Just discovered this brilliant, inspired man. I searched for reviews and came across "wouldn't you know it" a review by someone who believes he is a heretic. For me I feel Rohr is one of the biggest gifts to those who truly want to understand more about people, God and life in general. I will continue my metaphysical education with him along with my other metaphysical studies. In all my almost 60 years of study, I find him to be one of the wisest, honest and perceptive educators I've ever run across. I am inspired and excited.
When I went through a heart crisis--and discovered this thing called anxiety--there was no comfort or peace to be found in the requirement religion I'd been immersed in for the first 60 years of my life. Richard, contemplative Christianity, Thich Nhat Hanh, meditation, and simple Buddhism have been life buoys.
This dude is a legend to this Generation Xer, a child of the 80s! I might be a 51 year old, but he’s important to finding real Truth or about “Deconstructing” Christian faith.
@@DiscoverJesus Rohr is neither. He holds the Christian view, that God is through all and in All that He creates. There is no place that God is not. You can find all this in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, hey check it out!
@@dorothysay8327 So should you. Jesus was not a promoter of the sex revolution, like Rohr, oblivious to its connection to the abortion holocaust, like Rohr and, obviously, well, you. Hate to break the news to you, but God created those mountains of corpses of babies and their rivers of blood.
It is possible to follow a path to enlightenment within a church, though it's not easy. For me, having been brought up within a socialist (communist) environment of former Yugoslavia gave much more freedom to search and explore religious philosophy, meaning and practises of different cultures yet eventually 'bringing it all back home' - to Christianity and it's mysticism. It is really great to have such talks as these within catolic community.
I am a fan of people like Father Rohr know man can't comprehend how a BUILDING has a way to understand the TRUTH that is not different than another BUILDING can only understand the TRUTH in TRUTH of their TRUTH to understand, but has no ability to know the truth of any individual that is something possible only for the choice to be seen choosing to know the TRUTH of you that only the one who is the Builder of us all and the TRUTH in TRUTH can get you to know, Jesus noticed that TRUTH by living in TRUTH of LOVE and valued us all seek to live in the same way that is LOVE that Jesus knew and gave us all a way to know the Father of us all and the TRUTH of LOVE.
@@dorothysay8327 The feeling is mutual. The Gospel is not a feel-good self-help book. The Sermon on the Mount is an affront to our sins and vanities as much as a comfort to our virtues.
05:40 Learn the rules well, so you can break them properly. - Dalai Lama 06:10 Knowledge vs Wisdom 07:00 Wisdom leads us to compassion & understanding 08:15 The ten commandments vs. beatitudes 10:10 Modernism & Postmodernism 12:20 Critical Consciousness 13:40 Deconstruction & when ego reigns 14:10 Three Boxes Illustration 17:03 Conservatives (Box 1): Order at all cost 17:31 Progressives (Box 2): Perpetual cynicism 18:14 Reorder (Box 3): Combine boxes 1&2 18:30 Second half: Radical traditionalism 21:45 Franciscan teaching & church history 24:24 Spiral dynamics (Integral theory) 25:10 Second half: less violent, nondual, more inclusive 27:05 Hagel: Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis 28:00 Bourgeault: Third Force Thinking 29:35 Gurdjieff: Holy Affirming, Holy Denying, Holy Reconciling 30:50 Faith: Knowing balanced by unknowing 32:15 Gurdjieff: Holy Reconciling 33:50 Nondual consciousness & living with contradictions 36:55 Merton: When In the Soul of the Serene Disciple 44:08 Q&A Starts 44:35 What is your definition of reality? 46:33 How to talk with those who disagree with you? 49:50 How to understand/deal with suffering in the world? 51:00 Do you see a growth of consciousness speeding up? 57:00 How to improve intergenerational community? 59:10 Dualistic Clarity & Nondual Understanding 1:02:28 Dealing with grief & moving to solitude 1:04:05 Usage of enneagram in spiritual growth 1:06:45 How catholicism led Rohr into an awakening
Thank you very much for this summary. I wonder whether we get around reincarnation after hearing all of this. Wouldn't it make more sense if this evolution process of the soul continous until it is finished? A lot of people not even started it with 90 years.... So reincarnation would actually make total sense or even be needed for the school of life to continue until all lessons are learned?
If God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, then he is present in this talk for those who are meant to hear. Millions of paths home. Who are we to limit God's ability to reach us because something looks different than our limited understanding of our own belief system?
He does not teach Catholic doctrine. He even denies that sin is an issue. He makes a distinction between Jesus and "the Universal Christ," and denies that Jesus died for sin.
TheExastrologer ....where does Father Richard Rohr say that Jesus did not die for our sins? Father Rohr does mention that the Vatican questioned his theology and that he responded to every question regarding his faith and that he was told to continue his preaching of the Catholic Faith.
@@TheExastrologer why are you wasting your time watching if it is over your head? He's a Franciscan--one who seeks to understand. It's a mystical path.
@@federicoramirez8175 I dont have any problem with listening but I do have a major problem with this man's theology...it is total nonsense. Read your bible...do research...show some discernment. I pray that you and all the other misled souls who follow this man will come to see his erroneous teachings
@@brightskyfireworksuk don’t listen t lo Richard then. Misled souls? So judgmental and of course that makes you right and others wrong: close to fundamentalism. Anyways, God bless.
@@federicoramirez8175 to be fair Fr Richard is not straightforward! He speaks a lot like Trump: you can hear everything you want to hear and everything you dont want. His phrasing and intonation mimic Trump - it is seriously a successful trope! Dont succumb to the tribal urge to take sides! Richard can be both sides: just ask yourself why🙂
this is a really interesting presentation. the discussion of the holy denial makes a lot of sense, especially when compared to the world we live in right now, it feels that there is so much hope with solutions to climate change, finally accepting our problem with racism and being united about the folly of riches. At the same time we are dealing with a darkness that is clearly opposed to that light. My mom Nancy Lampert, 1957 to 2014 would have loved this, she was a phd in Art Education and her research was in critical thinking, being able to accept problems that don't have solutions or don't have easy solutions and her motto was: "kindness in the classroom"!
Richard observed that he never saw a certain statesman laugh. When I attended a Billy Graham crusade across the river from Portland Oregon in the early/mid 1990s, I was near the stage and watched with camera in hand to capture a smile. In an event lasting two hours or so, I never saw a smile or heard a laugh from the Reverend Billy Graham. While I accept the value of seriously surrendering to Jesus, I also want to smile and laugh with Him. Thank you, Richard, for your sense of humor and recognition of delight in life.
When the false self dies that which remains finds a life that does not often mirror the world…so once again the truth statement ‘ to be in the world but not of the world “
Hy het my lewensuitkyk, my godsbesef, radikaal verander. Metanoia , verander jou denke, is die sleutel tot volwasse geloof in God, Christus en Gees. Die ou kerklike storielyn is uitgedien.
I don't know how many time I laughed the journey is scary you never know if you're growing or backsliding to use an old fashioned word but you start to feel better
@@elianamckee Three Over Two (a silly poem): Three over two How do you do? Poor old nearsighted Mr. Magoo I've got a riddle that's covered in goo What makes foot cover nothing but a shoe? There came a man shouting heaven is here: Jump in the Jordan Nevermind your gear Bring fruits of penance Even shed a tear Cause sandal strap loosing is a task that lacks a peer We lift a cup of blessing Knowing not what kind What fills the cup not visible to the carnal mind If anyone says otherwise He's covered not in fat Bald his pate and satiate -ed not be his wrath: He likes to harangue orangutans and manner much of men: monkeys chimps and lowly forms of primal parents' ken Time be linear yes true to be-- we parents of the past thinks the sage and yo! the sailor-who wanders up the mast seeing all around is round He knowseknows What Pre-Socratics don't! He knows indeed what floats his boat in Archimedian gloat: O mystery I've sussed you up You haven't got a chance I've pierced the veil whence gathered dust 'fore any had a glance! Now bear thee fruit O cursed bush commanded thus I beg: Which comes afirst (how wisemen thirst) the chicken or the egg? And float in air or wat'ry grave (tread upon with soft): Nothing new is under sun But men have thought it oft.
This is beautiful, and thank you for sharing your wisdom and grace. However. The second person to ask a question. You were incredibly impatient with him. I felt impatient with him too. But sir, you are above dismissing people out of hand. You have such insight into what makes people tick and what it might help them to hear (I've seen some of your enneagram work). Surely you owed him at least your insight on why he bothered you and how he could grow as a person if he recognized these things. (Yes, I'm a 1 also, sue me.)
Most people do not deal with all of this. So don't we need the concept of reincarnation as all beings sooner or later have to learn this? I know people 80 years old that not even touched this topic of inner soul groth/enlightment. So is this only optional? And at the end of life we get to heaven anyway? Would be kind of strange, if school is only a joke and everybody gets the exam in the end anyway... so I think reincarnation should be christian truth again, too?
He came to redeem the law . 1-4 of the ten commandments are the positive law , 5-10 are the negative law do nots , proscriptions against trespass ; trespass on property and person. The 8 beatitudes are reinforcements of 1-4 . Love ❤ God ,self, and neighbor. As I see it Jesus redemption of the Law through the Beatitudes was the change of emphasis ( THOUGH MITZVAHS GOOD DEEDS WERE ALWAYS PART OF THE LAW at least tribally in Judaism ) . This to me is part of the " ALIGNMENT PROBLEM " . UNLESS WE ALIGN WITH the laws redemption we are out of order. Now if we take the love 🔺️ triangle God at the apex, and self and others at the base vertices there's alignment . But if it's your triangle and God's triangle but not the others triangle because they've let THEIR triangleS APEX BE THEIR EGO. YOU WILL FACE OBSTACLES. GOING THROUGH THE STAGES OF LIFE YOU WILL RARELY FIND ALL PERSONS GOD CENTERED WHOSE TRIANGLES APEX IS GOD CENTERED. WHEN YOU DO YOU' LL FIND THAT RARE UNITIVE HARMONIOUS MOMENT. NONDUALISM IS BETTER IN THE UNITIVE WAY. NOT IN THE HEGELIAN MARXIST CONFLICTIVE WAY. Holy denial Batman there is a God. Holy uncertainty batman I can't define God's whole Self. But we can love the whole when all those thesis hypothesis synthesis fail.
I thank Fr Rohr for alerting me to New Age deceit masquerading as modern Catholicism. His nonsense was so similar to Teilhart De Chardin it woke me up to this new attack on authentic Catholicism.
I love Richard and his messages but he’s mentioned his disdain for Trump almost every time I’ve listened to him. He even closed such a beautiful message with it here lol
I don’t understand how a person can consider themselves evolved beyond dualistic consciousness when so often referring to someone with a different perspective as “they” and “other” . There is no “other”. Just people with different perspectives, motives, wounds and experiences. The opposing forces exist within each of us. We keep forming teams and if you don’t see the truth the same as I do then you are on the wrong team. I don’t see where this man is as evolved beyond that as he would like to think. Shouldn’t we be evolving beyond religious and political affiliation?
Notice the term "The Perennial Tradition" in the introduction he's given and in the caption below the video above. The Perennial Tradition is incompatible with Christianity because it teaches that all religions share and derive from the same truth. Iow, Jesus is not needed as a Savior, there is no sin, all men are in God or Christ already, and man has God in himself. This is what Rohr teaches. He also agrees with spiral dynamics, which comes from his friend Ken Wilber, a Perennial-Buddhist (not even identifying as a Christian).
I have listened to him teach on his newest devotional and he says all these points pretty explicitly (though not verbatim) in the first 15 min of an hour long talk.
@@ellalella1 I was literally watching and listening and taking physical notes. Some word for word. I can send you exact quotes. It is the talk he gives on the book called “Universal Christ”. He specifically said these points. If you choose to not look into it then you are choosing to ignorantly deny what he believes.
The title “Second Half of Life” is misleading and disappointing as only a brief statement at around 23 minute mark and a poem at the end of the talk mentions anything about second half of life. Rest of it may is circumstantial and at times tangential as in many of his talks yet still interesting, thought provoking, and humorous. Clearly a very liberal mind who likes to poke fun at those who aren’t and therefore still engages in dualistic thinking when convenient while advocating for non-dualism. I do appreciate the self-disclosure of Vatican investigation of “possible” heresy espoused by Richard Rohr who at the same time warns that he knows how to break the rules by knowing the rules well. Makes me wonder if he just knew how to give the “right” answer to the Vatican and gave them what he knew they wanted to hear to get their stamp of approval. An example of operating within the false self system in order to live out his true self authentic to himself. Wheat and weed shall grow together.
What a bunch of drivel. I’m a 70 yo evolving(interpret that as you may, LOL) Catholic with 21 years of Catholic institutional education. I love how in the end the Rev. chastises the sycophantic audience to speedup their questions, who in reality mimic his style, how disingenuous. Philosophers love to use multiple words with multiple syllables, putting labels on everything, it’s their way of ordering things. Much of it is arbitrary and unnecessary because some other philosopher has his own label for nearly the exact same thing. Debating order vs disorder and then reorder can ultimately be part of the debate of what is lawful and unlawful. Rev’s claim that Jesus was one of the great law breakers doesn’t explain the why. Apparently it irritates him that the 10 Commandments are too ubiquitous to suit his tastes, I don’t think Jesus was intending to replace the 10 with the 8 Beatitudes; mostly, as just one example Jesus was rallying against those in power who controlled the temple, profiteering from sales on “sacrificial lambs” or for whatever creature one’s budget could afford, Cadillac or Chevy, gentry or peasant. The Rev. seems to blame ordered societies for creating the broth that lead to 2 great World Wars and the Holocaust , and later led to catastrophes in Viet Nam and the Middle East. It’s much more complicated than that. While alluding to Trump being a significant root of current problems, as he does frequently, he forgets it was progressives like Woody Wilson who refused to see Ho Chi Minh at Versailles, FDR who appeased Stalin, Saul Alinsky’s cohorting with clergy like Fr. Jack Egan , Bishop Bernard Sheil that bequeathed people like the eventual Cardinal Bernadin leading to the laxity of “order” in the Catholic Church, possibly placing the Church on the abyss of whether it will survive or not. Using terms like Modernism and Post Modernism, Critical Consciousness, meta-narratives, Duality and Spiral Dynamics are just that, spiral dynamics --- double talk, a lot like Biden’s comment “we choose truth over facts" but in this so called duality, facts are the truth. Progressives if they aren’t talking in circles they’re talking out of both sides of the mouth, as the occasion warrants. Progressives might claim overthrowing the monarch is good and it can be, but they only replace it with a monolith that has multiple heads, embedding itself deeper than it’s predecessor, that will eventually and abusively control the majority, that is where we are headed when progressive-ism becomes socialism. Bless you Father.
zrabbithunter I’m a 50yo who is also evolving. I had 9.5 years of catholic school, I was expelled, and rightly so. Anyhow, Father Richard has been a great help to me during this evolution of my spiritual journey. I agree with your comment on his political philosophical views. When he bashes the president it makes me wonder. He, as all of us will continue to be influenced by our egos and not realizing it. Maybe if I wasn’t expelled at that early age I would be able express myself as well as you have! Thank you
@@josephverrecchio6452 Joe thank you for the response, I was a come lately to this posting and I did not expect a reply. We are not alone as evolving Catholics. In my early years I loved all 8 of the nuns who taught me, and the Christian Brothers who taught me in HS, and feel they did me no harm. Their sense of order and common sense has guided me. When I had my share of corporal punishment, they reminded me society has rules if there is to be order, in retrospect I would not change a minute of it, although at the time I would rather have played hooky. Any way I feel, the Rev. oversimplified his analysis of what took place and is currently taking place. I do believe he seriously, maybe intentionally detoured off the advertised subject: "2nd Half of Life". Was his intended message for those of us who are aged, or did he mean life after death? Either viewpoint was what I was expecting but he failed if that was his intent. In his search to place blame, I think he drank way too much of the hopium from the previous administration. I will recommend one thing for you to view on youtube, go to: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, posted by Colorado Hunter it runs about an hour and one half. The lead shows a picture of Gen. Franco, so it will be easy to recognize. In the end despite what progressives have done to the church and America in general, there still is some optimism. Let me know your thoughts if you choose to view it.
If we take life to be a learn process, kind of spirit evolution, we have to deal with one fact: Not everyone is doing the work in this life. Is this showwork only optional? So we have the situation that a lot of humans/souls reach the end of their life without finding enlightment, without evolving, so to say without finishing the teaching material here on earth. The only way I see to solve this problem ist to accept reincarnation. So souls who's evolution did not finish can continue on, until they learned, what is neaded. In other religions we have this concept and I think even the old greeks beleived in it and maybe parts of early christianity. Would be a big deal if we miss this truth. But what is the alternative? If someone is born in kongo, is raised by soldiers and gets a child soldier and gets shot in the head age 12 was there any fair chance? Would hell be justified? Wouldn't be god to be blamed? He would be the car ingeneer and crashtest taker at once. There was no fair chance for free will to evolve in this case. Reincarnation would solve all of this... second, third, fourth chance, until the soul learns the lessons needed. This way we could put everything into a bigger context. Like meating people again and again over many lives and working out our conflicts and problems until the unfished ends disappear.
Eh, my dear Richard. The president knows how to laugh. It's just that he's performing the ministry of the Trickster towards your end of the political spectrum, he is a clown for them with the eyes to see and - I'm telling you - he's extremely funny. With us he is the most jolly man on the planet. I would advise you to take off your ideological glasses and try som other pairs more often, if you can manage to see the Glory of Trump you would be amazed I think. Not that there's anything wrong with your glasses per se, I'm learning to see the world with them more and more but I would never like to get stuck with them. Then the dualistic walls start to come closer. Much love.
Does anyone else think Fr Richard's phrasing and intonation is scarily similar to Donald Trump😳 Did Fr Richard sound like this before 2016?? Is this a Jungian thing??😳
Just stay in Gods Holy words the Holy Bible. We have to seek Jesus. Deny ourselves pick up our cross daily. Dont trust these false religion's. Its a personal relationship with Jesus. There is only one mediator between us and the Father. Domt pray to Mary dont pray to saints. Dont confess to a man your sins for forgivness. Turn and repent and he is faithful because he loves you. But humble your hearts and stay in his word. Heaven and earth will pass away but his words wont. The Bible is complete we cant add or take away to it.
This twisted reprobate has perverted the simple teachings of the Gospel to misinform those thirsting for spirituality. We shall pray that he repents of his wickedness!
@@valentinerebello4163 Why would you want me to stay in my closed shell? Wouldn't you want me to know the real Jesus? But yes, I do know the real God, Jesus in the flesh. You clearly don't. What's this "god" that you believe in?
@@lindawer I'm not putting a shell around his beliefs.....the Bible does. God has revealed to us what He is like through His word, the Bible. If someone believes and teaches things that are contrary to what Jesus said and the scriptures then they are incorrect about their view of God and salvation. Just like Rohr
@@lindawer You said that my view is not consistent with the catholic church? Good. Because the Bible, God's word is my ultimate standard and authority for truth. Not the man made fallible catholic church. You pointed out how I am judging.....yet you completely judged my in how I view God and the scriptures. This makes you a hypocrite. I pray that you repent of this. I agree that the Bible is the living word. You said it's not a rule book? Sure, but there are things that Jesus/ God command of us! Are God's commands for us rules? In a sense, yes and there is nothing wrong with that. All throughout scripture we see that one of the greatest ways to love God is to obey God. Once people reject the authority of scripture then almost anything can go and they can come up with new ways and other standards for determining their views on these various issues. Many followers of Jesus claim that the Bible is the living word yet they do not know how to interpret it or exegete the text. A simple hermeneutics class should serve you well.
Nobody can be called Father except our God, YHWY, in heaven. Ecumenical movement is straying away from the truth that Jesus Christ is only way to the Father. No one can save us except our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. No matter how much this author is prominent or insightful , if he speaks 0.00001 % of lie, then it’s not truth.
YHWY was an extraterrestrial who took the genetic material from those living on Mars, mixing it with apes and their own super spiritual DNA, in order to continue the Mars saga after they had destroyed their sphere duty warfare. That's not the one true God you speak of, my friend. You are absolutely correct when you say that truth is total.
Wow. You can tell me I don’t know what I Am talking about, but is there possibly another reason for you to state that Fr. Rohr isn’t a Christian?? You just sound so sure that he is not whom he claims to be. Thank you.
@@soniaprovard5841 Hello Sonia; I obviously don’t know your church/spiritual backstory; I was raised Roman Catholic before being saved later in life; I am Reformed Baptist. Rohr denies the sovereignty of God in man’s salvation. We’re dead in sin, unable to make ourselves right with God on our own (Romans 3:11, Ephesians 2). We’re saved by grace alone by faith alone in Christ Jesus alone (Acts 14:6, John 14:6). There is no expository teaching if the doctrines of grace with Rohr; he sounds far more like someone who is a social justice warrior. Additionally, he also strongly supports the LGBT movement. He has been endorsed by false teachers such as Rob Bell and Brian McLaren. He sounds much of the time (i.e. “everything is Christ, etc.) like a pantheist rather than a biblical teacher.
@@erincaitlin1655 Erin, please see the above post in terms of what specifically makes Rohr a wolf, then hold it up to the lens/light of scripture. Point of fact, Christians are supposed to (righteously, of course) judge. See John 7:24.
Fr. Rohr is an enlightened human being and we are blessed to receive his faith and wisdom.
Such a thoughtful person. He's gifted me with so much!
Just discovered this brilliant, inspired man. I searched for reviews and came across "wouldn't you know it" a review by someone who believes he is a heretic. For me I feel Rohr is one of the biggest gifts to those who truly want to understand more about people, God and life in general. I will continue my metaphysical education with him along with my
other metaphysical studies. In all my almost 60 years of study, I find him to be one of the wisest, honest and perceptive educators I've ever run across. I am inspired and excited.
When I went through a heart crisis--and discovered this thing called anxiety--there was no comfort or peace to be found in the requirement religion I'd been immersed in for the first 60 years of my life. Richard, contemplative Christianity, Thich Nhat Hanh, meditation, and simple Buddhism have been life buoys.
Richard Rohr is such a blessing! 🙏🏾
This dude is a legend to this Generation Xer, a child of the 80s! I might be a 51 year old, but he’s important to finding real Truth or about “Deconstructing” Christian faith.
It's not Christianity at all it's pantheism / universalism
So you like to lied to about not dealing with all the evil you do?
@@edwardbaker1331 Jesus dealt with the evil, young man. They’d the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You oughta maybe get your Scriptures out !
@@DiscoverJesus Rohr is neither. He holds the Christian view, that God is through all and in All that He creates. There is no place that God is not.
You can find all this in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, hey check it out!
@@dorothysay8327 So should you. Jesus was not a promoter of the sex revolution, like Rohr, oblivious to its connection to the abortion holocaust, like Rohr and, obviously, well, you. Hate to break the news to you, but God created those mountains of corpses of babies and their rivers of blood.
Richard Rohr is a saviour of souls. Holiness embodied. Thanks be to God.
He is my favorite mentor. I have the habit of looking up every reference he makes in his beautiful speech.
It is possible to follow a path to enlightenment within a church, though it's not easy. For me, having been brought up within a socialist (communist) environment of former Yugoslavia gave much more freedom to search and explore religious philosophy, meaning and practises of different cultures yet eventually 'bringing it all back home' - to Christianity and it's mysticism. It is really great to have such talks as these within catolic community.
Amazing man. A modern mystic. We need more like him.
More peaceful and more loving. Thank you for sharing your insights. With you humanity is finding maturity.
I love Fr Rohr and his teaching. Listen to something of his almost daily.
I am a fan of people like Father Rohr know man can't comprehend how a BUILDING has a way to understand the TRUTH that is not different than another BUILDING can only understand the TRUTH in TRUTH of their TRUTH to understand, but has no ability to know the truth of any individual that is something possible only for the choice to be seen choosing to know the TRUTH of you that only the one who is the Builder of us all and the TRUTH in TRUTH can get you to know, Jesus noticed that TRUTH by living in TRUTH of LOVE and valued us all seek to live in the same way that is LOVE that Jesus knew and gave us all a way to know the Father of us all and the TRUTH of LOVE.
Richard is gifted indeed; and more importantly he shares his gifts! thank you, sir!
Yeah, his "gifts" of how to lie to yourself about not being a sinner.
@@edwardbaker1331 yeah you’re kind of a sad mess my friend. I hope someday you hear the Gospel.
@@dorothysay8327 The feeling is mutual. The Gospel is not a feel-good self-help book. The Sermon on the Mount is an affront to our sins and vanities as much as a comfort to our virtues.
05:40 Learn the rules well, so you can break them properly. - Dalai Lama
06:10 Knowledge vs Wisdom
07:00 Wisdom leads us to compassion & understanding
08:15 The ten commandments vs. beatitudes
10:10 Modernism & Postmodernism
12:20 Critical Consciousness
13:40 Deconstruction & when ego reigns
14:10 Three Boxes Illustration
17:03 Conservatives (Box 1): Order at all cost
17:31 Progressives (Box 2): Perpetual cynicism
18:14 Reorder (Box 3): Combine boxes 1&2
18:30 Second half: Radical traditionalism
21:45 Franciscan teaching & church history
24:24 Spiral dynamics (Integral theory)
25:10 Second half: less violent, nondual, more inclusive
27:05 Hagel: Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis
28:00 Bourgeault: Third Force Thinking
29:35 Gurdjieff: Holy Affirming, Holy Denying, Holy Reconciling
30:50 Faith: Knowing balanced by unknowing
32:15 Gurdjieff: Holy Reconciling
33:50 Nondual consciousness & living with contradictions
36:55 Merton: When In the Soul of the Serene Disciple
44:08 Q&A Starts
44:35 What is your definition of reality?
46:33 How to talk with those who disagree with you?
49:50 How to understand/deal with suffering in the world?
51:00 Do you see a growth of consciousness speeding up?
57:00 How to improve intergenerational community?
59:10 Dualistic Clarity & Nondual Understanding
1:02:28 Dealing with grief & moving to solitude
1:04:05 Usage of enneagram in spiritual growth
1:06:45 How catholicism led Rohr into an awakening
Thank you so much for this 👏
This is helpful
Now I know not to listen.
Thank you very much for this summary. I wonder whether we get around reincarnation after hearing all of this. Wouldn't it make more sense if this evolution process of the soul continous until it is finished? A lot of people not even started it with 90 years.... So reincarnation would actually make total sense or even be needed for the school of life to continue until all lessons are learned?
Absolutely love everything this beautiful soul is teaching and showing to us all.
Feel totally blessed to be apart of his path and my own 🙏❤️
sadly you are being totally misled by this mans twisted teachings
If God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, then he is present in this talk for those who are meant to hear. Millions of paths home. Who are we to limit God's ability to reach us because something looks different than our limited understanding of our own belief system?
One of the best conferences well explained very profound as a catholic I wish found this early in my life but is never to late
He does not teach Catholic doctrine. He even denies that sin is an issue. He makes a distinction between Jesus and "the Universal Christ," and denies that Jesus died for sin.
Yes, never too late. Today has more power over your life, mind and body than all the regrets
TheExastrologer ....where does Father Richard Rohr say that Jesus did not die for our sins? Father Rohr does mention that the Vatican questioned his theology and that he responded to every question regarding his faith and that he was told to continue his preaching of the Catholic Faith.
@@TheExastrologer why are you wasting your time watching if it is over your head? He's a Franciscan--one who seeks to understand. It's a mystical path.
sadly you are being misled by this man's twisted blasphemous teachings
Thank you!
Fr. Rohr has been a great help in my faith and life.
Love Fr. Richard. Thank you for this video.
One of the best talks by Fr. Richard, and I’ve seen quite a few. He’s amazing
sadly you are being totally misled by this man's totally twisted teachings
@@brightskyfireworksuk sadly you cannot listen
@@federicoramirez8175 I dont have any problem with listening but I do have a major problem with this man's theology...it is total nonsense. Read your bible...do research...show some discernment. I pray that you and all the other misled souls who follow this man will come to see his erroneous teachings
@@brightskyfireworksuk don’t listen t lo Richard then. Misled souls? So judgmental and of course that makes you right and others wrong: close to fundamentalism. Anyways, God bless.
@@federicoramirez8175 to be fair Fr Richard is not straightforward! He speaks a lot like Trump: you can hear everything you want to hear and everything you dont want. His phrasing and intonation mimic Trump - it is seriously a successful trope! Dont succumb to the tribal urge to take sides! Richard can be both sides: just ask yourself why🙂
this is a really interesting presentation. the discussion of the holy denial makes a lot of sense, especially when compared to the world we live in right now, it feels that there is so much hope with solutions to climate change, finally accepting our problem with racism and being united about the folly of riches. At the same time we are dealing with a darkness that is clearly opposed to that light. My mom Nancy Lampert, 1957 to 2014 would have loved this, she was a phd in Art Education and her research was in critical thinking, being able to accept problems that don't have solutions or don't have easy solutions and her motto was: "kindness in the classroom"!
Thank you for moving me from my "starter kit" to full "knowing" in my second half of life.
Same here 🖖🏽
He is truly a blessing. I wonder that the institution of false Christianity has allowed him to share Truth of Chist"s teaching. Blessing to all.
Thank you and blessings for your efforts
Thank you Father Rohr
He taught me about god and instilled in me love for all how can we thank him for this great gift
Thank you, Fr. Richard. 💙
Richard observed that he never saw a certain statesman laugh. When I attended a Billy Graham crusade across the river from Portland Oregon in the early/mid 1990s, I was near the stage and watched with camera in hand to capture a smile.
In an event lasting two hours or so, I never saw a smile or heard a laugh from the Reverend Billy Graham. While I accept the value of seriously surrendering to Jesus, I also want to smile and laugh with Him.
Thank you, Richard, for your sense of humor and recognition of delight in life.
Humor is often forgotten and can really help in so many ways
Splendid ❤
I’m an Episcopalian but I think pope Francis and the current Dalai Lama are awesome.
Holy smokes, fellas! That sure was swell!
Thanks for sharing
When the false self dies that which remains finds a life that does not often mirror the world…so once again the truth statement ‘ to be in the world but not of the world “
Thank you
I spoke to a brother priest who met Fr who said " he really believes everything he says" in astonishment.
Your the best Richard
Hy het my lewensuitkyk, my godsbesef, radikaal verander. Metanoia , verander jou denke, is die sleutel tot volwasse geloof in God, Christus en Gees. Die ou kerklike storielyn is uitgedien.
Let the older generations take up mentoring the young and then get them in the church. Don’t just sit waiting on the young to come to us.
I don't know how many time I laughed the journey is scary you never know if you're growing or backsliding to use an old fashioned word but you start to feel better
If you map a spiral on an XY axis you get a waveform. Up and down. As Thich Nhat Hanh once said, "We are waves of the ocean in search of water."
The fact that nobody in these comments disagrees tells it's own story
I'm waiting for the third half.
@@elianamckee Three Over Two (a silly poem):
Three over two
How do you do?
Poor old nearsighted
Mr. Magoo
I've got a riddle
that's covered in goo
What makes foot cover
nothing but a shoe?
There came a man
shouting heaven is here:
Jump in the Jordan
Nevermind your gear
Bring fruits of penance
Even shed a tear
Cause sandal strap
loosing is
a task that lacks a peer
We lift a cup of blessing
Knowing not what kind
What fills the cup
not visible
to the carnal mind
If anyone says otherwise
He's covered not in fat
Bald his pate and satiate
-ed not be his wrath:
He likes to
orangutans and manner
much of men:
monkeys chimps and lowly
forms of primal
parents' ken
Time be linear
yes true to be--
we parents of the past
thinks the sage
and yo! the sailor-who
wanders up the mast
seeing all around is round
He knowseknows
What Pre-Socratics don't!
He knows indeed
what floats his boat
in Archimedian gloat:
O mystery
I've sussed you up
You haven't got a chance
I've pierced the veil
whence gathered dust
'fore any had a glance!
Now bear thee fruit
O cursed bush
commanded thus I beg:
Which comes afirst
(how wisemen thirst)
the chicken or the egg?
And float in air or wat'ry
grave (tread upon with soft):
Nothing new is under sun
But men have thought it
Truth is so utterly simple ....who is to get it? When you start from the complicated idea I am real🕉☯️❤️🙏🏼
Anyone know whether that is Monsignor Robert Ritchie from St. Pat's Cathedral in NYC at 50:26 asking a question?
Sounds just like the Monsignor.
This is beautiful, and thank you for sharing your wisdom and grace. However. The second person to ask a question. You were incredibly impatient with him. I felt impatient with him too. But sir, you are above dismissing people out of hand. You have such insight into what makes people tick and what it might help them to hear (I've seen some of your enneagram work). Surely you owed him at least your insight on why he bothered you and how he could grow as a person if he recognized these things. (Yes, I'm a 1 also, sue me.)
Thanks 😊
Put on your listening ears at 23:xx.
Some people, especially those with various levels of autism, are sensitive to sounds and kiddies shouting is very painful.
The modern Mad Hatter.
Most people do not deal with all of this. So don't we need the concept of reincarnation as all beings sooner or later have to learn this? I know people 80 years old that not even touched this topic of inner soul groth/enlightment. So is this only optional? And at the end of life we get to heaven anyway? Would be kind of strange, if school is only a joke and everybody gets the exam in the end anyway... so I think reincarnation should be christian truth again, too?
The third box is not "reorder" but a NEW ORDER. Only you just don't know what it is yet.
He came to redeem the law . 1-4 of the ten commandments are the positive law , 5-10 are the negative law do nots , proscriptions against trespass ; trespass on property and person. The 8 beatitudes are reinforcements of 1-4 . Love ❤ God ,self, and neighbor. As I see it Jesus redemption of the Law through the Beatitudes was the change of emphasis ( THOUGH MITZVAHS GOOD DEEDS WERE ALWAYS PART OF THE LAW at least tribally in Judaism ) . This to me is part of the " ALIGNMENT PROBLEM " . UNLESS WE ALIGN WITH the laws redemption we are out of order. Now if we take the love 🔺️ triangle God at the apex, and self and others at the base vertices there's alignment . But if it's your triangle and God's triangle but not the others triangle because they've let THEIR triangleS APEX BE THEIR EGO. YOU WILL FACE OBSTACLES. GOING THROUGH THE STAGES OF LIFE YOU WILL RARELY FIND ALL PERSONS GOD CENTERED WHOSE TRIANGLES APEX IS GOD CENTERED. WHEN YOU DO YOU' LL FIND THAT RARE UNITIVE HARMONIOUS MOMENT. NONDUALISM IS BETTER IN THE UNITIVE WAY. NOT IN THE HEGELIAN MARXIST CONFLICTIVE WAY. Holy denial Batman there is a God. Holy uncertainty batman I can't define God's whole Self. But we can love the whole when all those thesis hypothesis synthesis fail.
Who is Dr. Taylor Marshall and Arch Bishop Vigano, who is speaking out against Pope Francis and now joining allegiances with Donald Trump?
these were wonderful times, weren't they Daddy?
This man almost makes me want to become a catholic..lol
56:53 paintball for Jesus
I thank Fr Rohr for alerting me to New Age deceit masquerading as modern Catholicism. His nonsense was so similar to Teilhart De Chardin it woke me up to this new attack on authentic Catholicism.
I love Richard and his messages but he’s mentioned his disdain for Trump almost every time I’ve listened to him. He even closed such a beautiful message with it here lol
Maybe you should get that part of the message too. Trump is blasphemous and bares false witness.
Where is father Richard ?
Albuquerque, NM
Husband died and she is not home with loved ones??? Stranged...
Essence Video 1.mp4 - Google Drive
I don’t understand how a person can consider themselves evolved beyond dualistic consciousness when so often referring to someone with a different perspective as “they” and “other” . There is no “other”. Just people with different perspectives, motives, wounds and experiences.
The opposing forces exist within each of us. We keep forming teams and if you don’t see the truth the same as I do then you are on the wrong team. I don’t see where this man is as evolved beyond that as he would like to think. Shouldn’t we be evolving beyond religious and political affiliation?
Did she say “ sitting at his feet” really? No thanks....I sit at no ones feet
Notice the term "The Perennial Tradition" in the introduction he's given and in the caption below the video above. The Perennial Tradition is incompatible with Christianity because it teaches that all religions share and derive from the same truth. Iow, Jesus is not needed as a Savior, there is no sin, all men are in God or Christ already, and man has God in himself. This is what Rohr teaches. He also agrees with spiral dynamics, which comes from his friend Ken Wilber, a Perennial-Buddhist (not even identifying as a Christian).
Tell me you haven't listened to him by your comment. He does not say any of the things you state.
I have listened to him teach on his newest devotional and he says all these points pretty explicitly (though not verbatim) in the first 15 min of an hour long talk.
@@emilybrereton702 Probably didn't listen well because he really doesn't say that.
@@ellalella1 I was literally watching and listening and taking physical notes. Some word for word. I can send you exact quotes. It is the talk he gives on the book called “Universal Christ”. He specifically said these points. If you choose to not look into it then you are choosing to ignorantly deny what he believes.
@@emilybrereton702 OK, so the book that I have read, carefully, says something else than the 15 min lecture? He says nothing of the sort in that book.
The title “Second Half of Life” is misleading and disappointing as only a brief statement at around 23 minute mark and a poem at the end of the talk mentions anything about second half of life.
Rest of it may is circumstantial and at times tangential as in many of his talks yet still interesting, thought provoking, and humorous.
Clearly a very liberal mind who likes to poke fun at those who aren’t and therefore still engages in dualistic thinking when convenient while advocating for non-dualism.
I do appreciate the self-disclosure of Vatican investigation of “possible” heresy espoused by Richard Rohr who at the same time warns that he knows how to break the rules by knowing the rules well. Makes me wonder if he just knew how to give the “right” answer to the Vatican and gave them what he knew they wanted to hear to get their stamp of approval. An example of operating within the false self system in order to live out his true self authentic to himself. Wheat and weed shall grow together.
What a bunch of drivel. I’m a 70 yo evolving(interpret that as you may, LOL) Catholic with 21 years of Catholic institutional education. I love how in the end the Rev. chastises the sycophantic audience to speedup their questions, who in reality mimic his style, how disingenuous. Philosophers love to use multiple words with multiple syllables, putting labels on everything, it’s their way of ordering things. Much of it is arbitrary and unnecessary because some other philosopher has his own label for nearly the exact same thing. Debating order vs disorder and then reorder can ultimately be part of the debate of what is lawful and unlawful. Rev’s claim that Jesus was one of the great law breakers doesn’t explain the why. Apparently it irritates him that the 10 Commandments are too ubiquitous to suit his tastes, I don’t think Jesus was intending to replace the 10 with the 8 Beatitudes; mostly, as just one example Jesus was rallying against those in power who controlled the temple, profiteering from sales on “sacrificial lambs” or for whatever creature one’s budget could afford, Cadillac or Chevy, gentry or peasant.
The Rev. seems to blame ordered societies for creating the broth that lead to 2 great World Wars and the Holocaust , and later led to catastrophes in Viet Nam and the Middle East. It’s much more complicated than that. While alluding to Trump being a significant root of current problems, as he does frequently, he forgets it was progressives like Woody Wilson who refused to see Ho Chi Minh at Versailles, FDR who appeased Stalin, Saul Alinsky’s cohorting with clergy like Fr. Jack Egan , Bishop Bernard Sheil that bequeathed people like the eventual Cardinal Bernadin leading to the laxity of “order” in the Catholic Church, possibly placing the Church on the abyss of whether it will survive or not.
Using terms like Modernism and Post Modernism, Critical Consciousness, meta-narratives, Duality and Spiral Dynamics are just that, spiral dynamics --- double talk, a lot like Biden’s comment “we choose truth over facts" but in this so called duality, facts are the truth. Progressives if they aren’t talking in circles they’re talking out of both sides of the mouth, as the occasion warrants.
Progressives might claim overthrowing the monarch is good and it can be, but they only replace it with a monolith that has multiple heads, embedding itself deeper than it’s predecessor, that will eventually and abusively control the majority, that is where we are headed when progressive-ism becomes socialism. Bless you Father.
zrabbithunter I’m a 50yo who is also evolving. I had 9.5 years of catholic school, I was expelled, and rightly so. Anyhow, Father Richard has been a great help to me during this evolution of my spiritual journey. I agree with your comment on his political philosophical views. When he bashes the president it makes me wonder. He, as all of us will continue to be influenced by our egos and not realizing it. Maybe if I wasn’t expelled at that early age I would be able express myself as well as you have! Thank you
@@josephverrecchio6452 Joe thank you for the response, I was a come lately to this posting and I did not expect a reply. We are not alone as evolving Catholics. In my early years I loved all 8 of the nuns who taught me, and the Christian Brothers who taught me in HS, and feel they did me no harm. Their sense of order and common sense has guided me. When I had my share of corporal punishment, they reminded me society has rules if there is to be order, in retrospect I would not change a minute of it, although at the time I would rather have played hooky. Any way I feel, the Rev. oversimplified his analysis of what took place and is currently taking place. I do believe he seriously, maybe intentionally detoured off the advertised subject: "2nd Half of Life". Was his intended message for those of us who are aged, or did he mean life after death? Either viewpoint was what I was expecting but he failed if that was his intent.
In his search to place blame, I think he drank way too much of the hopium from the previous administration. I will recommend one thing for you to view on youtube, go to: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, posted by Colorado Hunter it runs about an hour and one half. The lead shows a picture of Gen. Franco, so it will be easy to recognize. In the end despite what progressives have done to the church and America in general, there still is some optimism. Let me know your thoughts if you choose to view it.
eveyone is entitled to their opinion
zrabbithunter....you seem stuck in the first half of life, alas like so many.
@@gregorydemarco2072 what is the second half of life?
If we take life to be a learn process, kind of spirit evolution, we have to deal with one fact: Not everyone is doing the work in this life. Is this showwork only optional?
So we have the situation that a lot of humans/souls reach the end of their life without finding enlightment, without evolving, so to say without finishing the teaching material here on earth.
The only way I see to solve this problem ist to accept reincarnation. So souls who's evolution did not finish can continue on, until they learned, what is neaded. In other religions we have this concept and I think even the old greeks beleived in it and maybe parts of early christianity. Would be a big deal if we miss this truth. But what is the alternative?
If someone is born in kongo, is raised by soldiers and gets a child soldier and gets shot in the head age 12 was there any fair chance? Would hell be justified? Wouldn't be god to be blamed? He would be the car ingeneer and crashtest taker at once. There was no fair chance for free will to evolve in this case. Reincarnation would solve all of this... second, third, fourth chance, until the soul learns the lessons needed. This way we could put everything into a bigger context. Like meating people again and again over many lives and working out our conflicts and problems until the unfished ends disappear.
return to fasting
Eh, my dear Richard.
The president knows how to laugh. It's just that he's performing the ministry of the Trickster towards your end of the political spectrum, he is a clown for them with the eyes to see and - I'm telling you - he's extremely funny. With us he is the most jolly man on the planet.
I would advise you to take off your ideological glasses and try som other pairs more often, if you can manage to see the Glory of Trump you would be amazed I think. Not that there's anything wrong with your glasses per se, I'm learning to see the world with them more and more but I would never like to get stuck with them. Then the dualistic walls start to come closer.
Much love.
Does anyone else think Fr Richard's phrasing and intonation is scarily similar to Donald Trump😳 Did Fr Richard sound like this before 2016?? Is this a Jungian thing??😳
Has so much good and transcendent things to say and then gets political as if one side is morally superior to the other what a waste
Just stay in Gods Holy words the Holy Bible. We have to seek Jesus. Deny ourselves pick up our cross daily. Dont trust these false religion's. Its a personal relationship with Jesus. There is only one mediator between us and the Father. Domt pray to Mary dont pray to saints. Dont confess to a man your sins for forgivness. Turn and repent and he is faithful because he loves you. But humble your hearts and stay in his word. Heaven and earth will pass away but his words wont. The Bible is complete we cant add or take away to it.
You and I are the son of God. That's 100% biblical. Your post is strangely confused.
Get well soon. xo.
Essence Video 4.mp4 - Google Drive
Disappointed I thought that was a bit of a long winded ramble
mysticism has nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity for a start.......
This twisted reprobate has perverted the simple teachings of the Gospel to misinform those thirsting for spirituality. We shall pray that he repents of his wickedness!
😂 You sound like somebody from the medieval period.
Cant agree with a single word that he says.
So, it appears, you're completely lost. Get your a compass, or better still, some help ...
"Alternative Orthodoxy" is an oxymoron.
More like a paradox.
No, it's not.
Wow, this is complete heresy. Rohr is out to lunch, he preaches a false Jesus and a false God, one that contradicts scripture.
Apologia5 you’re a Murican correct? 🤦♀️
@@mgkos No.
@@valentinerebello4163 Why would you want me to stay in my closed shell? Wouldn't you want me to know the real Jesus?
But yes, I do know the real God, Jesus in the flesh. You clearly don't. What's this "god" that you believe in?
@@lindawer I'm not putting a shell around his beliefs.....the Bible does. God has revealed to us what He is like through His word, the Bible. If someone believes and teaches things that are contrary to what Jesus said and the scriptures then they are incorrect about their view of God and salvation. Just like Rohr
@@lindawer You said that my view is not consistent with the catholic church? Good. Because the Bible, God's word is my ultimate standard and authority for truth. Not the man made fallible catholic church.
You pointed out how I am judging.....yet you completely judged my in how I view God and the scriptures. This makes you a hypocrite. I pray that you repent of this.
I agree that the Bible is the living word. You said it's not a rule book? Sure, but there are things that Jesus/ God command of us! Are God's commands for us rules? In a sense, yes and there is nothing wrong with that. All throughout scripture we see that one of the greatest ways to love God is to obey God.
Once people reject the authority of scripture then almost anything can go and they can come up with new ways and other standards for determining their views on these various issues.
Many followers of Jesus claim that the Bible is the living word yet they do not know how to interpret it or exegete the text. A simple hermeneutics class should serve you well.
Nobody can be called Father except our God, YHWY, in heaven.
Ecumenical movement is straying away from the truth that Jesus Christ is only way to the Father.
No one can save us except our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
No matter how much this author is prominent or insightful , if he speaks 0.00001 % of lie, then it’s not truth.
YHWY was an extraterrestrial who took the genetic material from those living on Mars, mixing it with apes and their own super spiritual DNA, in order to continue the Mars saga after they had destroyed their sphere duty warfare. That's not the one true God you speak of, my friend.
You are absolutely correct when you say that truth is total.
Why do you need to grab the water bottle with both hands to drink? Looks like preschool habit. Ha ha ha.
"Grabs water bottle with both hands,pre school habit". That's all you got 🤔Maybe he hz arthritis,come on! He hz a message 4 all of us !!!!
Folks please read what the Bible says and be discerning; Rohr is a false teacher in no uncertain terms. He is not a Christian.
Wow. You can tell me I don’t know what I Am talking about, but is there possibly another reason for you to state that Fr. Rohr isn’t a Christian?? You just sound so sure that he is not whom he claims to be. Thank you.
@@soniaprovard5841 Hello Sonia; I obviously don’t know your church/spiritual backstory; I was raised Roman Catholic before being saved later in life; I am Reformed Baptist.
Rohr denies the sovereignty of God in man’s salvation. We’re dead in sin, unable to make ourselves right with God on our own (Romans 3:11, Ephesians 2). We’re saved by grace alone by faith alone in Christ Jesus alone (Acts 14:6, John 14:6). There is no expository teaching if the doctrines of grace with Rohr; he sounds far more like someone who is a social justice warrior.
Additionally, he also strongly supports the LGBT movement.
He has been endorsed by false teachers such as Rob Bell and Brian McLaren.
He sounds much of the time (i.e. “everything is Christ, etc.) like a pantheist rather than a biblical teacher.
I think you are a bigot.
Learn to trust, God is working in everyone's life.
How dare you judge another!! Look in the mirror to see who is the non-christian ...
@@erincaitlin1655 Erin, please see the above post in terms of what specifically makes Rohr a wolf, then hold it up to the lens/light of scripture. Point of fact, Christians are supposed to (righteously, of course) judge. See John 7:24.
We need the date of this lecture, please!
Essence Video 3.mp4 - Google Drive