A D'var Torah by Rabbi Sacks on Vayikra and the Coronavirus Pandemic | Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

  • Опубліковано 6 жов 2024
  • Here is a short D'var Torah from Rabbi Sacks on what we can learn about the Coronavirus pandemic from this week's parsha of Vayikra. (As an explanation for the opening: we had a few technical issues to begin with, but we got there in the end!)
    Learn more about Rabbi Sacks' work at www.rabbisacks...


  • @jasperedwards
    @jasperedwards 3 роки тому +6

    May his memory be blessed

  • @patricialauriello3805
    @patricialauriello3805 4 роки тому +39

    I am a catholic but love to listen to your words. Bless you Rabbi.

    • @nickhodge6169
      @nickhodge6169 4 роки тому +1

      Hello, my Catholic friend: I was speaking to a Catholic, and the LORD inspired me to give her a verse of scripture: St. John 2:5, where Mary says to her servants: "Do whatsoever Jesus tells you" Bible: King James version. The reason I was given this to give to this catholic woman was told to me by her, the catholic girl, and she said, "I am going to become a Christian, and I was looking for something to tell my Mom, who is Catholic, why. This has answered for me, why!"
      What Mary said was to go to Jesus, and whatsoever He tells you do it!
      The next question is: what does Jesus say? Later in that same book of St. John, 14:6 Jesus said: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, No one comes to the Father but by me!"
      My Catholic sister, if you do not listen to what Mary was saying when she said to her servants: Go to Jesus, do whatever He tells you,... If you don't go to Jesus, and you don't do everything He says, then my catholic friend, you will not be saved at all. Therefore, read this small letter just for you:
      Jesus is the Mesiah, or in Hebrew to English translation He is the Meshiaak, Jesus means Yeshua, in Hebrew, which means Salvation:
      Why is Jesus Yeshua, the Meshiaak sooooo important?
      Because you must be cleaned by ritual procedure mandated by God to be very close to Him, and He's the only one who can actually complete the procedure:
      Right now, you think that if you wash with water alone that you are clean before the Lord, yet after all of this time we know that the LORD wants a true personal relationship with each of us on an individual basis, on a spiritual level..
      But How can we cleans our spirits you ask?
      Walmart doesn't sell a soap for our spirits, but let's just for argument sake say they did, could any of us reach our own souls, can we cleans our selves, or even know the level of cleansing we need to be to fit our Father's requirements for that kind of relationship, to have comfort with Him and not judgement? The answer is no, we don't' and we by ourselves alone can't! Again, can a baby cleans itself, changing it's own diaper before its mother? No! The baby must be cleaned by it's father and mother, BUT THERE'S GOOD NEWS:
      That is the same here with us today, for only the Meshiaak, Yeshua, THE RIGHT ARM, of the LORD, can actually reach into each of us all the way to our souls, and cleans us within our spirits, by His own blood, spiritually, to the level which meets and pleases the level of clean sanctioned by our Father in what He requires for fellowship, and as our priest then present us to HIm as His own people without blemish, without any faults, no broken souls (bones), but perfectly clean, and made whole by the work of God, performed by the Meshiaak, which only He can do!
      You sons, you daughters of your heavenly father cannot do that by your own good works, though now they are many, even if you were acting so good 100% all the time, the Meshiaak must still do this work, this is what provision your Father has made for each you, and He doesn't expect you to do this part, this is His part, He alone can do it for you, if you ask your Father to let the Blood of Meshiaak, shed for you, cleans you, for without His working in you, you can't be saved, your proverbial diaper is still dirty, because by your free will until now you've said no, but now to be clean, you must use your free will to permit the Father to let Meshiaak save you, you must allow God to do His work in you the work He has been preparing all of this time, just so that you can know Him on a deeper level, a spiritual level, a level which is between you and Him,
      If you don't believe me, then sit with your heavenly Father and ask Him if what I said was true, He will answer your prayers made in sincerity, and He will notify you that His words which I speak are true, that Yeshua, died on the cross to wash you with His blood, and to make you clean, and to present you to the Father, He will confirm those words above to be true, this is how you are made a part of His family, His spiritual family, for now you've known of your Father, but He wants you to know Him yourself, so that no one can say: "Do you know whom your Father is?" You will say, I both know Him and am known by Him, I know whom my Father is!" And your Father is mute but speaks, as He did with the children of israel, so He doesn't change, He will answer each of you in the way he knows you, better than you know yourselves, all of you whom are alone in your houses tonight, expect Him to, because He will.
      Pray to HIm, now, and ask Him to let Yeshua, Ha Mechiak, who became a sin offering, a Peshak offering, to God for you, so that your atonement would be by his shed blood, your sins would be fully atoned for, no more to be mentioned each year, requiring another sacrifice each year, or yearly, but once and for all cleansed before your Father, and so that no issue stands between you and your Father, only you, and His love will remain...

    • @patricialauriello3805
      @patricialauriello3805 4 роки тому +3

      Nick Hodge Nick I hold fast to.my love of Mary and my faith. But to know Jesus is to know his faith. Our faith came from the Jews. Our mass is a passover sader! I am a catholic till death.

    • @nickhodge6169
      @nickhodge6169 4 роки тому

      @@patricialauriello3805 Deuteronomy 18:11"...,or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.
      Pat,, God said don't talk to the dead, you seek to talk to Mary, a human woman who is dead, you are, therefore, guilty. it is HIs commandments, not mine, and you are notified, and will be held accountable to Jesus, the judge, Mary won't intercede for lawbreakers.
      Choose Jesus
      What will obedience to Jesus' Torah law cost you?:
      1. You possibly will be denied a Catholic burial, for correcting the multiple foundational sinful doctrinal heresies, such as the above written law.
      What you'll gain:
      1. Salvation of your soul.
      2. A healthy, true in a personal relationship, with Jesus.
      Repent !

    • @patricialauriello3805
      @patricialauriello3805 4 роки тому

      Nick Hodge mary is in heaven and not dead. Death has been conquered by Jesus. We go to heaven. only our bodies are dead.

    • @nickhodge6169
      @nickhodge6169 4 роки тому

      @@patricialauriello3805 Mary, is on the other side and should not be inquired for, as the Father said, not too. I don't mean a catholic father, or priest, but the only God & Heavenly Father, the God of Israel.
      Listen to the Apostle Paul, who said it best: "To Live is Christ
      Philippians 1:22..., But if I go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. So what shall I choose? I do not know. v23 I am torn between the two. I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better indeed. v24 But it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.…
      Paul, as well went to be with Christ, but he says, ths tears him because his work will be finished on earth, Pau had to choose, h isn't God who is omnipresent, nor did God give it to him to do both places, but 1, as it is with human beings.
      He was keenly aware that his work stops at death of the body.
      And what of King Saul, and his sin, conjuring the dead former prophet!?
      Read his experience:
      Saul and the Medium of Endor
      1 Samuel 28:8-18
      …8So Saul disguised himself by putting on different clothes, and he set out with two of his men. They came to the woman at night, and Saul said, “Consult a spirit for me. Bring up for me the one I name.” 9But the woman replied, “Surely you know what Saul has done, how he has killed the mediums and spiritists in the land. Why have you set a trap to get me killed?” 10Then Saul swore to her by the LORD: “As surely as the LORD lives, no punishment shall come upon you for this.”…
      …11“Whom shall I bring up for you?” the woman asked. “Bring up Samuel,” he replied. 12But when the woman saw Samuel, she cried out in a loud voice and said to Saul, “Why have you deceived me? You are Saul!” 13“Do not be afraid,” the king replied. “What do you see?” “I see a god coming up out of the earth,” the woman answered.…
      …14“What does he look like?” asked Saul. “An old man is coming up,” she replied. “And he is wearing a robe.” So Saul knew that it was Samuel, and he bowed facedown in reverence. 15Then Samuel said to Saul, “Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?” “I am deeply distressed,” replied Saul. “The Philistines are fighting against me, and God has turned away from me. He no longer answers me, either by the prophets or dreams. So I have called on you to tell me what to do.” 16“Why do you consult me,” asked Samuel, “since the LORD has turned away from you and become your enemy?…
      …17He has done exactly what He spoke through me: The LORD has torn the kingship out of your hand and given it to your neighbor David. 18Because you did not obey the LORD or carry out His burning anger against Amalek, the LORD has done this to you today. 19Moreover, the LORD will deliver Israel with you into the hand of the Philistines, and tomorrow you and your sons will be with me. And the LORD will deliver the army of Israel into the hands of the Philistines.”…
      Did this sin benefit him, did Samuel offer any intercession, no. Did anything change for Saul, No!
      God, would not give Samuel a change word for Saul, and conjuring up the dead didn't change that,
      Saul was not seeking God but man.
      What did Samuel say about God speaking at that point:
      …17He has done exactly what He spoke through me:
      [Spoke] past tense no new word was given.
      For, besides every good thing any Saint had to say while they were alive, & on this side came from God anyway.

  • @MFPhoto1
    @MFPhoto1 2 роки тому +1

    I came across this video almost two years after it was posted. The lesson still stands. Thank you, Rabbi Sacks, z'l', and thank you Hashem for sending him to us.

  • @Stivulya
    @Stivulya 4 роки тому +14

    I’m not Jewish, but I love this man. He radiates wisdom and goodness

    • @Oo7Hola
      @Oo7Hola 4 роки тому

      Stivulya sane here

  • @rutbrea8796
    @rutbrea8796 4 роки тому +35

    Thanks Rabbi Sacks for your kindness in inviting us to be with you during this difficult times. You are a consolation. I lost my dear sister this morning from cancer, she was 82, I am going to miss her. Everyone is suffering around the world today. We all, need prayers for strength and faith. Thanks again my beloved Rabbi, may Hashem blessed is He, bless you and yours. B"H

    • @madelynnovitsky9483
      @madelynnovitsky9483 4 роки тому +1

      Deep condolences

    • @elizabethiloveelohim137
      @elizabethiloveelohim137 4 роки тому +1

      Shalom, she is safe now , I'm sorry about your pain. Much love

    • @jimcole6423
      @jimcole6423 4 роки тому

      Bless you and your family. Shalom.

    • @brucelevine6517
      @brucelevine6517 4 роки тому +1

      Baruch ha Dayan ha emet im so sorry for your loss may her memory to a blessing to you and all of Israel and may G-d end all our suffering with the comming of Mosheach bekorov ! We have all suffered too much snd too long

    • @shevetlevi2821
      @shevetlevi2821 4 роки тому

      Heartfelt condolences. May her memory always be for a blessing. I believe that we all get to be together again someday. You'll be with your sister again. Find the book, "Life After Life", by Dr. Raymond Moody. It was enormous comfort and reassurance to me when I lost my dad. Stay safe during these times.

  • @rodrigobauler8287
    @rodrigobauler8287 3 роки тому +1

    I met you at UCSB some years ago. You were one of the greatest souls I have ever met. Baruch dayan ha'emet.

  • @טליהגרינברג-ה3נ
    @טליהגרינברג-ה3נ 2 роки тому

    יהי זיכרו ברוך!! Thank you Rabbi Sacks for your beautiful shiur!!

  • @catherinelincoln8557
    @catherinelincoln8557 4 роки тому +1

    I'm a christian - BUT thank God every day that the Jewish people are back in the world doing what they were given to do - Teach us Gods Word. Thank you so Much & Shalom Rabbi !! May we all draw near to our Father and hear His voice in these times. May revival come

  • @yvettemoore1228
    @yvettemoore1228 3 роки тому +2

    He is very much missed, but while we have his teachings and his writings, may we draw closer to him than ever. May his neshama have an aliyah and his family be comforted as we come up to his first yahrzeit.

  • @LLWW
    @LLWW 4 роки тому +12

    I'm trying not to be anxious because I know whatever happens it will be God's will. My worrying does nothing but hurts myself and others. God is ultimately in control and I put my faith in Him!

    • @ataraw.6142
      @ataraw.6142 4 роки тому +3

      You're not alone. I feel the same way..I'm scared. Members of my family have it and they're home recovering. The scary part is there's nothing to do if one has it. No medicine.

    • @tinahoney1580
      @tinahoney1580 4 роки тому

      @@ataraw.6142 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😥 God be with you always

    • @tinahoney1580
      @tinahoney1580 4 роки тому

      @@ataraw.6142 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ you hold onto the horns of the ulter and be still and know He is God!!!!

    • @adararelgnel2695
      @adararelgnel2695 4 роки тому

      @@curtschannel4 jesus was a bastard child. We were ALL there by mount Sinai, all our souls heard the giving of the old testament, from G-d himself. But were just supposed to trust that Jesus spoke to G-d and listen to what he says? No ofcourse not. If G-d wanted to give us the "new" testament he wouldve done it himself. Jesus was a cult leader and a liar.

  • @ZeviWineberg
    @ZeviWineberg 4 роки тому +14

    Rabbi Sacks, from the depths of my heart I want to thank you for your inspiration which always hits the mark, and as you spoke about thinking of others - having been a rabbi in South Africa, my heart is deeply Disturbed that their already horrific economic situation, is being compounded by this, and I implore you to use the resources, for as bad as it may be where you are, it is a thousand times worse there, and therefore those that can, must

  • @ArielBerdugo
    @ArielBerdugo 4 роки тому +37

    "What we can laugh at we can survive."

    • @JanineLauraBronson
      @JanineLauraBronson 4 роки тому +2

      I wrote the following saying: > Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Thank you cousin Right Honorable Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks for a Brilliant Interpreation of the Torah Portion of Vayikra which I listened to today, 28th Mar. 2020 and shall watch again and sharing this link! :)

    • @junedewar3551
      @junedewar3551 4 роки тому

      I heard God laugh! I was being spoken to by Almighty God who had chosen a messenger from heaven by whom my Elohim spoke to me. I was told about the battle of Armageddon when the Sons of Light will battle the Sons of Darkness. The leader of that heavenly army is Immanuel the Son of the Most High God who is filled with all power and glory given him by his illustrious Father my Almighty God.
      I was a young woman and feared for the heavenly army whom I was told would battle the satan and the demonic entities leading this world astray. I thought wickedness was always more powerful than purity and goodness and I heard God laugh. When this happened I realised victory belongs to the Son of the Most High God and His army who were His suffering saints who will rule over earth as foretold in Revelation 5:9, 10.
      I had been commanded not to speak in the presence of the Most High God however all my thoughts were known and answered.

    • @zaynniko5545
      @zaynniko5545 3 роки тому

      You prolly dont give a shit but if you guys are stoned like me during the covid times then you can watch pretty much all of the latest series on Instaflixxer. Have been watching with my gf for the last few months xD

    • @mitchellbaylor8132
      @mitchellbaylor8132 3 роки тому

      @Zayn Niko definitely, been watching on InstaFlixxer for years myself =)

  • @oper8n
    @oper8n 4 роки тому +8

    My sister sent these incredible youtube clips from Rabbi Sacks - oh what a gift in this difficult time. Thank you Rabbi Sacks!!! Stay well

  • @rogerlephoque3661
    @rogerlephoque3661 2 роки тому

    Rabbi Sacks: may his memory be for a blessing

  • @dkbrain3434
    @dkbrain3434 4 роки тому +3

    Brilliant and comforting. Thank you, Rabbi Sacks.

    @CRISTINASTECCA 4 роки тому +1

    Your words and voice inspires humility, connection and love. Baruch Hashem!

  • @No1Grandmama
    @No1Grandmama 4 роки тому +5

    Thank You Rabbi Sacks. I would like to add, with your permission, to the thoughts on Yitzchak. I together with my husband and family, have learned, that one of life's greatest traits is laughter. But must importantly, to have the ability to laugh at oneself...it is a lesson in humility and acceptance of others once you realize that you, yourself...are not perfect. Each one of us is no more human than the other. We are all equal in the eyes of Hashem. It allows you to look up to others from a different perspective. As the Ramban says...השפל את עצמך וינשאוך המקום. From "lowering" and accepting our own limitations, we can put others above us, and therefore, in effect,will be able to raise ourselves. May Hashem grant us all wisdom, humility and good health. Shabbat Shalom, Karen & Benny Last Raanana

  • @moma6343
    @moma6343 4 роки тому

    Blessings Rabbi Sacks. I always appreciate your teaching. Thank you.

  • @adellaadams8018
    @adellaadams8018 4 роки тому +8

    Rosh Chodesh Aviv! Chodesh tov! Shabbat shalom!

  • @madelynnovitsky9483
    @madelynnovitsky9483 4 роки тому +17

    "Be still and know ...that I am gd..."psalm 46

  • @clemdouglas5529
    @clemdouglas5529 4 роки тому +1

    Baruch Hashem for your profound words of great wisdom !

  • @brucelevine6517
    @brucelevine6517 4 роки тому +1

    Rabbi take care of yourself you are so important to so many an so loved I Bless you to go from strength to strength .

  • @williamgruber373
    @williamgruber373 4 роки тому +4

    Thank you for your Dvar Torah.

  • @Solange72
    @Solange72 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you very much, Rabbi, from Brazil.

  • @raylunz7211
    @raylunz7211 4 роки тому +2

    Dear Rabbi, you are right about laughter being the best and really the only medicine, until we get a vaccination. You always provide inspiration and food for thought, which we need now more than ever. Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov Nissan. New beginning must be in our future. Please stay safe and warm regards to your whole family.

  • @rebeccafoster-faith688
    @rebeccafoster-faith688 4 роки тому +9

    "What we can laugh at does not hold us captive with fear." I wrote this on an index card and am leaving it by my computer. These times are giving me anxiety. I am not Jewish and I believe God loves us all.

    • @pmc5669
      @pmc5669 4 роки тому +1

      Hi Rebecca ,I'm not jewish but like listening to rabbi Sacks .I read the old and new testament .Many places tell us all this to come on the world ..I thank God I now have the peace,shalom that Jesus told us of, in John chapter 14... I hope you find it too.God bless..from Philomena

  • @bullfrog24260
    @bullfrog24260 4 роки тому +8

    Our front line workers in the U.K. are great .. ‘thank you’

  • @gershommasters6948
    @gershommasters6948 4 роки тому

    Rabbi, thank you

  • @shumo02
    @shumo02 4 роки тому

    Very nice words ....very kind God Bless

  • @innesfrey9602
    @innesfrey9602 4 роки тому

    Dear Rabbi Sacks God Bless you and you family and in Good Health🙏🙏🙏👍🏻❤️😇

  • @SN1987A
    @SN1987A 4 роки тому

    Beautiful words comes from beautiful spirit 🙏.. I have no religion and yet I am touch by your “words” no wonder why it was on the beginning.

  • @williamgruber373
    @williamgruber373 4 роки тому +19

    By accident, you forgot to mention the Truck Drivers, especially those that drive the 18 Wheelers ! They are absolutely amazing, ever see how they could park their rig in a narrow loading port.

    • @andrearussell7306
      @andrearussell7306 4 роки тому +1

      He said "there are a lot of heroes out there & they deserve our thanks". He can't mention everyone singularly.

  • @tinahoney1580
    @tinahoney1580 4 роки тому +3

    Jews are the best and loved by God and God is love and I love you all because you are the rest of the world teachers if only they will listen. I'll listen because I know nothing and have been searching but no one to tell me.❤

  • @garygross4806
    @garygross4806 4 роки тому +1

    thank you for your blessed words

  • @jenniferlawrence9652
    @jenniferlawrence9652 4 роки тому

    What a great Dvar Torah thank you so much

  • @breols
    @breols 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you for sharing. Very needed to hear.

  • @carolinedecastro4171
    @carolinedecastro4171 2 роки тому

    We are to fear nothing. God is with us this to shall pass.

  • @user-tw3kc5ou2h
    @user-tw3kc5ou2h 4 роки тому +3

    Shalom Rabbi Sacks💖.

  • @el4942
    @el4942 4 роки тому +1

    תודה הרב שליט"א על הדברי חיזוק.שנשמע בשורות טובות

  • @antoinettecourtois2452
    @antoinettecourtois2452 4 роки тому +3


  • @jmhernandezc
    @jmhernandezc 4 роки тому +3

    תודה! ... באמת מכל הלב! ... שבת שלום!

  • @rayhickman9340
    @rayhickman9340 4 роки тому +2


  • @czystekurestwo
    @czystekurestwo 4 роки тому

    Thank you dear Rabbi.

  • @irajayrosen4792
    @irajayrosen4792 4 роки тому

    Thank you for this. And say, Amen.

  • @bardgoldn
    @bardgoldn 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you!!

  • @andrewnoblett9510
    @andrewnoblett9510 3 роки тому

    Our leaders don't even remember the truth of who we are what chance have we Got . To believe in God you have to believe in the power of God and wish it enough for everyone . The will of eternity comes back naturally .I AM IS ALL beginning end End reflection time stood still . Where are we at on the planet do we remember the truth of who we All are . Instead of cheering ourselves out of our true God given gift

  • @MrAdacon
    @MrAdacon 4 роки тому +1

    You can interpret what you want.....as long as it makes you happy ...then great keep it up !!!

  • @pmc5669
    @pmc5669 4 роки тому +2

    No one mentions the dustmen and street cleaners..they are key workers too.

  • @bobvanwagner6099
    @bobvanwagner6099 4 роки тому +2

    I suppose one possible translation of Bereshit is "God laughed". Laughing is a form of spontaneous, pulsed, high-energy, rythmic breathing, it is like time and then space-time itself.

  • @lizgichora6472
    @lizgichora6472 4 роки тому +1


  • @johnzarr6590
    @johnzarr6590 4 роки тому

    Spiritual lesson for the day:
    The religious perspective on the purpose of the Corona virus plague & other plagues
    Upon hearing Swedish activist Greta Thunberg’s multiple impassioned speeches about the dangers of global warming prior to the Corona virus pandemic and seeing most if not all global world leaders turn their cheeks the other way, and after reading Deuteronomy 11:12 “It is a land which the Lord your God looks after, on which the Lord your God always keeps His eye, from year’s beginning to year’s end.”, I began asking myself, “How can this be? The Creator always tells the truth and has never been known to lie.” How can the Creator seriously say in Deuteronomy 11:12 that “It is a land which the Lord your God looks after, on which the Lord your God always keeps His eye, from year’s beginning to year’s end.” and still allow the world to continue on a destructive path toward global warming? Wouldn’t He be lying to simply sit totally idle & to allow the world to continue on it’s destructive course toward global warming?
    Well, we now have our answer. The Creator not only kept His word, but He kept His word through quality real time action. The Creator through the Corona virus plague & through the Asian Hornet plague which will likely precede a famine when the bees and 1/3 of the food supply possibly disappear into thin air is the Creator’s way of keeping true to His word in Deuteronomy 11: 12 “It is a land which the Lord your God looks after, on which the Lord your God always keeps His eye, from year’s beginning to year’s end.” as global warming is now significantly slowing down through considerably less fossil fuel use. The future may even hold less food consumption as well as even human gas is a contributor to global warming. Besides, most Americans need to go on a diet anyway!
    Moral of the story:
    The Creator is similar to a genie in the bottle, but only better. And, be very careful what you pray for as the Creator will not only keep good on His promises, but He will likely do so in ways that you could have never anticipated.
    Also, be extra careful buying ultra high quality mehudar gassot Tefillin directly from Rabbinical sources in Israel as ultra high quality Tefillin apparently work much better than expected in securing a divine connection for your prayers.
    Legal Analysis:
    The situation described in the Exodus was slavery. This was more or less a crime the Egyptians exacted against the Jews. The Creator must have thought the best thing to do was to sort of deputize Moses & use him in conjunction with the 10 plagues.
    Today’s main modern issue of global warming is quite different & doesn’t really involve a crime of one human group against another. The main problem is exponential human population growth which unfortunately comes with increases in carbon dioxide as a natural result. Humans are simply doing as the Creator commanded in Genesis 1:28. “God blessed them and God said to them, “Be fertile and increase, fill the earth and master it; and rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and all the living things that creep on the earth.”
    Since the main issue is whether or not the Creator will keep his promise in regards to the earth as stated in Deuteronomy 11:12, the Creator probably realized that it would not be appropriate to use a prophet/messiah or messenger this time before using plagues to exact the necessary changes to reduce global warming as the issue was more or less whether or not the Creator would keep His and only His promise to look after the land as stated in Deuteronomy 11:12.

  • @yairshahar909
    @yairshahar909 4 роки тому +9

    I am very optimisitc.
    The times are scary. But i am very optimisitc. Despite the always short coming of ignorant people
    Probably the greatest lesson is us. Humans, people.
    The faith is in us in the people.
    As in some midrash the very wise put it.
    Despite it all God puts is faith in people and so am I.
    Here in is israel, we are working to get ready for the next fight. The one over the lives of those that will get very sick very fast.
    We in connection to people from all over europe and the USA.
    My compnany is part of a team of the health ministry, leading doctors from Ichilov hospital here in israel.
    2 weeks ago the health ministry made an open "kol kore" for help from anyone that could have a solution.
    We got information from one of the companies we work about a pre-emptive test used in italy that can save lives.
    And from organising it, we teamed with ichilov hospital leading doctor prof shlomo berliner to also try out another test
    All those 2weeks we are processing purchases to have deliveries of the instruments and kits needed.
    The work is around the clock to get eveything here in time
    The worst past for israel by the models is set at early april.
    All that can around the world are helping us and we are helping them to get ready
    We will break the tide.
    We will have casualties but we will break the tide
    Why am i so optimistic?
    Because we are working with wonderfull people in israel and from all over the world
    People that are the faith
    People that rise above all else. Put the matter of well being of all above the individual litlle needs and are ready to risk to be exposed themselves to the virus if need be
    And this is just the beginning.
    I am optmistic because what we are doing now is also going to be the front line in the winter to come, because there wont be a good vacinne before mid 2021.
    The tools we are helping to set up now will hold the line
    Israel will be in the peak of the fight soon
    I am very optimistic seeing the people.
    To be on God's side is to have faith in people that do good

    • @stephenlevine3930
      @stephenlevine3930 4 роки тому

      A wonderful optimistic way to fight this sickening virus thats affected everyone. May your hard work continue to find a cure
      If any country can do it, Israel can. God bless

    • @yairshahar909
      @yairshahar909 4 роки тому

      We are not out of the woods yet
      We have to do it with a lower class health cate system that was not well maintained under the bibi period of 10 years. Worst state of health afyer the usa in the oecd for years
      And the religious communities that overwhelmingly did not listen to the professionnal requests of the health care system
      We are next week going to fight for "male or break"
      But i am optimistic.
      Religion is part of the problem and as usual wont be part of the solution

  • @livebymyheartauthorsmr2569
    @livebymyheartauthorsmr2569 4 роки тому

    Laughter is the best medicine for the immune system

  • @tdevry
    @tdevry 4 роки тому

    Yes, it is scary times in more ways than one. How do we make ourselves immune to the fear, which we should? If one fears one becomes and acts irrational and bad decisions will be made. During 2018 in the Netherlands 11000 people died due to influenza-related illnesses. Most of the people that died were old and/or sickly so the question should be, what did they really die from as they mostly also had other sicknesses? Why was there no panic then but now there is? Generally, it is the same group of people that are vulnerable. One should question and expect that others will get angry at one for not following the consensus...... but looking for answers should be a formality and yes no one has the absolute truth. With the lockdowns, some countries even using the military to control people, losing liberties we might never get back......

  • @carlmorrison9789
    @carlmorrison9789 4 роки тому


  • @2008july4
    @2008july4 4 роки тому

    thanks for lecture . Could you please tell how is going end the war between Muslim and Jew?

  • @AqeelKhan4749
    @AqeelKhan4749 4 роки тому +3

    Rabbi Sacks Silence has a Sound of its own.!! Focus.!! It requires a sense of feeling.!! ~ Life is Free Given.!! Death is imminent.!!
    Follow the 10 Commandments and that is your 11th Command.!! Repeat Repent and Return to your Salvation.!! ~ The Kingdom of God is here to Stay.!! Jerusalem is the Kingdom of Heaven and that is for All.!! Fear None but One GOD.!!~1~!!.

  • @Yoni-l5q
    @Yoni-l5q 4 роки тому

    In our days, we must be concerned with the possibility of Desecration of G-d’s name. For Jews are called, “merciful ones, the sons of merciful ones” and we must be a light unto the nations. A person causes measure for measure to themselves, because the way one acts towards others, Heaven acts towards them. A person determines whether they receive bad or good because the general rule is, all who show mercy to his creations Heaven is merciful towards them, and who does not have mercy on his creations Heaven is not merciful towards them. Upon the verse, “When an ox or a sheep or a goat is born, it shall remain with its mother for seven days.” (יא, כז ויקרא) The Lubavich Rebbi expounds, “The concept of mercy is understood from childhood to mean a human may not subject an animal to undo anguish or pain. After this verse the Torah states, “Do not desecrate My holy name”, for this command stems from mercy and is understood to mean we may not subject a mother animal to pain by separating her from her child immediately after birth"(הרבי מליובאוויטש, ספר התוועדויות תשד"מ חלק ג עמוד 1665). Upon the verse, "Tzadik knows the spirit of his animal"(Proverbs 12, 10):The Malbim states, “The Tzadik is one who acts with righteousness. Not only do they act righteously with human beings but also towards the animals"(The Malbim interpretion on Proverbs 12, 10). Harav Abraham Isaac Kook:"You will realize soon or later that the animals life was not created for you devilish stomach, and the milk's purpose was meant to be food for whom the nature comes to fulfill its role, just like your mothers breast milk was kept for you during your breastfeeding days"(הראי"ה קוק, חזון הצמחונות והשלום). Maimonides states, “there is no distinction between anguish experienced by a human and anguish experienced by animals, this is because the love and yearning of a mother for its offspring is not dependent upon intelligence, rather it is the inherent nature found in most creatures as it is found in humans"(מורה נבוכים ג, מח). Nachmanides states, “Animals experience worry and there is no distinction between the worry of a human to the worry of an animal for its children, because, the love of a mother towards the children from its womb is not dependent upon intelligence or speech. Rather, it is a function of the consciousness that is found in animals and human beings.(פירוש הרמב"ן על דברים כב, ו). Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch states “as does a human, animals feel and sense being cut, pushed, smitten, overworked, fear and panic, hungry and thirsty. At times, a person may forget this because of being self absorbed or to complete a plan or by being unaware or a desire to be cruel, and a person will cause anguish to the soul of his animal, they will torture and give pain to the soul of a creature"(ספר חורב, מערכת החקים, ה, א). In Israel, in egg manufacturing they chop off beaks from all chickens without anesthetic by using a machine with a cutting blade heated to 700 degrees Celsius, All male chicks are ground in metal teeth while they are alive because they have no economic value since they do not produce eggs, In total every year about 10 million chicks are ground up alive. After chickens can no longer withstand the burden of laying eggs they are electrocuted to death, In total more than 4 million chickens are killed in this manner per year. In milk production, all calves are separated from their mothers at birth, confining milk calves in very small containers disabling even minimal movement, giving them minimal amounts to eat. Chickens are slaughtered infront of chickens in assembly line fashion where they see one another, as it is with larger animals. Genetic enhancements, multiple stories of densely packed battery cages, physical torture, sheep and cattle shipped from other countries in highly concentrated groups under brutal conditions and additional travestie is the face of an industry focused only on maximizing profits. What makes something kosher is not only the substance of what it is, but how it was produced. In the past there was almost no anguish to the animals during their life. In our days we don't have Sanhedrin to rule this, so the responsibility applies on the consumer. Although we find certain cases that our sages banned themselves pleasures privately when it wasn't a public domain. Maimonides:"one who assists in committing a sin or causes it, it is because the instigator approaches an individual whose desire has blinded them from seeing and helps to mislead them. Or, the instigator urges the “blind” with faulty rationale; this is similar to one who lends money and takes interest, we say both are liable for violating, “do not put a stumbling block before the blind” since each one helps and enables the other to complete the act"(רמב"ם ספר המצוות רצ"ט). "The intent is to one whose vision is obscured by their passion and bad ideas, do not increase their blindness or their wayward path. Therefore, it is forbidden to assist sinners in committing misdeeds, and one may not set a path for another to commit a sin, rather we must do the opposite".(רמב"ם פרוש המשניות שביעית פרק ה', ו). If not for the purchasing of animal based products, those who monetarily benefit would not transgress all of the Torah prohibitions only to provide us with the goods. The purchasing approves the continuing of Their ways. The production methods in animal factories are well known today, and the violations we mentioned are not happenstance, rather they are the primary methods employed by this industry. Moreover, we are not referring to the situation when a forbidden action is performed for its own purpose, rather these prohibitions are being done in our name and just for us. One who keeps the Torah and the commandments cannot be an active partner in the transgression of Torah prohibitions and strengthening the hands of those who commit violations by giving them money. It is the purchasing of these goods that enables the continuation of these Torah infractions. Also with organically raised animals there is Tzaar Baalie Chayim. “Organic” means that the animal wasn't feed with hormones and did not contain pesticides or antibiotics. This does not reflect upon how the animals was treated. Those animals who were fed organically also suffer from Tzaar Baalie Chayim. Animal based products labeled as free range is a marketing technique without supervision and there is no way to check as manufacturing can use this label any way they choose. In free range eggs there is Tzaar Baalie Chayim as well and they are not what they appear from their name. The cruel practices exist in these operations too. Rabbi Yosef Karo: "Meat and wine pull you towards the evil inclination, and you should not run after them because a man will live without them. You have honored the Sabbath without meat, and stop with this worrying thoughts have ceased, because with God's Torah all day long"(מגיד מישרים פרשת אמור, אור ליום ז' כ"ד לניסן). Furthermore, it is written in the Maggid, “this is the reason why consuming animals flesh is a base desire, because when Israel is complete they do not eat meat and this is why Moses felt sorrow when Israel requested meat, and if Moses our rabbi, peace be upon him, entered into the land of Israel with them, they would not have eaten meat"(מגיד משרים, פרשת עקב, תורגם מארמית). Rabbi Chayim Dovid Halevi states, “From here, all that was said with regard to be a mitzvah to eat meat, for instance on Shabbat and Yom Tov, it is clear this refers to those who eat meat and do not know or are not concerned that it is not healthy. However, those Vegans who recognize that eating meat is not healthy, it is clear they are exempt from enjoying Shabbat by eating meat, and they should have pleasure with foods pleasing to them"(שו"ת עשה לך רב חלק ה סימן מז)"The truth is that there is no conflict at all between Veganism and Judaism and it most certainly does not clash with halacha. Note that meat was forbidden to the first man, and it was permitted to Noah and onward but after the giving of the Torah must was forbidden and only some was permitted, but whatever was permitted was for the purpose of doing battle with the evil inclination, as it says, “When your soul craves to eat meat", as the Baal HaIkarim states; meat was permitted only out of a dire necessity"(מאמר שלישי פרק ט"ו שו"ת עשה עשה לך רב). Rabbi Haim Vital:"I have been severely warned not to slaughter anything, not to kill any living thing not even lice and fleas. My teacher never killed lice and fleas or any living thing at all"(שער הגלגולים הקדמה ל"ח). Rabbi Yosef Albo: "Aside from the intensive cruelty of killing an animal, one accustoms themselves to the negative behavior of freely spilling blood. The consumption of flesh from living creatures gives birth to spiritual corpulence, murkiness and Turbidity and opacity of the soul"(ספר העיקרים ג, טו). "And you should demand, investigate and ask well and behold it is true and it is correct"(Deuteronomy 13, 15).

    • @talmoskowitz5221
      @talmoskowitz5221 4 роки тому

      Yehunatan, there's real hope for your concern. Look at the link and search term "Orbem" for technology to avoid the killing of the male chicks. Stay passionate and compassionate.

  • @elizabethiloveelohim137
    @elizabethiloveelohim137 4 роки тому

    Shalom, my friend , we have only to trust Yeshua and do as He says. I'm happy to see Jews going home. Much love

    • @shuttlefeather
      @shuttlefeather 4 роки тому

      We don't believe in Yoshki

    • @curtschannel4
      @curtschannel4 4 роки тому

      @@shuttlefeather Instead you worship a high priest who breaks the commandments in The Torah just at Jesus' trial ("Not bear false witness" and "not commit murder"). Many prophecies were fulfilled from The Torah as well like in Isaiah 53.

  • @italnational
    @italnational 4 роки тому

    Go out 8 o’clock and praise G-d .
    Exodus 7:22 And the magicians of Egypt did so with their enchantments: and Pharaoh's heart was hardened, neither did he hearken unto them; as the LORD had said.

  • @euniceaustin903
    @euniceaustin903 4 роки тому

    Isaiah 41 verses 10 and 11.

  • @יהונתןגרין-ג1ת
    @יהונתןגרין-ג1ת 4 роки тому

    Also א' meens אמונה.
    And on ama'lek the tora seys "אשר קרך בדרך" one of meenings ocording to rashy is "מקרה".. One of the srtenth of ama'lek is to convince us that nothing is from god and its just a מקרה..

  • @mako040472
    @mako040472 4 роки тому

    Laugh party touch each other but as long you pray you are off the hook because this is exactly like Egypt or some biblical time depends who makes the video oh oh now someone will do a vid saying that a dinosaur prwdict the corona

  • @resurrectionx5952
    @resurrectionx5952 4 роки тому

    I feel like on my own funeral 😂

    • @ataraw.6142
      @ataraw.6142 4 роки тому

      Then why are you here. Clearly not your jam. Be gone and enjoy some nonsensical BS

    • @resurrectionx5952
      @resurrectionx5952 4 роки тому

      @@ataraw.6142 'Why So Serious' 😂

  • @youtuberconsumer279
    @youtuberconsumer279 4 роки тому

    Jes t us

  • @mrheydogwhatup
    @mrheydogwhatup 4 роки тому

    Hi Rabbi Sacks. Thank you for the message. I respectfully disagree with what you said at the outset. It is ok to search out and listen to the jokes which are being
    repeated (In very bad taste) in the Orthodox world about the coronavirus? You actually think it is funny? I don't believe that a serious disease which so many people are suffering from and losing loved ones to, is a joking matter at all. The jokes I've unfortunately heard dreadfully immature and whoever I have heard saying them made me think of one thing. 'What planet is he living on?" Really, is everything a joke? The orthodox community has a lot of growing up to do!

  • @umedtem
    @umedtem 4 роки тому

    It is not time to laugh it is time to repent sincerely

  • @blairpittams9380
    @blairpittams9380 4 роки тому

    I see war everywhere
    I see death everywhere
    I see illness everywhere
    In history I see no personal issues saviour. For in history we are just a atom in the major
    I’m loosing hope in yahweh

    • @curtschannel4
      @curtschannel4 4 роки тому

      Crazy times we are living in my friend. Jesus conquered death by rising on the 3rd day; allowing His followers to live as well.