Pope Francis Visits Trieste & Calls to Heal "the Wounded Heart of Democracy" | EWTN News Nightly

  • Опубліковано 7 лип 2024
  • During his pastoral visit to the Italian city of Trieste, Pope Francis stressed that Christians are called to heal "the wounded heart of democracy" through participation and political charity. Addressing over 1,000 delegates from different dioceses and associations across Italy, Pope Francis focused on Christian engagement in politics and the need for "courage to make proposals on behalf of justice and peace in the public debate." EWTN Vatican journalist Benjamin Crockett has more.
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  • @agneshouessou9765
    @agneshouessou9765 13 днів тому +4

    ❤🙏👍💒✝️🛐🌹😇God bless you, my beloved Pope Francis.💕

  • @guyparker1749
    @guyparker1749 13 днів тому

    Blessings from above called directly for you all,never forget or deny the love for the faith from where ever it comes ,listen and grasp the warm felt place for God's servants in Holy Christ.my deepest most charitable thoughts of peace and strength for all your deeds daily God be with you !

  • @lloydpatrick6503
    @lloydpatrick6503 13 днів тому

    Praise the Lord God our Father. Lord show us your mercy and heal our ailments. Protect us against Corona Virus Pandemic. For our family and near and dear ones. For our spiritual and temporal wants. For the Pope bishops priests religious and all Catholics of the world. Thanksgiving for favours received. Thank you Jesus thank you Holy Father

  • @julielemker2131
    @julielemker2131 12 днів тому

    Matthew 16:13
    13 When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?
    "Who are men [the people, not the leaders] saying He was?"
    Their answer is found in verse 14:
    14 And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.
    They answered that there was no single opinion about the Person of Jesus, but among the masses there were different opinions. Some believed that Yeshua was John the Baptist, resurrected from the dead. Others believed He was Elijah, the one who was to come according to Malachi 4:5-6. A third opinion was that Jesus was Jeremiah the Prophet. Fourthly, still others believed that He was one of the prophets, perhaps Isaiah or Ezekiel. One thing is very clear: in general, the people recognized the supernatural authority they connected Him with one of the significant characters of the Old Testament or with John the Baptist of the New Testament. However,
    they failed to clearly discern who He really was. He was not Joh the Baptist; He was not Elijah; He was not Jeremiah; He was not Isaiah or any other prophet. Specifically He was Yeshua the Messiah, and no one else. So concerning the first question of this examination, people, in general, felt that Jesus had supernatural authority and must be a special Person, but they all guessed wrong in that they did not discern Him to be the Messiah Himself.
    This leads to the second question in verse 15:
    He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
    Peter said "You are the Messiah the Son of the God, the Living One!"
    Jesus turned to Peter and made a series of statements
    The Source of Peter's knowledge
    First of all, He said in verse 17:
    And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
    Yeshua first said that what Peter understood was a result of divine illumination, not something he learned from mere human reasoning.
    The Rock and the Church
    The second statement He made to Peter is in verse 18:
    And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
    The key to this statement is the relationship between the name Peter and the word rock. The Roman Catholic Church, of course, has done much concerning this particular passage. It has taught that Peter was the first pope and that he was the rock upon which Jesus was to build His church. Based on this teaching that since Peter was the rock upon which the Church was built, beginning with Peter, then, there has been a continuous line of popes though apostolic succession. Therefore, the Roman Catholic Church can properly interpret the Scriptures. When they say this, they are saying that Matthew, who wrote the Gospel, did not understand the rudiment, simplicities, and foundation of Greek grammar.
    The simple point of Greek grammar is: You cannot modify a masculine by a feminine. A feminine noun can never modify a masculine noun. The word for Peter, petros, is a masculine noun and
    means "a small stone or pebble." Yeshua said, "You are Peter-Petros.
    You are a small stone-a small pebble-just like the small stone or pebbles in the stream shooting forth from the base of the cliff-rock, which overshadowed the town of Caesarea Philippi."
    On the other hand, when He talked about this rock, the Greek term He used was petra. Petra is a feminine noun which means "a massive cliff-rock," just like the one overshadowing Caesarea Philippi. So, Peter is a small stone, which make terrible foundations. You do not build a building on a foundation of small stones. But a house could be built on a solid, massive, huge cliff-rock, because that would be a firm foundation.
    So Yeshua said to Peter, you are Peter [petros, masculine noun, meaning a small stone], and upon this rock [petra, feminine noun, meaning a huge, massive cliff-rock] I will build my church. In other words: "Peter, you are a petros, a small stone like the ones in the river that are broken off this cliff. But upon the petra from which you were broken off, I will build My Church."
    It is Jesus who is the massive cliff-rock upon which the Church would be built. It would not be built upon Peter, but upon Peter's confession: "You are the Messiah, the Son of the God, the Living One!" Peter was not the rock but the small stone which was part of the rock; the rock itself was Peter's confession. Therefore, the Church was going to be built on the basis of the Messiahship of Yeshua.
    Jesus very death followed by His resurrection, that the foundation of the Church was laid. Indeed in this way He became the massive cliff-rock and at the same time served as the chief cornerstone of the foundation itself.
    Jesus began the high priestly ministry upon His Ascension, He took on His function as a priest, ever making intercession for us. By means His Ascension, He can function in His priestly office Heaven. Because there is a Man seated at the right hand of God the Father who is performing a high priestly ministry, the writer of the Book of Hebrews
    encourages believers to make use of this High Priest. As our High Priest, He represents us. Since He is a Man who was tempted in all points like we are but without sin, it ns that He is a sympathetic high priest.
    It is prophesied in Psalm 110:1 (One Thousand years before Jesus), where God the Father is viewed as speaking to the Messianic Son, to Him: Jehovah said unto my Lord, Sit you at my right hand, Until I make your enemies your footstool.
    After God the Son took on human form at the Incarnation, after He fulfilled in His life the purpose of the Incarnation, and after His death, Resurrection and Ascension, He was seated at right hand of God the Father. He left Heaven in the form of God, but He returned to Heaven having two natures: divine and human. He is now the God-Man and, as the God-Man, He fulfills the prophecy that He would be seated at the right hand of God he Father.
    The New Testament verifies that Psalm 110:1 speaks of the Messiah (Mat. 22:43-45; Mk. 12:35-37; Lk. 20:41-44). In fact, Yeshua quoted this very verse (Ps.110:1) to the Pharisees with the question, "Whose son was the Messiah to be?" They correctly answered, "David's." Then Jesus answered, "If the Messiah is David's son, why does David call Him Lord?" It was a question that the Pharisees could not answer. But the answer lies in the God-Man concept: as to His humanity, Yeshua is David's son, but as to His deity, He is David's Lord.
    Jesus is the one mediator between God, the Father, and men (1 Tim 2:5) It was necessary for e mediator to be human and that is why Yeshua became a man. Israel had the Levitical high priest as their mediator, believers today have the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

  • @robinkilgour1680
    @robinkilgour1680 13 днів тому

    A vicar of Christ must be committed to telling the truth, not entertaining the public with spiritually spiced sales tracts