One of the biggest problems with trying to find something that matches what you have is almost impossible. Due to the fact of half of a specimen is below ground and half is aboveground the two halves and not going to look the same. In outer space they say it is like a vacuum that sucks everything so close together there is nothing to have room of good voids in between two different elements or mineral or voids between the contact points of any 2 granules. The Basalt Specimen with the multiple holes is Lava Rock. If lunar it would not contain as many Vesicles. Vesicles are voids left g behind from escaping gases from expansion, Cut a SLICE , SLAB , END CUT, off it to view the inside structure. The matrix of the piece. To see if it has any chondral or olivine inside the matrix of the specimen but you suspect to be of non-terrestrial origin. If you are interested and adventurous and see meteorites be prepared to have your bubble popped and don't take it so personal it's a very rare experience to find something that's billions of years old and could be laying on the ground for hundreds of thousands if not millions of years
a person wont understand by watching one video i broke it down into several videos cause no one wants to see me for 2 hours strait.and if i am correct the 1833 meteor shower was a one of a kind meteors from the tail of the comet and a collision with a fragmented comet or the upper debris field.maybe all of them. if you read what whitness said they fell like snowflakes hailstone and apples falling from a tree. those things dont go hundreds of miles an hour to the ground.second all the pictures drawn show meteorites going strait towards the earth not across the sky like a normal meteor shower.what i have and what i am seeing isnt normal. so i cant think meteorite and see what i am seeing.i have to think space rock to meteorite.and not to burst your bubble but no one has ever tried to look for a whole space rock let alone a meteor meteorite debris field.cause they believe it is impossible cause that is what they learn and are i said i havent shown everything i have found cause there is to one has to watch the videos no one is forced to believe what i say.for 76 years everyone was told and taught pluto was a planet then all of a sudden experts say it is a dwarf planet and we have 8 planets now.when rocks start pounding the earth then and only then will people believe what i am saying.
sorry for the late reply but all the suposedly rocks i have cut are solid metal inside.most of the 1833 meteorites are amorphic metal or what people call metalic glass.and in water that stuff last forever it doesnt rust or wear.and it is magnetically weak and the metal is lighter then regular metal.i have more videos showing solid metal rocks in my magnetic peridot one i show a palasite the way people want to see it then i show a slice i cut it is metal with peridot in it but the pictures wont look the same because they were heated and cooled differently.
with what i have and am finding doesnt add up with what experts tell people.i want the truthif people are looking at it from the story of sodam and gamora in the bible the each city wasnt destroyed with small fragments and space dust.
@@jsd8197 i just want to make sure experts are sure they have all the facts.we do need experts.and if all the information i have found is correct there are things they dont know.
if people had looked foe METEORS AND METEORITE DEBRIS FIELDS.BOTH WITCH DO EXIST.THEY WOULD FIND YOU CAN IDENTIFY A METEORITE WITHOUT TESTING.but no one wants to because it is all about making money not learning and the truth.
@@PunCraft that is what you and uneducated people call it.cause you didnt finish your education.a full education is everything and every possibillity.and this is why everyone is stuck where they are all wrong have been wrong and will continue to be wrong.until someone figures out people made mistakes.that no one bothered to check all think it is the law when someone says this is the way it is and this is what they found.i dont do that and i dont learrn that way.i dont even believe half the things people learned 1000 years ago are correct.cause when they came up with those things they didnt have then what we know all would be learning still that the earth was flat if someone hadnt ignored what people were telling him to find out.sometimes it doesnt pay to listen to something because it is way is about the truth not about the money like everyone else is i stand by my findings i have rocks from space and other planets they have been here a long time.long before any of us existed.time will tell people what i am saying is true.the angle of incomming meteors is changing to a downward trajectory not shooting across the sky.when the right shower happens someone will get pulverised and people will die until that happens.people dont listen to what someone says.and from what i am finding the way nasa is going at trying to stop or redirect asteroids it wont work aginst certain ones.either way i will still be wrong if what i say is correct and does happen.because no one wants me to be correct even if someone dies.but it isnt going to matter with all the rocket fuel being burned in the atmosphere the sun will burn this planet to a crisp.before they get to other planets.unless you believe them when they think rocket fuel is good for the atmosphere.things some people dont think about and or dont care.
@@PunCraft do you know how to read?it says in in the deffinitionfor a SINGLE FALLmeteorite not multiple.then look up 16 miles says.the meteorite debris field was found 16 miles off shore.lodged in the seafloors mud and sand about 350 feet deep.and that was a single fall can use either term.and you wouldnt have found that if you didnt know what i ment by debris do i want to go hunt for meteorite strewn?or do i go hunt for meteorite debris?you can go strewning and tell people that i am sure they will understand.
@@themessenger4017 You don't even HAVE an education, George. Stop trying to sound like you have any clue about reality. You have NO rocks from anywhere but Earth. I promise you that. You're concept of anything beyond your lil hole in the wall is vastly misguided and I would mop the floor with your "understanding" of just about anything.
stay tuned i am comming back with a new video.sometimes when you think you found everything you could find or say everything you had to say then something else comes up.sometimes not even words can describe what a person finds.
I am sorry to tell you but non of the stuff shown is a meteorite (and that includes the two pictures from NASA of a lunar basalt!). There is a good reason why even though there may be a significant number of vesicular (with large holes) basalts on the Moon, the most you can find in the actual lunar meteorites on Earth is a very small number of tiny (sub mm) holes. Collisions that are powerful enough to launch Lunar material all the way to Earth are also strong enough to destroy those holes and turn the rock into a solid melt / breccia. Nothing approaching the structure of that lunar rock has ever been found on Earth (and by now hundreds of different lunar meteorites have been found). "I am telling them what it is but they don't want to listen!" is not how science works - and meteoritics is a science. It's not just the actual scientists, but also the international community of meteorite collectors and dealers - all are interested in science, well versed in the relevant science couldn't care less about someone's deeply held belief that he has found a meteorite. Who cares that you believe that shiny stone is a genuine iron meteorite? It certainly doesn't look like one to me, but there are simple ways to test. Polish a flat part and then etch it with a cheap and easy to get ferric-chloride. All iron meteorites contain much higher amount of nickel than does the natural terrestrial iron or iron ores. Iron of the iron meteorites also solidified extremely slowly (impossible to replicate on Earth). The result is a unique crystal structure that such etching shows that's characteristic only of iron meteorites and nothing else on Earth. Seeing such a pattern would be proof enough that it's an extraterrestrial iron. Strongly claiming that it's definitely a iron meteorite is perhaps proof enough for a few people who know absolutely nothing about meteorites. That stone with the "fusion crust" does not have an obvious fusion crust. It could be but a very weathered crust looks the same as a ton of infinitely more common dark terrestrial rocks. That exterior wouldn't convince any expert that it's likely to be a meteorite. Again, if you want to be sure, polish a window and look to see if you can spot any tiny metal blebs (bright silver grains in the 1-2mm range). Almost all of the common stony meteorites have them and such grains are extremely uncommon in terrestrial rocks. On the other hand, if the interior of the rock looks basically the same as the exterior, with no obvious metal grains, it's not a meteorite. That last one... you have to be kidding! It has precisely zero meteoritic features. Meteorites are fascinating but they are also extremely difficult to find.
you go by what you have been told and learned not by what you dont have not reaseached fast and slow moving meteorites or the layers of the atmosphere and temperatures and air densities and noctralucient clouds and how they effect the atmosphere and meteors.temperatures melting points of metals and minerals the kelvin scale for the temperature start burn debris and collisions.and meteors that dont burn cause they didnt get hot rocks are totally different then meteorites.that is why you think the nasa picture is fake cause they got the rock directly from space not after it went through the mesosphere. heating a rock does effect the way it looks. on the outside and inside BUT YOU SEEM TO KNOW BY LOOKING.not even an expert can identify a space rock that is undamaged cause it looks like an earth rock.research before you comment.and watching one of my videos doesnt give a person the whole picture of what i am getting at i didnt want to make a 2 hour video so i split it all up.
@@themessenger4017 What are you talking about? As a trained physicist and also a meteoritics hobbyist, I am quite well acquainted with the relevant topics. When did I say that the NASA photos are fake? I simply said that they do not show meteorites but Apollo Lunar samples (not the same). I also explained why no Lunar meteorite found on Earth can look like that. The rock you found has a huge number of large vesicles and so can't be a Lunar meteorite. Comparing an Earth rocks to a Lunar return sample shows that you do not understand why such a comparison is hugely problematic. Go through the metbul database, search for Lunar meteorites and look at the photos. None look anything like your stone, for a very good, physics based reason. The problem is not the Earth's atmosphere. The problem is the large explosion that's required to launch the rock from the surface of the Moon. It changes the rock in such a way that makes it impossible for your rock to be from the Moon.
@@dsvilko your missing what i am saying a rock from anywhere in space if i brought it to earth will look like an earth moon rock comparison doesnt mean that it is a moon rock but it looks similar the roick i have could be from anywhere no on knows what all the different rocks look like in space cause space is a very large place people could have rocks from another planet and wouldnt know just by looking at i tell people the earth has been her 4.5 billion years it is stupid to think a whole rock from space has never made it to earth when the earth it self is made of not trying to be mean but people watch one video and say what im saying is impossible why they do that is cause all my data science and evidence is split up into several videos. no one wants to sit 2 hours infront of a a person is free to believe what they want no one has to listen to me they can call me stupid but if what i say what i believe is true why are my tax dollars going to space programs to get rocks from other planets if they could already be here severl people have watched these videos and a few of the same people are mking comments like no way your crazy it is dumb people would feel if this was proven to be true in another 10 or 20 years.
@@dsvilko here is another thing to think about. just because a rock was brought back from the moon doesnt guarantee it came from the moon it could have been a rock that impacted the moon from another planet or moon in space. we dont have samples from all planets and moons in space to know for sure if there isnt an i dentical one out there?everyone sees rocks and say basalt but basalt is also found on other planets and moons. the only way to know is test the rocks.i read where they think they found a piece of supernova debris from a star cause they tested it and said it had iron 60 in it and that is only found in supernova rock.some people say it isnt a meteor unless you see it fall? did the astronauts see the rock fall they brought back from the moon?i question some of the things we have been taught
i am not quallified to help people with their rocks.i dont have the equipment to test videos are to make people aware of the problem with the mesosphere.and for them to understand about whole space rocks and thing to do if you think you may have one research your rock all that you can and then get a sample tested if your findings point close to 100 percent that it could be a meteorite.the problem is everything that falls and hits the groundfrom space when you see it fall is considered a meteorite.and i dont believe that concept cause of things i have found.
this is the problem if no one has been trained in space rocks or shown any pictures.then people wont understand.if you are looking at space rocks and expecting to see meteorite then it wont make any sence.if the hoba meteorite was blown off the earth and into space.are experts gonna refer to it as a 66 ton meteorite still?the problem i have with anything that hits the earth is considered a meteorite no matter how big it is.but rocks in space are meteoriods asteroids or smallrocks or dust.
the second picture the object is magnetic solid metal has thumbprints all over it is heavier then it should be.and the black on it is what is left of the fusion crust being exposed all these years.but nasa and american meteor society. and cascadia meteorite labratory said it wasnt by looking at a picture i sent to them.,yep experts can tell how heavy it is weather it is magnetic weather it is metal by looking at a picture.and i guess now days they know of what it is composed of mineral and metal wise and how old it is by looking at a picture.the two pictures of nasas are what you say they are.
watch all the videos and then formulate an opinion.i explain everything and all the problems i run into cause people are not taught about whole meteors and meteor meteorite debris fields.everyone learns from meteor strait to meteorite and that is findings say otherwise.
This sounds like what everyone tells us about a rock we believe to be a meteorite. Even our Grandfather who found it one hundred years ago said it was a meteorite. We are going to have it further tested soon so we can be sure. Even geologist have stated they are not sure what it is (earth rock).
what the problem is people dont want to believe that what i am saying can happen.cause they are taught one way and that is meteorite not space rock to meteorite like it should be.for four years now i have been researching everything i find and everything points to what i am talking about.until i am proven wrong.i wont be silenced.ask any expert you want none of them knows what an achondrite looks like before it is burned melted and in bits and peices.further more no expert can identify a whole space rock.i wish you the best in what you do.
the purpose of my videos is to make people aware of problems with the mesosphere.and that because of what i have found.there are rocks that people say are not meteorites that very well could be.they only way to know is get them expert can identify a space rock that is undamaged.because it doesnt look like a my videos i broke them into several videos cause no one wants to sit and watch me for 2 hours. i am not an expert but you dont have to be one to connect dots.truth is with the earth being 4.5 billion years old no one has even looked for a space rock or a meteor meteorite debris field cause they are told they dont exist. well i think that is far as your rock goes research all you can about it and then if you think it could be one then get it tested certain rocks from space contain elements that will show up in a test.what i read on line is iron 60 is found in supernova debris.the point of all my videos is to make people aware that what they say is impossible is in fact possible.i just dont believe in 4.5 million years a whole rock has never made it to earth.i wish you the best in your quest to find an answer for your rock i will tell you it isnt easy.
i post what i am finding just like everyone else. no one has to watch and no one is forced to believe what i am saying.people are allways told things just cant happen so they assume and assuming sometimes is the biggest mistake of all.
it is hard to determine if people have a meteorite or not because the way people have learned.unfinished and incomplete meteors and meteorites do exist so does meteor and meteorite debris fields.but they are never looked for looked at or even taught because people are taught everything burns up in the mesosphere.and my question is if that is true why are so many space rocks getting through?i know why but it makes me look dumb and stupid.saying what i know cause people never learned what i know.
On the last specimen you showed do us all a favor and search "Biotite'' and get back at me! And somebody most definitely knows what it is, and you can know what it is to. With just a little bit of research with open-minded approach a little bit of tenacity an a adventurous Spirit you might find what. Now if I know anything from this universe you must see yourself to have found it already as if you have found it and then you will find it. 😉
from what i am finding any rock can attract a magnet espically the ones from the 1833 meteor shower.some how those meteorites converted to metalic glass or what people call amorphious metals.but people are mislead on meteorites with the magnetic thing.for all magnetic rocks i hold a magnet on a stringand bring it close slowly if it swings and sticks it is magnetic.but some rocks are magnetically weak and wont support the weight of a magnet i show this in several of my videos.if this helps.
@@themessenger4017 thank you for writing me back to answer my question, it means a lot to me, indeed it was helpful. the main reason made me ask the question is I have two vesicular rocks with some leftover prints of fusion crust, but my find was met with denial especially from those I talk with on FB meteorite groups, I am not saying they all wrong, all I am saying they meteorite dealers and they don't mix accurate advice with business, if you get what I am saying, my rocks were never given a fair chance to be checked out, I keep suspecting them to be extra-terrestrial thanks for listening
@@ethanrichardson126 everything is messed up i explain things in all my videos and why peoples meteorites are missed by experts cause they havent discovered what i have.many meteorites are missed cause experts go by only one way and that is video on magnetic peridot will explain why cause experts view things one way and that is it.most people are taught there is only one way to heat and cool a meteorite and that isnt true.i will get somewhere it will take time because no one ever hunted for a meteor meteorite debris field.and found one i have.and what information i get from meteorites i find is way off from what they learn.and this is why i am having trouble with experts because if it isnt what they want to see then in thier mind it doesnt exist and didnt happen.i will challenge anyone anywhere on telivision and prove that i am right.i am now into looking at slices i get cut under microscopes and i am seing things never seen before.the father of meteorinics Harvey H Nininger was right meteorites are more common then what people are taught.and they didnt want to believe him.
Lunar Meteorites are generally not ever magnetic. The regolith is made up of inorganic "soils" and minerals and very little metals. They are also considered Achondritic as in, no metal chondrites that could attract a magnet. Not only are they extremely rare but they have very specific mineral compositions and consists of a component known as Agglutinates that can only be found on moon rocks. While it can be exciting to think you have something extraterrestrial, there are a number of ways to verify and classify them and over 90% of what is claimed as "meteorite" is terrestrial. There isn't some major conspiracy as George would have you think. We are all trying to learn as we go but some of us use the existing and proven foundations before jumping to the most difficult conclusion.
@@PunCraft you know what you are going to look like an idiot cause you dont know how to shut up and none of you so called experts finished your is only a matter of time before the truth comes out how all of you are missleading people cause what you all teach doeasnt add up.and none of you have a clue what happens when floating rocks get close enough to the sun.or what other things they are exposed to before they make it to all only go but what you see as to be true so what you do not see or learn means you have no clue at all.and the biggest lie of all meteorites are rare.they why do so many people have them?why i dont listen to any of you is because none of you really knows what goes on millions of miles away you all guess and assume.and try to educate people with that crap. and when you guess you dont know so it doesnt mean you are right.and you have no idea who i am working with and consulting with.and this is all are so sure i am wrong step up lets go on tv with other experts and everyone look under a microscope at my samples and you tell them and the american people i am worng.i am that sure i am right.
no one wants to respond.even the best experts wont because i am on to the mistakes and lies people have been told.i explain it in my video on dennison olmstead and the incomplete report on the 1833 meteor shower.he only used testamony from the east coast.there is westcoast testamony where people saw meteors explode and hit the ground.why so little testamony from the west coast if you can find it is because there was a malaria outbreak from 1829 to 1933 that killed 150 thousand people that was a lot of people back in 1833.when you leave a persons testamony of meteors hitting the ground and falling to peices that made it to where people wouldnt hunt for not going anywhere someone is going to take the fall for this sherade being pulled over on people.the best experts are so sure the impossible cant happen and that is whole intact meteors can hit the ground.
I have one Rock.. Absolutely like this.. Magnetic,weight10 kg..brownish in color.. Multiple tiny holes are found over surface of the stone..i found it in my village..
I can bud ..Earth !! Yup the Moon is everywhere...we definitely traded a lil paint at some time or the other ...but I'm sorry that rock you got ain't from the Moon it's actually from farther out my guess would be from one of Mars Moon .drop that baby in a lil hydrogen peroxide let me know what it does
so you have been alive for 4.5 billion years as old as the earth and can prove what i am saying is wrong.because nothing gets through the mesosphere is what everyone is taught.but a sixty ton meteorite the hoba and the space shuttle didnt burn up.i said it before and i will say it againif the mesosphere gets polluted with enough meteor smoke rocka can make it through.but i see someone has to die from a rock from space before one can understand and believe.
because no one researched the 1833 meteor shower and tried to find something from it. there are a lot of things that are off in trying to identify space rocks.
see people like you comment from afar you know not anything about what i am havent held any of what i have.cause you go by the dumb science everyone has been shoveling to is wrong and time will prove me right.allready took samples to a metlergical lab and they told me it was metal.but the experts dont want to go on tv infront of everyone and challenge me and my findings cause i can prove them wrong.and when i did they would look like an idiot for doing things the wrong way.i leave the coments on so people can comment.but if i were people i wouldnt rely 100 percent on what they are learning.cause man does make mistakes in science.
because of what i have found the only real way to identify a meteorite is testing.things are all messed up because of the 1833 meteor showerpeople refused to look for rocks from that shower.
this is the problem experts cant identify the first two pictures cause they have never seen a meteorite like these.they always get bits and peices and fragments.
i am in a area where people dont want to look dont know and dont can look this up and it would be advisable if you want to know the truth.meteors from the 1833 meteor shower did hit the ground.Dennison Olmesteads report is incomplete it has only whitnesses from the east side of the coast of the united states.look up captian joseph r. walker and his testamoney from california in 1833.then look up the canadian scetches of the oshawa museum Thomas and daniel conant testamony for the 1833 meteor says they hit the ground the other says they hit the water around his boat.then look at the sketch that was drawn and how low the meteors in the picture are.i have made so many videos cause there is so much to tell.and because a mistake was made a lot of meteorites wont look like what people go by what they are told to look like.cause the 1833 meteorites are different in many ways.all my videos explain.look up a lot of what i say and then think about it.look this up they say meteors are pea sized or a grain of does something that size burn so bright and so long going across the sky and then look up the average size meteorite found on rock size to fist sized.a grain of sand or pea sized when it hits the ground doesnt grow in size.ask yourself this the hoba meteorite has allready been identified a 66 ton meteorite if that meteorite was blown off earth back into space that wouuld make it a 66 ton meteorite.yet anything in space that big in space is an asteroid.goin g by what they say.then ask yourself this if someone made a mistake and you are learning the wrong way do you want to keep going that direction?and do you want to believe no one makes mistakes?
deffinition of an expert walk past big space rocks when hunting meteorites to find small bits and peices and fragments.LMAO.I AM NOT GOING AWAY.i cant believe this has gone on as long as it has teaching people that whole space rocks cant make it to earth.
duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' A Scientist MIGHT be the person to talk to DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' metal detector DUHHHHHHHHHHH' OPEN IT UP = DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GET real guy
get real guy i sent a picture of part of a rock to an expert.they said it was basalt from earth and i said really and then i showed them the whole picture of the moon rock with an astrounaut standing next to it.if they cant identify a moon rock how the hell are they going to identify anything?dont need a metal detector for solid metal rocks.and if you had watched the video before commenting on meteorites can be decieving i did cut open a rock in that shows a nonmagnetic metal i can see my reflection in.
nasa and experts can say what they want and do what they it so impossible for me to have what i say i have.if nasa claims a 3 foot asteroid 2023 cx1 made it through the mesosphere.and they still refer to it as an asteroid.if that is true then whole space rocks can make it to earth.
i hate to burst yours and other peoples bubble but as a rock travels through the mesosphere it can become round or somewhat round depending on what way it is traveling and what areas are exposed to the most friction and how much friction there is on the areas of the rocks.and how fast the rock is traveling..and then when rocks from space land in running creek water they get even more rounded from laying there for years.things you cant possibly know by looking at a picture.
why is nasa avoiding me?could it be i know something they dont know?some people out there no i have good evidence and make good points.if i am correct to me a whole rock from space is better then a fragment.unaltered they hold more information.sorry people but i smell pussy at nasa.
Hi I am Harry Joshua got one of them with holes
One of the biggest problems with trying to find something that matches what you have is almost impossible. Due to the fact of half of a specimen is below ground and half is aboveground the two halves and not going to look the same.
In outer space they say it is like a vacuum that sucks everything so close together there is nothing to have room of good voids in between two different elements or mineral or voids between the contact points of any 2 granules.
The Basalt Specimen with the multiple holes is Lava Rock.
If lunar it would not contain as many Vesicles.
Vesicles are voids left g behind from escaping gases from expansion,
Cut a SLICE , SLAB , END CUT, off it to view the inside structure. The matrix of the piece. To see if it has any chondral or olivine inside the matrix of the specimen but you suspect to be of non-terrestrial origin.
If you are interested and adventurous and see meteorites be prepared to have your bubble popped and don't take it so personal it's a very rare experience to find something that's billions of years old and could be laying on the ground for hundreds of thousands if not millions of years
a person wont understand by watching one video i broke it down into several videos cause no one wants to see me for 2 hours strait.and if i am correct the 1833 meteor shower was a one of a kind meteors from the tail of the comet and a collision with a fragmented comet or the upper debris field.maybe all of them. if you read what whitness said they fell like snowflakes hailstone and apples falling from a tree. those things dont go hundreds of miles an hour to the ground.second all the pictures drawn show meteorites going strait towards the earth not across the sky like a normal meteor shower.what i have and what i am seeing isnt normal. so i cant think meteorite and see what i am seeing.i have to think space rock to meteorite.and not to burst your bubble but no one has ever tried to look for a whole space rock let alone a meteor meteorite debris field.cause they believe it is impossible cause that is what they learn and are i said i havent shown everything i have found cause there is to one has to watch the videos no one is forced to believe what i say.for 76 years everyone was told and taught pluto was a planet then all of a sudden experts say it is a dwarf planet and we have 8 planets now.when rocks start pounding the earth then and only then will people believe what i am saying.
sorry for the late reply but all the suposedly rocks i have cut are solid metal inside.most of the 1833 meteorites are amorphic metal or what people call metalic glass.and in water that stuff last forever it doesnt rust or wear.and it is magnetically weak and the metal is lighter then regular metal.i have more videos showing solid metal rocks in my magnetic peridot one i show a palasite the way people want to see it then i show a slice i cut it is metal with peridot in it but the pictures wont look the same because they were heated and cooled differently.
Thank you for sharing this. I know I have some of those rocks. I knew they were different. I'm glad I didn't leave them behind.
with what i have and am finding doesnt add up with what experts tell people.i want the truthif people are looking at it from the story of sodam and gamora in the bible the each city wasnt destroyed with small fragments and space dust.
I was told once....never believe an expert.
Keep up your work. I just found your channel and now subscribe. I look forward to learning more from you.
@@jsd8197 i just want to make sure experts are sure they have all the facts.we do need experts.and if all the information i have found is correct there are things they dont know.
Meteorite is identified by its composition and micro structure, not the outlooking
if people had looked foe METEORS AND METEORITE DEBRIS FIELDS.BOTH WITCH DO EXIST.THEY WOULD FIND YOU CAN IDENTIFY A METEORITE WITHOUT TESTING.but no one wants to because it is all about making money not learning and the truth.
@@themessenger4017 "Meteriote Strewn Field" Look it up. Widely known and studied. Yet again, you fail to acknowledge the 'basics'.
@@PunCraft that is what you and uneducated people call it.cause you didnt finish your education.a full education is everything and every possibillity.and this is why everyone is stuck where they are all wrong have been wrong and will continue to be wrong.until someone figures out people made mistakes.that no one bothered to check all think it is the law when someone says this is the way it is and this is what they found.i dont do that and i dont learrn that way.i dont even believe half the things people learned 1000 years ago are correct.cause when they came up with those things they didnt have then what we know all would be learning still that the earth was flat if someone hadnt ignored what people were telling him to find out.sometimes it doesnt pay to listen to something because it is way is about the truth not about the money like everyone else is i stand by my findings i have rocks from space and other planets they have been here a long time.long before any of us existed.time will tell people what i am saying is true.the angle of incomming meteors is changing to a downward trajectory not shooting across the sky.when the right shower happens someone will get pulverised and people will die until that happens.people dont listen to what someone says.and from what i am finding the way nasa is going at trying to stop or redirect asteroids it wont work aginst certain ones.either way i will still be wrong if what i say is correct and does happen.because no one wants me to be correct even if someone dies.but it isnt going to matter with all the rocket fuel being burned in the atmosphere the sun will burn this planet to a crisp.before they get to other planets.unless you believe them when they think rocket fuel is good for the atmosphere.things some people dont think about and or dont care.
@@PunCraft do you know how to read?it says in in the deffinitionfor a SINGLE FALLmeteorite not multiple.then look up 16 miles says.the meteorite debris field was found 16 miles off shore.lodged in the seafloors mud and sand about 350 feet deep.and that was a single fall can use either term.and you wouldnt have found that if you didnt know what i ment by debris do i want to go hunt for meteorite strewn?or do i go hunt for meteorite debris?you can go strewning and tell people that i am sure they will understand.
@@themessenger4017 You don't even HAVE an education, George. Stop trying to sound like you have any clue about reality. You have NO rocks from anywhere but Earth. I promise you that. You're concept of anything beyond your lil hole in the wall is vastly misguided and I would mop the floor with your "understanding" of just about anything.
stay tuned i am comming back with a new video.sometimes when you think you found everything you could find or say everything you had to say then something else comes up.sometimes not even words can describe what a person finds.
I am sorry to tell you but non of the stuff shown is a meteorite (and that includes the two pictures from NASA of a lunar basalt!). There is a good reason why even though there may be a significant number of vesicular (with large holes) basalts on the Moon, the most you can find in the actual lunar meteorites on Earth is a very small number of tiny (sub mm) holes. Collisions that are powerful enough to launch Lunar material all the way to Earth are also strong enough to destroy those holes and turn the rock into a solid melt / breccia. Nothing approaching the structure of that lunar rock has ever been found on Earth (and by now hundreds of different lunar meteorites have been found).
"I am telling them what it is but they don't want to listen!" is not how science works - and meteoritics is a science. It's not just the actual scientists, but also the international community of meteorite collectors and dealers - all are interested in science, well versed in the relevant science couldn't care less about someone's deeply held belief that he has found a meteorite.
Who cares that you believe that shiny stone is a genuine iron meteorite? It certainly doesn't look like one to me, but there are simple ways to test. Polish a flat part and then etch it with a cheap and easy to get ferric-chloride. All iron meteorites contain much higher amount of nickel than does the natural terrestrial iron or iron ores. Iron of the iron meteorites also solidified extremely slowly (impossible to replicate on Earth). The result is a unique crystal structure that such etching shows that's characteristic only of iron meteorites and nothing else on Earth.
Seeing such a pattern would be proof enough that it's an extraterrestrial iron. Strongly claiming that it's definitely a iron meteorite is perhaps proof enough for a few people who know absolutely nothing about meteorites.
That stone with the "fusion crust" does not have an obvious fusion crust. It could be but a very weathered crust looks the same as a ton of infinitely more common dark terrestrial rocks. That exterior wouldn't convince any expert that it's likely to be a meteorite.
Again, if you want to be sure, polish a window and look to see if you can spot any tiny metal blebs (bright silver grains in the 1-2mm range). Almost all of the common stony meteorites have them and such grains are extremely uncommon in terrestrial rocks. On the other hand, if the interior of the rock looks basically the same as the exterior, with no obvious metal grains, it's not a meteorite.
That last one... you have to be kidding! It has precisely zero meteoritic features.
Meteorites are fascinating but they are also extremely difficult to find.
you go by what you have been told and learned not by what you dont have not reaseached fast and slow moving meteorites or the layers of the atmosphere and temperatures and air densities and noctralucient clouds and how they effect the atmosphere and meteors.temperatures melting points of metals and minerals the kelvin scale for the temperature start burn debris and collisions.and meteors that dont burn cause they didnt get hot rocks are totally different then meteorites.that is why you think the nasa picture is fake cause they got the rock directly from space not after it went through the mesosphere. heating a rock does effect the way it looks. on the outside and inside BUT YOU SEEM TO KNOW BY LOOKING.not even an expert can identify a space rock that is undamaged cause it looks like an earth rock.research before you comment.and watching one of my videos doesnt give a person the whole picture of what i am getting at i didnt want to make a 2 hour video so i split it all up.
@@themessenger4017 What are you talking about? As a trained physicist and also a meteoritics hobbyist, I am quite well acquainted with the relevant topics.
When did I say that the NASA photos are fake? I simply said that they do not show meteorites but Apollo Lunar samples (not the same). I also explained why no Lunar meteorite found on Earth can look like that. The rock you found has a huge number of large vesicles and so can't be a Lunar meteorite. Comparing an Earth rocks to a Lunar return sample shows that you do not understand why such a comparison is hugely problematic. Go through the metbul database, search for Lunar meteorites and look at the photos. None look anything like your stone, for a very good, physics based reason. The problem is not the Earth's atmosphere. The problem is the large explosion that's required to launch the rock from the surface of the Moon. It changes the rock in such a way that makes it impossible for your rock to be from the Moon.
@@dsvilko your missing what i am saying a rock from anywhere in space if i brought it to earth will look like an earth moon rock comparison doesnt mean that it is a moon rock but it looks similar the roick i have could be from anywhere no on knows what all the different rocks look like in space cause space is a very large place people could have rocks from another planet and wouldnt know just by looking at i tell people the earth has been her 4.5 billion years it is stupid to think a whole rock from space has never made it to earth when the earth it self is made of not trying to be mean but people watch one video and say what im saying is impossible why they do that is cause all my data science and evidence is split up into several videos. no one wants to sit 2 hours infront of a a person is free to believe what they want no one has to listen to me they can call me stupid but if what i say what i believe is true why are my tax dollars going to space programs to get rocks from other planets if they could already be here severl people have watched these videos and a few of the same people are mking comments like no way your crazy it is dumb people would feel if this was proven to be true in another 10 or 20 years.
@@dsvilko here is another thing to think about. just because a rock was brought back from the moon doesnt guarantee it came from the moon it could have been a rock that impacted the moon from another planet or moon in space. we dont have samples from all planets and moons in space to know for sure if there isnt an i dentical one out there?everyone sees rocks and say basalt but basalt is also found on other planets and moons. the only way to know is test the rocks.i read where they think they found a piece of supernova debris from a star cause they tested it and said it had iron 60 in it and that is only found in supernova rock.some people say it isnt a meteor unless you see it fall? did the astronauts see the rock fall they brought back from the moon?i question some of the things we have been taught
@@dsvilko You will NEVER convince him...he's in his own little world
I may have some moon rock. Strange meteorite with no crust, just flow lines and some vutitclus bubbles?
i am not quallified to help people with their rocks.i dont have the equipment to test videos are to make people aware of the problem with the mesosphere.and for them to understand about whole space rocks and thing to do if you think you may have one research your rock all that you can and then get a sample tested if your findings point close to 100 percent that it could be a meteorite.the problem is everything that falls and hits the groundfrom space when you see it fall is considered a meteorite.and i dont believe that concept cause of things i have found.
The second photos is not magnetic,, i have it
@@Juns_228 what do you mean the photo is not magnetic, you dont have my rock.
@@Juns_228 I am going to cut this thing, Im setting up a saw today. We are going to find out!
Oh this is the moon and its scoria.
That last rock looked like it had a strata to it. Never saw that in ANY meteorite pics.
this is the problem if no one has been trained in space rocks or shown any pictures.then people wont understand.if you are looking at space rocks and expecting to see meteorite then it wont make any sence.if the hoba meteorite was blown off the earth and into space.are experts gonna refer to it as a 66 ton meteorite still?the problem i have with anything that hits the earth is considered a meteorite no matter how big it is.but rocks in space are meteoriods asteroids or smallrocks or dust.
The second photos like a bassalt moon rock meteorites
the second picture the object is magnetic solid metal has thumbprints all over it is heavier then it should be.and the black on it is what is left of the fusion crust being exposed all these years.but nasa and american meteor society. and cascadia meteorite labratory said it wasnt by looking at a picture i sent to them.,yep experts can tell how heavy it is weather it is magnetic weather it is metal by looking at a picture.and i guess now days they know of what it is composed of mineral and metal wise and how old it is by looking at a picture.the two pictures of nasas are what you say they are.
You have to prove it. Cut it, send it, classifie it, name it. Then it's a meteorite. Not just because you believe in jesus.😂
watch all the videos and then formulate an opinion.i explain everything and all the problems i run into cause people are not taught about whole meteors and meteor meteorite debris fields.everyone learns from meteor strait to meteorite and that is findings say otherwise.
So are the samples of the lunar meteorites real? I have one exactly alike but much bigger.
This sounds like what everyone tells us about a rock we believe to be a meteorite. Even our Grandfather who found it one hundred years ago said it was a meteorite. We are going to have it further tested soon so we can be sure. Even geologist have stated they are not sure what it is (earth rock).
what the problem is people dont want to believe that what i am saying can happen.cause they are taught one way and that is meteorite not space rock to meteorite like it should be.for four years now i have been researching everything i find and everything points to what i am talking about.until i am proven wrong.i wont be silenced.ask any expert you want none of them knows what an achondrite looks like before it is burned melted and in bits and peices.further more no expert can identify a whole space rock.i wish you the best in what you do.
Thank for shareng
ang moon namagnit ba
Good day sir...i have a mereorite is like as the same in your picture...its like a softball shape...4kilos in heavy..
the purpose of my videos is to make people aware of problems with the mesosphere.and that because of what i have found.there are rocks that people say are not meteorites that very well could be.they only way to know is get them expert can identify a space rock that is undamaged.because it doesnt look like a my videos i broke them into several videos cause no one wants to sit and watch me for 2 hours. i am not an expert but you dont have to be one to connect dots.truth is with the earth being 4.5 billion years old no one has even looked for a space rock or a meteor meteorite debris field cause they are told they dont exist. well i think that is far as your rock goes research all you can about it and then if you think it could be one then get it tested certain rocks from space contain elements that will show up in a test.what i read on line is iron 60 is found in supernova debris.the point of all my videos is to make people aware that what they say is impossible is in fact possible.i just dont believe in 4.5 million years a whole rock has never made it to earth.i wish you the best in your quest to find an answer for your rock i will tell you it isnt easy.
I bet a lot of people don't get it. Or just one person doesn't get it ever.
i post what i am finding just like everyone else. no one has to watch and no one is forced to believe what i am saying.people are allways told things just cant happen so they assume and assuming sometimes is the biggest mistake of all.
Are they attract magnet ?
almost everyone i have found attracts a magnet.i could do a magnet video but i think people would get
Own one similar in shape and size
it is hard to determine if people have a meteorite or not because the way people have learned.unfinished and incomplete meteors and meteorites do exist so does meteor and meteorite debris fields.but they are never looked for looked at or even taught because people are taught everything burns up in the mesosphere.and my question is if that is true why are so many space rocks getting through?i know why but it makes me look dumb and stupid.saying what i know cause people never learned what i know.
@@themessenger4017Hello how are you
@@Benhalema i am ok hope you are doing ok.i think meteorite falls impacts and what people find there is more for people to learn.
@@themessenger4017 I tried to send you a video of some stones via UA-cam, but I was unable....I'm sorry
On the last specimen you showed do us all a favor and search "Biotite'' and get back at me!
And somebody most definitely knows what it is, and you can know what it is to.
With just a little bit of research with open-minded approach a little bit of tenacity an a adventurous Spirit you might find what.
Now if I know anything from this universe you must see yourself to have found it already as if you have found it and then you will find it. 😉
EXACT replica of a MODERN day Weapon of War perhaps Billion's of yrs Young ?
I have one ...but coulours is black brown
And i will send video that if you want to see...thank you
do lunar vesicular rocks attract to a magnet?
thanks for the opportunity to ask a question
from what i am finding any rock can attract a magnet espically the ones from the 1833 meteor shower.some how those meteorites converted to metalic glass or what people call amorphious metals.but people are mislead on meteorites with the magnetic thing.for all magnetic rocks i hold a magnet on a stringand bring it close slowly if it swings and sticks it is magnetic.but some rocks are magnetically weak and wont support the weight of a magnet i show this in several of my videos.if this helps.
@@themessenger4017 thank you for writing me back to answer my question, it means a lot to me, indeed it was helpful.
the main reason made me ask the question is I have two vesicular rocks with some leftover prints of fusion crust, but my find was met with denial especially from those I talk with on FB meteorite groups, I am not saying they all wrong, all I am saying they meteorite dealers and they don't mix accurate advice with business, if you get what I am saying, my rocks were never given a fair chance to be checked out, I keep suspecting them to be extra-terrestrial
thanks for listening
@@ethanrichardson126 everything is messed up i explain things in all my videos and why peoples meteorites are missed by experts cause they havent discovered what i have.many meteorites are missed cause experts go by only one way and that is video on magnetic peridot will explain why cause experts view things one way and that is it.most people are taught there is only one way to heat and cool a meteorite and that isnt true.i will get somewhere it will take time because no one ever hunted for a meteor meteorite debris field.and found one i have.and what information i get from meteorites i find is way off from what they learn.and this is why i am having trouble with experts because if it isnt what they want to see then in thier mind it doesnt exist and didnt happen.i will challenge anyone anywhere on telivision and prove that i am right.i am now into looking at slices i get cut under microscopes and i am seing things never seen before.the father of meteorinics Harvey H Nininger was right meteorites are more common then what people are taught.and they didnt want to believe him.
Lunar Meteorites are generally not ever magnetic. The regolith is made up of inorganic "soils" and minerals and very little metals. They are also considered Achondritic as in, no metal chondrites that could attract a magnet. Not only are they extremely rare but they have very specific mineral compositions and consists of a component known as Agglutinates that can only be found on moon rocks.
While it can be exciting to think you have something extraterrestrial, there are a number of ways to verify and classify them and over 90% of what is claimed as "meteorite" is terrestrial. There isn't some major conspiracy as George would have you think. We are all trying to learn as we go but some of us use the existing and proven foundations before jumping to the most difficult conclusion.
@@PunCraft you know what you are going to look like an idiot cause you dont know how to shut up and none of you so called experts finished your is only a matter of time before the truth comes out how all of you are missleading people cause what you all teach doeasnt add up.and none of you have a clue what happens when floating rocks get close enough to the sun.or what other things they are exposed to before they make it to all only go but what you see as to be true so what you do not see or learn means you have no clue at all.and the biggest lie of all meteorites are rare.they why do so many people have them?why i dont listen to any of you is because none of you really knows what goes on millions of miles away you all guess and assume.and try to educate people with that crap. and when you guess you dont know so it doesnt mean you are right.and you have no idea who i am working with and consulting with.and this is all are so sure i am wrong step up lets go on tv with other experts and everyone look under a microscope at my samples and you tell them and the american people i am worng.i am that sure i am right.
Wow the moon is just Scoria?
What happened to rock? Did anyone responded?
no one wants to respond.even the best experts wont because i am on to the mistakes and lies people have been told.i explain it in my video on dennison olmstead and the incomplete report on the 1833 meteor shower.he only used testamony from the east coast.there is westcoast testamony where people saw meteors explode and hit the ground.why so little testamony from the west coast if you can find it is because there was a malaria outbreak from 1829 to 1933 that killed 150 thousand people that was a lot of people back in 1833.when you leave a persons testamony of meteors hitting the ground and falling to peices that made it to where people wouldnt hunt for not going anywhere someone is going to take the fall for this sherade being pulled over on people.the best experts are so sure the impossible cant happen and that is whole intact meteors can hit the ground.
I have one Rock.. Absolutely like this.. Magnetic,weight10 kg..brownish in color.. Multiple tiny holes are found over surface of the stone..i found it in my village..
no one on earth can identify a whole space one has ever looked for one.from what i have found i know they do exist.
I can bud ..Earth !! Yup the Moon is everywhere...we definitely traded a lil paint at some time or the other ...but I'm sorry that rock you got ain't from the Moon it's actually from farther out my guess would be from one of Mars Moon .drop that baby in a lil hydrogen peroxide let me know what it does
A rare and unclassified meteorite in Türkiye ❤
I have that rock sir and plenty of metals if I know a diamond beads inside because there are 6 beads can see in a moonrock..
Wow is right! Nonsense.
so you have been alive for 4.5 billion years as old as the earth and can prove what i am saying is wrong.because nothing gets through the mesosphere is what everyone is taught.but a sixty ton meteorite the hoba and the space shuttle didnt burn up.i said it before and i will say it againif the mesosphere gets polluted with enough meteor smoke rocka can make it through.but i see someone has to die from a rock from space before one can understand and believe.
I have like the third picture but more sphere.
there are things out there that some people dont want people to know.
I have one that is slightly magnetic.
because no one researched the 1833 meteor shower and tried to find something from it. there are a lot of things that are off in trying to identify space rocks.
Hi! I from Philippines i have here metriorite
anything is possible
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
You have rocks!
see people like you comment from afar you know not anything about what i am havent held any of what i have.cause you go by the dumb science everyone has been shoveling to is wrong and time will prove me right.allready took samples to a metlergical lab and they told me it was metal.but the experts dont want to go on tv infront of everyone and challenge me and my findings cause i can prove them wrong.and when i did they would look like an idiot for doing things the wrong way.i leave the coments on so people can comment.but if i were people i wouldnt rely 100 percent on what they are learning.cause man does make mistakes in science.
Try a magnet many many meteorite are hily magnetic,
I hafe these rock
I see fusion crust.
Tengo uno igual ito
I have a rock I found I don't know if it is a meteorite it's big and flat one side looks like tree bark and the other side looks like it was melted
because of what i have found the only real way to identify a meteorite is testing.things are all messed up because of the 1833 meteor showerpeople refused to look for rocks from that shower.
I have one.coppery color 15 kg.. Magnetite..
Rock can't penetrate electromagnetic crystal field/dome.
this is the problem experts cant identify the first two pictures cause they have never seen a meteorite like these.they always get bits and peices and fragments.
We have that one
I have a friend that has 30 meteorites. Look nothing like yours.just because you think they are don’t mean they are.
i am in a area where people dont want to look dont know and dont can look this up and it would be advisable if you want to know the truth.meteors from the 1833 meteor shower did hit the ground.Dennison Olmesteads report is incomplete it has only whitnesses from the east side of the coast of the united states.look up captian joseph r. walker and his testamoney from california in 1833.then look up the canadian scetches of the oshawa museum Thomas and daniel conant testamony for the 1833 meteor says they hit the ground the other says they hit the water around his boat.then look at the sketch that was drawn and how low the meteors in the picture are.i have made so many videos cause there is so much to tell.and because a mistake was made a lot of meteorites wont look like what people go by what they are told to look like.cause the 1833 meteorites are different in many ways.all my videos explain.look up a lot of what i say and then think about it.look this up they say meteors are pea sized or a grain of does something that size burn so bright and so long going across the sky and then look up the average size meteorite found on rock size to fist sized.a grain of sand or pea sized when it hits the ground doesnt grow in size.ask yourself this the hoba meteorite has allready been identified a 66 ton meteorite if that meteorite was blown off earth back into space that wouuld make it a 66 ton meteorite.yet anything in space that big in space is an asteroid.goin g by what they say.then ask yourself this if someone made a mistake and you are learning the wrong way do you want to keep going that direction?and do you want to believe no one makes mistakes?
Пористый? пузырьков газов не должно быт надо распилит
I have moon rock metiorite
I have block stone
deffinition of an expert walk past big space rocks when hunting meteorites to find small bits and peices and fragments.LMAO.I AM NOT GOING AWAY.i cant believe this has gone on as long as it has teaching people that whole space rocks cant make it to earth.
Very good .❤
duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' A Scientist MIGHT be the person to talk to DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' metal detector DUHHHHHHHHHHH' OPEN IT UP = DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GET real guy
get real guy i sent a picture of part of a rock to an expert.they said it was basalt from earth and i said really and then i showed them the whole picture of the moon rock with an astrounaut standing next to it.if they cant identify a moon rock how the hell are they going to identify anything?dont need a metal detector for solid metal rocks.and if you had watched the video before commenting on meteorites can be decieving i did cut open a rock in that shows a nonmagnetic metal i can see my reflection in.
It's fossil
nasa and experts can say what they want and do what they it so impossible for me to have what i say i have.if nasa claims a 3 foot asteroid 2023 cx1 made it through the mesosphere.and they still refer to it as an asteroid.if that is true then whole space rocks can make it to earth.
앞에 사진은 확대한 사진으로 아콘드라트 종류 나 달석 같기도 한데, 실물의 것과 상대적으로 다른 부분을 관찰해 보시는 것이 좋을듯 합니다. 행운을 빌어요
Salaam brother , take care of yourself"
Sorry but both rocks are found on Earth and the moon. Yours isn't from the moon as it's been rounded like in a river.
i hate to burst yours and other peoples bubble but as a rock travels through the mesosphere it can become round or somewhat round depending on what way it is traveling and what areas are exposed to the most friction and how much friction there is on the areas of the rocks.and how fast the rock is traveling..and then when rocks from space land in running creek water they get even more rounded from laying there for years.things you cant possibly know by looking at a picture.
why is nasa avoiding me?could it be i know something they dont know?some people out there no i have good evidence and make good points.if i am correct to me a whole rock from space is better then a fragment.unaltered they hold more information.sorry people but i smell pussy at nasa.
Maybe check some of mine out
i am not an expert .best thing to do is research you rock.i report what i find from my research.