The blood claws box is a must buy, because it not only builds blood claws, but also grey hunters and wolf guard, all for the price of a tactical squad. That's 15 marines for less than a box of intercessors, and it comes loaded with bits for characters, with hammers, swords, storm bolters, axes, shields, shoulder pads, unique helmets, accessories, and themed standard weapons, and enough heads for an entire army. It is firstborn, but that's not really an issue when there are so many bits that anyone can use
The bits alone make it worth the purchase alone. Keep it for the primaris update, and it will be offer a bounty of character for some fun and unique minis
Says a lot about the cost of modern kits. Basic and boring shit like intercessors costs more than older boxes loaded with all sorts of cool stuff, and heavy intercessors cost almost 4 times as much per space marine.
Also great for Horus Heresy Wolves. It really extends the stuff in the new Age of Darkness boxes, gives you a mix of weapons, and looks by mixing the more traditional Heresy-era marines with totems, runes, and space wolf banners.
Two small corrections: 1: The shoulder pads in the upgrade sets (and the current transfer sheet) have Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company icon, not the Chapter icon. 2: Space Wolves Grey contrast paint is actually the worst option :)
@@yeahokno Prime example of what I mean. You shouldn't be so disparaging and dismissive. New people come in all the time and shouldn't be made to feel bad about a community they're looking to join
@@greg_mca It's unfortunately a double edged sword. For example, the price keeps many away. Some move to 3d printing and then wonder why they are shunned by some of the community and unable to take part. The way GW handled the whole firstborn/ primaris thing is indicative of how space wolves will progress. An upgrade sprue at a vile price and that's gunna be your lot. Ultramarines in all but colour. Look at what has been done with Deathwing. New people also tend to shout the loudest about things they may be passionate or excited about but when that reality isn't met or swiftly changed they get annoyed pretty quick. Just my opinion.
@@yeahokno I get what you're saying, and I'm worried about the future overhaul too, but I'd rather have more people in our corner anyway, especially since that's the only way people will stick around. My original comment was less about people being pessimistic about the future or joining the faction btw, and primarily about all of the annoying people saying that people shouldn't consider getting SW, or should 'buy a better faction', ie people being asses because they hold a meme-level grudge against a faction they know little about and don't play
@@greg_mca Yeah, I get what you are saying as well. That brings us full circle to the double edged sword. Don't forget those edgelords and meme queens are tourist too. Cheers!
Really enjoyed this as the Wolves were my very first army many many years ago and haven’t thought about them for a while. Would like to see something similar for Chaos Daemons as thinking of going that way next 👍
I love the Grey Hunter unit to death specifically. I really wish I knew what GW's plan was for the various weird SW formations before I jump in whole hog.
You must always buy 3 boxes of bloodclaws/wolfguard/grey hunters. They are magical boxes. Ignore the thunder wolves and terminators, just go for the horde
I’ve been running 18 Thunderwolves plus the 6 leaders in stormlance for a couple of weeks now and I’ve been having a lot fun running them. Not to mention you could swap out one of the leaders for Logan Grimnar on stormrider. It’s a great core to build around if your looking to start a space wolves army.
Seconded. I bought the Leviathan box, converted and painted up the Terminators/captain/librarian from it, and will be focusing on other armies until the codex comes out.
I think the SW's are due for a bunch of resculpts, I have a few odd ultramarines that have popped up in the collection through things like starter boxes etc, but any SM Army at this point should be avoiding firstborn models like the plague, by the time you build/paint them you won't be able to use them in tournaments. I guess that's OK if you are never going to enter a tournament, but it's pretty unusual that you wouldn't enter a local event at one point or another, even if it isn't a regular "thing" for you.
@@johnhildenbrand2642 I vehemently disagree. Even with the purge at the start of the edition I've been having decent successes with an all-firstborn army, and if they get removed (which most won't for a good while) then they'll be legally counts-as units as per GW recommendations. I also think you're overestimating how many people will do tournaments, given that it's a minority of players who take part
@@greg_mca I'm not suggesting that anyone who already has firstborn units should throw them out, I am specifically talking about folks who are trying to start an army, plenty of new primaris stuff available to get started on, by the time you finish that stuff, we should have plenty of new scale stuff. I also am not talking about tournament junkies, I am talking about folks who go occasionally, or get curious and go to one or two, then don't go any more, and I bet MOST players at one time or other will enter a tournament of some sort, even if it's a local thing held at a non-GW game shop.
@@johnhildenbrand2642 I was that person starting the army not a few months ago, and if anything I've been avoiding primaris because the old stuff is so much more flavourful. I hope the overhaul keeps that character, I really do, but looking at death company intercessors vs older death company for example, and hounds of morkai too, I'm concerned that whatever comes next won't be anywhere near as flavourful as what can be found in a single grey hunters box. It makes me want to get that more before it's gone
Actually as a space wolves player i would invest in primaris units... Probably a lot of firstborn units will go legends or remade as primaris with new codex.
actually, as a seasoned collwctor that already has all the oldmarine and sw specific kits, with all the unique chars and three small mountains of sw bitz... your opinion in this case is in no way relevant to new people. I am also hilariously jelly of your collection.
You can keep them as sternguard (which is probably better), or you can use them as combi-weapon equipped wolf guards. WGs get +1 to hit for all attacks when led by a character, and they all have generic melee weapons, so if you can give them combi weapons, they're a very efficient way to deal with higher toughness but lower wound infantry. Armies like orks for instance
I still occasionally pull out my 2e-3e era Space Wolves for fun. They don’t typically do well being built for a completely different meta but I love them nonetheless :p I might build a “modern” force once the codex comes out.
Strongly recommend the Term Librarian over the WGBL to attach to WGtermie, if youre paying for fire discipline, lethal hits sort of nullifies that, instead youre going to run combi-weapons, give them +1 hit with oath, and dump dev wounds on units.
great video! i used greyhunters box to convert my primaris marines - i used heads, weapons backpacks, and front plate armor plus belt , with primaris legs and arms it looks good
Some notes: Don't buy grey hunters. It's 2 copies of that sprue and the blood claw box is the same price for 3 sets of the sprues. The Dark Angels combat patrol is way better contents. I started with the SW combt patrol and now those intercessors are wolf guard, the reivers are infiltrators, and the invictor is collecting dust. The character is a great pose tho. Wulfen and bloodclaws have incredible random bits for theming up standard units
If you like kitbashing and customizing each miniatures as their own unique character then space wolves are the best option in 40K. They easily encourage the most per model creativity with their lore and design. Other army’s like ksons, csm, and orks do that Fairly well too, but space wolves just do it the most imo.
The current suggested list was well over 2k, but if you drop one gladiator and the drop pod, and "down grade, lol" one Wolf Lord to Canis Wolfborn, add in one pack of fenrisian wolves, it will clock you in at 1995 pts.
Not sure if it's something you'd be interested in doing a video on but Astra Militarum won a pretty big tournament south coast uk Bournemouth Beachhead brawl ITC. Was a pretty interesting list very varied as well.
I _like_ Space Wolves, but I _prefer_ Luna Wolves. That said, they have a great colour scheme, some pretty cool models, and historically some great rules. They just feel very parodied to death right now though. They need a little life injected back into them.
Auspex, you have done the cardinal sin of recommending their Combat Patrol box… that box is horribly useless- If they want to get into Space Wolves, buy the following: 1.) Dark Angels Combat Patrol 2.) Blood Angels Combat Patrol 3.) Ragnar Blackmane 4.) 1-2 units each of Thunderwolf Cavalry/Wulfen 5.) Assault Intercessors (not Bloodclaws) The Dark Angel box gives you fun/cool models to use immediately with the Redemptor and easy to deepstrike Inceptors, along with a Chaplain you might use. The Blood Angel box gives you a Librarian next, along with some Gravis, Phobos, and more Norma troops. Ragnar gives you a Captain (who honestly wants Bladeguard, but can make do until then) Thunderwolf Cavalry and Wulfen are both good melee pieces for Space Wolves, and traditionally at least one is always strong rules wise. I wouldn’t invest deeply in them if new though until we get our book (aka don’t buy more than 2 boxes of each) Same reason for Assault Intercessors over Bloodclaws.
He literally didn’t recommend the combat patrol. Please watch the video. He mentions it, but also points out that it’s not actually that good of a deal and there are better options.
I did watch, the problem is that he talks about it as if it’s something you might actually want. I’ve played space wolves for years, and have helped people get into armies. His phrasing made it sound more like it’s up to the buyer to choose if they want it, and unfortunately- many new players just default to “Oh, this is my combat patrol”.
The trick is doing it in Heresy instead. They were my first army, and most beloved, but I find GW’s 40K aesthetic a little tiring, and I wish they’d be able to carry over the more nuanced and interesting 30K aesthetic.
SW player here! Champions of Russ has the best flavor in the entire game, but yeah, it's one of the weakest. I haven't gotten to play with the update and I think it will help, but I don't think it will be enough to put it on par with other detachments. Probably the real fix should be allowing the Character UNIT to complete the saga. Also, I'd say Bladeguard Veteran's should considering a go too for SW, even more so for Ragnar. My favorite combo is Ragnar leading a full BGV squad with an LT. Those lethal hits really help them to punch up. Though Ragnar himself is a beast it's mostly about the unit protecting him lol
If you were going to start a wolves army i'd just get things like assault intercessors and bits to kitbash into space wolves etc. By the looks of these models they are going to be near completely overhauled and I think most people would end up with "feels bad" as you'd spend time and resources collecting and painting.
As someone who only started getting SW last year, and owns a whopping 4 primaris models, there's a lot to the firstborn part of the range and they're more than worth getting invested in. If you're putting the effort in there shouldn't be a feels bad because you're collecting and painting models you like. If (and it isn't guaranteed) they're relegated to counts-as or get reduced to a single terrible upgrade sprue, the old models will still be usable and still have more flavour than their replacements
@@greg_mca I agree with you there, I think 1st born blood claws make a ton of sense. And from a hobby perspective collect and paint what you enjoy the most. I just up in the hobby again and am making a Dark Angels army, did so before knowing about any of these new current releases. Got lucky in that regard but still am running a tactical squad from the dark vengeance boxed set because that's something I used back in the day and I feel not having any 1st born in a Space Marine army would just be weird as hell from a lore perspective.
Hy there A question: can we use the Pack Leader (in termi armor or any other) characters in units (as discribed in their datasheets) alongside the original Pack Leader of the unit? I have to ask this as the individual Pack Leaders' datasheets specify you can't have more than one Pack Leader in one unit - meaning you then have to remove the original Pack Leader?
The rules text in the Wolf Guard Pack Leader's 'leader' rule is referring to models with the 'Pack Leader' keyword (you can tell by the font that the word's written in), which the ones that come with the unit don't have. So no, you don't have to remove anything to add him. You could actually have the original pack leader, a Wolf Guard pack leader, a Wolf Guard Battle Leader, and a Wolf Lord all attached to the unit!
Contrary opinion to Leviathan box or combat patrol. You can't go wrong with 2 or even 3 boxes of thunderwolf cavalry to start out. Not a bad price for the power of the models, will always be at least somewhat meta-relevant as they're fast and hard hitting, is an easy core to a future army, lets you practice all aspects of space wolf painting with a high ceiling where the models can look amazing, you can give them fancy bases if you want, and it's really easy to upgrade a couple of the riders to character models. Regardless if you're going full Harald or not they are always going to be a great core to a SW force. Some of these models look really outdated now though. Huge recasts of the uniques are coming for sure.
Okay let’s address this rubbish in the comments section. Leave. Us. Alone. Fine, we play an army that you personally dislike. You’re entitled to like and dislike what you want. That’s fine. But please, stop: - Calling SW/SW players furries - Making puppy jokes - Making full moon or howling jokes - Complaining about Ragnar vs Ghazghkull Look, you think you’re original and hilarious. I get it. But please, there are so many hateful comments towards OUR particular chapter and nobody else has anything near this. I don’t think headless jokes to IH or protagonist jokes to UM really count here. So just stop telling new people not to play an army. Some of them are impressionable and will see the community hate towards the sons of Russ and think “oh. I can’t play that faction, even though I want to, because everybody will hate me.” Finding Tau annoying because of their play-style is one thing, but when the hatred is this petty, this childish, and this spiteful… I just don’t see the point. It’s people like you lot that ruin this hobby for everybody else. Take a long hard look at yourself.
I'm not even a wolf player, but the disrespect is a bit ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, I'm here to know my enemy, but it's also your right to enjoy your game. Carry on.
You could get the Primaris upgrade kit for shoulder pads and flavor bits. Also there's a comment listing some kits that have lots of extra SW bits you can use to flavor then. I wouldn't invest too much until their codex comes out, but either will get you a good start on converting those angels to wolves.
Can someone review this rough army list? It's from 9th haven't converted yet. But it's mass infantry and flamers, and assault cannon based, max rof, dice storm concept piece I'm working on, to complement the high rof in melee wolves have, high number of shots the turn leading into melee too, assault cannons and dreadys cleanup what the mass slows down. Pretty standard other than the emphasis on flamers and assault cannons for support fire, and nixing a lot of the iconic space wolves units and characters for mass(mass relative for space marines i guess lol) instead. Idk whatcha think? Do space wolves still have the bonuses to number of attacks because that's what it's built around if not it doesn't matter lol but tear it apart anyway. Disclaimer I'm returning after 15 years out of the hobby Captain w jetpack combiflamer and runesword Chaplain on bike w combiflamer Bjorn w hellfrost, claw and heavy flamer 2 venny dreadys w assault cannon, fist and heavy flamer 1 wulfen dready w axe, shield and heavy flamer 3x 4 bloodclaws, 1 vet, 2 flamers 3x assault cannon razorbacks 3x 4 skyclaws, 1 vet, 3 flamers
As a space wolves player i have a mix of first born and primaris. But sadly i have lately been leaning more primaris because i dont know whats going to happen to first born.
There is no cheap way to start the SW army at all. - Harald/SW Lord on RW is out of print and basically mandatory for SW - TW Cavalry is pricey because you need an additional box of them for each 6 to have TW Lieutenant. - Bjorn is auto included, so that as well. - Scouts, not yet released or buying a big box for 5 models. Unless you already have a big SM army there is no reason to buy into SW special units.
So is this a good legion to start the tabletop ? I have a saint Celestine model kit since modelism is one of my hobbies, but i wanna get into the tabletop as well and don't know what Army to choose
The space wolfs need a model range update I play three different space marine chapters and the dark angels just got a model update only due to the lion returns I think I won’t see any changes to the space wolfs if until leman Russ returns or they have a huge lore dump which I hope is this year for new models and lore
isnt Space wolves a minor concern to collect in that , no one knows which old units will get removed / legends in codex , which could be a big chunk of them , its always painful to invest real money Into an army and see it gutted in 12months
I would wait until codex drops/ range refresh if you want (imo) better aesthetics and proportions, otherwise tons of firstborn parts out there to build a cheap army!
Make sure you wear maching jumpers with other SW players, and introduce yourselves as the Wolf Pack to anyone new at the gaming club. Remember to yell out "FULL MOON!!" and howl whenever you do something exciting like completing a saga.
Given the current meta id recommend the vanguard force as another option for starting marines. Add a phobos librarian and you've got a combat patrol too
Anyone looking to buy a large Space Wolf army (roughly 7-8K points worth of both primaris and first born) comment down below for details. Some models are professionally painted.
I mean Ragnar killed Ghazghkull, he was just on the edge of death. Ghazghkull died, got resurrected, as I recall. It’s like saying that Abaddon and Sigismund fought to a draw - both were lying, bleeding out, mortally wounded - but Sigismund did die. Of course Sigismund didn’t get resurrected later by Ork Painboyz but Ragnar did legitimately defeat Ghazghkull, he was just on the verge of death.
You don't. Space Wolves are on the same level of cringe as Night lords. Only that it is fat balding men with beard pearls instead of edgy 14 year olds who play them. When i was playing Rogue trader and one of my party died and the space wolves literally did an "awoooooooo" i fucking died.
The blood claws box is a must buy, because it not only builds blood claws, but also grey hunters and wolf guard, all for the price of a tactical squad. That's 15 marines for less than a box of intercessors, and it comes loaded with bits for characters, with hammers, swords, storm bolters, axes, shields, shoulder pads, unique helmets, accessories, and themed standard weapons, and enough heads for an entire army. It is firstborn, but that's not really an issue when there are so many bits that anyone can use
Get some jump packs and you can make easy sky claws too
@@dooj42 that too. The vanguard veteran box makes a good companion, and they're both full of useful bits
The bits alone make it worth the purchase alone. Keep it for the primaris update, and it will be offer a bounty of character for some fun and unique minis
Says a lot about the cost of modern kits. Basic and boring shit like intercessors costs more than older boxes loaded with all sorts of cool stuff, and heavy intercessors cost almost 4 times as much per space marine.
Also great for Horus Heresy Wolves. It really extends the stuff in the new Age of Darkness boxes, gives you a mix of weapons, and looks by mixing the more traditional Heresy-era marines with totems, runes, and space wolf banners.
Two small corrections:
1: The shoulder pads in the upgrade sets (and the current transfer sheet) have Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company icon, not the Chapter icon.
2: Space Wolves Grey contrast paint is actually the worst option :)
Totally agree, I like every other contrast paint I've tried but found space wolves grey to be awful.
Lot of bitter edgelords in the comments today. You'd think they'd know better than to be disparaging on a video that's clearly aimed at newer players
New players are just tourists. They'll soon leave.
@@yeahokno Prime example of what I mean. You shouldn't be so disparaging and dismissive. New people come in all the time and shouldn't be made to feel bad about a community they're looking to join
@@greg_mca It's unfortunately a double edged sword. For example, the price keeps many away. Some move to 3d printing and then wonder why they are shunned by some of the community and unable to take part. The way GW handled the whole firstborn/ primaris thing is indicative of how space wolves will progress. An upgrade sprue at a vile price and that's gunna be your lot. Ultramarines in all but colour. Look at what has been done with Deathwing. New people also tend to shout the loudest about things they may be passionate or excited about but when that reality isn't met or swiftly changed they get annoyed pretty quick. Just my opinion.
@@yeahokno I get what you're saying, and I'm worried about the future overhaul too, but I'd rather have more people in our corner anyway, especially since that's the only way people will stick around.
My original comment was less about people being pessimistic about the future or joining the faction btw, and primarily about all of the annoying people saying that people shouldn't consider getting SW, or should 'buy a better faction', ie people being asses because they hold a meme-level grudge against a faction they know little about and don't play
@@greg_mca Yeah, I get what you are saying as well. That brings us full circle to the double edged sword. Don't forget those edgelords and meme queens are tourist too. Cheers!
Really enjoyed this as the Wolves were my very first army many many years ago and haven’t thought about them for a while. Would like to see something similar for Chaos Daemons as thinking of going that way next 👍
I love the Grey Hunter unit to death specifically. I really wish I knew what GW's plan was for the various weird SW formations before I jump in whole hog.
I’ve been super pumped for a dedicated space wolves, they were my first army and how I got interested in Warhammer originally
You must always buy 3 boxes of bloodclaws/wolfguard/grey hunters. They are magical boxes. Ignore the thunder wolves and terminators, just go for the horde
I really hope that we keep all our dreadnoughts when our codex drops.
Me too, just magnetized mine yesterday XD
Sadly blood angels precedents bode.... against such thangs
@@swheen Don't remind me losing the librarian dreadnought that shit was so awesome
i'm thinking of buying 9 TWC kits to start a wolves army.
6 as twc, 3 to make characters / proxy the finecastr models
You have the right idea, Just do that roughly 2 more times and add some Fenrisian wolves and you'll be good to go.
@@KurisuFenrisWolf fenris wolves are so overpriced. might look at 3d print them
I’ve been running 18 Thunderwolves plus the 6 leaders in stormlance for a couple of weeks now and I’ve been having a lot fun running them. Not to mention you could swap out one of the leaders for Logan Grimnar on stormrider. It’s a great core to build around if your looking to start a space wolves army.
To be honest, as a SW player wouldn't recommend starting with the wolves until the codex comes out
Seconded. I bought the Leviathan box, converted and painted up the Terminators/captain/librarian from it, and will be focusing on other armies until the codex comes out.
I think the SW's are due for a bunch of resculpts, I have a few odd ultramarines that have popped up in the collection through things like starter boxes etc, but any SM Army at this point should be avoiding firstborn models like the plague, by the time you build/paint them you won't be able to use them in tournaments. I guess that's OK if you are never going to enter a tournament, but it's pretty unusual that you wouldn't enter a local event at one point or another, even if it isn't a regular "thing" for you.
@@johnhildenbrand2642 I vehemently disagree. Even with the purge at the start of the edition I've been having decent successes with an all-firstborn army, and if they get removed (which most won't for a good while) then they'll be legally counts-as units as per GW recommendations. I also think you're overestimating how many people will do tournaments, given that it's a minority of players who take part
@@greg_mca I'm not suggesting that anyone who already has firstborn units should throw them out, I am specifically talking about folks who are trying to start an army, plenty of new primaris stuff available to get started on, by the time you finish that stuff, we should have plenty of new scale stuff. I also am not talking about tournament junkies, I am talking about folks who go occasionally, or get curious and go to one or two, then don't go any more, and I bet MOST players at one time or other will enter a tournament of some sort, even if it's a local thing held at a non-GW game shop.
@@johnhildenbrand2642 I was that person starting the army not a few months ago, and if anything I've been avoiding primaris because the old stuff is so much more flavourful. I hope the overhaul keeps that character, I really do, but looking at death company intercessors vs older death company for example, and hounds of morkai too, I'm concerned that whatever comes next won't be anywhere near as flavourful as what can be found in a single grey hunters box. It makes me want to get that more before it's gone
Actually as a space wolves player i would invest in primaris units... Probably a lot of firstborn units will go legends or remade as primaris with new codex.
actually, as a seasoned collwctor that already has all the oldmarine and sw specific kits, with all the unique chars and three small mountains of sw bitz... your opinion in this case is in no way relevant to new people. I am also hilariously jelly of your collection.
@@swheen relax man.
Thank you so much! trying to build a Space Wolf army for my son and converting a leviathan box for it. what would you do with the sternguard veterans?
You can keep them as sternguard (which is probably better), or you can use them as combi-weapon equipped wolf guards. WGs get +1 to hit for all attacks when led by a character, and they all have generic melee weapons, so if you can give them combi weapons, they're a very efficient way to deal with higher toughness but lower wound infantry. Armies like orks for instance
Theyre the least space wolves looking models in the box, with their tabards & regal appearance. Id ebay them & get something more furry 🐺
I still occasionally pull out my 2e-3e era Space Wolves for fun. They don’t typically do well being built for a completely different meta but I love them nonetheless :p
I might build a “modern” force once the codex comes out.
Strongly recommend the Term Librarian over the WGBL to attach to WGtermie, if youre paying for fire discipline, lethal hits sort of nullifies that, instead youre going to run combi-weapons, give them +1 hit with oath, and dump dev wounds on units.
I did that quiz on the website and got Space Wolves. I have no money, but I *really* wanna build these guys.
great video! i used greyhunters box to convert my primaris marines - i used heads, weapons backpacks, and front plate armor plus belt , with primaris legs and arms it looks good
Some notes: Don't buy grey hunters. It's 2 copies of that sprue and the blood claw box is the same price for 3 sets of the sprues.
The Dark Angels combat patrol is way better contents. I started with the SW combt patrol and now those intercessors are wolf guard, the reivers are infiltrators, and the invictor is collecting dust. The character is a great pose tho.
Wulfen and bloodclaws have incredible random bits for theming up standard units
If you like kitbashing and customizing each miniatures as their own unique character then space wolves are the best option in 40K. They easily encourage the most per model creativity with their lore and design.
Other army’s like ksons, csm, and orks do that Fairly well too, but space wolves just do it the most imo.
Thanks for another great video!
The current suggested list was well over 2k, but if you drop one gladiator and the drop pod, and "down grade, lol" one Wolf Lord to Canis Wolfborn, add in one pack of fenrisian wolves, it will clock you in at 1995 pts.
Not sure if it's something you'd be interested in doing a video on but Astra Militarum won a pretty big tournament south coast uk Bournemouth Beachhead brawl ITC. Was a pretty interesting list very varied as well.
I _like_ Space Wolves, but I _prefer_ Luna Wolves.
That said, they have a great colour scheme, some pretty cool models, and historically some great rules. They just feel very parodied to death right now though. They need a little life injected back into them.
Auspex, you have done the cardinal sin of recommending their Combat Patrol box… that box is horribly useless-
If they want to get into Space Wolves, buy the following:
1.) Dark Angels Combat Patrol
2.) Blood Angels Combat Patrol
3.) Ragnar Blackmane
4.) 1-2 units each of Thunderwolf Cavalry/Wulfen
5.) Assault Intercessors (not Bloodclaws)
The Dark Angel box gives you fun/cool models to use immediately with the Redemptor and easy to deepstrike Inceptors, along with a Chaplain you might use.
The Blood Angel box gives you a Librarian next, along with some Gravis, Phobos, and more Norma troops.
Ragnar gives you a Captain (who honestly wants Bladeguard, but can make do until then)
Thunderwolf Cavalry and Wulfen are both good melee pieces for Space Wolves, and traditionally at least one is always strong rules wise. I wouldn’t invest deeply in them if new though until we get our book (aka don’t buy more than 2 boxes of each)
Same reason for Assault Intercessors over Bloodclaws.
Yah but wulfen are ugly and thus unusable.
He literally didn’t recommend the combat patrol. Please watch the video. He mentions it, but also points out that it’s not actually that good of a deal and there are better options.
I did watch, the problem is that he talks about it as if it’s something you might actually want.
I’ve played space wolves for years, and have helped people get into armies. His phrasing made it sound more like it’s up to the buyer to choose if they want it, and unfortunately- many new players just default to “Oh, this is my combat patrol”.
thanks for the dedicated vid for the Rout.
I'm going to be going 3D print route as just picked up a kickstarter that is doing their own take on space wolves
The trick is doing it in Heresy instead. They were my first army, and most beloved, but I find GW’s 40K aesthetic a little tiring, and I wish they’d be able to carry over the more nuanced and interesting 30K aesthetic.
‘Carry over’? You do realise the ‘sillier’ wolf aesthetic came first in second edition, right?
SW player here! Champions of Russ has the best flavor in the entire game, but yeah, it's one of the weakest. I haven't gotten to play with the update and I think it will help, but I don't think it will be enough to put it on par with other detachments. Probably the real fix should be allowing the Character UNIT to complete the saga.
Also, I'd say Bladeguard Veteran's should considering a go too for SW, even more so for Ragnar. My favorite combo is Ragnar leading a full BGV squad with an LT. Those lethal hits really help them to punch up. Though Ragnar himself is a beast it's mostly about the unit protecting him lol
ugh, rewatching this video every time, want to get Bjorn and still afraid (kinda wish tho) that he would get refreshed soon
I own near 10K Space Wolf army. The wulfen box is very generous with sprues. I highly recommend it (as blood claws). And Wulfen are meta now :)
If you were going to start a wolves army i'd just get things like assault intercessors and bits to kitbash into space wolves etc. By the looks of these models they are going to be near completely overhauled and I think most people would end up with "feels bad" as you'd spend time and resources collecting and painting.
As someone who only started getting SW last year, and owns a whopping 4 primaris models, there's a lot to the firstborn part of the range and they're more than worth getting invested in. If you're putting the effort in there shouldn't be a feels bad because you're collecting and painting models you like. If (and it isn't guaranteed) they're relegated to counts-as or get reduced to a single terrible upgrade sprue, the old models will still be usable and still have more flavour than their replacements
@@greg_mca I agree with you there, I think 1st born blood claws make a ton of sense. And from a hobby perspective collect and paint what you enjoy the most. I just up in the hobby again and am making a Dark Angels army, did so before knowing about any of these new current releases. Got lucky in that regard but still am running a tactical squad from the dark vengeance boxed set because that's something I used back in the day and I feel not having any 1st born in a Space Marine army would just be weird as hell from a lore perspective.
Loved the video. Could you do one for the White Scars?
Find a wish they had more customization for the space wolves considering each company has a different icon
I plan to start a wolves army once my tau are complete , but it will be completely 3d printed
Hy there
A question: can we use the Pack Leader (in termi armor or any other) characters in units (as discribed in their datasheets) alongside the original Pack Leader of the unit? I have to ask this as the individual Pack Leaders' datasheets specify you can't have more than one Pack Leader in one unit - meaning you then have to remove the original Pack Leader?
The rules text in the Wolf Guard Pack Leader's 'leader' rule is referring to models with the 'Pack Leader' keyword (you can tell by the font that the word's written in), which the ones that come with the unit don't have. So no, you don't have to remove anything to add him. You could actually have the original pack leader, a Wolf Guard pack leader, a Wolf Guard Battle Leader, and a Wolf Lord all attached to the unit!
Contrary opinion to Leviathan box or combat patrol. You can't go wrong with 2 or even 3 boxes of thunderwolf cavalry to start out.
Not a bad price for the power of the models, will always be at least somewhat meta-relevant as they're fast and hard hitting, is an easy core to a future army, lets you practice all aspects of space wolf painting with a high ceiling where the models can look amazing, you can give them fancy bases if you want, and it's really easy to upgrade a couple of the riders to character models. Regardless if you're going full Harald or not they are always going to be a great core to a SW force.
Some of these models look really outdated now though. Huge recasts of the uniques are coming for sure.
I'm waiting on Primaris Space Wolves 😁
Okay let’s address this rubbish in the comments section.
Leave. Us. Alone. Fine, we play an army that you personally dislike. You’re entitled to like and dislike what you want. That’s fine.
But please, stop:
- Calling SW/SW players furries
- Making puppy jokes
- Making full moon or howling jokes
- Complaining about Ragnar vs Ghazghkull
Look, you think you’re original and hilarious. I get it. But please, there are so many hateful comments towards OUR particular chapter and nobody else has anything near this. I don’t think headless jokes to IH or protagonist jokes to UM really count here.
So just stop telling new people not to play an army. Some of them are impressionable and will see the community hate towards the sons of Russ and think “oh. I can’t play that faction, even though I want to, because everybody will hate me.”
Finding Tau annoying because of their play-style is one thing, but when the hatred is this petty, this childish, and this spiteful… I just don’t see the point.
It’s people like you lot that ruin this hobby for everybody else. Take a long hard look at yourself.
As a space wolves player i say thank you brother.
@@Logan_Grimnarand thank you for using your voice to object to all this nonsense
I'm not even a wolf player, but the disrespect is a bit ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, I'm here to know my enemy, but it's also your right to enjoy your game. Carry on.
Excuse me. Fairy new to WH. I have a Blood Angels c.p. if i Paint them to the SW colours i make them or how should i customize them thanks
You could get the Primaris upgrade kit for shoulder pads and flavor bits. Also there's a comment listing some kits that have lots of extra SW bits you can use to flavor then.
I wouldn't invest too much until their codex comes out, but either will get you a good start on converting those angels to wolves.
@@jeffrobagman2834 Thank you very much, very helpfull.
Can someone review this rough army list? It's from 9th haven't converted yet. But it's mass infantry and flamers, and assault cannon based, max rof, dice storm concept piece I'm working on, to complement the high rof in melee wolves have, high number of shots the turn leading into melee too, assault cannons and dreadys cleanup what the mass slows down. Pretty standard other than the emphasis on flamers and assault cannons for support fire, and nixing a lot of the iconic space wolves units and characters for mass(mass relative for space marines i guess lol) instead. Idk whatcha think? Do space wolves still have the bonuses to number of attacks because that's what it's built around if not it doesn't matter lol but tear it apart anyway. Disclaimer I'm returning after 15 years out of the hobby
Captain w jetpack combiflamer and runesword
Chaplain on bike w combiflamer
Bjorn w hellfrost, claw and heavy flamer
2 venny dreadys w assault cannon, fist and heavy flamer
1 wulfen dready w axe, shield and heavy flamer
3x 4 bloodclaws, 1 vet, 2 flamers
3x assault cannon razorbacks
3x 4 skyclaws, 1 vet, 3 flamers
As a space wolves player i have a mix of first born and primaris. But sadly i have lately been leaning more primaris because i dont know whats going to happen to first born.
There is no cheap way to start the SW army at all.
- Harald/SW Lord on RW is out of print and basically mandatory for SW
- TW Cavalry is pricey because you need an additional box of them for each 6 to have TW Lieutenant.
- Bjorn is auto included, so that as well.
- Scouts, not yet released or buying a big box for 5 models.
Unless you already have a big SM army there is no reason to buy into SW special units.
So is this a good legion to start the tabletop ? I have a saint Celestine model kit since modelism is one of my hobbies, but i wanna get into the tabletop as well and don't know what Army to choose
Have Tsons looking for a second army I think it’s gotta be the wolves
Ah yes, drowning under a sea of plastic is the worst, I'm looking forward to getting time to paint 😂
Thank you ! :)
The space wolfs need a model range update I play three different space marine chapters and the dark angels just got a model update only due to the lion returns I think I won’t see any changes to the space wolfs if until leman Russ returns or they have a huge lore dump which I hope is this year for new models and lore
For Russ and the All Father
Step 1)Wait for their range refresh that's coming in the not to distant future.
get a box of hellblasters and paint them as long fangs
isnt Space wolves a minor concern to collect in that , no one knows which old units will get removed / legends in codex , which could be a big chunk of them , its always painful to invest real money Into an army and see it gutted in 12months
They may update the models but unless they completely erase the lore units would remain the same (blood claws, grey hunters, long fangs, wolf guard)
So Raven guard next? Pls
"Howwwww to start" 😄?
I would wait until codex drops/ range refresh if you want (imo) better aesthetics and proportions, otherwise tons of firstborn parts out there to build a cheap army!
Make sure you wear maching jumpers with other SW players, and introduce yourselves as the Wolf Pack to anyone new at the gaming club.
Remember to yell out "FULL MOON!!" and howl whenever you do something exciting like completing a saga.
Ha. Ha. Making fun of the VI Legion. Hilarious. Very original.
Do not tempt me..... I am not ready to expand the pile of shame
Given the current meta id recommend the vanguard force as another option for starting marines. Add a phobos librarian and you've got a combat patrol too
Played my second game, destroyed by a bro in a wolf shirt with a wolf army. Seems he needs the win?
Why would you start a space wolf army when their codex isn't coming out for 3 years.
Anyone looking to buy a large Space Wolf army (roughly 7-8K points worth of both primaris and first born) comment down below for details. Some models are professionally painted.
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Just don’t. Wait for new refreshed models.
Primaris Grey hunters and blood claws are going to suck. No special weapons because new SM are mentally handicapped.
Step 1: Create a Furaffinity account
Ha. Ha. Making fun of the VI Legion. Hilarious. Very original. The fact that as of now, this above comment has got sixteen likes amazes me.
Step one: don't
Cry in DA's nerfs
Beat me to it
Wait until the Wolf Time
*Laughs in dust*
Yep wait for the primaris update.
Ragnar did not defeat ghaz......the both got mortally wounded and had to get patched up by's a draw
Isn't Ghaz still partying it up on a Daemon World as Khorne's daily entertainment? I could be wrong, current lore I'd a bit fuzzy
@@SarajevoKyoto no that’s Tuska daemon killa, ghaz is currently leading da great waaagh
I mean Ragnar killed Ghazghkull, he was just on the edge of death. Ghazghkull died, got resurrected, as I recall. It’s like saying that Abaddon and Sigismund fought to a draw - both were lying, bleeding out, mortally wounded - but Sigismund did die. Of course Sigismund didn’t get resurrected later by Ork Painboyz but Ragnar did legitimately defeat Ghazghkull, he was just on the verge of death.
@@LysimedVenteel this.
@@LysimedVenteel death is permanent and irreversible by definition.....he couldn't have died any more than Ragnar did in that fight
Go to search bar put "How to Start a Salamander Army in Warhammer 40K 10th Edition" job done.
You don’t. No more Space Puppies
Wow... Very funny...
Ha. Ha. Making fun of the VI Legion. Hilarious. Very original.
the best way to start a space wolves army is dont.
Step 1: Don’t.
i like the way you think
Let people play the army they want and give up this ridiculous hatred at SW players
@@LysimedVenteel nah. space wolves players need to be bullied.
@@LysimedVenteel nah, space furries deserve it. Stop being such a wimp.
@@LysimedVenteel nah, stop being such a crybaby. Space furries deserve it.
You don't. Space Wolves are on the same level of cringe as Night lords. Only that it is fat balding men with beard pearls instead of edgy 14 year olds who play them. When i was playing Rogue trader and one of my party died and the space wolves literally did an "awoooooooo" i fucking died.
but night lords aren't cringe tho...
Can i ask which army you play? So that i can make a child-like comment saying its cringe or edgy, come on man...
Furry triggered @@Logan_Grimnar
@@Bloodworia Ok wow very funny... Now can you answer the question?