@@TwoHotTakes Can we get these in the descriptions?? These are so helpful, I use your videos to fall asleep to and have trouble finding where I was in the morning!! 💖
Definitely please Morgan, have your dad on as a guest host again. His personality fits in getting a experienced perspective to the table . Saw several things in a light with dad input. Love THT
story 3 got me so mad not only because of the blood, but because she wasn’t even asked if her bed could be used. she didn’t even give permission and she has to deal with the consequences for something that wasn’t even her fault
that’s literally sick. & then the dad to make HER clean it up? Didn’t even ask. A whole stranger was in her room where she feels safe. HE married into the family not her. She owes that family nothing
Right? Also considering that step daughter is old enough to go to college, did she not know how to be CONSIDERATE of using someone else's bed??? Like wtf.
In my family it wouldn't be an issue to not ask, but to soil the bed and not even take responsibility??? What kind of obtuse household family is that? I don't care if they're step siblings or blood related. If my brother who lives with me slept in my bed and pissed in it, he better clean that shit up himself! If not, whoever gave him permission to sleep there needs to clean it up or tell him to. Of course if I let him, then if he's not available I'll clean it and give him shit afterwards. But if I had no part in the decision, then somebody better make it so that I never even knew it was soiled. About that; what was with that sister? You soil a bed and leave the evidence to be discovered? Like what? Ladies help me understand this. Cause by the time I learned how to change bed sheets, if I happened to have an "accident" in the sheets, it was like I committed murder. NO ONE should be able to find out about it, I could leave no trace lest I die of humiliation. I remember soiling my bed a couple times and literally sneaking my dirty sheets to the laundry and cleaning it all up before anyone woke up. As far as anyone knows, I haven't wet the bed since I was like 4.
And the dad is an asshole for saying that women should be immune to period blood... like what? Just because we can deal with our own blood, doesn't mean we are not disgusted by other women's blood...
Wish I had a good dad. My dad is horrible and I had to cut all ties. For so many reasons. Mainly due to the fact I was in a group home as a teenager due to me getting involved in drugs and alcohol and he FLAT out refused to participate in therapy. My therapist did everything in her power to have him participate like very flexible with times and dates and he DIDN’T even have to be there physically. So he had every opportunity to participate. That right there showed to me I was not important enough for my dad to make a HOUR THERAPY PHONE CALL. Plus my “dad” has issues with the law for horrible things, so that in itself is a reason to cut ties. Sometimes blood isn’t thicker than water. I’ve honestly had to cut ties with majority of my family. My family on both sides is extremely toxic and destructive.
The story with the dad who didn’t get his daughter new bed sheets after the step sis bled on the sheets is absolutely gross!!!! And think about it if it’s in a big puddle there is a chance that it could have bled through and gotten on to the actual mattress!! Like I feel so bad for the girl, she didn’t deserve to go home and see her bed full of the step sister period blood 🤢
Also, who the heck sleeps in another persons bed without pants on??? Especially when they are on their period?!?!?! And to leave it there?!?!?! There are SO many issues here. I literally can't understand how someone would even THINK that this would be acceptable in any way shape or form. I feel so bad for the daughter.
i’m a CODA (child of deaf adult) and that second story blew my mind. my mother was put into oral school and they would put her hands in gloves and force her to learn to speak. it’s absolutely DISGUSTING how the deaf community used to be treated. i live in an area with a large deaf community because of the deaf and blind school in the town and the culture is SO rich. it’s beautiful. it breaks my heart to hear this story, that mom makes me so so SO angry. i hate seeing people go through situations like this when i know how horrible oral school was for my mom. her vocals are pretty extraordinary for not having a cochlear but she never should have had to endure that, you know? so this story hits HOME because it’s so similar. it has me HEATED. that daughter deserves BETTER.
Wow. Thank you for sharing you and your moms story. That is so so terrible that they did that. This story left me so so mad, but yes definitely hits home for you!
I took both available ASL classes at my community college so when you learn a language you learn the culture and history and it disgusts me. I live in CT near Mystic and I guess they were attempting to build the oral school again and I'm so happy it got a lot of backlash.
Saying she should be use to blood is such a bad excuse. The father probably shits every day but if someone did that in his sheets I bet he wouldn’t be too happy.
To the sign language wedding - Would the toxic mom not send her other austistic child to an appropriate school? Would She deny needed therapy for that child? Like she did her hearing impaired child? I loooooove that she said on the invitation “signing impaired” bc that’s so true. Learning sign language is probably a lot easier than learning a spoken language.
Totally agree! Don't have kids if you won't love and support them unconditionally. I'm so happy the daughter found a husband and new extended family that love and accept her for who she is and make her feel wanted and understood.
Nooooooooooooo learning sign language- at least American Sign Language is *not* easier. Jesus, it’s really friggin difficult. I’m not saying that to mean they shouldn’t try, but it really is difficult.
@@lokinixda1685 so rude what you do at home isn’t always appropriate to do as a guest in someone’s bed and in white bed linens. Soon to be step mom should wash them and she should get a new set of sheets the stains might not come out. I wouldn’t want to spend time at my dads if he had such blatant disrespect for myself and my belongings.
I was going to comment the same thing. The step daughter sleeps without bottoms on her period. That couch would look like someone was murdered on it. Would he be okay cleaning the couch cushions? You’re never going to get all the blood out. Would anyone even want to sit on the couch after that?
@@lokinixda1685 100% you’re so right. You can’t free bleed on someone else’s belongings. And just because period blood is natural doesn’t mean it doesn’t gross people out. Like poop is natural, and I would not be happy if someone pooped on my sheets and did nothing to remedy the situation. Periods aren’t shameful, but that doesn’t mean you should let it go everywhere. 😬
Glad the deaf wedding couple found each other. She deserves so much more than her parents and it sounds like the in-laws are supportive and helpful. Hope the best for the couple, op's mom can eat a bag of rocks for what she said
My mom really wanted to name my sister Jennifer and told my aunt who was due just few months before my mom was. Well, surprise surprise my aunt named my cousin Jennifer.
With story 3, I think another issue with the dad's perspective is just expecting his daughter to be okay with her soon-to-be stepmom and siblings. Parents, your children have every right to be uncomfortable, to feel unprepared and awkward around your new partner. Respect feelings and boundaries, and let people adjust in their own time. "She's your sister now" no, she's practically a stranger, a friend at best in this moment. Hope that man learns his lesson 😔
shes also in college... plenty of things the child could catch from the blood... you never know... it just seems super unsanitary and unfair to be forced to do that.
With the bloody sheets story, the stepmom missed such a huge moment for brownie points with the daughter. Imagine if SHE had offered to buy her new sheets. That would have been such a good olive branch. Instead, they all just told that girl: "We're gonna mess your life up and you're not gonna be able to do anything about it."
Story 1: PISSED me off lmaoooo! If it was my sister and she stole the name I chose for my baby after I changed the original one for HER we would not be speaking for a while
Even if its not fine with someone, this shouldnt be an issue. Like, if someone tells you their kid is going to be named Rosalie and you like thst name too, then ask. If they say no, yrah its maybe sad but they told you first. Plus there are so many pretty baby names. And if you really cant change it, life with the fact that that friendship probably will be over or that two kids will be named like that
“You get your period you should be able to clean it up” Okay….so everyone in the world bleeds blood. So in that case THE FATHER CAN AND SHOULD CLEAN IT UP
For the second story: english is not the only language of the USA, you can have your weddinf in spanish, asl, russian, etc and it will still be an American wedding
There is no official language, the most popular languages are English, Spanish, and French. But there are so many more depending on your region. In my area, it's not uncommon for Chinese.
story 6 was crazy to me. i just cant imagine hearing my partner say theyre only with me because of my family's wealth, and then wanting to stay with that person and 'fix them'. i feel horrible for that girl, i have a feeling that man is probably very manipulative and emotionally abusive.
43:00 Does the stepson not have grandparents of his own to help pay for his college? Did the mother not save up anything for him? Why wouldn’t they sue the birth father? It’s absolutely not okay to even consider taking the daughters inheritance!
Hell why didn't His mom the OP's wife set up a college fund for her son & if she was receiving child support she should have put that to a college fund if not sue spirm donor for child support to pay for sons college
To me it looks like they are trying to make the daughter suffer just because the step brother is suffering Thats step brother and step mom’s idea of “justice” Notice that all their “solutions” to the problem are money or belongings from the daughter It is sick
The dad is super sweet. I think he adds a good balance of giving credence to people in the story while Morgan is very quick to demonize the same characters. I think Morgan has good reason to when the entire story is finally read, but the dad gives good perspective at the same time.
@@TwoHotTakes I totally feel that. Life has made me more pessimistic/realistic, and I have ZERO trust in strangers. 😬 Your dad is such a cutie and so positive! 💕
Demonize is such a horrible word to use. She calls it like it is and while the father may want to give the benefit of the doubt (and he’s great) some people don’t deserve it and I personally think people who haven’t been through a lot can be so naive. Most of those stories have a clear a hole and I (personally) can’t believe people need to even question these situations because the villain is almost always so apparent.
Regarding the first story, my sons first name is William and it’s a family name. So many men in my husband’s family are named William but they all go by their middle names. So my son is Beau (we purposely named him that cause we loved the name Beau but also wanted to keep the tradition), my husband’s brother goes by Aron, my husband’s dad goes by Jason etc. Having the same name is not a big deal.
That honestly sounds so cute!! My grandpa is in his 80s, and he and all his brothers go by their middle names even though they have unique first names. I think different generations had different opinions about going by whichever name was your favorite. 😂🤷🏻♀️
my grandfathers name is william but he goes by bill, my dads name is william but he goes by brad (his middle name is bradley), if i were a boy i would be named william but i’d go by will or lewis (my middle name if i were a boy). it’s not a big deal tbh
@@loststarsydney3435 I love the name Rosalie, my youngest was going to be named that if he were a girl. I always thought of Ro as a cute nick name. There's so many options
OOH that ASL story, broke my heart right at the beginning with her hearing family being so awful about her being deaf and not immersing her into deaf culture - HER CULTURE. They need to sit down and shut up, the couple doesn’t even HAVE to provide interpreters for the signing-impaired (which I think is genius humor) at the wedding, but they are. This type of family situation is awful and I could never be close to someone like that, so my heart breaks for her. Idk if you have ever seen Switched at Birth but it discusses issues similar to this, especially in regards to the cochlear implant. I think a very basic way to learn a *little* about deaf culture and community - or just go enroll in ASL classes. Man, this made me heated lol
That school for the deaf in Austin is giant and very well known for being amazing! It is held in high regard to go there. So stupid. They are just ableist.
What makes me so sad about story 2 is that so many parents of disabled kids are like this they try to move on with life as if their child does not have any disability. It is so sad to see kids that are not put in the best situation to let them thrive because there parents are in denial.
I know I'm late to this party (I shockingly just discovered this podcast only recently), but I have to agree. As a parent of a disabled child (who has NEVER been ashamed of her or her condition), dealing with family that is of a similar mindset to that mother is a BATTLE. I've also heard horror stories. It breaks my heart. I look at my daughter and can't imagine breaking her wings to make her fit in some arbitrary mold.
I appreciate Jerry's input so much. It's nice to hear an older person speak so well about being a good person and meeting people where they are at. It's good level-headed insight for situations anyone could be in and it's so nice. It reminds me to be calm when I face things and be considerate of other people without assume malice of everyone.
1. Love your dad, really happy to have him on, he's really great and super chill. Looks like a really cool dad. Please have him on more often. 2. Really hope to have follow up on the last story, love is so blind it's beyond my imagination. 2. PLEASE tell me where you get your couch? i love it SO much!!
Thank you so much for all the nice feedback. He’s really amazing and will deff be on again! My couch is a super old mid century modern one that my dad actually got growing up. We recently just had it recovered! I love it too.
Fully on board with Morgan in the second story. Thank you for pointing out the serious nature of cochlear implants and how you can't assume the parent's intentions were pure. Sometimes abelism and bad parenting is just abelism and bad parenting. Sometimes intentions are good. And yes, some people choose implants later in life. But some parents just make the decision for their Deaf kids because they're not good parents.
Thank you for your comments about the disabled community. I’m in a wheelchair and everyday we live in a world that wasn’t built for us and it’s so difficult. 💕
My heart! Seeing you just hanging out with your dad all comfy just tears me to shreds! My dad passed a year ago and the pain is so intense that sometimes it feels like I'm suffocating. Cherish him while you guys have each other... please
First story- I think everyone is skipping right over the fact that the sister was 5 months pregnant when OP got pregnant. This means the sister already knew the sex of her baby and was showing, everything, when OP got pregnant and declared that she wanted to use the name Rose. OP is trying to capitalize on legacy names before she even knows the sex of the baby. I totally agree that the sister was (sort of) wrong. I say sort of because I think she was rushed to choose a name because OP declared her baby name from the get outset.
for story 3, the dad should've def bought her new sheets, but ALSO, if he didn't see the issue of discarding the old ones, HE should've washed the sheets and used them for his own bed (assuming the bed sizes are the same). he was out here telling his daughter to wash them ..... like NO, you offered her my bed, she stained my sheets, YOU wash them and keep them!!
Story 3: 1. What 21 year old can't drive 1 hour home to campus? An hour is nothing. 2. The 21 year old didn't want to sleep on the guest bed because it looked 'uncomfortable'??? Has she ever been told no? 3. The 21 year olds room isnt ready because she hasnt decided on a style, so the dad is happy to give into all her entitlement around that, but won't budge on replacing ruined bedding for his own daughter? 4. Why was the 16 year old doing that kind of care for her sick mother? Why wasnt the father doing it? Sounds like she was also a parentified child to a certain extent.
It's such a wholesome episode! I've binge-watched all the previous ones and here comes a new one. I could not have been happier. :-D Morgan's voice is so nice that I'd listen to literally anything in this voice :-D
Dad should definitely be on more to give the perspective of a parent. I’d love to see your mom on a podcast about female sexual perspective (only cause I know you both are very comfortable talking about it to each other). That would be very interesting in my opinion.
I’m an audiologist. Some doctors will heavily persuade parents to use only one form of language. Personally I recommend using every possible language (cochlear implants and sign combined). Let the child decide what they like best. Maybe they like both. We have many multilingual hearing children and adults. But I’m a more rare perspective… most do pressure parents into only one sadly :(
teaching sign language, even for hearing babies, is soooooooo important! It helps them to express their emotions and needs so much easily. There's actually a lot of people and researches talking about it. I believe everyone should read and learn more about it! ❤
This is why we announced our daughter’s name publicly as soon as we decided on it. Didn’t want there to be name drama if someone named their kid the same thing in the months between.
Hey ! New fan here, You mentionned in an earlyer podcast that you would maybe do another episode just talking about family dynamics and all, i was very very interested in your point of view when you were talking about how you learned to set boundaries as you grew up with you mom ... we hear a lot about daddy issues, would you be willing to adress the mommy issues side of it ? Thanks, have a good day (Btw i loved the dad's point of view here)
Recently found out about your podcast through tiktok and i can't stop listening.. i play it in the car, while cleaning my appartment, ect. I think you and all your guests seem super awesome and have amazing advice! Keep up the great work, you can tell youre really passionate about this podcast 😊💗
I shared a first and last name back in hs with a teacher. during my first semester of freshman year, they called it over the PA and when I went I was scared and they were confused. it was then explained to me after making it known that the name they called wasn't in fact me but the teacher lol! it was a funny experience.
The second story really boils my bones. The fact they accept one childs "disability" by sending her brother to a school for people on the spectrum, allowing him to feel included and get the proper schooling for him but won't even bother to try and adjust to the other childs "disability" fucking pisses me off.
I’m obsessed, I’ve been binging your channel and I‘m excited for your future content! Also I loved your dad’s contributions, definitely bring him back!! That period story though... imagine sleeping in someone else’s bed WITHOUT WEARING PANTS?! Just no. Even if you’re not on your period that’s gross and new sheets need to be bought.
Jerry!!! Hearing aids are definitely different and advanced nowadays, im 23 and wear hearing aids for an auditory processing disorder. They make them so they mute out the background noise and amplify voices!!
When Jerry says that thing at the end where he f’s up that phrase …yeah that explains a lot about Morgan’s messy phrase-ups and I started laughing so hard 😂 bro we LOVE jerry
Teaching a baby sign can be super helpful for communication whether they are deaf or not. My daughter knew how to ask for food, say she was done eating, and a couple of other small things like wanting a toy, before she had learned to speak any English. Before she was even saying mama or daddy she knew how to sign! In a reality where we hadn't taught her that, we would have had to guess what she needed or wanted for several months.
I listen to the full episodes when I work. I work overnights at the hospital in the city I live in granted I only clean the hospital but listening to these episodes helps the shift go by
I'm so glad I watched this episode, I can't stop laughing at that 'light hearted' story. I needed that laugh today! My husband was in tears laughing as well.
Story 3: IF my sister free bled on my bed. She would be BUYING me new sheets. I do have extras admittedly but the fact she'd have the nerve to do something on my belongings would mean she would be paying to replace them, period. It doesn't matter that we're both women or both related by blood (since OP mentions 'oh you'll be step sisters'), a mess was made of my things and they'd need to be cleaned up. Like the OP being like 'oh you cleaned up your mom's puke' not the same, her mom was SICK and likely not SICK on daughter's things. When someone is sick and needs help that makes it more tolerable. My Dad had a saying of 'you don't let a puppy clean up its own mess' if someone is infirm or unable, then you kind of judge from there. But 'step sister' was not sick. DECIDED to go no underwear, no pad, no NOTHING and laid down and just bled all over daughter's sheets. DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO CLEAN IT UP OR MENTION IT! Just left the mess there. That's despicable And her mom's just like 'oh well' it's like 'NO! Not oh well, why did you teach your daughter this was okay?!' Especially since this is supposed to be 'step sister's house too. Not only would as a guest you WOULDN'T make such a big mess unless again sick and didn't mean to. This was an avoidable mess and then step sister ran out so she couldn't be held accountable I feel so bad for th edaughter I hope she stays at her mom's and doesn't ever come back she's not getting an ounce of respect in that house clearly.
Listening to story one and while you can usually differentiate by the middle name and nickname, things can still go wrong. My brother was in the same class for multiple years with someone who shared his first and last name. While it didn't really cause problems most of the time, there were still issues when pictures, reports, etc. went out without the middle initial added to them.
my whole family, all hearing, none is heard of hearing or deaf, uses a bit of sign with all the little kids before we could talk. what made us start using it more in the past four or five years was because of my two littlest sisters (ages 4 and 2). the 4 year old has FASD (fetal alcohol syndrome) her birth mother drank while pregnant so communicating was very very hard in the first three years of her life. she has come a VERY long way, but she still uses sign that she knows when she can’t get her point across with english. my littlest sister 2 years old, is having a hard time with talking, she can talk and sometimes very well, but she still babbles. when she wants water she signs sit and drink. she knows please, thank you, milk, you’re welcome, all done, so basic sign. it is an AMAZING way for children to communicate, and everyone who comes here understands and knows what they need. i sympathize with op who has the deaf wedding, and i wish her mother would educate herself on the deaf community. asl is a great language to learn, and although i’m not fluent yet, i feel better knowing i can try and understand the deaf community.
As someone who has criminal parents - some people really are not going to care/ look out for you. You understand from a very young age that you can’t rely on them. They will guilt/shame/abuse in all the ways they can get away with. It’s extremely stressful to worry about your own safety and also feel like you can’t tell anyone. I worry everyday about other children going through the same or worse than I have.
Story 1: 3:19
Story 2: 10:20
Story 3: 26:53
Story 4: 33:42
Story 5: 42:04
Story 6: 51:20
Thank you for your service ❤️
Bless you ❤️
@@TwoHotTakes Can we get these in the descriptions?? These are so helpful, I use your videos to fall asleep to and have trouble finding where I was in the morning!! 💖
morgan’s dad is such a natural podcast host
He shall definitely be joining again sometime soon. Gotta give him so funny lighthearted ones next time though 🙈
watching this so late but yes i loved him! gave such a great and practical take
I don’t know if you ever saw, but he has his own podcast now!!
@@sarvolkskaya what’s it called?
I’m dying to hear their family story/tree
Definitely please Morgan, have your dad on as a guest host again. His personality fits in getting a experienced perspective to the table . Saw several things in a light with dad input. Love THT
story 3 got me so mad not only because of the blood, but because she wasn’t even asked if her bed could be used. she didn’t even give permission and she has to deal with the consequences for something that wasn’t even her fault
that’s literally sick. & then the dad to make HER clean it up? Didn’t even ask. A whole stranger was in her room where she feels safe. HE married into the family not her. She owes that family nothing
Right? Also considering that step daughter is old enough to go to college, did she not know how to be CONSIDERATE of using someone else's bed???
Like wtf.
In my family it wouldn't be an issue to not ask, but to soil the bed and not even take responsibility??? What kind of obtuse household family is that? I don't care if they're step siblings or blood related. If my brother who lives with me slept in my bed and pissed in it, he better clean that shit up himself! If not, whoever gave him permission to sleep there needs to clean it up or tell him to. Of course if I let him, then if he's not available I'll clean it and give him shit afterwards. But if I had no part in the decision, then somebody better make it so that I never even knew it was soiled.
About that; what was with that sister? You soil a bed and leave the evidence to be discovered? Like what? Ladies help me understand this. Cause by the time I learned how to change bed sheets, if I happened to have an "accident" in the sheets, it was like I committed murder. NO ONE should be able to find out about it, I could leave no trace lest I die of humiliation. I remember soiling my bed a couple times and literally sneaking my dirty sheets to the laundry and cleaning it all up before anyone woke up. As far as anyone knows, I haven't wet the bed since I was like 4.
And the dad is an asshole for saying that women should be immune to period blood... like what? Just because we can deal with our own blood, doesn't mean we are not disgusted by other women's blood...
Yall the post was removed 💀 I think Reddit taught him a lesson
Your dad is so wholesome and trying to give everyone the benefit of the doubt 🥺 I think I’m gonna go call my dad...
I wish I could still call me dad. He passed in February 2020. :(
I know I need to be more like him ❤️
@@gigiwoodlawn2142 so sorry for your loss love ❤️
Wish I had a good dad. My dad is horrible and I had to cut all ties. For so many reasons.
Mainly due to the fact I was in a group home as a teenager due to me getting involved in drugs and alcohol and he FLAT out refused to participate in therapy.
My therapist did everything in her power to have him participate like very flexible with times and dates and he DIDN’T even have to be there physically. So he had every opportunity to participate. That right there showed to me I was not important enough for my dad to make a HOUR THERAPY PHONE CALL. Plus my “dad” has issues with the law for horrible things, so that in itself is a reason to cut ties.
Sometimes blood isn’t thicker than water. I’ve honestly had to cut ties with majority of my family. My family on both sides is extremely toxic and destructive.
@@FukaiKokoro so sorry you had to go through that, that’s awful. Hearing your story, I know you don’t know me but I’m proud of you!
The story with the dad who didn’t get his daughter new bed sheets after the step sis bled on the sheets is absolutely gross!!!! And think about it if it’s in a big puddle there is a chance that it could have bled through and gotten on to the actual mattress!! Like I feel so bad for the girl, she didn’t deserve to go home and see her bed full of the step sister period blood 🤢
The not-even-step-sister-yet period blood! It blows my mind, it’s pretty much a stranger at that point🤦🏽♀️
@@arianarobinson6919 honestly!!!! Like it’s so gross
As a social worker, I would have removed all children from the home. That’s abuse.
@@catieq5270 I 100% agree with you
Also, who the heck sleeps in another persons bed without pants on??? Especially when they are on their period?!?!?! And to leave it there?!?!?! There are SO many issues here. I literally can't understand how someone would even THINK that this would be acceptable in any way shape or form. I feel so bad for the daughter.
i’m a CODA (child of deaf adult) and that second story blew my mind. my mother was put into oral school and they would put her hands in gloves and force her to learn to speak. it’s absolutely DISGUSTING how the deaf community used to be treated. i live in an area with a large deaf community because of the deaf and blind school in the town and the culture is SO rich. it’s beautiful. it breaks my heart to hear this story, that mom makes me so so SO angry. i hate seeing people go through situations like this when i know how horrible oral school was for my mom. her vocals are pretty extraordinary for not having a cochlear but she never should have had to endure that, you know? so this story hits HOME because it’s so similar. it has me HEATED. that daughter deserves BETTER.
Wow. Thank you for sharing you and your moms story. That is so so terrible that they did that. This story left me so so mad, but yes definitely hits home for you!
I took both available ASL classes at my community college so when you learn a language you learn the culture and history and it disgusts me. I live in CT near Mystic and I guess they were attempting to build the oral school again and I'm so happy it got a lot of backlash.
I’m too hooked to these. I’m choosing to listen instead of sleep.
same girl, it's 5:36 and i haven't slept yet
@@mrsannirwin 5:21 here 🥲
Ohhh same 😂😂
Same haha
Literally me rn
god imagine sleeping with nothing on below the waist in someone else's bed??? That is vile.
Saying she should be use to blood is such a bad excuse. The father probably shits every day but if someone did that in his sheets I bet he wouldn’t be too happy.
To the sign language wedding - Would the toxic mom not send her other austistic child to an appropriate school? Would She deny needed therapy for that child? Like she did her hearing impaired child?
I loooooove that she said on the invitation “signing impaired” bc that’s so true. Learning sign language is probably a lot easier than learning a spoken language.
Totally agree! Don't have kids if you won't love and support them unconditionally. I'm so happy the daughter found a husband and new extended family that love and accept her for who she is and make her feel wanted and understood.
Honestly I think sign language should be taught in all schools-no later than elementary level.
The mom is clearly in denial that her daughter is deaf
Nooooooooooooo learning sign language- at least American Sign Language is *not* easier. Jesus, it’s really friggin difficult. I’m not saying that to mean they shouldn’t try, but it really is difficult.
@@ThunderStruck15 Agreed!!!! we need some asl speaking individuals in the chat. not a ton of hearing people who don’t quite understand lol
For the third story, if she had slept on the couch, would dude just be fine with her having bled on the couch?
Exactly he’s a hypocrite.
Also: it’s so weird that the 21 year old would free bleed on someone else’s mattress??? Like wtf 🤢
@@lokinixda1685 so rude what you do at home isn’t always appropriate to do as a guest in someone’s bed and in white bed linens. Soon to be step mom should wash them and she should get a new set of sheets the stains might not come out. I wouldn’t want to spend time at my dads if he had such blatant disrespect for myself and my belongings.
This was my thought exactly !!
I was going to comment the same thing. The step daughter sleeps without bottoms on her period. That couch would look like someone was murdered on it. Would he be okay cleaning the couch cushions? You’re never going to get all the blood out. Would anyone even want to sit on the couch after that?
@@lokinixda1685 100% you’re so right. You can’t free bleed on someone else’s belongings. And just because period blood is natural doesn’t mean it doesn’t gross people out. Like poop is natural, and I would not be happy if someone pooped on my sheets and did nothing to remedy the situation. Periods aren’t shameful, but that doesn’t mean you should let it go everywhere. 😬
Glad the deaf wedding couple found each other. She deserves so much more than her parents and it sounds like the in-laws are supportive and helpful. Hope the best for the couple, op's mom can eat a bag of rocks for what she said
Story 1 is why I will NEVER disclose names of my children to my family prior...
Have you ever seen friends? 😂
My mom really wanted to name my sister Jennifer and told my aunt who was due just few months before my mom was. Well, surprise surprise my aunt named my cousin Jennifer.
I told some of my family. If someone steals it I'll. Throw. Hands. We are dead set on these names.
YES, exactly. It got my blood boiling, LOL. Like, the sister STOLE the name Rosalie, so why is everyone in the family on HER side? It’s so unjust, smh
With story 3, I think another issue with the dad's perspective is just expecting his daughter to be okay with her soon-to-be stepmom and siblings. Parents, your children have every right to be uncomfortable, to feel unprepared and awkward around your new partner. Respect feelings and boundaries, and let people adjust in their own time. "She's your sister now" no, she's practically a stranger, a friend at best in this moment.
Hope that man learns his lesson 😔
shes also in college... plenty of things the child could catch from the blood... you never know... it just seems super unsanitary and unfair to be forced to do that.
With the bloody sheets story, the stepmom missed such a huge moment for brownie points with the daughter. Imagine if SHE had offered to buy her new sheets. That would have been such a good olive branch. Instead, they all just told that girl: "We're gonna mess your life up and you're not gonna be able to do anything about it."
Story 1: PISSED me off lmaoooo! If it was my sister and she stole the name I chose for my baby after I changed the original one for HER we would not be speaking for a while
My dads family all naming their first sons after their fathers, there are like four cousins named Joe, it’s fiiiiine
Even if its not fine with someone, this shouldnt be an issue. Like, if someone tells you their kid is going to be named Rosalie and you like thst name too, then ask. If they say no, yrah its maybe sad but they told you first. Plus there are so many pretty baby names. And if you really cant change it, life with the fact that that friendship probably will be over or that two kids will be named like that
There are so many Andrews in my family all with the same last name and there’s no issues whatsoever
“You get your period you should be able to clean it up”
Okay….so everyone in the world bleeds blood. So in that case THE FATHER CAN AND SHOULD CLEAN IT UP
For the second story: english is not the only language of the USA, you can have your weddinf in spanish, asl, russian, etc and it will still be an American wedding
There is no official language, the most popular languages are English, Spanish, and French. But there are so many more depending on your region. In my area, it's not uncommon for Chinese.
Bust out some Klingon! It’s a celebration, and we’re all just trying to communicate with our loved ones and having a good time 💕
I love the stories where Jerry just decides about halfway through that he’s done listening and voices what he’s thinking. He always makes me laugh
story 6 was crazy to me. i just cant imagine hearing my partner say theyre only with me because of my family's wealth, and then wanting to stay with that person and 'fix them'. i feel horrible for that girl, i have a feeling that man is probably very manipulative and emotionally abusive.
Daughter: “I don’t want you to meddle in my relationship. But can you pay for my husband’s therapy to save our marriage?”
Like, wtf? 🤦♀️
I was just thinking that!
They way I see it… as long as his money is involved… it’s his business… she don’t like it then don’t take it.
Does the stepson not have grandparents of his own to help pay for his college? Did the mother not save up anything for him? Why wouldn’t they sue the birth father?
It’s absolutely not okay to even consider taking the daughters inheritance!
Hell why didn't His mom the OP's wife set up a college fund for her son & if she was receiving child support she should have put that to a college fund if not sue spirm donor for child support to pay for sons college
Exactly, that money was from her late mother’s family for her. It’s not the fathers to give away to his stepson.
To me it looks like they are trying to make the daughter suffer just because the step brother is suffering
Thats step brother and step mom’s idea of “justice”
Notice that all their “solutions” to the problem are money or belongings from the daughter
It is sick
The dad is super sweet. I think he adds a good balance of giving credence to people in the story while Morgan is very quick to demonize the same characters. I think Morgan has good reason to when the entire story is finally read, but the dad gives good perspective at the same time.
These stories have made me so pessimistic 🙈😂 hopefully my dad can brush off on me 💛
@@TwoHotTakes I totally feel that. Life has made me more pessimistic/realistic, and I have ZERO trust in strangers. 😬 Your dad is such a cutie and so positive! 💕
@@clairer342 yeah retail did that to me 😭
Demonize is such a horrible word to use. She calls it like it is and while the father may want to give the benefit of the doubt (and he’s great) some people don’t deserve it and I personally think people who haven’t been through a lot can be so naive. Most of those stories have a clear a hole and I (personally) can’t believe people need to even question these situations because the villain is almost always so apparent.
here to hype up the most underrated podcast on youtube okay bye
Ugh you’re the best 🥰💛
Regarding the first story, my sons first name is William and it’s a family name. So many men in my husband’s family are named William but they all go by their middle names. So my son is Beau (we purposely named him that cause we loved the name Beau but also wanted to keep the tradition), my husband’s brother goes by Aron, my husband’s dad goes by Jason etc. Having the same name is not a big deal.
That honestly sounds so cute!! My grandpa is in his 80s, and he and all his brothers go by their middle names even though they have unique first names. I think different generations had different opinions about going by whichever name was your favorite. 😂🤷🏻♀️
My friend’s husband’s mom passed away and both her husband and his brother named their first born daughters Rebecca. They go by Beck and Becca
my grandfathers name is william but he goes by bill, my dads name is william but he goes by brad (his middle name is bradley), if i were a boy i would be named william but i’d go by will or lewis (my middle name if i were a boy). it’s not a big deal tbh
also rosalie is such an easy name to create a nickname for! rosie! rosa! lee! or she could go with rosalia and use the nickname lia.
@@loststarsydney3435 I love the name Rosalie, my youngest was going to be named that if he were a girl. I always thought of Ro as a cute nick name. There's so many options
OOH that ASL story, broke my heart right at the beginning with her hearing family being so awful about her being deaf and not immersing her into deaf culture - HER CULTURE. They need to sit down and shut up, the couple doesn’t even HAVE to provide interpreters for the signing-impaired (which I think is genius humor) at the wedding, but they are. This type of family situation is awful and I could never be close to someone like that, so my heart breaks for her.
Idk if you have ever seen Switched at Birth but it discusses issues similar to this, especially in regards to the cochlear implant. I think a very basic way to learn a *little* about deaf culture and community - or just go enroll in ASL classes. Man, this made me heated lol
That school for the deaf in Austin is giant and very well known for being amazing! It is held in high regard to go there. So stupid. They are just ableist.
What makes me so sad about story 2 is that so many parents of disabled kids are like this they try to move on with life as if their child does not have any disability. It is so sad to see kids that are not put in the best situation to let them thrive because there parents are in denial.
I know I'm late to this party (I shockingly just discovered this podcast only recently), but I have to agree. As a parent of a disabled child (who has NEVER been ashamed of her or her condition), dealing with family that is of a similar mindset to that mother is a BATTLE. I've also heard horror stories. It breaks my heart. I look at my daughter and can't imagine breaking her wings to make her fit in some arbitrary mold.
I appreciate Jerry's input so much. It's nice to hear an older person speak so well about being a good person and meeting people where they are at. It's good level-headed insight for situations anyone could be in and it's so nice. It reminds me to be calm when I face things and be considerate of other people without assume malice of everyone.
1. Love your dad, really happy to have him on, he's really great and super chill. Looks like a really cool dad. Please have him on more often.
2. Really hope to have follow up on the last story, love is so blind it's beyond my imagination.
2. PLEASE tell me where you get your couch? i love it SO much!!
Thank you so much for all the nice feedback. He’s really amazing and will deff be on again!
My couch is a super old mid century modern one that my dad actually got growing up. We recently just had it recovered! I love it too.
Your dad is too sweet. Loved that it gave you room to bounce ideas off of each other.
Fully on board with Morgan in the second story. Thank you for pointing out the serious nature of cochlear implants and how you can't assume the parent's intentions were pure. Sometimes abelism and bad parenting is just abelism and bad parenting. Sometimes intentions are good. And yes, some people choose implants later in life. But some parents just make the decision for their Deaf kids because they're not good parents.
Thank you for your comments about the disabled community. I’m in a wheelchair and everyday we live in a world that wasn’t built for us and it’s so difficult. 💕
My heart! Seeing you just hanging out with your dad all comfy just tears me to shreds! My dad passed a year ago and the pain is so intense that sometimes it feels like I'm suffocating. Cherish him while you guys have each other... please
Found your channel via tiktok, I gotta admit I love your dad. He seems like a great open minded human!
I absolutely love your dad’s comments. It’s nice to have a parent perspective to every story. Definitely have him more frequently!
bring your dad back on!!! his feedback is so good!
I just found you guys and I can’t stop binging them. Lucky for me I can listen while I clean my room 🤗. Thank you guys for all you do 💖
Love Morgan's dad, please more parent perspectives, love it. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
First story- I think everyone is skipping right over the fact that the sister was 5 months pregnant when OP got pregnant.
This means the sister already knew the sex of her baby and was showing, everything, when OP got pregnant and declared that she wanted to use the name Rose.
OP is trying to capitalize on legacy names before she even knows the sex of the baby.
I totally agree that the sister was (sort of) wrong. I say sort of because I think she was rushed to choose a name because OP declared her baby name from the get outset.
You find out who people are when you DONT give them what they want.
for story 3, the dad should've def bought her new sheets, but ALSO, if he didn't see the issue of discarding the old ones, HE should've washed the sheets and used them for his own bed (assuming the bed sizes are the same). he was out here telling his daughter to wash them ..... like NO, you offered her my bed, she stained my sheets, YOU wash them and keep them!!
Morgan's dad is so sweet
Your dad is so calm hearted and wise
Story 3:
1. What 21 year old can't drive 1 hour home to campus? An hour is nothing.
2. The 21 year old didn't want to sleep on the guest bed because it looked 'uncomfortable'??? Has she ever been told no?
3. The 21 year olds room isnt ready because she hasnt decided on a style, so the dad is happy to give into all her entitlement around that, but won't budge on replacing ruined bedding for his own daughter?
4. Why was the 16 year old doing that kind of care for her sick mother? Why wasnt the father doing it? Sounds like she was also a parentified child to a certain extent.
It's such a wholesome episode! I've binge-watched all the previous ones and here comes a new one. I could not have been happier. :-D
Morgan's voice is so nice that I'd listen to literally anything in this voice :-D
I love your dad's mindset
Dad should definitely be on more to give the perspective of a parent.
I’d love to see your mom on a podcast about female sexual perspective (only cause I know you both are very comfortable talking about it to each other). That would be very interesting in my opinion.
OMFG I would LOVE to see this episode! This would be beautiful and really healing I think
I’m an audiologist. Some doctors will heavily persuade parents to use only one form of language. Personally I recommend using every possible language (cochlear implants and sign combined). Let the child decide what they like best. Maybe they like both. We have many multilingual hearing children and adults. But I’m a more rare perspective… most do pressure parents into only one sadly :(
Yes! Children deserve that kind of autonomy!
teaching sign language, even for hearing babies, is soooooooo important! It helps them to express their emotions and needs so much easily. There's actually a lot of people and researches talking about it. I believe everyone should read and learn more about it! ❤
This is why we announced our daughter’s name publicly as soon as we decided on it. Didn’t want there to be name drama if someone named their kid the same thing in the months between.
Your dad is exactly what I thought he would be haha
That’s strange as the parent I would rush to clean it at lest maybe I’d go buy her sheets at least
(The stepmom)
If I was the step mom I would buy a whole new bed for for her.
Hey ! New fan here,
You mentionned in an earlyer podcast that you would maybe do another episode just talking about family dynamics and all, i was very very interested in your point of view when you were talking about how you learned to set boundaries as you grew up with you mom ... we hear a lot about daddy issues, would you be willing to adress the mommy issues side of it ?
Thanks, have a good day
(Btw i loved the dad's point of view here)
I really like the Dad's opinion for diversifying the discussion and points of views when going over the stories
Recently found out about your podcast through tiktok and i can't stop listening.. i play it in the car, while cleaning my appartment, ect. I think you and all your guests seem super awesome and have amazing advice! Keep up the great work, you can tell youre really passionate about this podcast 😊💗
Love Dad’s socks!
I shared a first and last name back in hs with a teacher. during my first semester of freshman year, they called it over the PA and when I went I was scared and they were confused. it was then explained to me after making it known that the name they called wasn't in fact me but the teacher lol! it was a funny experience.
Intention doesn’t excuse being a ableist… I am here with Morgan all the way!
Ummmm I don’t have a dad so it’s nice seeing a supportive & rational one! Please I would love to see more of him & this trio !
Absolutely love your dad! He's such a great sport. He did a great job ❤
around 3 minutes, the dog popped it’s head up, and i was thinking, “THATS NOT A BLANKET?”
The second story really boils my bones. The fact they accept one childs "disability" by sending her brother to a school for people on the spectrum, allowing him to feel included and get the proper schooling for him but won't even bother to try and adjust to the other childs "disability" fucking pisses me off.
I’m obsessed, I’ve been binging your channel and I‘m excited for your future content! Also I loved your dad’s contributions, definitely bring him back!!
That period story though... imagine sleeping in someone else’s bed WITHOUT WEARING PANTS?! Just no. Even if you’re not on your period that’s gross and new sheets need to be bought.
Jerry!!! Hearing aids are definitely different and advanced nowadays, im 23 and wear hearing aids for an auditory processing disorder. They make them so they mute out the background noise and amplify voices!!
I didn’t even realize there was a dog on the couch 💀💀💀
When Jerry says that thing at the end where he f’s up that phrase …yeah that explains a lot about Morgan’s messy phrase-ups and I started laughing so hard 😂 bro we LOVE jerry
Jerry definitely gives great dad vibes. very chill, very diplomatic, spitting wisdom left and right
My sister sent me a video of yours and now I’m hooked on these
I love your dad! Bring him back please and thank you!
2:43 omg 😂 I didn’t notice the dog at first lol What a cutie!
Oh my, I’ve been here since the beginning and I feel so proud of you guys, you’re growing so fast!!!😍😍😍
So so glad you’ve stuck around 💛 we truly appreciate the support. Can’t wait to see where it goes!!
i love these, so entertaining. but i CANT with morgan’s pausing to smack her lips/swallow 😂❤️
The dad is so smart. Love his outlook!
Could you do a segment on how you and Justin met, how this podcast started? That would be so fun!!
I have CP and loved your takes on the first story
I love every person on your podcasts, but Justin and dad are such beautiful men who adore you so much and are so respectful. Love you guys!!
I am sorry i love that your dog just sits there the entire time lol so adorable.
omg your dad is so cute! how sweet! i vote for more!!
One of my new favorite podcasts love it!! Thank you for another great episode
Teaching a baby sign can be super helpful for communication whether they are deaf or not. My daughter knew how to ask for food, say she was done eating, and a couple of other small things like wanting a toy, before she had learned to speak any English. Before she was even saying mama or daddy she knew how to sign! In a reality where we hadn't taught her that, we would have had to guess what she needed or wanted for several months.
I’m so happy this podcast started showing up on my tiktok
I LOVE your Dad! He is such a gem 💎
I listen to this podcast every night and its SO GOOD
Seriously just love your dad 😭 missing my dad so much today
I listen to the full episodes when I work. I work overnights at the hospital in the city I live in granted I only clean the hospital but listening to these episodes helps the shift go by
I'm so glad I watched this episode, I can't stop laughing at that 'light hearted' story. I needed that laugh today! My husband was in tears laughing as well.
Story 3: IF my sister free bled on my bed. She would be BUYING me new sheets. I do have extras admittedly but the fact she'd have the nerve to do something on my belongings would mean she would be paying to replace them, period.
It doesn't matter that we're both women or both related by blood (since OP mentions 'oh you'll be step sisters'), a mess was made of my things and they'd need to be cleaned up.
Like the OP being like 'oh you cleaned up your mom's puke' not the same, her mom was SICK and likely not SICK on daughter's things. When someone is sick and needs help that makes it more tolerable.
My Dad had a saying of 'you don't let a puppy clean up its own mess' if someone is infirm or unable, then you kind of judge from there. But 'step sister' was not sick. DECIDED to go no underwear, no pad, no NOTHING and laid down and just bled all over daughter's sheets. DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO CLEAN IT UP OR MENTION IT! Just left the mess there. That's despicable
And her mom's just like 'oh well' it's like 'NO! Not oh well, why did you teach your daughter this was okay?!'
Especially since this is supposed to be 'step sister's house too. Not only would as a guest you WOULDN'T make such a big mess unless again sick and didn't mean to. This was an avoidable mess and then step sister ran out so she couldn't be held accountable
I feel so bad for th edaughter I hope she stays at her mom's and doesn't ever come back she's not getting an ounce of respect in that house clearly.
Please have your dad on more often. He is a sweet guy.
So good! This has to be my favorite episode!!!!
Listening to story one and while you can usually differentiate by the middle name and nickname, things can still go wrong. My brother was in the same class for multiple years with someone who shared his first and last name. While it didn't really cause problems most of the time, there were still issues when pictures, reports, etc. went out without the middle initial added to them.
Watching these after work!! Amazing work💕💕
loved hearing from your dad in this!! bring him baaacckkk!!! :)
my whole family, all hearing, none is heard of hearing or deaf, uses a bit of sign with all the little kids before we could talk. what made us start using it more in the past four or five years was because of my two littlest sisters (ages 4 and 2). the 4 year old has FASD (fetal alcohol syndrome) her birth mother drank while pregnant so communicating was very very hard in the first three years of her life. she has come a VERY long way, but she still uses sign that she knows when she can’t get her point across with english. my littlest sister 2 years old, is having a hard time with talking, she can talk and sometimes very well, but she still babbles. when she wants water she signs sit and drink. she knows please, thank you, milk, you’re welcome, all done, so basic sign. it is an AMAZING way for children to communicate, and everyone who comes here understands and knows what they need. i sympathize with op who has the deaf wedding, and i wish her mother would educate herself on the deaf community. asl is a great language to learn, and although i’m not fluent yet, i feel better knowing i can try and understand the deaf community.
This was an amazing episode!! Your dad is a natural at this lol!! Hope he comes back again!! 😁🖤🤟🏾
HAHA I loved hearing you and you dad!!! So interesting hearing different point of views from different generations!!
As someone who has criminal parents - some people really are not going to care/ look out for you. You understand from a very young age that you can’t rely on them. They will guilt/shame/abuse in all the ways they can get away with. It’s extremely stressful to worry about your own safety and also feel like you can’t tell anyone. I worry everyday about other children going through the same or worse than I have.
I love that your dad is using Chanukah socks in May 😂
I do the same! I wear my Chanukah pajamas all year round lol
Haha he is such a goofball 😂