Slowing Down. How my life got a new meaning when I quit my destructive lifestyle.

  • Опубліковано 19 гру 2023
  • I lived my life as a touring musician, but during the record hot and dry summer of 2018, it dawned on me that my lifestyle was part of the problem that was causing the entire ecosystem to collapse. I decided not to book any more air travel and I wanted to become more rooted locally, move further out into the country, start growing my food and perform more in the immediate area instead of in distant continents. As I carried out my project to reduce my carbon emissions - I gave away my car, I started producing my own food, I stopped consuming, I installed solar panels etc - I discovered that what at first appeared to be a sacrifice, was in fact the opposite. Every step I took gave a whole lot of positive sideeffects and, my physical, mental and material well-being increased.
    All ancient religions and teachings of wisdom have perpetually repeated the same thing - the pursuit of money, gold and material wealth does not bring happiness and leads only to destruction. What matters is love and empathy. Humans have evolved and survived thanks to our capacity for cooperation and empathy. In the small groups of hunter-gatherers that man has lived within for 99% of our existence, selfishness has been a death sentence. All were interdependent - the prosperity and survival of the next was crucial to ones own prosperity and survival.
    As I see it, all our modern problems are linked to each other and they have their root in the alienation we feel from living in an unnatural civilization. We numb our discomfort with distractions, consumption and addiction. We are fed the false and extremely destructive individualistic lie about survival of the fittest and we have lost the feeling for what is actually true: what I do to my surroundings I also do to myself. I cannot enrich myself by draining other life - be it my fellow humans, or the plants or the animals that inhabit the planet together with me. The planet's ecosystem is so ingeniously structured that every tiny microorganism is crucial to the whole. If my companions feel good, I feel good too. We have everything to gain by protecting and helping each other.


  • @edmustard3131
    @edmustard3131 15 днів тому +1

    what a beautiful and thoughtful film!

  • @AlmostDrAbe
    @AlmostDrAbe Місяць тому +1


  • @robertbdesmond
    @robertbdesmond 4 місяці тому +2

    Very cool. The Pandemic changed us all. I have enjoyed this video, and, you are an amazing guitar player! I agree with your conclusions about life. And, as YOU get older, you will find out how precious life really is. I’m 69 now and realizing that my time on Earth is now limited. When I was a young man, I had forever to accomplish my dreams. These days, I realize that every new day is a gift. Enjoy your new life, but please, don’t stop playing guitar! You are truly a gifted musician!

  • @SknappCFA
    @SknappCFA 3 місяці тому +1

    I came back to this video because I enjoyed it the previous several times I watched it. Christopher Parkening went on a similar journey and metamorphosis. Ultimately, he returned to public performances because he felt his gift would be wasted if it wasn’t shared. His Christian beliefs included the principle that says, “To whom much is given, much is required.” It’ll be interesting to see if Marten’s journey follows a similar path. Either way, I look forward to meeting him again here on UA-cam.

  • @stanaslause
    @stanaslause 6 місяців тому +1

    What an endearing film that your mum has made. This is Earl in England and I’m so blessed to know you and to see your transition into a completely different life style. I’m so pleased that you have found self and satisfaction in all that you are now committed to and with your complete family. Very best wishes to you xxx

    • @martenfalk9680
      @martenfalk9680  6 місяців тому +1

      Many thanks my friend and merry Christmas to you and your family! (I am currently working on the recording where I use your wonderful guitar).

  • @AlvaroPinto2
    @AlvaroPinto2 6 місяців тому +1

    Du är en underbart Mårten som delar din musik, dina tankar och framför allt får oss att tänka om att leva i harmoni med moderjorden. Tack, och åter tack finaste Mårten! Alvaro

  • @DylanGladstoneMusic
    @DylanGladstoneMusic 6 місяців тому +2

    A very inspiring video! Thank you for posting this.
    I’ve been slowly moving towards a minimalist lifestyle. Unfortunately being self sufficient at your level is beyond my skill and my temperament.
    For example, I eat meat, but I couldn’t bring myself to slaughter an animal. I realize how hypocritical this is. If I tried to raise a pig for food it would end up being another pet. 😁
    The more people who choose to live the way you do, the better off the planet and all life on it will become.
    I think the closest I’ll come to living a less environmentally destructive life is moving to a city where I will no longer need a car and consuming and buying less factory goods.

    • @martenfalk9680
      @martenfalk9680  6 місяців тому +2

      Many thanks for your kind comment Dylan! I am very happy that you also are aiming for a more sustainable life, I hope there will be many of us! ❤️

  • @davidjacques2024
    @davidjacques2024 6 місяців тому +2

    Very inspiring my friend ❤

    • @martenfalk9680
      @martenfalk9680  6 місяців тому

      Thanks my friend, a very merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family!

  • @SknappCFA
    @SknappCFA 6 місяців тому +1

    The parallels between climate activism and religion are fascinating to me. In this example, contemplation of the impact of carbon emissions (sin) leads to off-the-grid living (monasticism). Change comes from withdrawal. Humankind has been seeking relevance in the universe thusly since the beginning of time. No one wants to be insignificant, so purpose and impact are imagined and pursued in many forms.

    • @martenfalk9680
      @martenfalk9680  6 місяців тому

      Thank you for your very interesting comment. I think you are correct. But what I feel even more intensively is the truth in what the ancient wisdom has repeatedly trying to teach us: happiness and wellbeing is not found in material success.

    • @SknappCFA
      @SknappCFA 6 місяців тому +1

      @@martenfalk9680I truly enjoy your UA-cam channel. It’s one of my favorites because every video teaches me something new. And your music, of course, is sublime. Please take good care of that Romanillos!

    • @orenalbertmeisel3127
      @orenalbertmeisel3127 3 місяці тому +1

      No wonder there's a parallel between climate activism and religion. It's like saying there's a parallel between religion and religion

  • @ulftilly
    @ulftilly 6 місяців тому +1

    Tänkvärt och vackert. Fint filmat dessutom!

  • @Argento88
    @Argento88 6 місяців тому +1

    Thanks for this video, it gave me hope that some day i will be able to reach that kind of lifestyle. Don't you need a hand over there? Haha
    Thanks again Marten, love for you and your people.

    • @martenfalk9680
      @martenfalk9680  6 місяців тому +1

      Thanks! I sure hope you will succeed, I truly wish this for everyone, it is such a relief to get out of the consumism of the modern world.

  • @tobiasnilsson8934
    @tobiasnilsson8934 6 місяців тому +1

    Hej Mårten!
    Tack för mycket tänkvärda tankar och att du delar dina livsval. Ja, allt har ett samband som du nämner. Vi har en tendens till att fastna i ett sorts beroende vad gäller konsumtion som i sig påverkar miljön och vår livsstil. Intressant att höra om effekten kring er livskvalitet :-) Få förunnat.
    Påverkas ditt spelande av harmonin och lugnet?
    Önskar er båda en God Jul och ett Gott Nytt År!

    • @martenfalk9680
      @martenfalk9680  6 місяців тому +2

      Tack Tobias, roligt att du tycker att det var tänkvärt!
      Det är svårt att uttala sig om sitt eget spel tycker jag, men jag inbillar mig att jag spelar bättre än någonsin. Men det kanske bara är jag som tycker... 😀 Vilket i och för sig inte gör så mycket.

    • @tobiasnilsson8934
      @tobiasnilsson8934 6 місяців тому +1

      Du har säkert rätt angående spelandet. Mår vi bra kan vi fokusera utan distraktion :-)

  • @iamgroot2204
    @iamgroot2204 5 місяців тому +1

    Can I please know the name of the first piece 🙏🏻

    • @martenfalk9680
      @martenfalk9680  5 місяців тому +1

      Canco del Lladre by Miguel Llobet

    • @iamgroot2204
      @iamgroot2204 5 місяців тому

      @@martenfalk9680 Thank you❤