Being Sober is Boring if you work a boring mindless job for A Company that offers little opportunity for success or advancement ! Alchoholism is a symptom of an Un satisfying life which needs to be escaped from. If you actually follow your true purpose in life you won’t need to escape from anything !
No I think as we age it's normal to drink less ....maybe if you gave up in your 20s it would be from 30 onwards average people naturally drink less , at 40 barely , maybe special occasions xx
It can be boring but 100% better than the depression that comes with hangovers
good to see Dean looking well again.
I drink rarely now, but I know without doubt between 1-4/5 drinks I am more funny and entertaining. And there are certainly others like that
Being Sober is Boring if you work a boring mindless job for A Company that offers little opportunity for success or advancement ! Alchoholism is a symptom of an Un satisfying life which needs to be escaped from. If you actually follow your true purpose in life you won’t need to escape from anything !
How long have you both been sober??
No I think as we age it's normal to drink less ....maybe if you gave up in your 20s it would be from 30 onwards average people naturally drink less , at 40 barely , maybe special occasions xx