Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the video! A quick correction, the military dictatorship did not officially start until 1973, not 1968 as I said in the video. Regardless, it was a pretty crazy time in history and I highly recommend doing some research about it. Uruguay is a fascinating country. If you want a more comprehensive guide on what you SHOULD do while in Uruguay check out my write up here www.golocaltips.com/montevideo cheers guys! -cal
Cal McKinley Hi, you should also correct the fact that Mujica did not fight against dictatorship. Mujica and Tupamaros did fight against a Government elected by the people in national elections. Tupamaros was a guerilla/terrorist organization, which decided to impose their ideas through the use of weapons against civilians. They robbed, stole, kidnapped and killed people all long before dictatorship. Thanks for the video and keep the good work.
And it was only 13 years out of the 200 years as an independent country. It was an aberration, as Uruguay has always been super democratic and liberal. Actually, it was needed because communism was threatening the nation.
Another country that has a hypocritical government, it is true that it is an example of Democracy, as Chile is, but it is a perfect hypocrite because its government supports the Communist dictatorships of Venezuela and Cuba, the communists of the whole world.
Thank you for travelling to , and featuring Uruguay in your videos...makes my heart proud to see my home for 4 years, and where both my parents came from, shown in such a positive light.
I have loved Uruguay since I first started reading about it, I have never had the opportunity to visit there. I want to go live there, I love the scenery, the language, the culture.... I even support the soccer team (my friends say I am a traitor to my home country's team lol). It has been my dream to live and farm there for almost my entire adult life. Someday soon I hope
crystal pretorius you should check it out.a year ago i took a american airlines fly to montevideo half of the fly was entire americans.oviuosly summer time.off course
South Africa, from what I have read Uruguay has a similar climate. I just love Uruguayan culture, and the food...omg... the markets and the sights are just amazing.
AB Baby well right now we changed from a left winged government to a right winged government because we are supposedly in this big crisis even tho lots of countries actually admire Uruguay. And our new beloved president is this moron who voted against so many human rights and fair laws so... wish us luck
I went to Uruguay 10 years ago, and I was thoroughly impressed by the country. I rented a car, and with no plans just drove, and visited 15 of the 19 departments in Uruguay. I had so many amazing happenstance, unorchestrated enounters with the lovely people there. Met the man, and took pictures with him, that is in the Guiness World Record book, for his collection of pencils!! I have told many people of my encounters, and have thought of myself as an unofficial liason of USA vs. Uruguay relations. I'd go back again in a heartbeat!! I still to this day have a fond affection for the country!! Thank you for your brief synopsis, very well done!!
I would love to visit Uruguay 🇺🇾 one day cause it’s my dream country. 😍😍😍 Greetings from Tajikistan 🇹🇯(one of a former Soviet Union country) to beautiful people of Uruguay!!!
Matias Genda no se puede vivil alli mas iva todos Los anos a ver mi mami ella se fue to heaven y la verdad casi ni quiere il confundieton democracia con roval,relajo,matar gente inosente
Uruguay and Chile are neck in neck for best quality of life in Latin America. I'd say Chile is more free market, and Uruguay is more democratic socialist.
Brother I'm very impressed with your hard work invested into this. I've been living in this country for two-and-a-half years and just recently found some free time and will be uploading videos on smoking in Uruguay your video is very inspirational and I hope you come back again soon we can smoke a joint together
OK... Montevideo has another places beyond the "Ciudad Vieja" and Downtown . I think also that Rocha is better than Punta del Este, but the video is Ok. Hope that you enjoyed the trip to Uruguay.
En realidad no llueve tanto, eso varía cada año en realidad. Pero suele estar algo fresco en esa época aún, a mediados de Diciembre y hasta Abril aproximadamente hay clima cálido en el país.
Asado (parrilla)... corvina negra a las brasas... chivitoooo! Primeros 15 días de diciembre o los últimos días de febrero (sin ¨cae¨ Carnaval) y los primeros de Marzo son desde mi punto de vista, las mejores épocas para visitar, si querés evitar los aglomeramientos de gente en la costa (Rocha, Maldonado).
Emiliano- I agree! Quality of life in Uruguay is up and coming. The people are kind, warm, and peaceful. I would like to see more free market dynamics, but the people are wonderful. My wife and I visited (Americans) last year. We miss Uruguay and would visit again.
Greg Cashman you are welcome back anytime! As a Uruguayan living in the USA for over 25 years now, I extend a warm welcome as your country has welcomed my family.
@@ikariam12345678 Sorry, I just saw your comment. We flew in to Montevideo and spent the first 4 days there. Went to Colonia del Sacramento next & really enjoyed it. We then back-tracked and made the drive to Punta del Este. Last couple of days in Montevideo again before the flight home. 14 days in all.
This video is really nice. I appreciate this dude being so open to get to know small countries like mine! I love Montevideo, I actually live there and I would say that there were some very cool places he missed on his visit. But he did catch the montevidiano vibe pretty well and I'm proud to say that what he tells from uruguayan people is absolutely true! Thanks dude for a nice video.
Soy argentino, la verdad que no hay nada mejor que un hermano uruguayo, pero para ser sincero Uruguay es para hacer un video de 2-3 días, no hay prácticamente nada para hacer ni ver, si tenemos en cuenta una persona que viaja desde EEUU lo ideal sería recorrer varios países de Sudamérica o ir a Argentina estar un tiempo y luego tomarse un buquebus e irse a uruguay unos dias (que es lo que casi todos hacen) (y lo que el del video hizo)
I love the way he says Montevideo even tho he's saying it totally wrong, it is just so nice how interested he is in such a hidden gem like Uruguay it's so cute.
Los primeros arrestos y reprensión se dieron en 1968, y mujica luchó en contra del gobierno militar, pues era un tupamaro, se rebeló en contra de la dictadura
@@camiladiaz5839 no...jeje los tupamaros lucharon contra la democracia burguesa. Eran marxistas, por lo tanto luchaban contra la democracia burguesa, al menos ideologicamente.. gestido fue elegido mediante elecciones... así q no era dictadura. Que te parece a vos?
Thank you for visiting, and featuring our country in your channel. Uruguay noma! as we say. I may be far away now, but my heart is always there. Unfortunately, due to an economic recession my whole family emigrated to the US in 2002; a lot of people left the country during that time. I went back in 2014, lived there for about a year and a half, and then I moved to Australia, and now the UK. I was making about 300USD a month while in Uruguay, which makes it hard to get by; even though I was working in Technical Support in English. 300 USD is close to the national minimum wage. Anyway, thanks again. Keep exploring the world. Cheers!
I totally agree with ur opinion im Australian and we moves here dont know why it was my pearents worst move(at the moment i was underage) im 18 now i plan on moving back to Australia the unemployment is high
Hope you liked it your trip to Uruguay.........I'm Uruguayan and it makes me very proud that Uruguay for been such a small country has achieved so many recognitions worldwide lately.
I loved this video!!! I moved to Canada about 4 years ago when I was 14, getting used to the Canadian culture was very hard but it was a perfect way to learn to appreciate where I come from. Now all I do every now and then, usually before going back to visit, is watch videos of Uruguay and Montevideo and this is by far the best one!!! I hope you enjoyed a lot, and hope you are planning on going back with a couple friends so you can actually have fun and enjoy more! Thank you for thisss !!
Although Uruguay is one of the safest countries in Latin America, it has seen a rise in crime associated with narcotics. In a survey of more than 8,500 prisoners, a third said they had committed crimes under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and nearly half of those had consumed pasta base. Users may be a tiny minority, but they are often associated with theft and robbery. Although pasta base is a cheap drug at $1 or $2 a hit, addicts need multiple doses.
Leonardo Castagna Y qué necesidad tenés de darles toda esa información, hasta el precio de la pasta base? Estás haciendo propaganda para que los turistas vayan a comprarla??? O vos la usas por eso sabes el precio?
Emiliano Fagundez Stoletniy la repartición de sueldos es una basura pq le sacan a la gente q trabaja y se lo dan a los inutiles. Los sueldos grandes no dan para vivir pq sale todo carisimo y lo de la corrupcion es cualquiera pq a donde fueron a parar los 182 millones de dolares de la reforma de software del BROU?? A la empresa del hijo de Tabare, los 800 millones de ancap? Toda la inclusion financiera? Por favor, no creas el verso q te dice el frente amplio, estamos mal, muy mal. No digo q votes a lo blancos, pero no votes al frente en el 2019
Emiliano Fagundez Stoletniy no,perdona q te diga pero solo crees lo q te dice el gobierno. La inclusion financiera por un lado es bueno pero por el otro malo, pq si no hay efectivo q hacen los turistas? Y a los q no les da para una tarjeta?. Despues lo de la gente pobre no se como no podes verlo vos mismo en la calle, esta lleno de gente en situacion de calle!. Y q la gente tenga smartphones y eso no significa nada, pq te compras uno de 50 dolares y fue. Y la criminalidad crecio pq el gobierno los dejo pq a ellos les sirve, sera por las drogas pero quien dejo q se llenara de drogadictos y de narcos? Quienes fueron los q cambiaron la educacion 4 veces (para peor)y eso provoco maa gente drogadicta?. Los medios de comunicación solo informan. No entendes q el frente cago todo el pais pq a ellos les conviene la gente ignorante e inutil q no se da cuenta de estas cosas por eso los van a seguir votando, pero q va a pasar cuando no puedan mantener mas a todos los del MIDES y a otros, pq toda la gente trabajadora se canso q les saquen de su sueldo el 50% para regalarlo a gente q no trabaja? Se funde el pais pq el frente vive de los q trabajan pero cuando ya no haya trabajadores se les acaba la fiesta a los pichis y los mantenidos. Asi q con todo esto creo q podes ver q tu gobierno no es tan bueno. No los votes en 2019. Soy economista y te digo q esto va a terminar muy mal para Uruguay
You need to put a banner in the video the dictatorship didn't start in 68 but in 73. What started in 1968 were the urgent safety messures to protect the nation from the terrorist attacks by the Tupamaros led among others by Mujica himself. They started as a quasy Robin-Hood Dantesque take from the rich to give to the poors sort of group in 1964 but by 1968 they had become very violent and murderous, so the government asked the army to take matters into their own hands and enhanced the security messures. In 1973 there was coup d'etat lead by then President Juan María Bordaberry which put the Army in power for more than a decade to 1985. Ironically the Tupamaros were all either exilled, in jail or six feet underground by then.
Nicolás Scasso No it didn't. Don't lie. You make us all look bad and as liars. Whatever the army did in 1968 was nothing compared to what they did after 1973. So please refrain yourself from lying.
No. That was Gabriel Terra. And as bad as Pacheco was the house of representatives was still in place, and so were the legislative power and the constitution. NOTHING of that was present between 1973 and 1984. So you are indeed lying.
Acá el único ignorante y además irrespetuoso sos vos. El que hundió al país en la pobreza no fue Pacheco, los que hundieron al país en la pobreza fueron los COLEGIADOS. El país era un caos, había hambre y miseria por todos lados y encima los Tupas matando gente inocente en redadas. Se votó a Gestido porque la gente lo quería muchísimo y se lo veía como la última esperanza. Por eso los Tupas aprovecharon para hacerse a las armas y seguir el movimiento guerrillero izquierdista que sacudía latinoamérica por aquella época. El problema fue que lo mismo que les dijo El Ché se confirmó, y era que en Uruguay no podía haber guerrilla porque no existe un proletariado masivo como el resto de América Latina, y como el Uruguay estaba fundidazo mientras los tupas fueron la novedad recibían fondos de la ETA y otros grupos, hasta participaron de operativos terroristas en otros países, secuestros y asaltos. Pero después había que pagarles a esos grupos y no había con qué. Entonces empezaron a robar y matar a gente inocente por tener más dinero pero además a gente pobre por el solo hecho de ser testigos. Y fue un efecto tipo bola de nieve. No te olvides que el discurso del MLN siempre fue la lucha de clases pero la plata de Pando jamás la devolvieron ni a los dueños ni a los niños con escorbuto que morían de hambre en la calle. La gente que creció con el discruso izquierdista no sabe que ELLOS mismos le dieron la espalda al pueblo, ELLOS se hicieron odiar porque el MLN de 1964 era una cosa totalmente distinta al MLN de 1968. Si el MLN de 1964 jamás hubiese cambiado las medidas prontas de seguridad de Pacheco nunca habrían existido. LA GENTE las pedía.
Dude seeing this video on my country makes me so proud because in the United States it’s so rare to find someone who knows about Uruguay and even more rare if they’re from Uruguay, even myself only being half Uruguayan
I took the Buquebus, but in the other direction, Montevideo to Buenos Aires. I’m impressed with your knowledge of the world and glad you have enjoyed traveling to so many countries. Thanks for sharing.
Excellent video , thanks for sharing your great experience. I have done the same trip a few times but lack the editing and filming expertise you have . Keep up the good work 👍👌
Close to the main crossroads in Malvin Norte, Silvia Siage runs a small store selling basic food products, items of clothing, and children's toys. But it's not easy to see the range of goods, because no one is allowed inside. Silvia serves customers through a barred window and there are grills and padlocks on every door. Life changed for Silvia one afternoon in 2010. "What happened here was just horrible. Two men came in screaming, 'We want the money, we want the money.' They didn't wait, they just shot two bullets at my husband and one at me," she says. "They were completely under the influence of drugs. I imagine it was pasta base, because that's the most common drug around here. We are completely surrounded by addicted people, and now I have to sell my products through this window."
see that you're traveling alone, cool ! i never dare to move alone to other countries...thanks for the video, nice place, love it. maybe i'll go there with my friends or family.
I don't wanna be mean. Uruguay used to be a good country. It's not a safe place to live (at all), the minimum salary is kinda shit and the normal households like electricity, water, food, rent, taxes, etc are so expensive related to minimum salary. I have to say, I love Uruguay, is the piece of world I come from and I have all my loved ones there and so many good remembers. Sadly, the basics to live a good quality life are absent. Mujica & co. may be one of the worst things that happened to Uruguay along the history.
Gian Torres por eso me tuve que ir, no encontraba trabajo y lo último que me quedaba de plata lo gasté en un boleto de avión. Tampoco tuve tiempo para pensarlo mucho, me tuve que ir y dejé todo atrás. Triste.
Hi Kal, nice video but the image of the thumbnail is not in Uruguay right, of all the beautiful imagery you took of our country, why choosing that one which isn’t. Cheers
That video was good. No bullshit, to the point with just enough information to keep the viewer both interested and entertained. Well done, quite enjoyable and thus congratulations are in order.
Hi buddy, I'm Liber from Montevideo, I really appreciated your trip to here.. I just wanna say a little thing that I could see in the video, you passed thought a sign that said "FORA TEMER" (in Portuguese something like Temer go home.. read something about him) and that talks a little bit more about us than the landscapes, food style, etc) chur bro.. have a good one.
Dear Cal: In your video there is a serious historical error, because you mention that the dictatorship in Uruguay was from 1968 to 1984, when in fact it began on June 27, 1973 and ended on March 1, 1985. Regards from Montevideo / Uruguay - from someone who was an eyewitness of those years.
I'm searching for videos about Uruguay to see people's experiences in the country and the first one I watch in like the last 3 years is yours, and you're eating at Candilejas where my dad cooks lol. Cheers from an Uruguayan living in Finland.
History of the Uruguayan people they bowed to no one, fought the Argentinians and Brasilians for independence. A very rich history and people. La gente de Uruguay tienen las bolas quadradas no se arrodillan ante nadie con todas las guerras que han tenido para conseguir su independencia. I salute you!!!
Cal!! thanks for make a liltle movie about uruguay! now im traveling arround costa rica and i bring whit me the candombe drums, three of them. For me the candombe its the best part of montevideo,
My fiancé is from Uruguay, I wanted to learn more about his country, we are planning a trip to go at some point so I wanted to be up to date as well!! The languages he speaks are Spanish, Portuguese and English! All of his family but his dad are in Miami Florida, he dad came here but missed his home so much that he ended up going back to Uruguay🥰🥰
Uruguay is a very particular culture and is labelled the switzerland of south america because of the progressiveness and style much mire european plus their own very particular way of life ive been here for a few weeks and been here before. I advise if anyone goes, go to punta del diablo a much better town in uruguay very secluded, quiet and lovely. Come again!!
Loved your video about my home country! Great images for those who plan to visit it. Quick note though: despite what Wikipedia says, Mujica and the Tupamaros started their “armed struggle “ Mao Zedong style against a democratic government... When the USA saw a leftist force fighting their way to power in yet another country, they did what they did in all Latinoamerica. They helped the military (CIA included) to get into power. And yes, then the Tupamaros kept fighting the dictatorship to get into power but Mujica was jailed for murder before that, by the democratic government. His socially advanced laws as president barely compensates for all the pain the guerrilla caused to the country... Besides this, I love your style, informative, funny and nice images. Keep it up!
Nice to see you appreciated your visit in our small and slightly crazy country. If you ever return, try to keep going east after Punta del Este. That is really where you will find the soul and spirit of Uruguay (in my own personal opinion). Visit José Ignacio, La Paloma, Barra de Valizas, Cabo Polonio, Aguas Dulces and Punta del Diablo. On your way back, don't forget to visit Piriápolis and two extremely beautiful areas which area Punta Colorada and Punta Negra. Great surfing beaches! Keep enjoying! =)
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the video! A quick correction, the military dictatorship did not officially start until 1973, not 1968 as I said in the video. Regardless, it was a pretty crazy time in history and I highly recommend doing some research about it. Uruguay is a fascinating country.
If you want a more comprehensive guide on what you SHOULD do while in Uruguay check out my write up here www.golocaltips.com/montevideo
cheers guys!
Cal McKinley Hi, you should also correct the fact that Mujica did not fight against dictatorship.
Mujica and Tupamaros did fight against a Government elected by the people in national elections.
Tupamaros was a guerilla/terrorist organization, which decided to impose their ideas through the use of weapons against civilians.
They robbed, stole, kidnapped and killed people all long before dictatorship.
Thanks for the video and keep the good work.
Put your shit together do not make false porpaganda... Mujica was a terrorist
Sure IT IS!. I have born in beautiful Montevideo, I became Australian citizen, I may live in the States legally, but rather prefer MY country!
And it was only 13 years out of the 200 years as an independent country. It was an aberration, as Uruguay has always been super democratic and liberal. Actually, it was needed because communism was threatening the nation.
Another country that has a hypocritical government, it is true that it is an example of Democracy, as Chile is, but it is a perfect hypocrite because its government supports the Communist dictatorships of Venezuela and Cuba, the communists of the whole world.
Thank you for travelling to , and featuring Uruguay in your videos...makes my heart proud to see my home for 4 years, and where both my parents came from, shown in such a positive light.
I have loved Uruguay since I first started reading about it, I have never had the opportunity to visit there. I want to go live there, I love the scenery, the language, the culture.... I even support the soccer team (my friends say I am a traitor to my home country's team lol). It has been my dream to live and farm there for almost my entire adult life. Someday soon I hope
crystal pretorius you should check it out.a year ago i took a american airlines fly to montevideo half of the fly was entire americans.oviuosly summer time.off course
crystal pretorius where is your home country?
South Africa, from what I have read Uruguay has a similar climate. I just love Uruguayan culture, and the food...omg... the markets and the sights are just amazing.
crystal pretorius you’re basically a neighbor. Uruguay and South Africa where once next to each other 😉
I've been saying this for years, Uruguay is the hidden gem of South America...if not the world.
will Couldn’t agree more!
AB Baby well right now we changed from a left winged government to a right winged government because we are supposedly in this big crisis even tho lots of countries actually admire Uruguay. And our new beloved president is this moron who voted against so many human rights and fair laws so... wish us luck
I agree
Don’t tell anyone.
i'm actually planing to move there when I finish high school
Food is amazing, people are great, beer & wine 2nd to none... I highly recommend a trip to Uruguay.
Uruguay really seem spectacular and wonderfull and so does it’s people. Huge respect from Denmark 🇺🇾🇩🇰
yeah it's a pretty amazing place!
No entiendo nada pero le doy like por que habla de mi pais
Dijo que el mate, dulce de leche y gardel son argentinos 🇦🇷
@@penthos9783 El segundo no se, pero los otros dos es más falso que sean argentinos xD
@@penthos9783 Vuelve a tu pais con tu macrisis :v
@@telacreiste984 no dice nada importante.
Ni te preocupes.
@@telacreiste984 eso es normal... en inglés cuando querés darle énfasis a una palabra usas "fuck" o "fucking".
No es nada malo.
I went to Uruguay 10 years ago, and I was thoroughly impressed by the country. I rented a car, and with no plans just drove, and visited 15 of the 19 departments in Uruguay. I had so many amazing happenstance, unorchestrated enounters with the lovely people there. Met the man, and took pictures with him, that is in the Guiness World Record book, for his collection of pencils!! I have told many people of my encounters, and have thought of myself as an unofficial liason of USA vs. Uruguay relations. I'd go back again in a heartbeat!! I still to this day have a fond affection for the country!! Thank you for your brief synopsis, very well done!!
Glad to hear! You are Welcome, any time !
@@MrDanieluy Thanks! Uruguay left an indelible great impression on me, that I could be an "unofficial" ambassador for the country!
I would love to visit Uruguay 🇺🇾 one day cause it’s my dream country. 😍😍😍 Greetings from Tajikistan 🇹🇯(one of a former Soviet Union country) to beautiful people of Uruguay!!!
Like si sos uruguayo :v
MOR8 787 Soy amricano pero mis padres uruguayos
Yo también soy americano, nací en Argentina que está en América 😒
Hola Matias!!! Barrio Sur te saluda!🙋
Matias Genda no se puede vivil alli mas iva todos Los anos a ver mi mami ella se fue to heaven y la verdad casi ni quiere il confundieton democracia con roval,relajo,matar gente inosente
De canelones sapee
Uruguay king of south america.
I feel like a king now
It’s UrugWHY not UruguEH! JESUS
Idglã Reinhard thank you for saying this. I completely agree.
Potato - Po-tae-toe - PO-ta-tow
Tenés razón
It is Uruguay it’s my country:D
Idglã Reinhard Cisplatina.
Im so happy you made this video of my Country!!! 😍😍🇺🇾💙💙💙💙💙💙💫💫💫
Kat Yorugua
I want to invest in Uruguay.
Kat Yorugua Uruguay no ma!
7:05 in uruguay we insult each other on the walls
do you speak 15 america cups-?
Jaja!!!!! Muy cierto...
@@MarcosRodriguez-ko8hy si...lo he visto...
Sii maal jajJjaj
Uruguay and Chile are neck in neck for best quality of life in Latin America. I'd say Chile is more free market, and Uruguay is more democratic socialist.
manu ochenta costa rica ahead of uruguay??? hahahahha funny. no dejes que tu ego nacionalista se interponga entre lo que crees y la realidad.
I’ll take Chile they are whitest
Chile isn’t whiter, you are mistaken. However, why does it matter who’s whiter old man?
Poppa J Walker what do you mean by white
I'm a bitch what do you think I mean? It’s not a riddle I was pretty clear
Very beautiful country
Brother I'm very impressed with your hard work invested into this. I've been living in this country for two-and-a-half years and just recently found some free time and will be uploading videos on smoking in Uruguay your video is very inspirational and I hope you come back again soon we can smoke a joint together
haha thanks man! glad you liked it
Fantastic vídeo, Thanks to visit my beautiful country 😊
OK... Montevideo has another places beyond the "Ciudad Vieja" and Downtown . I think also that Rocha is better than Punta del Este, but the video is Ok.
Hope that you enjoyed the trip to Uruguay.
nikuy Hola, me comentaron que en Noviembre llueve mucho, ¿es cierto? Y que està un poco fresco, ¿es cierto?
En realidad no llueve tanto, eso varía cada año en realidad. Pero suele estar algo fresco en esa época aún, a mediados de Diciembre y hasta Abril aproximadamente hay clima cálido en el país.
nikuy pensè que ya harìa más calor, no quise ir en plena época veraniega jeje. ¿què me recomendas comer??
Asado (parrilla)... corvina negra a las brasas... chivitoooo!
Primeros 15 días de diciembre o los últimos días de febrero (sin ¨cae¨ Carnaval) y los primeros de Marzo son desde mi punto de vista, las mejores épocas para visitar, si querés evitar los aglomeramientos de gente en la costa (Rocha, Maldonado).
Eduardo Valles ¡gracias! Andaré x allà, 1o Dios como a mediados de Noviembre😃
Emiliano- I agree! Quality of life in Uruguay is up and coming. The people are kind, warm, and peaceful. I would like to see more free market dynamics, but the people are wonderful. My wife and I visited (Americans) last year. We miss Uruguay and would visit again.
Greg Cashman you are welcome back anytime! As a Uruguayan living in the USA for over 25 years now, I extend a warm welcome as your country has welcomed my family.
Greg Cashman What city did you visit? Just curious! I'm Uruguayan.
Going in 2020 and can't wait!
@@ikariam12345678 Sorry, I just saw your comment. We flew in to Montevideo and spent the first 4 days there. Went to Colonia del Sacramento next & really enjoyed it. We then back-tracked and made the drive to Punta del Este. Last couple of days in Montevideo again before the flight home. 14 days in all.
The Dictator take over Uruguay in 1973 not 1968.
I am from Uruguay and that was the reason for leaving my country.
My parents took me to the U.S. back in 73 to be born free and not opressed by the Tupamaros
And at the end it was the military and the right wing who oppressed us, and now with a goberment of ex Tupamaros whe have more proggress and liberty.
Is ok, dictatorship in Uruguay started in 1968 with Pacheco, a fascist president.
Pls come back to Uruguay. Its now peaceful and beautiful. 😀😀😀
Tony oppressed by the tupamaros? they were fighting fascists, and even though they were marxists, the country never became marxist.
This video is really nice. I appreciate this dude being so open to get to know small countries like mine! I love Montevideo, I actually live there and I would say that there were some very cool places he missed on his visit. But he did catch the montevidiano vibe pretty well and I'm proud to say that what he tells from uruguayan people is absolutely true! Thanks dude for a nice video.
Uruguay is very good country, I like it very much
Soy argentino, la verdad que no hay nada mejor que un hermano uruguayo, pero para ser sincero Uruguay es para hacer un video de 2-3 días, no hay prácticamente nada para hacer ni ver, si tenemos en cuenta una persona que viaja desde EEUU lo ideal sería recorrer varios países de Sudamérica o ir a Argentina estar un tiempo y luego tomarse un buquebus e irse a uruguay unos dias (que es lo que casi todos hacen) (y lo que el del video hizo)
nice edit, i am from uruguay.
I love the way he says Montevideo even tho he's saying it totally wrong, it is just so nice how interested he is in such a hidden gem like Uruguay it's so cute.
Ni la dictadura inició en 1968, ni Mujica luchó contra la dictadura.
Le erró de acá a Pando.
Los primeros arrestos y reprensión se dieron en 1968, y mujica luchó en contra del gobierno militar, pues era un tupamaro, se rebeló en contra de la dictadura
@@camiladiaz5839 no...jeje los tupamaros lucharon contra la democracia burguesa. Eran marxistas, por lo tanto luchaban contra la democracia burguesa, al menos ideologicamente.. gestido fue elegido mediante elecciones... así q no era dictadura. Que te parece a vos?
Pepe Cabovianco Eso si que es un dicho bien uruguayo ajajaj
Pepe.....vivo en Pando jaja
Very good video. Thanks for sharing. I want to visit here oneday.
Love the style of your videos, so chill, great cinematography, and you keep it moving. The length is pretty perfect, too. Subscribed!
Cool editing style. Well done! :) Cheers!
Thanks! Glad you liked it.
Awesome video dude, youre always welcome back to Uruguay
I'm excited to get to Uruguay, and your video only made me more excited! Very cool.
Uruguay the Best country in southamerica
Artigas and 33
Thank you for visiting, and featuring our country in your channel. Uruguay noma! as we say.
I may be far away now, but my heart is always there. Unfortunately, due to an economic recession my whole family emigrated to the US in 2002; a lot of people left the country during that time. I went back in 2014, lived there for about a year and a half, and then I moved to Australia, and now the UK. I was making about 300USD a month while in Uruguay, which makes it hard to get by; even though I was working in Technical Support in English. 300 USD is close to the national minimum wage. Anyway, thanks again. Keep exploring the world. Cheers!
I totally agree with ur opinion im Australian and we moves here dont know why it was my pearents worst move(at the moment i was underage) im 18 now i plan on moving back to Australia the unemployment is high
Hope you liked it your trip to Uruguay.........I'm Uruguayan and it makes me very proud that Uruguay for been such a small country has achieved so many recognitions worldwide lately.
Charrua NYC bro check Anthony bourdain parts unknown uruguay is very cool
I loved this video!!! I moved to Canada about 4 years ago when I was 14, getting used to the Canadian culture was very hard but it was a perfect way to learn to appreciate where I come from. Now all I do every now and then, usually before going back to visit, is watch videos of Uruguay and Montevideo and this is by far the best one!!! I hope you enjoyed a lot, and hope you are planning on going back with a couple friends so you can actually have fun and enjoy more! Thank you for thisss !!
Thanks for the kind words! Glad you liked it.
Carolina, why did you move to Canada?
Although Uruguay is one of the safest countries in Latin America, it has seen a rise in crime associated with narcotics. In a survey of more than 8,500 prisoners, a third said they had committed crimes under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and nearly half of those had consumed pasta base. Users may be a tiny minority, but they are often associated with theft and robbery. Although pasta base is a cheap drug at $1 or $2 a hit, addicts need multiple doses.
Leonardo Castagna Y qué necesidad tenés de darles toda esa información, hasta el precio de la pasta base? Estás haciendo propaganda para que los turistas vayan a comprarla??? O vos la usas por eso sabes el precio?
Emiliano Fagundez Stoletniy por culpa del gobierno actual estamos asi. No se como podes seguir queriendolos
Emiliano Fagundez Stoletniy la repartición de sueldos es una basura pq le sacan a la gente q trabaja y se lo dan a los inutiles. Los sueldos grandes no dan para vivir pq sale todo carisimo y lo de la corrupcion es cualquiera pq a donde fueron a parar los 182 millones de dolares de la reforma de software del BROU?? A la empresa del hijo de Tabare, los 800 millones de ancap? Toda la inclusion financiera? Por favor, no creas el verso q te dice el frente amplio, estamos mal, muy mal. No digo q votes a lo blancos, pero no votes al frente en el 2019
Emiliano Fagundez Stoletniy no,perdona q te diga pero solo crees lo q te dice el gobierno. La inclusion financiera por un lado es bueno pero por el otro malo, pq si no hay efectivo q hacen los turistas? Y a los q no les da para una tarjeta?. Despues lo de la gente pobre no se como no podes verlo vos mismo en la calle, esta lleno de gente en situacion de calle!. Y q la gente tenga smartphones y eso no significa nada, pq te compras uno de 50 dolares y fue. Y la criminalidad crecio pq el gobierno los dejo pq a ellos les sirve, sera por las drogas pero quien dejo q se llenara de drogadictos y de narcos? Quienes fueron los q cambiaron la educacion 4 veces (para peor)y eso provoco maa gente drogadicta?. Los medios de comunicación solo informan. No entendes q el frente cago todo el pais pq a ellos les conviene la gente ignorante e inutil q no se da cuenta de estas cosas por eso los van a seguir votando, pero q va a pasar cuando no puedan mantener mas a todos los del MIDES y a otros, pq toda la gente trabajadora se canso q les saquen de su sueldo el 50% para regalarlo a gente q no trabaja? Se funde el pais pq el frente vive de los q trabajan pero cuando ya no haya trabajadores se les acaba la fiesta a los pichis y los mantenidos. Asi q con todo esto creo q podes ver q tu gobierno no es tan bueno. No los votes en 2019. Soy economista y te digo q esto va a terminar muy mal para Uruguay
Emiliano Fagundez Stoletniy Cuanto es el salario mínimo en Uruguay? En dólares.
You need to put a banner in the video the dictatorship didn't start in 68 but in 73. What started in 1968 were the urgent safety messures to protect the nation from the terrorist attacks by the Tupamaros led among others by Mujica himself. They started as a quasy Robin-Hood Dantesque take from the rich to give to the poors sort of group in 1964 but by 1968 they had become very violent and murderous, so the government asked the army to take matters into their own hands and enhanced the security messures. In 1973 there was coup d'etat lead by then President Juan María Bordaberry which put the Army in power for more than a decade to 1985. Ironically the Tupamaros were all either exilled, in jail or six feet underground by then.
Thanks for the correction, it's easy to make mistakes when making these videos and I appreciate the feedback.
Nicolás Scasso
No it didn't. Don't lie. You make us all look bad and as liars.
Whatever the army did in 1968 was nothing compared to what they did after 1973. So please refrain yourself from lying.
No. That was Gabriel Terra. And as bad as Pacheco was the house of representatives was still in place, and so were the legislative power and the constitution. NOTHING of that was present between 1973 and 1984. So you are indeed lying.
Acá el único ignorante y además irrespetuoso sos vos.
El que hundió al país en la pobreza no fue Pacheco, los que hundieron al país en la pobreza fueron los COLEGIADOS. El país era un caos, había hambre y miseria por todos lados y encima los Tupas matando gente inocente en redadas. Se votó a Gestido porque la gente lo quería muchísimo y se lo veía como la última esperanza.
Por eso los Tupas aprovecharon para hacerse a las armas y seguir el movimiento guerrillero izquierdista que sacudía latinoamérica por aquella época.
El problema fue que lo mismo que les dijo El Ché se confirmó, y era que en Uruguay no podía haber guerrilla porque no existe un proletariado masivo como el resto de América Latina, y como el Uruguay estaba fundidazo mientras los tupas fueron la novedad recibían fondos de la ETA y otros grupos, hasta participaron de operativos terroristas en otros países, secuestros y asaltos.
Pero después había que pagarles a esos grupos y no había con qué. Entonces empezaron a robar y matar a gente inocente por tener más dinero pero además a gente pobre por el solo hecho de ser testigos. Y fue un efecto tipo bola de nieve.
No te olvides que el discurso del MLN siempre fue la lucha de clases pero la plata de Pando jamás la devolvieron ni a los dueños ni a los niños con escorbuto que morían de hambre en la calle.
La gente que creció con el discruso izquierdista no sabe que ELLOS mismos le dieron la espalda al pueblo, ELLOS se hicieron odiar porque el MLN de 1964 era una cosa totalmente distinta al MLN de 1968. Si el MLN de 1964 jamás hubiese cambiado las medidas prontas de seguridad de Pacheco nunca habrían existido. LA GENTE las pedía.
BIS... y además MENTIROSO
Los tambores went to uruguay when i was lil never forget uow i felt it in my heart
Dude seeing this video on my country makes me so proud because in the United States it’s so rare to find someone who knows about Uruguay and even more rare if they’re from Uruguay, even myself only being half Uruguayan
Hi Im uruguayan and lately Ivebeen wanting to leave it but thank you for the video, you make us appreciate what we have
I took the Buquebus, but in the other direction, Montevideo to Buenos Aires. I’m impressed with your knowledge of the world and glad you have enjoyed traveling to so many countries. Thanks for sharing.
Awesome! Thanks for the kind words.
I Live near by that Fortress , less than a mile away . Sometimes I go up there to relax , it works like a charm.
Amazing video, thank you very much. I am from Uruguay. you captured a lot.
interesting video of uruguay!!!
Can you upload a longer video of the percussion clip in this video??
Excellent video , thanks for sharing your great experience. I have done the same trip a few times but lack the editing and filming expertise you have .
Keep up the good work 👍👌
Cisplatina seems beautiful!
Do NoT
loveee my uruguay😍😍💙
We have a lot of problems here but we are doing good and trying to be better every day, nice video
Close to the main crossroads in Malvin Norte, Silvia Siage runs a small store selling basic food products, items of clothing, and children's toys. But it's not easy to see the range of goods, because no one is allowed inside. Silvia serves customers through a barred window and there are grills and padlocks on every door.
Life changed for Silvia one afternoon in 2010.
"What happened here was just horrible. Two men came in screaming, 'We want the money, we want the money.' They didn't wait, they just shot two bullets at my husband and one at me," she says. "They were completely under the influence of drugs. I imagine it was pasta base, because that's the most common drug around here. We are completely surrounded by addicted people, and now I have to sell my products through this window."
bueno pero tampoco generalizes, en todos lados hay chorros y drogadictos no solo en uruguay
Los chorros dijeron "we want the money"? Que bilingues estan los ladrones bo
thank for did this great and funny video about uruguay, Cal!!!!
Very nicely done!
We went there in 2013 and we just loved it !
Thank you for come to my beautiful country!
Uruguay is so beautiful and I hope to migrate there 😀
Come if you have a chance! There are lot of bad things but the good things are even more!
You would be welcome. Inmigrants really help our economy! The population growth has been a problem for decades and inmigrants are the only way out
You wouldn't be making yourself a favour
Alcachofa Af Alla Ahmadzaï y quien te crees que sos vos para decidir quién viene y quien no?
Its very insecure! But you are welcome!
see that you're traveling alone, cool ! i never dare to move alone to other countries...thanks for the video, nice place, love it. maybe i'll go there with my friends or family.
Great video!! I'm from Uruguay, and it is great to watch outsiders point of view of my country
Amazing. Such a positive video about my Country. Loved it. You just gained a new suscriber.
I loved this so much not a lot of information about Uruguay. thanks for shedding a light on our country
Glad you liked it! You have an amazing country,
Great vid dude how much was the flight
I don't wanna be mean. Uruguay used to be a good country. It's not a safe place to live (at all), the minimum salary is kinda shit and the normal households like electricity, water, food, rent, taxes, etc are so expensive related to minimum salary.
I have to say, I love Uruguay, is the piece of world I come from and I have all my loved ones there and so many good remembers.
Sadly, the basics to live a good quality life are absent.
Mujica & co. may be one of the worst things that happened to Uruguay along the history.
Para un turista que viene unas semanas es facil pensar que es tremendo pais, pero vivir aca esta bravo
Gian Torres exacto
Gian Torres por eso me tuve que ir, no encontraba trabajo y lo último que me quedaba de plata lo gasté en un boleto de avión. Tampoco tuve tiempo para pensarlo mucho, me tuve que ir y dejé todo atrás. Triste.
I was always intrigued by Uruguay. Nice video.
Muy acertado el comentario. Tristemente el Uruguay actual nos lleva a (querer) irnos debido a lo que detallas arriba.
No entiendo una mierda pero me gusta que hable de Uruguay y no de otros países más "conocidos"
Hi Kal, nice video but the image of the thumbnail is not in Uruguay right, of all the beautiful imagery you took of our country, why choosing that one which isn’t. Cheers
That video was good. No bullshit, to the point with just enough information to keep the viewer both interested and entertained. Well done, quite enjoyable and thus congratulations are in order.
Thanks! glad you liked it.
Hi buddy, I'm Liber from Montevideo, I really appreciated your trip to here.. I just wanna say a little thing that I could see in the video, you passed thought a sign that said "FORA TEMER" (in Portuguese something like Temer go home.. read something about him) and that talks a little bit more about us than the landscapes, food style, etc) chur bro.. have a good one.
Thanks for providing more info. I was there in Feb 2019 for two days and became intrigued.
Dear Cal: In your video there is a serious historical error, because you mention that the dictatorship in Uruguay was from 1968 to 1984, when in fact it began on June 27, 1973 and ended on March 1, 1985. Regards from Montevideo / Uruguay - from someone who was an eyewitness of those years.
Nice video, man! Very nice commentary and perspective
soy uruguayo y soy de montevideo y es IMPRESIONANTE que hablen de uruguay aquí
Great video, I'm hoping to travel to Uruguay soon, were are close neighbors I'm argentinian
I'm searching for videos about Uruguay to see people's experiences in the country and the first one I watch in like the last 3 years is yours, and you're eating at Candilejas where my dad cooks lol. Cheers from an Uruguayan living in Finland.
haha awesome!
Well is good to see my little country recognised, thanks for the video!!
Thanks for the video Call. Really well done. Always wanted to go there in the shoulder season. When were you there?
History of the Uruguayan people they bowed to no one, fought the Argentinians and Brasilians for independence. A very rich history and people. La gente de Uruguay tienen las bolas quadradas no se arrodillan ante nadie con todas las guerras que han tenido para conseguir su independencia. I salute you!!!
best one yet, cal!
I get familiar of Uruguay after I watched FIFA World Cup 2018, I was expecting that Uruguay will be defeating France. Such a great team.
I’d love to visit Uruguay as well as the rest of South America.
Loved your video. Welcome to Uruguay! Have a lovely stay😊
Cal!! thanks for make a liltle movie about uruguay! now im traveling arround costa rica and i bring whit me the candombe drums, three of them. For me the candombe its the best part of montevideo,
And you’re wearing a Proof Lab shirt. Triple liked this video! 💙
Brilliant video! Thank you! Loved your music choice as well)
Look who's all grown up :) . Remember me from Elementary school. Anyway nice vids. Is Brazil next?
Hey what's up man! How you doing? Brazil is definitely on the list, can't wait to get back down to South America.
My fiancé is from Uruguay, I wanted to learn more about his country, we are planning a trip to go at some point so I wanted to be up to date as well!! The languages he speaks are Spanish, Portuguese and English! All of his family but his dad are in Miami Florida, he dad came here but missed his home so much that he ended up going back to Uruguay🥰🥰
What a great country!
wow dude, excellent job. Did you take a drone with you?
Great video dude! you are welcome to comeback whenever you want!
ps. what drone do you have? model? brand?
amazing work! Come back soon!
The guy you talked with in your phone was roberto musso?
Great vid. Great kid. Thanks for your outlook
Uruguay is a very particular culture and is labelled the switzerland of south america because of the progressiveness and style much mire european plus their own very particular way of life ive been here for a few weeks and been here before. I advise if anyone goes, go to punta del diablo a much better town in uruguay very secluded, quiet and lovely. Come again!!
Loved your video about my home country! Great images for those who plan to visit it. Quick note though: despite what Wikipedia says, Mujica and the Tupamaros started their “armed struggle “ Mao Zedong style against a democratic government... When the USA saw a leftist force fighting their way to power in yet another country, they did what they did in all Latinoamerica. They helped the military (CIA included) to get into power. And yes, then the Tupamaros kept fighting the dictatorship to get into power but Mujica was jailed for murder before that, by the democratic government. His socially advanced laws as president barely compensates for all the pain the guerrilla caused to the country... Besides this, I love your style, informative, funny and nice images. Keep it up!
Very nice place
Great content Cal! You’ve gained a new sub. Looking forward to watching more 🙌
Nice to see you appreciated your visit in our small and slightly crazy country. If you ever return, try to keep going east after Punta del Este. That is really where you will find the soul and spirit of Uruguay (in my own personal opinion). Visit José Ignacio, La Paloma, Barra de Valizas, Cabo Polonio, Aguas Dulces and Punta del Diablo. On your way back, don't forget to visit Piriápolis and two extremely beautiful areas which area Punta Colorada and Punta Negra. Great surfing beaches! Keep enjoying! =)
Very Cool!
Where did u find that beer at three dollars....😶
Did you take a drone with you??????
I am from Philippines and I want to visit Uruguay some day!