How to Start 3D Printing for Warhammer in 2024 - Beginner Guide

  • Опубліковано 27 жов 2024
  • Ігри


  • @fruitzpunch7721
    @fruitzpunch7721 8 місяців тому +457

    As a chemist: Please take special care when handling resin. You need actual VOC filtermasks, at least nitrile gloves, VERY GOOD ventilation and a dedicated room.
    Of course, no one is going to die directly form the resin itself, but the components of the photopolymerizable mixture are carcinogenic (escpecially the initiators). The long term effects of repeated exposure are not well studied and it is better to be safe than sorry!
    Also: NEVER dispose of resin-containing solutions (IPA and water alike) in the sink! Let it cure COMPLETELY and then throw it in the bin. And when post-processing use a particlefilter mask (FFP masks) to prevent the dust from clogging up your lungs.
    NEVER underestimate the potential dangers of unknown effects of repeated exposure to prevent becoming part of a statistic in a paper.

    • @commanderkei9537
      @commanderkei9537 8 місяців тому +6

      How should I cure the trash? I’ve had a bin starting to fill up with resin contaminated paper towels and I’m not exactly sure what to do with it all

    • @TheMarcosvolta
      @TheMarcosvolta 8 місяців тому +7

      FACTS!!! I cannot stress these points enough! You have to be dedicated to the religion of safe procedure in order to resin print, imo. No amount of savings is worth dealing with cancer. Take care of yourselves!

    • @didymussumydid9726
      @didymussumydid9726 8 місяців тому +1

      Is it at all common to run the printers in a protected outdoor space like a patio or under a breezeway or carport? I only ever hear about people running them inside apartments and houses.

    • @imagecollections6665
      @imagecollections6665 8 місяців тому +1

      Good advice. Seen some terrible reactions to it myself.

    • @tasteofwang81
      @tasteofwang81 8 місяців тому +5

      So I should dress up as a DKOK when printing. Got it.

  • @ZK-sz8vs
    @ZK-sz8vs 8 місяців тому +263

    i just printed a 3000pt army for $60. 3D printing was the best thing to happen to my hobby in 20 years of warhammer. once you get used to dealing with the chemicals, dialing in the resin settings, and supporting your minis to avoid failures, it opens the doors to some serious hobby gains.

    • @TheMarcosvolta
      @TheMarcosvolta 8 місяців тому +16

      I completely agree, but theres a number of caveats that most people are unaware of. In order to have consistent year-round printing you need a way to measure and control the temperature of the resin vat. This may include a climate controlled room, but as the fumes carry toxic VOC's, most people do not want such a machine exuding such things into their homes. Carbon filters are nice but they are not zero sum solution. You'll either need to setup proper ventilation inside or consider setting up in a shed/shop outside. This will of course introduce an environment where temperatures will vary widely over the year. A simple brewers heating belt will often work well enough, but you will also require electric thermostat to regulate the heater, a laser thermometer to measure the resin temperature and a room that will stay a fairly consistent temperature throughout the printing time. Very little of what I just mentioned is collectively gathered and shared online, I had to do a lot of googling, youtubing, re-reading J3D's tech guide, as well as a fair amount of experimentation and failures to finally get everything dialed in to optimal settings. I had a buddy tell me that it takes most people about 2 months to get their 3d printer dialed in perfectly, FDM or SLA alike. From my experience, I'd say hes fairly correct.
      3d printing is not for everyone, there are many variables to consider. Although, if you are keen on technology, have no issue learning from mistakes, have a good understanding of clean/contaminated procedures and wear proper protection, then 3d printing just may be for you. For some of us, its literally game changing. I for one love it, but it took a lot of time, effort and money to get to this point. The largest benefit of course is that I still have spent a lot less than I would have if I simply purchased GW plastic kits. Ha!

    • @imagecollections6665
      @imagecollections6665 8 місяців тому +11

      It's like buying fake designer gear & pretending it's real though. You have a pretend army.

    • @toastle8005
      @toastle8005 8 місяців тому +93

      @@fleshwithoutblood …aaaand that’s cope, and a really petty way of saying it, too.
      Most miniatures, especially spindly plastic ones like my GW Necrons, are fragile- so are paint jobs, even on good primer- so complaining that you can’t throw resin across the table is a bit of a lazy complaint. On top of that, developments in durable gaming-focused resin has and continues to improve some prints to be the equal, or even beyond, some plastics.
      As for ‘you won’t be able to play them at your FLGS or Warhammer stores’, we here in Australia get terrible treatment from GW, and we have about one GW store in each state, so no real issue there unless you’re travelling to play competitive. As for LGS, given that most of us pay for paint and supplies (and we literally wouldn’t be buying Warhammer either way, so all they’re gaining is a customer and a new local player), none of our local stores have had a problem- even with tournaments. Especially not if a few unique characters are printed, or your Leman Russes are a Mechanicum-themed 3rd party sculpt because you’re building a Forge World-aligned PDF force.
      But dude… throwing in ‘and the cancer in 20 years might change your mind’ is unnecessarily petty, spiteful and rude. If you are properly careful with the resin you are using, it emits less dangerous VOC-indicated particles than Methylated Spirits. As long as you are exercising proper caution (which I guarantee you are not around the plastic dust when assembling your minis), then you are in far less danger than a lot of known and studied chemicals and plastics we inhale on a daily basis.
      The McDonalds you eat is giving you cancer. The frozen meal from the supermarket, and the plastics that run onto the food from the packaging, are giving you cancer. The rubber and petrol you inhale near highways are giving you cancer. The paint we use in the hobby, the superglue and plastic glue fumes, the plastic shavings, are giving you cancer, and the PFAS plastic lining in your paper straws is giving you cancer. Your lack of exercise, that you keep telling yourself you’ll get to someday, is making you more prone to the cancer that will come with the carcinogens you are taking in every day.
      Trying to act petty and have a go at someone because they’re ‘gonna get cancer in 20 years’ because they’re cautiously adopting a new technology, while doing all of that yourself…
      No need to think about the implications and opportunities that 3D printing brings, or the variety in Imperial Guard and Daemon sculpts it could bring, that GW couldn’t realistically support if they wanted to, or any of the creative democracy it brings to the community and the hobby.
      But it’s alright… because you’re ‘fine with the GW mark-up’, right? No need to think harder than that.

    • @toastle8005
      @toastle8005 8 місяців тому +9

      @@TheMarcosvolta start-up 3D-printing production companies, that can print miniatures while affording the equipment, time and safety to do it safely on an industrial level, will help most people who can’t afford the space or care to do it safely themselves.
      Achieves all the best parts of printing cool new designs for people, while being treated professionally chemical-wise, by people whose job it is to know the process and perform it safely.

    • @JordanR
      @JordanR 8 місяців тому +2

      ​@@thatsheresynah, he's 100% correct. Imagine bragging about wasting money you dont need to spend to put more money in the pockets of shareholders as if it gives you the status of anything other than "consumer whore."

  • @AxleVice
    @AxleVice 8 місяців тому +30

    I got my Saturn 3 for $300 on sale, built my own cure station with a $20 lamp and a cardboard box lined with aluminum foil. And used 2 $10 pickle jars as my wash station. with $150 of resin I have printed 2 entire armies plus about 1000 points in other models. With another $100 in resin I plan on printing 2 more entire armies. Stl files cost me about $100 so far, but many amazing ones are free, especially space marines.
    But with this many armies I have also slung well over $200 in paints to GWs way, including finishing off two entire pots of nuln oil and agrax earthshade, so they're still making money off me.
    I definitely have come into contact with resin a bit much, so I did have to invest in a lot of alcohol wipes and a 1000 pack of nitrile gloves, which cost me about $100 for all those supplies, paper towels, IPA, etc. By the time I print 10000 points, it will only have cost me ~$750 in consumables, the printer, wash and cure, and files, paints excluded. Considering my first army cost me $1200, this is easily the best wargaming decision I've ever made.

  • @zaken1235
    @zaken1235 8 місяців тому +70

    Safety Safety Safety. Do no skimp on it. I would say the absolute bare bones set up you can get is a mars 3 pro, the minis it makes are superb, with anti aliasing and a little blur you really have to squint to see the layer lines and they do not interfere with washes and the like. At ~$150 it makes it by and far the best with the most features at its price level
    -combined with 2 liters of denatured alcohol $20
    -a plastic tupperware vessel/pickle jar for cleaning $10
    -a cure light, solar display stand and an amazon box $15
    -kilo of standard resin $20
    this would be the lowest you could in spend outside of black friday or used units in order to make ~900 points of minis just for fun. About the price of a US Combat Patrol box and a dreadnought. It only gets cheaper from there.

    • @parabot2
      @parabot2 8 місяців тому

      i'm Vaxxxxed, it's ok .

  • @TheBumbleseed
    @TheBumbleseed 7 місяців тому +12

    As an admech enthusiast resin printing has been such a godscend
    Ive used stationforges scavengers but i have a project in the work to make my own line of proxy mechanicus. Its like a whole different game now

  • @swaslaukinonome
    @swaslaukinonome 8 місяців тому +31

    It's a huge time sink at first, but once you get it dialed in and if you stick with the same resin, it all gets way easier and more semi-automatic over time. It's pretty fun to make your own army out of random toxic liquids. Nurgle approved. Don't get cheap on ventilation, a proper respirator, and a work flow where nobody is hanging out the whole time where your resin is exposed. Price in a good ventilation system and the PPE, bc the resin will totally mess up your skin and too much might be hella toxic.

    • @Authe
      @Authe 8 місяців тому +1

      Before I invested in a good respirator mask, I would definitely get light-headed when dealing with the stuff, even in short exposure with nitrile gloves.

  • @Lizardwizard2112
    @Lizardwizard2112 8 місяців тому +8

    I huge misconception that I think a lot of people have when it comes to printing minis is FDM printing. It is definitely not nearly as great as resin printers but if you are printing bases, terrain, vehicles, just larger models really, it can do wonders. I would never try to do an infantry unit, at least not with my printer, but if you are willing to make a few upgrades (smaller diameter nozzles, better filament, and slicer adjustments) you can get great results from FDM printing. Currently printing an immolator for my retributor squad and it is coming along splendidly

    • @dracosummoner
      @dracosummoner 8 місяців тому +2

      Same here, most minis don't look that great on my FDM printer (Neptune 3 Pro), though the author "Ghamak's" minis on My Mini Factory tend to be a welcome exception.

    • @Backstabmacro
      @Backstabmacro 8 місяців тому +1

      I’ll second this. All of my terrain is filament and cost me pennies for what GW terrain would have cost.

  • @dhaub7174
    @dhaub7174 8 місяців тому +10

    Me and my cousin went halves on a 3d printer around the holidays this year and we finally both had time to get a room all set up for it in my house. We have only done a few prints so far (some terrain, some incredible Rot Toads that I proxy as Beasts of Nurgle, and some grots) but we already both have a huge backlog of prints we want to do

  • @lordnovas
    @lordnovas 8 місяців тому +7

    Its great getting monthly models from creators like Station Forge, Makers Cult, Dungeons and Dreadnaughts etc. you get a boxset worth of minis to print each month.

  • @TheMCGamerZ
    @TheMCGamerZ 8 місяців тому +5

    started 3d printing about 6 or 7 months ago. It is not an easy hobby by any means. It takes a lot of time and dedication before you really get good and consistent at printing. It is also a nightmare to clean up. but the upside is you get access to a lot of different armies.
    My local LGS allows 3D prints for events so its super sweet. even if you cant play big tournaments it will still let you play test and become better at the game while you work on deciding what army to play.
    I would recommend the hobby if you have time and some extra dollars but it is a big investment.

  • @erikbraun473
    @erikbraun473 8 місяців тому +3

    Ive been printing for about 2 years now and the first thing I'll say is man is it helpful with unique terrain features. Even if you're a GW purist the money you can save buying or building terrain alone is worth the investment if you want more than 1 set of terrain.
    Second it's great for kitbashing because you have virtually infinite options without having to buy extra kits to make your own conversions
    Third there's some really amazing sculptors out there. You can get some fantastic models to paint, play with, and customize your army, squad, gang etc.
    Last while it can be a hobby all it's own it doesn't have to be. Many resin printers now are basically plug and play. Aside from occasionally replacing the resin bed FEP you have very little interaction with the printer aside from popping your minis off the print bed and pressing print on your next batch.

  • @carloscaraballo4121
    @carloscaraballo4121 8 місяців тому +37

    3d printing is not for everyone. But if you can get it to work it will save you on your hobbies in the Long run.

    • @BarokaiRein
      @BarokaiRein 8 місяців тому +2

      It's either long-term or instant savings, depending on what you print. My first 3d printer cost me less than 200 euros on a sale few years back, I printed two models and was already in the green.
      I like printing and painting huge stuff like giants, dragons, and mechs.

    • @柔道熊
      @柔道熊 8 місяців тому

      Like old model I prefer 3D print

  • @tiberius1837
    @tiberius1837 8 місяців тому +2

    I play competitively, and full 3D models typically aren't allowed in most events, BUT, there's usually an allowance for printed bits on a model (typically 20-30%), and that's where it comes in handy for me. For example, I play DW, and my 3D printer has already paid for itself in shoulder pads alone.

  • @dracosummoner
    @dracosummoner 8 місяців тому +5

    Unrelated, Auspex, I just wanted to say, I bought my 3D printer (a non-resin Neptune 3 Pro) through your discount code several months ago, and it's been one of my favorite things I've ever bought. Even though it's more suited for larger things than for most minis because of the thick layer lines and because of the supports sometimes causing the little extruder to not know where to go (I've seen many ponytails, long legs, etc. go spiraling off and still technically be in one piece but not really attached to the main body), it's still been a wonderful product for a lot of other things. Thank you so much for your videos.

    • @auspextactics
      @auspextactics  7 місяців тому

      Glad you're enjoying it, thanks for using the link - it is nice of you!

  • @freshwaterspaceman7194
    @freshwaterspaceman7194 8 місяців тому +33

    If they're not going to make my plastic Greater Knarloc then dammit, I'm in! **eyes Stationforge**

  • @klaykid117
    @klaykid117 8 місяців тому +3

    3D printing has been an absolute game changer for Warhammer, especially if you don't actually play at a GW or you just like the hobby, painting and building aspect

  • @PhthaloGreenskin
    @PhthaloGreenskin 8 місяців тому +5

    I started 3d printing for warhammer 40k only for me to fall out of love with the hobby. Thankfully there are plenty of minis for me to paint and expand my horizons.

  • @erupendragon7376
    @erupendragon7376 8 місяців тому +33

    Printing being it’s own hobby it’s the biggest lie that held be back from purchasing earlier.
    I learned how to use blender before buying one. Did lots of research, etc. all a waste of time!
    It can be a hobby if you want to. If you want it for warhammer you already have a hobby, this is just another tool for the same hobby.
    I literally just push a button. At first I printed 40K points of stuff. I was overwhelmed with painting.
    Now I literally just push start before going to bed. Leave it there for a couple days. Take it out. Push start again.
    Every week I get the equivalent of buying a box from GW.
    If you want a new unit per week, or even per month. No reason not to have a printer. For the price of 1 1/2 combat patrol you are set for life

    • @Zych.Grzegorz
      @Zych.Grzegorz 8 місяців тому +3

      Agreed, this single sentence annoys me so much. The printer is a tool. You spend a day or two learning how to use it and then it's just push button -> wait. Especially if you buy from a popular producer, like Elegoo and can find ready settings for every realistic situation at your fingertips.

  • @terranaxiomuk
    @terranaxiomuk 8 місяців тому +6

    I am not advertising here. Just commenting my experience.
    I don't print but i just got about 3500 points of aeterni (eldar proxies) for about 250 ish quid. Quality 8k resolution prints. Free delivery in UK as well.
    After 20 years, gw are not getting anything off of me other than for datasheets and the rule books.

    • @Xav-qj1tp
      @Xav-qj1tp 7 місяців тому

      What company did you use to print this for you? :)

  • @supersingularcurve743
    @supersingularcurve743 6 місяців тому +3

    I posted it to some of the comments. Go Bambulab A1 mini. Print whole armys. Really good quality after printing. I have also good settings if needed, played around p1s for weeks. Only shit is to remove supports. But i printed now 200 miniatures in high quality, takes some time but who cares. Even with a 0.04 nozzle. After painting you can barely tell the difference and no chemicals.I have photos if needed. And yes, resin are still better quality, but if you like me live in an appartment or have kids just go that route! Even my friend who has all his armys from GW is fully impressed and wants me to print some for him!

    • @masterolimario
      @masterolimario 2 місяці тому

      I second this! Though I personally really prefer the 0.02 nozzle for cleaner fine details in exchange for longer print times.

  • @koze_4047
    @koze_4047 8 місяців тому +3

    Used 3 liters resin to print 2 warhound titans and painted them. Project took me 3 weeks and I had a great time doing it!

    • @V-V1875-h
      @V-V1875-h 2 місяці тому

      what printer were you using?

  • @francoiszeddam9192
    @francoiszeddam9192 8 місяців тому +1

    Hi, I think to be fair about the price a very important part is using a proper slicer. It costs a few bucks a month according to the level of service you expect. I'm using a suscribed version of lychee slicer, makes the experience so much better for preparing your plates before sending it to the printer. Also, contains a lot of community presets for your resin/printer combo and all the supporting is really made easy (automated, only a few supports to manually add here or there). So annually it's about worth 100-150 additional monetary units. Worth it if you plan to use 3d printing regularly. Also, supplies around the post processing (alcohol, filters, gloves...) add a bit more to the annual envelope.

  • @BrownBread-qq2jp
    @BrownBread-qq2jp 8 місяців тому +2

    Thank you for doing that 3d printer discount video back in Oct or Nov last year. I’m still working out the kinks of the sub-hobby but just wanted to thank you for these information videos!

  • @dcleary
    @dcleary 8 місяців тому +16

    Great video, very educational. Could you do one in a similar format on air brushes?

    • @auspextactics
      @auspextactics  7 місяців тому +4

      That could be fun, will add to the ideas list for future projects!

  • @eviljoshy3402
    @eviljoshy3402 8 місяців тому +4

    I got into 3d printing because of the price for Necron Flayed Ones. $55 for five tiny models. In 9th edition a full squad was twenty, $220. Three full units would cost you $660! Then when 10th edition came out, GW reduced the unit size from twenty to ten. So if you bought 60 flayed ones from GW you can now only use 30 of them. Half of what you spent just became unplayable. A good stl cost me like $3. I would be pissed if I didn't 3d print them.

  • @Fluffledump
    @Fluffledump 8 місяців тому +4

    Personally, I have no issue with my opponent running a 3d printed army, as long as it wasn't a million miles away from what it was supposed to represent.
    Myself, I love the process of clipping and building my minis. It's half the fun of the hobby for me, and well worth the cost.

  • @Tallen79
    @Tallen79 8 місяців тому +1

    I've had a 3d printer since before getting into Warhammer. I have a couple solid plastic Armies, but the 3d Printer is great, even just little things like the unlimited supply of Deathwatch Shoulders. Plus a few Hybrid Armies, and a few Almost completely Resin Armies.

  • @TheAurgelmir
    @TheAurgelmir 8 місяців тому +1

    I stopped playing Warhammer during Covid. But missed painting minatures. So I bought a 3D printer. There's so much more fun models out there!
    While I never really got back into playing wargames - the intention is always to get into One Page Rules's games.
    The freedom you get from being able to use whatever miniatures is so much fun. I didn't realize just how bored I actually was of Warhammers "same face" designs.

  • @ger5956
    @ger5956 8 місяців тому

    For anyone on a super tight budget, the Geeetech Alkaid resin printer is only $99! I got one a couple of weeks ago and I’ve been blown away by just what it’s capable of. It has taken a few days of dialling in the settings to get it just right, but it’s been a lot easier than I was expecting tbh.
    I’d recommend it for anyone even slightly interested in getting into 3D printing, for less than the price of a combat patrol!

  • @scevvin7788
    @scevvin7788 8 місяців тому +2

    Spend the extra money and buy a Uniformation GKTwo. It’s been running almost non stop for a couple of months and I’ve had literally zero failed prints with no adjustments in between prints

  • @Morhgoz
    @Morhgoz 5 місяців тому

    I did get 3d printer as 40th birthday present from me family about 2 years ago. 4k one. Lovely little piece of something I couldn't have dream about as wee kid starting this hobby 29 years ago, well 40 in autumn... 3d printing is the bright future of the hobby!

  • @blecao
    @blecao 8 місяців тому +4

    As a guard player i cant strech oit how this has keel me in
    The ability to get steel legion miniatures years past they where killed by gw fill my hearth

  • @OniGanon
    @OniGanon 8 місяців тому +1

    Even if you don't want to print whole models, it would be great for printing different weapon options, iconography (SM chapters etc), bases, terrain.
    Drukhari Scourges can have 4 Darklances. You get 1 of each heavy/special weapon per box. Would be real nice to be able to just print Darklances instead of buying 4 boxes for 1 squad.

    • @fruitzpunch7721
      @fruitzpunch7721 8 місяців тому

      Good old CIBs, which come in pairs of... none with the Crisis Suits. You get one per commander, same with the AFP. Why is GW like this.

  • @Delta285
    @Delta285 8 місяців тому +10

    I have done up a feudal guard army from the makers cult

  • @cogtheprotogen6671
    @cogtheprotogen6671 Місяць тому +1

    I want to print less for money reasons but more so, If i can learn 3d modeling then print completely custom models, i will be so happy.

    • @rowbot5555
      @rowbot5555 4 дні тому

      Gw allows you to use 3d prints and proxy parts as long as you design them yourself of comission them

  • @themthingsthangin
    @themthingsthangin 8 місяців тому +5

    The amount of hate for 3d printing is insane in the comments. It's logical. Everyone and their mother knows that GW overprices, this is amazing way to both boycott GW and continue to enjoy your favorite hobby.

    • @Shrouded_reaper
      @Shrouded_reaper 3 місяці тому

      A lot of it is paid shills. Funny seeing people comparing printed minis to ripoff designer handbags. As if anyone gives a f whether their models are "official" or not 😂😂😂

  • @NeonPinkApokalypse-nw6gv
    @NeonPinkApokalypse-nw6gv 8 місяців тому

    Finally caved and bought a resin printer initially after seeing warp miniatures fantasy minis, they’ve a cool discworld sort of vibe

  • @en4cer
    @en4cer 8 місяців тому +2

    I have been printing a Tau army... I have been very impressed

    • @rowbot5555
      @rowbot5555 4 дні тому

      Any stls you reccomend?

    • @rowbot5555
      @rowbot5555 4 дні тому

      Any STL's that you reccomend?

  • @marksmith8747
    @marksmith8747 8 місяців тому +9

    Tbh the occasional resin poisoning is worth the literal thousands I’ve saved. Myself and two friends printed actual 40,000 points of minis across 6 different armies in the span of 7 months. Saved us like 20k usd and as a university student I am more than happy

    • @BeefCutlet408
      @BeefCutlet408 8 місяців тому +2

      This comment 😂🤣 i know exactly how you feel my current job puts off so many toxic fumes, resin fumes are like pissing in the wind compared to how screwed i already am. Throw your printer in the garage and get cranking, buy some cheap ppe from harbor freight and save you and you're homies thousands they'll love you and you'll love yourself more for doing it. Print gifts for family members to gents there's boatloads of free prints out there.

  • @JohnnyThund3r
    @JohnnyThund3r 8 місяців тому +2

    I've easily saved over ~$1000 3d Printing my own armies at this point... Ironically I ended up buying the Sisters of Battle combat patrol box, Celestine and some Battle SIsters for ~$300 to support my local store. GW should really embrace this technology, if it wasn't for 3d printing I would not be playing Warhammer currently and GW would be getting none of my money.

  • @thatguyyoumightfindatthest9807
    @thatguyyoumightfindatthest9807 8 місяців тому

    Personally, I've been using this method since the past winter and I can safely say this is the far superior method to playing and making Warhammer miniatures. If you're not looking to spend lots of money but still have super cool models, this is the method for you. I myself am a huge fan of the Gray Knights variants as they not only look better, but also have far more detailing and look more like Knights

  • @Jonathonsplace
    @Jonathonsplace 7 місяців тому +1

    Bought myself a used Saturn 3 and wash and cure station. Still cheaper than 1 Custodes Dropship/Gunship model.

  • @spehizle
    @spehizle 8 місяців тому +1

    Do you live in a community that has multiple people who want to get into warhammer, and you can all kick in together? Then a 3D resin printer is a fantastic investment. Obviously you aren't using it just for miniatures, you can use it for a ton of stuff. But if you can spread that upfront cost around, you will save an unimaginable amount of money.

  • @flagoon
    @flagoon 8 місяців тому

    I have Anycubic Mono 4k. I printed a lot, and was lucky enough to never had failed print (except when I underestimated the amount of resin to print HUGE model). If anyone is considering start 3d printing, then it's awesome hobby, but don't start with anything like Saturn 3. The one I have is like the lowest possible, but quality is SUPERB. It has 36micron pixel size, but it's able to print details I need a looking glass to notice. The only problem is the plate size, but there is great alternative: Anycubic Mono 6ks. If I would start now, I'd buy this one, especially if you are going to print miniatures. If you want to print something bigger, then printers with ACF are better, but quality is worst. I'm planning to but Saturn 3 Ultra, and second wat. Then I can print precise small models, and fast bigger ones.

  • @fly_pie_1172
    @fly_pie_1172 8 місяців тому +2

    this is the best topic nowadays, GW has been doing abusive business practices with greatly overpriced stuff, hating on community and raising prices more and more, they shouldnt be bought to anything, even if their game and setting are fantastic, their acts as a company make me hate them the most

    • @cooljoe500
      @cooljoe500 8 місяців тому

      the game of 40k is trash since 10th

    • @fly_pie_1172
      @fly_pie_1172 8 місяців тому

      since 8th*@@cooljoe500

  • @brandonjramos
    @brandonjramos 8 місяців тому +9

    Just printed 20 hellblasters 2 lieutenants and Azrael to start my Space Marine. That’s on top of the thousands of points of Tyranids I’ve all ready printed.
    GW needs to get their act together. Their prices are too high and their availability of product is way too low.

    • @CrazyDog1297
      @CrazyDog1297 8 місяців тому +1

      where did you get the stl files?

  • @gordonrussell8613
    @gordonrussell8613 8 місяців тому

    Super late, and will probably get buried, but printing has been the best part of the hobby for me. From learning multiple skills and being able to truly make Mydudes to avoiding GWs frankly incorrect prices, its been great. Being able to draw from multiple sources has also been fun. I don't like the Baneblade or Lord Solar that much, but a Scorpion with the same footprint and a proper Death Korps horse officer fit my army better and do not have a precise GW equivalent.
    Glad you are recommending Elegoo. Their customer service has been excellent from my experience compared to AnyCubic. I run a Saturn and it is excellent. Wash and cure also are a bit overkill for beginners, a large tupperware piece and a hand lamp are very comparable, and I say this as someone who printed for years without these and use them now.
    As far as safety goes, boxes of 100 gloves at a time are very cheap, and otherwise just make sure that any resin exposed to air is in a well ventilated area. Also, make sure if you print in a basement or garage that there is a space heater for the start of prints
    Glad you made this video, you're the best in the business for the hobby and I love the channel

  • @JumpyLemming22
    @JumpyLemming22 8 місяців тому +1

    I really want to get started in resin printing, but I don’t have the dedicated space that would be properly ventilated for it. In the meantime, I might dip my toes in the water with FDM printing. I do have a Patreon or two for various sculptures, so I’m starting to get a bit of a backlog of STL‘s that I can’t print, quite yet. Maybe that’s worse than a pile of shame; a digital pile of shame.😅

    • @supersingularcurve743
      @supersingularcurve743 6 місяців тому +2

      Go Bambulab A1 mini. Print whole armys. Really good quality after printing. I have good settings if needed. Only shit is to remove supports. But i printed now 200 miniatures in high quality, takes some time but who cares. Even with a 0.04 nozzle. After painting you can barely tell the difference and no chemicals.

  • @captainkarnage9874
    @captainkarnage9874 8 місяців тому +1

    As a melanoma patient please take extreme care handling uncured resin
    My cancer was from sun exposure and you do not want them to remove skin from your hands

  • @kurio999
    @kurio999 8 місяців тому

    Another advantage is that you can kitbash, paint to your heart's content, or drop figures without the same fear as when you pay for an expensive GW model. You mess up a model, it is easy and cheap to print another.

  • @HappyAccident06
    @HappyAccident06 8 місяців тому

    You’re a king for this

  • @Riverboat374
    @Riverboat374 8 місяців тому +1

    40K drove me to get into 3d printing and get actually good at it. I’ve gotten to the point that printing and painting entire themed armies is as much fun as playing the game. Just last week I decided to try out Oathmark. While waiting for the books to arrive from Amazon I’ve already printed and am painting 100 models for my starter army. They look way better than the generic plastic models IMHO.

  • @narceron360
    @narceron360 6 місяців тому +1

    I enjoyed the video...but LOVED the comments. You can always count on people coming out to attack anyone not spending the money they spent and somehow that makes them feel superior. That being said, I do prefer GW plastic to resin or FDM...but GW/FW resin to me is crap. I almost exclusively 3d print anything GW is trying to make in resin.
    Completely agree on the unsafe nature of resin, even with gloves, masks, goggles, ventilation...there is still risk and definitely worth considering for the long run.

  • @iamaraindog385
    @iamaraindog385 8 місяців тому +2

    I printed two Haruspex/Exocrines today, plus 40 Hormagaunts. I spent the better part of a year trying to buy the models I wanted for my army from GW or my FLGS and they're constantly out of stock, so printing minis has been the only way to get the models I'm interested in.

  • @toooldfortwowheels2048
    @toooldfortwowheels2048 8 місяців тому

    I got Mars 2 Pro about 6 months ago second hand from a friend. I've saved myself absolutely hundreds of not thousands of pounds at this stage. It's actually made the hobby affordable for me, I simply don't have the disposable income to make armies at the rate GW churn through their codices and rules.
    My Mars 2 Pro really works insanely well and I don't really have a need or want for much more than this.
    There are some creators who are just trying to directly clone GW designs and these are beyond questionable.
    GWs prices for what are literally pieces of moulded plastic are ludicrous, I couldn't remain in this hobby without printing my own figures.
    Edit: The only places in the UK that'll stop you playing with proxies (providing it's clear as to what represents what) are GW themselves, all other tournaments here in the UK are run privately and a good number of people consistently turn up with at least some element of their army printed.

  • @DeathInTheSnow
    @DeathInTheSnow 8 місяців тому +1

    To be honest I'd only want to do it so I could recreate to scale or upscaled oldhammer minis. I want more 2nd Ed Chaos Dreadnoughts! I want Chaos Raptors with the domed jetpacks! I want an upscaled 1999 Chaos Lord!
    -I want an army of Juan Diaz Daemonettes!-
    But I don't know if I have the chops to make that sort of thing as a digital file...

    • @parabot2
      @parabot2 8 місяців тому

      I got a scaled up old Dreadnought to Primarus scale , looks amazing . Everyone who see's it wants a print done , looks way better than the newer dreads . There are tons of free old hammer scans , and more coming as the scanners are getting cheaper .

  • @danieljvanrensburg
    @danieljvanrensburg 8 місяців тому

    Yeah for anyone wonder space marines are really easy to start with when printing, there are plenty of files and I've printed 3100 points
    For 3 bottles of resin(while printing other stuff) and I got a cheapish 150 euro printer. But I calculated how much the models would be worth if they were real warhammer, and it's like 1.5k worth of models so as an 18 year old I see this as a win

  • @joancanario6377
    @joancanario6377 6 місяців тому

    Hello, I'm new to this, important question, why not assemble the miniature in the 3D program and then print the complete figure? Or is there something I don't know about printing them in parts? I'm obviously talking about small miniatures like space marines.
    Greetings from the Dominican Republic

  • @nightraptor2320
    @nightraptor2320 3 місяці тому

    Now i'am printing death korps of krieg on my photon mono 2. So now i'am have two leman rass (proxy panzerkampfwagen IV), a platoon komand squad and two death korps of krieg infantry, this pleassure also cost me 90$

  • @friendlyspacedragon7250
    @friendlyspacedragon7250 8 місяців тому

    I wish I had a space for safely using a 3D printer. Particularly terrain, basing and additional bits to add for further army customization would be really handy. But alas, I'll have to stick with the good ol' green stuff and carving things out of sprue.

    • @fruitzpunch7721
      @fruitzpunch7721 8 місяців тому +1

      You could get some styrofoam (the hard one, it's called Styrodur in Germany, not sure about English) to help ease the terrain process. Other than that clay and concrete are really cheap when used for terrain and bases! I have a silicon mould for tactical rocks, which I can just pour some concrete into and let it harden for a few days. Really has stepped up by basing game!
      Printing PLA with an FDM printer still emits a small amount of VOCs, but way less than resin, which could be easier to handle/combat with a simple open window; I use mine without any special precautions in the basement and it has never failed me. Also, failed prints can just go into the bin, which helps with frustrating projects a LOT mentally lol
      But again, not all has to be 3D printed. Some foam cut to a rough structure, smoothed with some concrete and then painted can look really good!

    • @supersingularcurve743
      @supersingularcurve743 6 місяців тому

      Go Bambulab A1 mini. Print whole armys. Really good quality after printing. I have good settings if needed. Only shit is to remove supports. But i printed now 200 miniatures in high quality, takes some time but who cares. Even with a 0.04 nozzle. After painting you can barely tell the difference and no chemicals.

  • @uwesca6263
    @uwesca6263 8 місяців тому

    I recently looked how expensive 3d printed terrain for Legiones imperialis is and i have its surprisingly expensive. Both the already printed terrain (its basicly gw prices here in germany) or the stl-files. Which is honestly not that much cheaper than the big imperial spirals. And this factor in only price for the stl. Not mentioning the other costs like buying a 3d printer. So if you dont print a lot (or find some free stl) its more expensive than buying from gw (even excluding 3d printer and resin and all that cost)

    • @doctorgorgomel
      @doctorgorgomel 8 місяців тому

      The trick with STLs is, you buy one pack for the building for like £20 and now you can print them in basically infinite times. Of course if you only need a handful of buildings, it's not economical to print
      Bonus tip, if one is so inclined, it's possible to pirate STLs ezpz.

  • @nickp.2169
    @nickp.2169 8 місяців тому

    I just bought a Saturn 2 8k...12k is a gimmick and there is no huge difference between 8 and 12k. Save some money and get the Saturn 2. You will not regret it. Printer is an absolute pleasure to use. Hardly any failures and just as good, if not better quality than GW, depending on who you get the stl's from.

  • @adamsan7494
    @adamsan7494 8 місяців тому +5

    If everyone stops buying from GW. Then GW goes away...

    • @JordanR
      @JordanR 8 місяців тому +3

      That sucks. Adapt or die. People wouldnt 3D print if GW didnt have a habit of destroying armies by making half your models/illegal obsolete every time they release a codex or charge absurd premiums on sculpts that are decades old.

    • @looneyflight
      @looneyflight 7 місяців тому

      I'm sure Hollywood felt the same way when people were downloading movies online

    • @Shrouded_reaper
      @Shrouded_reaper 3 місяці тому +1

      And we need Games Workshop... why exactly?...

  • @Stewie486
    @Stewie486 8 місяців тому

    In these last days i was so deep in understanding if 3D print could be a project to embrace because the insane GW price increase but damn, i live in an apartment and seems that there is no way to manage a printer safely without any issue at all...sadly

    • @insane992
      @insane992 8 місяців тому

      grow tent maybe?

  • @mcthomps
    @mcthomps 8 місяців тому

    interesting, never thought about the pile of shame growing. Good point

  • @swissmoose
    @swissmoose 8 місяців тому

    best way to produce a cost effective way to practice painting what ever youre into. my mini factory has some lines that are such insane good quality for a reasonable price, you can paint the same model 10 times with differnt techniques without insane extra cost. GW is $100 for 5-10 guys.. why would you want to attempt new techniques or paints on premium cost figures .. a printer is like 1/4 of an army .. best middle ground, go in with friends, get a printer and learn together.

  • @osogitzgraymane72
    @osogitzgraymane72 8 місяців тому +5

    Please, for the love of the God emperor, make sure they are printed at heroic scale.

  • @RTL2L
    @RTL2L 8 місяців тому +2

    Guys, I'm genuenly curious: what happens, if everyone prints? Doesn't it mean that GW goes bankrupt and the game will die without the professional support?

    • @loosemoose5217
      @loosemoose5217 7 місяців тому +1

      GW is also a thinking entity in a way, it wouldnt just do the same thing over and over again till they die, either A. they can sell the 3d models so people can print them, B. lower the prices C. upcharge more for rules book and act more like D&D rules/adventure books or D. Host better official tournments where the official models are needed

    • @drewfriend3368
      @drewfriend3368 3 місяці тому +1

      Also, I always find it interesting when people say the game would die, or when people talk about tabletop games that "died". Like, as long as you can acquire rules and's not gone? It's just done being changed

    • @OrangeAmped
      @OrangeAmped Місяць тому

      Battletech didn't die without support. People still play with old rules and 3D prints. Big tournaments might not get as much support, but frankly who cares.

  • @BullzOfSteel
    @BullzOfSteel 8 місяців тому +1

    theres one really good source to get the replica models of 40k, you didn't mention, but I'm sure you know.. its so popular but i never see it mentioned on youtube, nor comments. So i guess its one of those "you need to find yourself".. even though its so easy to find xD.... i mean, if you happen to use that communication platform to begin with its super easy.... but its also nothing uncommon.. its a very popular app.. that's all i can say. but surely you know of it?.. the name ENDS with an "m" .

    • @xS1D3SW1P3x
      @xS1D3SW1P3x 6 місяців тому

      I need to know because im trying to find EXACTLY that to start my 3d printing

  • @Steiner5769
    @Steiner5769 8 місяців тому

    Plastic 3-D printing costs less then resin, is cleaner but doesn't have the same level of detail in the figurines

    • @doctorgorgomel
      @doctorgorgomel 8 місяців тому +1

      With current mid and higher level printers, after it's primed and painted, it's pretty hard to see the difference to be honest.
      Especially if you're looking at the models on the table from a feet away. Of course, if you're inspecting them from an inch away with a magnifying glass, you will be able to see the difference.

  • @bradreynolds4193
    @bradreynolds4193 8 місяців тому +1

    I myself don't have a 3D printer and have no intention of getting one but this is a great visual guide into the possibilities.
    As shared before I'm getting back into 40K after a 20 years absence. Got my CSM combat patrol, a few Rhinos, Terminators and a bunch of proxies printed from Etsy (Chaos lords, chosen and warp talons/raptors with lots of unique sprue parts). It's good to be back!

  • @Doxicyclin
    @Doxicyclin 10 днів тому

    "kind of expensive" is an understatement. I can build a pretty damn good PC with a 660 budget. lol

  • @mrmidnight32
    @mrmidnight32 Місяць тому

    Anyone know of the best necro and space marine STL’s? Not for comp just for joke games

  • @noapteapestrada7139
    @noapteapestrada7139 8 місяців тому +1

    Saying "gw stuff can be a bit pricey " is like saying "deep-fried chocolate bacon bars can be a bit unhealthy"

  • @thedragondaddydm6182
    @thedragondaddydm6182 8 місяців тому

    Not got my army finished yet but I’m only looking into replacing some of the heads like both heads that come with the master of executions are ugly as could be and I though a skull helm would be a great replacement but all GW models that come with it are either way to expensive for just a head or sold out and buying just the head on the after market is almost as much as the model cuz they know ppl are going to want that cool helm but ppl are selling 3d printed skull helms for reasonable prices it’s expensive to buy a whole army but I’m fine with GW prices for most of it just want to upgrade a few miner parts

  • @PanZbychu09
    @PanZbychu09 8 місяців тому +2

    And here we are boyz.

  • @daringdarius5686
    @daringdarius5686 8 місяців тому +10

    Alright, as a 3D printer hobbyist of 10 years, time to add my 2 cents, try to help out interested people, and get flamed for doing so:
    First off: If you want Minis, unfortunately SLA/DLP (resin) is the only way to go.
    If you are fine with long print times and not the best looking minis, or more importantly you want a lot of terrain or big Minis (Mastadon, Astreaus, Titans and more), FDM is the superior option every single time.
    While FDM isn't as detailed, it's far more durable, impact resistant, and cheap. You don't have to pin your models! You just JB weld them and you're set!
    Resin is... more detailed and much faster! At the cost of: fumes (your health), hazard for children, more expensive, not as laege a build volume (limited by display screen projection), harder and not as friendly to use, etc.
    If you want a plug and play solution, these don't exist. However, for FDM the closest thing we have is the Ender 3 V3 SE. It comes with an auto bed leveler. It is not like other printers where you manually level it once, then have a tool like the BLTouch accommodate minor errors, this printer isn't manually physically levelled, printer does it for you.
    For resin printers: just a good reliable printer will get you 50% of the way there.
    Now on to the printer for you!
    For budget builds, your options are: (FDM) Ender 3 V3 SE (~$169-220 USD), or a Neptune 3 Pro ($199). Neptune 3 Pro has an edge in hardware, but Ender 3 has it's own benefits.
    For Resin You have the Mars 4 9k for $259. It's small and will handle all your needs... but it's small. Printing a tank will take several prints.
    For slightly more accommodating budgets $500ish range:
    FDM: Bambu Labs P1P (just superior quality and print speed) at $599, or an Elegoo Neptune 4 Pro/Max ($300/470). If you want terrain, get the max. This is one of the most cheap large format printers (420x420x480 mm) and has flown under radar.
    However if you only want the option of terrain but want high quality minis in FDM, go with the 4 Pro or P1P.
    For resin: Just get the Saturn 3 12k. It comes in at $379 and punches way above it's weight (or the Saturn 2 8k for $299). The reason I didn't mention the 8k in budget builds is because I believe it's simply best to get the 12k for $80 more. The higher pixel density (the resolution which ultimately determines your print quality) is far better than the Saturn 2 8k and galaxies ahead of the Saturn 8k (the first one). It will get you wherever tou need to, it's reliable, fast, and can even do large minis and terrain!
    High end budgets: ($1,000+)
    FDM: Get a Prusa Mk 4 ($1,100), if you want the absolute best printer that doesn't cost a fortune, or the Bambu Lab X1 Carbon ($1,449). Honestly? Prusa Mk4 is better than the X1 carbon, but it's not as large nor fast... a properly calibrated X1 Carbon is extremely fast, i.e. can almost at times keep up with slower resin printers. However, the quality of Prusa Mk 4 is undoubtedly bettee in my experience. It just doesn't make errors or failed prints. Even if you give it a nearly impossible model to print, it will still sit there, look you in the eyes and say "50/50 chance I print it just fine" and then just does it! The thing feels like a tank, and that's because it is!
    Resin: honestly the Photon M5/M5S are probably the best for now at around $500. The only competition at this point is, if you absolutely need a bigger printer, the Elegoo Jupiter isn't as good (older tech) but it is reliable and VERY LARGE for a resin printer at $890 atm (they released the Jupiter SE 6k for $700 but idk anything about it), and if you want anything higher quality for resin, you basically immediately jump to something like a B9 printer (industry level, $10-15k).
    Finally, where to start??? First... Understand 3D printing will take up time, and a bit of effort. However, once you get good at it, you will reap the benefits in droves.
    For example, I myself have spent probably close to $1,000 all-in to date on this hobby (granted I've been gifted a few things here and there for helping others out).
    In exchange I have printed:
    1 warlord titan ($2500)
    3 warhound titans ($2100)
    About 1500 points of krieg (~$1750)
    Countless terrain pieces (idk $1,000?)
    Many, MANY D&D models (mostly skeletons, idk how to price these, let's settle on $2 a model for smaller guys and $30 for larger ones, so, around $800 in smaller models and $250 in larger)
    And whatever else I'm forgetting.
    Multiple senior design projects (including saving my Older brothers Senior design project as I printed it for them, so technically that's a $4000 course or something I saved? Long story)
    It is worth noting that this price includes expected electricity, gloves for handling resin, resin/PLA, the printers themselves, EVERYTHING, and I still have *checks* 4 spare liters of resin, 3 kg of PLA, 750 g of marble PLA, 1 kg of PETG, and ~700 g of carbon fiber PLA, so theoretically, another Warlord Titan if I felt like it.

    • @Peter_Wendt
      @Peter_Wendt 8 місяців тому

      Thank you for the detailed overview. This is valuable information!

    • @fruitzpunch7721
      @fruitzpunch7721 8 місяців тому

      Thank you for the write-up! Really puts into perspective how 3D printing is not just a tool, but an entire hobby in itself. People really do underestimate just how low in layer height FDM printers can go, which is why almost anyone always defaults to resin (and then cheaps out on safety...). Really like the info about the printers and want to add: Look for dedicated communities regarding the specific models of printers. Troubleshooting is made much easier by being able to rely on the experiences of others.

  • @NeonPinkApokalypse-nw6gv
    @NeonPinkApokalypse-nw6gv 8 місяців тому

    Can recommend geeetech alkaid as a cheap starter resin printer.

  • @GreenKnight32
    @GreenKnight32 8 місяців тому +2

    I have to ask, but when it comes to GW tournaments are 3d printed minis allowed or officially banned?

    • @deathlance123
      @deathlance123 8 місяців тому +4

      If i remember correctly 3d printed models are banned from official tournaments, but 3d printed accesories (like a helmet or a head) with a GW plastic kit are accepted

    • @toastle8005
      @toastle8005 8 місяців тому +1

      @@deathlance123 …for now, I think they might have tried to change that recently. Which is a shame, because shoulder pads are a classic use for printing.

    • @natanbagley8949
      @natanbagley8949 8 місяців тому

      3d-printed models are functionally excluded from GW evenents, UNLESS you are able to design them yourself. I don't remember the exact wording of the third-party exclusions, but it boils down to proxies are okay as long as they are reasonably recognizable and self-made.

    • @deathlance123
      @deathlance123 8 місяців тому

      @@natanbagley8949 i think it was "as long is not a purchased 3d model" or something along thoose lines

    • @badbones777
      @badbones777 8 місяців тому

      Official ones I think are banned - or full models at least. Non-GW ones it depends, you;d have to ask. Some don't care and you can use whatever, others have different levels. Always ask the TO if unsure, really.

  • @floppymcdankus2905
    @floppymcdankus2905 8 місяців тому

    definitely some fantastic stuff on the makers cult page.... the "iron hive" have a daemon engine/ warped tyranid look

  • @OldManRogers
    @OldManRogers 8 місяців тому +2

    For the cost of 50 shoulder lads and heads for horus heresy i could buy a printer, cure station and resin. Spend about £3 worth of resin printing loads of shoulder lads and then its paid for itself.

  • @thenathanimal2909
    @thenathanimal2909 8 місяців тому +1

    3D printing will do to Games Workshop what MP3's and file-sharing did to the music industry.
    Some people still buy albums, most just stream for free. Some people will always buy GW models, most will just 3D print their own - especially when 3D printing becomes extremely user friendly - which it nearly is.

  • @mystermothman3092
    @mystermothman3092 8 місяців тому

    Auspex I am pretty sure you do not sleep; are you an agent of the Omnissiah?

  • @cyberwarlord7363
    @cyberwarlord7363 28 днів тому

    Now how do I print wizard cards?

  • @SilimSavertin
    @SilimSavertin 8 місяців тому

    In the words of the guy working in my local Warhammer store: "We know that people don't buy our models regularly, we don't care if you 3D print. We provide help with getting your paint schemes right and learning how to play, that's how we get people to actually buy colors and tools and sometimes minis here."
    GW tournaments prolly still won't allow printed minis (if they can even tell - some of the less legal STLs look exactly the same, and once the mini is painted, good fucking luck telling a high res print from GW plastic. You simply can't.), but nobody else gives a fuck. Visiting your FLGS for a game? Just buy a new set of dice, or get a new pot of nuln oil. We all know your nuln oil is nearly empty again anyway.

    • @Shrouded_reaper
      @Shrouded_reaper 3 місяці тому

      Soon they will be getting microscopes to look for the layer lines 😂😂😂

  • @FelipeAsprillaO
    @FelipeAsprillaO 3 місяці тому

    ABS is smelly, but if you take the printer outside. Bang!

  • @venkelos6996
    @venkelos6996 8 місяців тому

    I'm going to just bite the e-bullet, and look dumb online, but this honestly confuses me. What was the problem with Forge World, again? Sure, they were criminally overpriced, and regularly had availability issues, but the grumble always seemed to be awful resin. "Why can't this be in plastic? Resin is so garbage! Id almost prefer pewter, again! 😡" seemed to be a common theme, so what's different? I'm certain the resin could just be better, but then if common purchasers like us could afford it, you'd think a big company that does this for a living could, too, yet they abandoned resin, and then executed FW. Why was FW resin so crap if we can just do this type of thing at home, and if all it is is time, why have they abandoned it?

  • @dratesdragetes777
    @dratesdragetes777 8 місяців тому +2

    Buying 1 KLOS would cost me more than a 3d printer here in the united states lmao, GW is drunk if they think im gonna waste that much money on a toy.

  • @anegativeatheist-9327
    @anegativeatheist-9327 8 місяців тому

    I purchased a Mars 3 when they first released (even before the pro version launched). I’ve not noticed any need for increased detail. The printer is at least capable of GW level detail. This has revolutionized my hobby.
    Not only are the savings incredible, but there are options to print items other manufacturers have not or will not produce. You can also easily create bits for kit bashing. Just not GW hates you and you can’t play in their stores or competitions

  • @shanepatrick4534
    @shanepatrick4534 8 місяців тому

    3D printing is perfect for games like Legions Imperalis. You can print a whole army for less than a kilo of resin.

  • @reddragon4482
    @reddragon4482 8 місяців тому

    Valour Korps form makers cult are amazing. I bought they're entire HQ range for my Krieg army lol. Well worth you money over paying mental forge world prices lol.

  • @McVilla1N
    @McVilla1N Місяць тому

    So glad i came across this video. Been wanting yo learn more about 3d printing because GW really thinks im paying 2,000$ for a plastic figure...... Lmfao GW really must be smoking crack because how they come up with some of these prices makes me laugh hysterically. They literally are pushing people away from the hobby due to extreme greed. The mark up is definitely laughable. A figure that costs maybe 50 cents to make. Then you have to put it together and paint it😂😂😂. Yet they charge 200$ for 10 of them. A paper codex is 60$....😂 Came back to the hobby after being gone for many years and immediately said hahahahaha absolutely not. 2,000$ for one figure is insane.

  • @BarokaiRein
    @BarokaiRein 8 місяців тому +4

    I recommend checking similar video made by once in a six side for more detailed practical instructions.

  • @ropable
    @ropable 8 місяців тому +2

    ....or I could just buy some genuine GW models second-hand for half retail price, and save myself the time & effort of building AND printing them.

  • @LogicalLinearisation
    @LogicalLinearisation 8 місяців тому

    I have 65gb of 2.5k star wars legion files, 1k warhammer 40k files and 200 lord of the rings mesbg. So much variation

  • @thatgamingguy4189
    @thatgamingguy4189 8 місяців тому

    I would if it could be done in plastic, I REALLY don't wanna work with resin 😅

    • @supersingularcurve743
      @supersingularcurve743 6 місяців тому

      Go Bambulab A1 mini. Print whole armys. Really good quality after printing. I have good settings if needed. Only shit is to remove supports. But i printed now 200 miniatures in high quality, takes some time but who cares. Even with a 0.04 nozzle. After painting you can barely tell the difference and no chemicals.

  • @FinxOmally
    @FinxOmally 8 місяців тому

    Personally would LOVE to get a resin printer. But as I live in an apartment, there is no safe place for me to perform it. If I had a garage or a shed then I would absolutely get one. But the fume management just makes it impossible in my situation.
    Message to everyone, DO NOT TRUST the tiny air filters that come with the printers. These may clear the smell, but the toxins are very much still in the air and in extremely high levels.
    Do some research on the air filters required to remove the carcinogens to a safe level. (This is where I discovered it was not feasible for me)
    Be safe everyone!

    • @supersingularcurve743
      @supersingularcurve743 6 місяців тому

      Go Bambulab A1 mini. Print whole armys. Really good quality after printing. I have good settings if needed. Only shit is to remove supports. But i printed now 200 miniatures in high quality, takes some time but who cares. Even with a 0.04 nozzle. After painting you can barely tell the difference and no chemicals. If you need help just ask, but with this you can do it.

  • @simoncross40K
    @simoncross40K 8 місяців тому

    I dont mind the odd model, or additional part added to a base model, but I think 3D printing will be seriously annoying in future. I think it will be banned from tournaments for sure.

  • @Kingmaster64
    @Kingmaster64 8 місяців тому

    What about playing at GW? Will they throw you out if they find out?

    • @thenathanimal2909
      @thenathanimal2909 8 місяців тому

      Am official Games Workshop store will not let you play with proxys.
      Non-Gaming stores don't care, some even have printers and will print your files for you(for a fee)

    • @Kingmaster64
      @Kingmaster64 8 місяців тому

      ​@@thenathanimal2909even if it's between me and my friend just using the store as a place? Not playing competitive

    • @thenathanimal2909
      @thenathanimal2909 8 місяців тому

      @Kingmaster64 I was told at my local Games Workshop store the policy is no. It's like going to a restaurant and bringing another restaurant's food in with you

    • @bonkstrum9555
      @bonkstrum9555 8 місяців тому

      @@thenathanimal2909 this is not entirly true. my flgs does not allow proxys. chech stores policies before going.

    • @gregorycafiero9688
      @gregorycafiero9688 7 місяців тому +1

      On the upside, most LGS don't care and you should be playing there over GW stores anyway.
      Support your locals brick and mortar, esp post pandemic. Unless it's a sanctioned event, most couldn't care less.

  • @Aisaaax
    @Aisaaax 8 місяців тому

    I'd love to have a printer, but don't wanna mess with toxic fumes, resin and alcohol baths.
    And the desposal of all the waste!
    That's too much for me to set up.
    Hopefully someday they will make non-toxic printers with good resolution.

    • @supersingularcurve743
      @supersingularcurve743 6 місяців тому

      Go Bambulab A1 mini. Print whole armys. Really good quality after printing. I have good settings if needed. Only shit is to remove supports. But i printed now 200 miniatures in high quality, takes some time but who cares. Even with a 0.04 nozzle. After painting you can barely tell the difference and no chemicals.