  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024


  • @messagesforourtime9306
    @messagesforourtime9306  3 місяці тому +63

    Please check if you are still subscribed and if not please click the bell icon and turn it black to receive all notifications. As you like and also share, we raise the algorithm and get the message out!

    • @afazi55
      @afazi55 3 місяці тому +3

      as for me still subscribed
      and look forward to notifications
      however.. dont know why...

    • @afazi55
      @afazi55 3 місяці тому

      with your dogmatic (calvinistic/lutheran/evangelical) preferanses
      you seclude centuries of faithfull believers as more or less deceived ..
      it not of ..

    • @afazi55
      @afazi55 3 місяці тому +1

      you seek division among believers" we the true evangelicals vs the catolic harlot "
      it is not according to G-ds will
      its another "gospel" full of "relevant" scriptures
      still another gospel

    • @afazi55
      @afazi55 3 місяці тому +2

      sure you now will come to the conclusion:
      these comments are more or less "spiritual attacs " from the enemy..
      its NOT
      its a brotherly rebuke of spirtually error
      nothing more
      nothing less
      best wishes

    • @afazi55
      @afazi55 3 місяці тому +2

      if those catedrals are such an abomination to your faith...
      why dont you abstain from seeking them?
      furthermore publishing "messages" from their midst?
      top of selfish hyppocracy

  • @preppermint
    @preppermint 3 місяці тому +458

    Jesus said it was going to get worse before it ended. Things are indeed moving faster n the days are growing darker but the Father already had a plan. Be strong and of good courage ❤

    • @katherineking3174
      @katherineking3174 3 місяці тому

      But why ate they so bad!!! Many good men do nothing!!! Is the UK allowing the death of the unborn like America!?

    • @andrewknowles9725
      @andrewknowles9725 3 місяці тому +36

      When you see these things lift up your heads our redemption draws near praise be to jesus our wonderful saviour God bless you love from australia

    • @smr4712
      @smr4712 3 місяці тому +7

      jesus never said that, the bible was not written by Jesus..

    • @lorrainethomas4736
      @lorrainethomas4736 3 місяці тому

      Paul’s heart was totally evil…even on the road to Damascus…he was still breathing out threats… and anxious to arrest Christians and imprison them! It is Christ…who changed his heart…took out the heart of stone.. and gave him a heart of flesh…quickened him by the redeeming power of the Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus…and made a new creature…in Christ Jesus…out of him! If Christ had not arrested him…on the road to Damascus…Paul would have continued his evil rampage! Paul had nothing to do with his was totally an act of God on his evil soul! Just as we don’t save ourselves…by anything we do…but only by the power of God…that raises our dead souls from spiritual death…to give us new life in Christ!!😊

    • @user-ls8fr6pb5w
      @user-ls8fr6pb5w 3 місяці тому +5

      The three days of darkness are the first three years of the great tribulation and the mark of the beast, then the sign of Jonah and the three woes, and then the 3.5 years of the great tribulation

  • @robynguinn8941
    @robynguinn8941 3 місяці тому +77

    My late Mother said before she passed in 2020 that we are living in the end times. I have gone most of my life non-believing and yet here at 64 I feel in the pit of my intuition that something monstrous is heading towards us like a derailing freight train and that it is driven by evil.

    • @messagesforourtime9306
      @messagesforourtime9306  3 місяці тому +11

      That is for sure!

    • @messagesforourtime9306
      @messagesforourtime9306  3 місяці тому +8

      That is for sure

    • @mrs.kravitz
      @mrs.kravitz 3 місяці тому +17

      Your story is like mine, Robyn. I think there are many of us. May we all find truth, peace, and courage in these times.

    • @joshbenton4080
      @joshbenton4080 3 місяці тому

      Something indeed Monstrous is coming. (We're about to see the Great Tribulation come, something that was prophesied in Dan 12:1 and Matt 24:21) The powers that be, (Satan's "agents" if you like, including the UN, WEF and WHO) are preparing the world for the Mark of the Beast crisis. These "scoundrels" are in the midst of setting up a financial system to enslave people, (CBDC's will replace physical cash currency around the world in the not too distant future) and to also strip you of your right to own personal possessions. (They want to also establish a "Social Credit System" worldwide, which is something the Chinese Communist Party already has) This new technology is based on the "Block Chain", and Artificial Intelligence will be imbedded in everything. (Artificial Intelligence is the Technological "Image of the Beast") The Pope of Rome (a former Jesuit priest) is the Puppet Master behind all of these luciferin agendas. He doesn't believe that you have the right to own anything, meanwhile the Bible says you DO have that right. The Pope is the Man of Sin that the Apostle Paul describes in II Thessalonians 2:3-4. He's the Son of Perdition. With that all being said, we are the Generation that will see the fulfillment of the "No Buy No Sell" Prophesy of Revelation 13:15-17, when the Mark of the Beast crisis comes upon us all. (In Isaiah 33:16-17, God will take care of His People during troublesome times. And in I Kings 17:1-6, the Lord fed Elijah by commanding ravens to feed him by the brook) And most importantly of all, we will be the LAST Generation of earth's history, before the Lord Jesus Christ returns. The Mark of the Beast will be the forced observance of a false day of worship, which will be Sunday by law globally. (See part of the Three Angels Message of Rev 14:7, as this angel is repeating a Torah Command found in Exodus 20:8-11, regarding the Seventh Day Sabbath.) As this is happening, the Seven Last Plagues are going to be poured out, but only on the ones that have accepted the Mark of the Beast. The people that are "sealed" with God's Seal, they will not be harmed by these Seven Last Plagues. (Psalm 91) Ever since the Covid 19 Pestilence was unleashed upon the masses four years ago, I've noticed time has accelerated. And time has been going by faster than one can blink an eye. The good news is, the bad guys loose and all end up going to Perdition, Jesus is coming soon to rescue His people from Satan's clutches. The good guys will win as Jesus defeats His enemies. Happy Sabbath and God bless.

  • @katherineking3174
    @katherineking3174 3 місяці тому +282

    Evil prevails when good men do NOTHING

    • @theangel219
      @theangel219 3 місяці тому +21

      Good men don't do nothing. The problem is the lack of good men.

    • @smr4712
      @smr4712 3 місяці тому +2


    • @allthatjazz9000
      @allthatjazz9000 3 місяці тому +1


    • @smr4712
      @smr4712 3 місяці тому +1

      @@allthatjazz9000 as if verses determine the truth lol.. where did you go to school?

    • @standingbear998
      @standingbear998 3 місяці тому +1

      people won't listen

  • @stephanieparsons1056
    @stephanieparsons1056 3 місяці тому +194

    This world hates our Father and King, so of course it hates us. Unfortunately it's going to get really bad. We must keep our focus on Jesus ❤

    • @tinahale9252
      @tinahale9252 3 місяці тому +23

      Jesus said to me " just keep your eyes not to the right nor the left but on me,". Bombs, destruction storms earthquakes, will go off around me everywhere but keep me in your mind

    • @yourangelinfleshorsackclot1523
      @yourangelinfleshorsackclot1523 3 місяці тому

      creepy Jesus stalkers ...

  • @JoelGrant-ie4ly
    @JoelGrant-ie4ly 3 місяці тому +41

    Not everything is doom and gloom. The week of May 20-24,2024, over 12K Christians were baptized in California! The Church in Iran and Iraq is growing. The Church in North Korea is strong. The Lord is moving in Japan! The Church in the West may face persecution, but that will serve to purify us. God always wins, and He always loves His people. Amen.

  • @joelbumba2006
    @joelbumba2006 3 місяці тому +145

    They want their kingdom so badly and they will perish for eternity.

    • @standingbear998
      @standingbear998 3 місяці тому

      and that helps how?

    • @alreadybanned-pe6se
      @alreadybanned-pe6se 3 місяці тому +6

      Seek Jesus Christ while he still may be found

    • @jerrymoore838
      @jerrymoore838 3 місяці тому +1

      Hopefully some of them will have their hearts changed

    • @tiahenry4743
      @tiahenry4743 3 місяці тому

      @@jerrymoore838 They are not capable. Satan is promising them things and I don't exactly know what but they have their bodies frozen after death thinking they will come back to life with technological advancements. They don't think okay where is the soul going to come from. They are purely insane. A Rothschild mother in the nineteenth century said that if her sons didn't want wars there would be no wars. She was defiant on her death bed. It's simply amazing.

  • @mariafusco7899
    @mariafusco7899 3 місяці тому +214

    I think we have always been outsiders. But now, the Lord is pulling back the veil and revealing what is in the hearts of people, and even those who go to church.

  • @kateashleypiel5133
    @kateashleypiel5133 3 місяці тому +157

    The Church is the People,not the Place.

    • @sarahduhay5150
      @sarahduhay5150 3 місяці тому +3

      Yes but the church (building) was built for the followers of Christ. It is symbolic.

    • @kateashleypiel5133
      @kateashleypiel5133 3 місяці тому +7

      @@sarahduhay5150 where in the Bible can i read that?Satan loves symbols.

    • @sarahduhay5150
      @sarahduhay5150 3 місяці тому +3

      @@kateashleypiel5133 The church building has always been seen as a symbol by people in general of Christianity like the cross irrespective of what the Bible says. When people launch attacks at Christianity, do you think they have time to figure out who or what the church is? As far as they are concerned, the church is a 'building'.

    • @kateashleypiel5133
      @kateashleypiel5133 3 місяці тому

      @@sarahduhay5150 our body is the temple of God according to the Scriptures,1 Corinthians 6:19-20,a building is a house of Prayer not the church.We are the Church.
      2 Timothy 2:24-25-26
      And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,
      In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
      And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

    • @shebamaree9026
      @shebamaree9026 3 місяці тому +13

      there is nothing in the Bible that is symbolic. Jesus will tell you this. Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone of the Church and His followers are members of the Body. the cross is not symbolic of Jesus. Jesus defeated death. He is not on the Cross. He is at the right hand side of the Father

  • @user-zg1lh1yu8e
    @user-zg1lh1yu8e 3 місяці тому +102

    People are going on with their lives planning vacations etc like nothing unusual is happening in the world. I pray for eyes to be opened for ears to hear the word of God. And trust Jesus as their Savior before it’s too late Blessings Brother Stewart and All Our Brothers and Sisters ♥️🙏

    • @wendymichaelson5426
      @wendymichaelson5426 3 місяці тому +9

      Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏

    • @dreaming4u601
      @dreaming4u601 3 місяці тому +14

      As in the days of Noah ... our redemtion draws nigh ❤

    • @Willowy13
      @Willowy13 3 місяці тому +5

      Noah's day.

    • @rosewood5017
      @rosewood5017 3 місяці тому +9

      They are the sheep that are still asleep and don't want to wake up. They are not part of the harvest.

    • @20165776YEAR
      @20165776YEAR 3 місяці тому +5

      days of Noah

  • @Adrian-qj8de
    @Adrian-qj8de 3 місяці тому +69

    I agree. 100% We need to stand firm. Do not get jab-bed, no digital ID, or implanted microchips..Stay with Christ..

  • @etrust1695
    @etrust1695 3 місяці тому +103

    Oh yes I had a dream where the air was thick but had an overwhelming sense of evil all around. I felt surrounded by those who don't have Jesus. Very eerie dream. Get ready for persecution. If that's the end for us then let His will be done!

    • @juliec3437
      @juliec3437 3 місяці тому +4

      I had a scary dream last night about being chased by a lion, and then a bear.

    • @cmjack777
      @cmjack777 3 місяці тому +14

      It’s not the end. It’s the beginning of eternity

    • @etrust1695
      @etrust1695 3 місяці тому

      @@cmjack777 facks jacks

    • @jabohabo3821
      @jabohabo3821 3 місяці тому +3

      I have an important question!! Was it overwhelmingly ash gray?...all around?

    • @appledoreman
      @appledoreman 3 місяці тому +4

      I had a very vivid dream where a climate of fear ruled throughout the land (I'm from UK). That was some years ago, now, but it's rapidly becoming reality.

  • @garethcartwrightmusic
    @garethcartwrightmusic 3 місяці тому +92

    Spot on Stuart - closer we move! The Bridegroom is coming for His Bride, keep oil in your lamp 👑🕊️🔥

    • @user-ls8fr6pb5w
      @user-ls8fr6pb5w 3 місяці тому

      The three days of darkness are the first three years of the great tribulation and the mark of the beast, then the sign of Jonah and the three woes, and then the 3.5 years of the great tribulation

      @YAHREIGNS7 3 місяці тому


  • @gfp46
    @gfp46 3 місяці тому +70

    I’m 77 and remember the good in America, not sure about other worldly places since only radio and newspaper were available. Our first TV in ‘54 and really no worldly news from it. Such a difference now. Your message this morning is a blessing to me. Thank you❤

    • @appledoreman
      @appledoreman 3 місяці тому +16

      I'm 73, & from UK, not USA. Like you, however, I remember when things were so different. What a change we've seen in our lifetimes & so much of it not for the better. I comfort myself with the knowledge that truth will prevail & Jesus IS truth.

    • @davidegral7152
      @davidegral7152 3 місяці тому +10

      @@appledoremanAmen brother, and he is the light that shines in our hearts. The victory is ours in Christ.

    • @RameyRocks
      @RameyRocks 3 місяці тому +9

      I was born in 1970 and I remember the good old days, too. It makes me sad to think how things are different and can’t never go back to the way things were. Then I have to remind myself that this is not my home. Thank goodness. God bless you.

    • @robertscott-buccleuch2751
      @robertscott-buccleuch2751 3 місяці тому +2

      Thanks for commenting. I'm 72, born in Canada and life was truly different then. The nation of Canada is now a place where the state has replaced god or trying their best to do so. I had options and left their jurisdiction. Where I live now the bells still ring in a call to prayer every Sunday. Hold the faith and thanks for sharing, both you and the original poster.

  • @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ
    @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ 3 місяці тому +20

    I never fit into this world anyway, and I’m thankful for it, and they don’t need to push me away, because I gladly set myself apart from all of this wickedness. We have to rely on the Holy Spirit faithfully for spiritual discernment these days to keep us walking in the truth, because there’s deception at every turn. But God’s Word is a light that guides our way, and praise Jesus for His wisdom, grace, mercy, forgiveness, saIvation, and protecting us from being deceived, by the spiritual discernment given to us by the power of His Holy Spirit.

    • @stephaniebach__12-24
      @stephaniebach__12-24 3 місяці тому +2

      Same here, I never fit in… This world is filled with so much evil, pain and sorrow.. And it’s getting worse

  • @CECICEO-cz9ho
    @CECICEO-cz9ho 3 місяці тому +74

    PEOPLE : WAKE UP !!!!THIS IS NOTHING NEW - OR SHOULDN'T BE ...................

    • @allthatjazz9000
      @allthatjazz9000 3 місяці тому +2

      Do you STILL sin?
      1 John 3:8 kjv
      1 John 3:6-10 kjv 🔑
      Pay attention to what Jesus Christ said in John 8:34 kjv.

    • @smr4712
      @smr4712 3 місяці тому +1

      @@allthatjazz9000 lies from the church, don't fall for lies, the Church of Christ sin when they try to be our law, they are not our law or authority.. neither do they represent Christ..I can also write stories that in the end justifies I run international law based on fairy tales.

    • @truthseeker8894
      @truthseeker8894 3 місяці тому

      The pope is the man of sin and fits perfectly the anti-Christ of the book of Revelations.

    • @themongol1475
      @themongol1475 3 місяці тому +3

      the antichrist

    • @divinelove4604
      @divinelove4604 3 місяці тому +1

      The beast has been here for centuries, lifetimes, and generations. It's nothing new.

  • @wildrover9650
    @wildrover9650 3 місяці тому +174

    Persecution and martyrdom most definetly coming to USA. We must endure to the end to be saved.

    • @Watcher1989-gd8zw
      @Watcher1989-gd8zw 3 місяці тому +5

      So your into works salvation?

    • @carolynpeisert218
      @carolynpeisert218 3 місяці тому +12

      ​@Watcher1989-gd8zw ...not at all what was said...please pray for wisdom and discernment.

    • @Broken-Walls
      @Broken-Walls 3 місяці тому +1

      Works follow those who believe natirally bibe says. But thats not wjat je said, bless you ​@Watcher1989-gd8zw

    • @KennyFisher-io4dm
      @KennyFisher-io4dm 3 місяці тому +7

      Salvation is a gift! Jesus Christ cried tetelestai from the cross, "It is finished"! Jesus died for all my sins on the cross, as when he died, I was not yet born, and he paid it in full! When one receives the gift of salvation by faith and is regenerated, born again, you are sealed with the Holy Ghost(Eph 1:13) and Jesus gives us eternal life! Study the gospel of John, and the truth will set you free! Also read Paul's epistle to the Galatians!

    • @AjNotsri
      @AjNotsri 3 місяці тому +7

      @@KennyFisher-io4dmnot if you deny him before men or deny him to save your life or live in habitual sin or take the mark of the beast.

  • @gereshomeE
    @gereshomeE 3 місяці тому +112

    I am back in the U.K. from almost 10 years stuck in Saudi Arabia! PLEASE PRAY as I need a miracle for my situation to end. 🙏✝️

    • @Romanstwelve2024
      @Romanstwelve2024 3 місяці тому +6


    • @Blurb777
      @Blurb777 3 місяці тому +11

      Praying for you. God is more than able. Trust Him with everything, and then relax in Him as you do His will.

    • @user-jr7xk7ox4o
      @user-jr7xk7ox4o 3 місяці тому +2

      What's your problem?

    • @roddas26
      @roddas26 3 місяці тому +3

      ​@@user-jr7xk7ox4othey are in the UK?
      Was my thought.
      And the UK is almost Muslim.

    • @user-jr7xk7ox4o
      @user-jr7xk7ox4o 3 місяці тому

      @@roddas26 ok I understand now. That is so sad,many active Christian churches here in USA but dinosaurs train a PBS kids show have turned millions of children here into atheist. Sham on that indoctrination. But as to the matter I'll pray for peace. thank you for explaining.God bless you and yours.

  • @wendymichaelson5426
    @wendymichaelson5426 3 місяці тому +62

    Matthew 9 the harvest is plentiful but, the workers are few 🙏 pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into the harvest field. ❤😂😊

    • @user-ls8fr6pb5w
      @user-ls8fr6pb5w 3 місяці тому

      The three days of darkness are the first three years of the great tribulation and the mark of the beast, then the sign of Jonah and the three woes, and then the 3.5 years of the great tribulation

    • @juanvaladez5703
      @juanvaladez5703 3 місяці тому

      @@user-ls8fr6pb5w Mark if the beast already happened. We are in the final season.

  • @foxslayer321
    @foxslayer321 3 місяці тому +21

    The beast system rising the UN WEF and WHO

    • @beckypetersen8554
      @beckypetersen8554 2 місяці тому +2

      Fun fact: Bono from U2 (pictured with WEF) his mother's nickname for him was the Beast.

  • @rickybennett6491
    @rickybennett6491 3 місяці тому +57

    Exactly “pushed out” every day I feel that and silenced thank you brother

    • @vforvictorious5920
      @vforvictorious5920 3 місяці тому +11

      Rejoice in it! We are in His spirit always. He never lets us go! He knows what we carry in the flesh. The holy spirit gives a bag of tools everywhere we go. The Armor of God🙏

    • @blazingsaddles7145
      @blazingsaddles7145 3 місяці тому

      @@vforvictorious5920I love that…bag of tools. Wonderful 🙏🏼

  • @eugenejoseph7076
    @eugenejoseph7076 3 місяці тому +23

    Do not fear the world, for I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD! I'm going back to bed and rest! Thank You Jesus! Zzzz.

  • @lesliea.m.5392
    @lesliea.m.5392 3 місяці тому +73

    Yes, the world is rapidly changing. Seems time is speeding up 😮 we must remember narrow is the road to heaven and wide is the way to destruction and many do go in that way

    • @rosewood5017
      @rosewood5017 3 місяці тому

      Yes, I can see where many aren't going to make it. They are the sheep that are still asleep, more concerned about their lives, riches, worldly things. If you have been separated in one way or another from family and friends, or nothing is what it seems, that means that you are on the right path. Seems like God did the harvesting about the time that Covid hit. After that everything and everyone changed. Chosen ones are on a higher consciousness level, so they don' have anything in common with people or this world. Time to graduate.

    • @janet5820
      @janet5820 3 місяці тому +1

      Amen these words came to me and I then saw your comment. True scriptural God bless you

  • @dawnnichols7742
    @dawnnichols7742 3 місяці тому +13

    No more "normal". "Even so, come Lord Jesus". Hold on to your faith in Jesus until the end.

  • @janereynolds7555
    @janereynolds7555 3 місяці тому +17

    And led by a King who is so deceptive, so traitorous, and so demonic.

  • @EmmaMarie7
    @EmmaMarie7 3 місяці тому +47

    Yes, things are changing rapidly. I used to live near Seattle but left years back. I go back to briefly visit about twice a year. Seattle snd vicinity was once a conservative place until californians moved in and have utterly destroyed it. Seattle is beautiful - natural wonders but the city is ugly and destroyed. As a child in the '60's, we wore our Sunday best to go shopping with our parents. Now, i wont drive past down town for fear of getting shot.

    • @williebisrael2979
      @williebisrael2979 3 місяці тому +1

      Your Sunday's best!

    • @johncorson6599
      @johncorson6599 3 місяці тому +3

      I left Seattle in 2017 after living in the region for 11 years .. the acceleration of disintegration I really saw over 4 years .. first no homeless begging on street corners in Renton to every corner someone there .. then my life blew up and I had to flee out of state .. still on the run but in Texas for now

  • @eabbcc642
    @eabbcc642 3 місяці тому +42

    This is the day that the Lord has made

    • @ajlhollis6699
      @ajlhollis6699 3 місяці тому +8

      Let us rejoice and be glad in it. ❤️

    • @TriciaPerry-mz7tc
      @TriciaPerry-mz7tc 3 місяці тому

      I'm praying you ask. This was so foolish. I am so.upset to.waste

    • @smr4712
      @smr4712 3 місяці тому

      oh pls, its a shit day.

    • @paulburick1506
      @paulburick1506 3 місяці тому +1

      Yes ..for everything there is a SEASON. Time is not linear. It is cyclical. Observe the times. There will be an appointed time on Divine terms. And like the demons begging to enter swine we will see EVIL cringing in front of Jesus.

  • @telldor4720
    @telldor4720 3 місяці тому +38

    Spot on -brother! I feel it 💯 %. I’m ok with being “pushed out”. As time goes by so rapidly I feel the changes-and it only confirms the truth -that we are not of the world and we are right where we are suppose to be. Thank you for the beautiful message today. God bless.

  • @josephianfranklin
    @josephianfranklin 3 місяці тому +33

    LORD Jesus build us up in You so that we love the brethren with Your agape love. Teach us what Your love is, expand our hearts to be able to love those we are in tension with that we are pushed down by our trivial feelings and idiosyncrasies. In Jesus' Name. Amen

  • @Chris-uk.
    @Chris-uk. 3 місяці тому +30

    you can feel the evil everywhere something big is coming but what

  • @LAT-qk3vj
    @LAT-qk3vj 3 місяці тому +23

    It's sad to see how far we have fallen 😦Really good video. Thank you from Nashville TN.

    • @TriciaPerry-mz7tc
      @TriciaPerry-mz7tc 3 місяці тому +1

      Yes I wish I had seen it earlier. I didn't mean to even get this far. All my family ahead. I feel stupid and should not have looked back. God was telling me. I feel trapped

  • @sampas2658
    @sampas2658 3 місяці тому +5

    A true Christian is not found in churches and books, he is found in himself in his soul and his behavior!

  • @dianebedard4671
    @dianebedard4671 3 місяці тому +38

    Good day Stuart pray you are well family too! God bless all you stay safe and have a blessed day🙏🏻✝️❤️

  • @carolynpeisert218
    @carolynpeisert218 3 місяці тому +17

    Absolutely Stuart...the darkness is moving in fast....

  • @johntaylor3070
    @johntaylor3070 3 місяці тому +20

    Thank you for your message bless you , I wish there were more people that would listen and learn about Jesus Christ it is true the door is closing it is harder reaching people all praise to our Lord Jesus Christ blessings to all

  • @Kim-js8jf
    @Kim-js8jf 3 місяці тому +26

    Amos 8: 11, 12, Daniel 12:10. Ready for Gods plan. 🙌❤️🙏

  • @uniquelylisa
    @uniquelylisa 3 місяці тому +24

    Beautiful place…timely message. Thank you Bro Stuart. From Texas

  • @garyowens8201
    @garyowens8201 3 місяці тому +12

    I feel very much that this is not my home anymore. I’ve known that our ultimate home is with the Lord Jesus but at the rate things are changing, and not just here in the United States but worldwide, I feel like an outcast in the place I’ve been my 61 years of life. Sure some of the place still resemble what I knew but what I’m referring to is the unseen, the spiritual aspect. I’m ready to meet my Savior!

  • @thomasmooney5653
    @thomasmooney5653 3 місяці тому +9

    I hate the museum-ification of our churches and Cathedrals by the traitors within; seller's in the temple always comes to mind.
    The red carpet rolled out for the heathen and his dog. No praying allowed; makes the mason's uncomfortable.

  • @mrnick0925
    @mrnick0925 3 місяці тому +9

    Indeed our relationships with one another are going to be what gets us through these days ahead. We will become “more separate” from the world as time goes on. I was reading John 10 earlier today. Yes, we that are His hear His voice. We are His and He is ours.
    The time is very very short. We are all called to seek our Father with all that we are. We need to fortify our faith by focusing on Him as much as possible. Turn off everything and spend time with Him in Bible study and prayer. It’s the only way to be ready.
    And pray for one another. Always giving thanks and praise to our Father in heaven who holds us in His Hand until the end and into eternity! Praise God! Now and Forever!

  • @cmjack777
    @cmjack777 3 місяці тому +9

    May the Lord Jesus Christ bless us with every spiritual blessing

  • @Remnant1up
    @Remnant1up 3 місяці тому +9

    I very much agree. I'm thankful that I'm aware of the prophecies that told us this is coming our way in the 'last days'. I'm happy to be among the Remnant, God's children. So, as He tells us, I "look up because redemption draws nigh." And "Even so, Lord Jesus, come soon!!" God bless you and your gentle spirit. 💖✨

    • @user-ls8fr6pb5w
      @user-ls8fr6pb5w 3 місяці тому

      The three days of darkness are the first three years of the great tribulation and the mark of the beast, then the sign of Jonah and the three woes, and then the 3.5 years of the great tribulation

  • @user-lc4br4dt6e
    @user-lc4br4dt6e 3 місяці тому +2

    😇⚜️😇🦅✝️-I agree totally...ugly times we are in. But yet hope remains in christ Jesus.

  • @barbaramchendry9042
    @barbaramchendry9042 3 місяці тому +12

    Yes everything has changed we must be with other true believers always test the spirit truly look unto YESUAH ,we are going to see things that are going to shake a lot of people .

  • @Mad-rs7fw
    @Mad-rs7fw 3 місяці тому +20

    I agree, things are definitely different today, much darker. I thought I raised my boys right to believe in God and Jesus but in their 30s now one atheist and the other joined the church of satan last year. His wife raised Catholic too now a wiccan and it makes me sick to my stomach. I pray that their eyes are opened before it's too late all the time. The god of this world is running rampant taking our children from us and The Most High we must be diligent and please please don't let this happen to your children and grandchildren.. Please pray for us.

  • @preppermint
    @preppermint 3 місяці тому +16

    Good morning dear brother!!!! Praise the Lord

  • @bettertvreceptionwithfoilf7100
    @bettertvreceptionwithfoilf7100 3 місяці тому +16

    If there are graves in the building, they will be opened. I would imagine Hoover Dam will fail, because of the graves opening within it's structure. Perhaps may buildings will fail, many supersturctures.. How many cities and villages have built over graveyards? They will open.

  • @melodymoore9765
    @melodymoore9765 3 місяці тому +3

    Thank you for sharing. Jesus will sort it all out but it is still worrying.

  • @MeiKasai
    @MeiKasai Місяць тому

    In February I was called to read the bible for the first time ever. I was born and raised catholic but left it all when I was 17. Now at 35 I’m back and I feel God near. It’s such a beautiful feeling and I believe every word you say is true.

  • @user-ce1bw2ww1d
    @user-ce1bw2ww1d 3 місяці тому +19

    Greetings from Northern New Mexico

  • @Psa141
    @Psa141 3 місяці тому +8

    Thank you God unto all things. Your message is poinent brother Stuart, considering where you are, all that gold & silver, & the little lights, statues. The ironworks are telling.
    Where you tread the Word is a lamp Psa.119:105. Observing your subdued voice, one wonders if you were, with joyous voice proclaiming your message? What a deep contrast with your jaunts in the open countryside, such a joy you impart there; all in mind of Psa 23. It was mentioned 'pushed out', or is it really pushed up - under His royal robes skirts. We are Joint heirs with Christ, all who overcome by his blood. Rom.8:17. All glory and praise to God. Bless you brother Stuart and all his people. Hallelujah.

  • @mrs.kravitz
    @mrs.kravitz 3 місяці тому +3

    This is the first of your videos I’ve encountered. What a beautiful, calming voice you have! Just wonderful! I appreciate your thoughts as well. Here in the US, circumstances are much the same. It’s all very strange and troubling.

    • @magimac9979
      @magimac9979 3 місяці тому +1

      Me too & I couldn’t have said it any better, thank you. In God we trust. Amen 🙏🏼✨💜

  • @ellisonhamilton3322
    @ellisonhamilton3322 3 місяці тому +113

    That beast empire will have several heads. One of those heads will be RC, one will be Islamic. There will be others.
    Yes, I feel pushed out.......Squeezed out. Like there is no place for me in church, no place out in society. Isolated.....that's how I feel. Like I nothing left in common with my fellow man in terms of his values.

    • @Kim-js8jf
      @Kim-js8jf 3 місяці тому +14


    • @ajlhollis6699
      @ajlhollis6699 3 місяці тому +10


    • @tracilynn6675
      @tracilynn6675 3 місяці тому +26

      Very true, but we are to be set apart from the world. HalleluYah 🙌🏻

    • @delliyoung4559
      @delliyoung4559 3 місяці тому +16

      Set apart you are. Big blessing!

    • @pippilongstocking.
      @pippilongstocking. 3 місяці тому +9

      I'm told this by the younger ones more and more..Thats how things was in the past..stuff is different now..this is different world and alot of them don't even believe in Jesus.

  • @suebennett9347
    @suebennett9347 3 місяці тому +9

    It has been 10 years almost to the day that I fell to my knees in repentance and excepted Christ as my Lord. I have treasured each day since then and have had countless prayers answered i. Christ name. God is real and gave up His son so that we may have life everlasting life✝️. Christ is the way to the Father our creator. Romans 3:23 We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 6:23 For wages of sin is death but the gift of is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 5:8. But God demonstrates His own love for us in this, while we were still sinners Christ died for us.✝️

  • @delphiniapickett2934
    @delphiniapickett2934 3 місяці тому +6

    Lord come 🙏. Help my brothers and sisters in places persecution is great. Save the children.

  • @dianarutherford6593
    @dianarutherford6593 3 місяці тому +10

    Hallo Stuart. Glad to have fellowship with you today! God bless you.

  • @lisazilaro6906
    @lisazilaro6906 3 місяці тому +7

    Thank you for the wonderful words of encouragement 🙏♥️

  • @fionamurray8347
    @fionamurray8347 3 місяці тому +5

    Bono feed the world. Breaks my heart to see what they did to so many on earth, how can God fix this, He will though, prayers for the world ✨💞🇮🇪

  • @acecolnaco6587
    @acecolnaco6587 3 місяці тому +7

    Blessed be The Name of the Lord!!! brother stuart always good to hear from you

  • @brigitteludwig4572
    @brigitteludwig4572 3 місяці тому +9

    I agree with you. Blessings from Germany

  • @helgabruin2261
    @helgabruin2261 3 місяці тому +10

    Feeling the Love of Jesus in our hearts will conquer all evils! By the way, your eyewear suits you. Looking good!

  • @vulgarresponse7080
    @vulgarresponse7080 Місяць тому

    When I feel 'down' with the state of things I think of Psalm 2 "and the Lord laughs and has them in derision", then I feel 'better!' 😊

  • @LillianGreenHiLilly
    @LillianGreenHiLilly 3 місяці тому +8

    The Rapture plays a highly significant part in these last days as the bible says We shall not all die, but will be caught up in the clouds togther to meet Jesus. Those who are in the graves will go up first, then we who remaine and alive shall follow to meet them and Jesus in the clouds.. Therefore comfort one another with these words" 1: thesolonians.
    Then we shall always be with the Lord" 1: thesolonians. 4:17 If this were not true then it would not be in the bible, but it is. God said it and so true,

    • @Royal-Jaywick
      @Royal-Jaywick 3 місяці тому +1

      It says many will die for not taking the mark …pray that you survive all these things coming on the earth

  • @artcuriel5449
    @artcuriel5449 3 місяці тому +13

    I’ve seen videos of a guy asking if people know Jesus. The majority pass him by.

    • @d.islander
      @d.islander 3 місяці тому +3

      I saw those videos, it makes me sad as Yeshua saying to them HERE I AM and no one listens......😢

    • @artcuriel5449
      @artcuriel5449 3 місяці тому +1

      @@d.islander 😕

  • @beame8726
    @beame8726 3 місяці тому +6

    They are being brought to a state of accountability even if they don't get saved, progress continues until the appointed time Amen.

  • @sojourner3163
    @sojourner3163 3 місяці тому +13

    Did you see the unveiling of the portrait of King Charles today? People are saying it looks bloody and like hell. He is holding wheat in his right hand…

    • @messagesforourtime9306
      @messagesforourtime9306  3 місяці тому +2

      No haven't seen it.

    • @redstarling5171
      @redstarling5171 3 місяці тому +7

      Just checked it out, it's horrid. Looks like he is bathing in an ocean of blood. The butterfly aswell is weird, representing change I guess but not for the better.

    • @teamtwe
      @teamtwe 3 місяці тому +4

      I think the butterfly means something else

    • @DaisyAnnabelle65
      @DaisyAnnabelle65 3 місяці тому +3

      Oh Lord have mercy! 🙏

    • @dreaming4u601
      @dreaming4u601 3 місяці тому +5

      I had a dream about Charles months ago. He stood in front of a huge painting which looked exactly like that new one, except that there was no Charles in it, just that blood-like streaks. Charles swore an oath to kill Christians in front of that painting! Then he stood aside and Camilla came and swore the same. I'm shocked to see this painting now ... like he climbed into the one I dreamed of 😮

  • @sbubb9155
    @sbubb9155 3 місяці тому +38

    Personally, I dont enter those pagan buildings filled with idols that can't speak, touch, or feel. My body is the Temple and I must worship the Most High in Spirit and Truth.
    I honor the True Name of The Mighty Messiah, Immanual for that is His Name, as it is written !
    Is 7 v14
    Mat 1v22-23

    • @messagesforourtime9306
      @messagesforourtime9306  3 місяці тому +28

      I sense God presence anywhere. Doesn't it say in the Psalms ..'if I go to the depths you are there'

    • @user-lu8rj2dd5e
      @user-lu8rj2dd5e 3 місяці тому +13

      Yes they are pagan buildings, not built by Christians but by Catholics to attract true believers into their false teachings; thank God for the reformation when these churches were transferred to the believers, not that they needed any buildings as they themselves are the temple of the Holy Spirit alleluia!

    • @jowiseman740
      @jowiseman740 3 місяці тому +10

      @@user-lu8rj2dd5e There is not one organised religion in this world preaching the truth. Not a single one.

    • @rosewood5017
      @rosewood5017 3 місяці тому +3

      @@jowiseman740 True, that is why you need to look inside. Like Jesus said be in this world, but not of this world.

    • @sarahduhay5150
      @sarahduhay5150 3 місяці тому

      @@user-lu8rj2dd5e A lot of these buildings are not Catholic, they are church of England.
      And I don't think the true Church have control of these buildings at all. They are either being shut down or converted into flats..

  • @Naynay1160
    @Naynay1160 3 місяці тому +5

    God bless you Stuart, thank you for sharing these beautiful houses of Worship. Thank you for always being prepared to give a reason for your hope in our Messiah Jesus Christ our precious Yeshua.
    Yahweh Bless the reading and hearing of His Word, God bless you and keep you Yahweh shine His providence upon you and give you His Peace, Amein
    Holy Hugs y'all

  • @d.islander
    @d.islander 3 місяці тому +12

    I seek the Lord Yeshua, how close we are to the end......i happened to see this verse repeated twice in random places and it gives my soul assurance where on the cusps of eternity! Our bridegroom is coming very soon! Keep your garments clean! 1 Peter 4:7
    King James Version
    7 But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.

  • @kaygeayla
    @kaygeayla 3 місяці тому +2

    Praying for Israel and for all people of God ❤

  • @williamangel6809
    @williamangel6809 3 місяці тому +2

    Our lord Jesus created the Catholic Church. The people will continue suffering, but this faith will not die. Our lord Jesus promised Saint Peter.

  • @davidhussell8581
    @davidhussell8581 3 місяці тому +2

    God bless you Sir ! Ultimately God is in control and will triumph over evil.

  • @51saphire
    @51saphire 2 місяці тому

    We must remember, this world is not our home. WE are but pilgrims here! Our Lord and Savior will be returning for us soon to take us home!

  • @paddyearly
    @paddyearly 3 місяці тому +3

    I’m an Irish Catholic and a member of the Legion of Mary🙏
    I’m on the street evangelising a few times every week and I find that a lot of people are shifting and turning back to some faith.
    I find especially young people are very open and some are turning to prayer and faith🙏
    Yes I think things are crazy now and will get worse but the era of peace promised by Our Lady in many of her Miraculous apparitions is coming🙏
    The remnant is small but getting stronger so never lose faith and be prepared to be martyrs🙏

  • @denisekaiser5662
    @denisekaiser5662 3 місяці тому +3

    Many blessings to you and your family brother Stuart.
    As a true soldier of Christ, raised up into His great army the day I was baptized, and well before that, I know that I am born for this very season we are in right now. Each one of us is a piece of God's mosaic, each with a different purpose for His Kingdom. I will not be dismayed, as God's word warns me of what is coming. They hated Him first, so therefore, they will hate me too. I suffer great persecution on so many levels, in all areas of my life, I am under attack. But God did not raise me up to be a coward and there is not one battle He has lost yet for me. I have already made it through my worst day and I am still standing. And that is all He asks of us, is to stand. As I dress each morning, I declare each piece of my armor. No cracks! I am beyond weary and ready to see my Lord and Savior...for peace in Jerusalem. The day and the hour I do not know. But I KNOW we are in the season. Study His word every chance you get, pray even more than that and get rest in Jesus. We are being tested and refined in the fire. Send me Lord!
    We don't come from victory brothers and sisters, we stand in it! Thank you for the cross, Jesus

    • @donnalindler5857
      @donnalindler5857 3 місяці тому

      How astute are your words, Denise, & I will revisit them as they are encouraging. My heart goes out to you, as I am surrounded & feel weary too. I see you as strong & that inspires me. Thank you for sharing. I will pray for you from SC, USA.

    • @denisekaiser5662
      @denisekaiser5662 3 місяці тому +1

      @@donnalindler5857 All glory to God sister. My strength is not of my own. May God bless you and protect you and all those you love. God sees His children are weary, He won't be a moment too late. Keep going! To the end. Our eternal crown awaits us. God bless you and give you peace : )

  • @Kevin-Murphy-007
    @Kevin-Murphy-007 3 місяці тому +17

    This is why my wife and I didn't bring any children into this garbage dump world. Thank God. The end is imminent. Sadly not many see it looming. Prayers for everyone out here in the world. God Bless You All. Stay strong in the Lord Jesus Christ everyone. Our day's are numbered.

    • @gracecollins8415
      @gracecollins8415 3 місяці тому +3

      Well, that was a direct rejection of God's Word to '...go forth and multiply, wasn't it? Marriage is a Sacrament, blessing the gift of sexual union for the purpose of procreation, not permission to satisfy carnal lust.

    • @Kevin-Murphy-007
      @Kevin-Murphy-007 3 місяці тому

      @gracecollins8415 and don't forget to throw stones at glass houses. Hypocrite. If I didn't bring any children into this garbage dump world, that's on me and my wife, plus we and a ton of other people around the world, who didn't bring any children into this garbage dump world, are pulling the legs out from under the establishment and it is hurting them hugely, less children =less people = less tax and so forth.

    • @philip888christie
      @philip888christie 3 місяці тому +2

      A child might be the one to bring God back. We must not depend on our own thinking.
      Remember God knows the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end.
      Let God's will not ours be done.

    • @stacym5135
      @stacym5135 3 місяці тому

      @@gracecollins8415 If you look at first Corinthians chapter seven verses four through five it talks about marital relations so that the couple is not tempted due to lack of control. It's not a lack of control because they are so overwhelmed with a desire to have children.

  • @johnlutz675
    @johnlutz675 3 місяці тому +6

    God Bless You, Stuart.

  • @joanneslater7083
    @joanneslater7083 3 місяці тому +3

    Thank you for your word of truth 🙏 bless you stuart and family ❤

  • @gemjourney5210
    @gemjourney5210 3 місяці тому +2

    "The MEEK shall Inherit the Earth!"...
    Yahushua Ha'Mashiach🕎🕊
    The Beatitudes from
    The Sermon On The Mount

  • @DaisyAnnabelle65
    @DaisyAnnabelle65 3 місяці тому +1

    Thank you Stuart for your words of encouragement. You are doing Gods will to keep us strengthened and trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is coming soon.🙏✝️❤️

  • @bizzybee852
    @bizzybee852 3 місяці тому +1

    Amen brother, Christians need to start remembering what Christ told us....To love one another, has I have loved you. You are right that we are going to need one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. And you are right that we do not know what we are about to face.

  • @chrisnewport6242
    @chrisnewport6242 3 місяці тому +1

    Just descovered you brother. Thanks for making this video.
    Great stuff !❤🙏

  • @mistyskies6396
    @mistyskies6396 2 місяці тому

    Awe bless you, you don’t sound very well 😢 get well soon blessed messenger ❤
    There’s two paths, one for evil, one for good. The path of evil is much wider, and is financed to grow. It’s covered in glitter, but all that glitters isn’t gold.
    It shines, distracts and catches the eye of many, while those people keep looking at that star, the other path calls us gently…
    It doesn’t need glitter, it’s the narrow way. Aba bless you for being such a wonderful human being. ❤

  • @WeAreAllData65
    @WeAreAllData65 2 місяці тому +1

    Their architecture can't be denied, but (sadly) for many folk, what the churches of Christendom represent (due to the 'compromises' they have made to fit in more with this increasingly secular world) feels so far removed from being a source of spiritual comfort, where one can connect to God - No wonder, overall, attendance has rapidly declined over decades.. It seems a far cry from it's modest and humble biblical origins of simplicity and one can only feel sadness for those (with a spiritual need to fill) that feel they have nowhere to go, except within themselves.

  • @louisielle5852
    @louisielle5852 3 місяці тому +1

    Thank you Stuart for your wisdom! Be ready for change and walk in union with the Lord

  • @debbiewood-holland5909
    @debbiewood-holland5909 3 місяці тому

    Always live in hope. Good will prevail. God bless.

  • @johncopetti1253
    @johncopetti1253 3 місяці тому

    Yes, I very much agree with you. I personally do not have to look far in my own life to see and hear the push away from God. We are the fortunate ones, to know and have the holy spirit to give us strenghth to endure, and guide us through the turmoil to come.

  • @deadrawilson5773
    @deadrawilson5773 3 місяці тому +11

    That place is NOT OF GOD, never has been nor never will be, GODS KINGDOM is built of a spiritual kingdom, don't you know your body is the temple of GOD, Peter was a little Rock, the first person placed on the foundation (Jesus), and we are being added to that foundation ❤

    • @messagesforourtime9306
      @messagesforourtime9306  3 місяці тому +4

      The Word of God goes out from all sources. Where it does, then His Spirit is present in witness.

    • @Kim-js8jf
      @Kim-js8jf 3 місяці тому +10

      Yes 👍👍, The Catholic Church totally twisted that verse and they think Peter is the Rock. Jesus meant that on that truth that Peter spoke " that Jesus is the Christ and the Son of God" THAT TRUTH is the ROCK . ❤️🙌

    • @hoosierproud7718
      @hoosierproud7718 3 місяці тому +6

      ​@@Kim-js8jfcatholicism is good at getting things wrong

    • @wendymichaelson5426
      @wendymichaelson5426 3 місяці тому +4

      Please pray 🙏 for Russel Brand his getting baptised hopefully not in catholic church pray protective angels around. God bless you stay close to Jesus read your bibles whilst you have the freedom to do so. ❤️

  • @blazingsaddles7145
    @blazingsaddles7145 3 місяці тому +1

    Good to hear from u Stuart and hope u are feeling well and your family also. We must stay on the path whatever happens. Thanks for your support and encouragement as always 🙏🏼

  • @paranorm1
    @paranorm1 2 місяці тому

    God Bless You for your videos Sir! You are a true thru and thru good man. Bless You Brother Once Again, in Christ's name amen and may the Glorious Cup of Life Spill Thine Way Soon...The Day Comes!💜✝️✝️✝️💜

  • @peggy3670
    @peggy3670 3 місяці тому +6

    ❤😊❤ Yeshua is returning...

  • @lynnestockil7033
    @lynnestockil7033 3 місяці тому

    THANK YOU for your Message to All of us who are Believers ♡ May Our Saviour Yahshua Christ Jesus Keep His Protective Hand over you and your Family until that Day when we see Him coming for His Faithful People Worldwide ♡

  • @maryhauser6523
    @maryhauser6523 3 місяці тому +3

    Is your King , Charles getting ready to give up all his Castles including the Buckingham Palace and the Westminster Abbey to the Muslims , just think of the Abbey turning into a Mosque , how sad !!!!!!

  • @rosewood5017
    @rosewood5017 3 місяці тому +4

    Your church is inside of you, not in a material church. The spirit is inside. What would you do if your material church was blown up? You can't idolize something that doesn't further your progress. This world is ran by Satan and you know that. Pushed out makes no difference. Your kingdom is not of this earth. God takes care of his own. Put your faith there.

    • @jowiseman740
      @jowiseman740 3 місяці тому

      Absolutely true. We need neither religious doctrine or any of these buildings that are home to nefarious false teachers who have been deceiving people for many hundreds of years.

  • @angelamcentee1277
    @angelamcentee1277 3 місяці тому +5

    Happy not to be part of this system. Maranatha

  • @charlesdarmanin8763
    @charlesdarmanin8763 3 місяці тому


  • @MugsByMoses
    @MugsByMoses 3 місяці тому

    Blessings Dear Stuart. When I see you one day in our Father’s house I want to give you a big hug and tell you just how much I appreciate you and what you have done for me and for the church 😊You and your family are in my prayers

  • @orbeaorca7047
    @orbeaorca7047 3 місяці тому +1

    Stuart you are 100% correct. Your friend in Pennsylvania. Chris

  • @time_is_at_hand
    @time_is_at_hand 3 місяці тому +5

    Amen and Amen Shalom

  • @lulu-qw8xy
    @lulu-qw8xy 3 місяці тому +2

    Thank you for this video ❤