DEMO by Katsunori UJIIE. Facebook: Like me please! / What kind of music gear do you have? " musictrack gear " is now ready to open !! gear.musictrack...
Katsunori UJIIE is the best synthesizer salesman! I listened to his demo and now I want one. To all synth companies - Give this guy a synth and he could sell it for you and sack your marketing department. He makes this look like a brilliantly designed synth with immense versatility and intuitive too.
Domo arigato for another GREAT video, Katsunori! :) I recently purchased an OB-6 and a Voyager, but if I had seen this video before I made those purchases, I may have just bought the Solaris first. I believe that I will make ordering a Solaris my goal for 2017. Karada ni kiwo tsukete, itsumo genki de ite kudasai. :)
This is UA-cam - wait til you hear it in person. It's possible the best-sounding synth since the analog modular systems of the 60s. And with polyphony and more = etc. Incredible design.
Wow amazing you are demoing this! It's got a brill name hasn't it......and it looks really cool.....lovely glassy sounds........wish I could play one! Like another person said it's like a modern JD800
From the John Bowen site: What do the following entertainment industry veterans all have in common? •J.J. Abrams (Alias, Lost, Star Trek, Star Wars 7&9) •Harry Gregson-Williams (The Martian, all Shrek films, Wolverine) •Dave Porter (Breaking Bad, The Blacklist) •Ty Unwin (UK composer for BBC, ITV, TLC and Discovery) •Matt Johnson ("TheThe") They all purchased a Solaris! Don’t be left out - get yours ordered today before the last production round is sold out! See the Purchase page for more information. Sept 2018 update Price is $4199. If prepaid in full, there is a $200 discount.
4k is actually very affordable for what this synth offers in sound quality and sound design possibilities. He doesn't say so but it is a digital modular synth but with the plus of doing many other types of systems synthesis as well. So it's like having have a polyphonic modular. I wonder it can process incoming audio through its modules and the cv/gate in addition to audio out.
This sounds great. As an analog polysynth, it actually sounds better than a Moog One. And the Wavetable capabilities are a big bonus, allowing for some digital sounds. But it's quite expensive. I'd probably save $1000 and buy a Waldorf Quantum instead, unless the analog modeling was important.
I think categorizing this as VA, or comparing it to an analog synth, like so many do, is a huge mistake. While it does a very good job at VA, any analog purist would purchase something analog first. But the Solaris is a much, much deeper machine than that, with extensive, and expansive modulation capabilities, capable of producing an incredibly diverse palette of sounds. Plus with it's layout of knobs and displays, a power user can program it significantly easier than any VST, and use in performance expressively. It also has the most powerful processing chips possible, which translates into virtually stepless articulation and no aliasing to even the most discerning and critical listener. It's also going to give the machine purity and clarity at the high end, and balls at the bottom end, across nearly every patch, not to mention maybe the lowest floor noise out of any instrument available.
I watch most all of your demo/ reviews. Your opinion and playing is very important to my buying choices. I do wish you did English reviews I know you speak English. But I follow the translations pretty well. Right now I'm trying to decide between John Bowen Solaris, Radikal Technoloies Accelerator, or the new British synth Modal or Modulus 002 which I hope you'll demo review soon! Of course in time I can have all three but trying to decide which comes first!
Sounds like a direct fight against the Prophet 12..? Although it can sound so convincingly analog , the Solaris is completely digital-which lets it change personalities to suit your needs. Several synth architectures are available, including three types of vintage analog modeling, sample playback, and vector and wavetable synthesis. For effects, you get delay, chorus/flanger, phaser, and three-band EQ.The Solaris is not multi-timbral; but the Solaris’s 32-bit, 96kHz audio engine gives it a pristine sound that sparkles with personality……@ US$3,999. Its not cheap !
No wonder it's so damned expensive! It's all right here!!! And I thought the PPG Wave was so incredible...... Forget the emulations, like the B3, that's crap compared to what it can do! It's alive! It's ALIVE!
Somehow it just sounds like HD compared to other synths. Yet it also sounds like other digital synths! But it has an absolute killer sound and flexibility.
It strikes my ears as much the same tone as the Korg DW8000. In fact, I played the demo of the DW8000 done by Analog Audio and they share a lot of the same spirit. However, I am sure it is capable of far more. It has a useful sound, made a lot better by your playing.
***** I have both Kronos and Solaris and would not change them for five to ten classic keyboards. Plus, the Kronos can import classic DX sounds, the Solaris can emulate a Microwave I, and both can do so much more than anything else out there. Yes, a lot of money for both, but an incredible combination. I hardly use any of my other synths these days, apart from the MKS-80.
***** Not the classic two-osc analog polysynths like the Prophet 5 or OB-x series... those, you can get *one* for about the same price... or pay more for a Jupiter 8.
+Ammer Reduron there is no "commercial success" intended here. this is a niche boutique synth with currently only 250 in the world. The next batch will release another 50. It is sometimes available in one or two units at thomann, a japanese store and a german store named lindberg something something, but purchase is generally made directly from john bowen.
I'd settle for a Prophet VS. I've always liked the vector joysticks like the one on my Wavestation EX, but this is so way out there... and so is the price.
Last used Prophet VS sold on eBay for $800 more than the Solaris brand new. The Solaris has a joystick that can vector just like the VS, but also can 4 way crossfade all kinds of functions.
Ce truc est une farce pour riche Kévin aux oreilles endommagées d'mp3 😀 Il se passe RIEN! Le mec(aux oreilles très éguisées) a beau chercher avec les oscillo ou les filtres des erreurs ou des variations qui vont lui apporter un feeling ou quelque chose! mais il réalise progressivement qu'il est devant un mur! une pierre tombale! Froide,figée,droite et austère! Du coup,le son est tellement parfait que........ les presets défilent! Prix 5000€!
;-) Au moins tu réagis (que ça plaise ou non) et ça c'est cool! C'est que tu es passionné. Mais possédant un Solaris (et d'autres synthés mythiques mais cette fois analo), je peux te dire que le Solaris est vraiment incroyable! Essaie d'en avoir un entre les mains si tu peux un jour, et tu repenseras à cet échange :)
C'est pas les caractéristiques du synthé qui me font vibrer,mais le son qu'il produit Actuellement les nouveaux synthé numérique(et neoanalo) sont plat et sans vie et le problème du solaris(je pense) et qu'il est trop parfait dans le son,en gros ya rien qui dépasse et en plus(pour moi) les sons(si complexes soit ils) n'ont rien de musicale! Le test ultime pour un synthé c'est de jouer en groupe avec des guitares une basse et une batterie ! Et là le numérique révèle son principal défaut Je pense que tous ces synthé son idéal pour jouer seul ou sur ordinateur! J'ai un waldorf Q qui a 15 ans ! Il est encore plus puissant en term technique que le prophet 12 et le son et certe numérique mais d'une qualité autre. Parmi les nouveautés,en numérique je trouve le novation mininova très bon dans son domaine et très beau aussi Le prophet 12 me fait de l'oeil c'est sur car je m'éclate beaucoup Avec le vst pro53(simple efficace et musical dans les sons produits) mais j'ai peur qu'il soit très loin du vst en terme sonore(ce que j'ai entendu me le laisse penser) Ensuite le MFB dominion 1 à 1300€ en analogique(mono oscillateur) et les deux autre numérique à l'air d'envoyer sévère,il a un son puissant et très old school Le solaris coûte un bras pour avoir le même rendu avec le vst sur une carte son creamware ou autre full Dsp! D'autant plus que j'ai vu un truc "synthproject" le mec fait des contrôleur à l'identique du VST! C'est extra! Et nous prouvent que pour une poignée de dollars on peut avoir mieux qu'un synthé constructeur a 3000€ (qui est un vst avec contrôleur) Pour moi ya encore un gros probleme avec le prix et le suivi Les mec passent leurs temps à attendre des mise à jour sur leur synthé pendant que les vieux jouent de la musique avec leurs reliques 😝
Mais peut-être tu possède aussi le prophet12 ? C'est vrai qu'il s'est fait descendre dans les tests et les coms. soit disant beaucoup d'aliasing et un manque de bass..mouais 🙅 Il est vrai que j'ai descendu aussi le P12 mais pour d'autre critères,à savoir que le prix est très élevé quand on vois ce qu'il y a dedans... rien ! Un PCB minuscule,des cartes contrôleur et une alimentation plutôt minable au regard des derniers moog numérique et en plus de fabrication asiatique(assemblée à San Francisco) ça fait chère la vis américaine 😁 Au delà de ça le synthé m'attire dans un seul objectif 👉 est il sonorement et manuellement comme le pro 53(VST) Produit il des sons cuivré et tranchant? Mais à ce niveau je sais qu'il est à des années lumière d'un prophet 5 Bref, as tu essayé ce fameux prophet12? Est t il proche du pro53? Hélas aucun magasin proche de chez moi ne le possède 😞 Mes coups de gueule peuvent paraître démesurés et vieux con Mais je suis allé chez mon magasin de musique près de chez moi il y a un mois Cela faisait 10 ans que je ni était pas allé oui 10ans ! Et bien il y avais un moog slimphaty,un nordlead4, un MS 20 mini et des volca korg Ayant l'habitude de les voir en vidéo ou dans des magazines Quand j'ai mis les mains dessus Seigneur!!!! Mais c'est de la MERDE!!! J'ai été choqué même ! la qualité médiocre des touches,les boutons plus mou que le cul d'une vieille,et désaxés comme un patient du BS,ça fait clong cleuk clouk que des bruits qui en disent long, ect...ect...carrément flippant pour le prix !! Certain disent que les prix sont cool par rapport à avant et qu'on a du bol et blablabla Pas de bol j'ai un tas de magazines musique de 80 à 2014 chez moi(oui jsui presque vieux 😁😭) Un andromedaA6 coûtais en 2007 2100€ ! Quel synthé ! Mais déjà de fabrication douteuse (date fatidique👉2001) Plus on remonte les années des instruments plus les prix baissent et plus la qualité augmente or ce devrais être l'inverse !!! Quand pense tu? 😉
5 Grand for some sweet sounding pads that I can only manipulate via a bunch of dot matrix screens? Umm....pass! Someone tell John Bowen we have invented something called a computer that has a full color display with high resolution graphics!
+Divady J _David Paulet_ Non,j'en ai un,bon,c'est plutot un synthé de recherche,pour faire du pur sound design,apres ce synthé c'est un exercice de style d'un ingenieur un peu fou.T'as tout sur ce synthé absolument ttes les commandes possibles,mais pas vraiment simple a utiliser,y'a des sons très bien d'autres comme toi on voit pas dans quoi on pourrait les mettre,mais on peut empiler des voies et en enlever comme on veux donc on peut qd meme caler ces sons dans pas mal de prod;..ça depend de ce que tu fait...
+djilyaz He's doing everything possible to make it sound big, drench it in reverb, delays, chorus, double fisted chords, detuning, this is my opinion, and mine only, for $4k you can do much, much better, like a $150 volca keys, or $400 roland jdxi, but my whole setup cost about 1/2 of what this synth costs, maybe I just represent the frugal musician.
Katsunori UJIIE is the best synthesizer salesman! I listened to his demo and now I want one. To all synth companies - Give this guy a synth and he could sell it for you and sack your marketing department. He makes this look like a brilliantly designed synth with immense versatility and intuitive too.
This may be your best demo yet, Katsunori.
Great job!!!
Katsunori, WE LOVE YOU!
Deep, rich and stellar sounds. Looks cool too. This instrument design is fine art . . .
It's a monster... something like a polyphonic minimoog + PPG wave + Oberheim 8 voice! Impressive...
Wonder how it stacks against the Moog One now. Still cheaper!
stellar synth!
Domo arigato for another GREAT video, Katsunori! :) I recently purchased an OB-6 and a Voyager, but if I had seen this video before I made those purchases, I may have just bought the Solaris first. I believe that I will make ordering a Solaris my goal for 2017. Karada ni kiwo tsukete, itsumo genki de ite kudasai. :)
This is UA-cam - wait til you hear it in person. It's possible the best-sounding synth since the analog modular systems of the 60s. And with polyphony and more = etc. Incredible design.
Brian Kehew how can you compare analog mono modular synthesizer this to an all digital poly synth.
Wow amazing you are demoing this! It's got a brill name hasn't it......and it looks really cool.....lovely glassy sounds........wish I could play one! Like another person said it's like a modern JD800
a dream keyboard ,great demo ty
From the John Bowen site:
What do the following entertainment industry veterans all have in common?
•J.J. Abrams (Alias, Lost, Star Trek, Star Wars 7&9)
•Harry Gregson-Williams (The Martian, all Shrek films, Wolverine)
•Dave Porter (Breaking Bad, The Blacklist)
•Ty Unwin (UK composer for BBC, ITV, TLC and Discovery)
•Matt Johnson ("TheThe")
They all purchased a Solaris! Don’t be left out - get yours ordered today before the last production round is sold out!
See the Purchase page for more information. Sept 2018 update
Price is $4199. If prepaid in full, there is a $200 discount.
From a sound design perspective this synth is a wonderland. I'd trade a couple of my analog instruments for one of these.
4k is actually very affordable for what this synth offers in sound quality and sound design possibilities. He doesn't say so but it is a digital modular synth but with the plus of doing many other types of systems synthesis as well. So it's like having have a polyphonic modular. I wonder it can process incoming audio through its modules and the cv/gate in addition to audio out.
This is the best synth Ive heard on your channel UJIIE!
I am guessing you did not watch the prophet-5 demo??
This sounds great. As an analog polysynth, it actually sounds better than a Moog One. And the Wavetable capabilities are a big bonus, allowing for some digital sounds. But it's quite expensive. I'd probably save $1000 and buy a Waldorf Quantum instead, unless the analog modeling was important.
English sub-title is available now!
musictrackjp Great demo! I can understand your demos better than most demos, even though I don't speak Japanese! Arigato Gozaimas!!
+musictrackjp finally!!! plz add in subtitles for old videos as well...
Good Lord, this thing sounds incredible even through crappy speakers O_O
It eats Viruses/Virii for breakfast
Grande Katsunori, eccezionale come sempre! Questo John Bowen Solaris è fantastico!!
I think categorizing this as VA, or comparing it to an analog synth, like so many do, is a huge mistake. While it does a very good job at VA, any analog purist would purchase something analog first. But the Solaris is a much, much deeper machine than that, with extensive, and expansive modulation capabilities, capable of producing an incredibly diverse palette of sounds. Plus with it's layout of knobs and displays, a power user can program it significantly easier than any VST, and use in performance expressively. It also has the most powerful processing chips possible, which translates into virtually stepless articulation and no aliasing to even the most discerning and critical listener. It's also going to give the machine purity and clarity at the high end, and balls at the bottom end, across nearly every patch, not to mention maybe the lowest floor noise out of any instrument available.
Very good demonstration
I watch most all of your demo/ reviews. Your opinion and playing is very important to my buying choices. I do wish you did English reviews I know you speak English. But I follow the translations pretty well. Right now I'm trying to decide between John Bowen Solaris, Radikal Technoloies Accelerator, or the new British synth Modal or Modulus 002 which I hope you'll demo review soon! Of course in time I can have all three but trying to decide which comes first!
Mark Eubanks the ol' Beemer Benz or Bently quandry, yes... how will we cope.
Best digital synth.sounds near 55% analog which is really good
Interesting machine !
Sounds like a direct fight against the Prophet 12..?
Although it can sound so convincingly analog , the Solaris is completely digital-which lets it change personalities to suit your needs. Several synth architectures are available, including three types of vintage analog modeling, sample playback, and vector and wavetable synthesis. For effects, you get delay, chorus/flanger, phaser, and three-band EQ.The Solaris is not multi-timbral; but the Solaris’s 32-bit, 96kHz audio engine gives it a pristine sound that sparkles with personality……@ US$3,999. Its not cheap !
No wonder it's so damned expensive! It's all right here!!! And I thought the PPG Wave was so incredible...... Forget the emulations, like the B3, that's crap compared to what it can do! It's alive! It's ALIVE!
Somehow it just sounds like HD compared to other synths. Yet it also sounds like other digital synths! But it has an absolute killer sound and flexibility.
Best reviews ever. Thank you Mr. Katsunori. :)
It strikes my ears as much the same tone as the Korg DW8000. In fact, I played the demo of the DW8000 done by Analog Audio and they share a lot of the same spirit. However, I am sure it is capable of far more. It has a useful sound, made a lot better by your playing.
***** I have both Kronos and Solaris and would not change them for five to ten classic keyboards. Plus, the Kronos can import classic DX sounds, the Solaris can emulate a Microwave I, and both can do so much more than anything else out there. Yes, a lot of money for both, but an incredible combination. I hardly use any of my other synths these days, apart from the MKS-80.
Not the classic two-osc analog polysynths like the Prophet 5 or OB-x series... those, you can get *one* for about the same price... or pay more for a Jupiter 8.
5:00 Wow... that would sound like an awesome opening at a stadium grade gig :) Great synth
I don't see any reverb. Is this normal?
what a beast
What a treat :)
Wow 👌
i have never even seen one so i doubt the commercial success of this synth but it sounds darn good for multi use, what a beast!
+Ammer Reduron there is no "commercial success" intended here. this is a niche boutique synth with currently only 250 in the world. The next batch will release another 50. It is sometimes available in one or two units at thomann, a japanese store and a german store named lindberg something something, but purchase is generally made directly from john bowen.
Рётр Ваш и спасибо. . Точка.
I gotta have me one of these!
John Bowen - You're so busy building them that you haven't put one aside for yourself yet.
We'll, I'm not the John Bowen that builds them!
Can someone tell me if this audio is really Solaris, and is there any kontakt library for sale??
wow where can I get one and how much?
3:15 Rotor Dreams
( o´∀`)o すごぉい!、このコックピット感たまりませんね。ルックスも音も要塞みたい。
John Bowen should do soft synths... both the Solaris and the Scope platform are WAY too expensive. Great sounding stuff though.
Замечательно очень
Il suono più bello
I'd settle for a Prophet VS. I've always liked the vector joysticks like the one on my Wavestation EX, but this is so way out there... and so is the price.
Last used Prophet VS sold on eBay for $800 more than the Solaris brand new. The Solaris has a joystick that can vector just like the VS, but also can 4 way crossfade all kinds of functions.
This synth is a masterpiece!
Finally a modern equal to the Roland JD-800
Good suggestion for Katsunori-san to review the JD-800 some day.
At 6 x the price.
This synth is so freakin awesome !!
Gamen ippai, kore!
Monster synth.
All the patches have a similar audio quality to me even with headphones....I'm sure it's different playing the actual instrument.....
Joystick used by KORG M50..
If you look for a comparable synth that sounds as good but less than half the price: Arturia Origin !
I can get most of those sound with NI Kontakt! And at 1/100 price! Sorry John.
But GREAT compliments Katsunori!
+Master Butz you cannot get the same immediacy though
The same immediacy don't deserve the price.
It's a good synth. But play an obxa and you will FEEL the Goosebumps rise on your skin.
Play any instrument well and you get the same effect.
Eddie JobsonやDave Stewertに使ってほしい。リボンコントローラーも最高。
Спс::))). Точка. Без либы. Точа.
lcd screens! more screens!
Price:AU $4,799.00
Approximately C $4,755.28 My God :D
Петя Вашь Хороши
Sounds (and looks) like an Uber-Wavestation to me. Sans Wave Sequencing.
Ce truc est une farce pour riche Kévin aux oreilles endommagées d'mp3 😀
Il se passe RIEN!
Le mec(aux oreilles très éguisées)
a beau chercher avec les oscillo ou les filtres des erreurs ou des variations qui vont lui apporter un feeling ou quelque chose!
mais il réalise progressivement qu'il est devant un mur!
une pierre tombale!
Froide,figée,droite et austère!
Du coup,le son est tellement parfait que........
les presets défilent!
Prix 5000€!
On dit "oreilles très aiguisées" ^ ^
Et langue phourchu 😁
J'étais fatigai kan jé ékri seu comantère 😨
;-) Au moins tu réagis (que ça plaise ou non) et ça c'est cool! C'est que tu es passionné. Mais possédant un Solaris (et d'autres synthés mythiques mais cette fois analo), je peux te dire que le Solaris est vraiment incroyable!
Essaie d'en avoir un entre les mains si tu peux un jour, et tu repenseras à cet échange :)
C'est pas les caractéristiques du synthé qui me font vibrer,mais le son qu'il produit
Actuellement les nouveaux synthé numérique(et neoanalo) sont plat et sans vie et le problème du solaris(je pense) et qu'il est trop parfait dans le son,en gros ya rien qui dépasse et en plus(pour moi) les sons(si complexes soit ils) n'ont rien de musicale!
Le test ultime pour un synthé c'est de jouer en groupe avec des guitares une basse et une batterie !
Et là le numérique révèle son principal défaut
Je pense que tous ces synthé son idéal pour jouer seul ou sur ordinateur!
J'ai un waldorf Q qui a 15 ans ! Il est encore plus puissant en term technique que le prophet 12 et le son et certe numérique mais d'une qualité autre.
Parmi les nouveautés,en numérique je trouve le novation mininova très bon dans son domaine et très beau aussi
Le prophet 12 me fait de l'oeil c'est sur car je m'éclate beaucoup Avec le vst pro53(simple efficace et musical dans les sons produits) mais j'ai peur qu'il soit très loin du vst en terme sonore(ce que j'ai entendu me le laisse penser)
Ensuite le MFB dominion 1 à 1300€ en analogique(mono oscillateur) et les deux autre numérique à l'air d'envoyer sévère,il a un son puissant et très old school
Le solaris coûte un bras pour avoir le même rendu avec le vst sur une carte son creamware ou autre full Dsp!
D'autant plus que j'ai vu un truc "synthproject" le mec fait des contrôleur à l'identique du VST!
C'est extra! Et nous prouvent que pour une poignée de dollars on peut avoir mieux qu'un synthé constructeur a 3000€ (qui est un vst avec contrôleur)
Pour moi ya encore un gros probleme avec le prix et le suivi
Les mec passent leurs temps à attendre des mise à jour sur leur synthé pendant que les vieux jouent de la musique avec leurs reliques 😝
Mais peut-être tu possède aussi le prophet12 ?
C'est vrai qu'il s'est fait descendre dans les tests et les coms.
soit disant beaucoup d'aliasing et un manque de bass..mouais 🙅
Il est vrai que j'ai descendu aussi le P12 mais pour d'autre critères,à savoir que le prix est très élevé quand on vois ce qu'il y a dedans...
rien ! Un PCB minuscule,des cartes contrôleur et une alimentation plutôt minable au regard des derniers moog numérique et en plus de fabrication asiatique(assemblée à San Francisco) ça fait chère la vis américaine 😁
Au delà de ça le synthé m'attire dans un seul objectif 👉 est il sonorement et manuellement comme le pro 53(VST)
Produit il des sons cuivré et tranchant?
Mais à ce niveau je sais qu'il est à des années lumière d'un prophet 5
as tu essayé ce fameux prophet12?
Est t il proche du pro53?
Hélas aucun magasin proche de chez moi ne le possède 😞
Mes coups de gueule peuvent paraître démesurés et vieux con
Mais je suis allé chez mon magasin de musique près de chez moi il y a un mois
Cela faisait 10 ans que je ni était pas allé oui 10ans !
Et bien il y avais un moog slimphaty,un nordlead4, un MS 20 mini et des volca korg
Ayant l'habitude de les voir en vidéo ou dans des magazines
Quand j'ai mis les mains dessus
Mais c'est de la MERDE!!!
J'ai été choqué même !
la qualité médiocre des touches,les boutons plus mou que le cul d'une vieille,et désaxés comme un patient du BS,ça fait clong cleuk clouk que des bruits qui en disent long, ect...ect...carrément flippant pour le prix !!
Certain disent que les prix sont cool par rapport à avant et qu'on a du bol et blablabla
Pas de bol j'ai un tas de magazines musique de 80 à 2014 chez moi(oui jsui presque vieux 😁😭)
Un andromedaA6 coûtais en 2007
2100€ ! Quel synthé ! Mais déjà de fabrication douteuse
(date fatidique👉2001)
Plus on remonte les années des instruments plus les prix baissent et plus la qualité augmente or ce devrais être l'inverse !!!
Quand pense tu?
A new set of 100 Presets is now available:
Compared to this even the A6 looks simple to operate.
Only 6 LCD displays? :-)
I'd rather have an Alesis Andromeda...half the price too...
when the day comes that i am lucky enough to own the andromeda I will be the happiest man alive
filed under things I can never afford ...
Now that's a pretty software synth, I do say.
This is not a synth, it's a SOUND MACHINE. The VA is not too convincing though.
BTW, I love the modern version of hands-on control.
. Точа и ладнышко
Петя рядом
5 Grand for some sweet sounding pads that I can only manipulate via a bunch of dot matrix screens? Umm....pass!
Someone tell John Bowen we have invented something called a computer that has a full color display with high resolution graphics!
I think there was the software version of this synth for the creamware/sonic core scope system before this harware version.
You sir are not a sucker born every minute! Haha!
what the fuck have you invented?
18:22 synth glory
sounds very thin for a 4 osc synth
seeyouintheeighties I played one. It is not thin
Sounds anything but thin in the video.
Great synth. Same soundness on every patch for a huge let down.
a HQ virtual/digital synth! not a 'physical' sound - no goosebumps... - etheral qualities here!
sans dec je vois pas comment utiliser ces sons de m dans une prod...a part faire du jmj ....ces sons sont a chier...
+Divady J _David Paulet_ Non,j'en ai un,bon,c'est plutot un synthé de recherche,pour faire du pur sound design,apres ce synthé c'est un exercice de style d'un ingenieur un peu fou.T'as tout sur ce synthé absolument ttes les commandes possibles,mais pas vraiment simple a utiliser,y'a des sons très bien d'autres comme toi on voit pas dans quoi on pourrait les mettre,mais on peut empiler des voies et en enlever comme on veux donc on peut qd meme caler ces sons dans pas mal de prod;..ça depend de ce que tu fait...
+Divady J _David Paulet_ pauv naz aucune imagination
Jesus-Régis Abdul Kthulhu Alhazred Bruno
Jesus-Régis Abdul Kthulhu Alhazred 0
Jesus-Régis Abdul Kthulhu Alhazred p 0
nope. Instead spend your money on a killer row of eurorack modules.
Петя тут
Weak, sounds like a kurzweil k2000, but worse, and all the reverb is annoying. Basses sound vst like.
+djilyaz u r a troll or a company shill...
+djilyaz So a K2000 is weak? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
+Siegfried Zhukov What's a shill?
+Karim Nasser K2000 is 25 year old tech, sounds good for 1990, I had one and sold it for $250
+djilyaz He's doing everything possible to make it sound big, drench it in reverb, delays, chorus, double fisted chords, detuning, this is my opinion, and mine only, for $4k you can do much, much better, like a $150 volca keys, or $400 roland jdxi, but my whole setup cost about 1/2 of what this synth costs, maybe I just represent the frugal musician.
Plastic warm.