*Funny fact:* The bmw driver has escaped and is wanted. The police are looking for the wrong car, this is a danish car, not a dutch car! _Looking for a silver BMW driver with Dutch registration numbers: DC70834_ wieliczka.policja.gov.pl/kwi/aktualnosci/15445,Komunikat-wielickiej-Policji.html bit.ly/3FaPizD
@@NaturesNuggets looking at the sign it looks like the crossing sign we have in Sweden. And in Sweden it’s mandatory for cars to stop or slow down by these signs if you see someone on the side walk. If the law is the same as in Sweden the pedestrian did nothing wrong and the driver should be charged with reckless driving
@@nachtsisteskalteralsdrauen9509 He waited so long that the slug of a hit and runner might genuinely have gotten away. Gave the homie a 20 minute heard start to make his escape.
@@MoonShocked: They waited to see if the pedestrian needed medical attention, ffs! You’ll see that the passenger side door of the police vehicle opens briefly to check on the pedestrian who might have been seriously injured. Police protocol is always to assess a victim before chasing off to catch a suspect. Policing is often a tough job of instant decision making. Police bashing is lame and juvenile.
This is not GTA so the police starts chasing in a second you do something bad. First they thought the driver will stop, then waited for the pedestrian to cross, then checked if he's ok, then had to turn carefully because he was standing behind them.
I think it was just a senile old man.. Still doesn't excuse hitting someone and driving away without making sure they are ok. BMW driver should be reprimanded.
patrząc po kierunku w którym jechali to jechali na komendę i mieli już blisko, może im się dniówka kończyła więc dialog mógłbyć trochę inny ale pewnie podobny ;p
@@lilwoodiewood3457 but still. The whole situation was enough for him to at least put his hands in the air and say “wtf” or anything. He just acted like the whole thing was completely normal😂 . Its a zebra crossing so he had right of way, even tho he kind of just stepped into the road without looking
@@EwaDzwigaa Jakie wtargnięcie, jak nawet policja już stała przed przejsciem po drugiej stronie. Pacan z bmw powinien zwolnic, skoro samochody na drugim pasie stały przed przejsciem.
@@piotrskorka8236 a czy jest coś takiego w kodeksie drogowym: "jeśli samochody po drugiej stronie stoją to ty też musisz?". Mogą sobie stać, nie masz obowiązku zatrzymania się jeśli ktoś czeka przed pasami, musisz kiedy pieszy jest na pasach, choćby i jedna noga.
@@hiftylonghead892 okay, but before you jump on the pedestrian crossing you must at least look, otherwise you are just a fool who does not care about his life
The pedestrian is a car magnet. First he walks in front of the car, then he stands right in the way of the police vehicle when its backing up. Amazing he's lived as long as he has.
@Bill you are the goon here ... the pedestrian cant be that stupid to not understand the wrong doing of the driver and then block the way off the policecar by crossing the path after the incident. Problem with your logic is that while you are not wrong about his right of way he totally lacks any awareness / reaction in this situation. I as a pedestrian think that it is bold to not check if the cars truely stop before I cross any predefined crossway with me having the right of way. If I get run over and suffer a mayor injury which I could have avoided I would still be mad at myself even though I did not nothing wrong. Why risk an injury if you can avoid it?
@Bill priority is given, not taken. You can't just wait till a car is a second away then walk out in front of it because "it's a crossing and i have right of way"
Feel like it was the pedestrians fault to suddenly turn and walk out infront of the car at the last second, the car couldn’t even break in time. However the car should have stopped and apologized / made sure he was alright. Don’t really think he should be arrested for that though especially since the guy wasn’t actually even touched
@@floridauser9368 yes but he didn't even look and literally ran onto the crossing there's no way the driver had time to react.. I'd still think it was his fault even though he has the right of way.. that was just stupid you don't have a chance against a car so why risk it?
No, it was the driver's fault , you have to slow down at crosswalk so you have time to react & stop your vehicule in case like this too, the pedestrians are always the right. You can see that the guy saw that the vehicules on his right stopped & he checked on his left & thought that the driver would've stopped since he got the right. I dunno where you live but there it's like this & hopefully cause of stupid driver wanting to be fast & furious
It looks like after the guy crossed the street they opened their right door up to ask the guy if he was alright before pulling out. But yeah, there was still a bit of delay there and that five point turn was truly disgraceful.
@@ImpCom933 Given that the pedestrian was standing right behind the police car and things appear closer than it seems looking at the rear, they had to be careful or else the situation would be worse if they didn't stay far away from the pedestrian. Are you saying it's disgraceful because you personally saw other police make a 3 point turn while backing way closer on the 2nd turn to a pedestrian to do so?
@@geforcenow2839 No, I'm not saying it's because I've personally seen other police make a 3 point turn irresponsibly close to pedestrians. Nor have I ever seen police make an irresponsible 3-point turn. I'd think that endangering people (as an officer) while trying to pursue an offender would be disgraceful on a whole new level. What I'm saying is that there are better ways that could've been handled that wouldn't have led to the suspect escaping, which, judging by the video description, is what happened. Even with what looked like piss-poor handling on the van (whether operator error or the van itself) 1. They could have pulled forward backed into the road on their right and made a 2 point turn because the idiot pedestrian stopped on the corner. 2. They could've pulled halfway into the backroad on their left, avoiding the pedestrian altogether, and made a 3 point turn. 3. They could've pulled somewhat farther ahead towards the dashcam driver, turned over the curb on their left (right of the dashcam), backed up and made a 3 or 4 point turn and not had to worry about the pedestrian. On a side note, you're uppity.
@@dorotaulitavelpawlowska5177 to że jest przejście nie oznacza że można sobie na nie wlecieć na nadjeżdżający już za 5m pojazd, proszę Pani. Jasne kierowca ma zachować ostrożność, zwolnić, ale u licha kierowca też musi mieć jakiś ludzki czas reakcji. Podejżewam, że policjanci są normalni i jakby się zatrzymał, obyłoby się bez niczego. Ale horrendalne niedofinansowanie budżetówki wymusza nabijanie statystyk, więc pewności nie mam.
@@krzyzaak Tak? O jakich przepisach? A pieszy miał tu pojęcie o przepisach? Jedziesz i widzisz człowieka idącego wzdłuż chodnika i zatrzymujesz się, bo być może wejdzie na przejście? A z drugiej strony - dochodzisz do przejścia, zatrzymujesz się i widzisz pojazd jadący jezdnią kilka metrów od Ciebie... Wchodzisz, czy czekasz?
Ped. may thought he is going to stop as speed was low already. it's pretty much same if you start driving on your green you won't expect that other person going to ignore HI's red light.
... He stopped to signal clearly that he was crossing the road before walking, so he did one thing right. His mistake was assuming that there wasn't a complete idiot around, which to be fair is a big mistake when dealing with traffic.
Looks almost as if guy deliberately walked in front of slow car for insurance scam in front of cops but guy just drove off so guy got up went on but they all did seem to have a very high level of unbothered
@@A._2byxr he did have right of way so what he did was legal, bmw should have stopped. it just looked like he expected the car to stop just like you would if there was a red light
@@wonder7740 ok I couldn't see streets or light's very well on my small cell phone I use 3.5 glasses for reading I was going by body movement mostly so if you say so I trust your vision might be better under the circumstances I am 61 years old vision not as good for small reading and stuff
@@A._2byxr its fine many people are missing the sidewalk print , personally where i live while right of way is a law it's barely practiced drivers think a walking person is the same as a car.
It happens here. Pedestrians are supposed to point before initiating a cross and drivers arent required to stop unless there is someone crossing, edit, or intend to cross. Pedestrians will look at your car traveling and you as the driver are not obligated to stop. They will wait until they think you should be slowing down and then run into the roadway. If there is a law that punishes drivers for any incident at a crossing thats bonkers.
@@DogsIHate Dutch law punishes drivers for any incident at a crossing. That is because unlike the US the Netherlands is human oriented instead of car oriented. We value life above cars.
@@wimahlers bro as someone that drives for work in downtown Seattle, I believe some pedestrians are just suicidal. The amount of people I see cross the street at a crosswalk or without a crosswalk and not look at anything but their phone blows my mind. At some point you gotta take some personal responsibility if you get hit. It has nothing to do with us valuing vehicles
The old bloke looked stupid walking into the car in my opinion. He also stood right behind the police van reversing causing it to slow down and loose the driver lol
Once people pass a certain age, their favourite thing in life is to yell at drivers at cross walks for not slowing down. 😂 This just got a “little” closer than usual for the old boy.
I can understand the fact that as a pedestrian you have the right of way on a crossing, but life should be more precious than anything. If you see the driver doesn't stop, let him pass and then cross. You can eventually die or be left disabled for the rest of your life while the stupid driver serves some jail time and then he is free.
My mother taught me from as soon as I could remember to look both ways before you cross the street. You have the right of way as a pedestrian but that doesn't mean you can't get hit.
normally yes, but in cross walks humans have absolute priority. as soon as a human is close by, the car must slow down. its always good to watch but, crosswalks are basically equivalent to green traffic light. and very few people look right and left on green light, since cars normally stop. same thing with crosswalks
@@stefanplusplus917 you notice how he still got hit in the crosswalk, right? yeah he should have looked. you should always look both ways, crosswalk or not.
@@stefanplusplus917 Are you idiot, or something? Just because you have priority as a pedestrian, it doesn't mean you shouldn't look around. Because stupids are everywhere, just like this BMW driver. Have you even watched the video? Jeez...
I lived in SLC for about a year, and they have a running trail that goes directly across a major highway. Which if you live there you know it’s there but no signs and first time you just come on it no warning, my first time I’m going down this road and soon as I’m about to cross a jogger just runs out not even a look, a slow down, nothing. I swirled to miss him he gets irate, I get out to see what the hell he was thinking, he just cussed me out for not looking and runs off. As my grandpa told me sometimes the only way to get a kid to quit playing with the bbq pit to let him touch it. Some people are just idiots
The guy was at a crosswalk with no blinking lights. The driver should have been more aware.. and also the pedestrian should have not cut out in front of the car on the crosswalk.. comman sence say the guy should have waited for the drive to stop..
Ludzie najpierw stoją przed przejściem, wprowadzając kierowców w błąd, a potem jak widzą że ktoś nie zwalnia, to na upartego wchodzą i się dziwią, że zostają potrąceni.
@@CalineczkaQa wiesz że jest coś takiego jak ograniczone zaufanie? Dziadek się wjebal na pasy po prostu zamiast poczekać kilka sekund, na pewno mu się gdzieś strasznie spieszyło
Love how the pedestrian sees the car coming and steps out anyway, then proceeds to stand directly behind the van as it's trying to reverse to pursue the car. Dude just loves being run over. What a dunce.
He has right of way. Same way if you were a driver and saw a car coming across you at an intersection and you had a green light and he had red, you would cross.
Ważniejsze od złapania tego gościa jest pomoc poszkodowanemu, policjant wysiadł zapytać się jak się czuje. Gdy gościu powiedział że wszystko w porządku dopiero wtedy zaczęli ścigać srebrne bmw. Moim zdaniem bardzo dobrze zrobili. Bardzo dobrze ze Pani, świadek zdarzenia również jeszcze raz zapytała Pana czy wszystko w porządku.
@@sirgriffin2413 Yeah, pretty much like every pedestrian does at a zebra crossing because they have the right of way and the cars have to stop and let the pedestrians pass. I don't know how it's handled where you live, but in germany the BMW driver would lose his driving license for good and never get it back after endangering another person like this.
1.Let the guy cross first 2. Checked it he is okay 3. Roads are tight 4. Man is standing behind the vehicle 5. Roads are congested perpetrator is not getting far
Man the pedestrian crossed without looking the street first, I wonder how he managed to survive until old age. Even if you have the right to pass, you must watch the street first because accidents do happen. And if you are a car driver, you must always stay focus, specially if there is a cop nearby. And if you are a cop you must pay attention to... you know what? never mind..
The issue I have in Canada is, some pedestrians push button and carrying on walking all in one motion, without hesitation, not looking both ways, no regard for the drivers at all. Drivers expected to stop on a dime/sixpence!
Look again, armchair experts! He looked left, saw the car, looked right and crossed over!! BMW is to blame fully IMHO. Plus not stopping and caring is a sin!
Oh man, this video is gem. Guy gets up and walks like he's one of the NPC's in a video game. Then the cops turn around like Austin Powers in slow motion. brilliant!
@@victorkaminski1747 Popełnił błąd, bo nie zorientował się co ma po lewej stronie, ale to przez to, iż psiarnia zatrzymała się przed przejściem, by go przepuścić. Natomiast kierowca powinien się zatrzymać i przepuścić przechodnia, tym bardziej gdy druga strona to zrobiła. A już sama ucieczka świadczy o poczuciu winy kierowcy.
Przechodząc przez jezdnię patrzy się w lewo, w prawo i jeszcze raz w lewo!!! (ruch prawostronny) i przechodzi, jak się ma pewność, że nic nam nie grozi, zwłaszcza na jezdniach wielopasmowych, wyglądać zza wysokich pojazdów, zanim pójdzie się dalej i nawet jak są światła i mamy zielone. Kierowca BMW nie zachował czujności i nie obserwował uważnie sytuacji na przejściu dla pieszych, przez które miał przejechać. Pieszy zbliżał się do przejścia, trzeba uważać, najlepiej zwolnić i ocenić sytuację.
To be fair, the pedestrian walked straight into the road without looking. People of ANY age should always make sure that it's safe to step off the kerb before doing so.
Rewatch again. He was looking left and right and then walked over. The BMW should have just stopped for him, like the Police for example. It's pretty easy to just break and wait for him to pass the street. Where is the issue. The only one to blame is the BMW driver. Simple case. Try not to defend his behavior. By the way a simple my driver teacher taught me, was always have the food on the break when you approach a "Zebrastreifen". You will always have enough time breaking if you are not speeding.
Yes, seen a lot of those instances on the tube of pedestrians been hit on those crossing, its just crazy to just trust the drivers and step out, and not to look both ways to make sure it's safe to cross
@Brightfart2 They have the right of way after indicating that they want to cross the road. The elderly didn't give the driver enough time to react. He jumped on the street like a 3 year old kid would.
@@abeda6852 This is in Europe. And the rules are simple. They HAVE to slow down and they HAVE to stop for the pedestrian. Like it or not, these are the rules here ;)
@@Fabio-ql5yf He's saying that being legally in the right doesn't mean anything when you're dead. Cars always need to be able to stop for pedestrians, hence why legally they're always in the right.
To all experts saying it was the pedestrians fault - it wasn't. He was clearly walking towards the crosswalk. According to the local Polish law a driver has to anticipate such situations and slow down in case a pedestrian steps on the road. By the moment he initiated his first step onto the crosswalk any car should've stopped. If the car was moving too fast, it was the driver's fault as well.
@@LeGeND-12 In all the Europe it's completly usual choice. The police and other services in cities operate kind a mechanized infantry style - you've got up to 10 dudes and car team, so a 5 foot patrols and 1 car patrol on the way. In case of serious offence or riot they regroup and you're sending 2-3 cars full of guys, not 25 single driving sheriffs like in the US.
up to 0:13 pedestrian was walking straight forward, stoped loked at bmw, turned his head the other side and started walking like he is immortal. when the pedestrian showed his intention to walk acros the street the car was alredy like 5m close.
Exactly my thought. The driver is clearly guilty but damn that pedestrian is a moron. Never ever cross the street when there is a moving car so close to the crosswalk. You might be legally in the right but the car will always win that encounter.
that's gotta be the slowest 3 point turn in the history of turning; also loves how the pedestrian stands right behind where the police car needs to back into
@@Kat-mu8wq he does, but by the time he turned to walk across, the driver was way too close to be able to tell soon enough and stop. Pedestrian should've checked and waited for the second car to stop and then go over
Ja rozumiem że pieszy ma pierwszeństwo, ale wchodzić pod samochód który ewidentnie nie ma zamiaru się zatrzymać też nie wydaje się najlepszym pomysłem.
Wiedz teraz ludzie powinni jeździć ostrożnie i skupić się na jeździe a nie robienie milion innych zeczy za kulkiem, i za takie coś 8 tys zł mandatu to by następnym razem wypatrywał zagrożenia i pieszych jak lew zdobyczy.
@@marcinurbanski3749 Wiedz, że ludzie powinni dbać o swoje zdrowie i życie. Za takie coś 8tys manadatu i by następnym razem wypatrywał zagrożenia i większych i twardszych od siebie, jak lew zdobyczy. :P Pieszy SPOJRZAŁ na zbliżające się BMW, w poczuciu nieśmiertelności i "zachęcony" zatrzymaniem radiowozu przed przejściem WTARGNĄŁ pod BMW. W swoje lewo już NIE spojrzał ponownie. Pewnie - kierowca BMW powinien się zatrzymać i upewnić, że nic nikomu się nie stało i to jest niezaprzeczalne, ale samobójcze skłonności pieszego też należy napiętnować.
Nie ma mowy Pieszy na pasach ma pierwszenstwo i koniec temstu.Nie zatrzymuje sie tylko Głąb to tylko brak kultury na jezdni.Polska , Rosja to bez kultury jezdzi , większość.Pozatym to wygladalo na slabo zrobiony film pod scenariusz.
@@kikisylvester7195 how do you get from this to that?😂😂 i love animals. Maybe stop being such a sensitive person. It would be hillarious if he got hit by the police could of been a love tap and it would be comical.
PRAWIE potrącenie, bo kierowca nie potrącił przechodnia. Wina leży po obu stronach bo kierowca nie zatrzymał się żeby przepuścić pieszego (gdzie ma obowiązek go przepuścić), ale wina też leży na Panu który chciał przejść, bo nie zwrócił uwagi że kierowca nie hamuje a tej naj gdyby nigdy nic sobie wchodzi na pasy
jeden lepszy od drugiego, kierowca bmw wiadomo, ale gosc wlazł prosto pod koła jadacego auta, oboje powinni dostac po mandacie, a dziadek dla jego własnego dobra.
A ty lepiej zainwestuj w kodeks o ruchu drogowym.. pewnie jak auto staje na pasach to też je wyprzedzasz ? Niestety ale zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami masz obowiązek zachować szczególną ostrożnośc przy pasach.
@@szpanercichosz Ten pieszy wszedl prosto pod samochod. Jest na to konkretny pragraf. Zadna ostroznosc nie pomoze w takiej sytuacji. Pieszy prawdopodobnie byl nietrzewy, ale szedl na tyle prosto, ze tego nie bylo od razu widac. Za to kierowca nie udzielil mu pomocy, do czego ma obowiazek i to jest powazne wykroczenie.
@@tibia19976 ale rzeczywiście pomoc, jeden otworzyl drzwi by zobaczyć jak sytuacja. Facet idzie to ok, nie ma po co wzywać karetki (jak się jest w szoku to się nic nie czuje a następnego dnia na pewno pan miał jakieś obrazenia) i spisać zeznań ale łaskę robią by sprawce ścigać. Brawo 🤦♀️
dude is walking same way as the cars then turns around at a crosswalk and gives the driver literally less than 2 seconds to react and stop before deciding to cross, bloody genius edit: guys please, just because there are laws on how drivers are supposed to drive does not mean they will 100% of the time. Lands where drivers always drive predictably and how theyre "supposed to" only exist in fantasy and videogames. In reality, you get drivers that are distracted, tired, drunk, etc... Was the driver at fault? Somewhat. But placing the blame solely on that driver is reckless thinking That accident was entirely avoidable, because it is ultimately up to the pedestrian to assess whether or not it is safe to cross before crossing. In reality, road rules dont just magically give peds immunity to physical harm, and its only a matter of time before something like this happens if someone feels like playing chicken with a moving vehicle. And, in a collision between a car and a human, the car always wins. Yes I am very biased. I prefer walking to work, and see my fair share of drivers that either dont notice or dont care about me standing at a crossing, looking at them and waiting for them to slow down and stop, and thats even with me giving them far more than 2 seconds to respond. If I felt as entitled as yall seem to think peds should be, and walked out in those cases, daring the driver to floor their brake pedal, I would definitely have been hit, and almost hit, dozens of times over the years. Expecting all drivers to behave like theyre "supposed to," especially at 6am is foolish, and anyone that is willing to gamble on their safety because of some false assumption that they are invincible, arguably deserves to get Darwin'd tldr: the reason a ped is in the middle of the road is the peds responsibility, not the drivers
He’s like 70 years old… By the way drivers have to respect the crosswalk. The car broke the law. Can you see the line of cars in the other side of the road? They were good drivers. That’s how you do a crosswalk.
Android. Гений или не гений,но водитель,сбивший пешехода ,обязан выйти и поинтересоваться все ли в порядке с пострадавшим,. А уж потом разбираться,кто прав ,а кто виноват!
Legend tells, that by the time the police finished the U-turn, the driver had traveled to the port, rented a ship, sailed to Argentina, changed identity, met a woman, married, divorced, and today lives in Buenos Aires as a grocery store owner.
Full on Austin Powers, they could've done it in 2 turns if the bloke wasn't stood right behind their van, they were probably worried if they went back too far they'd knock him over again, he won't live much longer, he doesn't even look either times he crosses the road.
Prawo o ruchu drogowym: Art. 14, Zabrania się: 1) wchodzenia na jezdnię lub drogę dla rowerów: a) bezpośrednio przed jadący pojazd, w tym również na przejściu dla pieszych. Amen.
A "kierujący pojazdem, zbliżając się do przejścia dla pieszych, jest obowiązany zachować szczególną ostrożność" Sytuacja była w stu procentach możliwa do przewidzenia przez kierowcę, zwłaszcza w warunkach idealnej widoczności. Styl jazdy na nagraniu robi wrażenie jakby ktoś prowadził gapiąc się w telefon.
That pedestrian stepped out at the last minute. I see this ALL the time in my Midwestern town (America). People just crossing without looking. You are still responsible for looking out for your own safety people!
Yeah, this is why I tense up in centers of town and parking lots, most of the time it's someone darting out without a crosswalk or just being oblivious
To be fair to the police, dude did just stand right in the spot where the police van was trying to reverse into to turn round quickly making it harder for them to do it faster 😂😂
@@omgoat tylko tak jak widać na nagraniu, pieszy idzie po chodniku i gdy auto jest już przed samymi pasami nagle wchodzi na jezdnię Auto jechało wystarczająco wolno i dla tego nic się nikomu nie stało
Auto z naprzeciwka stało wiec sprawa jest jasna. Policja żenada, tak to jest jak udają, że nie widzą aut na lewych tablicach, których jest pełno na naszych drogach.
Wina pieszego, nawet nie było widać, że gość chce przejść. Żeby uniknąć czegoś takiego to trzeba się zatrzymywać na każdych pasach gdzie ktoś stoi w pobliżu 10 metrów. Rozglądanie się przez pieszego to obowiązek, wtedy kierowca widzi, że ktoś chce przejść.
Ewidentnie pijany starzec wtargnął na pasy, gdy ten był już przed nimi. Nie ma winy kierowcy. bo obowiązkiem pieszego jest patrzeć się 2x w lewo i raz w prawo (ja powtarzam to by żyć...).
@Łech Obowiązek obowiązkiem, ale różnie bywa. Może kierowca był roztargniony, zamyślił się lub czytał/pisał SMSa (choć nie powinien). Wina leży po stronie kierowcy, ale pan starszy rozsądkiem się nie popisał. Zerknął tylko w kierunku jadącego auta, znajdującego się ~4 metry od niego i wszedł na pasy. Miał takie prawo, ale czy powinien to robić, w sytuacji gdy nie było absolutnie żadnego sygnału, że auto się zatrzyma?
Pieszy zbliżając się do przejścia dla pieszych ma pierwszeństwo, może nawet rozmyślić się w ostatniej chwili i nie przechodzić, kierowca ma uważać. Jestem kierowcą ale niestety takie obecnie prawo.
Are you really that heartless? Eager to give away your next Darwin Award? How much imagination do you need to realize it's difficult to be aware of your surroundings when one's vision & hearing aren't so good anymore? That pedestrian was easily in his 60's, possibly even his 70's. I see several people in these comments blaming the elderly man, but sparing a rather un-observant driver from any criticism. Anybody care to notice how he ignored the "crosswalk ahead" warning? Or what about not just breezing through like his eyes are closed, when opposing traffic has come to a complete stop?
@@magnificentmuttley154 It's the internet, people are pricks here. The 'darwin award' is especially callous. I hope they'd say the same thing to their grandmother who has lived in the same town for 20 years and walks to the grocery store, crossing the same crosswalks to return home, used to being given the right of way by incoming traffic, as she should, until a jerk in his BMW crashes into her because he didn't acknowledge there was a pedestrian standing next to the big 'pedestrian crossing' sign and couldn't put two and two together. These people who act like the driver was justified are people who will end up breaking a law due to their lack of comprehension skills and blame the victim, they'll enjoy paying a hefty fine someday. Most Americans especially hold the perspective of drivers, since they never get off their asses and walk, therefore are incapable of empathizing with pedestrians, as they never play that role...
@@magnificentmuttley154 you can still have a "heart" and simultaneously acknowledge that you noticed someone almost killed themselves. Its actually more heartless to ignore it. Someone either needs to help grandpa not die.
@@magnificentmuttley154 @Magnificent Muttley you can still have compassion and simultaneously acknowledge that you noticed someone almost killed themselves. Its actually more heartless to ignore it. Someone either needs to help grandpa not die.
*@gxlorp* 👌 Your point is well-received. I agree with you 100%. It's others here whom I'm criticizing for what amounts to letting that BMW driver get away "scott free." They're criticizing the elderly man, but conveniently ignoring that driver's mistakes. And that just isn't right. That's all I'm saying
To be fair, that pedestrian is quite an idiot. Straight up walked into the street without making sure the car stopped. He approached the crosswalk just as the car was passing it. Idk if I'd expect the car to stop that short if I were walking there...
Entitled mindset. Thinks the law is on his side and that a machine will just stop. God forbid that cars breaks stopped working or he was driving in snow or on wet leaves. You NEVER trust a machine to stop for you.
Yeah, it would at least have made sense if they had the flashing pedestrian lights, but they didn't even have that. Even still, when using those I still am incredibly cautious about the cars.
The law can be on your side, but the law will not stop a car from running you over. The law will just penalize the culprit(assuming the bother finding them) and you will still be dead/injured with an apology card from... the law. Better to be smart/cautious than to be right.
Well I think the car should have at least slowed down approaching the crossing, anticipating the person will cross. The pedestrian lane is still have a priority over vehicles. Though idk there is a thing as well that the old guy at least checked made sure the vehicle is stopping or have stopped before crossing. That was rather too close to cross, good thing this was on slow speed so sudden brake is possible. But the driver didn't really help his case since he run away from the incident. Basically considered hit and run I guess. Has he stopped, checked on the person and aplologize, maybe police might not even chased him. This is why I make sure that the vehicle is stopping or has stopped before crossing. Some drivers can be idiot and will just speed, better not risk my life into that. Too many drivers don't have full awareness in the road, especially on crosswalks.
This is exactly like saying "He was wearing a gun. It's entitled mindest to think the ammo is not going to fail and gun shots by coincidence." You're absolutely obligated to expect pedestrians are going to cross the crossing and slow down accordingly even if the pedestrian is just passing by and not using the crossing at all. This whole event should have not even occured. That's the reason those crossings are there, cities are for people not for the cars. I say this as somebody who does 35 000 km per year and needs car for a living.
Powinni go szybko zapakować, faceta(widać ,że zawiany i nie myśli ,wchodzi sam pod samochód ,a ten co "potrącił" też mógł zwolnić jak widział dziada,że może wtargnąć, i nie odjeżdżać) do radiowozu i wtedy udać się w "pościg".😂 W US to by była szybka piłka! A tutaj jakaś FARSA! A ta Pani dobrze się zachowała,zapytała,empatia,czyli serducho na właściwym miejscu ❤ Ogólnie to znieczulica,same roboty z wypranymi mózgami lub bezmózgowce.
Jesus is the way the truth and the life no man comes to the Father but by him. You will burn with Satan in hell if you don't repent of your sins and trust in Jesus
He didn’t get hit, the guy fell backwards after realizing there was a car there. There is no moment in which his body is flung in a direction the car is going. He simply starts walking backwards and trips.
Sytuacja jest jednoznaczna. Kierowca ma obowiązek ustąpić pierwszeństwa pieszemu, ale tylko wtedy, gdy zamiar przejścia jest rozpoznawalny i obiektywnie widoczny. Pan ewidentnie wkroczył na jezdnie pod kola jadącego auta. Kierowca dodatkowo podjął próbę hamowania (widać w 0:14 ze był może z metr przed linia). Dodatkowo kierowca dostosował prędkość. Ponadto widział w lusterkach, ze pan wstał i normalnie przeszedł przez jezdnie, a ze nie doszło nawet do kontaktu miedzy autem a przechodniem, postanowił kontynuować jazdę. Policja może sobie kierowcy poszukiwać nawet w Holandii (mimo, ze rejestracja jest duńska). Co ja bym zrobil jako pieszy: na pewno bym nie wszedł na pasy. Co ja bym zrobil jako kierowca: przyhamowałbym bardziej zbliżając się do pasów. Ale takiego obowiązku nie ma. Obowiązek wynikający z przepisów to zatrzymanie auta przed linia przed kimś, kto ma widoczny zamiar przejścia przez jezdnie. Samo kierowanie się wzdłuż jezdni (nawet jeśli w bliskiej odległości są pasy) nie jest powodem do zatrzymania auta - szczególnie ze pan szzedl w tym samym kierunku co jadący pojazdem. Podsumowujac: kierowca nie złamał przepisów. Każdy adwokat by go wybronił na rozprawie. Kierowca co najwyżej nie wykazał się 100% czujnością. Natomiast pan-bohater wykazał się totalna nierozwaga i wtargnął na jezdnie. Porównując ta także z linia orzecznicza - kierowcy nie grozi odpowiedzialność karna. Policja powinna w tym przypadku pouczyć obu delikwentów. Nic więcej.
This clip had it all: -The BMW not paying attention and driving away as if nothing happened -The pedestrian being 100% in oblivion NPC mode -The police waiting for the new objective to pop up on their screen before acting
The guy was not hit by the car, not the drivers fault that the guy just stepped into the road. go back look at the video again the guy was never hit by the BMW
@@ScottMGordon the pedestrian was hindered by the driver and he fell because of the driver. It's a pedestrian crossing, you mustn't only not run over pedestrians at a crissing, you aren't allowed to hinder them or block them or even drive fast. Also, it's your responsibility in case of an accident to check on the victim and at least exchange addresses for possible insurance claims. If you don't do that, even if it's not fault - which, in this case, it clearly is - it's a hit and run, which is a criminal offence pretty much everywhere in the world.
@@KolnFriedChicken a driver does not have to assume every pedestrian is potentially going to cross the road and this guy just turned and went across the road
@@kacper.6537 Indeed, a driver has to assume that every potential pedestrian is going to cross at the crossing. If unsure you have to stop. Of course you must not slow down, you can speculate that the pedestrian won't cross because he fears being overrun (that's illegal though) or you could just assume the pedestrian won't cross and drive. However if the pedestrian is crossing and you hit him or harm him in any way (e.g. like in this footage by forcing him to jump back) - it's your fault.
@@HermanKoszarek Art. 13. 1. **Pieszy, przechodząc przez jezdnię lub torowisko, jest obowiązany zachować szczególną ostrożność oraz, z zastrzeżeniem ust. 2 i 3, korzystać z przejścia dla pieszych. Pieszy znajdujący się na tym przejściu ma pierwszeństwo przed pojazdem.** - nie bylo go na przejściu tylko przed a samochod byl mniej niż 6m i wyhamuj z predkosci 40kmh 2. Przechodzenie przez jezdnię poza przejściem dla pieszych jest dozwolone, gdy odległość od przejścia przekracza 100 m. Jeżeli jednak skrzyżowanie znajduje się w odległości mniejszej niż 100 m od wyznaczonego przejścia, przechodzenie jest dozwolone również na tym skrzyżowaniu. 3. Przechodzenie przez jezdnię poza przejściem dla pieszych, o którym mowa w ust. 2, jest dozwolone tylko pod warunkiem, że nie spowoduje zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa ruchu lub utrudnienia ruchu pojazdów. Pieszy jest obowiązany ustąpić pierwszeństwa pojazdom i do przeciwległej krawędzi jezdni iść drogą najkrótszą, prostopadle do osi jezdni. 4. Jeżeli na drodze znajduje się przejście nadziemne lub podziemne dla pieszych, pieszy jest obowiązany korzystać z niego, z zastrzeżeniem ust. 2 i 3. 5. Na obszarze zabudowanym, na drodze dwujezdniowej lub po której kursują tramwaje po torowisku wyodrębnionym z jezdni, pieszy przechodząc przez jezdnię lub torowisko jest obowiązany korzystać tylko z przejścia dla pieszych. 6. Przechodzenie przez torowisko wyodrębnione z jezdni jest dozwolone tylko w miejscu do tego przeznaczonym. 7. Jeżeli wysepka dla pasażerów na przystanku komunikacji publicznej łączy się z przejściem dla pieszych, przechodzenie do i z przystanku jest dozwolone tylko po tym przejściu. 8. Jeżeli przejście dla pieszych wyznaczone jest na drodze dwujezdniowej, przejście na każdej jezdni uważa się za przejście odrębne. Przepis ten stosuje się odpowiednio do przejścia dla pieszych w miejscu, w którym ruch pojazdów jest rozdzielony wysepką lub za pomocą innych urządzeń na jezdni. Art. 14. Zabrania się: 1) wchodzenia na jezdni ę: **a) bezpośrednio przed jadący pojazd, w tym również na przejściu dla pieszych,** b) spoza pojazdu lub innej przeszkody ograniczającej widoczność drogi; 2) przechodzenia przez jezdnię w miejscu o ograniczonej widoczności drogi; 3) zwalniania kroku lub zatrzymywania się bez uzasadnionej potrzeby podczas przechodzenia przez jezdnię lub torowisko; 4) przebiegania przez jezdnię; 5) chodzenia po torowisku; 6) wchodzenia na torowisko, gdy zapory lub półzapory są opuszczone lub opuszczanie ich rozpoczęto; 7) przechodzenia przez jezdnię w miejscu, w którym urządzenie zabezpieczające lub przeszkoda oddzielają drogę dla pieszych albo chodnik od jezdni, bez względu na to, po której stronie jezdni one się znajdują.
The driver wasnt even given 3 secs to react, as a pedestrian you need to not only check if traffic is coming, but also need to make sure you dont suddenly step onto crosswalk with close by traffic. That guy first walked straight and suddenly turned, and started to walk onto the crosswalk within less than 3 sec. It is a 50/50 fault here, and this was prolly the reason why the cops didnt instantly chase after the car.
The police can't leave the place before checking on the pedestrian to see if he's fine. To me it looks like driver was driving carefully at low speed. Driver should have been prepared to stop, his reaction was too slow. The pedestrian was acting very reckless. Making things worse, the driver paniced and drove away.
most of you need a legislation course on why you are wrong the driver is 100% at fault. pedestrian intent was clear the police van was stoped the bmw kept going
@@catalintimofti1117 Finally someone who actually knows the laws. Reading some of these comments finally made me realize why there are so many car accidents...
Notice how the idiot stood behind a backing police vehicle..... guess he wanted to get hit again or impeed the police from getting turned around more quickly. He did accomplish that ( impeeded the cops )
*I love how the police made sure he was alright before doing a beginners 3-point turn and slowly driving in the direction of the car The word “chase” shouldn’t be used here.
@@BLM_Big_Lipped_Marxist The pedestrian stood up and walked across the street perfectly fine , the pedestrian was ok. Three point turn was hampered by the idiot pedestrian standing behind the police vehicle. If the police would have done a totally unnecessary check on the pedestrian , the driver of the car would have been long gone. Besides cops can send someone else to contact the pedestrian , who btw stepped out in front of a moving vehicle. That's not too bright.
*Funny fact:* The bmw driver has escaped and is wanted. The police are looking for the wrong car, this is a danish car, not a dutch car!
_Looking for a silver BMW driver with Dutch registration numbers: DC70834_
it's been 8 months,i hope the police found him
@@arandomguy9616 that pedestrian himself went to the car, he didn’t even look around when he walked along the sidewalk again.
@@NaturesNuggets looking at the sign it looks like the crossing sign we have in Sweden. And in Sweden it’s mandatory for cars to stop or slow down by these signs if you see someone on the side walk. If the law is the same as in Sweden the pedestrian did nothing wrong and the driver should be charged with reckless driving
Idiots. Dutch license plates are yellow, how do they even get them mixed up?
@@kingdt903ok, I was wrong, sorry.
The reaction time of the cops is just lightning fast
@@nachtsisteskalteralsdrauen9509 He waited so long that the slug of a hit and runner might genuinely have gotten away. Gave the homie a 20 minute heard start to make his escape.
@@MoonShocked: They waited to see if the pedestrian needed medical attention, ffs! You’ll see that the passenger side door of the police vehicle opens briefly to check on the pedestrian who might have been seriously injured. Police protocol is always to assess a victim before chasing off to catch a suspect. Policing is often a tough job of instant decision making. Police bashing is lame and juvenile.
@@rayray8687 No police bashing. But they turn the car terribly slow.
@@dirigentmaarten9381: I will admit it’s not the smoothest U-turn I’ve seen, lol.
Rumour has it he’s still trying to turn the police vehicle around to this day.
The video is just over a minute long but that cop made it feel like an hour.
The man didn’t help by going and standing right behind the van making reversing difficult
@@mruppity64 yes
Almost got hit by police:)
This is not GTA so the police starts chasing in a second you do something bad. First they thought the driver will stop, then waited for the pedestrian to cross, then checked if he's ok, then had to turn carefully because he was standing behind them.
even after getting hit he crosses the road without looking both ways. Astounding.
seems to happen to him occasionally. He did not even care. I would have raged like Zeus
Thats what we call natural selection
Then he stands right behind the reversing Police van
he did look both ways the first time. it looked to him as if the bmw driver was going to stop
I think it was just a senile old man.. Still doesn't excuse hitting someone and driving away without making sure they are ok. BMW driver should be reprimanded.
-Rysiu, bierzemy?
-A ten nie najebany?
-Dziadek żyje, beta ucieka!
-Dobra jedź bo są świadki
-Kurła nie wykręce
- A który dzisiaj?
- Ej, ostatni dzień miesiąca!
- TO DAWAJ ZA NIM! Może jeszcze normę wyrobimy!
patrząc po kierunku w którym jechali to jechali na komendę i mieli już blisko, może im się dniówka kończyła więc dialog mógłbyć trochę inny ale pewnie podobny ;p
ales ty buraku dowcipny....
No to zawrotka to aż oczy pieką...
Volume 40%
He got up and went about his route as if nothing happened, just like a true GTA NPC.
Well the car didn't touch him so no he's not that cool sorry
@@lilwoodiewood3457 it got his hitbox tho
@@lilwoodiewood3457 but still. The whole situation was enough for him to at least put his hands in the air and say “wtf” or anything. He just acted like the whole thing was completely normal😂 . Its a zebra crossing so he had right of way, even tho he kind of just stepped into the road without looking
even the way he first try to cross indicate that he's an npc
Legend has it he’s still trying to complete that three point turn.
He probably didn't want to hit the curb or the pedestrian if he was lucky in the first incident.
Clearly a russian bot-mobil.
Amazing how fast the cop reacted and the driving skills are next level
And this car I guess is exclusively made to chase ....pedestrians?🤣🤣 that's why he was debating " oh should I chase him or pretend I didn't see him"
They wanted to charge him for "Escape" too. They are not dumb...not always ;]
First Check He need Sani ? U Brain... 😂
800 point turn Austin Powers style... lmfao
Jak na moje oko, to jest wtargnięcie pieszego na pasy wprost pod koła samochodu.
Dokładnie. Piesi już nawet nie muszą patrzeć na drogę w końcu pasy traktują jak zielone światło.
ja też tak uważam , kierowca nie miał żadnych szans na zatrzymanie pojazdu w ...MIEJSCU !!!
@@EwaDzwigaa Jakie wtargnięcie, jak nawet policja już stała przed przejsciem po drugiej stronie. Pacan z bmw powinien zwolnic, skoro samochody na drugim pasie stały przed przejsciem.
@@piotrskorka8236 a czy jest coś takiego w kodeksie drogowym: "jeśli samochody po drugiej stronie stoją to ty też musisz?". Mogą sobie stać, nie masz obowiązku zatrzymania się jeśli ktoś czeka przed pasami, musisz kiedy pieszy jest na pasach, choćby i jedna noga.
@@hippo50410 No oczywiście można też być debilem i bezmyślnie jechać przed siebie.
I love how calm the guy is. Just stands back up and walks off like nothing happened.
I mean he did walk in front of a moving car.
I wasn't assigning blame. But, if I was....he is to blame.
But the driver gunned it off the scene so, they should be both blamed.
because nothing really happened, he didnt get hit, he almost got hit, lost his balance and fell down, i see no crime
Just another day at the office.....
This is actually his fault
Legend has it ...
1. The pedestrian still walks like a blind man
2. The cops are still trying to take a u turn
This is the comment I didn't know I needed but feel like I deserved!
5 point turn* 😂
its a zebra line, pedestrians have priority, cars must stop
@@hiftylonghead892 okay, but before you jump on the pedestrian crossing you must at least look, otherwise you are just a fool who does not care about his life
@@hiftylonghead892 uh, yeah, but, nothing you have to say means anything.
Great to see the police reactions are as swift as always and they are putting their advanced driving skills so readily to use
any min now...
this will be flooded with likes, I'm sure
but the driver was not at fault old man was standing and suddenly walked in front of car
Bot account copying comments
Bot account trying to farm likes and subs. Abusing the verified checkmark
Przechodzień mimo, że spojrzał w stronę BMW to i tak wszedł przed maskę.
bo miał pierwszeństwo to wszedł nawet patrzeć niemusiał
@@sciagamharacz2081 to po co sie cofał i wyjebał
@@sciagamharacz2081gratuluję mózgu amebo
@@sciagamharacz2081poważnie, nawet nie trzeba patrzeć? Powodzenia!
@@sciagamharacz2081prawo nie daje nieśmiertelności
A ja nie wychodzę dopóki samochody się nie zatrzymają lub nie widać aby wytrąciły prędkość
The pedestrian is a car magnet. First he walks in front of the car, then he stands right in the way of the police vehicle when its backing up. Amazing he's lived as long as he has.
That's your average alcohol addicted bum in Poland. They don't even think.
@Bill you are the goon here ... the pedestrian cant be that stupid to not understand the wrong doing of the driver and then block the way off the policecar by crossing the path after the incident. Problem with your logic is that while you are not wrong about his right of way he totally lacks any awareness / reaction in this situation. I as a pedestrian think that it is bold to not check if the cars truely stop before I cross any predefined crossway with me having the right of way. If I get run over and suffer a mayor injury which I could have avoided I would still be mad at myself even though I did not nothing wrong. Why risk an injury if you can avoid it?
One day he'll definitely win a Darwin awards
@Bill i seriously hope you are not a pedestrian, cuz you'd be in accident 24/7
@Bill priority is given, not taken. You can't just wait till a car is a second away then walk out in front of it because "it's a crossing and i have right of way"
The reaction and driving skills of the cops is just on point.
hahahaahahah yea lol
lol yeah.. wtf was that turn-around
Have you ever driven a VW T5? Then you would know how big the turning circle of the car is....
@@xpixelluca I've been driving all kinds of vehicles, but this was just a super slow turn-around.
@@xpixelluca 13,2 Meters to be precise.
Driving around with a car regularly that has a 13.3m turning radius I believe I'd do it faster
The cop gave them enough time to settle down and start a family
And when that cop finally found the driver, that dude just can't remember the accident because of Alzheimer's dementia
I love the way you said this 😂😂
brilliant 👏
Haha !You made me laugh. Great comment. 👍🏽
podobno typ powiedzial jak wstal "dobra k..a nic sie nie stalo idziemy dalej"
Feel like it was the pedestrians fault to suddenly turn and walk out infront of the car at the last second, the car couldn’t even break in time. However the car should have stopped and apologized / made sure he was alright. Don’t really think he should be arrested for that though especially since the guy wasn’t actually even touched
You must be an American, Europe doesn't play that game. The pedestrian ALWAYS has the right of way.
@@floridauser9368 yes but he didn't even look and literally ran onto the crossing there's no way the driver had time to react.. I'd still think it was his fault even though he has the right of way.. that was just stupid you don't have a chance against a car so why risk it?
No, it was the driver's fault , you have to slow down at crosswalk so you have time to react & stop your vehicule in case like this too, the pedestrians are always the right. You can see that the guy saw that the vehicules on his right stopped & he checked on his left & thought that the driver would've stopped since he got the right. I dunno where you live but there it's like this & hopefully cause of stupid driver wanting to be fast & furious
That’s why you as a driver always slow down before a crosswalk no matter what. Full time attention to the road and those around you.
@@whosjozikolnik Pedestrian has the right of way! This doesn't need to be analyzed. Maybe YOU need buttons and flashy light installed?
the 5 point turn and 20 second reaction time had me amazed. so well trained. i could never amount to such talent
It had Austin Powers vibes.
It looks like after the guy crossed the street they opened their right door up to ask the guy if he was alright before pulling out.
But yeah, there was still a bit of delay there and that five point turn was truly disgraceful.
@@ImpCom933 Given that the pedestrian was standing right behind the police car and things appear closer than it seems looking at the rear, they had to be careful or else the situation would be worse if they didn't stay far away from the pedestrian. Are you saying it's disgraceful because you personally saw other police make a 3 point turn while backing way closer on the 2nd turn to a pedestrian to do so?
They wait to see what you do next for extra charges.
@@geforcenow2839 No, I'm not saying it's because I've personally seen other police make a 3 point turn irresponsibly close to pedestrians. Nor have I ever seen police make an irresponsible 3-point turn. I'd think that endangering people (as an officer) while trying to pursue an offender would be disgraceful on a whole new level.
What I'm saying is that there are better ways that could've been handled that wouldn't have led to the suspect escaping, which, judging by the video description, is what happened. Even with what looked like piss-poor handling on the van (whether operator error or the van itself)
1. They could have pulled forward backed into the road on their right and made a 2 point turn because the idiot pedestrian stopped on the corner.
2. They could've pulled halfway into the backroad on their left, avoiding the pedestrian altogether, and made a 3 point turn.
3. They could've pulled somewhat farther ahead towards the dashcam driver, turned over the curb on their left (right of the dashcam), backed up and made a 3 or 4 point turn and not had to worry about the pedestrian.
On a side note, you're uppity.
Big brain pedestrian stands in the EXACT spot where the police van would end up, forcing them to do an extra turn. Absolute genius of a man.
Pedestrian is looking for a lawsuit
Big brain you, there is a sidewalk, not a car turning spot.
@@Cryptisss he was using the other sidewalk though
Just like how he walks RIGHT in front of a moving car that is a metre away
The man was at fault for not being a common sense, smart person.
Wtargnięcie bezpośrednio przed jadący pojazd.... Wina pieszego. Kierujący BMW nie powinien odjechać z miejsca zdarzenia.
Był znak d6? Był. Był pieszy przed przejściem? Był. Wina bwm. Proste? Proste.
@@dorotaulitavelpawlowska5177 to że jest przejście nie oznacza że można sobie na nie wlecieć na nadjeżdżający już za 5m pojazd, proszę Pani.
Jasne kierowca ma zachować ostrożność, zwolnić, ale u licha kierowca też musi mieć jakiś ludzki czas reakcji.
Podejżewam, że policjanci są normalni i jakby się zatrzymał, obyłoby się bez niczego.
Ale horrendalne niedofinansowanie budżetówki wymusza nabijanie statystyk, więc pewności nie mam.
@@wk-ys4gt widoczność słaba? noc była? czy po prostu umyślnie nie patrzył przed siebie?
@@wk-ys4gtasz prawko, to lepiej je oddaj w gminie, bo nie masz pojecia o przrpisach.
@@krzyzaak Tak? O jakich przepisach? A pieszy miał tu pojęcie o przepisach? Jedziesz i widzisz człowieka idącego wzdłuż chodnika i zatrzymujesz się, bo być może wejdzie na przejście? A z drugiej strony - dochodzisz do przejścia, zatrzymujesz się i widzisz pojazd jadący jezdnią kilka metrów od Ciebie... Wchodzisz, czy czekasz?
Pedestrian is one smart guy, walks right into the car
Then stands directly behind the reversing police van.
Typical pedestrian
But if you watch it closely, you will notice the car didnt hit him. He just walked backwards and tripped on the curb
Ped. may thought he is going to stop as speed was low already. it's pretty much same if you start driving on your green you won't expect that other person going to ignore HI's red light.
... He stopped to signal clearly that he was crossing the road before walking, so he did one thing right. His mistake was assuming that there wasn't a complete idiot around, which to be fair is a big mistake when dealing with traffic.
”Wstaje i od razu chce się żyć”
"W sumie nie jest źle, nie boli nic"
Reakcja nóg bezcenna 😂😂😂😅😂
Bez kitu potrącony i od razu wstaje i idzie 😂😂😂
This is the level of UNBOTHERED I need in my life. From the driver, to the pedestrian, to the police.
Don't know about that last one chief
Looks almost as if guy deliberately walked in front of slow car for insurance scam in front of cops but guy just drove off so guy got up went on but they all did seem to have a very high level of unbothered
@@A._2byxr he did have right of way so what he did was legal, bmw should have stopped. it just looked like he expected the car to stop just like you would if there was a red light
@@wonder7740 ok I couldn't see streets or light's very well on my small cell phone I use 3.5 glasses for reading I was going by body movement mostly so if you say so I trust your vision might be better under the circumstances I am 61 years old vision not as good for small reading and stuff
@@A._2byxr its fine many people are missing the sidewalk print , personally where i live while right of way is a law it's barely practiced drivers think a walking person is the same as a car.
Mogli mu tym radiowozem poprawić na wstecznym
I love that the guy literally looks left, and still walks across haha
Right? And he wasn't actually hit.
It happens here. Pedestrians are supposed to point before initiating a cross and drivers arent required to stop unless there is someone crossing, edit, or intend to cross.
Pedestrians will look at your car traveling and you as the driver are not obligated to stop. They will wait until they think you should be slowing down and then run into the roadway.
If there is a law that punishes drivers for any incident at a crossing thats bonkers.
Dutch law punishes drivers for any incident at a crossing.
That is because unlike the US the Netherlands is human oriented instead of car oriented. We value life above cars.
@@DogsIHate sorry but your country law sounds terribly bad on protecting human life. A good urban design is pedestrian over bikes over cars.
@@wimahlers bro as someone that drives for work in downtown Seattle, I believe some pedestrians are just suicidal. The amount of people I see cross the street at a crosswalk or without a crosswalk and not look at anything but their phone blows my mind. At some point you gotta take some personal responsibility if you get hit. It has nothing to do with us valuing vehicles
By the time the patrol turned around, the driver had time to get married, had 2 children, and was attending the christening of his first grandchild.
@@EddyTheLion actually he might still be waiting for them lol
Christening? Hm, a sociopath in a BMW... I suspect a circumcision would be a more likely children's ritual he'd be attending.
I always cross at crosswalks and still look both ways just in case. You can’t just assume everyone is gonna stop , even if it is the law .
I assume every single person driving on the road has their heads so far up
Their asses they can’t tell if it’s night or day.
The old bloke looked stupid walking into the car in my opinion. He also stood right behind the police van reversing causing it to slow down and loose the driver lol
@@kurtjakes 10000% agree with you
As a forklift driver, I see people cross without looking all the time. And it always baffles me.
Once people pass a certain age, their favourite thing in life is to yell at drivers at cross walks for not slowing down. 😂
This just got a “little” closer than usual for the old boy.
Potrącenie pff... Dziad wlazł na pasy jak świnia a kierowca nawet go nie musnął, gdzie tu potrącenie panie ćwierć inteligencie.
Zanim zawrócili to chłop już w domu był xD
i kawę pił XD
I karpia na święta topił
Co Cie tak cieszy bardzo ?!
@@timonpspjrg7502 Nieudolność Polskiej policji, chyba że mają złapać pijaka na rowerze
I can understand the fact that as a pedestrian you have the right of way on a crossing, but life should be more precious than anything. If you see the driver doesn't stop, let him pass and then cross. You can eventually die or be left disabled for the rest of your life while the stupid driver serves some jail time and then he is free.
But looking @ it critically, this car NEVER knocked him.
@@wanderajames3684 Yeah, but it was kinda suicidal to jump in front of the car ngl.
@@nohax8232 True that.
Totally agree. That dude stepped right into the side of the car. However, that dude had the right of way. The car should've stopped to let him cross.
@@johnmca5643 Yeah, the car should've stopped, but that pedestrian had some suicidal thoughts tho
My mother taught me from as soon as I could remember to look both ways before you cross the street. You have the right of way as a pedestrian but that doesn't mean you can't get hit.
normally yes, but in cross walks humans have absolute priority.
as soon as a human is close by, the car must slow down.
its always good to watch but, crosswalks are basically equivalent to green traffic light.
and very few people look right and left on green light, since cars normally stop. same thing with crosswalks
@@stefanplusplus917 you notice how he still got hit in the crosswalk, right? yeah he should have looked. you should always look both ways, crosswalk or not.
@@stefanplusplus917 Are you idiot, or something? Just because you have priority as a pedestrian, it doesn't mean you shouldn't look around. Because stupids are everywhere, just like this BMW driver. Have you even watched the video? Jeez...
@@tylerb3071 that's your opinion
I lived in SLC for about a year, and they have a running trail that goes directly across a major highway. Which if you live there you know it’s there but no signs and first time you just come on it no warning, my first time I’m going down this road and soon as I’m about to cross a jogger just runs out not even a look, a slow down, nothing. I swirled to miss him he gets irate, I get out to see what the hell he was thinking, he just cussed me out for not looking and runs off.
As my grandpa told me sometimes the only way to get a kid to quit playing with the bbq pit to let him touch it. Some people are just idiots
oby go nie złapali choć widząc to nagranie tu i czytając opis obawiam się, że dobry gość usłyszał zarzuty
That pedestrian was not hit, he stopped and just went back backwards and tripped over the curb. Very clear to see.
Right, the cops would have had a good view if anyone was hit aswell
The guy was at a crosswalk with no blinking lights. The driver should have been more aware.. and also the pedestrian should have not cut out in front of the car on the crosswalk.. comman sence say the guy should have waited for the drive to stop..
@@mikesilva8493 True i Agree for me it was the pedestrian's fault too. because he just walked over to the Car and didn't wait.
@@ceplus6491 do you have to stop at crosswalks to let people cross in this country? He’s automatically in wrong if so but ya common sense
Surprised the dude has made it this far in life
The guy is professional.. Blatant insurance fraud with police witnesses? He even blocked the police reverse
Bro was an npc
@@Demonutzz Yeah, he just spawned in
Who told you it was a dude ?
Błyskawiczna reakcja,dynamiczny pościg.Profesjonalizm.
You are right ✅
Cheers 🥂
Pieszy prawdopodobnie też był NA ŁAKANY (reklamówka) 🍾🍸, JEDNAK "GOŚCIU" POWINIEN GO PRZEPUŚCIĆ
Kiedy zobaczyli kamerę....
Powinien dostać premię
@Damian aaa dokładnie. Nie ustąpił pierwszeństwa ale nie potrącił xD
Ludzie najpierw stoją przed przejściem, wprowadzając kierowców w błąd, a potem jak widzą że ktoś nie zwalnia, to na upartego wchodzą i się dziwią, że zostają potrąceni.
No i tu jest wciąż błąd kierowcy który widząc kogoś przy pasach nie zwolnił
Tsaaaaa xdddd
@@CalineczkaQa wiesz że jest coś takiego jak ograniczone zaufanie? Dziadek się wjebal na pasy po prostu zamiast poczekać kilka sekund, na pewno mu się gdzieś strasznie spieszyło
Chłopie ale jak przepuszcza auto z przeciwka pieszych to i tak się musisz zatrzymać@@mariuszchuhchuj1107
@@CalineczkaQ zmiast muzgu masz telewizor w pacanie ?
Love how the pedestrian sees the car coming and steps out anyway, then proceeds to stand directly behind the van as it's trying to reverse to pursue the car.
Dude just loves being run over. What a dunce.
That was the funniest part, he literally looked right at the car and walked in front it anyways lol
that's a spiteful bitter old geezer he clearly orchestrated the whole thing
Maybe the pedestrian had a death wish and since he didn't get runover by the car he was hoping the police van might back over him
He has right of way. Same way if you were a driver and saw a car coming across you at an intersection and you had a green light and he had red, you would cross.
This is the exact comment I was looking for. You took the words out of my mouth. Thank you.
Wstrząsnął mną ten pościg.
No lepszch nawet w matrixie nie było
Emocje równie wielkie co podczas jedzenia pomidorówki z niedzielnego rosołu.
Ważniejsze od złapania tego gościa jest pomoc poszkodowanemu, policjant wysiadł zapytać się jak się czuje. Gdy gościu powiedział że wszystko w porządku dopiero wtedy zaczęli ścigać srebrne bmw.
Moim zdaniem bardzo dobrze zrobili.
Bardzo dobrze ze Pani, świadek zdarzenia również jeszcze raz zapytała Pana czy wszystko w porządku.
A mnom wczonsnoł
Even if I’m legally allowed to cross I would never walk straight in front of a car 20 feet away lol
cuz ya hav no drip
@@snubdawg1386 bro what💀💀💀
not even 20 feet, that bmw driver really did not need to ran away..
@@enonotorex true, it wasn't his fault at the end, he should have stopped, but it looks like the man walks on purpose in front of the car 🤔
@@sirgriffin2413 Yeah, pretty much like every pedestrian does at a zebra crossing because they have the right of way and the cars have to stop and let the pedestrians pass. I don't know how it's handled where you live, but in germany the BMW driver would lose his driving license for good and never get it back after endangering another person like this.
He wasn't hit at all. He tripped over the curb as he backed away.
yeah, I wonder if it counts as traffic incident in which country
@@kiemugen9830 In poland you must to let pedestrian first, when he is near zebra-crossing.
@@kiemugen9830 pedastrians have priority on zebra-crossings in poland so according to law the driver made a mistake
@@mainvayne6191 What makes it worse is the fact that the police stopped at the crosswalk to give way and he just drove through
If these cops were any faster, they would break the sound barrier!
They actually did, you can't hear the sirens and you can't hear this comment.
They had to make sure if this guy is okay, and rhey had a very bog vechicle soo
They still turning the car around I heard
1.Let the guy cross first
2. Checked it he is okay
3. Roads are tight
4. Man is standing behind the vehicle
5. Roads are congested perpetrator is not getting far
@@FinsaneLorist lol
Man the pedestrian crossed without looking the street first, I wonder how he managed to survive until old age. Even if you have the right to pass, you must watch the street first because accidents do happen. And if you are a car driver, you must always stay focus, specially if there is a cop nearby. And if you are a cop you must pay attention to... you know what? never mind..
Maybe he is senile
The issue I have in Canada is, some pedestrians push button and carrying on walking all in one motion, without hesitation, not looking both ways, no regard for the drivers at all. Drivers expected to stop on a dime/sixpence!
The old fossil literally looked in the opposite direction of the car before crossing.
Look again, armchair experts!
He looked left, saw the car, looked right and crossed over!!
BMW is to blame fully IMHO.
Plus not stopping and caring is a sin!
Guy literally went from walking parallel to the road to crossing the road within a second. He is lucky he actually wasn’t hit.
Guy seems like a scammer
@@reymisterio2233 I was thinking the same. He walks like someone with debt.
It almost looks as if he walks into the side of the car
You suppose to stop at a crosswalk when someone is present.
Lady was polite to check on his wellness.
Brawo dla tej Pani co się zapytała czy wszystko w pożądku.
W czym?
Zapytala sie po to ,zeby to potem wrzucic na UA-cam i zebrac oklaski .
@@everybodypomarancze9355 ahejaho ! essa ez?
w pozadku bo jabol sie nie rozbil
Oh man, this video is gem. Guy gets up and walks like he's one of the NPC's in a video game. Then the cops turn around like Austin Powers in slow motion. brilliant!
Ale gwiazdorstwo w trzech wydaniach hahaha.Jeden udaje potrąconego,drugi pościg a trzeci Samarytanina.
Chłop liczy na L4 i jakieś może odszkodowanie to ładuje się widząc policję na chamcura przed samochód. Co za ludzie.
@@victorkaminski1747 Popełnił błąd, bo nie zorientował się co ma po lewej stronie, ale to przez to, iż psiarnia zatrzymała się przed przejściem, by go przepuścić. Natomiast kierowca powinien się zatrzymać i przepuścić przechodnia, tym bardziej gdy druga strona to zrobiła. A już sama ucieczka świadczy o poczuciu winy kierowcy.
Swietny wpis!!!! Ocena !!! Pani samarytanin
i love how the pedestrian just stays in the way of the cops. makes me wonder if he gets hit a lot.
It's an old man
@@bigbadlara5304 yeah I think he has dementia too lmaoo he definitely shouldn't be walking alone 😂
I thought the cop was going to back into him.
@@bigbadlara5304 not saying he is one, but dummies get old too. but likely he was still confused from almost getting run over.
@@hansomesolo1136 he’s in the nursing home luv he’s on medication
Przechodząc przez jezdnię patrzy się w lewo, w prawo i jeszcze raz w lewo!!! (ruch prawostronny) i przechodzi, jak się ma pewność, że nic nam nie grozi, zwłaszcza na jezdniach wielopasmowych, wyglądać zza wysokich pojazdów, zanim pójdzie się dalej i nawet jak są światła i mamy zielone. Kierowca BMW nie zachował czujności i nie obserwował uważnie sytuacji na przejściu dla pieszych, przez które miał przejechać. Pieszy zbliżał się do przejścia, trzeba uważać, najlepiej zwolnić i ocenić sytuację.
To be fair, the pedestrian walked straight into the road without looking.
People of ANY age should always make sure that it's safe to step off the kerb before doing so.
@Brightfart2 "Right of way" means nothing when your in the morgue.
Rewatch again. He was looking left and right and then walked over. The BMW should have just stopped for him, like the Police for example. It's pretty easy to just break and wait for him to pass the street. Where is the issue. The only one to blame is the BMW driver. Simple case. Try not to defend his behavior. By the way a simple my driver teacher taught me, was always have the food on the break when you approach a "Zebrastreifen". You will always have enough time breaking if you are not speeding.
Yes, seen a lot of those instances on the tube of pedestrians been hit on those crossing, its just crazy to just trust the drivers and step out, and not to look both ways to make sure it's safe to cross
@Brightfart2 They have the right of way after indicating that they want to cross the road. The elderly didn't give the driver enough time to react. He jumped on the street like a 3 year old kid would.
@@abeda6852 This is in Europe. And the rules are simple. They HAVE to slow down and they HAVE to stop for the pedestrian. Like it or not, these are the rules here ;)
“Let’s get physical “ playing on the radio just at the right time👌👌
Çarpmadı amk
Yes, hahaha
Just what I thought
Catchy song.😂
Looked for that comment so I dont have 2 write it
Gets up and keeps walking, like a true video game pedestrian
ngl he barely got touched he just fell on grass so its much of a accomplishment
He didn't even get hit at all if i do say so myself.
Because he never got hit. The title of video is wrong
With the same NPC IQ
Przecież pieszy tutaj wymusił, powinien duży mandat dostać.
pijany był dlatego mu odpuścili
Mom always taught us to wait until the car comes to a stop and make eye contact with the driver before stepping into the road.
@Charming Chowder Well, pedestrians are always right, but not always alive :) Just better to make sure the driver stops before you go
@@Fabio-ql5yf same way the customer is always right. He meant it in that fashion.
Your mom seems bit tupid
@@Fabio-ql5yf He's saying that being legally in the right doesn't mean anything when you're dead. Cars always need to be able to stop for pedestrians, hence why legally they're always in the right.
@Charming Chowder, pedestrians and bikers don’t own the road, we all share it
The dude just walked straight in front of a car he’s on another level of genius
Pedestrian lines are for pedestrians.
The car should have slowed down when seeing that elderly walk near a pedestrian path.
@@abeurakadabeura If he would died, it would be his own fault tho, cause he did it on purpose.
@@kowismo pretty sure that the law in poland says that cars must let the pedestrians go first so if he didnt stop his car its his fault
Pretty sure he wasn't even directly in front of the car, looks more like the edge
To all experts saying it was the pedestrians fault - it wasn't. He was clearly walking towards the crosswalk. According to the local Polish law a driver has to anticipate such situations and slow down in case a pedestrian steps on the road. By the moment he initiated his first step onto the crosswalk any car should've stopped. If the car was moving too fast, it was the driver's fault as well.
Beautiful edit. I love the slow motion at the moment the police turned their van.
I love how their choice of car was a VAN. 🤔
@@LeGeND-12 In all the Europe it's completly usual choice. The police and other services in cities operate kind a mechanized infantry style - you've got up to 10 dudes and car team, so a 5 foot patrols and 1 car patrol on the way. In case of serious offence or riot they regroup and you're sending 2-3 cars full of guys, not 25 single driving sheriffs like in the US.
Have you ever driven a van with tinted glass back & sides?
@@LeGeND-12 turn radius of an aircraft carrier
up to 0:13 pedestrian was walking straight forward, stoped loked at bmw, turned his head the other side and started walking like he is immortal.
when the pedestrian showed his intention to walk acros the street the car was alredy like 5m close.
Exactly my thought. The driver is clearly guilty but damn that pedestrian is a moron. Never ever cross the street when there is a moving car so close to the crosswalk. You might be legally in the right but the car will always win that encounter.
- Ty Stasiek widziałeś?
- No.
- To co dzwonimy na policję?
- Zaraz zaraz...to my jesteśmy policją...gonić sebiksa eło eło 🚔
Raczej czekali na reakcję sebika ,a tu ucieczka z miejsca zdarzenia, nie sprawdził co się stało
Co wy z tymi sebiksami ? Takie samo imię jak Łukasix albo michasix !!
myślę że byli po prostu w szoku :D
that's gotta be the slowest 3 point turn in the history of turning; also loves how the pedestrian stands right behind where the police car needs to back into
The man was standing behind the police van, they most likely did not want to be the second vehicle to hit him within a minute :)
To be fair to the guy, he has just been hit by a car.
He noticed the car and didn’t even care to see if the driver was gonna let him pass or not, man really just took a leap of faith 🤦♀️
Pedestrian has right of way. I'm not sure about here but if a car hits you in the UK at a crossing, you can sue them.
@@Kat-mu8wq sure here in Germany also but before I walk on the street I still look if the car is stopping
@@Kat-mu8wq maybe you where raised to not look out for traffic. Surprised your lineage hasn’t already come to an end.
@@Kat-mu8wq he does, but by the time he turned to walk across, the driver was way too close to be able to tell soon enough and stop. Pedestrian should've checked and waited for the second car to stop and then go over
@@marioyamasaki1925 I’m surprised that your lineage hasn’t learned to spell “were”
Nie jego wina, że mu dziad wlazł pod koła, ale odjechać nie zapytać czy wszystko dobrze to głupota. Może miał cos na na sumieniu, ze odjechał.
Mało brakowało a by mu poprawili tyłem 😅
Też o tym pomyślałem, idealnie się ustawił 😆
Tez tak właśnie pomyślałem jak to oglądałem.
Mi się Benny Hill przypomniał. 😀
🕳️🕳️🤡🤡🔔🔔🔔 . SZCZYT !!!!!! SZCZYTÓW !!!!!.
Też tak pomyślałam:)
Ja rozumiem że pieszy ma pierwszeństwo, ale wchodzić pod samochód który ewidentnie nie ma zamiaru się zatrzymać też nie wydaje się najlepszym pomysłem.
Dla mnie ten pieszy to samobójca
Chciał pewnie jakieś odszkodowanie xd
Wiedz teraz ludzie powinni jeździć ostrożnie i skupić się na jeździe a nie robienie milion innych zeczy za kulkiem, i za takie coś 8 tys zł mandatu to by następnym razem wypatrywał zagrożenia i pieszych jak lew zdobyczy.
@@marcinurbanski3749 Wiedz, że ludzie powinni dbać o swoje zdrowie i życie. Za takie coś 8tys manadatu i by następnym razem wypatrywał zagrożenia i większych i twardszych od siebie, jak lew zdobyczy. :P
Pieszy SPOJRZAŁ na zbliżające się BMW, w poczuciu nieśmiertelności i "zachęcony" zatrzymaniem radiowozu przed przejściem WTARGNĄŁ pod BMW. W swoje lewo już NIE spojrzał ponownie.
Pewnie - kierowca BMW powinien się zatrzymać i upewnić, że nic nikomu się nie stało i to jest niezaprzeczalne, ale samobójcze skłonności pieszego też należy napiętnować.
Nie ma mowy Pieszy na pasach ma pierwszenstwo i koniec temstu.Nie zatrzymuje sie tylko Głąb to tylko brak kultury na jezdni.Polska , Rosja to bez kultury jezdzi , większość.Pozatym to wygladalo na slabo zrobiony film pod scenariusz.
It would've been hilarious if the cop backed in to the old man then chased the other guy down
Im dying reading this bc i thought the police was about to back in to him 2 😂😂😂😂
zaggaona, no that would have been tragic not hilarious!
@@kikisylvester7195 no im pretty sure it would of been hillarious.
@@ItsGman23 sick sense of humor but it's yours. Hope you also don't enjoy torturing animals.
@@kikisylvester7195 how do you get from this to that?😂😂 i love animals. Maybe stop being such a sensitive person. It would be hillarious if he got hit by the police could of been a love tap and it would be comical.
PRAWIE potrącenie, bo kierowca nie potrącił przechodnia. Wina leży po obu stronach bo kierowca nie zatrzymał się żeby przepuścić pieszego (gdzie ma obowiązek go przepuścić), ale wina też leży na Panu który chciał przejść, bo nie zwrócił uwagi że kierowca nie hamuje a tej naj gdyby nigdy nic sobie wchodzi na pasy
jeden lepszy od drugiego, kierowca bmw wiadomo, ale gosc wlazł prosto pod koła jadacego auta, oboje powinni dostac po mandacie, a dziadek dla jego własnego dobra.
A ty lepiej zainwestuj w kodeks o ruchu drogowym.. pewnie jak auto staje na pasach to też je wyprzedzasz ? Niestety ale zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami masz obowiązek zachować szczególną ostrożnośc przy pasach.
@@szpanercichosz Ten pieszy wszedl prosto pod samochod. Jest na to konkretny pragraf. Zadna ostroznosc nie pomoze w takiej sytuacji. Pieszy prawdopodobnie byl nietrzewy, ale szedl na tyle prosto, ze tego nie bylo od razu widac. Za to kierowca nie udzielil mu pomocy, do czego ma
obowiazek i to jest powazne wykroczenie.
@@michapijet9569 teraz są paragrafy głównie za nieustapienie pieszemu obok przejścia. Już nie tak łatwo wtargnąć przed pojazd
@@adamb6588 Przepis tego zabraniajacy nie zostal zniesiony i nie zostanie.
@@szpanercichosz to powiedz czyja jest wina jak tutaj pieszy wchodzi w bok pojazdu :D kierowcy czy pieszego
Chłop czekał żeby jeszcze policja w niego cofnęła :D
Ja myślałem, że mu się podstawiają, żeby wsiadał XD
Wow cóż za szybka reakcja. 10 sek myślenia o co chodzi, potem w 10 sek decyzja żeby ścigać, 15 sek zawracanie i jazda za nim...
0:27 pytają się pieszego czy wszystko ok.. Gratuluje komentarza.
@@tibia19976 ale rzeczywiście pomoc, jeden otworzyl drzwi by zobaczyć jak sytuacja. Facet idzie to ok, nie ma po co wzywać karetki (jak się jest w szoku to się nic nie czuje a następnego dnia na pewno pan miał jakieś obrazenia) i spisać zeznań ale łaskę robią by sprawce ścigać. Brawo 🤦♀️
Ten facet widział że jedzie auto wlazł mu pod koła widać jak się obraca i przed auto wchodzi .
dude is walking same way as the cars then turns around at a crosswalk and gives the driver literally less than 2 seconds to react and stop before deciding to cross, bloody genius
edit: guys please, just because there are laws on how drivers are supposed to drive does not mean they will 100% of the time. Lands where drivers always drive predictably and how theyre "supposed to" only exist in fantasy and videogames. In reality, you get drivers that are distracted, tired, drunk, etc... Was the driver at fault? Somewhat. But placing the blame solely on that driver is reckless thinking
That accident was entirely avoidable, because it is ultimately up to the pedestrian to assess whether or not it is safe to cross before crossing. In reality, road rules dont just magically give peds immunity to physical harm, and its only a matter of time before something like this happens if someone feels like playing chicken with a moving vehicle. And, in a collision between a car and a human, the car always wins.
Yes I am very biased. I prefer walking to work, and see my fair share of drivers that either dont notice or dont care about me standing at a crossing, looking at them and waiting for them to slow down and stop, and thats even with me giving them far more than 2 seconds to respond. If I felt as entitled as yall seem to think peds should be, and walked out in those cases, daring the driver to floor their brake pedal, I would definitely have been hit, and almost hit, dozens of times over the years. Expecting all drivers to behave like theyre "supposed to," especially at 6am is foolish, and anyone that is willing to gamble on their safety because of some false assumption that they are invincible, arguably deserves to get Darwin'd
tldr: the reason a ped is in the middle of the road is the peds responsibility, not the drivers
It was really bad that he did not look before he had 'walked into the car', which makes me wonder if he did it intentionally?
@@makaha5750 Left side of eye view is apparent to preempt such stupidity.He failed to calculate anticipation.
He’s like 70 years old…
By the way drivers have to respect the crosswalk. The car broke the law.
Can you see the line of cars in the other side of the road? They were good drivers. That’s how you do a crosswalk.
Android. Гений или не гений,но водитель,сбивший пешехода ,обязан выйти и поинтересоваться все ли в порядке с пострадавшим,. А уж потом разбираться,кто прав ,а кто виноват!
I agree completely but he certainly should have stopped to see if the pedestrian was alright
Legend tells, that by the time the police finished the U-turn, the driver had traveled to the port, rented a ship, sailed to Argentina, changed identity, met a woman, married, divorced, and today lives in Buenos Aires as a grocery store owner.
Its true in the man
I've heard this legend too. It must be true.
@@parobg 😂😂
You my friend have a big imagination
And changed his name to Adolf Eichmann
That 3 point turn was something else👏.
Nice to see cops for once abide by their driving lessons' days.
Full on Austin Powers, they could've done it in 2 turns if the bloke wasn't stood right behind their van, they were probably worried if they went back too far they'd knock him over again, he won't live much longer, he doesn't even look either times he crosses the road.
that was a 5 point turn my mans
A three-point turn is simply something you do when you have to. It's not something that is mandatory or even something you train for...
lol. this video lacks skiing and skurs no shit. idk wtf the guy in the bmw doing, but ye them coops dont know how to drive fr
@@Kiowan918 lmao yeah idk what he was thinking
Prawo o ruchu drogowym: Art. 14, Zabrania się: 1) wchodzenia na jezdnię lub drogę dla rowerów: a) bezpośrednio przed jadący pojazd, w tym również na przejściu dla pieszych. Amen.
A "kierujący pojazdem, zbliżając się do przejścia dla pieszych, jest obowiązany zachować szczególną ostrożność"
Sytuacja była w stu procentach możliwa do przewidzenia przez kierowcę, zwłaszcza w warunkach idealnej widoczności. Styl jazdy na nagraniu robi wrażenie jakby ktoś prowadził gapiąc się w telefon.
Legenda głosi, że pościg trwa dalej ...
Gonią się po rondzie 😂
@@Razdwatrzybabajagapatrzy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ainda estão perseguindo.....
That pedestrian stepped out at the last minute. I see this ALL the time in my Midwestern town (America). People just crossing without looking. You are still responsible for looking out for your own safety people!
Yes,actually pedestrian hit car,driver is legit 100%
@Ganz Bestimmt if you're a pedestrian and trust your own life to drivers you kind of get what you deserve because people fucking suck at driving
Yeah, this is why I tense up in centers of town and parking lots, most of the time it's someone darting out without a crosswalk or just being oblivious
@Sylvester I speed up a bit. No need to pay out medical bills!
@Ganz Bestimmt europe is so cucked
Boski refleks! :) Jestem pod wrażeniem czasu reakcji funkcjonariuszy :)
Pewnie dostali zgłoszenie z dyżurki :)
@@konradl.8042 XDDDD
Oszukiwało się na testach sprawnościowych
Wiesz że musieli się najpierw upewnić czy wszystko okej z poszkodowanym co nie?
Góra musi zezwolić sami nie mogą ścigać od tak
Obaj są winni kierowca i pieszy. Ale kierowca nawet się nie zatrzymał, żeby sprawdzić stan zdrowia poszkodowanego. To już jest przestępstwo!
I love the driving skill from the police....
To be fair to the police, dude did just stand right in the spot where the police van was trying to reverse into to turn round quickly making it harder for them to do it faster 😂😂
yeah I thought they were going to hit the guy a 2nd time while he was just standing in the worst spot possible lmao
@@CosmicAeon I thought so too!
@@CosmicAeon Thought it was going to be a police back over pedestrian whilst pursuing car that hit pedestrian😆.
I read drinking skill at first.
Totally made sense though...
Przepisy przepisami, ale pieszy nawet się nie upewnił czy przejście jest bezpieczne tylko jak święta krowa pod auto.
@Przemek Mańkowski bo to kierowca ma uważać i ustąpić pierwszeństwa, ma zachować szczególną ostrożność
@@omgoat tylko tak jak widać na nagraniu, pieszy idzie po chodniku i gdy auto jest już przed samymi pasami nagle wchodzi na jezdnię
Auto jechało wystarczająco wolno i dla tego nic się nikomu nie stało
Mi dzisiaj wbiegł zza kamienicy pędem przed maskę dosłownie, ale jechałem tam 20km/h, lekko przyhamowalem, i przebiegł
Auto z naprzeciwka stało wiec sprawa jest jasna. Policja żenada, tak to jest jak udają, że nie widzą aut na lewych tablicach, których jest pełno na naszych drogach.
Wina pieszego, nawet nie było widać, że gość chce przejść. Żeby uniknąć czegoś takiego to trzeba się zatrzymywać na każdych pasach gdzie ktoś stoi w pobliżu 10 metrów. Rozglądanie się przez pieszego to obowiązek, wtedy kierowca widzi, że ktoś chce przejść.
By the time the police turned around, the BMW was already in another country😂
In Romania I guess 😀
Naaa, the next red light would stop him.🤪
In Germany, judging by his bad driving and disrespecting rules and pedestrians
@@alekseyromanov9593 вопрос не в том,где это.. а где бмв окажется быстрее , чем среагировал экипаж доблестной полиции
Ewidentnie pijany starzec wtargnął na pasy, gdy ten był już przed nimi. Nie ma winy kierowcy. bo obowiązkiem pieszego jest patrzeć się 2x w lewo i raz w prawo (ja powtarzam to by żyć...).
Abstrahując od beemki to typ też ma nieźle nasrane ten przechodzień, że wyszedł centralnie pod koła xD
Po czym stał jak kołek widząc, że gliny próbowały wycofać. Jakim cudem ten gość przeżył tyle lat...
@@panstanisaw4930 Dobre, ale mocno oklepane... Zupełnie jak twoja matka po libacji alkoholowej.
Więc nie musiał uciekać? Ech, to niestety polska.
@Łech Obowiązek obowiązkiem, ale różnie bywa. Może kierowca był roztargniony, zamyślił się lub czytał/pisał SMSa (choć nie powinien).
Wina leży po stronie kierowcy, ale pan starszy rozsądkiem się nie popisał. Zerknął tylko w kierunku jadącego auta, znajdującego się ~4 metry od niego i wszedł na pasy. Miał takie prawo, ale czy powinien to robić, w sytuacji gdy nie było absolutnie żadnego sygnału, że auto się zatrzyma?
Pieszy zbliżając się do przejścia dla pieszych ma pierwszeństwo, może nawet rozmyślić się w ostatniej chwili i nie przechodzić, kierowca ma uważać. Jestem kierowcą ale niestety takie obecnie prawo.
Stop criticising the police reaction time. He had to finish his pizza and coffee before the chase otherwise it would have been unsafe.
Hahaaaa u got me
I don't know how that man managed to live so many years. 0% self-preservation instinct
Are you really that heartless? Eager to give away your next Darwin Award? How much imagination do you need to realize it's difficult to be aware of your surroundings when one's vision & hearing aren't so good anymore? That pedestrian was easily in his 60's, possibly even his 70's. I see several people in these comments blaming the elderly man, but sparing a rather un-observant driver from any criticism. Anybody care to notice how he ignored the "crosswalk ahead" warning? Or what about not just breezing through like his eyes are closed, when opposing traffic has come to a complete stop?
@@magnificentmuttley154 It's the internet, people are pricks here. The 'darwin award' is especially callous. I hope they'd say the same thing to their grandmother who has lived in the same town for 20 years and walks to the grocery store, crossing the same crosswalks to return home, used to being given the right of way by incoming traffic, as she should, until a jerk in his BMW crashes into her because he didn't acknowledge there was a pedestrian standing next to the big 'pedestrian crossing' sign and couldn't put two and two together. These people who act like the driver was justified are people who will end up breaking a law due to their lack of comprehension skills and blame the victim, they'll enjoy paying a hefty fine someday. Most Americans especially hold the perspective of drivers, since they never get off their asses and walk, therefore are incapable of empathizing with pedestrians, as they never play that role...
@@magnificentmuttley154 you can still have a "heart" and simultaneously acknowledge that you noticed someone almost killed themselves. Its actually more heartless to ignore it. Someone either needs to help grandpa not die.
@@magnificentmuttley154 @Magnificent Muttley you can still have compassion and simultaneously acknowledge that you noticed someone almost killed themselves. Its actually more heartless to ignore it. Someone either needs to help grandpa not die.
*@gxlorp* 👌 Your point is well-received. I agree with you 100%. It's others here whom I'm criticizing for what amounts to letting that BMW driver get away "scott free." They're criticizing the elderly man, but conveniently ignoring that driver's mistakes. And that just isn't right. That's all I'm saying
And that's why you wait for the cars to stop before crossing
To be fair, that pedestrian is quite an idiot. Straight up walked into the street without making sure the car stopped. He approached the crosswalk just as the car was passing it. Idk if I'd expect the car to stop that short if I were walking there...
Entitled mindset. Thinks the law is on his side and that a machine will just stop. God forbid that cars breaks stopped working or he was driving in snow or on wet leaves. You NEVER trust a machine to stop for you.
Yeah, it would at least have made sense if they had the flashing pedestrian lights, but they didn't even have that. Even still, when using those I still am incredibly cautious about the cars.
The law can be on your side, but the law will not stop a car from running you over. The law will just penalize the culprit(assuming the bother finding them) and you will still be dead/injured with an apology card from... the law. Better to be smart/cautious than to be right.
Well I think the car should have at least slowed down approaching the crossing, anticipating the person will cross. The pedestrian lane is still have a priority over vehicles.
Though idk there is a thing as well that the old guy at least checked made sure the vehicle is stopping or have stopped before crossing. That was rather too close to cross, good thing this was on slow speed so sudden brake is possible.
But the driver didn't really help his case since he run away from the incident. Basically considered hit and run I guess. Has he stopped, checked on the person and aplologize, maybe police might not even chased him.
This is why I make sure that the vehicle is stopping or has stopped before crossing. Some drivers can be idiot and will just speed, better not risk my life into that. Too many drivers don't have full awareness in the road, especially on crosswalks.
This is exactly like saying "He was wearing a gun. It's entitled mindest to think the ammo is not going to fail and gun shots by coincidence." You're absolutely obligated to expect pedestrians are going to cross the crossing and slow down accordingly even if the pedestrian is just passing by and not using the crossing at all. This whole event should have not even occured. That's the reason those crossings are there, cities are for people not for the cars. I say this as somebody who does 35 000 km per year and needs car for a living.
Poland is so beautiful this time of year
Nie ma to jak się wpierdolić prosto pod samochód
Powinni go szybko zapakować, faceta(widać ,że zawiany i nie myśli ,wchodzi sam pod samochód ,a ten co "potrącił" też mógł zwolnić jak widział dziada,że może wtargnąć, i nie odjeżdżać) do radiowozu i wtedy udać się w "pościg".😂 W US to by była szybka piłka! A tutaj jakaś FARSA! A ta Pani dobrze się zachowała,zapytała,empatia,czyli serducho na właściwym miejscu ❤ Ogólnie to znieczulica,same roboty z wypranymi mózgami lub bezmózgowce.
This felt like a GTA game. He dropped and got up like a NPC.
Even the radio was on point.
Jesus is the way the truth and the life no man comes to the Father but by him. You will burn with Satan in hell if you don't repent of your sins and trust in Jesus
lol really did
I was thinking the same thing. He might have some minor problems with his cognition. His reactions are really off.
What about the corps? They should hit street lamps :)
And the guy was just as clueless as the NPCs in GTA
Chłop nawet przechodząc drugi raz sie nie rozejrzał XD
Hahahah serio... kurde i tak to jest z tymi pieszymi
0:14 si des deux côtés
@@Joachim01 Haha, znaFcy z internetu nie wiedzą że w takiej sytuacji poszkodowany bardzo często jest w szoku i nie myśli racjonalnie...
He didn’t get hit, the guy fell backwards after realizing there was a car there. There is no moment in which his body is flung in a direction the car is going. He simply starts walking backwards and trips.
Exactly thts what I see here,thts why the driver didn't bother to stop cause the car didn't touch the man in any way
Yes he not hit. Walk out change his mind and fall by himself. People just read title and cant think by them selves.....sad.
Sytuacja jest jednoznaczna. Kierowca ma obowiązek ustąpić pierwszeństwa pieszemu, ale tylko wtedy, gdy zamiar przejścia jest rozpoznawalny i obiektywnie widoczny. Pan ewidentnie wkroczył na jezdnie pod kola jadącego auta. Kierowca dodatkowo podjął próbę hamowania (widać w 0:14 ze był może z metr przed linia). Dodatkowo kierowca dostosował prędkość. Ponadto widział w lusterkach, ze pan wstał i normalnie przeszedł przez jezdnie, a ze nie doszło nawet do kontaktu miedzy autem a przechodniem, postanowił kontynuować jazdę. Policja może sobie kierowcy poszukiwać nawet w Holandii (mimo, ze rejestracja jest duńska).
Co ja bym zrobil jako pieszy: na pewno bym nie wszedł na pasy.
Co ja bym zrobil jako kierowca: przyhamowałbym bardziej zbliżając się do pasów. Ale takiego obowiązku nie ma. Obowiązek wynikający z przepisów to zatrzymanie auta przed linia przed kimś, kto ma widoczny zamiar przejścia przez jezdnie. Samo kierowanie się wzdłuż jezdni (nawet jeśli w bliskiej odległości są pasy) nie jest powodem do zatrzymania auta - szczególnie ze pan szzedl w tym samym kierunku co jadący pojazdem.
Podsumowujac: kierowca nie złamał przepisów. Każdy adwokat by go wybronił na rozprawie. Kierowca co najwyżej nie wykazał się 100% czujnością. Natomiast pan-bohater wykazał się totalna nierozwaga i wtargnął na jezdnie. Porównując ta także z linia orzecznicza - kierowcy nie grozi odpowiedzialność karna. Policja powinna w tym przypadku pouczyć obu delikwentów. Nic więcej.
This clip had it all:
-The BMW not paying attention and driving away as if nothing happened
-The pedestrian being 100% in oblivion NPC mode
-The police waiting for the new objective to pop up on their screen before acting
The guy was not hit by the car, not the drivers fault that the guy just stepped into the road. go back look at the video again the guy was never hit by the BMW
@@ScottMGordon the pedestrian was hindered by the driver and he fell because of the driver. It's a pedestrian crossing, you mustn't only not run over pedestrians at a crissing, you aren't allowed to hinder them or block them or even drive fast.
Also, it's your responsibility in case of an accident to check on the victim and at least exchange addresses for possible insurance claims. If you don't do that, even if it's not fault - which, in this case, it clearly is - it's a hit and run, which is a criminal offence pretty much everywhere in the world.
Proof we are living in a simulation?? 🤨🧐
@@KolnFriedChicken a driver does not have to assume every pedestrian is potentially going to cross the road and this guy just turned and went across the road
@@kacper.6537 Indeed, a driver has to assume that every potential pedestrian is going to cross at the crossing. If unsure you have to stop. Of course you must not slow down, you can speculate that the pedestrian won't cross because he fears being overrun (that's illegal though) or you could just assume the pedestrian won't cross and drive. However if the pedestrian is crossing and you hit him or harm him in any way (e.g. like in this footage by forcing him to jump back) - it's your fault.
A już myślałem, że pieszemu mandat dadzą :)
Ewidentne wtargnięcie Sam się przewrocil
Na szczęście nie ma zakazu wymijania
Art 13 i14 nie wiem za co chcą dać mandat kierowcowi
Ale nie zdziwie się jak wprowadzą
@@HermanKoszarek czyli mamy dwie sprzeczne wersje wniosek z tego ze takie przejścia nie powinne istnieć
Jedynie z sygnalizacją świetlna
@@HermanKoszarek Art. 13. 1. **Pieszy, przechodząc przez jezdnię lub torowisko, jest obowiązany zachować szczególną ostrożność oraz, z zastrzeżeniem ust. 2 i 3, korzystać z przejścia dla pieszych. Pieszy znajdujący się na tym przejściu ma pierwszeństwo przed pojazdem.** - nie bylo go na przejściu tylko przed a samochod byl mniej niż 6m i wyhamuj z predkosci 40kmh
2. Przechodzenie przez jezdnię poza przejściem dla pieszych jest dozwolone, gdy odległość od przejścia przekracza 100 m. Jeżeli jednak skrzyżowanie znajduje się w odległości mniejszej niż 100 m od wyznaczonego przejścia, przechodzenie jest dozwolone również na tym skrzyżowaniu.
3. Przechodzenie przez jezdnię poza przejściem dla pieszych, o którym mowa w ust. 2, jest dozwolone tylko pod warunkiem, że nie spowoduje zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa ruchu lub utrudnienia ruchu pojazdów. Pieszy jest obowiązany ustąpić pierwszeństwa pojazdom i do przeciwległej krawędzi jezdni iść drogą najkrótszą, prostopadle do osi jezdni.
4. Jeżeli na drodze znajduje się przejście nadziemne lub podziemne dla pieszych, pieszy jest obowiązany korzystać z niego, z zastrzeżeniem ust. 2 i 3.
5. Na obszarze zabudowanym, na drodze dwujezdniowej lub po której kursują tramwaje po torowisku wyodrębnionym z jezdni, pieszy przechodząc przez jezdnię lub torowisko jest obowiązany korzystać tylko z przejścia dla pieszych.
6. Przechodzenie przez torowisko wyodrębnione z jezdni jest dozwolone tylko w miejscu do tego przeznaczonym.
7. Jeżeli wysepka dla pasażerów na przystanku komunikacji publicznej łączy się z przejściem dla pieszych, przechodzenie do i z przystanku jest dozwolone tylko po tym przejściu.
8. Jeżeli przejście dla pieszych wyznaczone jest na drodze dwujezdniowej, przejście na każdej jezdni uważa się za przejście odrębne. Przepis ten stosuje się odpowiednio do przejścia dla pieszych w miejscu, w którym ruch pojazdów jest rozdzielony wysepką lub za pomocą innych urządzeń na jezdni.
Art. 14. Zabrania się:
1) wchodzenia na jezdni ę:
**a) bezpośrednio przed jadący pojazd, w tym również na przejściu dla pieszych,**
b) spoza pojazdu lub innej przeszkody ograniczającej widoczność drogi;
2) przechodzenia przez jezdnię w miejscu o ograniczonej widoczności drogi;
3) zwalniania kroku lub zatrzymywania się bez uzasadnionej potrzeby podczas przechodzenia przez jezdnię lub torowisko;
4) przebiegania przez jezdnię;
5) chodzenia po torowisku;
6) wchodzenia na torowisko, gdy zapory lub półzapory są opuszczone lub opuszczanie ich rozpoczęto;
7) przechodzenia przez jezdnię w miejscu, w którym urządzenie zabezpieczające lub przeszkoda oddzielają drogę dla pieszych albo chodnik od jezdni, bez względu na to, po której stronie jezdni one się znajdują.
The driver wasnt even given 3 secs to react, as a pedestrian you need to not only check if traffic is coming, but also need to make sure you dont suddenly step onto crosswalk with close by traffic. That guy first walked straight and suddenly turned, and started to walk onto the crosswalk within less than 3 sec. It is a 50/50 fault here, and this was prolly the reason why the cops didnt instantly chase after the car.
Idk the pedestrian looks like he walks not over the road then waits and then just jumps infront of the car even tho he sees the car didn’t slow down
People like you get thumbs down while stupid comments get thumbs up to the stars.
The police can't leave the place before checking on the pedestrian to see if he's fine. To me it looks like driver was driving carefully at low speed. Driver should have been prepared to stop, his reaction was too slow. The pedestrian was acting very reckless. Making things worse, the driver paniced and drove away.
most of you need a legislation course on why you are wrong the driver is 100% at fault. pedestrian intent was clear the police van was stoped the bmw kept going
@@catalintimofti1117 Finally someone who actually knows the laws. Reading some of these comments finally made me realize why there are so many car accidents...
This was like something from GTA, the way he just gets up and keeps crossing like nothing ever happened
Yoooo i thought exactly the same. And the slow reaction of the police. Turning 1000 times like 100% gta
Legenda głosi, że pościg jeszcze trwa...
szybciej tramwajem by zawrocil niz tym radiowozem.
@@visionstreetwear108 mądry komentarz I śmieszny w ch
@@visionstreetwear108 Tramwajem się nie da zawrócić. 😂
Legenda głosi że wrócili w to samo miejsce ponieważ zgubili trop i zaczynają wszystko od początku.
I jeszcze pewnie trwa xD
I love how the police made sure he was alright before chasing the car
Notice how the idiot stood behind a backing police vehicle..... guess he wanted to get hit again or impeed the police from getting turned around more quickly.
He did accomplish that ( impeeded the cops )
*I love how the police made sure he was alright before doing a beginners 3-point turn and slowly driving in the direction of the car
The word “chase” shouldn’t be used here.
The pedestrian stood up and walked across the street perfectly fine , the pedestrian was ok. Three point turn was hampered by the idiot pedestrian standing behind the police vehicle. If the police would have done a totally unnecessary check on the pedestrian , the driver of the car would have been long gone. Besides cops can send someone else to contact the pedestrian , who btw stepped out in front of a moving vehicle. That's not too bright.
@@BLM_Big_Lipped_Marxist That chase was fire. You're just jealous.
bruh he didn’t even get hit lmao
Pieszy wtargnął pod samochód to sam jest sobie winien