Since I have been in this hobby, about 12 years now, I have found building with racing parts, truing, painting and going to several different friends tracks, both wooden routed and various plastic tracks to be a real fun time. I really enjoy replacing some parts with aftermarket racing parts then testing on a 36” circle track on a 48” half sheet of routed and painted MDF Board to get the cars as fast as I can and equal precise times in both directions to make sure that the car is handling equally…I do not race enough to consider myself a racer as much as I do a builder. Hopefully, I will have both a Digital and Analog track within a year and I am looking forward to it!
Wow, 51 yes old here and just bought my 1st carrera go track not sure if it's digital or analog yet. If it's analog I'll play woth it for a sec and give it to grandson and buy myself a digital track. Great video!!!! Thank you very much, I didn't know any of that.
Let's be honest here, every slot car is a toy. Period! I don't get the superior mentality some guys have. Maybe the higher cost of these so called (hobby grade) cars are how they justify the cost to their wives idk. I have a few of just about every brand of slot and guess what? Same parts in each, and alot of the time the higher end cars have less value under the hood then the more popular brands ie. Scalextric or Carrera. Just buy what you can afford and have fun. That's what this hobby is all about. Bringing together family and friends both big and small just to have fun. All Slot cars are toys and should be treated as such. Great beginners video and helps the new people out. One thing I would add is that if people who are on the fence about what brand of track to get, know that if you go Carrera you will need a lot of space I started 10 x 20 and still had to expand as I mostly use Carrera digital 1:32 tracks this particular brand is a monster.
Really good video, very informative. Makes me want to get back into the hobby. The pit lane is such a good idea. I love the track layout that you have put together.
This is by far the best video with all the explanations. I bought 2 tracks. But it looks like, I only need one with additional track sets. I want to have about 50 ft.
I just wanted to give a shout out thank you as a 33 year old married man with no kids who is sick of Biden’s world lookin for a hobby to forget this current looney tunes crap world to you for a modernized introduction to a hobby I always wanted as a kid and now as an adult can afford to do BIG LEAGUE and CORRECT. Carrera digital 132 race to victory arrived yesterday, I have aftermarket controllers, lots more track, pits, app connect, shoulders and more cars coming. Again thank you for making this channel I really enjoy your videos. They are a big help to me as someone just getting started. Thank you again.
Thanks for the video. I just jumped into Carrera digital with both feet , thanks for the information. What tires do you like? Where do you buy your tires? Analog you can't change lanes, that's why I went digital and racing 6 people at once on 2 lanes.
Great video thanks. Grew up on analog AFX but I just got my first carrera digital start your engine track setup. Not sure I can make it til Christmas to play with it...don't judge me I'm a big kid!! 🙂
Hi "Garage of Slotcars", track-wise, what set(s)/box(es) did you use to build your 54~56 foot layout? I mean, what do I need to buy (component list) to build such a layout aside from the cars? Thank you for taking the time and effort to "(re-)educate" an older generation and to initiate a younger generation to genuine vintage "wholesome" hobbies we (elders) grew up with (slot cars, train sets, construction sets, ...). May Peace be with you, Ciao, L
The set i started with, they don't sell anymore. Any Carrera 1/32 digital set will have everything you need to get started. Then you can add the pit lane, and Bluetooth adapter for the app and more track pieces as you go. I started small and grew the layout little by little
@@garageofslotcars Hi, thank you, that would be great! Especially since I do have young "guests" like you that I would like to "anchor" in slot car racing (instead of Tic Tok)! We really appreciate sharing your work, Ciao, L
Hi Jeremy (I believe), thank you so much for uploading the list of parts needed a few days ago. My "guests" (grand kids) are thrilled and anxiously waiting for "grand-pa" getting the necessary supplies. On the other hand, "grand-ma" (i.e. my wife) who has suffered my railroad modeling, model building, and now slot-car racing "addiction issues" is wondering where is this all going to lead to. I thank you for time, efforts, and love that you give your followers/subscribers sharing your knowledge. Peace be with you, Ciao, L
Dude, this is awesome! Used to run HO cars when I was a kid with my Dad. Then we graduated to Scaletric slot cars. Had a 4 lane track in the basement on 2, 4x8 boards. That was probably almost 25 years ago now. I’m turning 40 next year and want to get back into the hobby as a 40th gift to myself and set a Carerra digital track up in my garage. This video is extremely helpful! I’m halfway through your video now, so maybe you answer this but do you remove the magnets to add more of a challenge? Is that a common thing to do? I’ve never heard of that but seems interesting. Also, from everything I’ve seen, I think I want to buy digital. Does that seem to be the most supported type of racing though?
@mattjenkinscomic I do remove the magnets now, I think I still had them in this video..Carrera digital is very supported, Scalextric and Pioneer have chips for carrera that are plug and play
Wow - Fantastic video! - Do you know if there is a track planner that will suggets possible tracks to build if you enter the pieces you have into Inventory? Also - How did you build your framework to support the table tops for the track?
Excellent question 👏. You can use either, if you use the track controll it will over ride all previous settings and vice versa if you use the app and then press apply you see the lights program on the track controller. Hope this makes sense. Another way to say is the app is like an additional set of buttons for the track
Are you in the KC area? Are there any meetup groups? I'd like to learn more about this hobby and see people's setups in the area! I just bought a 132 set today with expansions and cars.
If you adjust / set car power and brakes in carrera cu and then turn on smart race and the power/ brakes are different which will the car respond / listen too?
Question, how do you change the voice between male and female on Smart Race? You have a male voice on yours, I have a female voice , cant seem to find a setting for that .
The 1/24 cars need a bigger power supply. You can buy one or if you want to run 1/24 you should buy a 1/24 set to begin with, that way you have the bigger power supply. The track is the same and if you have the bigger power supply it will work with both 1/32 and 1/24. Here is a link
Love your layout! :) Just curious, how long is your track and do you use an after market power supply? "Different than the Carrera one in the starter sets" Thanks!
Carrera is big track, i think 4 foot by 6 foot would probably be the smallest you could do. If your short on space Scalextric track is not as wide and has tighter turns
Once programed the pace car sits in the pits untill you press the pace car button, then the pace car comes out and everyones laps stop being counted untill you press the pacecar button again and it will return to the pits
You can use 6 wired controllers. 4 plug right into the control unit. If you use 6 you need to by an adapter piece to plug in the last 2. Their are 3rd party wireless, i dont have any but Frankinslots i know has one and there are other ones i cant think of right now
@@garageofslotcars Thank you for the quick response. Can you explain the different classes, we all have BMW, R8, Corvette and Lambo's type cars. I look forward to your 5 favorite. Thanks again.
Aww man thanks for the quick response. I downloaded the German software but at the moment not having any success getting it loaded. Merry Christmas@@garageofslotcars
got the smart race app ..but its not letting me re-fuel , any suggestions ?. it shows the fuel consumption from 100% down to 0% but when i hit the pits it will not fill..? also dont seem to assign contollers correctly..or do can you assign the controllers via app? Thx
When you assign the controller in the app it only does it in the app, you also have to assign it with the track controller. Not letting you refuel is something i have not experienced. Do you have the sensor track piece that says fuel on it?
@whitmanft Im not sure what could be wrong. The track piece that has the word fuel on it has the sensor so your car has to be past that. Maybe the car is sliding side ways a little and missing that sensor?
@@garageofslotcars its passing the sensor still not letting you to re-fuel.. the fuel re-fill option works if you leave the fuel button on the control panel and run w/ fuel on just as if you didnt have the app ..just running out of fuel watching for your car lights to flash..then stop flashing when its full of fuel ,..the smart app will not recognize fuel that way..everything else seems ok on the app ..but like i said earlier with the fuel button off on the control panel it will show fuel amounts and will decrease as you drive the car even tell you you need to re-fuel but if i pull in the pits and hold the lane changer down nothing happens.. i may be doing something wrong on the settings..???
@@garageofslotcars I am limited by space to about 6 feet by 11 feet including borders. Do you know of a track planner that a beginner like me could use. I am buying the Carrera 30031 Retro Grand Prix starter set that comes with 30.5 feet. I'd like to add to this track design,
Hello newbie here... was hoping for some expert experienced help. I have my track together but am struggling getting it snugged up. Whats the secret if there is one???
The only trick i know is on the red clips that hold the track together, you can bend the middle parts up so they clip tighter. Also if the track just doesnt line up they sell 1/4 and 1/3 straight pieces
I haven't done the math on everything 🙃. A digital starter set with controllers and a couple of cars is 300 - 400 dollars and then you can expand from there
@lemarfosterjr4773 thats a good one! I also just started with a starter set. They are all good so i say pick the one that comes with the cars you like best
It's too bad they don't have a AI ghost car feature. This would make the ghost car "see" your position on the track and actually speed up/change lanes. Maybe there is something like that out there but I'm not sure.
I've put a couple of the Carrera digital chips in the other types of cars, and it's usually pretty simple if you just melt the IR sensor hole with a soldering iron. I planned on putting mounting them with Velcro or something, and putting a single quick connector on each of the cars so I can just swap the little circuit boards around with ease instead of constantly buying more conversion boards for a fortune... I love the Carrera stuff, but I'm very annoyed with their prices. There's no way a new digital 1/32 bare minimum track set with 2 cars should cost over $500, that's ridiculous! This is why I am in the process of using what I have and switching to 3D printed chassis for 1/24 and 1/25 scale model kits, and the DIY track, but reusing the rest of the Carrera system with it. I can't give that greedy company money like that anymore... You can buy tiny Arduino microcontroller boards for under $10 that have built in WiFi and Bluetooth and all kinds of other abilities and expendabilities that blow any of those companies sets away! I plan on running the tracks full speed and just using the microcontrollers in the cars to adjust the voltage and speed from the track, and toss a small battery in the car as well to keep it communicating when the car comes off the track. The only thing that is costly is the plastic models now, which are way over priced! But I'm able to 3D scan any other car I want to spend the time on recreating in Blender and then 3D printing, so there is that alternative as well at least... You can also buy slot car chassis for plastic model cars that are resizable and you just Velcro the body onto it, which I LOVE the look of! The little aluminum rims and the rubber tires with the white printing on the tire walls look so cool! Anyway, my original point to all of this nattering on I was doing here, was that you can melt the hole for the sensor in the bottom of the other brand cars and then velcro the digital circuit boards in, add a single quick connect hookup for all the cars and boards, and even Velcro the bodies of the cars back on so they are super easy to swap out, so you don't have to buy a digital board for every car you have, which would help you to be able to afford more cars and be able to use them easily!
That's very interesting, you sound pretty knowledgeable and creative. Do you have a youtube, Instagram page where you post videos or pics? Seems like it would be a good resource for the adventuring slot car hobbyists.
Sounds like the drinking game umm how I met your mother TV show umm. Every time umm was said did have to take a shot of hard alcohol umm if I had to take that many shots I'd be so drunk. umm I'd like the TV show how I met your mother but umm I wouldn't want to take that many shots of alcohol because I would be on the floor.
This is an introduction? You told me nothing which makes any sense. I don't know the purpose of the magnet but you mentioned it and just kept going. Nothing about the car, the motor, the controller, how the track works, how to install anything, what the voltage is, how the electrical setup works, how to hop up a car. From what I saw on a different video the cars just run at top speed all the time, they never flip or jump out if the slot, never wreck. I still know almost zero about this system. Digital?? WTH??
Hi tbillyjoe - why don't you make your own videos and let viewers criticize you instead making negative comments about this gentleman who took time and effort to describe the hobby for most newcomers? There are plenty of sites/YT and similar documentation on the web if you cannot figure it out yourself - Being civilized and polite in your comments will not hurt anyone - Ciao, L
Ty Sir, Im going on 62 in Jan, after listening to you This will be my New Hobby Next Year , Looking Forward to it and Retirement 😊❤
67 myself. So fun. 9 switch tracks. And growing.
You’re so fortunate, I’m 48 and still grinding. I can picture it and I envy you, I hope you enjoy it to the fullest.
Great beginner video for Carrera digital. Thanks for posting!
Wow, this video actually entices me to get invested in this hobby! I have been looking for an interesting hobby and this might be it. Great video.
Since I have been in this hobby, about 12 years now, I have found building with racing parts, truing, painting and going to several different friends tracks, both wooden routed and various plastic tracks to be a real fun time. I really enjoy replacing some parts with aftermarket racing parts then testing on a 36” circle track on a 48” half sheet of routed and painted MDF Board to get the cars as fast as I can and equal precise times in both directions to make sure that the car is handling equally…I do not race enough to consider myself a racer as much as I do a builder. Hopefully, I will have both a Digital and Analog track within a year and I am looking forward to it!
You can also modify car performance. Motors, tires, brushes, they have performance chips also.
What size is your track
Thank You this video was comfortable to listen to and informative
Wow, 51 yes old here and just bought my 1st carrera go track not sure if it's digital or analog yet. If it's analog I'll play woth it for a sec and give it to grandson and buy myself a digital track. Great video!!!! Thank you very much, I didn't know any of that.
Let's be honest here, every slot car is a toy. Period! I don't get the superior mentality some guys have. Maybe the higher cost of these so called (hobby grade) cars are how they justify the cost to their wives idk. I have a few of just about every brand of slot and guess what? Same parts in each, and alot of the time the higher end cars have less value under the hood then the more popular brands ie. Scalextric or Carrera. Just buy what you can afford and have fun. That's what this hobby is all about. Bringing together family and friends both big and small just to have fun. All Slot cars are toys and should be treated as such. Great beginners video and helps the new people out. One thing I would add is that if people who are on the fence about what brand of track to get, know that if you go Carrera you will need a lot of space I started 10 x 20 and still had to expand as I mostly use Carrera digital 1:32 tracks this particular brand is a monster.
Thanks for all the info, Picking up my first Carrera digital set tomorrow.
Really good video, very informative. Makes me want to get back into the hobby. The pit lane is such a good idea. I love the track layout that you have put together.
This is by far the best video with all the explanations.
I bought 2 tracks. But it looks like, I only need one with additional track sets. I want to have about 50 ft.
Nice basic video for newbies. Thanks.
Thanks for a very informative video. If only I had the space (and the money!) for such a setup.
Thanks for the introduction. Going to buy a set now!👍🏻
Jeremy well done. This video is very helpful. Thanks Rob
This is great! I am here, at this point.
I just wanted to give a shout out thank you as a 33 year old married man with no kids who is sick of Biden’s world lookin for a hobby to forget this current looney tunes crap world to you for a modernized introduction to a hobby I always wanted as a kid and now as an adult can afford to do BIG LEAGUE and CORRECT. Carrera digital 132 race to victory arrived yesterday, I have aftermarket controllers, lots more track, pits, app connect, shoulders and more cars coming. Again thank you for making this channel I really enjoy your videos. They are a big help to me as someone just getting started. Thank you again.
Great insight, really helpful and appreciated, many thanks!
Thanks for the video. I just jumped into Carrera digital with both feet , thanks for the information.
What tires do you like?
Where do you buy your tires?
Analog you can't change lanes, that's why I went digital and racing 6 people at once on 2 lanes.
For tires I like Paul Gage urethane, I buy them online from slotcar corner
Thank you for the videos! My fav part of your track area is the Chiefs flags! I live in KC too. You have me interested in joining the hobby. TY!
Just getting into this; this was a GREAT video. Thanks so much!
What a great setup! I need to get a track setup. My 60's Monogram wont cut it anymore.
Thank you for this one ...i hate reading manuals so you have saved me 😊.. great post 👍
Great video thanks. Grew up on analog AFX but I just got my first carrera digital start your engine track setup. Not sure I can make it til Christmas to play with it...don't judge me I'm a big kid!! 🙂
I had no idea these digital set ups had so many features , I think I’ll sell my TCR and look for this brand , thanks
Cool Video! I recently bought a Carrera GT Race Battle Set. I really like the Ghost Car Option on it.
Great information. New to your channel.👍👍👍👍
Hi "Garage of Slotcars", track-wise, what set(s)/box(es) did you use to build your 54~56 foot layout? I mean, what do I need to buy (component list) to build such a layout aside from the cars? Thank you for taking the time and effort to "(re-)educate" an older generation and to initiate a younger generation to genuine vintage "wholesome" hobbies we (elders) grew up with (slot cars, train sets, construction sets, ...). May Peace be with you, Ciao, L
The set i started with, they don't sell anymore. Any Carrera 1/32 digital set will have everything you need to get started. Then you can add the pit lane, and Bluetooth adapter for the app and more track pieces as you go. I started small and grew the layout little by little
I have had several people ask about the layout, so this weekend i will make a walk around video of all the pieces needed
@@garageofslotcars Hi, thank you, that would be great! Especially since I do have young "guests" like you that I would like to "anchor" in slot car racing (instead of Tic Tok)! We really appreciate sharing your work, Ciao, L
Hi Jeremy (I believe), thank you so much for uploading the list of parts needed a few days ago. My "guests" (grand kids) are thrilled and anxiously waiting for "grand-pa" getting the necessary supplies. On the other hand, "grand-ma" (i.e. my wife) who has suffered my railroad modeling, model building, and now slot-car racing "addiction issues" is wondering where is this all going to lead to. I thank you for time, efforts, and love that you give your followers/subscribers sharing your knowledge. Peace be with you, Ciao, L
Great track layout!!!
Thanks. SmartRace works with analog track using the camera. But just as a counter…
Great video Jeremy!
Thank you. And thank you for the best app out there!
Dude, this is awesome! Used to run HO cars when I was a kid with my Dad. Then we graduated to Scaletric slot cars. Had a 4 lane track in the basement on 2, 4x8 boards. That was probably almost 25 years ago now. I’m turning 40 next year and want to get back into the hobby as a 40th gift to myself and set a Carerra digital track up in my garage. This video is extremely helpful! I’m halfway through your video now, so maybe you answer this but do you remove the magnets to add more of a challenge? Is that a common thing to do? I’ve never heard of that but seems interesting. Also, from everything I’ve seen, I think I want to buy digital. Does that seem to be the most supported type of racing though?
@mattjenkinscomic I do remove the magnets now, I think I still had them in this video..Carrera digital is very supported, Scalextric and Pioneer have chips for carrera that are plug and play
I agree, I sent my dashboard back and use Smartrace
Very informative, thanks for sharing. I just subbed your channel.
Nice layout, and pretty good instructions... thanks for that... can you please tell me how big is your layout.
8 foot x 16 foot with 56 feet of track
Nice Chiefs flag!! And video
Wow - Fantastic video! - Do you know if there is a track planner that will suggets possible tracks to build if you enter the pieces you have into Inventory?
Also - How did you build your framework to support the table tops for the track?
This is a great place for track ideas My table is framed with 2x4 and 2x4 braces and 6 4x4 legs
Can or does the smart race app override the control panel on speed/fuel/brake..? and vs versa
Excellent question 👏. You can use either, if you use the track controll it will over ride all previous settings and vice versa if you use the app and then press apply you see the lights program on the track controller. Hope this makes sense. Another way to say is the app is like an additional set of buttons for the track
Yeah, same here buddy with the loner thing 😀 That's why I'm buying this set so I can set up some ghost cars.
Like your intro…all of it…
Are you in the KC area? Are there any meetup groups? I'd like to learn more about this hobby and see people's setups in the area!
I just bought a 132 set today with expansions and cars.
I'm actually about 3 hours south of KC, I don't know of any groups
@garageofslotcars my wife's from that area. I'm surprised there aren't others, but there aren't many folks there anyway.
Great video! Thank you!
Thank you so much.where else can you buy Carria tracks and cars...thx Chris mall are good places for track and cars
Very informative. Thank you.
Where do you buy your cars? Awesome video!
Mostly leb hobbies for my cars, electric dreams has some older hard to find ones although they can be pricey
If you adjust / set car power and brakes in carrera cu and then turn on smart race and the power/ brakes are different which will the car respond / listen too?
The cu
@@garageofslotcars thanks for reply
Question, how do you change the voice between male and female on Smart Race? You have a male voice on yours, I have a female voice , cant seem to find a setting for that .
I'm not sure. Mine is a female voice now also, it changed automatically with an update
Excellent video. Answered some questions for me. Can you run both 124 & 132 cars on this track?
The 1/24 cars need a bigger power supply. You can buy one or if you want to run 1/24 you should buy a 1/24 set to begin with, that way you have the bigger power supply. The track is the same and if you have the bigger power supply it will work with both 1/32 and 1/24. Here is a link
@@garageofslotcars Yours is a 124?
@@greatnorthern706 mine are 1/32
@@garageofslotcars It looks like 132 is more popular, and certainly a bit less expensive. Probably a good place to start.
Love your layout! :) Just curious, how long is your track and do you use an after market power supply? "Different than the Carrera one in the starter sets" Thanks!
@sorendorgaming7883 it's about 54 feet, stock Carrera power supply with two jumpers. Table is 8feet by 16feet
@@garageofslotcars thanks!
Very helpful video for beginners.
Watch size table should I build to get started?
Carrera is big track, i think 4 foot by 6 foot would probably be the smallest you could do. If your short on space Scalextric track is not as wide and has tighter turns
@@garageofslotcars thank you for you kindness and information. I’m planning a 6ftx12ft table. Do you have any kool designs?
@lemarfosterjr4773 this is a good place for ideas
@@garageofslotcars thank they have alot of designs,
I think its cool and all but how do you actually use the functionally of the pace car..? also excellent info on your video..!
Once programed the pace car sits in the pits untill you press the pace car button, then the pace car comes out and everyones laps stop being counted untill you press the pacecar button again and it will return to the pits
I read somewhere that you can only use two wired controllers and the rest need to be wireless, are there theird party wireless controllers?
You can use 6 wired controllers. 4 plug right into the control unit. If you use 6 you need to by an adapter piece to plug in the last 2. Their are 3rd party wireless, i dont have any but Frankinslots i know has one and there are other ones i cant think of right now
Awesome video 👍
Ty. I broke. Retro grand prix. So fun. Everyone must have toy.
Was wondering, are Carerra car magnets adjustable? I have SCX and they are adjustable and require a magnet Marshall.
There is a shim that you can use to move the magnets closer or further away from the track
@@garageofslotcars , so it’s 3 positions, full-no shim/ med- with shim/ no magnet would you say? Do you notice any difference?
Thanks great track..
If you have grandkids can you adjust the power for them?
Yes, has ten settings for speed. My grand daughter usually is on setting 4
@@garageofslotcars Great thanks!
Does the ghost car go to the pits also? Great vid by the way
No ghost car does not pit
@@garageofslotcars ok thanks!
Greetings, how do you hook up the App to the Tv? is it the Smart Race App? thank you
Yes it is smart race app. It is on my I pad and i have my I pad connected to the tv with an hdmi cable
Thank you
What stock carrera model car seems to be the best handling and quickest.
The Porsche 917. I have a future video coming with my 5 favorite cars and it will be one of them
@@garageofslotcars Thank you for the quick response. Can you explain the different classes, we all have BMW, R8, Corvette and Lambo's type cars. I look forward to your 5 favorite. Thanks again.
Hello i was wondering if you use some kind of software to design your track layout?
I get ideas from here, and then adjust them for my liking
Aww man thanks for the quick response. I downloaded the German software but at the moment not having any success getting it loaded. Merry Christmas@@garageofslotcars
I see the Chiefs flag. Are you located in KC?
Derby Kansas, about 3 hours South of KC
What kind of mic are you using? Are you recording on your phone or proper camera?
This is an older video, i was recording on my phone with a cordless clip on mic. Now i use a go pro 10 with a wireless clip on mic
Could you do a video of how to actually program the racing app
Good idea
got the smart race app ..but its not letting me re-fuel , any suggestions ?. it shows the fuel consumption from 100% down to 0% but when i hit the pits it will not fill..? also dont seem to assign contollers correctly..or do can you assign the controllers via app? Thx
When you assign the controller in the app it only does it in the app, you also have to assign it with the track controller. Not letting you refuel is something i have not experienced. Do you have the sensor track piece that says fuel on it?
@@garageofslotcars no..i have only the pit lane
and yes it has the word fuel on it..👍
@whitmanft Im not sure what could be wrong. The track piece that has the word fuel on it has the sensor so your car has to be past that. Maybe the car is sliding side ways a little and missing that sensor?
@@garageofslotcars its passing the sensor still not letting you to re-fuel.. the fuel re-fill option works if you leave the fuel button on the control panel and run w/ fuel on just as if you didnt have the app ..just running out of fuel watching for your car lights to flash..then stop flashing when its full of fuel ,..the smart app will not recognize fuel that way..everything else seems ok on the app ..but like i said earlier with the fuel button off on the control panel it will show fuel amounts and will decrease as you drive the car even tell you you need to re-fuel but if i pull in the pits and hold the lane changer down nothing happens.. i may be doing something wrong on the settings..???
Is there a race track in Wichita I could go to ?? I’m in Newton.
There is one in town west mall.
Your layout looks great. What are the dimensions of your layout and length of track?
Thank you! Its 8 foot by 16 foot and 54 feet of track
@@garageofslotcars I am limited by space to about 6 feet by 11 feet including borders. Do you know of a track planner that a beginner like me could use. I am buying the Carrera 30031 Retro Grand Prix starter set that comes with 30.5 feet. I'd like to add to this track design,
@patrickcotter5629 I use this sight to get alot of ideas when planning a new layout
@@garageofslotcars Thanks!
Hoe do u add a ghost car in the smart race app? Thanks
I broke 3 spoilers already. Super glue is a wonderful thing😂
Any other scale work on a carrera track ??
1/24 scale also works, but you will need track borders
@@garageofslotcars i appreciate the reply.
Can you program more than 1 ghost car on your track?
Yes up to 6. They can all be different speeds as well
Hello newbie here... was hoping for some expert experienced help. I have my track together but am struggling getting it snugged up. Whats the secret if there is one???
The only trick i know is on the red clips that hold the track together, you can bend the middle parts up so they clip tighter. Also if the track just doesnt line up they sell 1/4 and 1/3 straight pieces
You always respond thank you! Will take a look... i also placed an oder for some 1/4 pieces.@@garageofslotcars
They got an app that will keep track of four different colors with your camerait's pretty cool y'all gotta have different color cars though
Where do you live
Tell us more about a non-Carrera App like the one you are currently using…
Good idea for a new video. I will do one soon on just the features of the smart race app!
How much does it cost to build a track like this?
I haven't done the math on everything 🙃. A digital starter set with controllers and a couple of cars is 300 - 400 dollars and then you can expand from there
Great Video no Carrera Yet but doing due diligence
And the device you plugged it into
This is the web page to the smart race app, i use an Apple I pad and a usb cord from that to put it on a tv
Great video mate well done.
What the measurements of your table?
16foot by 8foot
Thank you, I’m just getting started. Can you recommend a Carrera starter kit? I’ve been looking at the race for victory.
@lemarfosterjr4773 thats a good one! I also just started with a starter set. They are all good so i say pick the one that comes with the cars you like best
@@garageofslotcars I was thinking 8foot by 6foot. That kinda big on one side of my garage. Hopefully I can build a nice track on it. With big curves.
It's too bad they don't have a AI ghost car feature. This would make the ghost car "see" your position on the track and actually speed up/change lanes. Maybe there is something like that out there but I'm not sure.
That would be a game changer!
Basically 400 euros for a commercial license - annually... I'll be passing on the Carrera track and Smart Race... Too Bad, I liked your presentation.
I've put a couple of the Carrera digital chips in the other types of cars, and it's usually pretty simple if you just melt the IR sensor hole with a soldering iron.
I planned on putting mounting them with Velcro or something, and putting a single quick connector on each of the cars so I can just swap the little circuit boards around with ease instead of constantly buying more conversion boards for a fortune...
I love the Carrera stuff, but I'm very annoyed with their prices. There's no way a new digital 1/32 bare minimum track set with 2 cars should cost over $500, that's ridiculous!
This is why I am in the process of using what I have and switching to 3D printed chassis for 1/24 and 1/25 scale model kits, and the DIY track, but reusing the rest of the Carrera system with it. I can't give that greedy company money like that anymore...
You can buy tiny Arduino microcontroller boards for under $10 that have built in WiFi and Bluetooth and all kinds of other abilities and expendabilities that blow any of those companies sets away! I plan on running the tracks full speed and just using the microcontrollers in the cars to adjust the voltage and speed from the track, and toss a small battery in the car as well to keep it communicating when the car comes off the track.
The only thing that is costly is the plastic models now, which are way over priced! But I'm able to 3D scan any other car I want to spend the time on recreating in Blender and then 3D printing, so there is that alternative as well at least...
You can also buy slot car chassis for plastic model cars that are resizable and you just Velcro the body onto it, which I LOVE the look of!
The little aluminum rims and the rubber tires with the white printing on the tire walls look so cool!
Anyway, my original point to all of this nattering on I was doing here, was that you can melt the hole for the sensor in the bottom of the other brand cars and then velcro the digital circuit boards in, add a single quick connect hookup for all the cars and boards, and even Velcro the bodies of the cars back on so they are super easy to swap out, so you don't have to buy a digital board for every car you have, which would help you to be able to afford more cars and be able to use them easily!
That's very interesting, you sound pretty knowledgeable and creative. Do you have a youtube, Instagram page where you post videos or pics? Seems like it would be a good resource for the adventuring slot car hobbyists.
I'll race alone
Sounds like the drinking game umm how I met your mother TV show umm. Every time umm was said did have to take a shot of hard alcohol umm if I had to take that many shots I'd be so drunk. umm I'd like the TV show how I met your mother but umm I wouldn't want to take that many shots of alcohol because I would be on the floor.
How ‘bout them CHIEFS.
Yea baby!!!!
This is an introduction? You told me nothing which makes any sense. I don't know the purpose of the magnet but you mentioned it and just kept going. Nothing about the car, the motor, the controller, how the track works, how to install anything, what the voltage is, how the electrical setup works, how to hop up a car. From what I saw on a different video the cars just run at top speed all the time, they never flip or jump out if the slot, never wreck. I still know almost zero about this system. Digital?? WTH??
Hi tbillyjoe - why don't you make your own videos and let viewers criticize you instead making negative comments about this gentleman who took time and effort to describe the hobby for most newcomers? There are plenty of sites/YT and similar documentation on the web if you cannot figure it out yourself - Being civilized and polite in your comments will not hurt anyone - Ciao, L
Great video. Thanks!