sitting in nursing homes, hospitals, and hospice right now?
So much cope over people not wanting kids, and with judgemental people like you in the world, who can blame them.
They also pay more in taxes for not having kids, so they are still investing in society
I pay $10k a year in property taxes . These property taxes are supposed to be invested into our local school system. I have no kids. So I think it works the other way too.
One of the most depressing things I’d ever heard came from econometrics research showing that the likelihood of children visiting their ailing parents was based most on how big the inheritance would be in conjunction w how many siblings they were competing w…
It all boils down to these people are going to have the government take care of them when they are old
Just the opposite
"Max out our IRAs, Roth IRA's, and HSA's", how many parents of children that you know can say that? Sounds like it's the parents that are banking on getting taken care of by the next generation more than the childless folks
1) Parents get tax breaks for having children from the government (ie they're already reliant on the government more because of having children). Let's not forget that all taxpayers are required to pay into public education and programs to support single parents and after school programs, regardless if you have children or not.
2) People without children have more disposable income to then save/invest to take care of themselves when they retire
3) The typical American answer to aging parents is to move them to a nursing home (both independent and assisted living care facilities) or have in-home nurses assist.
Compared to other countries' cultural norms of moving parents into their home to be looked at solely by the family is not really the thing here
I don't even know how to reply.. The government takes care of a lot of people when they're old, have you heard of Medicaid? As a Gen x I've always been told there would be no social security left when I'm old so I've never had that mindset but also I will probably be able to pay my own way along with long-term care insurance. I was never expecting the government to take care of me. Although that's probably more reliable than a lot of people's children to take care of them.
And don't forget I've been paying taxes so your children could get an education and I'm fine with that. Unless you're people who decided to homeschool and let the public schools go to crap.
Aaron Clarey just plans on using his savings. He has what he calls "Smith and Wesson" retirement plan for the day he can't afford anything and can't wipe his own butt.
Maybe it covers too much of the internet to be a genre, but it could be called the "validationsphere".
Whats an hsa?
You guys are jealous because you are all screwed!
Ja did work, hey hate it
DINKs are kids pretending to be adults. My cousin is one. She's been married for 15 years and still acts like she's dating. Just remember these kids that never growup can vote.
Lol I know right how dare somebody pick a different lifestyle than you want them to have and that you chose and maybe you regret a little. I love my life with no children, I'm a 50-year-old adult. And I vote in every election. I also pay taxes that support other people's children, without too much complaint. You would be screwed if everybody had children because there would be nobody who wasn't exhausted to help take care of your children.
@@discord37 This is the problem right here. This attitude causes people to produce nothing but cope, biding their time until their cats eat them.
Parents seem to be the coping ones to me. The most miserable ppl at work are the ones who are always stressed because they can barely afford a life for their dependents, and they get no rest after brutal weeks on the job. They love their kids, sure, but most of them are perpetually miserable and tired.
@@firstandforemost87 Meanwhile you're just a bucket of perpetual sunshine who makes the work-day just fly by, I'm sure.
Let's look at this scientifically: First take out what you can't possibly know--which is their true emotional state. Now what we're left with is your observation, which is that "they seem" miserable and tired" *when you are observing them.* A couple of then-necessary facts then in this situation is that they seem miserable a) *at work* and b) *around you.* Your hypothesis is that their attitude at work is due to their unhappiness and stress due to their home-life. The null hypothesis would be that perhaps it's the work life, and it's impingement upon their (happy and desired) home life, that results in their seeming attitude.
Therefore, to actually know anything, you'd have to observe them at home, and see what they say and how they "seem." What's more likely--that they say "Boy, sure do hate all this family and children business. I wish I could just work more," or, maybe at home they're saying "Lord, work sucks so hard. And there's this creepy guy there who''s always observing me like he's Grima Wormtongue or something."
@@23wtb I have no idea what you're talking about.
There's another vital disconnect here: Childless people cannot fully empathize or sympathize with parents (having never experienced that state themselves) while the opposite isn't true--literally everyone who now has children, at one time, didn't. But nowadays people are allergic to the possibility that they don't know just as much as anyone else, and react with hostility to the proposal that maybe just maybe they don't have absolutely everything figured out.
Altruism is a disease
Many childless people can't empathize because they never had any desire to have kids in the first place.
It would be like a horse enthusiast trying to get non enthusiasts to empathize.
@@skylinefever Okay, but in your analogy, the internet would be flooded with videos of people who don't have horses bragging and crowing nonstop about how great it is to not have a horse, and about how much money they save and all the things they can do because they don't have to take care of a horse.
That would be weird, no?
@@23wtb I hate kids and I dont have them. I find them annoying. I also dont entertain friends who have kids as they are extremely boring and keep going on and on about their kids. They seem like they dont have anything better to do in their lives. I love and enjoy the freedom of my DINK lifestyle. Everyone has their priorities and we have to respect that.