Nahnu Fi Rawdah | Shaykh Ali Laraki

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • Nahnu Fi Rawdah Rasul Hudurun (Song Written Before the Prophet ﷺ)
    We are present here together in the Meadow of the Prophet
    Hoping for God's pleasure and acceptance in this place.
    We have come, O best of those to whom mankind turn for safe refuge,
    Broken and brought low and in a most bewildered state.
    Therefore ask Allah on our behalf for every form of kindness
    So that at the Rising all our hopes may be fulfilled.
    It is clear that you have magnitude of power beyond comparing,
    For, before your Message, every Messenger must yield.
    It is you who are the gateway to our God in every good thing.
    All who come to you win God's good pleasure and arrive.
    Every secret of the Prophets throughout time has only come from
    Your exalted station - as all true reports confirm.
    I have sought for intercession in my business, O my God, with
    One whose intercession You have promised to accept.
    All of those who end their journey with an open-handed host will
    Gain their furthest wish along with all that they desire.
    So we give our thanks to God for every time that He has blessed us
    Granting us a visit to the Messenger we love.
    And for every chance to visit the inhabitants of Baqi,
    All of the Companions and the offspring of Batul.
    And for every chance to visit all the wives and all the daughters,
    And the son, of mankind's rescuer on the Final Day.
    And for every chance to visit those who fell at Uhud's battle,
    All the noble martyrs and the Prophet's uncle too.
    We request from you, by means of them, complete and perfect safety
    On our homeward journey and then after we arrive.
    And we ask for rescue, on that Day when everyone will gather,
    And for safety, from the stupid ignorance of fools.
    O our Lord pour down Your blessing on the Prophet and his family
    And on his Companions and on all who follow him.
    Sayyidi Muhammad ibn al-Habib Bio:
    Muhammad Ibn al-Habib was born in Fes in 1876. At the proper age, he went to the Qur'anic kuttab at Qantara Abu'r-Ru'us where he studied with Sidi al-Hashimi as-Sanhaji, learning Quranic reading, writing and recitation. He also studied with Sidi Ahmad al-Filali in the school of Qasba an-Nawwar and memorised the Qur'an under him. In about 1894, he began studies at the Abu'l-Junud Mosque, studying with Sidi Mahmad al-Irari, concentrating on the Ajrummiyya,[1] the Alfiyya,[2] as-Sullam by al-Bannani and at-Tirmidhi's Shamā'il.[3]
    Then in the Al-Qarawiyyin mosque, he studied Khalil's Mukhtasar[4] including its commentaries by az-Zurqani, al-Bannani and al-Kharashi, with Sidi Ahmad ibn al-Jilali al-Amghari. He studied the Tuhfa with the commentary of Shaykh at-Tawudi ibn Sawda and the Collection of the Adab of the Teacher and Student by Shaykh Khalil with Sidi Abu Bakr ibn al-'Arabi Bannani. He studied part of Sahih Bukhari and the Hikam of Ibn 'Ata Allah[5] with Ahmad ibn al-Khayyat az-Zargari.
    He studied az-Zaqqaqiyya[6] with the margin which the shaykh himself wrote, with Sidi 'Abdu's'-Salam al-Huwari; the Alfiyya with the commentary of al-Makudi and al-Muwaddih with Sidi Khalil al-Khalidi; part of the Jami' al-Jawami' and part of the Musnad of Ahmad ibn Hanbal with Muhammad ibn Jaafar al-Kittani; Khalil's Mukhtasar, a summary of the Mukhtasar as-Sa'd, and part of Tawhid al-Murshid with the commentary of Shaykh at-Tayyib ibn Kiran with Sidi J. Muhammad Fatha Junun.
    From Moulay 'Abdullah ibn Idris al-Badrawi, he learned Sahih Bukhari, part of Khalil's Mukhtasar, al- Isti'ara of Shaykh at-Tayyib ibn Kiran, and part of the Hamziyya by al-Busiri with the commentary of Ibn Hajar. He learned part of Khalil's Mukhtasar, ash-Shifa' by Qadi Ayyad ben Moussa and part of al-Murshid al-Mu'in by Mayyara from Sidi Hammad as-Sanhaji. He also studied al-Murshid al-Mu'in from Sidi Muhammad ibn 'Abdu'r-Rahman al-Filali.
    He stopped his studies in 1901 and began voluntary instruction at the Qasba an-Nawwar mosque, teaching al-Murshid al-Mu'in, Khalil's Mukhtasar, the Muwatta of Imam Malik, as-Sanusiyya, and tafsir. He continued to undertake the tasks of his educational and secondary work until he immigrated to Meknès in 1936. There he continued his scholarly activity by giving lessons in the Zaytuna Mosque on tafsir and fiqh using the Risala of al-Qayrawani,[7] and in tasawwuf using the Hikam, al-Murshid al-Mu'in, the ash-Shifa of Qadi Iyad, Bennani's commentary on Imam al-Akhdari's as-Sullam (a short poem on logic), and al-Makkudi's commentary on the Alfiyya of Ibn Malik, a 1000 lined poem on the sciences of the Arabic language.
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