Interesting analysis. I have listened to Diana hundreds of times (probably thousands) and watched many professional analysis of her performances. She is not just unique in sound, she is kind of an anomaly in that this is her comfortable singing voice. As others have said she is a contralto, with pronounced overtones and a rich and extremely colorful vocal tone. This is a result of her very unique physiology and vocal apparatus. She has been singing on stage since she was six years old and is very comfortable on stage. She completely transforms when she performs and becomes the song she is performing. Apart from that she is a sweet, intelligent and down to earth young woman. She is twenty now and works hard to develop and improve. Her voice and range is even lower and higher now. She is incredible and mesmerizing. She is the most fun artist to follow that I have ever come across and the wielder of my favorite vocal instrument - her voice.
Thanks for the reaction...No Doubt...Diana is The Best...most of people who talking about Diana, doing "Woow" low! How high! ...for me, Her singing creating a kind of connection on the Soul level..means really us ...from inside, where is no of the Pure Being... highs and lows are only kind of links letting us to get a full access to entire experience...So Diana is the Gift...treasure...❤
We are talking about the best female vocalist in the world currently and no i am not exaggerating, the more you hear from her the more you will come to this understanding yourself. Diana is never nervous in her performances, everything you see and hear are deliberate, the deep breath and the shy beginning of the song shows that she is in character, she even looks to the side startled as you see later on. Also her deep sound is her natural sound it is not a backwards placement, she is a contralto (a dramatic Contralto at that) she does not pull her tongue back at all, she can sustain that voice forever because this is her natural sound. Since you mentioned high voices, Diana has a huge range and she can also reach super high, she has sustained a D6 no problem in one of her most recent songs. The up and down flips in her register are nothing for Diana because she is also a master yodeler. Most people start by listening to her "Can't help falling in love" cover or her "Wicked game" cover to get a taste of what she is really capable of so check one of those next, or if you want to listen to her sing a song completely in her naturally dark deep sound then her cover of "Human" or "Oh it is not evening yet" would do. I can not provide links because my posts are getting deleted if i do but they are easy enough to find, all of them. You have pronounced her name correctly but you nuked her last name to oblivion.
@@graywhite1529 It is fine, the things he said are logical guesses if you do not know the singer and what she is capable off, i am sure that like many others the more he listens to Diana the more he will understand that he is not dealing with a regular case that can be easily analyzed.
Вы даже не представляете, какой поток вы открыли этим видео!) Диана - это уже лейбл, это явление, это самое невероятное в мире музыки! Изучайте и наслаждайтесь.
Congratulations! You have just discovered the best vocalist in the world! Diana has a huge vocal range - from at least C3 to D6 - and she is perfectly comfortable singing not only contralto parts but soprano parts too. Unlike Dimash however - who of course I admire enormously - she does not flaunt it. Rather, her performances' raison d'etre is emotional and spiritual depth, and in this respect she is second to none. On-stage, she adopts and expresses the character of the song she is performing with peerless expressivity and authenticity. Although she was 15 when she gave this performance, she was already a star, the incredible performances she had given when 14 on the 2018 season on the Russian TV Show You are Super having attracted tens of millions of views. All four of those performances are stunning, but "Rechenka" in particular - one of the greatest performances by anyone of anything - is the absolute epitome of genius of the highest order. Still only 20, her catalogue, which numbers some 900 performances given in seven languages, includes scores of absolute masterpieces across a vast range of styles and genres.
К нам подтянулась тяжёлая артиллерия из Австралии (238 тысяч подписчиков - это не шутка). Очень хорошие, очень точные, очень доброжелательные комментарии. Два самых существенных момента хотелось бы выделить. Довольно неожиданно услышать от блогера, делающего, в числе прочих, реакции на Димаша, именно это высказывание. О чём оно? О том, что мы разучились слушать чистую красоту голоса, разучились ценить вокальное искусство там, где артист не пытается поразить нас высокими нотами, а поёт в комфортной для себя средней тесситуре. (Добавлю от себя: разучились далеко не все, но тенденцию он уловил верно - она стала проявляться особенно явно в последние годы). О том, как красив и богат такой сравнительно низкий голос; и о том, как искусно и виртуозно его использует Диана Анкудинова. Второе его замечание не менее проницательно - и касается оно её сценического образа и её поведения на сцене. В подобных драматичных песнях она просто стоит на сцене на одном месте - и умудряется при этом заполнять собой всё пространство, прочно удерживать ваше внимание. Великолепная невербальная коммуникация с помощью жестов, мимики, движения тела, плеч, головы. А как она использует свой взгляд! Ей не нужно бегать по сцене: тех средств невербального самовыражения, что есть у неё в арсенале, более чем достаточно для того, чтобы произвести сильное впечатление на свою публику. Собственно, любое впечатление, какое в данный момент потребуется для того, чтобы донести до нас послание песни. Большой респект этому австралийцу; с нетерпением буду ждать его следующего ролика о Диане Анкудиновой - и очень сильно удивлюсь, если его не последует...
Диана Анкудинова обладает магической силой, силой настоящего искусства. Красота её во всём - музыке, вокале, внешности, стиле, разносторонности, эмоциях!Эта девушка кладезь талантов и сюрпризов. Диана настолько преображает исполняемые ею каверы, что они становятся её собственными. Она во все свои каверы вносит особую изюминку и это всегда звучит в сто раз лучше оригинала! Искусство, которое создает Диана, не имеет границ, жанровых рамок и оно неподвластно времени!
Thanks for the reaction! Diana is like the other side of the moon of modern pop music... Yesterday I attended her concert in our Siberian town, the concert was great, the impressions were great! (it was minus 37 in the morning, then it warmed up to minus 20)
Diana conveys emotions in an unrealistically believable way, as if she herself is the heroine of this tragic story....And in all performances, this song, indeed, finds new nuances every time, expressed by her inimitable and beautiful voice. Diana skillfully and subtly introduces us to the narration of this dramatic story, forcing us to experience together with the heroine of the song "The Last Dance...
Выросла настоящая артистка. С её первых появлений на большой сцене я снова начал слушать вокал. Я услышал что то глубинное, настоящее в её голосе. И песни начали преобретать тот смысл, который закладывал в них создатели. И Диана до сих пор растёт и удивляет нас. И начали появляться всё больше песен написанных для неё.
Спасибо за вашу реакцию. Реакцию профессинала. Да, это очень редкий голос сейчас на сцене. И ещё. Понимаете, мы, поклонники Дианы, всегда с нетерпением ждём от неё новых песен. Практически всегда - это событие! Никогда не знаешь в каком стиле будет песня, чего ожидать. Не пожалейте своего времени для ииследования творчества Дианы. Это очень познавательно.
Welcome to the wonderful world of "Queen of Goosebumps" - Diana Ankudinova. Every song she performs becomes the pinnacle of art. Diana has a unique voice - a dramatic contralto with very rare overtones, an inimitable timbre, an amazing stage presence! Diana is 20 years old (in this video she is 15 years old), she lives in Moscow, Russia, studies at Gitis - the Institute of Theatrical Art. She started singing at the age of 5 and has won more than 50 international competitions. She sings in any musical genre and has performed songs in her native language - Russian, as well as in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, German, Ukrainian. Truly a very rare and unsurpassed talent that appears once in several generations.
Диана Анкудинова - космическое явление! Дар вселенной обитателям Земли! Чтобы это осознать, нужно прослушать с десяток песен в ее исполнении! Спасибо за вашу реакцию! Diana Ankudinova - a cosmic phenomenon! The gift of the universe to the inhabitants of the Earth! To realize this, you need to listen to a dozen songs performed by her! Thanks for your reaction!
I always say that people who are in music should actually listen to a number of Diana songs, the variety she has in order to learn what her natural sound is and also what she can do with her voice, then comment. There is no tongue pulling back or any such thing. This is her natural position. She can go very high as well, though those are notes where you can see work goes into them. There are a number of songs where she sings low, with her rich timbre or belting and her mouth is fully open for you to clearly see her tongue positioning. Many vocal coaches indeed commented on the tongue positioning only to see where her tongue is (and really thank you Diana for showing it to us!) and retract the statement but conclude that they are confused as they cannot explain the tone. The confusion is better than a wrong explanation. She leaves many in this confused state: a contralto cannot sing that high....only for her to hit a sustained d6 or sing an aria, she doesn’t have power.... only for her to belt the Dune soundtrack...
Sometimes I think that Diana is not a simple singer. She has a shamanic voice that hypnotize everyone, and you falling down to another reality that you never know before. She just giving you a touch how new reality feels like. I'm stun every time to hear or see her. She is MAGICAL Spiritual ANGEL to whom we never ever saw before. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Иногда мне кажется, что Диана не простая певица. У нее шаманский голос, который гипнотизирует всех, и вы падаете в другую реальность, о которой никогда раньше не знали. Она просто дает вам представление о том, как ощущается новая реальность. Я потрясен каждый раз, когда слышу или вижу ее. Она ВОЛШЕБНЫЙ Духовный АНГЕЛ, которого мы никогда раньше не видели.
Diana is firmly in the top ranks of the world's vocal arts ..... with her style. And I would call it "Harpoon Ankudinova"... With this "harpoon" Diana impresses almost everyone from the first seconds ... and attracts the listener, up to the last second of the performance ... And the spectator has only to "helplessly" allow her to pull herself out of the zone of the already familiar world vocal - into the zone of her element ... into the zone of Diana's musical tornado ...! And this "harpoon" is able to carry not only a man, but also a whale into Diana's element ...!!
Добро пожаловать в мир 💎Дианы💎!!! Спасибо за реакцию на 💎Диану Анкудинову💎!!! Лайк!!! 👍👍👍👍👍 Welcome to the world of 💎Diana💎!!! Thank you for your reaction to 💎Diana Ankudinova💎!!! Like!!! 👍👍👍👍👍
I recommend this incredible song performed by Diana! You will not regret! Рекомендую эту невероятную песню в исполнении Дианы! Не пожалеете! «Can't Help Falling in Love» This song is on Diana's official channel: Diana Ankudinova. Эта песня находится на официальном канале Дианы: Диана Анкудинова.
Добро пожаловать в мир Дианы! Великолепное исполнение песни Дианой! И отличная профессиональная реакция и анализ! Диане - браво, а за реакцию - лайк и спасибо! Welcome to Diana's world! Great performance of the song by Diana! And excellent professional response and analysis! Diana - bravo, and for the reaction - like and thank you!
People singing in other languages, Portuguese, Italian, French sing different than English singers. She sings in Russian the Russian way. Then why are surprised that it sounds different? Frankly, I love it, it is a relief. We should have more of that. Her Falling in love blew Elvis to the dustbin. And she doesn't have to run back and forth on the stage, she fills it where she stands. She has enough personality. Diana, I beg you, don't let your singing get poisoned.
One of the smartest intelligent comments I’ve ever read. Thank you. I don’t know Diana personally, but I’ve been to three of her concerts, the last one on January 20. I stood next to her. I expressed my appreciation for her creativity. She answered a couple of my questions. She shook my hand. I can tell you that this is a sea of charm in the face of a 20-year-old beauty. She has a kind heart and warm eyes. Not a drop of snobbery. She is beautifully built and very well-groomed. At the same time, there is a minimum of makeup. I am convinced that she herself does not know what her voice does with people. At the same time, she is quite smart. She speaks well (I was at her meeting with fans). I asked her how she felt about being called the “Queen of Goosebumps.” She laughed and said, “I can’t say, I can’t say, which is not pleasant for me, but I feel responsible. This is a level that I should not drop." I rarely see Diana. Once or twice a year. I like watching her. She has blossomed!
Thanks for choosing to review Diana Ankudinova. You were completely correct to comment on Diana's stage presence. Perhaps a little less correct about how she produces her sound. Obviously you have only heard her once, and with one song. Vocal coaches and singing professionals tend to reasess their original opinions after further exposure to Diana . For this I might suggest Its Not Yet Evening (on the show ShowMaskGoOn) where you can see her tongue placement.
I've followed Diana for half a decade now. You haven't seen but the tiny tip of the iceberg. Check out her live TV performance of Elvis Pressley's Can't Help Falling In Love. It's a dark, minor key cover that is creepy, explosive, atmospheric and with an operatic finish (18 years old). Diana is currently 20 and in the last semester of University work at The Russian Institute of Theatre Arts. You have the first name perfect. Ankoo-DEAN-ova will get you closer to getting the last name correct. Enjoyed your video. I can see why you have so many subs.
Every time her mouth is visible, people found very healthy positions, i.e. she didn't use visible 'tricks'. She could change her voice dramatically, but it's not clear, how she did. Dee-a-na. You could react to next songs in a row: Wicked Game, Rechenka, Human. All are top-notch.
Hi Dr. Dan, you would be doing the world a disservice if you did not react to Diana right away lol. Please react to Diana performing I can’t outline in love Elvis cover. If you have not heard it you will be blown away if you have it will be blown away again.
Indila also has an audible sharp breath intake at the same point at the beginning of the song, and Indila is the one who wrote it. So, in a sense, this sharp inhalation was written into the song. I always thought Indila and Diana both did it to set the emotional tone of the song. If you haven't heard Indila's original version of the song, it is worthwhile to listen to it. Indila's music video of the song has over a billion views on UA-cam, so it is very easy to find. Diana has well over 300 million views of her various performances of this song on UA-cam (although nearly half of Diana's views of Derniere Danse are not currently visible on UA-cam). Kwstas Vagias has made those songs from the "You Are Super" program available (with English translations) on UA-cam, although you can't see the huge number of views she had on that program before March 11, 2022. You also can't see the analysis of the judges from "You Are Super" program.
At the start of the song, the Arabic sounding tidbit was part of the original song. It is not always present in every recording, but the author "Indila" did sing it, at least, in some presentation. The author is born in Paris and define herself as a true French national. However, she says she has Algerian origins but also Cambodian, Egyptian and Indian. One of the inspiration of Diana is "Lara Fabian". I think she sometime replicate her signature noisy breath. Lara is also a stage performer and quite a goosebumps generator.
Listen to Diana's version of Can't Help Falling in Love! Also listen to Human, Wicked Game, and Rechenka after that. Check out her You Tube Channel. There are many performances their including duets!
Diana had a difficult childhood. She spent about 1.5 years in an orphanage. Diana’s story on Wikipedia: How to pronounce Diana Ankudinova from her own lips, give it a try: Diana’s CAN’T HELP FALLING IN LOVE (English) at age 18, with judge’s comments with English subtitles. Buckle your seatbelt to hear her and then turn on the CC to hear the judges’ comments. Diana's CROW (Russian) on the same ShowMaskGoOn program at age 18, visually and vocally stunning: Diana's WICKED GAME (English) at age 15, Yes, that's all her voice: Diana's HUMAN (English) at age 15. She has trained her larynx to do anything she wants it to do: Diana’s Dernière Danse (Last Dance, French) at age 15, subtitles available: Diana's RECHENKA (River, Russian) at age 14, astonishing stage presence and emotion. Diana’s “Non Je Ne Regrette Rien”(No I Regret Nothing, French) + "Jodel Time" at age 13 when she was invited to perform at the Moscow karaoke championship. Diana's OH DARLING (Beatles song, English) at age 10. Just a glimpse of what's to come. Diana's IT'S A WONDERFUL WORLD (Louis Armstrong cover, English) at age 18. She can sing anything. Diana singing a rock ballad, WAY. 18 years old.
Hats off to your honesty in actually doing a true first hearing review. So many fakes on here who practice and practice timing and reactions watching multiple times. So you got a lot wrong but got there. She is a true freak of nature in her ability and natural gifts paired loop😊🎉🎉🎉😊
Диана Анкудинова - 10 лет Oh, Darling (Сценическая версия) Diana Ankudinova - 10 years old Oh, Darling (Stage version) 2017.02.05. "Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien". Диана Анкудинова (Diana Ankudinova). Московский Клуб караоке 2017.02.05. "Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien." Diana Ankudinova. Moscow Karaoke Club Can't help falling in love (Стерео) - Диана Анкудинова @ Шоумаскгоон, 1 тур Can't help falling in love (Stereo) - Diana Ankudinova @ Shoumaskoon, 1st round Диана Анкудинова - Art of Hanz Zimmer (Москва), саундтрек из фильма "Дюна" Diana Ankudinova - Art of Hans Zimmer (Moscow), soundtrack from the movie "Dune"
Here are three reasons why Diana (the Queen of Goosebumps) doesn't sound human. First, she is a contralto, which is the absolute rarest type of female voice. It allows her to sing very dramatic/powerful, very (I mean VERY) deep, very dark, very rich. Second, she has a spectacular larynx. She's been called the vocal Eighth Wonder of the World. Third, she is polyphonic, which means she can produce multiple harmonics within her voice at the same time. This is what allows her to sound like two people at once. (more below) When you add all that up you basically get a person who creates her own auto-tune. She doesn't need electronic auto-tune. She IS her own auto-tune. And the effect when you hear her is totally mind-blowing. It's like she's singing right through you, like a sword straight into your soul. Literally NOBODY else on the planet has a voice like hers. She's not one in a million, she's one in eight billion. Having watched well over 100 initial reactions to her, only one did NOT say she was "unique".
for advanced: Diana sings Rechenka live a capella Diana sings live in german a capella Diana sings live in spanish one of my favorite songs live on stage Dianas first self written and self composed song that she released on yt 4 of her own songs and 2 songs with Brandon Stone who composed the most of Dianas own songs
Greetings from Scotland! Her first name is more like "DEEana" and surname "AN-KOODEENUVUH" But if you listen to how Diana says it herself - you'll get a better idea. I appreciate your vocal analysis, but you may have to rethink the majority of it. Diana has a spectacular larynx and pharynx, plus nasal resonators unlike any other. Simply a fact of birth for Diana, she was born this way (thank god!) and the low (and seriously low) registers are her baseline, where she feels most comfortable. She worked very hard to improve her upper registers and is still striving to go higher. On August 2023 her upper range reached D6 in the song "The Day You..." BUT I was advised that she recently hit a D7 though I haven't been able to find that video yet!
Please do not repeat the mistakes everyone else made with moving your tongue back. Diana doesn't need this. Since birth he has been singing in a low register. Diana's contralto is the rarest dramatic voice among female voices. There is nothing like this at the moment, since the voice has polyphonic overtones.Let's start with the fact that you can listen to Diana at the age of 10, and then her voice is quite low. You can close your eyes, then you won’t be able to tell what a child is singing at 10 years old. Diana also has excellent Yodel skills, you can find the Yodel Time song performed by Diana at 12-13 years old. Diana sings every song as she sees and feels it. Next, subscribe to Diana Ankudinova’s UA-cam channel and take songs from her playlists. The sound is better, the translations are more accurate from the translation team, and there are almost no blockages on the video. Also her interview, documentary video, biography, if interested. Everything is new and childish, you will recognize her vocal range.
A note about the pronunciation of Diana's name. More than 98 percent of native English-speakers pronounce her name very badly at first. In a few years, nearly everyone in the world will be saying her name, so we might as well all start saying it right. In both her first and last name, the "i" is pronounced like the English "ee," the "a" is pronounced "ah" and the "o" is pronounced very close to the "o" in "novel." The hardest part for English-speakers is to put the accent on her last name on the middle syllable. So the "din" in her last name "DEEN." All of this is actually very easy once you start saying it right: Dee-AH-nah Ahn-koo-DEEN-a-vah. There is also a short UA-cam video on how to say her name. It is at: One nice thing about the video is that you can use the gear symbol at the bottom right side of the video to hear, more precisely, how Diana says her own name.
1. Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien about 12 years old 2. Wicked Game 15 YO 3. Human 15 YO 4. Rechenka 14 YO About the song "Rechenka": This is an old ritual song about an orphan bride. The girl has no parents. The river was considered the boundary between the world of the living and the dead. She goes to the river and asks for the blessing of marriage. She says that there are many people at home, but there is no father and mother. You hear Diana singing in a whisper. These are the words of the deceased mother of the bride. Then the girl is crying. In Russia, at weddings they sang sad songs to scare away evil and the marriage of a young couple was to be happy. Such songs were called “weeping.” The figures behind Diana are spirits of water and forest. 5. Derniere Danse 14 YO (BEST VERSION) 6. Can't Help Falling In Love 19 YO 7. Blizzard (Snowstorm) 15 YO 8. Tomorrow Is a Lie 15YO 9. Fastidious Horses 17YO One video of Diana's, in my sight, is a total masterpiece the like of which I don't remember ever seeing before in my long life. It's a must see for anyone that loves singing with unending emotion. The background of the song is essential to know. The title of the song is "Ornery (or "Fastidious" or "Finicky") Horses". The song has nothing to do with horses in reality - the horses are being used as a metaphor for life. The author of song is begging the horses to slow down (he is aware he is approaching death), but, at the same time he is whipping them along (his chaotic lifestyle) - he knows that his lifestyle is taking him to an early death, however, he is unable to change it.....the composer of the song, Vladimir Vysotsky, was a singer-songwriter, poet, and actor as well as an alcoholic & drug addict and died in 1980 at the age of 42. . Subtitles are a must for Diana's words before and after the song. 10. Maybe I, Maybe You 17YO
Watch her performance of Rechenka at age 14 on the You Are Super show (for disadvantaged children), where her wide range of vocal techniques is on full display. It is regarded by many as a MASTERPIECE of performance art, and the best performance ever given by a teenager on a Russian talent show. Here is the link There are subsequent videos of her performing this song that are not as good, so you should ignore them.
Nobody has lost interest in lower tones, we have been force fed a continuous diet of sopranos by those who know nothing of vocals and everything about marketing to the most easily influenced population on earth...teenage girls. Carbon copy after carbon copy of singers nobody remembers a decade later. Diana will be talked about for generations.
Ютуб удаляет ссылку , поэтому приходится оставить название видео для реакции - "Диана Анкудинова - Human / "Новая волна" 2019" UA-cam deletes the link, so you have to leave the name of the video for the reaction - "Диана Анкудинова - Human / "Новая волна" 2019"
Just a tip for pronounciation: russian "i" mostly sonds like -ee- in "feel" or -i- in "hit", and for sound -i- like in "hide" often used transliteration couples -ai- or -ay- Dee-ana [Diʌ´nʌ] (accent to first "a") Ankudinova (accent to "i") - for easier perception lets breake it to figurative parts, like 'Ankh'-u-'dino'-va (ankh - ☥ - Egyptian simbol of life, dino - short version of "dinosaur")
Since you're a vocal coach I'm a little surprised you haven't checked out Jacob Collier. Freakish microtonal precision control and range. Moon River is just him but All Night Long is him with Take 6 while playing several of the 20 instruments he plays. He leads random fans to improvise on Mahogany Sessions Little Blue but covers all kinds of genres. Lots of collaborations too like with saje that just won his 6th Grammy. Saje is pretty solid, too. Moon River: Little Blue:
French song "Dernière danse" (Last dance) by Indila. Indila is an Arab who lives in France and sing in french with arabic accent. And Diana imitates the Arabic accent. But Diana speaks very badly, we don't understand the words and I'm French.
😂So glad your expertise isn’t impacted by the fact you mispronounced both Diana’s last name & the song title.😏. I see you’re new to Diana. I urge you to read her bio; =ly tragic & triumphant. Her being alive is a miracle. Too much too share here. But I’ll give you 3 facts, now. #1. She’s a natural contralto. #2. She’s POLYPHONIC!!! #3. Physical & psychological factors caused her to be NONVERBAL till ~5!!! Explore & discover Diana’s history on your own. You won’t regret it. Nice job. Be well. 3/28/24
👉 So much fear, pain, love and passion ... Diana makes us feel all of this. Diana can't speak French but she loves the sound of the French language and sings a few songs in French. The song is about the human being who is looking for his place in this world, who feels 'different' or who is made to feel 'different'. It's about the sadness and sweetness of life on this quest. The song also deals with the emotions of a young immigrant in Paris who struggles with racism and discrimination on a day-to-day basis. And she sings that in order to endure the pain, you always have to carry a little bit of hope and optimism. Music and Lyrics written by Indila (*1984, of Algerian descent but also Cambodian, Egyptian and Indian) is a French R&B singer, songwriter. 'Derniere Danse' was the first single from her debut album 'Mini World' in 2014. * Interview Indila about the song: * Original MV: (over 900 million views) It all started with this song on UA-cam. Diana herself said it was her calling card. This was Diana's first song in the unique competition 'You are Super' 2018 (age 14) ... but she has been singing since she was 5 years old, including professional vocal training. In 2018 and 2019 Diana entered a unique competition and won twice. This project is unique in the world, an international TV- competition: 'You are Super', especially for adopted and orphaned children. The winner of the season will be determined by a 6-day public vote and the final took place in the Kremlin Palace. Diana's performances were uploaded to UA-cam and soon she had millions of fans. The project producers help the finalists start their studies and encourage their creativity. Diana won a scholarship. Igor Krutoy, here as a juror, gave her a small apartment (37m²/398,26 ft²) in Moscow. There, in the small flat she lives with her mother and grandmother and was able to begin her vocal training with the best teachers.
Interesting analysis. I have listened to Diana hundreds of times (probably thousands) and watched many professional analysis of her performances. She is not just unique in sound, she is kind of an anomaly in that this is her comfortable singing voice. As others have said she is a contralto, with pronounced overtones and a rich and extremely colorful vocal tone. This is a result of her very unique physiology and vocal apparatus. She has been singing on stage since she was six years old and is very comfortable on stage. She completely transforms when she performs and becomes the song she is performing. Apart from that she is a sweet, intelligent and down to earth young woman. She is twenty now and works hard to develop and improve. Her voice and range is even lower and higher now. She is incredible and mesmerizing. She is the most fun artist to follow that I have ever come across and the wielder of my favorite vocal instrument - her voice.
Чтобы лучше понять как поет Диана надо просто больше сушать её!
Чем больше слушаешь тем больше удивляешься!!!
Thanks for the reaction...No Doubt...Diana is The Best...most of people who talking about Diana, doing "Woow" low! How high! ...for me, Her singing creating a kind of connection on the Soul level..means really us ...from inside, where is no of the Pure Being... highs and lows are only kind of links letting us to get a full access to entire experience...So Diana is the Gift...treasure...❤
We are talking about the best female vocalist in the world currently and no i am not exaggerating, the more you hear from her the more you will come to this understanding yourself.
Diana is never nervous in her performances, everything you see and hear are deliberate, the deep breath and the shy beginning of the song shows that she is in character, she even looks to the side startled as you see later on.
Also her deep sound is her natural sound it is not a backwards placement, she is a contralto (a dramatic Contralto at that) she does not pull her tongue back at all, she can sustain that voice forever because this is her natural sound.
Since you mentioned high voices, Diana has a huge range and she can also reach super high, she has sustained a D6 no problem in one of her most recent songs.
The up and down flips in her register are nothing for Diana because she is also a master yodeler.
Most people start by listening to her "Can't help falling in love" cover or her "Wicked game" cover to get a taste of what she is really capable of so check one of those next, or if you want to listen to her sing a song completely in her naturally dark deep sound then her cover of "Human" or "Oh it is not evening yet" would do.
I can not provide links because my posts are getting deleted if i do but they are easy enough to find, all of them.
You have pronounced her name correctly but you nuked her last name to oblivion.
Спасибо, за комментарий. Thanks for the comment Kwstas_Vagias.
heh, go easy on the bloke, he'll get around to understanding (well sooner or later)😁
@@graywhite1529 It is fine, the things he said are logical guesses if you do not know the singer and what she is capable off, i am sure that like many others the more he listens to Diana the more he will understand that he is not dealing with a regular case that can be easily analyzed.
@@Kwstas_Vagias my point exactly😁
F.O.S. (look it up!)
Вы даже не представляете, какой поток вы открыли этим видео!) Диана - это уже лейбл, это явление, это самое невероятное в мире музыки! Изучайте и наслаждайтесь.
Rechenka... from the show.. You are super.. 14 years old, my favorite!
Princess of stage Diana, - Queen of the goosebumps ! 🌹❤.
Congratulations! You have just discovered the best vocalist in the world!
Diana has a huge vocal range - from at least C3 to D6 - and she is perfectly comfortable singing not only contralto parts but soprano parts too.
Unlike Dimash however - who of course I admire enormously - she does not flaunt it.
Rather, her performances' raison d'etre is emotional and spiritual depth, and in this respect she is second to none. On-stage, she adopts and expresses the character of the song she is performing with peerless expressivity and authenticity.
Although she was 15 when she gave this performance, she was already a star, the incredible performances she had given when 14 on the 2018 season on the Russian TV Show You are Super having attracted tens of millions of views. All four of those performances are stunning, but "Rechenka" in particular - one of the greatest performances by anyone of anything - is the absolute epitome of genius of the highest order.
Still only 20, her catalogue, which numbers some 900 performances given in seven languages, includes scores of absolute masterpieces across a vast range of styles and genres.
К нам подтянулась тяжёлая артиллерия из Австралии (238 тысяч подписчиков - это не шутка). Очень хорошие, очень точные, очень доброжелательные комментарии. Два самых существенных момента хотелось бы выделить. Довольно неожиданно услышать от блогера, делающего, в числе прочих, реакции на Димаша, именно это высказывание. О чём оно? О том, что мы разучились слушать чистую красоту голоса, разучились ценить вокальное искусство там, где артист не пытается поразить нас высокими нотами, а поёт в комфортной для себя средней тесситуре. (Добавлю от себя: разучились далеко не все, но тенденцию он уловил верно - она стала проявляться особенно явно в последние годы). О том, как красив и богат такой сравнительно низкий голос; и о том, как искусно и виртуозно его использует Диана Анкудинова. Второе его замечание не менее проницательно - и касается оно её сценического образа и её поведения на сцене. В подобных драматичных песнях она просто стоит на сцене на одном месте - и умудряется при этом заполнять собой всё пространство, прочно удерживать ваше внимание. Великолепная невербальная коммуникация с помощью жестов, мимики, движения тела, плеч, головы. А как она использует свой взгляд! Ей не нужно бегать по сцене: тех средств невербального самовыражения, что есть у неё в арсенале, более чем достаточно для того, чтобы произвести сильное впечатление на свою публику. Собственно, любое впечатление, какое в данный момент потребуется для того, чтобы донести до нас послание песни. Большой респект этому австралийцу; с нетерпением буду ждать его следующего ролика о Диане Анкудиновой - и очень сильно удивлюсь, если его не последует...
Подождем, увидим Михаил. Спасибо за основательный и глубокий по содержанию уже традиционный комментарий от Вас. Еще раз спасибо.
Михаил, разве я могу как-то иначе оценить ваш комментарий? Только так 👏❤
Поклон и аплодисменты... 👍👏👏👏
@@ТатьянаГеМун новый текст:
Thanks like and subs for nice reaction to amazing Diana!💯👍
Diana is equally an awesome on stage performer as she is vocally
Диана Анкудинова обладает магической силой, силой настоящего искусства. Красота её во всём - музыке, вокале, внешности, стиле, разносторонности, эмоциях!Эта девушка кладезь талантов и сюрпризов. Диана настолько преображает исполняемые ею каверы, что они становятся её собственными. Она во все свои каверы вносит особую изюминку и это всегда звучит в сто раз лучше оригинала! Искусство, которое создает Диана, не имеет границ, жанровых рамок и оно неподвластно времени!
Диана супер!❤❤❤Спасибо!😊
Thanks for the reaction! Diana is like the other side of the moon of modern pop music... Yesterday I attended her concert in our Siberian town, the concert was great, the impressions were great! (it was minus 37 in the morning, then it warmed up to minus 20)
Диана Анкудинова ,, РЕЧЕНЬКА"
Super Diana!!! Amazing!!! Beautiful!!! Joker song!!! Awesome!!! Magical!!! Thank you!!! Wow!!!❤✨🙏👍🤯🙀❤️✨🎇🥰
Шикарнейшее исполнение ! А сколько эмоций вложено в голосе и какие эмоции продемонстрированны внешне , залюбуешься ! Маленькая , но великая актриса !!
Diana conveys emotions in an unrealistically believable way, as if she herself is the heroine of this tragic story....And in all performances, this song, indeed, finds new nuances every time, expressed by her inimitable and beautiful voice. Diana skillfully and subtly introduces us to the narration of this dramatic story, forcing us to experience together with the heroine of the song "The Last Dance...
Выросла настоящая артистка. С её первых появлений на большой сцене я снова начал слушать вокал. Я услышал что то глубинное, настоящее в её голосе. И песни начали преобретать тот смысл, который закладывал в них создатели. И Диана до сих пор растёт и удивляет нас. И начали появляться всё больше песен написанных для неё.
Спасибо за вашу реакцию. Реакцию профессинала. Да, это очень редкий голос сейчас на сцене. И ещё. Понимаете, мы, поклонники Дианы, всегда с нетерпением ждём от неё новых песен. Практически всегда - это событие! Никогда не знаешь в каком стиле будет песня, чего ожидать. Не пожалейте своего времени для ииследования творчества Дианы. Это очень познавательно.
Спасибо за реакцию на любимую певицу Диану. Она бесподобна Браво Диана❤❤❤❤❤❤
Диана супер!!!давно слушаем и наблюдаем за её талантливым голосом.
Welcome to the wonderful world of "Queen of Goosebumps" - Diana Ankudinova. Every song she performs becomes the pinnacle of art. Diana has a unique voice - a dramatic contralto with very rare overtones, an inimitable timbre, an amazing stage presence! Diana is 20 years old (in this video she is 15 years old), she lives in Moscow, Russia, studies at Gitis - the Institute of Theatrical Art. She started singing at the age of 5 and has won more than 50 international competitions. She sings in any musical genre and has performed songs in her native language - Russian, as well as in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, German, Ukrainian. Truly a very rare and unsurpassed talent that appears once in several generations.
Оо, не слышала на украинском, а какую она песню поет?
@@НатальяВишнякова-г8у ,,Скрипка грае", если не ошибаюсь.
Диана Анкудинова - космическое явление! Дар вселенной обитателям Земли! Чтобы это осознать, нужно прослушать с десяток песен в ее исполнении! Спасибо за вашу реакцию!
Diana Ankudinova - a cosmic phenomenon! The gift of the universe to the inhabitants of the Earth! To realize this, you need to listen to a dozen songs performed by her! Thanks for your reaction!
I always say that people who are in music should actually listen to a number of Diana songs, the variety she has in order to learn what her natural sound is and also what she can do with her voice, then comment. There is no tongue pulling back or any such thing. This is her natural position. She can go very high as well, though those are notes where you can see work goes into them. There are a number of songs where she sings low, with her rich timbre or belting and her mouth is fully open for you to clearly see her tongue positioning. Many vocal coaches indeed commented on the tongue positioning only to see where her tongue is (and really thank you Diana for showing it to us!) and retract the statement but conclude that they are confused as they cannot explain the tone. The confusion is better than a wrong explanation. She leaves many in this confused state: a contralto cannot sing that high....only for her to hit a sustained d6 or sing an aria, she doesn’t have power.... only for her to belt the Dune soundtrack...
Спасибо 👍👍👍
Sometimes I think that Diana is not a simple singer.
She has a shamanic voice that hypnotize everyone, and you falling down to another reality that you never know before.
She just giving you a touch how new reality feels like. I'm stun every time to hear or see her.
She is MAGICAL Spiritual ANGEL to whom we never ever saw before.
Иногда мне кажется, что Диана не простая певица.
У нее шаманский голос, который гипнотизирует всех, и вы падаете в другую реальность, о которой никогда раньше не знали.
Она просто дает вам представление о том, как ощущается новая реальность. Я потрясен каждый раз, когда слышу или вижу ее.
Она ВОЛШЕБНЫЙ Духовный АНГЕЛ, которого мы никогда раньше не видели.
Как вы правы, низкие ноты прекрасны
I am glad to meet your friend Diana. Best wishes from Moscow!
Diana is firmly in the top ranks of the world's vocal arts ..... with her style. And I would call it "Harpoon Ankudinova"... With this "harpoon" Diana impresses almost everyone from the first seconds ... and attracts the listener, up to the last second of the performance ... And the spectator has only to "helplessly" allow her to pull herself out of the zone of the already familiar world vocal - into the zone of her element ... into the zone of Diana's musical tornado ...! And this "harpoon" is able to carry not only a man, but also a whale into Diana's element ...!!
Добро пожаловать в мир 💎Дианы💎!!!
Спасибо за реакцию на 💎Диану Анкудинову💎!!! Лайк!!! 👍👍👍👍👍
Welcome to the world of 💎Diana💎!!!
Thank you for your reaction to 💎Diana Ankudinova💎!!! Like!!! 👍👍👍👍👍
I recommend this incredible song performed by Diana! You will not regret!
Рекомендую эту невероятную песню в исполнении Дианы! Не пожалеете!
«Can't Help Falling in Love»
This song is on Diana's official channel: Diana Ankudinova.
Эта песня находится на официальном канале Дианы: Диана Анкудинова.
✨ Wonderful and unique Diana👑
Thank you for you reaction!🙋♂
It's interesting to listen to you. Reactions to Diana can be watched forever. Read her biography.
Я слушаю Дианочку каждый день ,это ЧУДО МИРА.Спасибо, получите удовольствие
Добро пожаловать в мир Дианы!
Великолепное исполнение песни Дианой!
И отличная профессиональная реакция и анализ!
Диане - браво, а за реакцию - лайк и спасибо!
Welcome to Diana's world!
Great performance of the song by Diana!
And excellent professional response and analysis!
Diana - bravo, and for the reaction - like and thank you!
Princess Diana amazing 🎤🎶💎💥💔💯👍🇬🇷🇬🇷
People singing in other languages, Portuguese, Italian, French sing different than English singers. She sings in Russian the Russian way. Then why are surprised that it sounds different? Frankly, I love it, it is a relief. We should have more of that. Her Falling in love blew Elvis to the dustbin. And she doesn't have to run back and forth on the stage, she fills it where she stands. She has enough personality. Diana, I beg you, don't let your singing get poisoned.
One of the smartest intelligent comments I’ve ever read. Thank you. I don’t know Diana personally, but I’ve been to three of her concerts, the last one on January 20. I stood next to her. I expressed my appreciation for her creativity. She answered a couple of my questions. She shook my hand. I can tell you that this is a sea of charm in the face of a 20-year-old beauty. She has a kind heart and warm eyes. Not a drop of snobbery. She is beautifully built and very well-groomed. At the same time, there is a minimum of makeup. I am convinced that she herself does not know what her voice does with people. At the same time, she is quite smart. She speaks well (I was at her meeting with fans). I asked her how she felt about being called the “Queen of Goosebumps.” She laughed and said, “I can’t say, I can’t say, which is not pleasant for me, but I feel responsible. This is a level that I should not drop." I rarely see Diana. Once or twice a year. I like watching her. She has blossomed!
Диана Анкудинова Богиня эмоций ❤❤❤❤❤
Диана Анкудинова - не могу не влюбиться, голосом твоим , моя любовь , йодль тайм, злая игра ❤❤❤
"I can’t help but fall in love" FROM DIANA'S CHANNEL ONLY! Not the pirated crap.
Hello, thanks ❤👍👏👏👏 ПРОФновички" такая редкость 👍
Thanks for choosing to review Diana Ankudinova.
You were completely correct to comment on Diana's stage presence.
Perhaps a little less correct about how she produces her sound. Obviously you have only heard her once, and with one song. Vocal coaches and singing professionals tend to reasess their original opinions after further exposure to Diana .
For this I might suggest Its Not Yet Evening (on the show ShowMaskGoOn) where you can see her tongue placement.
I've followed Diana for half a decade now. You haven't seen but the tiny tip of the iceberg. Check out her live TV performance of Elvis Pressley's Can't Help Falling In Love. It's a dark, minor key cover that is creepy, explosive, atmospheric and with an operatic finish (18 years old). Diana is currently 20 and in the last semester of University work at The Russian Institute of Theatre Arts. You have the first name perfect. Ankoo-DEAN-ova will get you closer to getting the last name correct. Enjoyed your video. I can see why you have so many subs.
К этому возрасту(15лет) у Дианы за плечами 9 лет выступления на сцене и примерно 50-70 побед в конкурсах.
Diana's official canal on UA-cam, -
Diana Ankudinova
( Диана Анкудинова) .....
Every time her mouth is visible, people found very healthy positions, i.e. she didn't use visible 'tricks'. She could change her voice dramatically, but it's not clear, how she did.
You could react to next songs in a row: Wicked Game, Rechenka, Human. All are top-notch.
Саундтрек к фильму ,, ДЮНА " ДИАНА АНКУДИНОВА
Hi Dr. Dan, you would be doing the world a disservice if you did not react to Diana right away lol. Please react to Diana performing I can’t outline in love Elvis cover. If you have not heard it you will be blown away if you have it will be blown away again.
The one from her channel of course, I'm sick and tired of reactors using the pirated one promoted on
@@BrettHondowсуперДива Диана Анкудинова 👍😍
This is Great my friend !! you must pronunce like this, Diana on the latin way. And the surname is so easy, Anku DÍ nova, acento in the Í. Hugs !
It is different alright. it's perfect.
Indila also has an audible sharp breath intake at the same point at the beginning of the song, and Indila is the one who wrote it. So, in a sense, this sharp inhalation was written into the song. I always thought Indila and Diana both did it to set the emotional tone of the song.
If you haven't heard Indila's original version of the song, it is worthwhile to listen to it. Indila's music video of the song has over a billion views on UA-cam, so it is very easy to find.
Diana has well over 300 million views of her various performances of this song on UA-cam (although nearly half of Diana's views of Derniere Danse are not currently visible on UA-cam). Kwstas Vagias has made those songs from the "You Are Super" program available (with English translations) on UA-cam, although you can't see the huge number of views she had on that program before March 11, 2022. You also can't see the analysis of the judges from "You Are Super" program.
At the start of the song, the Arabic sounding tidbit was part of the original song. It is not always present in every recording, but the author "Indila" did sing it, at least, in some presentation. The author is born in Paris and define herself as a true French national. However, she says she has Algerian origins but also Cambodian, Egyptian and Indian.
One of the inspiration of Diana is "Lara Fabian". I think she sometime replicate her signature noisy breath. Lara is also a stage performer and quite a goosebumps generator.
Взрослая , замечательная певица и актриса Дианочка!!!💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💯
Goosebumbs all over, from beginning to end.
Listen to Diana's version of Can't Help Falling in Love! Also listen to Human, Wicked Game, and Rechenka after that. Check out her You Tube Channel. There are many performances their including duets!
"Can't Help Falling in Love" from her channel only, not the pirated version. Important to point out.
Start breath is intentional for the song, but you probably learned that by the end and i should resist commenting myself so fast
Спасибо большое за реакцию ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Diana had a difficult childhood. She spent about 1.5 years in an orphanage. Diana’s story on Wikipedia:
How to pronounce Diana Ankudinova from her own lips, give it a try:
Diana’s CAN’T HELP FALLING IN LOVE (English) at age 18, with judge’s comments with English subtitles. Buckle your seatbelt to hear her and then turn on the CC to hear the judges’ comments.
Diana's CROW (Russian) on the same ShowMaskGoOn program at age 18, visually and vocally stunning:
Diana's WICKED GAME (English) at age 15, Yes, that's all her voice:
Diana's HUMAN (English) at age 15. She has trained her larynx to do anything she wants it to do:
Diana’s Dernière Danse (Last Dance, French) at age 15, subtitles available:
Diana's RECHENKA (River, Russian) at age 14, astonishing stage presence and emotion.
Diana’s “Non Je Ne Regrette Rien”(No I Regret Nothing, French) + "Jodel Time" at age 13 when she was invited to perform at the Moscow karaoke championship.
Diana's OH DARLING (Beatles song, English) at age 10. Just a glimpse of what's to come.
Diana's IT'S A WONDERFUL WORLD (Louis Armstrong cover, English) at age 18. She can sing anything.
Diana singing a rock ballad, WAY. 18 years old.
Hats off to your honesty in actually doing a true first hearing review. So many fakes on here who practice and practice timing and reactions watching multiple times. So you got a lot wrong but got there. She is a true freak of nature in her ability and natural gifts paired loop😊🎉🎉🎉😊
Диана Анкудинова - 10 лет Oh, Darling (Сценическая версия)
Diana Ankudinova - 10 years old Oh, Darling (Stage version)
2017.02.05. "Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien". Диана Анкудинова (Diana Ankudinova). Московский Клуб караоке
2017.02.05. "Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien." Diana Ankudinova. Moscow Karaoke Club
Can't help falling in love (Стерео) - Диана Анкудинова @ Шоумаскгоон, 1 тур
Can't help falling in love (Stereo) - Diana Ankudinova @ Shoumaskoon, 1st round
Диана Анкудинова - Art of Hanz Zimmer (Москва),
саундтрек из фильма "Дюна"
Diana Ankudinova - Art of Hans Zimmer (Moscow),
soundtrack from the movie "Dune"
Спасибо за внимание к творчеству Дианы Анкудиновой.
Here are three reasons why Diana (the Queen of Goosebumps) doesn't sound human. First, she is a contralto, which is the absolute rarest type of female voice. It allows her to sing very dramatic/powerful, very (I mean VERY) deep, very dark, very rich. Second, she has a spectacular larynx. She's been called the vocal Eighth Wonder of the World. Third, she is polyphonic, which means she can produce multiple harmonics within her voice at the same time. This is what allows her to sound like two people at once. (more below) When you add all that up you basically get a person who creates her own auto-tune. She doesn't need electronic auto-tune. She IS her own auto-tune. And the effect when you hear her is totally mind-blowing. It's like she's singing right through you, like a sword straight into your soul. Literally NOBODY else on the planet has a voice like hers. She's not one in a million, she's one in eight billion. Having watched well over 100 initial reactions to her, only one did NOT say she was "unique".
for advanced:
Diana sings Rechenka live a capella
Diana sings live in german a capella
Diana sings live in spanish
one of my favorite songs live on stage
Dianas first self written and self composed song that she released on yt
4 of her own songs
and 2 songs with Brandon Stone who composed the most of Dianas own songs
She is a polyphonic contralto.
Greetings from Scotland! Her first name is more like "DEEana" and surname "AN-KOODEENUVUH" But if you listen to how Diana says it herself - you'll get a better idea.
I appreciate your vocal analysis, but you may have to rethink the majority of it. Diana has a spectacular larynx and pharynx, plus nasal resonators unlike any other. Simply a fact of birth for Diana, she was born this way (thank god!) and the low (and seriously low) registers are her baseline, where she feels most comfortable. She worked very hard to improve her upper registers and is still striving to go higher. On August 2023 her upper range reached D6 in the song "The Day You..." BUT I was advised that she recently hit a D7 though I haven't been able to find that video yet!
Please do not repeat the mistakes everyone else made with moving your tongue back. Diana doesn't need this. Since birth he has been singing in a low register. Diana's contralto is the rarest dramatic voice among female voices. There is nothing like this at the moment, since the voice has polyphonic overtones.Let's start with the fact that you can listen to Diana at the age of 10, and then her voice is quite low. You can close your eyes, then you won’t be able to tell what a child is singing at 10 years old. Diana also has excellent Yodel skills, you can find the Yodel Time song performed by Diana at 12-13 years old. Diana sings every song as she sees and feels it. Next, subscribe to Diana Ankudinova’s UA-cam channel and take songs from her playlists. The sound is better, the translations are more accurate from the translation team, and there are almost no blockages on the video. Also her interview, documentary video, biography, if interested. Everything is new and childish, you will recognize her vocal range.
A note about the pronunciation of Diana's name. More than 98 percent of native English-speakers pronounce her name very badly at first. In a few years, nearly everyone in the world will be saying her name, so we might as well all start saying it right.
In both her first and last name, the "i" is pronounced like the English "ee," the "a" is pronounced "ah" and the "o" is pronounced very close to the "o" in "novel."
The hardest part for English-speakers is to put the accent on her last name on the middle syllable. So the "din" in her last name "DEEN." All of this is actually very easy once you start saying it right:
Dee-AH-nah Ahn-koo-DEEN-a-vah.
There is also a short UA-cam video on how to say her name. It is at:
One nice thing about the video is that you can use the gear symbol at the bottom right side of the video to hear, more precisely, how Diana says her own name.
Dee-ah-nah is the pronunciation if Diana's first name💖
Диана Анкудинова кавер на песню ЭЛВИСА ПРЕСЛИ ,,
Dee-Ana An Koo-Di-Nova
1. Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien about 12 years old
2. Wicked Game 15 YO
3. Human 15 YO
4. Rechenka 14 YO
About the song "Rechenka": This is an old ritual song about an orphan bride. The girl has no parents. The river was considered the boundary between the world of the living and the dead. She goes to the river and asks for the blessing of marriage. She says that there are many people at home, but there is no father and mother. You hear Diana singing in a whisper. These are the words of the deceased mother of the bride. Then the girl is crying. In Russia, at weddings they sang sad songs to scare away evil and the marriage of a young couple was to be happy. Such songs were called “weeping.” The figures behind Diana are spirits of water and forest.
5. Derniere Danse 14 YO (BEST VERSION)
6. Can't Help Falling In Love 19 YO
7. Blizzard (Snowstorm) 15 YO
8. Tomorrow Is a Lie 15YO
9. Fastidious Horses 17YO
One video of Diana's, in my sight, is a total masterpiece the like of which I don't remember ever seeing before in my long life. It's a must see for anyone that loves singing with unending emotion. The background of the song is essential to know. The title of the song is "Ornery (or "Fastidious" or "Finicky") Horses". The song has nothing to do with horses in reality - the horses are being used as a metaphor for life. The author of song is begging the horses to slow down (he is aware he is approaching death), but, at the same time he is whipping them along (his chaotic lifestyle) - he knows that his lifestyle is taking him to an early death, however, he is unable to change it.....the composer of the song, Vladimir Vysotsky, was a singer-songwriter, poet, and actor as well as an alcoholic & drug addict and died in 1980 at the age of 42. . Subtitles are a must for Diana's words before and after the song.
10. Maybe I, Maybe You 17YO
Watch her performance of Rechenka at age 14 on the You Are Super show (for disadvantaged children), where her wide range of vocal techniques is on full display. It is regarded by many as a MASTERPIECE of performance art, and the best performance ever given by a teenager on a Russian talent show. Here is the link There are subsequent videos of her performing this song that are not as good, so you should ignore them.
Nobody has lost interest in lower tones, we have been force fed a continuous diet of sopranos by those who know nothing of vocals and everything about marketing to the most easily influenced population on earth...teenage girls. Carbon copy after carbon copy of singers nobody remembers a decade later. Diana will be talked about for generations.
Wise words, my friend!
Yes, agreed.
Do you know her history????
"DAIR NEE AIR DANCE" in phonétique.
Ютуб удаляет ссылку , поэтому приходится оставить название видео для реакции - "Диана Анкудинова - Human / "Новая волна" 2019" UA-cam deletes the link, so you have to leave the name of the video for the reaction - "Диана Анкудинова - Human / "Новая волна" 2019"
Not sure if youve seen her video Cant Help Falling (in love with you). Would be neat to hear your opinion on it
I do not know why you picked this video. This about 7th of her best performances.
Just a tip for pronounciation: russian "i" mostly sonds like -ee- in "feel" or -i- in "hit", and for sound -i- like in "hide" often used transliteration couples -ai- or -ay-
Dee-ana [Diʌ´nʌ] (accent to first "a")
Ankudinova (accent to "i") - for easier perception lets breake it to figurative parts, like 'Ankh'-u-'dino'-va (ankh - ☥ - Egyptian simbol of life, dino - short version of "dinosaur")
Since you're a vocal coach I'm a little surprised you haven't checked out Jacob Collier. Freakish microtonal precision control and range.
Moon River is just him but All Night Long is him with Take 6 while playing several of the 20 instruments he plays. He leads random fans to improvise on Mahogany Sessions Little Blue but covers all kinds of genres. Lots of collaborations too like with saje that just won his 6th Grammy. Saje is pretty solid, too.
Moon River:
Little Blue:
French song "Dernière danse" (Last dance) by Indila. Indila is an Arab who lives in France and sing in french with arabic accent. And Diana imitates the Arabic accent.
But Diana speaks very badly, we don't understand the words and I'm French.
Диана не знает французский язык, она просто выучила песню на слух
Диана не знает французский язык, она просто выучила песню на слух ❤😊
Did you learn anything yet from the comments.
Russian Gotye
Thanks for reacting, but I think Diana's performance was higher than your analytic ability.
Best is still the original by INDILA
Are you a twin brother of Edward Norton?))
😂So glad your expertise isn’t impacted by the fact you mispronounced both Diana’s last name & the song title.😏.
I see you’re new to Diana. I urge you to read her bio; =ly tragic & triumphant. Her being alive is a miracle. Too much too share here. But I’ll give you 3 facts, now.
#1. She’s a natural contralto.
#2. She’s POLYPHONIC!!!
#3. Physical & psychological factors caused her to be NONVERBAL till ~5!!!
Explore & discover Diana’s history on your own. You won’t regret it.
Nice job. Be well. 3/28/24
This person can't pronounce words in a Video? Professionals practice first sir.
Вы серьезно ? По- моему она мычит , а не поет, слушать трудно .Кажется, что сейчас она закашляется или еще что похуже ...
👉 So much fear, pain, love and passion ... Diana makes us feel all of this. Diana can't speak French but she loves the sound of the French language and sings a few songs in French.
The song is about the human being who is looking for his place in this world, who feels 'different' or who is made to feel 'different'. It's about the sadness and sweetness of life on this quest. The song also deals with the emotions of a young immigrant in Paris who struggles with racism and discrimination on a day-to-day basis. And she sings that in order to endure the pain, you always have to carry a little bit of hope and optimism.
Music and Lyrics written by Indila (*1984, of Algerian descent but also Cambodian, Egyptian and Indian) is a French R&B singer, songwriter. 'Derniere Danse' was the first single from her debut album 'Mini World' in 2014.
* Interview Indila about the song:
* Original MV: (over 900 million views)
It all started with this song on UA-cam. Diana herself said it was her calling card. This was Diana's first song in the unique competition 'You are Super' 2018 (age 14) ... but she has been singing since she was 5 years old, including professional vocal training.
In 2018 and 2019 Diana entered a unique competition and won twice. This project is unique in the world, an international TV- competition: 'You are Super', especially for adopted and orphaned children.
The winner of the season will be determined by a 6-day public vote and the final took place in the Kremlin Palace. Diana's performances were uploaded to UA-cam and soon she had millions of fans.
The project producers help the finalists start their studies and encourage their creativity. Diana won a scholarship.
Igor Krutoy, here as a juror, gave her a small apartment (37m²/398,26 ft²) in Moscow. There, in the small flat she lives with her mother and grandmother and was able to begin her vocal training with the best teachers.