: ) I LOVE Richard Dawkins!! I was in Berkeley 2 days ago and walked all over the campus. I visited the huge life sciences building and walked the halls of zoology studies- the subject Dawkins taught in the late 70s. I imagined him walking in the halls, I wish I had been here for this talk!!! I hope to see him before I die, thank and perhaps hug him.
I'm re-uploading the other parts now. When I cut up the quicktime, youtube didn't like the other parts for some reason. I've fixed it now, so watch for the new versions. - Josh Timonen
Can you give me an example of some of these tests that point to evolution as the clear method of how life began. I 'd actually like to see the articles if you have them.
Watching him speak makes me feel better about my own speaking ability. If Dawkins can basically read his speeches word-for-word, so can I! =-) I don't have that lovely accent though.
I have a sagan quote for y'all. "Our desire to be connected to the cosmos reflects a profound reality. We are connected not in the trivial ways astrology promises but in the deepest ways." He meant we arent just living in the universe, we are the universe. Our molecules are star guts, our bodies animated using harvested energy of the sun. That reality is more powerful then any religion.
@DJfresh209 There actually is a place called Hell. It is a lovely little village in Norway. No one ever saw a red man with horns, except when there was a carnival on.
No my friend,its not heated at all,we all are human and we are all learning,its an ongoing process. Theres a saying that goes: Like your body your mind also gets tired so refresh it by wise thinking.
For me, the ultimate goal of humanity is to seek to aquire knowledge, as we are the only beings on the planet that are capable of it (that is seeking knowledge intentionally, not gaining knowledge). If a person fails in that, then there can be only one of two causes: either they died in the attempt or they did not reach a conclusion, which means that they didn't think about it enough, which means that they didn't care. To say that there is not enough evidence to prove or disprove the...
The different finches develop different beaks for different foods. The horses have small or large legs depending on what environmnet they life in. Long legs aren't any good in woods or jungle. Only if the changes are big enough and the different animals can't reproduce, only then has a new species developed.
"The use of in vitro evolution provides the means to convert a ribozyme to a corresponding deoxyribozyme rapidly," Joyce said. "In the laboratory these procedures allow us to carry out many generations of test tube evolution. Isn't that a little like saying when I was building (totally controlled environment)my house I found some good building qualities in wood. That would prove (to a rational preson) that a house can build itself if there's any wood around. Trees have RNA right?
funny thing happened today at my uni, (St mary's university) I was reading the god delusion and a teacher came up to me and said 'that dawkins, his arguements are easy to knock down' I was thinkingyeah, i'm sure they are. MR dawkins, if you ever read this, please come to my uni and do a lecture!
@Cihl280777 I havent slept well in days cos I always fall asleep listening to dawkins or hitchens, and wake up after 2 hours totally confused out my brain.
I don't know about "quite a few," but a few yes. This to me only demonstrates how easy it is to divide one's mind into watertight compartments, so that reason doesn't interfere with emotional need fulfillment. I'll never understand those people myself; I tend to leak from one compartment to the next, Titanic-like LOL.
@MMAGUY13 . Well, it is pretty easy to write a program that randomly changes letters in a book by one position in the alphabet (mutation) and then favor the letters that are closer to the final book (natural selection) you want. If you do it purely random, it will pretty much never work. Add natural selection and in just a few generations you get the other book. If you know about software and understand evolution it is a pretty straight forward exercise.
And in any event, as Dawkins has so ably demostrated, the eye is not irreducibly complex, and every single stage of the development of the eye as we know it can be found in the animal kingdom.
Hehe I'm trying to imagine the utter surprise and astonishment you must feel every time you turn on your computer and find that the thing ACTUALLY WORKS! (You know, considering that you believe we know 'absolutely nothing' and therefore must think that the science the computer is based upon is garbage and all...)
I very much admire Dawkins for being one of the few scientists willing to take the bull by the horns and make a public stand on behalf of reason and intellectual integrity. But I thinks he hurts himself by having too broad a focus and not burrowing down immediately to the real problem. It isn't about whether the universe would "look different with a god." It's about dogmatism, anti-intellectualism, and indoctrination versus reason, skepticism, and critical thinking.
@MMAGUY13 , it doesn't work like that. Think of something very similar: how languages evolve. Spanish, French, Italian, they all come from latin and they have developed grammar that was not present in latin (like the articles) and they have lost other grammar. Vocabulary has also changed dramatically. A Spanish person today couldn't talk to a Roman. But he can talk to his father, and his father to his and so on until you find a Roman who speaks latin.
you're not saying how they gain resistance. If the bacteria are now able to make an enzyme the previous strain couldn't make, then no genetic information was lost. In fact, genetic information has been added. I don't know how the resistence works exactly, but i don't believe by making new enzymes. Mostly they change their enzymatic activity to remove the site the antibiotic activity in such a way that it still works.
"In fact a universe like ours with galaxies and stars is actually quite unlikely. If one considers the possible constants and laws that could have emerged, the odds against a universe that has produced life like ours are immense." Source: Stephen Hawking
I on the other hand believe that there is a fundamental universal reason why it is ultimately better to act in a benevolent way under any circumstance. As this is a belief, without any factual basis, I consider myself religious.
@5tonyvvvv Richard Dawkins is not a fucking moron. He is one of the greatest scientists of modern times and is much smarter than most people will ever be.
@BeLieVeR11111 I want to ask you some questions in return, if you don’t mind. 1. Why do I continue existing in heaven or hell (since if what you say is true that’s where I’m going)? 2. Why should or shouldn’t I do things such as burning my house, offering my toes to charity etc. in your interpretation of God?
Modern physics has actually given the answer to that question. The answer is that 'nothing' is unstable (Frank Wilczek), and the probability for there being something rather than nothing can be calculated. The answer is that 'something' has a probability of over 60% (Victor Stenger). The answers are all there, for those with eyes to see.
@MMAGUY13 That is incorrect. Damage to specific areas of the brain causes predictable effects on the consciousness. All neuroscience points to the fact that consciousness is a high level product of the physical brain.
before you point it out, obviously there could be many good reasons for the team to play fair that have nothing to do with the referee. However, as I've pointed out, this is an argument fro believing in God, not the existence of God. You see, the referee is not the reason the team wants to play fair. Their own moral understanding tells them that. it is their hope in the referee however that allows them to continue to play fair even in the face of complete loss and humiliation.
sorry buddy, but what i meant by dead is, that the sole has departed from the body,can you bring him/her back to life. make a wing of a fly = impossible because of the complex structure of the wing, search it up online. cheers.
I have started my own religion and it has many Gods. The late Dave Thomas, CEO and major share holder of Wendys (who just passed Burger King as fast food giant number 2 next to Mc donalds) is our main God with Dawkins, Marilyn Manson and Peter Griffin as our prophets.
''In fact, I challenge you to give me a single example of a mutation that has been OBSERVED that has actually advanced and enhanced a life form.or changed something to a more complex species'' Anti-biotic resistance in bacteria is caused by mutation. That has observed time and time again.
By the way, you say that clerics have written the verse,any proof?, well theres a verse in the quran iv read that states that manking will NEVER be able to create a verse from the Quran. Also the original Quran is avaialable in one of the museums in either Iran or Turkey if you want to pay a visit and see if a single letter has been added or changed.
Sorry for typing so much but i had to explain just how someone had to explain to me when i first started resreaching. Pardon my typos,specially the one for the Jacob and God, Change "Creator" to "Creation" as i was typing in a rush. its very hard to explain over internet thus why,hope i cleared a few points,if Anyone need anything cleared up or you want to know more then id be happy to help. Just remember a powerfull tool to use,be wise and logic+ true religion is your best weapon.
Now my friend why most people dont believe in God is because they have the wrong perception or idea about god, God is not the man standing on the cloud holding a lightning bolt waiting to strike us,No thats the wrong idea, the second we humans start to describe god and give him physical attributes the second we get the wrong perception about him,he is all wise and all mighty and CANNOT be attributed.
First of all, evolution is not a myth. It is a scientific principle and the cornerstone of modern biology. Second of all, instead of watching Kent Hovind seminars, I instead suggest that you go to your local library and read an actual modern science book, written by an actual scientist. In this day and age, there is no excuse.
Ok, allow me to clarify: Physics at this stage can NOT explain how the universe started up. Obviously no credible scientist would propose God as the solution, but neither would he rule out the possibility.
@joywonder , information theory as formulated by Shannon; i.e. the reason FM/AM and your wifi radio links work. DNA is clumsy because it contains repeated codes, null codes, most of it is never used (no meaning) and the correction mechanism is poor. A telecommunications engineer would have been fired if he designed such a code. But, from an evolution point of view, it is good enough. BTW, of course there is a lot of change, but it is gradual. Look at elephant horns getting shorter due to hunting
@Drakon222 if they did, their minds wouldnt be changed. And those that fear they would have their minds changed would either lash out or stop listening. In another lecture presented by Richard Dawkins to a more mixed assembly of many religous students/teachers. When Dawkins was talking early on quite a few students (religous students) got up from their seats and left the lecture theatre, not being able to accept the truth laid out before them.
@raigandalf: That is just conventionalized language use..here "god" is not used to refer to a kind of higher being (and thus linguistically constructing it), thus it should not be a problem :)...But maybe it is, as we seldom reflect to much about our language use (and believe me, cursing or uttering astonishment in German, especially in Bavaria, where I live, without mentioning god, Jesus, cruxifixes etc. is very hard indeed - here, even the most common greeting is "Grüß Gott"..).
Why isn't the fact that each child is miraculously born into a family with the correct religion proof there is a god? Is it theologically possible to insure oneself against a mistaken ideology? How come leaders from the various religions aren't vigorously working to answer such an important question? Sometimes I wonder if they seriously believe what they claim.
The length of the finch's beak and the length of the horses' legs very much prove evolution. In fact the finches on the Galapagos islands inspired Darwin to the idea of evolution. Nowhere in the theory of evolution does it say that organisms who undergo evolution are suddenly different species. Evolution can also give rise to variety within species. Evolution also caused variation in humans, are different kind of humans different species? no, it's just the adaptation of a species.
lol, that is an interesting way to look at may argument. however it is a misinterpretation. A more accurate analogy would be: Two teams play football. The referee is not insight. one of the teams gains a competitive advantage through cheating, assuming that the referee isn't watching. The other team is disinclined to do the same, thus decides to believe that the that the referee is watching and that their sportsman ship will eventually be rewarded.
@MMAGUY13 actually think for one moment about what you are saying. You are saying that a whopping 1% of mutations are beneficial! Imagine that you knew what you were talking about then you would realize that even if that were compared with just 1% of cancers. That would be quite a large sum every year. In reality the beneficial mutations are much less frequent. The number does not need to be high.
Really? well then obviously you haven't seen "untamed and uncut", search (Polar Bear Zoo Attack) on youtube and see what zoo keepers can do when an animal attacks a human.
1) Proof that there is a soul (spelled this way) 2) Making the wing of a fly might be impossible YET. But it certainly is not impossible in principle 3) Look it up online... wow, so everything I can find online is true?
@MMAGUY13 Please elaborate on how it is mathematically impossible for us to come into existence without the aid of a God/Gods. And even if you were to show that, how does that prove that the diety behind our existance is the Christian God and not, for example, Allah
In just one average-sized protein, such as serum albumin, we have more than 500 amino acids. The number of possible arrangements of those 500 amino acids comes to 10to600. That is a totally impossible amount! It is a quantity so vast that you can forget about the possibility of so called random selection producing it even once. Just a SINGLE protein may define complex to some people. No we can't see a proton, but we can see the effects of it. Our bodies build up immunity to desease.
@sn00pking The quote from Surah 51, was certainly introduced later on in the Quran by the clerics. It has obviously nothing to do with the original recitations, to what Mohammad has learn while under trance in the cave. The verse I was referring to contradicts the absurd claim that god created man to worship him. It actually contradicts the very idea of a "god creator". Are we supposed to believe god is a vane human-like entity that loves to be worshiped, kind of like Dawkins?
All matter and energy that exists has always existed in one form or another. Remember that matter and energy are interchangable, according to relativity. At one point in the very distant past, all the matter and energy in the universe were in one place in an area of infinite density and infinite curvature. This is what's known as a singularity, and was the precursor to the big bang. To suppose that there was creator that put it there defies the principle of Occam's razor.
Iv studied the bible and currently the quran and have studied the sunni sect part of islam and found a couple of unanswered and non logical answers,so i decided to move to the shia sect and so far it has managed to answere the foundation of questions including How this world began.. Now referrring back to your question,the Quran does state why god has created humans in the verse "And I have not created the jinn and mankind except to worship Me." Surah 51: Those who scatter (v. 56)
1 In a given population of bacteria, many genes are present which express themselves in a variety of ways. In a natural environment, the genes (and traits) are freely mixed. When exposed to an antibiotic, most of the microbes die. But some, through a fortuitous genetic recombination, possess a resistance to the antibiotic. They are the only ones to reproduce, and their descendants inherit the same genetic resistance.
t"here is no purpose in life and everything we establish will eventually be destroyed and forgotton. You live, you die. That's it. If every thing is temporary nothing is meaningful." Why is the temporary state valueless? Do you like roses? You can enjoy their beauty, fully well knowing that they will decay. There is something for living for the moment.
: ) I LOVE Richard Dawkins!! I was in Berkeley 2 days ago and walked all over the campus. I visited the huge life sciences building and walked the halls of zoology studies- the subject Dawkins taught in the late 70s. I imagined him walking in the halls, I wish I had been here for this talk!!! I hope to see him before I die, thank and perhaps hug him.
I was there for this lecture, and see myself in the audience. Very cool campus too.
Put this on my ipod, great listening while driving.
I'm re-uploading the other parts now. When I cut up the quicktime, youtube didn't like the other parts for some reason. I've fixed it now, so watch for the new versions. - Josh Timonen
ive never before been captivated by a long monologue before, but i held onto his every word in this
I love Richard Dawkins
God, I love this man!
The gods offer no rewards for intellect. There was never one yet that showed any interest in it...
- Mark Twain's Notebook
Dawkins has spoken at innumerable institutions, ranging from the very conservative to the very liberal.
Richard Rocks!!!
@BlueSpirals Its definately not in the bottom corner of the video in the beginning, if thats what youre asking.
He's coming to Indiana University later this year. I can't wait to hear him speak.
The sound was off on parts 2 and 3, i would think he is correcting that.
Can you give me an example of some of these tests that point to evolution as the clear method of how life began. I 'd actually like to see the articles if you have them.
Watching him speak makes me feel better about my own speaking ability. If Dawkins can basically read his speeches word-for-word, so can I! =-)
I don't have that lovely accent though.
Richard Dawkins is so awesome
haha, what? I was part of the group that organized the event at Berkeley, he didn't have any body guards.
I have a sagan quote for y'all.
"Our desire to be connected to the cosmos reflects a profound reality. We are connected not in the trivial ways astrology promises but in the deepest ways."
He meant we arent just living in the universe, we are the universe. Our molecules are star guts, our bodies animated using harvested energy of the sun. That reality is more powerful then any religion.
Ah, dawkins famous ' If you'd been born in...' Dawkins never ceases to amaze me
sorry my bad, the CPU has four operation not three: fetch, decode, execute, and writeback.
Well said.
There actually is a place called Hell. It is a lovely little village in Norway. No one ever saw a red man with horns, except when there was a carnival on.
Did he remove his other 5 parts of this or is something screwing up?
No my friend,its not heated at all,we all are human and we are all learning,its an ongoing process.
Theres a saying that goes: Like your body your mind also gets tired so refresh it by wise thinking.
god I love him!
@Cihl280777 Why do i always find stuff like this at 3 AM .
For me, the ultimate goal of humanity is to seek to aquire knowledge, as we are the only beings on the planet that are capable of it (that is seeking knowledge intentionally, not gaining knowledge). If a person fails in that, then there can be only one of two causes: either they died in the attempt or they did not reach a conclusion, which means that they didn't think about it enough, which means that they didn't care. To say that there is not enough evidence to prove or disprove the...
The different finches develop different beaks for different foods. The horses have small or large legs depending on what environmnet they life in. Long legs aren't any good in woods or jungle. Only if the changes are big enough and the different animals can't reproduce, only then has a new species developed.
"The use of in vitro evolution provides the means to convert a ribozyme to a corresponding deoxyribozyme rapidly," Joyce said. "In the laboratory these procedures allow us to carry out many generations of test tube evolution.
Isn't that a little like saying when I was building (totally controlled environment)my house I found some good building qualities in wood. That would prove (to a rational preson) that a house can build itself if there's any wood around. Trees have RNA right?
Richard Dawkins is a genious.
@seansalvador1 Then I guess we disagree. I thank you for having a civil discussion on this matter which has often not been the case for me on here.
funny thing happened today at my uni, (St mary's university) I was reading the god delusion and a teacher came up to me and said 'that dawkins, his arguements are easy to knock down' I was thinkingyeah, i'm sure they are. MR dawkins, if you ever read this, please come to my uni and do a lecture!
@Cihl280777 I havent slept well in days cos I always fall asleep listening to dawkins or hitchens, and wake up after 2 hours totally confused out my brain.
I don't know about "quite a few," but a few yes. This to me only demonstrates how easy it is to divide one's mind into watertight compartments, so that reason doesn't interfere with emotional need fulfillment. I'll never understand those people myself; I tend to leak from one compartment to the next, Titanic-like LOL.
@Cihl280777 think that sux?i found it at 2 in the morning
i just couldn't think of a worse human being than Richard Dawkins
@MMAGUY13 . Well, it is pretty easy to write a program that randomly changes letters in a book by one position in the alphabet (mutation) and then favor the letters that are closer to the final book (natural selection) you want. If you do it purely random, it will pretty much never work. Add natural selection and in just a few generations you get the other book. If you know about software and understand evolution it is a pretty straight forward exercise.
To accept inability to know is not caring. For me to accept not knowing is not good enough.
Well, I guess what's a flaw for you could be a strength for others.
And in any event, as Dawkins has so ably demostrated, the eye is not irreducibly complex, and every single stage of the development of the eye as we know it can be found in the animal kingdom.
And just how to you know that...?
I hope so.
Hehe I'm trying to imagine the utter surprise and astonishment you must feel every time you turn on your computer and find that the thing ACTUALLY WORKS!
(You know, considering that you believe we know 'absolutely nothing' and therefore must think that the science the computer is based upon is garbage and all...)
I very much admire Dawkins for being one of the few scientists willing to take the bull by the horns and make a public stand on behalf of reason and intellectual integrity. But I thinks he hurts himself by having too broad a focus and not burrowing down immediately to the real problem. It isn't about whether the universe would "look different with a god." It's about dogmatism, anti-intellectualism, and indoctrination versus reason, skepticism, and critical thinking.
Why do i always find stuff like this at 11 PM?
I need my sleep dammit. :-)
@Cihl280777 straight up reading your comment look over at the clock: 11:30pm
@MMAGUY13 , it doesn't work like that. Think of something very similar: how languages evolve. Spanish, French, Italian, they all come from latin and they have developed grammar that was not present in latin (like the articles) and they have lost other grammar. Vocabulary has also changed dramatically. A Spanish person today couldn't talk to a Roman. But he can talk to his father, and his father to his and so on until you find a Roman who speaks latin.
Maybe he set up the channel in the first place?
you're not saying how they gain resistance. If the bacteria are now able to make an enzyme the previous strain couldn't make, then no genetic information was lost. In fact, genetic information has been added. I don't know how the resistence works exactly, but i don't believe by making new enzymes. Mostly they change their enzymatic activity to remove the site the antibiotic activity in such a way that it still works.
Laughter is the only apt reply to a comment such as that.
"In fact a universe like ours with galaxies and stars is actually quite unlikely. If one considers the possible constants and laws that could have emerged, the odds against a universe that has produced life like ours are immense."
Source: Stephen Hawking
omg, why couldn't i have graduated high school a year earlier? not fair!
I on the other hand believe that there is a fundamental universal reason why it is ultimately better to act in a benevolent way under any circumstance. As this is a belief, without any factual basis, I consider myself religious.
@5tonyvvvv Richard Dawkins is not a fucking moron. He is one of the greatest scientists of modern times and is much smarter than most people will ever be.
no offense taken. Now tell me what you're refering to please, and give your argument.
"come back when you have something interesting to say, you cretin"
Wonderful reply, short and sweet!
@BeLieVeR11111 I want to ask you some questions in return, if you don’t mind. 1. Why do I continue existing in heaven or hell (since if what you say is true that’s where I’m going)? 2. Why should or shouldn’t I do things such as burning my house, offering my toes to charity etc. in your interpretation of God?
Modern physics has actually given the answer to that question. The answer is that 'nothing' is unstable (Frank Wilczek), and the probability for there being something rather than nothing can be calculated. The answer is that 'something' has a probability of over 60% (Victor Stenger).
The answers are all there, for those with eyes to see.
That is incorrect. Damage to specific areas of the brain causes predictable effects on the consciousness. All neuroscience points to the fact that consciousness is a high level product of the physical brain.
How dare you disbelieve in the teapot!
You will stew in the teapot for eternity!
I believe with my whole heart that Goblins live in my basement
how so? (for both statements)
@seansalvador1 why does believing in God mean you have to surrender the faculty of reason/logic?
before you point it out, obviously there could be many good reasons for the team to play fair that have nothing to do with the referee. However, as I've pointed out, this is an argument fro believing in God, not the existence of God.
You see, the referee is not the reason the team wants to play fair. Their own moral understanding tells them that. it is their hope in the referee however that allows them to continue to play fair even in the face of complete loss and humiliation.
sorry buddy, but what i meant by dead is, that the sole has departed from the body,can you bring him/her back to life.
make a wing of a fly = impossible because of the complex structure of the wing, search it up online.
Sorry let me clarify, he said he doesn't believe in a personal god.
I have started my own religion and it has many Gods. The late Dave Thomas, CEO and major share holder of Wendys (who just passed Burger King as fast food giant number 2 next to Mc donalds) is our main God with Dawkins, Marilyn Manson and Peter Griffin as our prophets.
haha it is 11:00PM for me right now
Psst, not with a capital letter!
''In fact, I challenge you to give me a single example of a mutation that has been OBSERVED that has actually advanced and enhanced a life form.or changed something to a more complex species''
Anti-biotic resistance in bacteria is caused by mutation. That has observed time and time again.
Can you prove it?
By the way, you say that clerics have written the verse,any proof?, well theres a verse in the quran iv read that states that manking will NEVER be able to create a verse from the Quran.
Also the original Quran is avaialable in one of the museums in either Iran or Turkey if you want to pay a visit and see if a single letter has been added or changed.
Sorry for typing so much but i had to explain just how someone had to explain to me when i first started resreaching.
Pardon my typos,specially the one for the Jacob and God, Change "Creator" to "Creation" as i was typing in a rush.
its very hard to explain over internet thus why,hope i cleared a few points,if Anyone need anything cleared up or you want to know more then id be happy to help.
Just remember a powerfull tool to use,be wise and logic+ true religion is your best weapon.
Now my friend why most people dont believe in God is because they have the wrong perception or idea about god, God is not the man standing on the cloud holding a lightning bolt waiting to strike us,No thats the wrong idea, the second we humans start to describe god and give him physical attributes the second we get the wrong perception about him,he is all wise and all mighty and CANNOT be attributed.
First of all, evolution is not a myth. It is a scientific principle and the cornerstone of modern biology.
Second of all, instead of watching Kent Hovind seminars, I instead suggest that you go to your local library and read an actual modern science book, written by an actual scientist. In this day and age, there is no excuse.
Ok, allow me to clarify: Physics at this stage can NOT explain how the universe started up. Obviously no credible scientist would propose God as the solution, but neither would he rule out the possibility.
@joywonder , information theory as formulated by Shannon; i.e. the reason FM/AM and your wifi radio links work. DNA is clumsy because it contains repeated codes, null codes, most of it is never used (no meaning) and the correction mechanism is poor. A telecommunications engineer would have been fired if he designed such a code. But, from an evolution point of view, it is good enough. BTW, of course there is a lot of change, but it is gradual. Look at elephant horns getting shorter due to hunting
I wish we could preserve his talking head in a jar ala Futurama...
@Drakon222 if they did, their minds wouldnt be changed. And those that fear they would have their minds changed would either lash out or stop listening. In another lecture presented by Richard Dawkins to a more mixed assembly of many religous students/teachers. When Dawkins was talking early on quite a few students (religous students) got up from their seats and left the lecture theatre, not being able to accept the truth laid out before them.
@raigandalf: That is just conventionalized language use..here "god" is not used to refer to a kind of higher being (and thus linguistically constructing it), thus it should not be a problem :)...But maybe it is, as we seldom reflect to much about our language use (and believe me, cursing or uttering astonishment in German, especially in Bavaria, where I live, without mentioning god, Jesus, cruxifixes etc. is very hard indeed - here, even the most common greeting is "Grüß Gott"..).
I have a degree in physics, yet I know my lord made me and the universe with the start of the big bang
Why isn't the fact that each child is miraculously born into a family with the correct religion proof there is a god?
Is it theologically possible to insure oneself against a mistaken ideology? How come leaders from the various religions aren't vigorously working to answer such an important question?
Sometimes I wonder if they seriously believe what they claim.
The length of the finch's beak and the length of the horses' legs very much prove evolution. In fact the finches on the Galapagos islands inspired Darwin to the idea of evolution.
Nowhere in the theory of evolution does it say that organisms who undergo evolution are suddenly different species.
Evolution can also give rise to variety within species. Evolution also caused variation in humans, are different kind of humans different species? no, it's just the adaptation of a species.
Nobody said its bad.
The guy is a genius. =)
lol, that is an interesting way to look at may argument. however it is a misinterpretation. A more accurate analogy would be:
Two teams play football. The referee is not insight. one of the teams gains a competitive advantage through cheating, assuming that the referee isn't watching. The other team is disinclined to do the same, thus decides to believe that the that the referee is watching and that their sportsman ship will eventually be rewarded.
@MMAGUY13 actually think for one moment about what you are saying. You are saying that a whopping 1% of mutations are beneficial! Imagine that you knew what you were talking about then you would realize that even if that were compared with just 1% of cancers. That would be quite a large sum every year. In reality the beneficial mutations are much less frequent. The number does not need to be high.
Really? well then obviously you haven't seen "untamed and uncut", search (Polar Bear Zoo Attack) on youtube and see what zoo keepers can do when an animal attacks a human.
Not particularly, no. But as much as I cherish my temporary enjoyment, I would hate the thought that that is all my life amounts to.
1) Proof that there is a soul (spelled this way)
2) Making the wing of a fly might be impossible YET. But it certainly is not impossible in principle
3) Look it up online... wow, so everything I can find online is true?
@MMAGUY13 Please elaborate on how it is mathematically impossible for us to come into existence without the aid of a God/Gods. And even if you were to show that, how does that prove that the diety behind our existance is the Christian God and not, for example, Allah
In just one average-sized protein, such as
serum albumin, we have more than 500 amino acids. The number of possible arrangements of those 500 amino acids comes to 10to600. That is a totally
impossible amount! It is a quantity so vast that you can forget about the possibility of so called random selection producing it even once.
Just a SINGLE protein may define complex to some people.
No we can't see a proton, but we can see the effects of it.
Our bodies build up immunity to desease.
The quote from Surah 51, was certainly introduced later on in the Quran by the clerics. It has obviously nothing to do with the original recitations, to what Mohammad has learn while under trance in the cave. The verse I was referring to contradicts the absurd claim that god created man to worship him. It actually contradicts the very idea of a "god creator".
Are we supposed to believe god is a vane human-like entity that loves to be worshiped, kind of like Dawkins?
All matter and energy that exists has always existed in one form or another. Remember that matter and energy are interchangable, according to relativity. At one point in the very distant past, all the matter and energy in the universe were in one place in an area of infinite density and infinite curvature. This is what's known as a singularity, and was the precursor to the big bang. To suppose that there was creator that put it there defies the principle of Occam's razor.
Iv studied the bible and currently the quran and have studied the sunni sect part of islam and found a couple of unanswered and non logical answers,so i decided to move to the shia sect and so far it has managed to answere the foundation of questions including How this world began..
Now referrring back to your question,the Quran does state why god has created humans in the verse "And I have not
created the jinn and
mankind except to
worship Me."
Surah 51: Those who scatter (v. 56)
no, "agnostic" means to not know, not to not care. agnostic is the default scientific position.
You have obviously never heard of the problem of interaction.
In a given population of bacteria, many genes are present which express themselves in a variety of ways. In a natural environment, the genes (and traits) are freely mixed. When exposed to an antibiotic, most of the microbes die. But some, through a fortuitous genetic recombination, possess a resistance to the antibiotic. They are the only ones to reproduce, and their descendants inherit the same genetic resistance.
Im a BIG fan of Prof. Dawkins.. But i have to agree.. He does sound a little like stewey... lol.. Good One. =)
@maplebayou1 I wish more people could recognize this.
t"here is no purpose in life and everything we establish will eventually be destroyed and forgotton. You live, you die. That's it. If every thing is temporary nothing is meaningful."
Why is the temporary state valueless? Do you like roses? You can enjoy their beauty, fully well knowing that they will decay. There is something for living for the moment.