Pilots on the F-35 20160906 John Venable

  • Опубліковано 13 вер 2024
  • The F-35 has grabbed headlines in terms of performance capabilities in recent years. But what do the pilots think? Defense News Associate Editor Aaron Mehta spoke to John Venable, a defense expert with the Heritage Foundation, who surveyed pilots to find out.


  • @robertbrockway7301
    @robertbrockway7301 7 років тому +9

    Even though the pilots love the F-35 this will never shut up the haters and their ignorant claims.

    • @crazed357
      @crazed357 7 років тому +6

      those people are generally communists that are jealous. That F35 makes skynet look like malware

    • @chasefreedom5178
      @chasefreedom5178 4 роки тому

      Read on turn around times...Helmet issues....parts availability, performance issues. Cost analysis...And I note fan boy ignorance just for starters....

  • @renovatio1257
    @renovatio1257 6 років тому +3

    The F-35 is an amazing aircraft that will revolutionize air combat.

  • @chasefreedom5178
    @chasefreedom5178 4 роки тому

    Make parts from 1500 different suppliers. Across nearly every state. Making congressional oversight a matter of re-election or not. The Boeing platform was left behind. Performed better in nearly every category but yet lost the competition. The race to the bottom is the F35. It has not experienced 9gs! Well lets hope the wings remain on the plane. Turnaround times are horrendous....I hate nothing. If its good I like it. If I see a welfare program that has underperformed and overcharged. I will call it out! And demand it be replaced or eliminated before spending Trillions in life energy. Fixing new aircraft is normal but hundreds of problems? Part of this is the Defense department one size fits all. Carriers need aircraft designed to board them. Totally different than landing on a runway. Marines want VTOL. it may look similar but it is a different airframe altogether. We America are being forced to purchase a weapon that is dulled by a impossible wishlist. While It may be invisible to current tech. What about advancements by adversaries? Will it out perform a J20 or SU? The propaganda that is showered on the public shows me that we will have a lemon defending us from future adversaries. This is what picking winners and losers look like. They picked the loser. We are in so deep MacDonald Douglass is on easy street. Now 60 years of good times for a plane still not worth a fraction of what we have paid. The lobbyists are happy Mac D is happy investors are ecstatic and employees are earning their checks...And we Americans are paying the bills including for this interview....no doubt.

  • @lisemariane1082
    @lisemariane1082 7 років тому +1

    i Wonder how much Lockheed is paying this gumbo

    • @777Outrigger
      @777Outrigger 7 років тому +4

      Zero. No conspiracies here.

    • @klausmuhlbach1869
      @klausmuhlbach1869 7 років тому

      Here's the answer you want to hear:
      They pay him many, many millions of dollars per month to tell DefenseNews that the F35 is great. While it's not. Bet you have a hard on now...

    • @yakidin63
      @yakidin63 7 років тому +1

      Chupacabra 1 the Russian troll. Easy to spot when theres nothing on his page.

    • @laetrille
      @laetrille 7 років тому +1

      chupacabra 1 moron

    • @LRRPFco52
      @LRRPFco52 6 років тому

      They didn't need to pay him. The F-35 used its cyber attack to penetrate his mind, and the minds of all the pilots, with Lockheed Martin's propaganda, then brainwashed them all to love the F-35 once they slid the custom laser-cut foam inserts for the Mk Ultra Helmet over their warped minds. The F-35 net-centric algorithms have already become aware of all its detractors' IP addresses, and has them uploaded into the prioritized air planner's target list.
      So when a pilot is flying along to deliver his Small Diameter Bombs, he would normally be surprised to see a TD box on an errant civilian's basement well outside of the weapons test area, but since the Quad redundant CPU already brainwashed him, he'll simply hit the auto-release authority and the F-35 will begin eliminating those that spoke ill of it. The handful of people within LM who are aware of this program just sit back and quietly chuckle, knowing the day of judgment is soon...