As a German coming to Australia, fleeing from exactly these idiocratic policies, let me tell you. Please don't fuck it up like we did. We killed entire industries like steel and fertilizer production in our country, because it is mathematically impossible now to make a profit with the enormous energy prices. We had 100% backup capacity for a tiny time frame back then and started to shut down every single nuclear and coal plant in the country. Suddenly power outages were a thing to worry about again and electricity prices as well as gas for heating and cooking went up by sometimes 400% (!) in a couple of weeks. Most lower income people have to live with the fact that their income just isn't enough to heat the house in the winter and that their children will have to feel chilly going to bed every night. Australia is going the exact same direction, but still has some more time left to change things around by 180 degrees. Our politicians made the mistake to set everything in stone from the start and to predetermine what solution is best for this scenario, according to "the statistics", provided by e-on, rwe and other energy giants. Everything else was outruled and a competition for the best alternative solution was never possible, since all the subsidization made "green energy" the only option viable. If you then find out that most of that supposed green energy is actually nuclear or coal energy that our country had to buy from france and other countries, just to avoid blackouts because our energy supply couldn't handle the variations in load at different times, the whole story gets a very bitter after taste. Now the country is in a worse position than before, energy prices went up buy over 400% and most of that supposed green energy is actually still produced by burning gas and coal, which is the exact thing they wanted to get rid of. Instead we are, to this day, buying LNG from India or Turkey, which they bought from Russia. We can now say "we don't buy (directly) from the criminals" but on the other hand, it made it unaffordable for most people and causes poorer 3rd world countries that bought their gas off those suppliers as well to not get the deal, since we simply outbid them. Those 3rd world countries that are left with even more expensive gas that they can't afford have to suffer from the results of our green politics, while not being responsible in any way or form for it and the German citizens get screwed over as well. I just hope that there are more sensible people in Australia, even though I don't have the right to vote (yet).
I wish my fellow Californians would realize this. We have a situation here in California now has the highest electricity rates in the USA, surpassing even Hawaii, but unlike Hawaii much of California is hot as blazes not adversely affecting only businesses (although that is bad to be sure) but also household finances because air conditioning is an absolute necessity in much of the state. It's so bad that family owned restaurants are having to close because electricity and natural gas rates have increased so much that their utility bills now are as much as their mortgage or lease payments.
@@michelauspimmelberger Crazy stuff... Socialism, self sacrificing nonsense in action. Everyone should read Charles Mackay's 19th century book' Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds'. It highlights all the global delusion societal scams up to that time. Climate delusion can be added to it. A great read.
When the US blew up the Nordstream pipeline, the sudden shortage of natural gas saw it's price skyrocket - which in turn flowed onto electricity prices as more people turned to it for heating. Germany's high energy prices have absolutely nothing to do with renewables, and I'm fairly sure you know that.
Australia used to have the cheapest electricity in the world and manufactured everything to a high standard. But when our traitor governments sold off our public utilities it was all in the name of profit for the corporations that took over, and no longer about efficiency.
All by design without proper consultation or understanding/research. Another waste with no accountability. Criminal and corrupt on every level following orders from their puppeteers
This is the most thoroughly researched journalistic presentation that I have ever viewed on the energy transition. It is world class and is an exceptional effort in pursuing accuracy. I am a highly experienced electrical engineer who was communicating one on one with Chris on this subject back before he left the ABC. I presented him with a paper that I prepared in 1994 on how a power system works. He was well worth engaging with because I recognized at the time that he listens to reason. He has taken this issue on board with journalistic diligence. This feature is exceptional.
Why should all wholesalers be paid the same during a bidding cycle? Buy energy from the cheapest supplier, then buy more expensively if you need more. Isn't that just a simple change to an ancient pricing strategy?
You have got to be kidding. He completely ignored the issue of replacing our existing fleet of clapped out generators with any technology (coal, gas, nuclear) and then dumped the cost on renewables which actually cost less than the others. They ignored how fast the cost of batteries is falling and how good they are at providing frequency control. I was particularly annoyed at the segment with the Canberran woman's energy bill. They didn't show us the whole bill or mention how much she was paying per kWh. It looked like a three month bill for electricity, gas and water and if that was the case it was pretty reasonable. And then there's the big one - no mention of the reason for moving away from fossil fuels.
Yep I could understand if this doco was made 20 years ago! But it completely missed how the renewables tech has now advanced to becoming the cheapest and cleanest and all the perceived problems have good technical solutions
It's not rare, but it is scarce because of the politicians. Farmers and industry in Victoria are begging to be allowed to take the gas (& water with it) out of the ground. The water is irrigation quality, and the gas is bountiful. 'Green' politics has put an end to Victorians cheap gas and water. Thank Dan Andrews and your inner city green voting brigade, they banned gas exploration and wells in Victoria.
This is the tip of the iceberg. Most people watching this have probably been in the mainstream. SNA is better than most though. Think tanks of 2 & 3 letter anachronyms advise governments. Who are in these forums? Who funds it all? I know because I started looking in the right places 20 years ago. None of this video is new information for me. People can follow the money. It will lead to Blackrock. That of course is where the money from Vanguard is. Research the dynasties involved. Most people are on the cusp of realising just about all they know is wrong and that humanity is heading for disaster. We are reliant on energy. Restricting it for environmental reasons is... Work it out. We will not survive this despite the efforts of whistle blowers. What happens after is infinitely more important but is based on belief, thoughts and then actions of whilst we are in this reality. Prepare for the next few years or prepare for eternity.
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
Check out Dr Simon Michaux, one of your own Aussies. Professor of geometalurgy, at Geological survey of Finland. He says there isn't enough resources to do the transition, not enough mines, or infrastructure and not even enough minerals! Like all Aussies he's got a sense of humour in all of the dismay and more importantly some answers.
@OMGAnotherday The delusional fools here in Europe they tell us, that we need the lithium in now russian east ukraine to feed their crazy "green energy" dreams and to justify their warmongering.😡🤮 In realty this bunch of communist clowns don't want effordable energy that can feed our export driven economy here in Germany. They want to destroy society and the econmy to bring us down to their dream of stoneage-stalinism.😡🤢🤮
Before I watched this program, I had a lot of respect for Chris Ulhmann's professionalism as a highly experienced journalist. Not any more. I won't bother listing all of the moments throughout this program when he willfully discarded journalistic ethics because they were simply too numerous. He has displayed a shameful lack of balance and blatantly distorted numerous facts. I don't have any ideological objection to Australia building nuclear power stations. I do, however, feel ideologically opposed to a journalist doing the bidding for a political party. This program was little more than a propaganda piece for the LNP. Absolutely shameful.
I think there’s strong competition from the UK. Here they’ve finally admitted we have the highest electricity prices in Europe and possibly the world. Our Governments seem determined to destroy our countries. The game will be up when the public start to experience regular power cuts. Only then will the penny drop and the pitchforks come out 🤣🤷🏼♀️ You have to vote for any party that commit to dumping Net Zero policies. 34:22
Oh, I think second place should go to California. I would say that Australia's politicians are as insane as those in Germany and California, but Australia is so blessed with resources and a still modest population that they haven't been able to seriously damage the economy. Yet. But they are surely working on it.
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
They have no idea and probably still think once the infrastructure is in prices will plummet. In for a rude awakening me thinks, when they are paying through the nose for blackouts and unemployment.
@oldsparky14 Maybe it's time we stopped using so much electricity then... Electricity bills are high because society uses a ridiculous amount of electricity. If you'd prefer watch Netflix than to limit carbon emissions then you shouldn't have a say.
@antonybarron8949 The "gas of life's" admittedly miniscule increase in the biosphere as a result of anthropogenic use of fossil fuels is already working its magic on the planet as the plant half of life increases its encroachment on previously inhospitable desert sands. Those hardy plants which have evolutionarily adapted to water loss in the presence of increased carbon dioxide in the planet's atmosphere are taking back the previously barren landscapes of Sub-Saharan Africa, and pumping out ever increasing clouds of life giving oxygen to the animal half of Earth's living species. Heating and cooling cycles of the Earth are more profoundly affected by cosmic forces than by the exploitation of carbon fuels by mankind. Man's egotistical folly of believing in his own affectation of cosmic forces will continue to threaten our flourishing as the dominant species on the planet. I recall in my days as an undergraduate in the '60s at the University of Washington, my Economics 101 professor, the incomparable Henry T. Buechel, declaring that "Man is a fool!" Of course, fifty years after his death, when it comes to the folly of global warming hysteria, Professor Buechel has once again been proven right!
Britain is in the same stupid situation as Australia, we have gas but governments have stopped developments of new gas fields, but are happy to buy gas from overseas, as far away as Brunei for LPG and also from USA and Norway..... They also source wood chips from all around the world - chopping down forests to chip the wood and they call it green energy. The inmates have the keys to the asylum.
New gas agreed by uk last year, Keep up. Not that the uk will see any true benefit. Just as in AUS those tiny, picturesque pipes that cause no ecological concerns. Fund mostly big businesses. Costs to setup. What cost? Oh ye he did say so high no government could afford them.
What happened to: "LED lights will save the world." We all installed LED's and nothing has changed, our power bills keep rising. Now it's solar and wind but our power bills just keep rising. What's next ? Wood fires ?
This report is mostly misinformation, and it provides no real numbers to back up its claims that renewables are causing the price of electricity to rise. Wind and solar have lower levelized cost of electricity than gas and coal. According to Lazard, wind or solar plus four hours of grid storage using batteries is now competitive with fossil fuels, and the price of batteries and solar keeps dropping, so the price of renewable electricity will become even cheaper in the future. Mostly today's higher energy prices have been caused by inflation and the war in Ukraine raising the price of fossil fuels. ABC is spreading right-wing propaganda.
I would hardly call interviewing ONLY people with vested interests in fossil fuels a comprehensive documentary. Where are the interviews of renewables experts?
when the prior ALP govt tried to raise mining royalties we had blue collar Australians marching on the streets to stop people like Gina and Twiggy paying a little bit more out. Was as truly pathetic demonstration of how cuckolded too many Australians are to the rich. All our talk of wild colonial boys is bs to mask the fact we have always been ruled over and abused by the wealthy. Sky is an active mouth piece supporting their rich mates in riding roughshod over all of us.
The Australian government invested nothing in developing gas other than auction off lease sites. All monies spent for geological exploration, drilling, infrastructure (plant, pipelines, terminals, ships etc etc all came from foreign investment pension funds and for that vast expenditure over years with no return they get first call on the export of gas so let's not blame others for our supposed gas shortage. It's our fault for regulating it out of our energy mix.
This needs to be mandatory viewing for every current and prospective Politician , Federal and State, regardless of which side of politics they support.
The pols and bureaucrats lack the mental faculty to understand the concepts presented in this video. That is why they are pols and bureaucrats -- installed as the idiotic functionaries to implement the Green Agenda of International Grifting.
Independent candidate for the Wentworth (Eastern Suburbs of Sydney) here. Can confirm my policies on climate change have definitely changed haha. Some brilliant journalism presenting facts rather than opinions. Thanks Chris.
Why is AU exporting natural gas as LNG when you need it so desperately domestically??? Never mind, money talks, BS walks. The US is blindly heading down the same road with LNG and Crude oil. Short term gains for a few through exports but long term pain for our citizens when we’re out of cheap NG and crude oil.
@jtjones4081 I'll tell you why the corrupt Labor/Greens government who forced the shutdown of 5 of our 7 refineries in Victoria due to the longest lockdowns in the world has made deals with China to sell them our natural resources in exchange for solar & batteries... It now gets refined by China in their new refinery in Malaysia and gets sold back to us at triple the price...we should be paying $0.90c per litre but we are paying $2.00 per litre! One word....CORRUPTION!
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
For those that lack any critical analysis abilities. This is propaganda paid for by the fossil fuel industry, big advertisers on News Corp.. Murdoch protecting his investments. Wake up.
Unfortunately, Chris did not mention the limited lifespan of wind turbines and solar panels, and the associated cost of rebuilding the infrastructure every fifteen to twenty years, or the disposal of millions of tons heavy-metal-laced toxic panels and carbon fiber.
I WISH we could get 20 years from a panel. If we could, along with subsidies it would make them pay their way but until then it's expensive power. Actually the break-even is about 12-13 years and we are almost there. I reckon the newer ones might get to 15 years this time, fingers crossed.
RIP Australia going down the green path. Look at how sketchy the grid is now and how expensive your electricity bills are. Solar feed in tariffs are near zero now. What a con act
Why should all wholesalers be paid the same during a bidding cycle? Buy your energy from the chapest supplier, then buy more expensively if you need more.
I pointed out all the costs 10 years ago when I was the Chief Economist at the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The response of the renewable energy industry was to doxx me and try and get me fired.
Thank you Chris Uhlmann for that most enlightening explanation of the issues around Australia's quest for net zero in our energy sector not forgetting all the other sectors that make up the picture.
This video is a masterclass in the use of emotive imagery, partial facts and manipulative framing of issues in order to create a convincing narrative to bamboozle the gullible.
@xoctor sorry I disagree. My experience in the wholesale electricity and gas markets via servicing commercial and industrial electricity and gas customers is 15 years and I can say Chris' presentation is spot on Can you expand on your assertion that he is misleading? Am interested as to what you consider fictional.
@@johnd87 watch the video again and take a note of all the out of context half-truths, misleading assertions and particularly of the manipulative imagery used. This is transparent political polemic, not journalism. What is the point of pretending the government (or anyone) doesn't understand that the sun doesn't shine at night or the wind blow consistently? Nobody is suggesting they do, nor that we would ever run the grid on 100% solar or 100% wind, or even 100% solar and wind, but it's a favourite disingenuous argument used by people whose real agenda is to delay facing up to the difficult decisions the world has to make to deal with the climate crisis (for political or financial gain).
@@stephengibbons2719 No they're not, what Bowen and Albo are doing is BY DESIGN, they know all this, but union superannuation funds are heavily invested in these Green Energy projects and they will protect their interests at ALL costs.
@@stephengibbons2719 : Our problem is that they are spending huge amounts of money and stifling free speech quite successfully so they are not as stupid as they appear. The damage will take decades to repair.
I think only politicians who are engineers should be allowed to step into office. Ok then... and comedians. Humour. The easiest proven way to face realities.
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
All policy is run by the globalists, countries have to get on board or get left out financially. They won't stop till they make us all serfs or we stop them.
Don’t damage Australia’s economy. Lower energy costs as low as possible. Tell your Chinese buddies to go net zero first. Coal is king. Austrailian population and pollution is so small as to matter very little globally.
@@sailorichiban if we can't go low-pollution, why should anyone else? Stop caring so much about national borders and care about the environment. China has 50x more people than Australia, so surely they should have a budget of 50x the pollution, right? That's only fair.
There is a connection between the ALP, the Unions and union super funds which are invested in 'Green Energy' projects, this is why the ALP will ruthlessly push through with unreliables and scorn at Nuclear or any skepticism towards man made global warming.
@@themetr0gn0me : Nope, China gets a free ride and subsidies to reduce carbon until 2060. Then they promise they'll will become carbon neutral. Do you trust them ?
CO2 is not a greenhouse gas so it's not saving the environment. CO2 blocks both incoming and outgoing energy, not just out, so no heating effect. This is an agenda for an international tax regime on carbon interactions.
What are the odds Bowen couldn't watch more than 5 minutes of this brilliant documentary. He can't let reality and facts get in the way of his crazy plan. He can't afford to have doubts.
He does not have the Mental capacity to digest this entire Doco, and he is in charge of Climate and Energy, you could not make this stuff up yet with the ALP anything or Anyone goes.
Few politicians will ever admit to being wrong about something. They seem to fear people saying "If they were wrong about this then what else might they be wrong about".
To be honest mate , I don't think he cares about the truth , for some of these career politicians, all they want is some sort of topic that is easy to rally voters , because a lot of the population are emotion driven about certain things , but they are not critical thinkers sadly. And if you look back through history humans have been sucked in by leaders for all manner of things and at great cost. Unfortunately it appears our political system allows politicians to make important decisions without any input from the public , and that is to our great detriment. Clearly they have lied to us about cheaper electricity, there's no way you make a complex renewable system with such massive extra infrastructure without high cost.
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
Sun and wind might well be free but the cost of collecting them, distributing them and then storing them for when they are not active, is not affordable.
There is also a huge cost,we've really yet to see, with disposing of non recyclable infrastructure associated with renewables That includes toxic batteries which won't recharge after a certain time !!
@@lloydsingline340 Supposedly there's a massive stockpile of used solar panels which are too expensive to recycle (due to the energy required) and can't be put into landfill due to to toxic chemicals used in their construction.
@@Studabaker1956 But it doesn't translate to a country wide basis. Probably why no other industrialised country would would attempt to rely on wind/solar unless they have a huge reserve of real hydro to back it up with.
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
Oh it's possible. But greed creates pollution and inefficient power supplies. Read my other comment, and understand we are already using "hydrogen" gas to run our cars. But it is dirtied up with carbon that creates 100% of the pollution, which is "unburnt" fuel (Petroleum = 1 hydrogen + 2 carbon). If you used pure hydrogen gas for cars "steam" would come out of the tailpipe. And water would go into the fuel tank. You use simple electrolysis to seperate the hydrogen from the oxygen. Even if by using gasoline still you did not use the liquid fuel into the combustion chamber, but converted it to the gas (or fumes) first it would double MPG across the board for all vehicles. That's how jet engines work and why they are so efficient. In each case, you start with a liquid but convert it into a gas before introducing it into the engine that way is the "only" evolution of combustion engines to improve MPG left for them. Imagine 60 MPG or better for cars and like 40 MPG for trucks? It's possible, and the tech readily available, and cheap. But I'm sure when it is offerred, if it is offered the price will be inflated. Almost to the point to not make it feasible for people. Because it would mean less stops at the gas station. While also decreasing pollution from cars by another 50% or so. The fact this tech is kept from the public is proof that governments and corporations don't give a shit about the environment, only your wallet and making you a slave to the system. Sadly, I'm afraid it's the goal of many (the ultra rich billionaires) to work and bring back slavery. At least until robots replace humans, and then there is no need for any of us.
@@johannjohann6523 Combustion engines have low efficiency due to wasted heat. Fuel cells directly producing electricity don't produce much heat. However if you start with electricity, it's rount-trip more efficient to put it in a battery, then power a motor than go through extra chemical conversion steps. Those losses could be worn by commercial shipping where batteries don't have the stamina.
83% of *new* global electricity generation in the first half of 2024 was low-carbon (either renewable or nuclear), according to EMBER's data. Solar and wind have a lower levelized cost of electricity than gas and coal in most countries. Solar and wind plus 4 hours of grid storage is now at price parity with gas and coal according to Lazard. We are definitely on the path to net zero emissions in the power industry. In other sectors like agriculture, steel, cement, aviation, shipping, etc., we are not, but electricity is now going renewable far faster than most experts expected, which is why the right-wing propaganda machines are freaking out.
The need for net zero is not fantasy, it is scientific fact. No matter what power solutions we pursue, they will be expensive because Australians play the NIMBI card for every feasible low cost option, and we can never deliver an infrastructure project on time and to budget.
Japan and South Korea build Nuclear power plants in 29 months to 56 months. Australia can buy from them and have nuclear power far faster than renewables can be done. The Nuclear plants last at least four times longer than windmills, solar panels and batteries. Australia has essentially unlimited cheap uranium.
@someonebutnone - that's easy. It's a fossile fuel so ideologically cannot be used. It produces CO2 which some believe is heating the planet causing climate change. Some even go so far as to believe it an existential threat, which it isn't. Some even believe what we are doing will have an impact on climate change. It won't.
No, you can't possibly catch up with renewables. A wind turbine goes up in months, if not weeks. Solar panels can be installed in days. Nuclear takes years to build. By that time you can have put up solar arrays the size of a small country in arid portions of the continent, half of which will have provided you with electricity for years at that point. Nuclear requires water, solar and wind do not. You can't possibly compete. The race is already over. You can go ahead and build a few nuclear power plants, but by the time they're up you're going to need a whole array of batteries, too, because they won't be able to sell their electricity during the daytime, when the supply duck curve exceeds demand a few times over, and they can't be shut down.
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
Nothing he said is wrong, the fuel for solar and wind is free, batteries have always been the answer. The only problem with them is building them cheaper and fast enough, and great progress is being made on both those fronts
@ Incorrect…sunbeams and wind are free yes..however, he was alluding to the fact that because they are free our energy prices will be lower which has proven to be untrue. Transmission,delivery,turbine costs, batteries and all other costs associated with green energy are notoriously expensive and is a cost ON TOP of the current coal,gas and oil delivery systems. That’s why it will never be as cheap as coal,oil or gas. If a premise is wrong all conclusions following will be wrong. The premise globally is…CO2 is the culprit and needs to be stopped by a certain time and reduced to a certain level. This premise is delusional as real science will show therefore all a mandates after this will fail…as they are globally. We can debate it,force it or ignore it. But the Zero Carbon mantra will go down as one of the greatest scams in human history.
@@Twofiddymill You have those same costs associated with traditional power. They need transmission infrastructure. They'll also need batteries or otherwise find a way to throw away the energy they can't sell during the day.
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
Holograms should also be every day tech in homes and schools and businesses. Then maybe children would be correctly taught 3 dimensional geometry, instead of the 2 dimensional geometry taught which is what the Greeks came up with 2000 years ago. And is only "part" of the story. Why do you think people claim the earth is flat? From being taught 2 dimensional geometry, and not being smart enough to realize it while living in a 3 dimensional world. If you lived in a 2 dimensional universe the earth would be flat. But in a 3 dimensional universe the circle becomes the sphere. But I agree this program is very good. The fact Solar Panels are only 22% efficient is a travesty. You think NASA is using 22% efficient solar panels on their satellites? Exactly. We could be having our vehicles with combustion engines having double the MPG by simply quit introducing "liquid gasoline" (which does not burn) into the combustion chamber for the "fumes" of gasoline. Using a "gas" introduced into the combustion chamber. It was also decrease pollution by another 50% of cars because "pollution" is simply "unburnt" fuel. Well, liquid gas does not burn. Only the fumes, which is hydrogen. It's how jet engines work, and why they are so efficient (one of the reasons). Imagine 60 MPG? But that means fewer stops at the gas station and OPEC doesn't like that fact. (you would still have liquid gasoline, but each car would turn it to a gas before entering the engine. That's how jets work. And you do that by simply increasing the pressure to go from a liquid to a gas. No less safe than what gasoline is today for cars. And the tech is cheap and real and available. But not released to the public). Just like more efficient solar panels. Batteries and EV's are not the solution for transportation needs. Just fires and high priced vehicles no one can afford. There is no thing as a "giant battery". Simply millions of tiny ones wired together in series. That's your car batteries. 1 million AA Batteries. That's not "high tech", or any better battery technology from 100 years ago. Greed is what causes pollution and the existence of "limited resources". You do know oil wells refill? Yeah, that dirty secret is hard to get out to the public. Oil is not a "limited resource" The earth's crust constantly makes new oil or petroleum, like it does lava. Takes a few years for oil wells to refill, but about 80% do.
Yep... as a lesson on how misinformation works. And how fossil fuel industry is muddying the water to keep their profits going at the expense of everyone. They know the end is near
Chris Uhlmann should take on Chris Bowen as a work experience student. Bowen might learn some of the energy logic before he sends our Australia broke. So sad.
Spot on, trillion dollar gas lighting. No mention of who's pulling the strings, sky news in the same boat broadly speaking. Plus CO2 is actually a good thing, and the term fossil fuels has nothing to do with fossils.
Terrifying modern generation ignorance ios the real problem.The "carbon problem" crap is going to ruin everything and cause more cows to fart harder than ever to keep the plants alive..
It’s not hard to believe net zero is just another control project by the WEF who states there are billions of unnecessary humans. By the time the woke awaken and protest this insane move by secure richest of the richest will cost millions of disposable humans.
As an aged pensioner I struggle to pay my rent , electricity bills, and only buy the cheapest food, I don't know how I'm going to cope with the predicted increases. Politicians should be forced to live in cave a with no heating or lighting and the cheapest food available for three months and see how they cope with it. Much respect to the people who made this doco the best I've seen on this issue
Canada has gone thought the carbon tax BS, I am in the same position as you. Stand up for your rights. Do Not let the extreme left WOKE and WEF ideology destroy your country as Trudeau and these radicals did to Canada
The best carbon capture are plants and trees and they don't cost billions of people's currency through taxation extortion. Plants and trees want MORE CO2, not less.
And who do we vote in ??????????? As if anyone can tell me there are sensible ... simply SENSIBLE, REAL POLITICIANS around? we have plenty of sensible people around. This video proves that. But none of them become politicians! Just boofheads are left to face the music.
Agree but do not make mistake voting Libs as they are same sh.t as Labor. Vote any current major party out including Libs, Labs , Greens and Tiels . Vote for Australian Citizens Party and / or One Nation . Plus you may vote for REAL independent senators like Gerard Rennick.
Why wasn’t this story told in the beginning instead of waiting this long? It’s been known by those whom have done the research. Another scam and yet still gets paid and retire comfortably at taxpayers expense. Sickening.
It's like with the 97% scientists... they where not, just the opposing ones was yeeted from the final report to make it an absurd majority. This is what happens when "scientists" rely on government funding to keep their work funded. We are helpless even here in Norway to explain to the normies that the reason wind seem so lucrative is wholly due to hiding the cost in the net cost (the infrastructure connecting windfarm to the grid + the 2x to 3x expansion of the grid to have the capacity to deliver from where the wind blows to where it does not). The way they hid it and lied about it made the normies even more pro wind as they think the electricity bill going up is due to an energy crisis and not directly linked to pushing the massive costs of connecting up wind being pushed on the consumer.
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
What a great documentary Chris. Beautifully articulated and great insights. I have a better understanding of this but at the same time concerned about how net zero will play out for Australians that are already doing it tough when prices continue to rise. How does net zero power manufacturing industries? Our political leaders need to stop playing politics and sit together to plan out what is best for Australia and Australians. That is the type of leaders we need to guide Australia forward.
As a Western Canadian, it does not work, even though we are at the forefront of reducing emission's. I has to to a hybrid system. Our currents government's carbon tax has damaged us. cost of living with no benefits.
Labor have always been useless incompetents when in government it's just that some people have short memories and keep voting for them. Labour couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery!!!
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
your sheer lack of understanding is astounding, who privatised electricity and now why are they are these private companies not investing in coal power??
@@ianmist2the privatisation of electricity and the move to renewables are two separate issues. Corporations are capitalising on the governments policy to not invest in coal fired power stations knowing that there will be a shortfall of energy. Privatisation of the power industry started well before climate change activism. Multiple governments have facilitated privatisation. The current government have pushed ahead with renewables, therefore are the perpetrators of our energy pain. The previous government suffered defeat because they didn’t want to develop renewable energy at the cost of losing cheaper base load coal energy. That’s democracy.
My sentiments exactly. Unfortunately it is the sensible voters who have to pay the price for those fools who believed all the election campaign promises made by labour morons the biggest purveyors of misinformation.
11:01 For the record China 🇨🇳 31% Renewable energy 5% Nuclear 2% Bioenergy (household and industrial waste) Total 38% zero emissions Vs 60% coal & 2% Oil and natural gas . But strangely I am more Believe China can get 82% Renewable energy by 2030 than Australia. 😂😂
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
And all the nuclear naysayers would have been peddling the “too dangerous, too expensive” BS back then as well. At some stage, we need to grow up as a country and get started on an energy grid that incorporates the efficiency and reliability of nuclear electricity (along with strategic renewables generation).
Can someone fact check the pensioners claim that her pension is gobbled up by her bill. Firstly, the bill is quarterly & to my understanding her pension is either fortnightly or monthly. Secondly if my maths is correct, she should have more than the rebate -plus the $75 to spend, that she claims. I’m not having a go, as I also believe that the Albo government is full of bs & will lie itself into another term of government. Good luck, however, to the pensioner, she deserves more
We should have started to transition to Nuclear 10 years ago. Either way each day forward is wasted. Can only hope Dutton gets in and pushes us forward to a nuclear age. As if he looses who will then put it up to the people next time.
Incredible documentary. This was very insightful into this issue. I haven't heard of it until recently, and this was very informative (and clearly a boatload of work!). Thank you for putting in the work to reveal the truth of these issues for the world to see.
They aren't of course, "indigenous." EVERY human being is indigenous to a small part of Africa. Every human being in Australia and the Americas is a migrant or the descendant of migrants. Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia.
When my son lived with me, my quarterly bill was around $1500 a quarter, now my bill is around 500 a quarter. If this woman is living alone, she should be getting every electrical appliances checked. A malfunctioning, one can put your electricity bill up substantially..
Net-zero people is the goal, though it is not often openly stated. However, that is the only logical conclusion one can reach if one follows the evidence rather than the happy-go-lucky narrative the green movement puts out.
@Whiskey is trying to convince regulars here that he is an Aussie BUT he will NEVER condemn China. It is not difficult to conclude what he actually is.
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
It is heartbreaking to watch the industrial vandalism of demolishing perfectly functional coal fired power plants. The cost to mothball them would be significantly less than demolition. So now when they realise how wrong these decisions are, the pathways to change are somewhat limited.
Exactly why they are being demolished. So that there's no return to coal even if the project fails. More money will then go to the developers of coal to build them up again.....
Wake up... climate science is not an opinion. This is highlighting how serious the challenges we face are... and it's time to get beyond marketing slogans. But people like you need to grow the fark up and recognise we actually have a problem....🎉
@JaseboMonkeyRex we have to be realistic to then say we are prepared to real wages being cut every year. While the change can happen for the good, im all for it. But what i don't like is collective punishment that citizens endure because the government hasnt worked out how to counter the increase prices for energy and the subsequent price inflation it causes to all good. So basically the government chants something good for us but its insidious because citizens pay the price without knowing as it creeps to your rising costs in energy and subsequently goods, rent, healthcare. While they have many properties and not impacted they do not know the plight of everyday working class and normal people.
fantastic reporting Chris This is the type of reporting we have been missing. But one thing i noticed not related to Energy! 99% of the CEO’s of each company interviewed in Australia are all Foreigners.. why? do we not have talent?
I thought Germany already went the same, net-zero path and failed miserably. Why are we following their footsteps? How are we going to provide the energy to all of those electric vehicles that are flooding our market?
All the west is following in each other's footsteps for the same reason they bought the COVID stuff. The propaganda says that's what makes you a nice person.
Dude! Germany is farther away from the equator than Tasmania and it has four times as many inhabitants on an area less than a twentieth that of Australia. Get some sense of proportion! You're really tilting at windmills here.
@@mrtoastie3681 Well, obviously _you_ can. I hope you realize that no utility burns oil for electricity and that Western Europe importing oil has been a thing for a while -- like, _since the invention of the car and of oil heating._ Though not necessarily directly from Russia any more because that place has been sanctioned up the wazoo for, you know, reasons, that start with a "U" and end with "kraine."
stupidity is repeating the same way that failed and expecting different results. a wise man once told me that in life the cheapest way of learning is learning from other people's mistakes.
What Chris has covered in this article is absolutely thought provoking. Hopefully all our current and future politicians spend the time to understand what has been presented here.
@@richardpluim4426 I saw cities in Europe 50yrs ago before an effort was made to cut coal home heating. It wasn't good. Neither was LA a healthy place to live before they introduced cleaner burning gas engines.
@@ralphzoombeenie2330 OK I get it. You are right there, but climate change, Im not buying into. During the 1930's in north America, there was severe drought. I dont think that can be blamed on fossil fuels..
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
Yep - Useless for heavy industry, also same problem with EVs for big truck haulage (EV fantasy). Green "energy" is a farce and a scam. Windmills and solar panels are provably totally useless to run factories for manufacturing all the things a modern society needs. WE outsourced this to a country like Communist China of all countries! Now they make all our anti-biotics and necessary medical supplies - how dumb are we? That's just the tip of the iceberg. Bring back our factories and manufacturing and use our cheap clean abundant fuel to reduce the cost of everything. Use our clean cheap coal and the gas now available - then later we can get the latest in nuclear technology. If we, as ordinary people, can see all these problems and can work out the simple solutions but the government - and the crony corporations - cannot, then these government people have provable low intellect and very low morals and ethics. We really have to get normal smart people into government. Still, it does seem that many, many people need to be fully informed and hopefully videos like this can help. If they watch them. I think if the average person, who votes, cannot work this out by now then we are cactus.....
The Most Dangerous Persons in Australia is Casanova Blackout Bowen and Albanese, and their rush to the Insanity of NetZero at all Cost is Moronic rate, Billions spent that will result in Blackout and Loss of Industries that rely on a Stable Energy Grid and Supply.
I found my electricity power bills creeping up over $900 a quarter prior to solar install. Now power bills range from $200-$350 depending on time of year, even after recent price increases and lower feed in rebates, so at minimum, you're talking about $2,500 per year saving. Our system was around $7k install (after Gov rebate) - so effectively paid off in < 3 years.
@@buildmotosykletist1987 correct!!! Australia was built by the Mighty British Empire and Millions of Immigrants from all over the Globe. That's the reality of how this powerful G20 Nation came to be. Facts.
@@travstar5447 : We improved the lives of Aboriginals enormously. Just read the diary of the convict who lived with Aboriginals for over a decade and his description of their lifestyle. It was horrific, poor blokes.
@@buildmotosykletist1987 My point exactly. Big brained humans evolved by finding fuel source to burn, burn create energy (heat), harness the heat to boil water, use steam to create motion.
Hi everyone. Please share this documentary with as many people as you can. Encourage debate. People don't have to agree but they need to be made aware of what's happening. Events today in NSW show how critical this debate is. So far it is being dominated by a cashed-up wind and solar lobby group that is ruling out all other options. If the lights go out it will be because an old generator's heart gives out while wind and solar energy gatherers underperform - as they so often do. Then expect that the energy ministers will blame "unreliable" coal generators and claim the only problem is we haven't gone far enough, fast enough. The truth is old systems are being flogged to death to make up for the supply gaps left by wind and solar. And evidence from around the world is that the kind of system we are building is a pathway to poverty. If you care about the future of this country and your family make this THE debate of the next election. Cheers Chris Uhlmann
Great documentary Sir. The physics and engineering don’t lie. I have been saying this for the last 5 years on this channel. These renewable zealots drive me nuts with their lies and misinformation. The physics still says nuclear is the future and first principles physics never gets it wrong. Great work Sir 👍
Congratulations on a very informative and well researched documentary Chris. Balanced...but...given the amount of information, figures, and explanations, I'm disappointed there wasn't an additional 5 minutes allocated to the potential COST of a nuclear component in Australia's energy mix. How it would fit in and what we need. There were many learned specialists throughout the piece so I'm sure there'd be a few who could put some figures on it. Helps with the family debate. Or around the morning meeting was there an agenda here? That's ok. I know the answer. For the record, I'm pro nuclear. And the wind/solar issues are very real. Perhaps that might be part 2. I'm a little worried that a Cadbury chocolate could cost my 1 year old granddaughter $5! when the nuclear finally comes online! Seems CCS should be implemented ASAP. Coal will be, actually should be, with us for a bit longer than expected. But alas, with China burning that much coal one has to wonder ... is it all really worth the angst?
Well said Mr Uhlman. You nailed it with this documentary . The bottom line of the renewables and man made climate change nonsense is result of crisis of governance, The Crisis is the legacy of successive Lib/Lab governments serving corporate interests and foreign powers ahead of Australian people. Both major parties have pursued policies concentrating economic and political power in a handful of big banks, retailers, resource giants, and media companies, who profit. At the same time, the public suffers from corruption at all government levels , cost-of-living and housing crises. To my opinion Australian Citizens Party is the only one currently which works for people and aiming to save Australia from disaster . One Nation perhaps is an option ? Next Fed election is critical to get rid of the current Lib / Lab 2 party preferred system and get really independent people in politics who are not career politicians and really working for people . My prefered party at the next election is Australian Citizens Party .
I just travelled to a small town about 110 kilometers south of Canberra and nearly half the small shop's have permanently closed due to cost of living and rising power costs. Our future is bleak.
How ironic this was just released as my energy bill is in the mailbox today. Up $100 a month in the past 18 months. Just shy of an average of 3k a year…
My sister in law has solar on her roof and she has No electricity bills! ... and the power she has fed to the grid ... They owe her over $2000. Glad she spent the money getting it done when my brother was laid off never to work again due to medical reasons. Now my Sis is his Carer and she is fighting to stay alive after blood cancer and being kept alive from immune system treatments. I am in a housing place and she says the government should put solar on all housing properties before it is too expensive to do it at all. I pay $90 a fortnight toward electricity out of my disability pension. Domestic electricity should not be such an issue.
Where is Duttons Plan, he was going to release it in March. Is this the beginning of many broken promises from Dutton. It's worth looking at the Hinkley C project, 1 reactor on a brown site, over $70 Billion AU and ten years behind in a nation with the expertise. What a joke.
Why is no other Australian media outlet interrogating the mathematics and economics of this subject? Do they think the Australian public are too thick to absorb the detail? As Meg O'Neill said, Australia's energy policy is about "aspiration". Fine, but as a high school maths teacher might say, "show us your working out".
You guys didn't have the advantage of your political leader being UNDENIABLY SHOWN to be mentally incompetent on a Presidential debate. The lying media really can't explain away that they never noticed that one. Nineteen more days until we put that one behind us....
Great documentary..!! Every Australian 🇦🇺 has to watch this .. This needs to be shown in schools also .. 13:39 seems like they want to leave us Australian’s all in the dark … like always . Just like the misinformation bill .. 🤬 52:15 😢 it’s destroying our land .. 😢 it’s destroying our agriculture… 😢 destroying everything .. 😢
9:13 - around $0.2 per kWh, not great not terrible... If this $1000 bill is her monthly payment, it means that she uses 5000kWh per month! That is close to my 4 person family house usage for half a year.
Yes, he did an excellent job of presenting right-wing propaganda, but notice that he never provided the numbers to prove the assertion that renewables are making the price of electricity rise in Australia. The reason why over 80% of new electricity generation worldwide is now renewable is because wind and solar energy now have a lower levelized cost of energy than gas and coal, and the price of battery grid storage keeps dropping, so it will soon be cheaper to build new wind and solar plus storage than to keep running old gas and coal generation plants. Look at Lazard's numbers if you don't believe me.
Uranium fuel used in a nuclear reactor can be reprocessed and reused. Only about 5% of the energy in uranium fuel is used when it powers a reactor. That also dramatically reduces the amount of waste. By contrast, wind turbines and solar panels consume vast amount of resources and are waste at the end of their useful life. I'd call that renewable.
Yeah, but net-zero what? If it's the usual CO2 nonsense, then have a chat to the oceans/river systems of the world. That's where 97% of it originates, NATURALLY.
As a German coming to Australia, fleeing from exactly these idiocratic policies, let me tell you. Please don't fuck it up like we did. We killed entire industries like steel and fertilizer production in our country, because it is mathematically impossible now to make a profit with the enormous energy prices. We had 100% backup capacity for a tiny time frame back then and started to shut down every single nuclear and coal plant in the country. Suddenly power outages were a thing to worry about again and electricity prices as well as gas for heating and cooking went up by sometimes 400% (!) in a couple of weeks. Most lower income people have to live with the fact that their income just isn't enough to heat the house in the winter and that their children will have to feel chilly going to bed every night.
Australia is going the exact same direction, but still has some more time left to change things around by 180 degrees. Our politicians made the mistake to set everything in stone from the start and to predetermine what solution is best for this scenario, according to "the statistics", provided by e-on, rwe and other energy giants. Everything else was outruled and a competition for the best alternative solution was never possible, since all the subsidization made "green energy" the only option viable.
If you then find out that most of that supposed green energy is actually nuclear or coal energy that our country had to buy from france and other countries, just to avoid blackouts because our energy supply couldn't handle the variations in load at different times, the whole story gets a very bitter after taste.
Now the country is in a worse position than before, energy prices went up buy over 400% and most of that supposed green energy is actually still produced by burning gas and coal, which is the exact thing they wanted to get rid of. Instead we are, to this day, buying LNG from India or Turkey, which they bought from Russia. We can now say "we don't buy (directly) from the criminals" but on the other hand, it made it unaffordable for most people and causes poorer 3rd world countries that bought their gas off those suppliers as well to not get the deal, since we simply outbid them. Those 3rd world countries that are left with even more expensive gas that they can't afford have to suffer from the results of our green politics, while not being responsible in any way or form for it and the German citizens get screwed over as well.
I just hope that there are more sensible people in Australia, even though I don't have the right to vote (yet).
I wish my fellow Californians would realize this. We have a situation here in California now has the highest electricity rates in the USA, surpassing even Hawaii, but unlike Hawaii much of California is hot as blazes not adversely affecting only businesses (although that is bad to be sure) but also household finances because air conditioning is an absolute necessity in much of the state.
It's so bad that family owned restaurants are having to close because electricity and natural gas rates have increased so much that their utility bills now are as much as their mortgage or lease payments.
please don't vote here it's bad enough we don't need a Merkel voter.
@@michelauspimmelberger Crazy stuff... Socialism, self sacrificing nonsense in action. Everyone should read Charles Mackay's 19th century book' Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds'. It highlights all the global delusion societal scams up to that time. Climate delusion can be added to it. A great read.
Let’s pray that someone will knock some sense in to the idiots that are pushing this
When the US blew up the Nordstream pipeline, the sudden shortage of natural gas saw it's price skyrocket - which in turn flowed onto electricity prices as more people turned to it for heating. Germany's high energy prices have absolutely nothing to do with renewables, and I'm fairly sure you know that.
Government mismanagement of the energy system is so enormous it's hard to comprehend
Australia used to have the cheapest electricity in the world and manufactured everything to a high standard. But when our traitor governments sold off our public utilities it was all in the name of profit for the corporations that took over, and no longer about efficiency.
All by design without proper consultation or understanding/research. Another waste with no accountability. Criminal and corrupt on every level following orders from their puppeteers
All in an attempt to influence weather and climate in 50-100 years time which is a huge fallacy in itself!!
... and everything else they have touched.
It will have to be managed no longer for profit only...
Thank you Chris for a brilliant presentation and I wish that this can be viewed through MSM to reach as many audiences as possible.
It was a sales pitch.....
How can renewables be cheap.....South Australia is 80% rennewable power and yet has the highest electricity prices in Australia.
In the world!
natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel.
Don't forget the most unreliable
and if you disconnect the extension cord to Victoria then SAs electricity becomes unstable
That's right. You're on it!
This is the most thoroughly researched journalistic presentation that I have ever viewed on the energy transition. It is world class and is an exceptional effort in pursuing accuracy. I am a highly experienced electrical engineer who was communicating one on one with Chris on this subject back before he left the ABC. I presented him with a paper that I prepared in 1994 on how a power system works. He was well worth engaging with because I recognized at the time that he listens to reason. He has taken this issue on board with journalistic diligence. This feature is exceptional.
🤣🤣Thanks man!
Why should all wholesalers be paid the same during a bidding cycle? Buy energy from the cheapest supplier, then buy more expensively if you need more. Isn't that just a simple change to an ancient pricing strategy?
You have got to be kidding. He completely ignored the issue of replacing our existing fleet of clapped out generators with any technology (coal, gas, nuclear) and then dumped the cost on renewables which actually cost less than the others. They ignored how fast the cost of batteries is falling and how good they are at providing frequency control.
I was particularly annoyed at the segment with the Canberran woman's energy bill. They didn't show us the whole bill or mention how much she was paying per kWh. It looked like a three month bill for electricity, gas and water and if that was the case it was pretty reasonable.
And then there's the big one - no mention of the reason for moving away from fossil fuels.
Yep I could understand if this doco was made 20 years ago! But it completely missed how the renewables tech has now advanced to becoming the cheapest and cleanest and all the perceived problems have good technical solutions
This merely confirms my belief that we have hundreds of criminals in Parliament who should be behind bars, not desks.
25:37 If natural gas is so rare and scarce, why are we allowing it to be exported?
A major failing of Eastern States.
WA has a domestic gas policy thanks to the Carpenter govt.
Simple $$$ money for a privileged few.
Ulhman explains that numb nut. Money for few. . . . Micro minded lie.
Victoria had a domestic gas policy. Drilling is against to law. Quote D. Andrews and of course the GREENS.
It's not rare, but it is scarce because of the politicians. Farmers and industry in Victoria are begging to be allowed to take the gas (& water with it) out of the ground. The water is irrigation quality, and the gas is bountiful. 'Green' politics has put an end to Victorians cheap gas and water. Thank Dan Andrews and your inner city green voting brigade, they banned gas exploration and wells in Victoria.
Every person needs to see this!
This is the tip of the iceberg.
Most people watching this have probably been in the mainstream. SNA is better than most though.
Think tanks of 2 & 3 letter anachronyms advise governments.
Who are in these forums?
Who funds it all?
I know because I started looking in the right places 20 years ago. None of this video is new information for me.
People can follow the money. It will lead to Blackrock. That of course is where the money from Vanguard is. Research the dynasties involved.
Most people are on the cusp of realising just about all they know is wrong and that humanity is heading for disaster. We are reliant on energy. Restricting it for environmental reasons is... Work it out.
We will not survive this despite the efforts of whistle blowers. What happens after is infinitely more important but is based on belief, thoughts and then actions of whilst we are in this reality.
Prepare for the next few years or prepare for eternity.
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
Check out Dr Simon Michaux, one of your own Aussies.
Professor of geometalurgy, at Geological survey of Finland.
He says there isn't enough resources to do the transition,
not enough mines, or infrastructure and not even enough minerals!
Like all Aussies he's got a sense of humour in all of the dismay and more importantly some answers.
@OMGAnotherday The delusional fools here in Europe they tell us, that we need the lithium in now russian east ukraine to feed their crazy "green energy" dreams and to justify their warmongering.😡🤮
In realty this bunch of communist clowns don't want effordable energy that can feed our export driven economy here in Germany. They want to destroy society and the econmy to bring us down to their dream of stoneage-stalinism.😡🤢🤮
Before I watched this program, I had a lot of respect for Chris Ulhmann's professionalism as a highly experienced journalist. Not any more. I won't bother listing all of the moments throughout this program when he willfully discarded journalistic ethics because they were simply too numerous. He has displayed a shameful lack of balance and blatantly distorted numerous facts. I don't have any ideological objection to Australia building nuclear power stations. I do, however, feel ideologically opposed to a journalist doing the bidding for a political party. This program was little more than a propaganda piece for the LNP. Absolutely shameful.
Seems like Australia ranking 2nd place behind germany for the most stupid energy strategy.
Don't forget Holland. We are number 1
I think there’s strong competition from the UK. Here they’ve finally admitted we have the highest electricity prices in Europe and possibly the world. Our Governments seem determined to destroy our countries. The game will be up when the public start to experience regular power cuts. Only then will the penny drop and the pitchforks come out 🤣🤷🏼♀️ You have to vote for any party that commit to dumping Net Zero policies. 34:22
Yep, but at least our bills arent that high. 1k a month for electricity alone? I would invest that money in torches and pitchforks.
New World Order.
Oh, I think second place should go to California.
I would say that Australia's politicians are as insane as those in Germany and California, but Australia is so blessed with resources and a still modest population that they haven't been able to seriously damage the economy. Yet.
But they are surely working on it.
Very well done, Chris. Thank you for the truth.
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
Next election we will see how worried Aussies are about their Energy Bills
They have no idea and probably still think once the infrastructure is in prices will plummet. In for a rude awakening me thinks, when they are paying through the nose for blackouts and unemployment.
Maybe it's time we stopped using so much electricity then... Electricity bills are high because society uses a ridiculous amount of electricity. If you'd prefer watch Netflix than to limit carbon emissions then you shouldn't have a say.
Ah yes, but much too late to stop the economic implosion that is now inevitable! 🐻🇺🇲
Should you have a say because you are on UA-cam, or is it just Netflix? The biggest question should be-what’s wrong with the gas of life-Co2?
@antonybarron8949 The "gas of life's" admittedly miniscule increase in the biosphere as a result of anthropogenic use of fossil fuels is already working its magic on the planet as the plant half of life increases its encroachment on previously inhospitable desert sands. Those hardy plants which have evolutionarily adapted to water loss in the presence of increased carbon dioxide in the planet's atmosphere are taking back the previously barren landscapes of Sub-Saharan Africa, and pumping out ever increasing clouds of life giving oxygen to the animal half of Earth's living species.
Heating and cooling cycles of the Earth are more profoundly affected by cosmic forces than by the exploitation of carbon fuels by mankind. Man's egotistical folly of believing in his own affectation of cosmic forces will continue to threaten our flourishing as the dominant species on the planet. I recall in my days as an undergraduate in the '60s at the University of Washington, my Economics 101 professor, the incomparable Henry T. Buechel, declaring that "Man is a fool!" Of course, fifty years after his death, when it comes to the folly of global warming hysteria, Professor Buechel has once again been proven right!
Britain is in the same stupid situation as Australia, we have gas but governments have stopped developments of new gas fields, but are happy to buy gas from overseas, as far away as Brunei for LPG and also from USA and Norway..... They also source wood chips from all around the world - chopping down forests to chip the wood and they call it green energy. The inmates have the keys to the asylum.
Canada is the same under the liberal-ndp. We Were did these WEF - WOKE governments come from.
New gas agreed by uk last year, Keep up. Not that the uk will see any true benefit. Just as in AUS those tiny, picturesque pipes that cause no ecological concerns. Fund mostly big businesses. Costs to setup. What cost? Oh ye he did say so high no government could afford them.
What a great Doco, should be played on all Major National television stations across Australia.
@@ekka6560 More Murdoch propaganda.....Yea!!!
Good luck with that!
Shame it is so bad and gets the facts so wrong
What happened to: "LED lights will save the world." We all installed LED's and nothing has changed, our power bills keep rising. Now it's solar and wind but our power bills just keep rising. What's next ? Wood fires ?
Yes and destroying eye vison to boot.
Wood fires!! Did you know that the UK is buying woodchips from the southern US to burn for energy instead of coal.
😂 yes, I did... Its green, don't you know!?
@@binathere2574 Oh they are doing exactly that. Everything is to do major harm. People are really off their heads today and it's infuriating.
And the current generation of led lamps are bad for our health.
This is by far the most informative and comprehensive documentaries I have seen in a long, long time.
This report is mostly misinformation, and it provides no real numbers to back up its claims that renewables are causing the price of electricity to rise. Wind and solar have lower levelized cost of electricity than gas and coal. According to Lazard, wind or solar plus four hours of grid storage using batteries is now competitive with fossil fuels, and the price of batteries and solar keeps dropping, so the price of renewable electricity will become even cheaper in the future. Mostly today's higher energy prices have been caused by inflation and the war in Ukraine raising the price of fossil fuels. ABC is spreading right-wing propaganda.
I would hardly call interviewing ONLY people with vested interests in fossil fuels a comprehensive documentary. Where are the interviews of renewables experts?
The government needs to stop giving our gas away for nothing. Santos and the other gas companies should be paying us royalty payments. But they don't.
Nothiong was said about this in this report. I wonder why?
when the prior ALP govt tried to raise mining royalties we had blue collar Australians marching on the streets to stop people like Gina and Twiggy paying a little bit more out. Was as truly pathetic demonstration of how cuckolded too many Australians are to the rich. All our talk of wild colonial boys is bs to mask the fact we have always been ruled over and abused by the wealthy. Sky is an active mouth piece supporting their rich mates in riding roughshod over all of us.
The Australian government invested nothing in developing gas other than auction off lease sites. All monies spent for geological exploration, drilling, infrastructure (plant, pipelines, terminals, ships etc etc all came from foreign investment pension funds and for that vast expenditure over years with no return they get first call on the export of gas so let's not blame others for our supposed gas shortage. It's our fault for regulating it out of our energy mix.
Why would foreign entities spend billions into gas development if they did not get a chance to buy the gas for their own countries?
@@rayc5674 they pay royalties in other countries.
This needs to be mandatory viewing for every current and prospective Politician , Federal and State, regardless of which side of politics they support.
Yes, they need educating !
....and those working in government departments that haven't got a clue about what's happening in the outside world
The pols and bureaucrats lack the mental faculty to understand the concepts presented in this video. That is why they are pols and bureaucrats -- installed as the idiotic functionaries to implement the Green Agenda of International Grifting.
And regardless of what country they're from. This applies to the USA as well
Independent candidate for the Wentworth (Eastern Suburbs of Sydney) here. Can confirm my policies on climate change have definitely changed haha. Some brilliant journalism presenting facts rather than opinions. Thanks Chris.
BEST program I've watched for years! SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!
Why is AU exporting natural gas as LNG when you need it so desperately domestically??? Never mind, money talks, BS walks. The US is blindly heading down the same road with LNG and Crude oil. Short term gains for a few through exports but long term pain for our citizens when we’re out of cheap NG and crude oil.
@jtjones4081 I'll tell you why the corrupt Labor/Greens government who forced the shutdown of 5 of our 7 refineries in Victoria due to the longest lockdowns in the world has made deals with China to sell them our natural resources in exchange for solar & batteries... It now gets refined by China in their new refinery in Malaysia and gets sold back to us at triple the price...we should be paying $0.90c per litre but we are paying $2.00 per litre! One word....CORRUPTION!
Brilliant report by Chris Uhlmann. Covers all the things blackout Bowen doesn't want to talk about at all.
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
But he's ex ABC reporter....He's a plant to bring down Ruperts empire and all its stooges!!
Chris Allman is a sturge of the Murdoch right-wing and the coalition.
He is politically opposed to renewables for some reason?
This must be mandatory watching for all Australians
And many, many others around the world.
For those that lack any critical analysis abilities. This is propaganda paid for by the fossil fuel industry, big advertisers on News Corp.. Murdoch protecting his investments. Wake up.
And the world especially UK, charging ahead to be the first at making a ballsup
@@alibi247 You are who you vote for 👍.
Yes, being forced to watch right-wing misinformation is sure to improve people's scientific illiteracy!
I never thought the day would come when people would feel sick every time the power bill is due.
this is what happens when our politicians sell us out through their ideaologies of privatisation, growth and green nonsense.
Unfortunately, Chris did not mention the limited lifespan of wind turbines and solar panels, and the associated cost of rebuilding the infrastructure every fifteen to twenty years, or the disposal of millions of tons heavy-metal-laced toxic panels and carbon fiber.
plus big wind turbines require a massive foundational structure to begin with
Don't forget the very limited lifetime of the batteries.
As opposed to the massive concrete requirements for coal, gas and nuclear?@@aetherionzephyrim2917
I WISH we could get 20 years from a panel. If we could, along with subsidies it would make them pay their way but until then it's expensive power. Actually the break-even is about 12-13 years and we are almost there. I reckon the newer ones might get to 15 years this time, fingers crossed.
@@tpbtpb2602 Correct. And what do you do with them?
RIP Australia going down the green path. Look at how sketchy the grid is now and how expensive your electricity bills are. Solar feed in tariffs are near zero now. What a con act
Why should all wholesalers be paid the same during a bidding cycle? Buy your energy from the chapest supplier, then buy more expensively if you need more.
Renewables are cheaper and more renewables will make our electricity even cheaper
Just google it mate!
I pointed out all the costs 10 years ago when I was the Chief Economist at the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The response of the renewable energy industry was to doxx me and try and get me fired.
no sign of that facebook CARES button on youtube.
Thank you Chris Uhlmann for that most enlightening explanation of the issues around Australia's quest for net zero in our energy sector not forgetting all the other sectors that make up the picture.
This video is a masterclass in the use of emotive imagery, partial facts and manipulative framing of issues in order to create a convincing narrative to bamboozle the gullible.
@xoctor sorry I disagree. My experience in the wholesale electricity and gas markets via servicing commercial and industrial electricity and gas customers is 15 years and I can say Chris' presentation is spot on
Can you expand on your assertion that he is misleading? Am interested as to what you consider fictional.
@@johnd87 watch the video again and take a note of all the out of context half-truths, misleading assertions and particularly of the manipulative imagery used. This is transparent political polemic, not journalism.
What is the point of pretending the government (or anyone) doesn't understand that the sun doesn't shine at night or the wind blow consistently? Nobody is suggesting they do, nor that we would ever run the grid on 100% solar or 100% wind, or even 100% solar and wind, but it's a favourite disingenuous argument used by people whose real agenda is to delay facing up to the difficult decisions the world has to make to deal with the climate crisis (for political or financial gain).
GREAT report!!! and governments wonder WHY we don't trust them!!!
Because they are stupid and ignorant
@@stephengibbons2719 No they're not, what Bowen and Albo are doing is BY DESIGN, they know all this, but union superannuation funds are heavily invested in these Green Energy projects and they will protect their interests at ALL costs.
@@stephengibbons2719 : Our problem is that they are spending huge amounts of money and stifling free speech quite successfully so they are not as stupid as they appear. The damage will take decades to repair.
Too clueless but obsessed with ID POLITICS
@@ssuwandi3240 : Just like you in China.
This is critically important viewing for the future of all of us in Australia. Share it
This happens when policy is run by lawyers, not engineers.
I think only politicians who are engineers should be allowed to step into office. Ok then... and comedians. Humour. The easiest proven way to face realities.
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
All policy is run by the globalists, countries have to get on board or get left out financially. They won't stop till they make us all serfs or we stop them.
@@wombat88008 Well Ukraine made a comedian their president and now million ukrainians are dead, so I wouldn't put much faith in comedians.
Destroying Australia's beautiful environment in order to save the environment. How could that not be a con? 🤡🤬
Don’t damage Australia’s economy. Lower energy costs as low as possible.
Tell your Chinese buddies to go net zero first.
Coal is king.
Austrailian population and pollution is so small as to matter very little globally.
@@sailorichiban if we can't go low-pollution, why should anyone else? Stop caring so much about national borders and care about the environment. China has 50x more people than Australia, so surely they should have a budget of 50x the pollution, right? That's only fair.
There is a connection between the ALP, the Unions and union super funds which are invested in 'Green Energy' projects, this is why the ALP will ruthlessly push through with unreliables and scorn at Nuclear or any skepticism towards man made global warming.
@@themetr0gn0me : Nope, China gets a free ride and subsidies to reduce carbon until 2060. Then they promise they'll will become carbon neutral. Do you trust them ?
CO2 is not a greenhouse gas so it's not saving the environment. CO2 blocks both incoming and outgoing energy, not just out, so no heating effect. This is an agenda for an international tax regime on carbon interactions.
If gas is so important to power supply,then why is Australia giving so much away for almost free?
What are the odds Bowen couldn't watch more than 5 minutes of this brilliant documentary.
He can't let reality and facts get in the way of his crazy plan. He can't afford to have doubts.
He does not have the Mental capacity to digest this entire Doco, and he is in charge of Climate and Energy, you could not make this stuff up yet with the ALP anything or Anyone goes.
Few politicians will ever admit to being wrong about something. They seem to fear people saying "If they were wrong about this then what else might they be wrong about".
To be honest mate , I don't think he cares about the truth , for some of these career politicians, all they want is some sort of topic that is easy to rally voters , because a lot of the population are emotion driven about certain things , but they are not critical thinkers sadly.
And if you look back through history humans have been sucked in by leaders for all manner of things and at great cost.
Unfortunately it appears our political system allows politicians to make important decisions without any input from the public , and that is to our great detriment.
Clearly they have lied to us about cheaper electricity, there's no way you make a complex renewable system with such massive extra infrastructure without high cost.
Blackout Bowen is pigheaded .
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
Wow, anyone needing affordable energy is going to get screwed.
Sun and wind might well be free but the cost of collecting them, distributing them and then storing them for when they are not active, is not affordable.
Well it is affordable if you keep it local or even better in house ( or the building that uses it)
There is also a huge cost,we've really yet to see, with disposing of non recyclable infrastructure associated with renewables That includes toxic batteries which won't recharge after a certain time !!
@@lloydsingline340 Supposedly there's a massive stockpile of used solar panels which are too expensive to recycle (due to the energy required) and can't be put into landfill due to to toxic chemicals used in their construction.
@@Studabaker1956 But it doesn't translate to a country wide basis. Probably why no other industrialised country would would attempt to rely on wind/solar unless they have a huge reserve of real hydro to back it up with.
If anyone still supported the zero emissions fantasy after watching that, they need mental help.
The whole thing is a lie and a fiasco beyond belief!
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
Oh it's possible. But greed creates pollution and inefficient power supplies. Read my other comment, and understand we are already using "hydrogen" gas to run our cars. But it is dirtied up with carbon that creates 100% of the pollution, which is "unburnt" fuel (Petroleum = 1 hydrogen + 2 carbon). If you used pure hydrogen gas for cars "steam" would come out of the tailpipe. And water would go into the fuel tank. You use simple electrolysis to seperate the hydrogen from the oxygen. Even if by using gasoline still you did not use the liquid fuel into the combustion chamber, but converted it to the gas (or fumes) first it would double MPG across the board for all vehicles. That's how jet engines work and why they are so efficient. In each case, you start with a liquid but convert it into a gas before introducing it into the engine that way is the "only" evolution of combustion engines to improve MPG left for them. Imagine 60 MPG or better for cars and like 40 MPG for trucks? It's possible, and the tech readily available, and cheap. But I'm sure when it is offerred, if it is offered the price will be inflated. Almost to the point to not make it feasible for people. Because it would mean less stops at the gas station. While also decreasing pollution from cars by another 50% or so. The fact this tech is kept from the public is proof that governments and corporations don't give a shit about the environment, only your wallet and making you a slave to the system. Sadly, I'm afraid it's the goal of many (the ultra rich billionaires) to work and bring back slavery. At least until robots replace humans, and then there is no need for any of us.
@@johannjohann6523 Combustion engines have low efficiency due to wasted heat. Fuel cells directly producing electricity don't produce much heat. However if you start with electricity, it's rount-trip more efficient to put it in a battery, then power a motor than go through extra chemical conversion steps. Those losses could be worn by commercial shipping where batteries don't have the stamina.
83% of *new* global electricity generation in the first half of 2024 was low-carbon (either renewable or nuclear), according to EMBER's data. Solar and wind have a lower levelized cost of electricity than gas and coal in most countries. Solar and wind plus 4 hours of grid storage is now at price parity with gas and coal according to Lazard. We are definitely on the path to net zero emissions in the power industry. In other sectors like agriculture, steel, cement, aviation, shipping, etc., we are not, but electricity is now going renewable far faster than most experts expected, which is why the right-wing propaganda machines are freaking out.
The need for net zero is not fantasy, it is scientific fact. No matter what power solutions we pursue, they will be expensive because Australians play the NIMBI card for every feasible low cost option, and we can never deliver an infrastructure project on time and to budget.
this is a crime against all australians. the gov is to blame, sending business go broke and peoples poor
Japan and South Korea build Nuclear power plants in 29 months to 56 months. Australia can buy from them and have nuclear power far faster than renewables can be done.
The Nuclear plants last at least four times longer than windmills, solar panels and batteries. Australia has essentially unlimited cheap uranium.
@@tpbtpb2602 For goodness sake, you don't like the stability of what we had, well enjoy having it shut down for 12 hours a day or more.
@@vivrowe2763 ?????? Your comment makes no sense. Nuclear is available nearly 100% of the time.
@someonebutnone - that's easy. It's a fossile fuel so ideologically cannot be used. It produces CO2 which some believe is heating the planet causing climate change. Some even go so far as to believe it an existential threat, which it isn't. Some even believe what we are doing will have an impact on climate change. It won't.
Problem with nuclear is the world actually doesn't have enough fuel for them for long. Something not talked about.
No, you can't possibly catch up with renewables. A wind turbine goes up in months, if not weeks. Solar panels can be installed in days. Nuclear takes years to build. By that time you can have put up solar arrays the size of a small country in arid portions of the continent, half of which will have provided you with electricity for years at that point.
Nuclear requires water, solar and wind do not. You can't possibly compete. The race is already over.
You can go ahead and build a few nuclear power plants, but by the time they're up you're going to need a whole array of batteries, too, because they won't be able to sell their electricity during the daytime, when the supply duck curve exceeds demand a few times over, and they can't be shut down.
Chris Uhlman should Australian of the year for producing this program
He's a white, middle-aged male without any notable victim status attributes, won't happen.
Australian of the Year is a woke joke.
Chris shouldn’t be insulted by suggesting he is a woke joke.
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
@@rickjohnson2165 Walkley Award then!
I still cannot comprehend how the Australians have fallen for this confidence trick!
What will it take to make them wake up, and will it be too late?
Imagine actually saying” green energy is cheaper because wind and the sun are free” ??????. He just doesn’t get it…what a fool.
Chris B. is corrupt and fool .
Nothing he said is wrong, the fuel for solar and wind is free, batteries have always been the answer. The only problem with them is building them cheaper and fast enough, and great progress is being made on both those fronts
He was thinking of sitting on a warm sunny beach watching a sail boat go buy I guess???
@ Incorrect…sunbeams and wind are free yes..however, he was alluding to the fact that because they are free our energy prices will be lower which has proven to be untrue. Transmission,delivery,turbine costs, batteries and all other costs associated with green energy are notoriously expensive and is a cost ON TOP of the current coal,gas and oil delivery systems. That’s why it will never be as cheap as coal,oil or gas. If a premise is wrong all conclusions following will be wrong. The premise globally is…CO2 is the culprit and needs to be stopped by a certain time and reduced to a certain level. This premise is delusional as real science will show therefore all a mandates after this will fail…as they are globally. We can debate it,force it or ignore it. But the Zero Carbon mantra will go down as one of the greatest scams in human history.
@@Twofiddymill You have those same costs associated with traditional power. They need transmission infrastructure. They'll also need batteries or otherwise find a way to throw away the energy they can't sell during the day.
Should be required viewing for everyone, schools, universities, parliament.
and voters
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
Holograms should also be every day tech in homes and schools and businesses. Then maybe children would be correctly taught 3 dimensional geometry, instead of the 2 dimensional geometry taught which is what the Greeks came up with 2000 years ago. And is only "part" of the story. Why do you think people claim the earth is flat? From being taught 2 dimensional geometry, and not being smart enough to realize it while living in a 3 dimensional world. If you lived in a 2 dimensional universe the earth would be flat. But in a 3 dimensional universe the circle becomes the sphere. But I agree this program is very good. The fact Solar Panels are only 22% efficient is a travesty. You think NASA is using 22% efficient solar panels on their satellites? Exactly. We could be having our vehicles with combustion engines having double the MPG by simply quit introducing "liquid gasoline" (which does not burn) into the combustion chamber for the "fumes" of gasoline. Using a "gas" introduced into the combustion chamber. It was also decrease pollution by another 50% of cars because "pollution" is simply "unburnt" fuel. Well, liquid gas does not burn. Only the fumes, which is hydrogen. It's how jet engines work, and why they are so efficient (one of the reasons). Imagine 60 MPG? But that means fewer stops at the gas station and OPEC doesn't like that fact. (you would still have liquid gasoline, but each car would turn it to a gas before entering the engine. That's how jets work. And you do that by simply increasing the pressure to go from a liquid to a gas. No less safe than what gasoline is today for cars. And the tech is cheap and real and available. But not released to the public). Just like more efficient solar panels. Batteries and EV's are not the solution for transportation needs. Just fires and high priced vehicles no one can afford. There is no thing as a "giant battery". Simply millions of tiny ones wired together in series. That's your car batteries. 1 million AA Batteries. That's not "high tech", or any better battery technology from 100 years ago. Greed is what causes pollution and the existence of "limited resources". You do know oil wells refill? Yeah, that dirty secret is hard to get out to the public. Oil is not a "limited resource" The earth's crust constantly makes new oil or petroleum, like it does lava. Takes a few years for oil wells to refill, but about 80% do.
Yep... as a lesson on how misinformation works. And how fossil fuel industry is muddying the water to keep their profits going at the expense of everyone. They know the end is near
Great doco. Well done Chris Uhlmann.
Chris Uhlmann should take on Chris Bowen as a work experience student. Bowen might learn some of the energy logic before he sends our Australia broke. So sad.
Sending Australia broke is the aim.
Australia will go broke and be left way behind if we listen to rubbish like this video.
@@hereticalinfidelicalHi there Chris B.
And all to fix a problem that doesn't exist.
Spot on, trillion dollar gas lighting. No mention of who's pulling the strings, sky news in the same boat broadly speaking. Plus CO2 is actually a good thing, and the term fossil fuels has nothing to do with fossils.
It's a wealth transfer scam.
Terrifying modern generation ignorance ios the real problem.The "carbon problem" crap is going to ruin everything and cause more cows to fart harder than ever to keep the plants alive..
ah but freedom does exist, or did, and that's the real problem for them
Needs to be pushed out on social media platforms, maybe as a series broken into 20 min bits.
Do you struggle to concentrate for longer than a few minutes?
I notice that your comment contains zero facts or science to dispute the show.
@@rixon49 I was wondering why you would want an hour long presentation to be broken up into 20 minute chunks.
@@sahhulloh. Many people don’t have the attention span for an hour. Thinking about the current generation.
net zero is insanity
Nope. "Net Zero" is scientifically impossible unless all life is destroyed.
Population explosion is a far more pressing problem.
Woke-ist don't want to know.
yep, the next WEF covid!
Plants need and really like CO². The Earth has been greening as the levels of CO² increase.
It’s not hard to believe net zero is just another control project by the WEF who states there are billions of unnecessary humans. By the time the woke awaken and protest this insane move by secure richest of the richest will cost millions of disposable humans.
As an aged pensioner I struggle to pay my rent , electricity bills, and only buy the cheapest food, I don't know how I'm going to cope with the predicted increases. Politicians should be forced to live in cave a with no heating or lighting and the cheapest food available for three months and see how they cope with it. Much respect to the people who made this doco the best I've seen on this issue
Canada has gone thought the carbon tax BS, I am in the same position as you. Stand up for your rights. Do Not let the extreme left WOKE and WEF ideology destroy your country as Trudeau and these radicals did to Canada
The best carbon capture are plants and trees and they don't cost billions of people's currency through taxation extortion. Plants and trees want MORE CO2, not less.
It’s not about the environment, it’s about control.
And ££££
Nope, it's about cheap clean energy. Fossil fuels are dirty and coal mines are very ugly
Australian taxpayers and domestic are going to pay to buy our gas back. . Its inevitable
I would have to agree there.
It’s about the end of civilization as we know it because it’s about us, we are the carbon they want to get to zero.
Marvelous! Especially the realization that production and emissions will just move elsewhere as energy costs skyrocket
Share with everyone. Vote labor out.
And who do we vote in ??????????? As if anyone can tell me there are sensible ... simply SENSIBLE, REAL POLITICIANS around? we have plenty of sensible people around. This video proves that. But none of them become politicians! Just boofheads are left to face the music.
Agree but do not make mistake voting Libs as they are same sh.t as Labor. Vote any current major party out including Libs, Labs , Greens and Tiels . Vote for Australian Citizens Party and / or One Nation . Plus you may vote for REAL independent senators like Gerard Rennick.
Why wasn’t this story told in the beginning instead of waiting this long? It’s been known by those whom have done the research. Another scam and yet still gets paid and retire comfortably at taxpayers expense. Sickening.
At Sunny "Copa-Cabana"
Not a scam, its science. If you think its a scam you are delusional, its measurable and effects are apparent to anyone with half a brain.
It's like with the 97% scientists... they where not, just the opposing ones was yeeted from the final report to make it an absurd majority.
This is what happens when "scientists" rely on government funding to keep their work funded.
We are helpless even here in Norway to explain to the normies that the reason wind seem so lucrative is wholly due to hiding the cost in the net cost (the infrastructure connecting windfarm to the grid + the 2x to 3x expansion of the grid to have the capacity to deliver from where the wind blows to where it does not).
The way they hid it and lied about it made the normies even more pro wind as they think the electricity bill going up is due to an energy crisis and not directly linked to pushing the massive costs of connecting up wind being pushed on the consumer.
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
Greed and corruption are the reason people like Tesla are not listened to.
What a great documentary Chris. Beautifully articulated and great insights. I have a better understanding of this but at the same time concerned about how net zero will play out for Australians that are already doing it tough when prices continue to rise. How does net zero power manufacturing industries? Our political leaders need to stop playing politics and sit together to plan out what is best for Australia and Australians. That is the type of leaders we need to guide Australia forward.
As a Western Canadian, it does not work, even though we are at the forefront of reducing emission's. I has to to a hybrid system. Our currents government's carbon tax has damaged us. cost of living with no benefits.
Labor don’t know their arse from their elbow & we would be crazy to expect them to manage our energy needs without stuffing it all up big time.
Labor have always been useless incompetents when in government it's just that some people have short memories and keep voting for them. Labour couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery!!!
They don't know their arse from their Albo.
Because they're the same.
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
That's what you get when you elect a lunatic government into power. If you voted for the ALP, don't cry about the price of power.
You reap what you sow
your sheer lack of understanding is astounding, who privatised electricity and now why are they are these private companies not investing in coal power??
Are you saying they have no interest except for themselves
@@ianmist2the privatisation of electricity and the move to renewables are two separate issues. Corporations are capitalising on the governments policy to not invest in coal fired power stations knowing that there will be a shortfall of energy. Privatisation of the power industry started well before climate change activism. Multiple governments have facilitated privatisation. The current government have pushed ahead with renewables, therefore are the perpetrators of our energy pain. The previous government suffered defeat because they didn’t want to develop renewable energy at the cost of losing cheaper base load coal energy. That’s democracy.
My sentiments exactly. Unfortunately it is the sensible voters who have to pay the price for those fools who believed all the election campaign promises made by labour morons the biggest purveyors of misinformation.
Outstanding .... this should be shared around the world !!!
Every Australian needs to watch this , especially those who voted for Labor , Teals and Greens.
11:01 For the record China 🇨🇳
31% Renewable energy
5% Nuclear
2% Bioenergy (household and industrial waste)
Total 38% zero emissions
60% coal & 2% Oil and natural gas .
But strangely I am more Believe China can get 82% Renewable energy by 2030 than Australia. 😂😂
too bad people didn't listen 15 to 20 years ago when we said this was coming.
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
And all the nuclear naysayers would have been peddling the “too dangerous, too expensive” BS back then as well. At some stage, we need to grow up as a country and get started on an energy grid that incorporates the efficiency and reliability of nuclear electricity (along with strategic renewables generation).
I bought LED efficient lights so my power bill goes up, make it maje sense
Can someone fact check the pensioners claim that her pension is gobbled up by her bill. Firstly, the bill is quarterly & to my understanding her pension is either fortnightly or monthly. Secondly if my maths is correct, she should have more than the rebate -plus the $75 to spend, that she claims. I’m not having a go, as I also believe that the Albo government is full of bs & will lie itself into another term of government. Good luck, however, to the pensioner, she deserves more
I was thinking the same.. compare a fortnightly pension with a quarterly bill only says oldlove still hasn't learnt how to budget to me
vvomen don't make the best financial decisions
One of the most impressive documentaries I have ever watched. Well done Chris and the whole team who put this together.
We should have started to transition to Nuclear 10 years ago. Either way each day forward is wasted. Can only hope Dutton gets in and pushes us forward to a nuclear age. As if he looses who will then put it up to the people next time.
Try 40 years ago.
What type of nuclear reactors, how much will it cost, and when will they come online?
@@JJRM8Did the dams ever fill Hansel and have you reported anyone today. 50 cents awarded 🐛
From memory Howard started to talk about nuclear in his last year or 2, so 06/07. Near 20 years on, we are in a total mess.
@@JJRM8 Let's just get rid of the moratorium first and then some accurate calculations can be made.
Incredible documentary. This was very insightful into this issue. I haven't heard of it until recently, and this was very informative (and clearly a boatload of work!). Thank you for putting in the work to reveal the truth of these issues for the world to see.
Our enemies are watching and laughing as we keep falling for this trick.
They want us to go broke.
Yep we keep falling for fossil fuel propaganda
As our current Trudeau government in Canada did> You must have a bunch of WEF - WOKE politicians down there also
The indigenous stating its there land ...... it's Australians land , stop this division theirs & ours
They aren't of course, "indigenous." EVERY human being is indigenous to a small part of Africa. Every human being in Australia and the Americas is a migrant or the descendant of migrants.
Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia.
All for money
THEIR...not THERE...big difference
How on earth is that woman getting electricity bills over $1000? I've never had a bill anywhere near that
When my son lived with me, my quarterly bill was around $1500 a quarter, now my bill is around 500 a quarter. If this woman is living alone, she should be getting every electrical appliances checked. A malfunctioning, one can put your electricity bill up substantially..
Vvomen don't have the best judgement in spending or saving, there will be alot more broke, single, childless vvomens in the near future
Net Zero Fake Zero
That’s because global warming is a lie! Look up the documentary the Lost Century!
Net-zero people is the goal, though it is not often openly stated. However, that is the only logical conclusion one can reach if one follows the evidence rather than the happy-go-lucky narrative the green movement puts out.
@Whiskey is trying to convince regulars here that he is an Aussie BUT he will NEVER condemn China. It is not difficult to conclude what he actually is.
It's a industry, no fake.
comment brought to you by the russian puppet commisioner of the day
What if we powered the country with the hot air coming out of Bowen?
Dear Mr Bowen will be out of work come the next election . He can go back to being a gigolo .
No more blackouts then
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
You would have enough for the entire country and plenty to sell elsewhere.
It is heartbreaking to watch the industrial vandalism of demolishing perfectly functional coal fired power plants. The cost to mothball them would be significantly less than demolition. So now when they realise how wrong these decisions are, the pathways to change are somewhat limited.
Exactly why they are being demolished. So that there's no return to coal even if the project fails.
More money will then go to the developers of coal to build them up again.....
In 50 years or so, people will look back at this period of hysteria over climate change and marvel at the stupidity.
Climate changes all the time, but we are led to believe it will all be extreme.
Wake up... climate science is not an opinion.
This is highlighting how serious the challenges we face are... and it's time to get beyond marketing slogans. But people like you need to grow the fark up and recognise we actually have a problem....🎉
@@JaseboMonkeyRex you forgot to put 'sarc' at the end of your post.
@JaseboMonkeyRex we have to be realistic to then say we are prepared to real wages being cut every year. While the change can happen for the good, im all for it. But what i don't like is collective punishment that citizens endure because the government hasnt worked out how to counter the increase prices for energy and the subsequent price inflation it causes to all good. So basically the government chants something good for us but its insidious because citizens pay the price without knowing as it creeps to your rising costs in energy and subsequently goods, rent, healthcare. While they have many properties and not impacted they do not know the plight of everyday working class and normal people.
every Australian should watch this
But they won't. Far too late for most. we come.
So they can be fear mongered by American and British 'professionals' and CEO's. Get real.
Not just Australians... Everyone.
This is a total scam, follow the money and see who's getting rich or richer
fantastic reporting Chris
This is the type of reporting we have been missing.
But one thing i noticed not related to Energy!
99% of the CEO’s of each company interviewed in Australia are all Foreigners.. why? do we not have talent?
I thought Germany already went the same, net-zero path and failed miserably.
Why are we following their footsteps?
How are we going to provide the energy to all of those electric vehicles that are flooding our market?
Germany now inporting oil from russia. You couldnt make it up
All the west is following in each other's footsteps for the same reason they bought the COVID stuff. The propaganda says that's what makes you a nice person.
Dude! Germany is farther away from the equator than Tasmania and it has four times as many inhabitants on an area less than a twentieth that of Australia.
Get some sense of proportion! You're really tilting at windmills here.
@@mrtoastie3681 Well, obviously _you_ can.
I hope you realize that no utility burns oil for electricity and that Western Europe importing oil has been a thing for a while -- like, _since the invention of the car and of oil heating._ Though not necessarily directly from Russia any more because that place has been sanctioned up the wazoo for, you know, reasons, that start with a "U" and end with "kraine."
stupidity is repeating the same way that failed and expecting different results.
a wise man once told me that in life the cheapest way of learning is learning from other people's mistakes.
What Chris has covered in this article is absolutely thought provoking. Hopefully all our current and future politicians spend the time to understand what has been presented here.
Yeah the people against using fossil fuels should be took off of the power grid
Fine, they'll have their own grid with lower bills and you'll still be paying oil companies huge amounts.
@@colinmcmb Of course they'll have lower bills. We wouldn't expect them to pay for all the time they're in a blackout, would we? 🤣
The climate is fine.
@@richardpluim4426 I saw cities in Europe 50yrs ago before an effort was made to cut coal home heating. It wasn't good. Neither was LA a healthy place to live before they introduced cleaner burning gas engines.
@@ralphzoombeenie2330 OK I get it. You are right there, but climate change, Im not buying into. During the 1930's in north America, there was severe drought. I dont think that can be blamed on fossil fuels..
As usual, they commit us to something that we dont want
But profit comes their way.
This documentary is full of misinformation!
It‘s unbelievable! They are doing the Same stupid costy things the greens do in Germany.
Well let’s hope Chris Bowen has watched this, if not, can someone show him, because he needs to, so he doesn’t look so silly and uneducated.
Believing sky propaganda is the definition of looking silly and uneducated bro 😂😂
The "Shocking Truth"? Tesla offered to the world Free Clean Electricity out of the ground. And was stomped on by corporations; all his work seized by the FBI. Every year the earth is hit with 3 billion bolts of lightning. Each bolt of lightning 20,000+ amps. That energy doesn't disappear. The earth is a giant Capacitor! You simply need to correct "Frequency" to get it. Or how about inventing a machine that can create and hold a thunderstorm thus creating lightning, and getting your electricity from it? The only exhaust is "Oxygen", "Hydrogen" and "Nitrogen" which is "Steam". Don't think ancient civilizations didn't have electricity. They simply got it out of the ground, and why there is no "leftover" machinery for archaeologists to find.
Handy on isolated homesteads, handy for isolated communities, handy on individual homes, not very handy for cities and heavy industry.
Isolated homesteads, isolated communities, etc, all need a diesel generator.
@@buildmotosykletist1987or propane, or NG...
Just wait till they start to extorting everyone if they don't pay. Will Australia end up being Mad Max sooner or later?
@@buildmotosykletist1987 They control the diesel too, price will go up and up and up as more people use it for private generators. Scary stuff..
Yep - Useless for heavy industry, also same problem with EVs for big truck haulage (EV fantasy). Green "energy" is a farce and a scam. Windmills and solar panels are provably totally useless to run factories for manufacturing all the things a modern society needs. WE outsourced this to a country like Communist China of all countries! Now they make all our anti-biotics and necessary medical supplies - how dumb are we? That's just the tip of the iceberg. Bring back our factories and manufacturing and use our cheap clean abundant fuel to reduce the cost of everything. Use our clean cheap coal and the gas now available - then later we can get the latest in nuclear technology.
If we, as ordinary people, can see all these problems and can work out the simple solutions but the government - and the crony corporations - cannot, then these government people have provable low intellect and very low morals and ethics. We really have to get normal smart people into government. Still, it does seem that many, many people need to be fully informed and hopefully videos like this can help. If they watch them. I think if the average person, who votes, cannot work this out by now then we are cactus.....
Brilliant documentary. Much appreciated❤
The Most Dangerous Persons in Australia is Casanova Blackout Bowen and Albanese, and their rush to the Insanity of NetZero at all Cost is Moronic rate, Billions spent that will result in Blackout and Loss of Industries that rely on a Stable Energy Grid and Supply.
Don't let politicians near anything important, both parties receive corruption funding
Haha….the ‘Greens’ always provide the evidence how stupid and ignorant they are!!!!!😂
I found my electricity power bills creeping up over $900 a quarter prior to solar install. Now power bills range from $200-$350 depending on time of year, even after recent price increases and lower feed in rebates, so at minimum, you're talking about $2,500 per year saving.
Our system was around $7k install (after Gov rebate) - so effectively paid off in < 3 years.
Still expensive compared to years ago.
Sleezy Albanese - lies after lies. "Green" energy isn't any better if not worse for the planet 😢😢😢
To that Aboriginal bloke; "It is NOT YOUR country, it IS OUR country."
@@buildmotosykletist1987 correct!!!
Australia was built by the Mighty British Empire and Millions of Immigrants from all over the Globe. That's the reality of how this powerful G20 Nation came to be.
Not sure the Aboriginal bloke even knew about putting the kettle on the fire to get hot water
@@travstar5447 : We improved the lives of Aboriginals enormously. Just read the diary of the convict who lived with Aboriginals for over a decade and his description of their lifestyle. It was horrific, poor blokes.
@@joebloggs24 : They did not have anything metal, so no kettle.
My point exactly. Big brained humans evolved by finding fuel source to burn, burn create energy (heat), harness the heat to boil water, use steam to create motion.
Common Sense shines through this video.
Hi everyone. Please share this documentary with as many people as you can. Encourage debate. People don't have to agree but they need to be made aware of what's happening. Events today in NSW show how critical this debate is. So far it is being dominated by a cashed-up wind and solar lobby group that is ruling out all other options. If the lights go out it will be because an old generator's heart gives out while wind and solar energy gatherers underperform - as they so often do. Then expect that the energy ministers will blame "unreliable" coal generators and claim the only problem is we haven't gone far enough, fast enough. The truth is old systems are being flogged to death to make up for the supply gaps left by wind and solar. And evidence from around the world is that the kind of system we are building is a pathway to poverty. If you care about the future of this country and your family make this THE debate of the next election. Cheers Chris Uhlmann
Well said Mr Uhlmann.
Great documentary Sir.
The physics and engineering don’t lie.
I have been saying this for the last 5 years on this channel. These renewable zealots drive me nuts with their lies and misinformation.
The physics still says nuclear is the future and first principles physics never gets it wrong.
Great work Sir 👍
Chris Uhlmann. Very Well Said.
Congratulations on a very informative and well researched documentary Chris. Balanced...but...given the amount of information, figures, and explanations, I'm disappointed there wasn't an additional 5 minutes allocated to the potential COST of a nuclear component in Australia's energy mix. How it would fit in and what we need. There were many learned specialists throughout the piece so I'm sure there'd be a few who could put some figures on it. Helps with the family debate. Or around the morning meeting was there an agenda here? That's ok. I know the answer. For the record, I'm pro nuclear. And the wind/solar issues are very real. Perhaps that might be part 2. I'm a little worried that a Cadbury chocolate could cost my 1 year old granddaughter $5! when the nuclear finally comes online! Seems CCS should be implemented ASAP. Coal will be, actually should be, with us for a bit longer than expected. But alas, with China burning that much coal one has to wonder ... is it all really worth the angst?
Well said Mr Uhlman. You nailed it with this documentary . The bottom line of the renewables and man made climate change nonsense is result of crisis of governance, The Crisis is the legacy of successive Lib/Lab governments serving corporate interests and foreign powers ahead of Australian people.
Both major parties have pursued policies concentrating economic and political power in a handful of big banks, retailers, resource giants, and media companies, who profit. At the same time, the public suffers from corruption at all government levels , cost-of-living and housing crises.
To my opinion Australian Citizens Party is the only one currently which works for people and aiming to save Australia from disaster . One Nation perhaps is an option ?
Next Fed election is critical to get rid of the current Lib / Lab 2 party preferred system and get really independent people in politics who are not career politicians and really working for people . My prefered party at the next election is Australian Citizens Party .
Mandatory viewing for every Australian.
The governments, especially Labour have effed up our future.
I just travelled to a small town about 110 kilometers south of Canberra and nearly half the small shop's have permanently closed due to cost of living and rising power costs. Our future is bleak.
How ironic this was just released as my energy bill is in the mailbox today. Up $100 a month in the past 18 months. Just shy of an average of 3k a year…
My sister in law has solar on her roof and she has No electricity bills! ... and the power she has fed to the grid ... They owe her over $2000. Glad she spent the money getting it done when my brother was laid off never to work again due to medical reasons. Now my Sis is his Carer and she is fighting to stay alive after blood cancer and being kept alive from immune system treatments. I am in a housing place and she says the government should put solar on all housing properties before it is too expensive to do it at all. I pay $90 a fortnight toward electricity out of my disability pension. Domestic electricity should not be such an issue.
Where is Duttons Plan, he was going to release it in March. Is this the beginning of many broken promises from Dutton. It's worth looking at the Hinkley C project, 1 reactor on a brown site, over $70 Billion AU and ten years behind in a nation with the expertise. What a joke.
Why is no other Australian media outlet interrogating the mathematics and economics of this subject? Do they think the Australian public are too thick to absorb the detail? As Meg O'Neill said, Australia's energy policy is about "aspiration". Fine, but as a high school maths teacher might say, "show us your working out".
The current government in Canada played the same card to Unfortunately stay in power this long.
You guys didn't have the advantage of your political leader being UNDENIABLY SHOWN to be mentally incompetent on a Presidential debate. The lying media really can't explain away that they never noticed that one.
Nineteen more days until we put that one behind us....
Great documentary..!! Every Australian 🇦🇺 has to watch this ..
This needs to be shown in schools also ..
13:39 seems like they want to leave us Australian’s all in the dark … like always . Just like the misinformation bill .. 🤬
52:15 😢 it’s destroying our land .. 😢 it’s destroying our agriculture… 😢 destroying everything .. 😢
9:13 - around $0.2 per kWh, not great not terrible... If this $1000 bill is her monthly payment, it means that she uses 5000kWh per month! That is close to my 4 person family house usage for half a year.
Why is off shore gas being given away to other countries?
It is being sold not given, but yes why?
Who is given this off shore gas and from where ?
@@binathere2574 sold for peanuts.
@@buildmotosykletist1987 ask wiki.
Great job Chris.
You’ve explained everything so very well.
Thank you.
Yes, he did an excellent job of presenting right-wing propaganda, but notice that he never provided the numbers to prove the assertion that renewables are making the price of electricity rise in Australia. The reason why over 80% of new electricity generation worldwide is now renewable is because wind and solar energy now have a lower levelized cost of energy than gas and coal, and the price of battery grid storage keeps dropping, so it will soon be cheaper to build new wind and solar plus storage than to keep running old gas and coal generation plants. Look at Lazard's numbers if you don't believe me.
Work it out people because we're slowly killing ourselves with this heavy pollution of the atmosphere….
Nuclear energy is the best renewable energy
Well its abundant but not renewable. I call it low carbon
Uranium fuel used in a nuclear reactor can be reprocessed and reused. Only about 5% of the energy in uranium fuel is used when it powers a reactor. That also dramatically reduces the amount of waste.
By contrast, wind turbines and solar panels consume vast amount of resources and are waste at the end of their useful life.
I'd call that renewable.
definitely nor renewable
My earlier post:
Make no mistake. Net zero is not possible. It’s a lie.
It was never about climate change, it's about control.
Yeah, but net-zero what? If it's the usual CO2 nonsense, then have a chat to the oceans/river systems of the world. That's where 97% of it originates, NATURALLY.
Sure it can be done, but the goal is to make all the money they can.
NetZero is all about money and control.