The Sash My Father Wore Chapter 8 Part 3 Recovery & Debriefing by Anthony E C Linford (c)

  • Опубліковано 25 жов 2024


  • @christophergibson7155
    @christophergibson7155 9 місяців тому

    No Tony. It is YOU that have rejected the Word of God. Whether your mother seemed to be out of control or not in her delivery of this Word to you, is not the point. You are re-living this hurtful and bitter encounter of your experiences during your home life. And there are many who have had a very similar abusive, manipulative, and domineering upbringings. But to use this to justify your refusal to surrender ALL of yourself and your gender confusion to The Lord Jesus Christ is never going to be an excuse. Jesus one day stood up in the synagogue and read from the Book of Isaiah..."The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD.” (Luke 4:18-19) This was the beginning of Jesus' ministry and purpose in this world. And He came to deliver and heal you of all your gender confusion Tony. But I sense you have not let Jesus in to do that. Rather, you have seriously compromised the Word of God in your life. And now you are part of a "liberal" church where the Word of God is dissected apart to what seems appropriate to the LGBTQ2+ culture. What a travesty! God's Word does not change, and you have rejected the Word of the Lord! You have let a root of bitterness into your life, and siding with this world will not make it go away. You are only deceiving yourself Tony. Repent therefore and be converted, that you sins may be blotted out, so the times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord." (Acts 3:19)

    • @1daddyDA
      @1daddyDA  9 місяців тому

      Fascinating! Thank you. Never been told I have ‘seriously compromised the word of God in my life before.’ Is it just liberals you don’t like? Or is it Liberals who can never be Christians? Doesn’t Jesus save liberals, trans people, Gay people, bi-sexual people, asexual people, and hence they were never saved at all! Is God bigger than Religious abuse? Is God a Bible basher? Is God even a Christian?
      Is Jesus the word of God or is the Holy Bible of ITSELF as printed the actual word of God? As for you preaching good news to the oppressed? Clearly that won’t include the whole of the LBGTQI + community living with Christian bigots, Conservative Christian anti Trans law makers, Christian patriarchs, and those oppressed by people like you then? (0h the story is fiction but based on real characters who have suffered Christian religious abuse by various nut jobs and fundamentalists) Naturally you quote a slew of Bible verses because the Bible is your God. The Bible is your idol. You worship the book, preach the book, live by the book, venerate the book, proclaim the Red letter words of God it’s author. You would be that Christian Mother reading these religious incantations over her self mutilated son.
      You wouldn’t be proclaiming true liberty, true love, true acceptance, true favour, mercy and forgiveness to anybody. You’d just be offering a set of ancient beliefs, a set of stories meant to be read as fact, an old culture that stemmed from Judaism to the world, a dead letter faith based on rules and observances. I caught on to people like you many years ago. You are often power hungry, manipulative and lacking in any kind of empathy. Love your use of the word Travesty. So according to your ‘unchanging word of God’ the Two Norfolk Hedge Witches I know should be killed? Do I report them to the local Police Force? Will they be arrested and charged with Witch Craft? Will there be a trial and as the ‘unchanging word of God’ in Exodus 22:18 states her plain as day my brother in Jesus ‘Thou Shalt not suffer a Witch to live’ should I am possibly other members from our Church kill them or should that be done by due legal process?
      What about if my post menopausal Wife were now to have a Daughter (I mean look at your unchanging word of God where even Donkeys talk and Women bear children even when barren) would I be able still to sell her into slavery for a good price?
      I await further Bible verses in your response.
      What on earth do you mean that being Trans, Gay, Bi, Intersex, or even celebrate is a ‘culture?’ Is being human a culture then? Is my having brown eyes, being late middle aged, married to my second Wife, with two grown up Sons to my first Wife who divorced me just cultural? No. You mean this mean ‘culture’ as in simply being Gay is a matter of personal choice. You mean it to say my youngest Son just got up one morning and choose to be gay. Out of the blue, over night, either a demonic force entered him, or he saw something on TV in the late 1990s, maybe he played with a Kirchen set or held a doll, and suddenly he was Gay. That’s what you mean by ‘culture’. That’s what that Bible you worship has taught you to believe is a person had ‘chosen to be LBGTQI +’ You and so many little Christian bigots like yourself scream this from the roof tops. You drown out the voice of a loving God situ your Bible inspired bigotry. You people are dangerous in any free society. Most of you come over as the Christian Taliban. I feel sorry for people like you and pray that God will show you his mercy.
      Here the story from Chapter One which I began before Christmas 2023
      Oh and that root of bitterness comes from being subject to people like yourself. It comes from my early teens when I was brainwashed into Christian Bible bashing fundamentalism. It has nothing to do with God. It has nothing to do with Jesus, it’s got nothing to with a loving God, a Saviour, a friend, even a messiah, but it’s got everything to do with people like you and your self righteousness smugness, your Lilly white I want nothing to do with this world, I am set apart, I am Holy, I don’t sin, I know all there is to know about God.
      Until I was able to see it I was being fed that stuff by people like you who claimed to be speaking for God himself.
      You are the White Washed tombs. You are those showing a kind of holiness but with no substance and above all else nothing founded in love, forgiveness and acceptance. You misrepresent a loving God who yearns for all people to have a relationship with him and for all people to be restored to him in perfect love.
      That’s not bitterness it’s hurt and it is being healed one day at a time.
      Oh quick question based on medical evidence and not the Bible (as with the bit about my two friends who are Hedge Witches and thinking about it the Muslims, the Jews and the Bahia I know) why would Jesus want to heal anybody of ‘gender confusion’ when it’s not an illness? Okay say body issues etc I could get but why would being transgender be a sickness? It’s like when being Gay was thought to be a sickness or a mental disorder and even Doctors tried to cure people by means of aversion therapy? Is it only in your Bible you read being a trans is an illness? Did Jesus heal and Trans people or any Gay people for that matter? Just asking.

    • @christophergibson7155
      @christophergibson7155 9 місяців тому

      @@1daddyDA" Doesn’t Jesus save liberals, trans people, Gay people, bi-sexual people, asexual people, and hence they were never saved at all!"...Only if they REPENT of ALL their sin, including their homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism, etc.. God stands by His Word. It does not change. And The Lord Jesus Christ is the Word of God. And He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Your defense for sinful lifestyles is a contradiction and compromise of the Word of God. And if God has "magnified His Word above all His name", then we best take it as the truth without cutting out pages that are offensive to our sinful lifestyles. (Psalm 138:2b) I am not a bigot, I tell your the truth, and the Holy Spirit is my witness. And I have faced many who are intolerant to God's Word. I have been called many a name, but I am not bothered by it. For Jesus even told His disciples..."If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you". (John 15:18-19) Your referencing the Old Testament law as if I was living under it. I am not.
      The only law carried into the New Testament is the moral law of God, the 10 commandments. And that includes..."You shall not commit adultery" which includes any sexual immorality, unnatural sex: men with men, woman with woman, which are vile passions. (Rom. 1:26a) My church would not put a witch on trial to stone her if she was convicted. Why? Because Jesus has become sin on the cross for all the world. Jesus came to fulfill the law, becoming a curse for sin. And only through the cross of Christ can anyone find complete forgiveness and cleansing from all their sins. The vilest of sinners who truly repent (turn around and have a change of mind and heart toward sin and self) and abhor their sin, and turn to The Lord Jesus Christ and totally trust Him to save and rescue them from sin will be saved. Everything else is just phony motions and lip service. And Jesus will spew the lukewarm of His mouth as He has said. (Revelation 3:16). We are to be separate from this world, but not on our own self righteousness. (2 Corinthians 6:17) And we are to be Holy as God is Holy...." because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:16) Holiness...separated to God.
      I can perhaps empathize with you in the unloving way that you were instructed with the Word of God. And it is going to take a total forgiveness towards those who tried to dominate and humiliate you in the past.
      Jesus is so desiring to set you free. But you must come His way, and not yours. For He is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life. To cover it up by ignoring His Word and doing it your way will only end in spiritual death. And we certainly know from the Holy Bible what God's standard for sex and gender are. There are no blurred lines.
      Jesus reiterated from the Book of Genesis..."Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them MALE AND FEMALE,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” (Matthew 19:4-6 / Genesis 1:27 & 2:24)
      There are only two sexes (2 genders). God did not make (create) homosexuals, lesbians, transgenders, etc..
      These are lifestyles chosen by individuals. Just as God did not make (create) liars, thieves, adulterers.
      People choose to "be" and "do" these very things.