I have always flushed the toilet, wet the toilet brush , sprinkle comet or ajax on it just a little it contains bleach, then scrub under the rim, all around the bowl and into the hole there, flush the toilet and when water is going down brush quickly again in the hole and around the inside of bowl.
Laundry detergent and toilet cleaners are all essentially made from the same materials, each just have different additives for their intended end use. In the case of toilet cleaners they contain stronger germ and bacteria killing elements which washing powder doesn't have. In the short term washing powder seems to give a toilet a cleaner finish, however what it doesn't do is kill the germs and bacteria that live in a toilet
Kitchen sink is probably "germier" to be fair. The video poster DID mention something about antibacterial solution in there somewhere. After he'd done the washing powder routine.
I’m with Katy p, never ever put washing powder down the loo. It also clogs up the pipes and having had to clear pipes in the kitchen of washing powder I have switched to liquid to wash my clothes. Use the appropriate cleaner for the area intended.
Not sure where you live and which products you use exactly. But in my experience the liquids are much worse and they start to clog up the pipes after a while. THat is also why we have to clean the machine on high temp with almost nothing inside it to clear this. Powder does not have these issues.
Just moved into a new flat where the toilet bowl has been left so stained by the previous occupants, I was intending to get it replaced. Don't know why this video appeared in my recommendations, but I'm now going to try this a few times before calling a plumber!
I live in a village where we have seperate soak pits for toilet and bathroom / laundry water. Putting detergents in the toilets is the worst thing one can do, as it kills off all the bacteria that feeds on human waste and stops turning it into mud!
Upravo ja primenjujem takav nacin pranja solje lavaboa kade bar 40 godina uz povremeno koriscenje sanitara Hvala sto ste objavili za nove domacice Pozdrav
I just use bicarbonate of soda, do the same sprinkle around bowl, leave for a few, then pour white vinegar down toilet, watch as it fizzes up, cleaning as it does. Very cheap too
Thank you for sharing this nugget. I have a big bag of washing powder that I can't use to wash our clothes with because it irritates our skin and I looked at it yesterday and said I need to remember to throw it - I am so pleased I didn't do that because I have see this video and I know how to use it up now woohoo!!!
I've got something similar. A huge pack which came with the new washing machine, and the stuff will NOT dissolve, even in hot premixing water (I used it once and had to shake all the clothes out and re-wash them, without any detergent in, to get that powdered detergent gone). I may be able to use mine up this way too.
In my view the best toilet cleaner is Muratic Acid. A big squirt of it in the toilet, including the stained areas, and in 5 minutes it is all gone, you have a sparkling clean toilet.
Mix one part muriatic acid to five parts water and slowly pour that solution into the toilet bowl. Add just enough to come up to the normal water level in the bowl. If you add any extra, it will go down the drain line toward your septic tank. Let the acid solution sit in the bowl for two to three hours.
A TIP FOR THE TOILET BRUSH - Before you use the toilet brush keep hot water & Lysol spray ready. Moisten the brush before use even with regular water. After use rinse with hot water over the toilet bowl. Then spray with Lysol. Gently shake off excess liquid into the toilet bowl tapping against the inner rim of bowl to prevent a mess and place back onto the brush holder.
@@lemondrop8203 Actually a friend of my daughter was complemented by the plumber. He was there to fix a broken pipe I think and he said he had never seen cleaner pipes. She used dynamo laundry liquid to clean her toilet.
@@jo-annel.wright2975 might be good for the pipe but not for the septic tank as the detergent can kill the bacteria that eats the feces, which will cause septic tank leak
Great tip! But washing powder/washing gel works in moving water ; that's why there is the washing machine. The drum turns and turns and turns so keeps the water moving.
A better and more economical version of this is to put the detergent into the cistern rather than directly down the toilet, that way it lasts for many flushes and covers the whole bowl each time, thanks.
@@davetherave9222 thanks. I truly had no idea. You just taught me something Brian. It’s not true when they say McKnight and boitano are the most talented Brian’s.
You forgot to suggest doing the same with the cistern. This also will aid in cleaning under the bowl rim which should be an imperative not a possiblity as it's where bacteria live.
THIS IS A WAIST OF LAUNDRY SOAP YOU JUST NEED WHITE Vinegar and a spray bottle. put white vinegar in a spray bottle and pray the inside of the toilet wait 3 minutes and scrub with the toilet brush.
When done with brushing, keep the brush under the flushing water and turn it so the brush gets rinsed all around. When the water stops flushing, hit the brush hard a few times on the inside of the toilet wall, so all the water comes off the brush. Like this you get a clean brush and no water to collect bacteria in the brush cup and no water to remove from the cup. It is not enough to hit the handle of the brush on the rim, one must hit the brush head and you can roll it too and hit all sides of it down inside the seat wall. All this takes a few seconds.
Great tip! There's not a lot BIOLOGICAL washing powder/liquid can't tackle. But it has to be biological, not non-bio, as it contains some kick-ass enzymes! It's so powerful that I had to switch to non-bio for doing smalls, as it was making my skin itch! The place I worked used to use it to clean the kitchen floors. I sometimes buy vintage clothes, and found out by accident that they emerge sparkling and free of all odours if I soak them overnight in a strong solution the stuff before laundering the usual way. I think it strips away any build-up from softener - which can be years with older garments.
Biological powder is good for unblocking toilets, put some in a bowel or bucket of boiling water,put down the toilet . Leave for about half hour and flush
Washing powder is also great for cleaning oven dishes/pans. Just wipe off the excess fat (we don’t need it down the drain), sprinkle on a good scoop of powder add boiling water and leave until cool. Most baked on food will just come off very easily.
Why would you try this??? It didn't even work. Watch the video again, Toilet still dirty with a ring. I can't figure out why he would post this when it's a fail.
How does the anti-bacterial properties react with a septic tank system, where you need the microbes to break down the fecal matter sitting in the tank?
He is refering to grey water and black water systems. You can put grey water into a black water system but not vise versa as long as you don't go through more gpm than the system is rated for. Black water system can easily handle any laundry detergent safe for septic systems. Think - rinsing cloth diapers in the toilet. Detergent is used and the waste systems are made to handle it. And yes, you still run them through the laundry after.
Try breaking the said Brown Derby in small cubes with a knife and fork make sure. You not only flush the turdlets also piss over the knife and fork the acidity will get rid of any turd stains rinse under a tap wipe dry ,place back in cutlery draw and no one will be none the wiser.alternative method grab Richard out of pan then lob out of window best to do this at night make sure your not spotted
@@extgrin как это чем? Сколько всяких средств с солян. кислотой и без солян. Только не стир. порошком, какая дикость, дурость, надо же до такого додуматься. А в способе примен. стир. порошка написано для чистки унитаза ?? 🙈😱😩
Мизер кис-ты на дно, накрыть крышкой унитаза, на 20-30 минут. Потом. тряпкой потереть (даже в начале) , по истечению. времени, на стенки, на 1 мин., после размазать, все в перчатках! Вы вчера родились? Про стир. порошок забудьте!!!! 🙈👎🔥
Очень "умно" . Я такое когда-то сделала. Результата очистки- ноль, а вот пена из унитаза лезла ещё долго. Порошок был для автоматической стиральной машины . Страшно представить, что бы было с порошком для ручной стирки. Не делайте глупостей! Каждая химия - для своей нужды.
Бедная природа, сколько она принимает от нас химии!!!! Раньше все натуральные отходы были....... и ничего , поколение жило дольше и здоровее!!!! Это же все к нам возвращается с водой и овощами....зерном....., вся химия отходов находится на планете земля!!!!!
Лучше всего заливать Белизну. Можно в нее добавить жидкое мыло, чтобы раствор стал гуще и лучше держался на стенках унитаза. Очищает прекрасно. При этом очень дёшево. Цена литра белизны 0.3 USD ))
@@maximbazhal863 Наверное, Вы правы, если основа Белизны - хлорка, я забыла, как называлось средство, тоже жидкость, на основе щавелевой кислоты, вот это действительно, до основания)))
@@l_uk , А, ну это да )).Я дале использовал фактически раствор соляной кислоты. Это готовое средство для снятия тяжёлых отложений, ржавчины и т.д. Оно хорошо действует, но на эмаль наверное таки влияет, как вы говорите )). Такие вещи надо использовать изредка, только когда уже совсем никуда. В конце-концов, если сильно тереть эмаль чисто механически, то она тоже слезает постепенно. В общем, ничего вечного нет ))
If you have older cast iron or cast steel drain lines in your plumbing system, will powdered detergents increase the amount of incrustation that occurs naturally? It's one of the reasons why liquid laundry detergent became prevalent. It supposedly decreases the encrustatation effect over a period of time, yet I recently had to tear out some of my drain lines and replace the cast steel drain lines with PVC. Seems to me that there was just as much encrusted crap in the kitchen sink line and the washer line even after we have been using liquid laundry detergent for several years. I absolutely hate crawling under my house and doing plumbing that becomes a necessity, but I refuse to not do it. It's a life safety and health issue that cannot be ignored, hoping it'll just go away.
Use biodegradable soaps. My laundry soap is in powder form. The enzymes are supposed to be active in dispersing dirt & oily substances. I've not scientifically checked to see if it does, just happy with the results.
@@pixibelle3282 We have a washer that requires HE detergent and it is biodegradable, but it's liquid. I have one more short piece of the 2 inch line from the washer and about 5 feet from the kitchen sink and it will all be PVC. The old galvanized steel lines are notoriously bad for encrustation. PVC lines generally do not suffer from encrustation.
@@pixibelle3282 Also, one of my problems with the pipes is over time and a few plumbing projects under the house before we moved here 36 years ago was the mixture of the types of pipes. A mix of some old PVC from the washer, several sections of cast steel, and a replacement pipe from the kitchen sink that was another piece of galvanized steel pipe that replaced another one. I discovered that by finding the original one laying next to the newer one.. you would've thought they could have just used PVC but... who knows what people are thinking? If they had, I wouldn't have to crawl under there again and replace it AGAIN...😨
Hi and greetings from Denmark. Sorry my bad English. I also can give you a little piece of advice. When you use toilet cleaners, which for the part, contains citric acid and almost regardless of the consistenty, it just runs down the bowl. At first!!! Before doing these tricks, ALWAYS remember to wear rubber gloves and safety glasses. It will be so boring and quite painful to both get acid in you eyes or have it on your hands etched. But to get the best benifits both in terms of the washing powder and the acid cleaner, at first you can with great advantage, apply a third of the selected product, Then you can play your own MASTER PAINTER, by taking some pieces of paper towel and wallpapering the entire toilet bowl with these. But before start. The best result would be to use the toilet brush and gently pump most of the water out of the trap in the wc. Just be careful of splashing. Spread the rest on the attached pieces of paper and VOILA. In this way you get the best use of the products, because it remains where it should do its job and you safe both the environment and your wallet. Let it work for about half an hour. Just remember to hold the wc board down, not only to minimize the toxic fumes, but certainly also when level in the water trap almost has been emptied of water - you can enjoy the lovely stench down from the sewer pipes. I wish all of you out there, a nice easy work and a happy winter - summer, depending on, where in the world you live. Kind regards from Hans Christian. Take care of yourself, loved ones, friends and also the NATURE.
@@russelltheone6969 Turns out sewage is a first world thing. See Joseph Bazalgette, did the whole of London. Your lack of sewage facilities is affecting your brain, surely. I just flush EVERYTHING away. Unlucky for you.
@@curbyourshi1056 modern septic is much more practical in none urban areas. Farms an such. Country properties. Try educating yourself a touch before making a fool of yourself. Cheers.
@@russelltheone6969 Oh no, I agree. I'm not lucky enough to live in a rural area. I just enjoy having the freedom to flush what I want, while you can't. Enjoy your shit pickup mate. 👍😂🤣😂😂
To clean the toilet brush just leave it in the cleaning solution in the bowl. Caution: always remember to remove the brush before sitting down!
I forgot to remove it but it was quite a nice sensation to be honest and when my wife goes out I am planning on doing it again 😲
I have always flushed the toilet, wet the toilet brush , sprinkle comet or ajax on it just a little it contains bleach, then scrub under the rim, all around the bowl and into the hole there, flush the toilet and when water is going down brush quickly again in the hole and around the inside of bowl.
I'd like to add tap the brush enough times to get rid of the water so it's not dripping when you replace it a cleaned toilet brush holder.
Especially if it has an extra long handle!😮😮
@@chipbuttytime3396 🤣🤣
Laundry detergent and toilet cleaners are all essentially made from the same materials, each just have different additives for their intended end use. In the case of toilet cleaners they contain stronger germ and bacteria killing elements which washing powder doesn't have. In the short term washing powder seems to give a toilet a cleaner finish, however what it doesn't do is kill the germs and bacteria that live in a toilet
nope. toilet cleaners are acidic
Clean is good
Kitchen sink is probably "germier" to be fair. The video poster DID mention something about antibacterial solution in there somewhere. After he'd done the washing powder routine.
Хорошо чистить унитаз пепси-колой!
A little liquid dish soap works well. If it cleans your porcelain plates it will clean your porcelain bowl.
And you can mix this with bicarbonate soda too which brings it up beautifully too
Toujours la même question : que devient le savon dans les stations d'épuration qui ne sont pas faites pour ce genre de produit...
Liquid dish soap is great. I use the antibacterial dawn dish soap all the time for my toilet!
@@dominicr9068 Really? I'll have to try that. Thanks for the great tip ❤️
@@naudianeels1328 dawn soap is great for cleaning a lot. Works wonders!
I’m with Katy p, never ever put washing powder down the loo. It also clogs up the pipes and having had to clear pipes in the kitchen of washing powder I have switched to liquid to wash my clothes. Use the appropriate cleaner for the area intended.
I use a liquid washing tablet like the ones I use in the dishwasher. No build up in the pipes.
Not sure where you live and which products you use exactly.
But in my experience the liquids are much worse and they start to clog up the pipes after a while.
THat is also why we have to clean the machine on high temp with almost nothing inside it to clear this.
Powder does not have these issues.
It all goes down the same drain.
Just how would it plug up the pipes? It's a 4" line!
Well I’m going to try it. The powder will dissolve and not block anything!
Just moved into a new flat where the toilet bowl has been left so stained by the previous occupants, I was intending to get it replaced. Don't know why this video appeared in my recommendations, but I'm now going to try this a few times before calling a plumber!
Try denture cleaning tablets from the dollar store...I use them overnight and it usually gets all the ICK off
@@savannahsmiles1797 Thanks! I'll give that a try. Happy new year!
Gross!! Some people are total pigs. Hope it works for you! 💙💙💙
It appeared in your recommendation because you talked about it and your device is always listening, just like your government
I live in a village where we have seperate soak pits for toilet and bathroom / laundry water.
Putting detergents in the toilets is the worst thing one can do, as it kills off all the bacteria that feeds on human waste and stops turning it into mud!
Agree 100%
Very correct
변기에 세제나 표백제 사용하면 안됩니다
미생물을 다 죽여서 자연분해가 되지 않아요..
그대신 em 용액으로 청소하세요.
유해균은 죽이고 유익균은 살리는 친환경 용액입니다.
If you have a septic tank then NO NO NO.
@@fredh1475 100% Fred !
Upravo ja primenjujem takav nacin pranja solje lavaboa kade bar 40 godina uz povremeno koriscenje sanitara Hvala sto ste objavili za nove domacice Pozdrav
Paskazi v Serbian Jazike chto tebja poimal sveh svetov .
I just use bicarbonate of soda, do the same sprinkle around bowl, leave for a few, then pour white vinegar down toilet, watch as it fizzes up, cleaning as it does. Very cheap too
Me too doing the same.
@@ivanaveliskova3201 it truly works very well!
@@vlugovsky And it's also ecological.
I also do this, good & clean & germs/bacteria gone. Also vinegar acts as a deodorant for the bowl & room. It's going back to proven old time basics.
@@annhopy5326 Sometimes the old methods are tried and true! :)
Now let's see you do this to a toilet that actually is dirty, has scale build up and not practically brand new.
Battery acid will do the job of filthy limescale toilets
I use dishwasher powder dissolved in hot, not boiling water.. Leaves it limescale free.
Leave for an hour or so while you do other housework.
п где перевод?//,,зачем забирать время у людей?
Why would anyone allow their toilet to get like that?
Thank you for sharing this nugget. I have a big bag of washing powder that I can't use to wash our clothes with because it irritates our skin and I looked at it yesterday and said I need to remember to throw it - I am so pleased I didn't do that because I have see this video and I know how to use it up now woohoo!!!
What brand is it?
HAS it WORKED on your toilet???
Great idea. I have a brand I did not like so shall follow your example
Спасибо что напомнили мне о порошке которым я не пользсь. Использую его в унитаз
I've got something similar. A huge pack which came with the new washing machine, and the stuff will NOT dissolve, even in hot premixing water (I used it once and had to shake all the clothes out and re-wash them, without any detergent in, to get that powdered detergent gone). I may be able to use mine up this way too.
I will try this for sure.
In my view the best toilet cleaner is Muratic Acid. A big squirt of it in the toilet, including the stained areas, and in 5 minutes it is all gone, you have a sparkling clean toilet.
Yeah if you want to damage your pipes😂
@@dezimiller8144 PVC pipes damaged by Muratic Acid mixed with water? I don't think so. Regular drain cleaners are even more corrosive.
Mix one part muriatic acid to five parts water and slowly pour that solution into the toilet bowl. Add just enough to come up to the normal water level in the bowl. If you add any extra, it will go down the drain line toward your septic tank. Let the acid solution sit in the bowl for two to three hours.
Shit, usually molten lava gets all my toilet stains off... it doesn’t even have to be in there for 5 minutes either
a man with a clean toilet has a clean soul.
Yes I make that ...thank you. ...🌹🌹🌹🙋
Замечательно. Только на видео порошок высыпается в кристально чистый унитаз. Показали бы как средство очищает грязный унитаз.☺
X favore italiano
А «грязный унитаз»- это как ???😳😳😳
@@Виктория-м9я2ш А «грязный унитаз»- это как ??? -- кАком☺Наверно, до применения подобных л/х унитаз считается грязным☺
@@agataruotolo9428 5y
Точно 👍
Plug the toilet and fill it up and place a Denture table. Works wonders.
Hey, I'm going to give that one a try, lol.
To je tacno ja sam probala.hvala.💙❤💙❤💖
A TIP FOR THE TOILET BRUSH - Before you use the toilet brush keep hot water & Lysol spray ready. Moisten the brush before use even with regular water. After use rinse with hot water over the toilet bowl. Then spray with Lysol. Gently shake off excess liquid into the toilet bowl tapping against the inner rim of bowl to prevent a mess and place back onto the brush holder.
instead just don't put detergent in your toilet
@@lemondrop8203 Actually a friend of my daughter was complemented by the plumber. He was there to fix a broken pipe I think and he said he had never seen cleaner pipes. She used dynamo laundry liquid to clean her toilet.
@@jo-annel.wright2975 oh wow
@@jo-annel.wright2975 might be good for the pipe but not for the septic tank as the detergent can kill the bacteria that eats the feces, which will cause septic tank leak
Вас смотрит Россия. Какой вы предприимчивый. Сколько у вас идей.
Od dawna tak robię, odkryłam to przez przypadek bo nie miałam nic innego, dobrze że Pan o tym pisze to inni też skorzystają. Dzięki. 👍
No ale po co wsypywał proszek do czystej toalety?
Ja wrzucam tabletkę od zmywarki naczyń. 😀
@@nomtbg Mozna i tak i tak. Najwazniejsze sa efekty...
@@danutka420 4
Great tip! But washing powder/washing gel works in moving water ; that's why there is the washing machine. The drum turns and turns and turns so keeps the water moving.
A better and more economical version of this is to put the detergent into the cistern rather than directly down the toilet, that way it lasts for many flushes and covers the whole bowl each time, thanks.
Exactly 💯
The cistern empties everytime you flush 🤣
@@natashawaugh8161 yeah or at least 90% of it. Still its a good idea for cleaning the cistern also.
@@theriddick why is it important for the cistern to be clean?
@@Violet_Lotus_ mold
Have done for years.. It works?
No no no! Detergent does not clear away any type of scale! This is also really bad for septic systems.
You realise your dishwasher and washing machine go in to exactly the same drain?
But do the washing machine and toilet both drain to septic system? I think that was the argument being made.
@@brianbacich9999 Yes of course it goes in to the same tank/pit.
@@davetherave9222 thanks. I truly had no idea. You just taught me something Brian. It’s not true when they say McKnight and boitano are the most talented Brian’s.
@@davetherave9222 yes they do but why put the wrong product in a toilet as a hack and exacerbate the pollution to watercourse unnecessarily?
You forgot to suggest doing the same with the cistern. This also will aid in cleaning under the bowl rim which should be an imperative not a possiblity as it's where bacteria live.
Don't put this in a modern cistern. It'll get damaged
Listening to you say detergant over and over has just made my night ,😂😂😂 Thanks for the great tips and a good laugh
How to clean a clean toilet. Brilliant.
If you don’t have any powdered detergent you can also use Ajax (which is what I use)
I too
I always use the liquid Ajax that is commonly used to clean the floors.
@jimpolicke7639 vim and ajax
Washing powder helpful for septic tank?
I'm going to do this just now. 👍 Thanks. 👍❤️
Useful tip to clean Toilets thankyou
THIS IS A WAIST OF LAUNDRY SOAP YOU JUST NEED WHITE Vinegar and a spray bottle. put white vinegar in a spray bottle and pray the inside of the toilet wait 3 minutes and scrub with the toilet brush.
Wow this channel has sooooo many toilet hacks. Keep them coming. Must be something about the regions toilet design.
Лимонную кислоту кипячу в чайнике, а потом выливаю в унитаз и чайник от налета чистый и унитаз! Через час все прекрасно отмывается и никакой химии
Только воду в чайнике надо остудить. А то прощай унитаз!
@@Елена-Ан-на Очень верное замечание. Особенно для Североамериканских народов. И главное, не класть туда кошку.
Też tak będę robić dziękuję za dobry ekologiczny sposób👍
Qok teshekur harika idea
Или уксус с содой
I use coconut based shampoo for the toilet. It has whitening properties similar to whitening toothpaste. 👍
When done with brushing, keep the brush under the flushing water and turn it so the brush gets rinsed all around. When the water stops flushing, hit the brush hard a few times on the inside of the toilet wall, so all the water comes off the brush. Like this you get a clean brush and no water to collect bacteria in the brush cup and no water to remove from the cup. It is not enough to hit the handle of the brush on the rim, one must hit the brush head and you can roll it too and hit all sides of it down inside the seat wall. All this takes a few seconds.
no point explaining, men dont get it.
does sting your arse when its dry
@@kaiylah5310 okay misandrist
@@youdonegoofed lets play 'spot the man in the comment section'... oops
@@kaiylah5310 okay misandrist
‘Deterghent’ - I love how you say it!
:D Thank you :)
Great tip! There's not a lot BIOLOGICAL washing powder/liquid can't tackle. But it has to be biological, not non-bio, as it contains some kick-ass enzymes! It's so powerful that I had to switch to non-bio for doing smalls, as it was making my skin itch! The place I worked used to use it to clean the kitchen floors. I sometimes buy vintage clothes, and found out by accident that they emerge sparkling and free of all odours if I soak them overnight in a strong solution the stuff before laundering the usual way. I think it strips away any build-up from softener - which can be years with older garments.
Biological powder is good for unblocking toilets, put some in a bowel or bucket of boiling water,put down the toilet . Leave for about half hour and flush
@@lesleyhubble2976 Thanks. Duly noted. Will add that to my 'Uses for Biological Powder' list, which will be bequeathed to my niece upon my passing!😁
Biological soap powder wont work in the toilet as the enzymes are only activated by hot water.
@@wirliv Thanks. I never knew that!
Washing powder is also great for cleaning oven dishes/pans. Just wipe off the excess fat (we don’t need it down the drain), sprinkle on a good scoop of powder add boiling water and leave until cool. Most baked on food will just come off very easily.
Woah - that's a good 3x the amount of water in my flush! I haven't used powder detergent in years, but will buy some just to try this. Thanks!
Why would you try this??? It didn't even work. Watch the video again, Toilet still dirty with a ring. I can't figure out why he would post this when it's a fail.
@@susanlindsay7970 well, my gigantic supermarket didn't have one powder detergent anyway, but thanks :)
Great! .....now I can put Lavatory cleaner in my dishwasher 😲😆 ....mmm loving the thought of that Domestos smell on my plates. 😦
Чим помити бачка в унітазу
Thank you 🙏❤😃
Hello Adriana.. You have a charming picture , i will love to know more about you and get to know each other as new friends, I hope you don't mind?
You have a very pleasant speaking voice.
Thank you :)
Good idea, but I wouldn't put toilet paper on that corner, much rather in a different place.
Forgive my ignorance but why not?
@@angeliner59 ФФфФффффФф
@@angeliner59 hard to reach maybe 🤔
Toilet paper should not be on the floor in the corner behind the loo. Sometimes those who stand to urinate are negligent.
@@angeliner59 mens pee splatter on the floor
I put a dish washer tablet in and it cleans the toilet great
변기에, 세재 넣지 마세요 제발#!!!
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Thanks 4 ur tips to clean toilet
I use Comet cleaner it has bleach in the powder also
A few sprays of 'Mr. Clean' does the best job of cleaning the bowl especially if you want to destroy bacteria the cause odours.
You have all the ideas I need. Can we use that on tiled walls or bathtub?
What is washing powder? What kind is best?
New subscriber....keep up the good work👍🏼
Thank you very much :)
I've always been told never put products that form bubbles into a toilet.
Fear of fatal flatulance?
yes, does things to the plumbing.
Yes 3x
I will try it right now and let you know if it works for me , stand by !
It was clean before you did it. I would be more impressed if you showed us a dirty stained loo, then applied the washing powder.
I have such a loo available
@@martinruddell2682 Can you do a demo of the washing powder on stains, and show us if it removes them?
I was thinking the same. I've seen quite a few cleaning tips vids on you tube where the item they are cleaning looks perfect before they clean it. 🙄
I'd like to know what the washing powder is....i'm in the USA....can you please give some brand recomendations?
My toilet was pretty grimy and this certainly made some difference. Thanks.
Try vinegar. Pour a cup or so in and wait a bit. Give it a quick brush. Makes a huge difference.
How does the anti-bacterial properties react with a septic tank system, where you need the microbes to break down the fecal matter sitting in the tank?
Is it harmless to water animals and seas?
Use a biodegradable soap powder. One that has live enzymes.
He is refering to grey water and black water systems. You can put grey water into a black water system but not vise versa as long as you don't go through more gpm than the system is rated for.
Black water system can easily handle any laundry detergent safe for septic systems. Think - rinsing cloth diapers in the toilet. Detergent is used and the waste systems are made to handle it.
And yes, you still run them through the laundry after.
Thank you great tip and works really well 👌
Hey there, Smart Fox, you always have great ideas 💡 thank you for sharing them!
Thank you very much :)
🖐 what brand model name is that toilet.... shopping. Thanks
I laid a massive Christmas log and it’s stained the toilet,I will try this 😁
Try breaking the said Brown Derby in small cubes with a knife and fork make sure. You not only flush the turdlets also piss over the knife and fork the acidity will get rid of any turd stains rinse under a tap wipe dry ,place back in cutlery draw and no one will be none the wiser.alternative method grab Richard out of pan then lob out of window best to do this at night make sure your not spotted
Thank you.
Столько порошка насыпал, что можно экологию вокруг всего дома испортить
Очень дурное, чистить унитаз стир. порошком, только не им!
@@ЛюдмилаМуратова-ь3ь А чем?
@@extgrin как это чем? Сколько всяких средств с солян. кислотой и без солян. Только не стир. порошком, какая дикость, дурость, надо же до такого додуматься. А в способе примен. стир. порошка написано для чистки унитаза ?? 🙈😱😩
@@ЛюдмилаМуратова-ь3ь Если помогает, почему бы и нет? А разве не написано, что дышать парами соляной кислоты вредно?
Мизер кис-ты на дно, накрыть крышкой унитаза, на 20-30 минут. Потом. тряпкой потереть (даже в начале) , по истечению. времени, на стенки, на 1 мин., после размазать, все в перчатках! Вы вчера родились? Про стир. порошок забудьте!!!! 🙈👎🔥
Great video and great information
Очень "умно" . Я такое когда-то сделала. Результата очистки- ноль, а вот пена из унитаза лезла ещё долго. Порошок был для автоматической стиральной машины . Страшно представить, что бы было с порошком для ручной стирки. Не делайте глупостей! Каждая химия - для своей нужды.
Faço isso com sabão da máquina de lavar louça. Fica limpinho .
очень удобный и дешевый способ при любых стир. порошках, надо тока без фанатизма
Top work!
Бедная природа, сколько она принимает от нас химии!!!! Раньше все натуральные отходы были....... и ничего , поколение жило дольше и здоровее!!!! Это же все к нам возвращается с водой и овощами....зерном....., вся химия отходов находится на планете земля!!!!!
А чем вы чистит унитаз, всю сантехнику?
Вся наша Земля таблица Менделеева.
@@АлексейЧистовский-з7й амвей ?...
How often should I do this? once per week?
Засыпьте на ночь всё будет нормально, часто так делаю
А, лучше кошачий туалет на ночь, закоксуется, будет жесть!
дб, блдь
Your Welcome :)
Лучше всего заливать Белизну. Можно в нее добавить жидкое мыло, чтобы раствор стал гуще и лучше держался на стенках унитаза. Очищает прекрасно. При этом очень дёшево. Цена литра белизны 0.3 USD ))
Белизна съедает эмаль
@@l_uk , Почему? Это обычная хлорка,которой всю жизнь мыли керамические изделия: плитку, раковины, унитазы. Как она может разъедать эмаль?
@@maximbazhal863 Наверное, Вы правы, если основа Белизны - хлорка, я забыла, как называлось средство, тоже жидкость, на основе щавелевой кислоты, вот это действительно, до основания)))
@@l_uk , А, ну это да )).Я дале использовал фактически раствор соляной кислоты. Это готовое средство для снятия тяжёлых отложений, ржавчины и т.д. Оно хорошо действует, но на эмаль наверное таки влияет, как вы говорите )). Такие вещи надо использовать изредка, только когда уже совсем никуда. В конце-концов, если сильно тереть эмаль чисто механически, то она тоже слезает постепенно. В общем, ничего вечного нет ))
Thank god for subtitles.
That was amazing. Bet the room smells really fresh too
Beograd lajk od baka Dudina kuhinja ❤️❤️ super i meni lajk
Is this safe for a septic system???
I always do this. I use washing powder for almost any cleaning job in the home
Hello Pauline
I bet it smells so good when you clean
Muy buen tips lo voy a probar. Gracias
mejor ponle levadura 😀😀😀
You know what works really well to clean your toilet? Toilet bowl cleaner.
If you have older cast iron or cast steel drain lines in your plumbing system, will powdered detergents increase the amount of incrustation that occurs naturally? It's one of the reasons why liquid laundry detergent became prevalent. It supposedly decreases the encrustatation effect over a period of time, yet I recently had to tear out some of my drain lines and replace the cast steel drain lines with PVC. Seems to me that there was just as much encrusted crap in the kitchen sink line and the washer line even after we have been using liquid laundry detergent for several years. I absolutely hate crawling under my house and doing plumbing that becomes a necessity, but I refuse to not do it. It's a life safety and health issue that cannot be ignored, hoping it'll just go away.
Use biodegradable soaps. My laundry soap is in powder form. The enzymes are supposed to be active in dispersing dirt & oily substances. I've not scientifically checked to see if it does, just happy with the results.
@@pixibelle3282 We have a washer that requires HE detergent and it is biodegradable, but it's liquid. I have one more short piece of the 2 inch line from the washer and about 5 feet from the kitchen sink and it will all be PVC. The old galvanized steel lines are notoriously bad for encrustation. PVC lines generally do not suffer from encrustation.
@@pixibelle3282 Also, one of my problems with the pipes is over time and a few plumbing projects under the house before we moved here 36 years ago was the mixture of the types of pipes. A mix of some old PVC from the washer, several sections of cast steel, and a replacement pipe from the kitchen sink that was another piece of galvanized steel pipe that replaced another one. I discovered that by finding the original one laying next to the newer one.. you would've thought they could have just used PVC but... who knows what people are thinking? If they had, I wouldn't have to crawl under there again and replace it AGAIN...😨
@@mikegrant8490 I know my husband would have just used pvc. He would replace when he can, with pvc. He's a tradie.
@@mikegrant8490 Yes, my husband told me that. This is why we use bio zet washing powder.
Hi and greetings from Denmark. Sorry my bad English. I also can give you a little piece of advice. When you use toilet cleaners, which for the part, contains citric acid and almost regardless of the consistenty, it just runs down the bowl. At first!!! Before doing these tricks, ALWAYS remember to wear rubber gloves and safety glasses. It will be so boring and quite painful to both get acid in you eyes or have it on your hands etched. But to get the best benifits both in terms of the washing powder and the acid cleaner, at first you can with great advantage, apply a third of the selected product, Then you can play your own MASTER PAINTER, by taking some pieces of paper towel and wallpapering the entire toilet bowl with these. But before start. The best result would be to use the toilet brush and gently pump most of the water out of the trap in the wc. Just be careful of splashing. Spread the rest on the attached pieces of paper and VOILA. In this way you get the best use of the products, because it remains where it should do its job and you safe both the environment and your wallet. Let it work for about half an hour. Just remember to hold the wc board down, not only to minimize the toxic fumes, but certainly also when level in the water trap almost has been emptied of water - you can enjoy the lovely stench down from the sewer pipes. I wish all of you out there, a nice easy work and a happy winter - summer, depending on, where in the world you live. Kind regards from Hans Christian. Take care of yourself, loved ones, friends and also the NATURE.
But the toilet looked clean even before the washing powder...
Toilets can look clean but rarely are with all the hidden bacteria and limescale
Or it may be done just for the video!
To be honest, I don't mind, I may even prefer that ;)
Well he's not going to show it with shit in it is he?
It's a good idea!
I'd try it as soon as possible.
from Japan 1/20
I work for the city waste water department and this is incredibly bad for the down steam process at the gray water plant do not do this!
What is the difference? Detergent always goes into sanitary sewers. Why would it matter if it goes through the toilet or the washing machine?
Thank you for sharing
Осень полезная информация. Особенно без перевода.
Does washing liquid do the same thing?
You should mention it can ruin plumbing if your have septic. It can build back up causing blockage. Sodium bicarbonate is my choice.
People with septic live in third world areas. Sorry bro.
@@curbyourshi1056 your ignorance is bright.
@@russelltheone6969 Turns out sewage is a first world thing. See Joseph Bazalgette, did the whole of London. Your lack of sewage facilities is affecting your brain, surely. I just flush EVERYTHING away. Unlucky for you.
@@curbyourshi1056 modern septic is much more practical in none urban areas. Farms an such. Country properties. Try educating yourself a touch before making a fool of yourself.
@@russelltheone6969 Oh no, I agree. I'm not lucky enough to live in a rural area. I just enjoy having the freedom to flush what I want, while you can't. Enjoy your shit pickup mate. 👍😂🤣😂😂