Eestimaa maskita lood - Harry Raudvere, Sven Kivisildnik, Jaan Hatto | Ukraina Sõda

  • Опубліковано 7 тра 2022
  • Harry Raudvere, Sven Kivisildnik ja Jaan Hatto räägivad 4. mail 2022 Ukraina sõjast. Tuleb ette lühikesi kõrvalepõikeid ka teistele teemadele.


  • @d.d.5843
    @d.d.5843 2 роки тому +25

    Otto von Bismarck: "Mitte kunagi ei valetata nii palju, kui enne valimisi, sõja ajal ja pärast jahti"

    • @theharshtruthoutthere
      @theharshtruthoutthere 2 роки тому +1

      WE ARE SPIRITS, not having spirits. We can`t have what we ARE. We can have or not have souls (understanding that we are - why we are) and we can have a body and not have a body. Spirit without a spirit = non existence. Spirit without a soul = half creature. Spirit without a body = naked. Being found naked = being in a shameful continuation. I call it LOGIC. For humans were created SPIRITS 1st and then carnal. We received an alive birth - we received a carnal body - we didn`t became a carnal being, we became complete LIVING SOULS AKA HUMANS. To be complete being: all 3 must be: SPIRIT SOUL BODY = ALIVE HUMAN. Spirit - Spiritual Soul - spiritual Body - carnal but will be chanced into spiritual also. We will be again who we were meant to be: FULLY SPIRITUAL BEINGS.

    • @ulovaht1969
      @ulovaht1969 2 роки тому

      Bismarck ,, imperaator kes on vaadanud sureva soldati silmi ,ei söda alusta ehk RUMOR MILL NEWS on USA luure admirali oma ja sama jutt ,, FAUCCI biorelva tehased esimestel päevadel ja MARIOPOLI peamajast saadi tunnistajad KOROOVA kohta ELUSALT kohtu ette . Muu on kahjuks TEADLIK valetamine Selle asja kohta

  • @marikahiiesalu9139
    @marikahiiesalu9139 2 роки тому +7

    Vägev saade! Aitäh !

  • @mixniii
    @mixniii 2 роки тому +7

    Lääs ja Ida on omavahel koguaeg "sõdinud". Võtke natuke aega ja uurige mida tähendab Duaalsus , Ego , Kali Yuga , inimese kogemus. 🥰

    • @theharshtruthoutthere
      @theharshtruthoutthere 2 роки тому

      We don´t change our gender, because we feel like it or feel wrong in our bodies: Ephesians 5:29 | View whole chapter | See verse in context For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
      We are changing it /the gender) because we are made to believe lies, we were fooled / deceived.
      While standing face to face with our JUST JUDGE - GOD on the judgment day - all will be restored, meaning: all males standing as males and all females as females, none is "trans" there.
      As they believed the lie, therefore slowly but surely their health will be no more:
      - I never believed that lie - and as years has passed, i gained proof that it truly was a lie.
      We (all things/beings) exist for GOD`S glory.
      The road to life is narrow and even though there is souls who walk on it, it is still rare to truly find (online or offline) those who truly walk on that same narrow road as we do. Many only seems to be walking on the narrow path while in reality aren`t even close to that path.
      One is "happy" to go into Hell? - dear soul, you won´t stay in hell, you`ll move into the lake of fire, being there tormented day and night forever and ever.
      IN TORMENT FOREVER - now what that means? - you will be in the fire - BURNING AND NOT DYING and also you will be in REGRET, being sorry yet knowing that you will never be forgiven.
      Now tell me, ISN`T THAT TORMENT?
      (All my comments are for warning and sharing knowledge).
      I have also an widows peak and i`m human. The serpent seed and human seed is been mixed for 1000s of years therefore it ain´t anyway unthinkable that real humans may also have traits of the wicked. Do not be fooled. For our enemy - the devil - is smart and always been with a plan do destroy all that's holy and good.
      Did i counted the cost of what shall it cost me to follow CHRIST? - yes i did. Well? - It will cost me my life. (my temporary life on this earth, but it will gain me my eternal life with GOD in heaven).
      Why is that - people being made to go through all that we go trough?
      - Because satan - the old devil is very real.
      - And we,humans are beings that are sadly very easily deceived/fooled.
      - We, humans are sinners, beings capable to do more harm then good.
      The bible is true and not a fairy tale.
      We are SPIRITS, created 1st in spirit, then on that day we born into this world /this earth is fallen - the kingdom of satan - the testing ground for us) - we received the carnal body made from clay. And are sent into a testing ground /the earth / for up to 120 years - to show to GOD - who and how many amongst us wish and are worthy of life and who´s not.
      - Free will - the choosing is given to us all. We are the ones who have to make a choice : GOD OR MAMMON/SATAN?
      - Whom we will serve?
      - Heaven Or Hell? - Where will we go?
      As I search more of why people destroying their GOD'S temple (their body), I found:
      Let`s take that video about that topic:
      Now tell me that we ain´t DECEIVED to destroy our own bodies and our own lives.
      MtFtM and FtMtF detransition (Let me tell you all a secret: None of you were born like that, but all of you were deceived to live like that. )
      WHO will love us for us...... not for what have we done or what we will become..... Cause nobody has shown us what love - what love really is. GOD will love us for us and not what have we done or who have we become. He will love us for us and …...
      HE has shown us what LOVE really is.
      Praise GOD for all - for the good and the bad. Be thankful always.
      Let me clear it out to you: you ain`t the body, you are a SPIRIT who is clothed into a carnal body for now/for a testing period up to 120 years. We (all are spirits) will put on immortal, meaning: we all will be fully SPIRITUAL. Being humans means: being created in 3 because our CREATOUR: GOD is being/spirit in 3. GOD: FATHER SON HOLY GHOST = 3 YET 1 BEING = GOD HUMAN: SPIRIT SOUL BODY = 3 YET 1 BEING = complete living souls. (7.8 BILLION HUMANS = 7.8 BILLION BEINGS CREATED IN 3). Being created in 3 = being created in GOD`S image.
      It is spiritual knowledge.
      Sad to see and hear that you ever was put to go through that deep confusion - i pray to GOD that now you`re on the healing road of full recover. May you seek HIM - get things right with HIM - may you get saved and born again. Bible as a online book: KING JAMES BIBLE ONLINE . ORG - the most correct wording. And also for bible study online classes:
      This is all throughout the bible, wheat and tares, wolves in sheep's clothing etc. See below 9nania videos exposing what lies beneath, Blue letter bible hub In the bible hub you click strongs button to see the original greek or hebrew available words Genesis 3 Pt 1: The Image Disguise for the Hybrids Genesis 2: YHWH Created Hybrids in Mesopotamia? Genesis 1: The Elohiym Terraformed the Earth? Genesis 4.2 CAIN are CHAMELEON VAMPIRES Genesis 4.1: The REAL Reason CAIN killed ABEL (HUGE!) Reptilian Shapeshifters Persecuting Humans?! (100% Bible Proof)

  • @andressokuke1261
    @andressokuke1261 2 роки тому +4

    Väga mõnus kuulamine, edu ja jaksu sellelaadsete toodete valmistamisel.

  • @urrucala
    @urrucala 2 роки тому +2

    vttu. pange neile saadetele mingid numbrid juurde. kui on 5. , siis peaks olema ka 1-4. kust neid leiab???

  • @theharshtruthoutthere
    @theharshtruthoutthere 2 роки тому

    Get right with GOD (sins forgiven and a chanced mind) - repent and born again =go back home/heaven, you, soul of a human.

  • @virkenvaarikas1069
    @virkenvaarikas1069 2 роки тому +7

    Miks valitsused ei lähe võitlema???oleks maailm võrdsem

    • @theharshtruthoutthere
      @theharshtruthoutthere 2 роки тому

      Be ye not deceived nor do not end up misreading the gospel. I received an agreement to use someone's comment that i find useful to use as an example of how people misread the gospel. If one read the bible like that - then one misreads the gospel. This is the comment i was allowed to use: Hello there! I appreciate your input from the perspective you come. There are a few things I'd like to run by you, that may clear up some misunderstandings. First, if I understand you correctly, you are saying that sex and gender are the same thing, and that because God says no one has ever hated their own flesh, the reason for people who claim they are transgender hate the bodies they are in is because they have been deceived by outside forces. If I have understood you properly (and please correct me if I have not), I have these points: By definition, gender and sex are not the same thing. Gender as we currently have it defined in the dictionary is a bit confusing because of how broad it is, but the difference is still major between the words "sex" and "gender". The vast majority of people who actually benefit from transitioning- what most people call transgender- do not actually believe that they are changing their sex, or their gender; they're simply aligning themselves with what they feel is the best outward expression of themselves. They're all born with this particular set of characteristics, of which some are refined or influenced in context of culture or social norms, but not dictated by them. Those who are fooled by society are not experiencing the medical version of transgenderism, so while you may be talking about people who ultimately end up detransitioning because yes, they were fooled, you are not talking about those who were born with the feeling of discrepancy within their body. It's interesting to me though that in Genesis 5:1-2, "When God created mankind, he made them in the likeness of God. He created them male and female..." If you read the literal words and do not take an interpretation, as is often used to manipulate a point someone is trying to make, if God created males and females in his likeness, then God is both male and female, and to be more Godly would mean to be both male and female. The Bible forbids man to exalt himself in this way ("Thou shalt have no other Gods before me"), and makes achieving that status in that way impossible to all but hermaphrodites, to which he then also calls them unworthy of being Priests, Leviticus 21:16-23, "For the generations to come none of your descendants who has a defect may come near to offer the food of his God. No man who has any defect may come near: no man who is blind or lame, disfigured or deformed; no man with a crippled foot or hand, or who is a hunchback or a dwarf, or who has any eye defect, or who has festering or running sores or damaged testicles." This creates a very specific hierarchy which discludes the vast majority of people from being worthy as God's chosen people, lowering many to a status less than desirable, stripping away their percieved power. That doesn't sound very loving or inspiring for improvement, does it? And if you were to say that Leviticus is part of the Old Testament and no longer in the new Christian teachings, and therefore irrelevant, who decided that they were worthy to edit the word of God, exactly? Especially since according to the Bible, none of us are Gods. While the Ephesians quote you gave me says that "no man ever yet hated his own flesh", and instructs us to love ourselves, in the New Testament we have Luke 14:26 which says "If anyone comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, *and even his own life*, he can not be my disciple." It's a precondition to coming to the Lord to hate yourself, seemingly, and to find salvation by accepting Him only. Seems a bit like railroading to me. Why not find comfort in being able simply just to love yourself, without needing to outsource the work to an omnipotent being to do that for you? It seems to me that the danger in giving someone that permission is that perhaps they will use this God-like feeling to do "evil" things, but evil things are often done in the name of God anyway; humans will choose to do what they will, and justify it in the name of whatever they please. Removing self-empowerment is as poor an answer to curbing "evil" as allowing someone of poor conscience to act as they please with no consequence. Those who feel powerless can and often feel motivated to action by resentment and oppression to get justice. That's what victimhood mentality produces, too. Perhaps on the theoretical judgement day, when all is restored as you say, people will stand in front of God as he created them in his likeness: as a being that is both male and female, instead of either or, and we will realize that we are all God.
      The soul, who has written that comment, says that baphomet - who is satan - the old devil is the god.
      Well, the soul is correct in one thing: for satan is also knowns as god (with little g) and with a kingdom - this fallen earth is satan`s kingdom that has but a short time and will burn up and will be no more.
      This is my reply:
      Thanks for bothering to write back. BUT: Genesis 5:1-2, - you are misreading in here: Do read that verse with understanding means: GOD created us/humans in 3, (in short: Spirit created SPIRITS) SPIRIT = Me SOUL = consciousness = being creates as an conscious being BODY =clothing (something to dwell in) The way you read that verse, dose proof that satan has messed up or proofs that - that one reads bible without understanding. For the BIBLE is a book from SPIRIT to SPIRITS aka FROM GOD TO HUMANS. And being created as male or female meaning: being able to multiply. The word : multiply means: to create new generations. Luke 14:26 - the real meaning, meaning of the verse: you cant serve CHRIST/GOD while hanging out with unsaved/ still wicked sinners. = you`ll be still found as a wicked sinner and not a saved soul. And to love GOD 1st - He give us our existence. He created us in spirit 1st - then give us a body (carnal for now but spiritual later). Why shouldn`t i love GOD 1st and not my parents? - For i`m GOD`S creation and not my parents (earthly parents). - GOD is the Father of the whole mankind. (Therefore a parent/Heavenly Father to me as i`m a born again soul who`s sins are forgiven and to never again remembered). let`s put it that way (maybe help better to understand) - There is unsaved souls - unrepented souls who haven`t get things right with GOD (sins forgiven) and there is saved souls - saints - the true Christ followers. Luke 13:5 | View whole chapter | See verse in context I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Luke 13:3 | View whole chapter | See verse in context I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. And there`s also 3 verse that i didn´t find but the wording goes like that: GOD HAS CALLED EVERY MAN EVERYWHERE TO REPENENCE. The questions i ask here is: Why are leaving satan - the old devil - the serpent out of the life picture? The reason for you to misread the gospel is: you are missing the helper and the comforter : THE HOLY SPIRIT who: John 14:16 | View whole chapter | See verse in context And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; John 15:26 | View whole chapter | See verse in context But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me: John 14:26 | View whole chapter | See verse in context But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. The way you read the gospel now is the way satan wants us to read. Receive the helper: THE HOLY GHOST and say to satan: get behind me satan, never tempt me again.

  • @raulkaanik8422
    @raulkaanik8422 11 місяців тому

    kahju,et kajakaraibet saates ei osale

  • @helendag
    @helendag Рік тому

    Ma arvan sama,et kõik see tehnika areng on toimunud just ,siis kui hakati tegema vahetust kosmiliste rassidega.

  • @theharshtruthoutthere
    @theharshtruthoutthere 2 роки тому +1

    And do not put that mask on ever again. You have lungs for a reason: TO BREATHE.

  • @augustsoomre4795
    @augustsoomre4795 2 роки тому +3

    Issand, meie Jumal, Sa kõige targem, kõige vägevam ja rohkelt armuline! Meie, Sinu patused ja vääritud sulased palume ja anume Sind:
    Kuule meie palvehäält sel tunnil ja tee lõpp kohutavale sõjale, mis möllab Ukrainas!
    Vaata, Issand, taevast ja näe oma loodud olendite vaeva ja valu, pisaraid nende silmis, nende hingeahastust ja surma, mis siin maailmas tugev on.
    Sa tead, et patt ja ülekohus on üle meie pea tõusnud, aga ole meile armuline, sest Sina oled meie lootus ja kindel müür.
    Valgusta neid, kes selle sõja on valla päästnud, ja anna neile mõistust, et nad täidaksid Sinu püha tahet, kes Sa ütled: „Õndsad on rahunõudjad, sest neid peab Jumala lasteks hüütama“.
    Oh halastaja ja Inimesearmastaja Issand, anna Ukraina rahvale püsivust ja lootust ning jõudu seista vastu sellele ülekohtusele sissetungile.
    Saada oma pühast eluasemest inglid ligi kõigile, keda see sõda puudutab, olgu kodumaal või põgenikuteel, ja anna neile kannatlikkust, vastupidamist ja lohutust.
    Sest Sina oled meie Jumal, halastaja ja Päästja Jumal, ja Sulle, Isale ja Pojale ja Pühale Vaimule anname meie au nüüd, ikka ja igavesti. Aamen.

    • @jansamoblad6456
      @jansamoblad6456 2 роки тому

      Palve rahu eest Ukrainas ja ka terves maailmas, on väga-väga hea, aga aadress tundub vist vale.
      Mõistuse ja elutarkuse palve oleks ehk isegi esmane asi mida kõrgematelt paluda!
      Võibolla sellised ohjaldamatud vereohvrid ja ka muud aadrilaskmised on kõiksevägevamatele hoopis meelepärased?! 🤨
      Nagu võimu/ülemvõimu pärast, on alati ka kõikvõimalike ettekäändena toodud jumalate ja religioonide nimel, juba kümnete sajandite jooksul inimesed üksteist halastamatult mättasse löönud.
      Kas tõesti ainult sellepärast, et me saaksime patustena ja süüd tundes kõigevägevamatelt härdalt lunastust anuda?
      Ainest mõtisklusteks:
      On ju ka Piiblis hoiatatud õela ja salakavala SÜÜDISTAJA eest!
      Aamen 😉