This language is really so simple to learn, all you have to do is think about old, archaic ways of saying things like thou for you, and the word 'tau' becomes immediately easy to remember. This language is the closest thing we will ever know to ancient proto indo european so it's extremely important.
Литовский язык близок ни какому-то мифическому индоевропейскому, а на 80% состоит из слов древнерусско-русского языка, кстати а английском тако же большое количество слов заимствованных из русского языка, либо тот протоиндоевропейский язык и есть древнерусский язык. литовский язык: "Koks tavo vardas?" перевод на древнерусский и русский: древнерусский: "Ко тоу ор?", "Ко(й) тов(ой) ор?", "Коя товоя ора?" современный русский: "Како-то товое ворото-то?", "Какс твоя вратась/вартась?" "Как твоë имя?" "Кое твоë имя?" "Аке твоë имя?" • "Koks" - какос, какс, ко, кой, кое, коя, коу, ков, како, как, какой, какое, какая, ако, ак, аке, аки, як, яко, якн, яки, какоси, какось, каксь, какосе, какос, какс; • "tavo" - то, той, тое, тои, тоу, тов, товой, твой, товоя, твоя, товое, твое, тоев, тоево, тоевый, тоева; • "vardas" - происходит от рус. ор, ора, рава, орава, в'ора/в'ра, в'орока/в'рака, в'орота/в'рата, в'орона/в'рана, далее рус. "ворта" или "ворка", отсюда в англ. word [wɜːd] - слово; в'ороти(-ть)/в'рати(-ть) - словить, говорить; ворковати(-ть) или вортовати(-ть) - словить, говорить, отсюда в рус. ворок/врак/врач тот кто лечит или врачует заговором, отсюда в англ. oral [ˈɔːrəl] от рус. "ora" прил или verbal [ˈvɜːbəl] прил от рус. "v'оrаvа" - речевой, словесный, устный; по-рус. "вара(-я)" или "вира" означает цена, стоимость, плата, оплата, вено, вина, долг, пеня, далее "варта", "вартость" - достоинство, значимость, ценность, годность;
I know yours is a really old comment, but I still felt the need to reply and note that "tau" is not equivalent to "thou", because "thou" is nominative and "tau" is dative. The equivalent of "tau" in the English of Shakespeare's time would be "thee", which stood in for both the dative and accusative cases. Thinking of one word might help you remember the other, but when you get into cases it could be confusing . . .
TheGreatfighting Listen,to speak like natives is really difficult,the most important thing is that they speak correctly !!!I know a Spanish woman who lives in Lithuania since 35 years ago ,and she has a very strong accent in Lithuanian ,though she speaks correctly !!!And i know no Lithuanians who speak Spanish (my first language )without an accent.All have a strong accent in Spanish...So you cant pretend them to speak in Lithuanian with a lithuanian accent.😒😒😒😒😒
This language is really so simple to learn, all you have to do is think about old, archaic ways of saying things like thou for you, and the word 'tau' becomes immediately easy to remember. This language is the closest thing we will ever know to ancient proto indo european so it's extremely important.
TigerWoodsLibido the language is difficult 😒😒😒😒😒
Литовский язык близок ни какому-то мифическому индоевропейскому, а на 80% состоит из слов древнерусско-русского языка, кстати а английском тако же большое количество слов заимствованных из русского языка, либо тот протоиндоевропейский язык и есть древнерусский язык.
литовский язык:
"Koks tavo vardas?"
перевод на древнерусский и русский:
"Ко тоу ор?",
"Ко(й) тов(ой) ор?",
"Коя товоя ора?"
современный русский:
"Како-то товое ворото-то?",
"Какс твоя вратась/вартась?"
"Как твоë имя?"
"Кое твоë имя?"
"Аке твоë имя?"
• "Koks" - какос, какс, ко, кой, кое, коя, коу, ков, како, как, какой, какое, какая, ако, ак, аке, аки, як, яко, якн, яки, какоси, какось, каксь, какосе, какос, какс;
• "tavo" - то, той, тое, тои, тоу, тов, товой, твой, товоя, твоя, товое, твое, тоев, тоево, тоевый, тоева;
• "vardas" - происходит от рус. ор, ора, рава, орава, в'ора/в'ра, в'орока/в'рака, в'орота/в'рата, в'орона/в'рана, далее рус. "ворта" или "ворка", отсюда в англ. word [wɜːd] - слово; в'ороти(-ть)/в'рати(-ть) - словить, говорить; ворковати(-ть) или вортовати(-ть) - словить, говорить, отсюда в рус. ворок/врак/врач тот кто лечит или врачует заговором, отсюда в англ. oral [ˈɔːrəl] от рус. "ora" прил или verbal [ˈvɜːbəl] прил от рус. "v'оrаvа" - речевой, словесный, устный;
по-рус. "вара(-я)" или "вира" означает цена, стоимость, плата, оплата, вено, вина, долг, пеня, далее "варта", "вартость" - достоинство, значимость, ценность, годность;
10/10 nice way to teach Lithuanian. :)
Thanks for the teachings. It's means alot.
I know yours is a really old comment, but I still felt the need to reply and note that "tau" is not equivalent to "thou", because "thou" is nominative and "tau" is dative. The equivalent of "tau" in the English of Shakespeare's time would be "thee", which stood in for both the dative and accusative cases. Thinking of one word might help you remember the other, but when you get into cases it could be confusing . . .
Point taken, thank you. Will try and slow down in the new videos.
@lainemichelleallen At first, you'll have to pause it, but eventually you'll be able to repeat them in time.
Thank you
I like it. It's simple but good.
While saying "Mano vardos yra.." does it change in any way since I'm female?
Im almost sure it changes to "Mono"
Mano vardos nera teisingai !!MANO VARDAS :))).No ,that does not change and that does not depend on the sex of the person .
Ava Flynn Mono?Obviously,no 😂😂😂😂😃😃😯
Thank you!
@lainemichelleallen yea i agree
You're welcome.
You're welcome!
It sounds similar to Slavic. Thanks again :)
Slavic and baltic languages have the most archaic sounds that derived from their ancestor language, balto-slavic.
NOT TO VEIWERS:Try to sound like the person from lithuania. NOT the American TRYING to pronounce it.
TheGreatfighting Listen,to speak like natives is really difficult,the most important thing is that they speak correctly !!!I know a Spanish woman who lives in Lithuania since 35 years ago ,and she has a very strong accent in Lithuanian ,though she speaks correctly !!!And i know no Lithuanians who speak Spanish (my first language )without an accent.All have a strong accent in Spanish...So you cant pretend them to speak in Lithuanian with a lithuanian accent.😒😒😒😒😒