Rework Evolution of BRAIN OF CTHULHU

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @MyraTerrariaOfficial
    @MyraTerrariaOfficial  3 місяці тому +49

    Internship job really is brutal. Work 6 days a week from 9 am to 6 pm and barely getting any free time to make videos

    • @RobertTerrariaOfficial
      @RobertTerrariaOfficial 3 місяці тому +1

      Instership, is Membership lol XD

    • @FepeProg
      @FepeProg 3 місяці тому +3

      Hope you're doing well

    • @cosmoredeathwish2319
      @cosmoredeathwish2319 3 місяці тому +4

      My cousin kinda goes through that too. Takes away the fun meter. Hope you survive the attack of a job!

    • @anonymouscrouton7726
      @anonymouscrouton7726 3 місяці тому +2

      damn, i thought my internship was rough (only 7 hours a day, and 5 days a week)

  • @randomguynamedblackpanda
    @randomguynamedblackpanda 3 місяці тому +1

    great video

  • @Waldi721
    @Waldi721 3 місяці тому

    fact: you can get the ND and Noxus fight each other

  • @joshuaperry7323
    @joshuaperry7323 3 місяці тому

    i find it kind of strange that in terms of difficulty you find the Infernum brain as easy as vanilla? i mean a five star system does leave little room for nuance with only 5 tiers of difficulty but it seems strange to me.

  • @not_my-problem....
    @not_my-problem.... 3 місяці тому

    Pa shout put wynn!

  • @borb9834
    @borb9834 3 місяці тому +41

    The amount of clones for death master is truly something.

    • @MyraTerrariaOfficial
      @MyraTerrariaOfficial  3 місяці тому +9

      There can't be enough of em

    • @4_mana528
      @4_mana528 3 місяці тому

      huh... what about that funny looking mushroom a princess sells you?

    • @danielsolyarikov7908
      @danielsolyarikov7908 3 місяці тому +5

      And yet it's still nothing compared to the bullcrap Masochist mode introduced

    • @DepressedPotato1
      @DepressedPotato1 3 місяці тому

      @@danielsolyarikov7908eternity brain is easy asf when you learn how to play it, masochist doesn’t look all too different

  • @TheTrester
    @TheTrester 3 місяці тому +5

    Great how you are improving your video stuffs.

  • @0b5cur1t1
    @0b5cur1t1 3 місяці тому +2

    eternity brain was nerfed? Because i remember it had the clone in eternity (and its been a year since i last played)

  • @playerone740
    @playerone740 2 місяці тому +1

    I have compiled a list of changrs, sone from mods in this video and some not, that would make the BoC a Nightmare to Fight:
    1. The Brain gives you confusion every time you get hit, and the Creepers charge at you while you have the Debuff.
    2. Fof one of it's attacks it creates a clone which does exactly what you do but randomly teleports around, and makes the real you invisible, meaning the only thing you have to go off if is where the camera us and where the creepers are going.
    3. An attack triggers at 30% health where the Creepers start Circling you slowly firing Homing Ichor while the Brain Charges Around like 2nd Phase EoC. After you survive this attack, which lasts about 15-30 seconds, depending on difficulty, the Illusions it Creates will be Fully Opaque for the last 30% health.
    4. The Creepers have a separate Health Pool than the Brain, while the brain gets an extra 1000 hp. You have to kill all the creepers, then the brain will open up, fire some Blood and Ichor, then it will summon more creepers.
    5. The Second Phase triggers at 60% health, where the Creepers start Chasing You firing small spines which Wrighle after you slowly like Worms, slowly losing Vertebrae until they are gone, you have to evade them for long enough for the Vertebrae to all fall off.
    6. After the brain reaches 29% it will go back into the closed form and start summoning Waves of Creepers firing Homing Ichor while Throwing Illusions and Tossing and Teleporting the Player Around, changing their direction, shuffling their hotbars, and at this poing it starts creating Fleshy Spikes that Rocket fron the Ground. It also only opens up after it Messes with the Player's inventory, Direction, or Location.
    7. The Creepers rarely Bunch Up next to the Brain, And are more Agile. Sonetimes they Charge At the Player and leave trails of Ichor.
    8. The Brain, for it's last attack, which is triggered at 1% health, closes up, creates a Heptagonal/Septagonal Shield of Special Creepers reflect attacks, and creates Eyes that Stare at the Player and then dart towards them, while Creepers fly everywhere at high speeds and the Brain shoots Rings of Lifesteal Projectiles to Try to Heal Itself, which resemble the Vampire Knife Projectiles but More Dangerous and made of Bone. If the brain gains enough health back it leaves the final stand State and fires spinning rings of Creepers at you that fire beams of blood. You kill it in it's final stand state by Hitting the Eyes it Dummons, which share a Health Pool with an Attack Creeper. Once uou kill an eye that atrack creeper goes down, and the brain's damage cap, which is 0 with all of it's reflecting creepers, increaes by 2 (per Destroyed creeper) and if you attack there it won't be Reflected. If any of the Reflector Creepers are still alive when the Brain is killed the brain will fade away and the remaining creepers will turn into Large Spine Worms that eventually Drop the Brain's loot once the last one is killed.
    For your Reward for beating this the Crimson now spreads at triple speed and you get a Telekenetic Blood-Draining Beam Cannon that fires a Hitscan Beam that provides 20% of the Damage it deals, (dps about 250-350) as Health back to you. One major thing remains: what should this reward Weapon be Called?

  • @raeann445
    @raeann445 3 місяці тому +8

    I like how you included forgotten evils curse mode, I have been following the person who made the mod before he ever uploaded the mod, and seeing his ideas really just shows his creativity, and I love it

  • @ricardoguereca8254
    @ricardoguereca8254 3 місяці тому +3

    I saw rework, so I thought just ONE rework fight, then I saw 30 minutes. I thought, "Like dang these fights ain't what they used to be."

  • @Dragoncraft9
    @Dragoncraft9 3 місяці тому +2

    I'm looking at the description and it lists CTP as one of the boss retextures, but none of these sprites is Iban's brain. Did it get changed to one of the rejected sprites, or are you just using said rejected sprite as a placeholder for the CTP brain?

    • @MyraTerrariaOfficial
      @MyraTerrariaOfficial  3 місяці тому +1

      Iban's BoC was technically unfinished and never actuall got added officially to CTP. The one I used before was for private use and I asked him for the sprite

  • @portalmech4770
    @portalmech4770 3 місяці тому +3

    This is what we call a “big brain” video. Thanks for including the Forgotten Evils rework by the way. I’m such a narcissist I would have been pretty disappointed if you didn’t include it

    • @MyraTerrariaOfficial
      @MyraTerrariaOfficial  3 місяці тому +3

      Really fun and the fact that it actually punishes player for not finding real brain within the fakes

    • @portalmech4770
      @portalmech4770 3 місяці тому

      @@MyraTerrariaOfficial Thanks, I appreciate that. To be honest I didn't know if you liked it that much when it landed in the bottom of B tier, but I guess the competition was pretty fierce. Now I'm wondering how I'd do if you did a video like this for EoW

    • @MyraTerrariaOfficial
      @MyraTerrariaOfficial  3 місяці тому +1

      @portalmech4770 Tbh I think I'd increase how I rank mods from now on. Currently it was based on the stars alone (which is very subjective) I feel like the fun factor should affect more, which FE brain is actually fun

    • @MyraTerrariaOfficial
      @MyraTerrariaOfficial  3 місяці тому +1

      Cuz like I compared the boss with other bosses. (Really stupid now that I think about it) because yknow, say, in terms of visuals, these early bosses would never come close to fancy late game bosses.

    • @portalmech4770
      @portalmech4770 3 місяці тому

      @@MyraTerrariaOfficial Yup, makes sense to rank them more based on fun, because really, making a boss “fun” is the only thing that matters

  • @StrikingSimilarity
    @StrikingSimilarity 3 місяці тому +1

    The music sync of Phase 2 in Forgotten evil mod was GODLY

  • @draw2death421
    @draw2death421 3 місяці тому +1

    I think i like Forgotten Evils the most, it feels very vanilla friendly and unique! Tho i might be a bit bias since Crimson Cortex is my faiv of the Calamity Extra musics

  • @krysmun
    @krysmun 3 місяці тому +1

    I feel like you should have included the GetFixedBoi version of the boss too, the boss adds a few more unique mechanics to the fight, such as reversing your gravity in Phase 2

  • @tailpig6417
    @tailpig6417 3 місяці тому +9

    Not using the Overhaul theme for the Overhaul fight was a confusing decision

    • @MyraTerrariaOfficial
      @MyraTerrariaOfficial  3 місяці тому +8

      Yeah i know heh.. though I'm thinking about not including overhaul in the next videos cuz it technically doesn't have any AI changes so it's basically the same as vanilla

    • @MattFullington-o8q
      @MattFullington-o8q 3 місяці тому +1

      @@MyraTerrariaOfficial it used to spawn creepers in phase 2 as its health decreased from when fought in phase 2 so thats an ai change
      it also used to have a death animation in overhaul at the same time

    • @sebasblos1
      @sebasblos1 3 місяці тому

      @@MyraTerrariaOfficial to be fair, at this point i dont get what overhaul even adds anymore since I heard they are deleting some of the stuff that made overhaul worth using for a playthrough with just that mod, now is just the average mod that adds some visual changes for atmosphere or something... kinda lame

  • @Moltenified
    @Moltenified 3 місяці тому +1

    Exo Mechs has a brain of cthulhu why didn't you try that one?

    • @MyraTerrariaOfficial
      @MyraTerrariaOfficial  3 місяці тому +1

      Technically mech bosses are 'reworked' or 'upgraded' version but eye, skeletron and eater already have mech versions of themselve in base vanilla so I feel like it'd be more fitting to include mech brain here. But I feel like exo mechs are their own thing, not a rework of existing vanilla bosses. It's like saying exo mechs are reworked versions of normal mechs, which I don't consider so. Although I can see why the line is kinda blurry

    • @Moltenified
      @Moltenified 3 місяці тому

      @@MyraTerrariaOfficial Ah I see your point, fair enough.

  • @purplehaze2358
    @purplehaze2358 3 місяці тому +1

    "One of the coolest and fun Pre-Hardmode boss of the game."
    ..You're not serious, are you? You're just joking? Right?

    • @MyraTerrariaOfficial
      @MyraTerrariaOfficial  3 місяці тому

      I like it. Vanilla at least

    • @draw2death421
      @draw2death421 3 місяці тому

      Tbh i also like the brain. Corruption is my faiv of the 2 but Brain of Cthulhu is more fun than Eatter imo.

  • @gordieralana
    @gordieralana 3 місяці тому

    What's your pc? i got rtx 2060 super and i5-12400F and terraria is still lagging with mods 💀💀

  • @elmishh_
    @elmishh_ 3 місяці тому

    You should nohit exodygen from "slime (calamity expansion)" mod

  • @Green_Roof1
    @Green_Roof1 3 місяці тому


  • @Papita-Dm
    @Papita-Dm 3 місяці тому

    cual es el nombre del mod que usas para que el cursor cambie cuando se usa un arma?
    Por cierto buen video

  • @venomousslime6797
    @venomousslime6797 3 місяці тому

    Can't wait until inevitably some random mod either updates their BoC rework or adds one (such as Starlight River) and this becomes outdated!
    Seriously though, nice video.
    Anyways, I'm surprised I knew of all of these fights, although I haven't fought or even really seen some of them in their current form.

    • @MyraTerrariaOfficial
      @MyraTerrariaOfficial  3 місяці тому +1

      King Slime video is already outdated by itself because I missed some mods in them lol

  • @crystalknight9373
    @crystalknight9373 3 місяці тому

    I usualy find the "evolution of x in this game" videos done VERRY lazily
    But you add a ton of extra info to make me not hate the video type at all

    • @MyraTerrariaOfficial
      @MyraTerrariaOfficial  3 місяці тому +1

      Thanks! Yeah I'm trying to stand out from generic compilation videos.

  • @maskman5152
    @maskman5152 3 місяці тому

    PLZ HELP ME, what is the mod for boss healt bar and what's the mod that can creat arena

  • @emir-dq2ut
    @emir-dq2ut 3 місяці тому

    when voice reveal

  • @KimgogeArnoux
    @KimgogeArnoux 3 місяці тому

    hmm too ez

  • @damnthisisabadname
    @damnthisisabadname 3 місяці тому

    Fire Editing

  • @_kusok_mramora_
    @_kusok_mramora_ 3 місяці тому

    Good video👍

  • @RobertTerrariaOfficial
    @RobertTerrariaOfficial 3 місяці тому +1

    hope you do good vids later. also love your thumbnails!!