Calvi, baptised "Civitas Calvi semper fidelis" by Genua, Paoli never succeeded to take it between 1755 and 1769. He built l'Isula Rossa for ruining Calvi, writing : "Ho piantato le forche per impicare Calvi" ("I planted the gallows to hang Calvi").
Interesting video, thank you! I have a small suggestion: in the future, would it be possible to display on the map the places which are mentioned? (E.g. battlefields, places where treaties were signed, etc.)
The last exile of Pasquale Paoli, by order of King George III, was in october 1795, not 1796, so one year before the return of Corsica under French law. You should have talk about the crucial period going from the begining of french Revolution, in 1789, with, for instance, the important decree of 30th november 1789, the return of Paoli in Corsica, the 14th of July 1790 and so on, to the "anglo-corsican kingdom" proclaimed in april 1794.
@@missiavu my stepfather is quarter of Corsican and my stepfathers stepfather is Corsican and my stepaunt and stepuncle are corsican i'm scottish with alot of connection to corsica so i support corsican independence
The Pasquale Paoli's british sustainers were almost all Scottish, @@scintillate3492 , his dear friend James Boswell, for instance, author of "An account of Corsica - Memories of Pasquale Paoli", first published in 1768 and, then, translated in French, Italian, German and Dutch, a real bestseller in this time, even in the british colonies of northern America. A cosican historian, Michel Vergé-Franceschi, even discovered, some years ago, connections between Paoli, who was a freemason, and the Jacobites, even Bonnie Prince Charlie when the prince was in exile at Rome. In April 1790, when Paoli came to Paris, on the way to go back to Corsica, the first personnality he went to visit was the Duchess of Albany, Bonnie Prince Charlie's widow. The german adventurer, propably a british agent, Théodore Von Neuhoff, elected "King of Corsicans" in april 1736, whose reign lasted only 7 months, Giacintu Paoli, Pasquale's father, being his principal minister, was also a freemason and had connections with the Jacobite Party.
When he was at the head of Corsican Nation, @@scintillate3492 , Pasquale Paoli, in the 1760's decade, ordered to build a throne that standed in the main hall of the "Palazzu Naziunale", in Corti. He never sat on it, because, officially, it was "the throne of Liberty", but Michel Vergé-Franceschi thinks that Paoli had the idea to offer the Crown of the "Regno di Corsica" (officially, Corsica was a Kingdom even if it worked as a Republic in reality) to Bonnie Prince Charlie, and that this throne would have been for him. If that is true, maybe Paoli thought that, in an European Continent almost entirely ruled by the monarchic principle, to have a king, even a constitutionnal king, would be a garantee for an international recognition of the independant cosrsican State.
Certu, @@filipuucorsu6636 , certu e di sicuru, mà i dui ùn si ponu spiccà, separà, per pudé cuntinuà a esse sempre francesi, ci vola lasciaci esse o divintà dinù pienamente corsi, cumm'ell'eranu i nostri caccari e caccare, babboni et mammone, missiavi e minane chi, a volta, eranu schjetamente e naturalmente corsi, avendu tutti u corsu cumme lingua materna e d'ogni ghjornu, e si sintianu ardentamente francesi. Finalmente, un veru statutu cunstituziunale d'Autunumia interna in a Republica francesa, sarebbe l'ultima soluzione pè rimane francesi, l'ultimu murru contra l'avventura separatista.
@@missiavu cumpletamentu d'accusentu cu voi Ma l'autonomia di à nostra patria e cuntraria à a Republica ghjacubina Solu una Monarchia federale permettera di cumbina I duii destini
Parchi una "munarchia" federale, @@filipuucorsu6636 ?, a republica federale hé un mudellu chi esiste un po d'apertuttu in u mondu. Ùn ti scurdà chi ghjé a Munarchia francesa, mica a Republica, chi a tombu a Corsica Nazione in maghju 1769, chi a brusjiatu tanti paesi e impicatu i patrioti niulinchi in 1774. E po, ancu in a Republica ghjacubina, esistenu dui statuti cunstituziunali d'Autunumia interna, quiddu di a Nova-Caledonia e quiddu di a Pulinesia francesa.....
Yes, @@renaudvillanueva-luciani8836 , but the text of 1735 was a declaration of independence, not really a constitutionnal law, the first real Constitution was the one of 18th november 1755 written by Pasquale Paoli himself. The text of 1735 takes place in the pre-constitutional period of Corsican Revolution, the real constitutional period begining in november 1755.
I see all those comments about returning Corsica to their "right" owner lmfao like Corsica wants to be own by anyone. Do u want your country to be ruled by someone else? No? Well, me neither
When Poland was shared between Russia, Prussia and Austria during 130 years, @@IPlayWithFire135 , it was always a nation in the hearts of its people, and its rebirth came in 1919. Frenchies are blinds facing History and they never learn its lessons : 70 years ago, you could have ask : "who says Algeria is a country ? Algerian nationalists ?", we all knows what came then.... If France had recognised at time that Algeria was a "country" with its own national rights, maybe this country would have stay linked to France in a way or another, and nobody would have been obliged to leave it.....
I remember you, @@IPlayWithFire135 , that those you call "nationalists" have been democraticly elected to rule the territorial collectivity of Corsica, all corsicans, even the most "tricolors" among them, naturally considers that Corsica is their "country" and even when nobody, in the island, was "nationalist", neither "autonomist", they always called one another "compatriots"....
Corsica is not french, Corsica is not italian, Corsica is English ! If Crimea is from Russia, what it is for real, Corsica is from UK ! 1794 until 1796, and RIGHT NOW ! We want pubs and public toilets, we want nice people and culture !
Le royaume anglo-corse, @@dugenounonplie8162 , n'était nullement une annexion au Royaume-Uni, mais, bien au contraire, une sorte de préfiguration des futurs dominions, étant doté de sa propre constitution parlementaire, prévoyant notamment que la Catholicisme y était "religion d'Etat", ce qui eût été inconcevable en cas d'annexion pure et simple, tout en garantissant la liberté de culte à chacun, quelle que soit sa confession religieuse, et lié à la Couronne par le seul principe de "l'union personnelle", le roi Georges III étant également proclamé "roi de Corse" et représenté sur place par un vice-roi, sir Gilbert Elliott. Aujourd'hui, on ne parlerait même pas d'autonomie interne pour décrire cette construction institutionnelle, mais plutôt d'"État associé", comme Porto-Rico par rapport aux USA, par exemple. Dans la pratique, le vieux Paoli ne tarda pas à s'opposer à la politique menée par Sir Gilbert Elliot, écossais, le vice-roi nommé par Londres, laquelle méconnaissait de plus en plus les droits et libertés de la nation corse tels que garantis par la Constitution du royaume, et s'appuyait bien plus sur les ci-devants royalistes locaux revenus d'émigration, les vieux ennemis du "père de la patrie", que sur le parti des patriotes corses, Elliott n'hésitant pas à dénoncer les "tendances démocratiques" du vieux chef corse. Le climat se dégrada à tel point, entre eux, que le roi Georges finit par rappeler Paoli à Londres, poliment mais fermement, ce dernier s'embarquant pour son dernier exile en octobre 1795, soit une année entière avant la reconquête française de l'île, dans le sillage de la campagne d'Italie dirigée par Bonaparte.
@@missiavu Je vous rappellerai aussi que la Bretagne n'est pas légalement française, puisque le duc de Bretagne avait le privilège de ne pas se mettre à genoux devant le roi de France, la Révolution a ainsi usurpé l'intégration de la Bretagne qui aurait dû rester indépendante, comme le roi de Corse s'il était resté en place.
Holy Roman Empire republic Genua in 18th century? What a nonsens! In 15th century, perhaps until 1520s Northern Italy was only NOMINAL part of HRE, the german emperors or imperial institutions had in 18th century no more control over Northern Italy. The emperors of Habsburg family had territories there, but as peronal territory, not as HRE emperor.
I am corsican, @Britta Kriep, and i can confirm that imperial troops, commanded, first, in 1731, by colonel Wachtendonck, then, in 1732, with important renforcments, by the Duke of Wurttemberg himself, were asked to Vienna by Repubic of Genua and sent in Corsica to restaure Genuan order. In 1738, Genua asked the same thing to France and obtained it with the sending of french troops, first under the command of "comte de Boissieu", dead in december 1738, after his defeat in Borgu, by Corsicans (the first battle of Borgu), then, in 1739, by "marquis de Maillebois". It is not a german like you who will teach me the history of my little motherland.
@@missiavu : Je suis allemande, vrai. Je ne suis pas professeur de histoire, alors je ne connais pas la histoire de tout la monde! In late medieval time, Northern Italy became nearly independent, because the power of emperor and empire declined after the end of Hohenstaufen dynasty. In 11 to 13th century there had been many battles between italian forces ( of pope and city states) and german forces. Often the Italiens won, so starting in 14 th century the HRE and emperor had only few remaining influence in Northern Italy, when in 15th century Friedrich lll did his coronation trip to Rome, which was no more common, the italian cities and princes feared, a mighty emperor comes with a strong army to restore german rule, but they noticed, that a rather poor ruler with small retinue is coming. For the reason, the emperor was no danger, for a last time a HRE emperor was invited with pomp and honors by italian cities like 400 years before. But in the 1520s, when with Karl V for a last time an emperor did this Rome trip ,Reichsitalien' was only on paper still a part of HRE, only Savoy ( Departements Haute Savoi and Bas Savoi) remained in HRE up to early 17th century. So in 18 th century the emperors of HRE , being Austrian/ Habsburg family owned italian teritories, but this italian territories had not been part of HRE in those days, and the emperors ruled them not as HRE emperor. So i was surprised, when in the video l read that Republic of Genua was part of HRE , which is in 18th century no more true. Have i misinterpreted the writing? To me it seems that the Genua City Head of State asked the HRE emperor for help, perhaps remembering the fact, that Genua was once part of HRE, but for my knowledge of HRE, i have some doubts. I am from Württemberg and have never heared württembergian troops being in Korsika and many persons confuse HRE army (Reichsheer/Reichstruppen) with the Kaiserliche Armee, the troops from his own territories. So i hope, you understand my surprise and confusion. Your knowledge about the history of Korsika is better than mine, but Genua was in 1730s no more part of HRE. Parce que non français est mauvaise, j' ai ecritė en langue anglais.
The Genua's demands for imperial military intervention in Corsica, like, in 1738, the sames demands for french military intervention, were diplomatic demands, @@brittakriep2938 , no need, for that, to be part of the Holy Roman-Germanic Empire or of Kingdom of France. European great monarchies could not tolerate the rebellion of subjects againts their "legitimous sovraign", and, for them, Genua was the "legitimous sovraign" of Corsica. The only european powers to look corsican revolution with a certain interested sympathy, were the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia, but they sent piemontese troops, even austrian soldiers, Austria being at war against France and Genua, at that time, and british vessels in Corsica, only during the Austria succession war, in the years 1745-1748, sopped, in 1748-1749, by a second french military intervention, under the command of Marquis de Cursay, demanded by Genua. The french troops left, then, Corsica, in the end of 1752. Then, in 1753, Genua organized the murder of Ghjuvan-Petru Gaffory, leader of corsican patriots, and, after a time of disorder, the corsican insurgents asked for the return of Pasquale Paoli, in exile in Naples, with his father, Giacintu Paoli, one of the leaders of corsican revolutions in the 1730's decade, since 1739, when Pasquale was only aged of 14 years. Paoli arrived in Corsica in April 1755, was elected "capo generale della nazione" the 14th of july, and the Constitution written by him was adopted by the elected national representation de 18th of november, and, with him, began really the adventure and construction of the Corsican nation, for 14 years. Paoli was a freemason, in Naples he had been the pupil of the great italian enlightened philosopher and economist Antonio Genovesi, and he readed the "Esprit des lois" by Montesquieu. Paoli encountered the sympthy of enlightened philosophers like Voltaire and Rouseeau and even of "enlightened despotes" like Frederic II of Prussia and Tsarina Catarina II of Russia with wich he exchanged letters. The great Frederic even sent a gift to him, a sword with the words "Pugna pro Patria" written on its blade.
@@missiavu : I understand now, i misinterpreted the writen words as : Genua was part of HRE. This is, why i wrote of nonsens, not the history of Corsican attempt, to be an indepent republic. The fact, that you like your ,Heimat' is a thing, i, Brittas boyfriend do for for my swabian Heimat , also Germany as whole country. This behavior of you, me or other persons is not wrong, but the nationalistic times of our ancestors should not been repeated. In modern times, we should watch each others to see good ideas.
@@missiavu Le Corse n'existe pas comme il le croit d'après son habitus, l'origine génétique majoritaire est basque et gitan, sauf au Cap où les visages sont plus étroits et les cheveux noirs car issus des Ligures.
@@missiavu en fait la Corse est un rocher dur et stérile dont le relief a généré un caractère dur et stérile, surtout au moment où la dictature de la gouvernance mondiale s'installe et soumet les nations.
@@missiavu Que pensez-vous que les Chinois, prochains maîtres du Monde, feront de la Corse ? Croyez-vous que vous possèderez encore quelque chose après le great reset ?
Malta the vatican city san marino monaco ticino valais graubanden nice and savoy are also italian claims. so are you going to join the italian army and bring back those lands?
So i ghjenuvesi chi ci hannu vinduti a u Rè di Francia, "cumme una banda di pecure", pè ripiglià e parulle di Paoli, @@repubblicadigenovaball4960 , e all'epica l'odiu di i corsi era pè quiddu chi c'avia vinduti quant'a pè quiddu chi c'avia cumprati.
5:35 The city of Calvi is in the top-right "corner" of the island. Basically in the middle of that, almost diagonal, strip of coastline.
Calvi, baptised "Civitas Calvi semper fidelis" by Genua, Paoli never succeeded to take it between 1755 and 1769. He built l'Isula Rossa for ruining Calvi, writing : "Ho piantato le forche per impicare Calvi" ("I planted the gallows to hang Calvi").
Hi, would you like to do ''History of Silesia'' every year???
Interesting video, thank you!
I have a small suggestion: in the future, would it be possible to display on the map the places which are mentioned? (E.g. battlefields, places where treaties were signed, etc.)
Not a single word about the important period going from 1741 to 1754, with the central figure of Ghjuvan-Petru Gaffory, murdered in 1753 ?
2:40 never ask the French to helpp!!!!! NEVEERRRRRRR
Can we ask to corsican to helpp ????? NEVEERRRRRR
The last exile of Pasquale Paoli, by order of King George III, was in october 1795, not 1796, so one year before the return of Corsica under French law. You should have talk about the crucial period going from the begining of french Revolution, in 1789, with, for instance, the important decree of 30th november 1789, the return of Paoli in Corsica, the 14th of July 1790 and so on, to the "anglo-corsican kingdom" proclaimed in april 1794.
Libertà per a Corsica
E torna !! Hai ingullitu un discu o cosa, tù ?...
@@missiavu my stepfather is quarter of Corsican and my stepfathers stepfather is Corsican and my stepaunt and stepuncle are corsican i'm scottish with alot of connection to corsica so i support corsican independence
The Pasquale Paoli's british sustainers were almost all Scottish, @@scintillate3492 , his dear friend James Boswell, for instance, author of "An account of Corsica - Memories of Pasquale Paoli", first published in 1768 and, then, translated in French, Italian, German and Dutch, a real bestseller in this time, even in the british colonies of northern America. A cosican historian, Michel Vergé-Franceschi, even discovered, some years ago, connections between Paoli, who was a freemason, and the Jacobites, even Bonnie Prince Charlie when the prince was in exile at Rome. In April 1790, when Paoli came to Paris, on the way to go back to Corsica, the first personnality he went to visit was the Duchess of Albany, Bonnie Prince Charlie's widow. The german adventurer, propably a british agent, Théodore Von Neuhoff, elected "King of Corsicans" in april 1736, whose reign lasted only 7 months, Giacintu Paoli, Pasquale's father, being his principal minister, was also a freemason and had connections with the Jacobite Party.
When he was at the head of Corsican Nation, @@scintillate3492 , Pasquale Paoli, in the 1760's decade, ordered to build a throne that standed in the main hall of the "Palazzu Naziunale", in Corti. He never sat on it, because, officially, it was "the throne of Liberty", but Michel Vergé-Franceschi thinks that Paoli had the idea to offer the Crown of the "Regno di Corsica" (officially, Corsica was a Kingdom even if it worked as a Republic in reality) to Bonnie Prince Charlie, and that this throne would have been for him. If that is true, maybe Paoli thought that, in an European Continent almost entirely ruled by the monarchic principle, to have a king, even a constitutionnal king, would be a garantee for an international recognition of the independant cosrsican State.
Hum no
This is actually amazing for me, I’m from capraia 😅😅 un saluto ai miei fratelli corsi
Belle île, l'île de beauté
The bad ending
Everyone is gangsta till the frenchs start surrendering
@@missiavu ok j’arrête
Tu craches sur la patrie ?
@@crkcrk702 Bouffon vas
@@adrien5116 désolé
A populu fattu bisogna a marchja
Tutti sotta la sacra bandera bianc'ornata di a testa mora, ùn c'hé corsu chi pienghje o si lagna, u nemicu ùn po chi rinculà.......
Ma prima corsu
E sempre francesu
A salute
Certu, @@filipuucorsu6636 , certu e di sicuru, mà i dui ùn si ponu spiccà, separà, per pudé cuntinuà a esse sempre francesi, ci vola lasciaci esse o divintà dinù pienamente corsi, cumm'ell'eranu i nostri caccari e caccare, babboni et mammone, missiavi e minane chi, a volta, eranu schjetamente e naturalmente corsi, avendu tutti u corsu cumme lingua materna e d'ogni ghjornu, e si sintianu ardentamente francesi. Finalmente, un veru statutu cunstituziunale d'Autunumia interna in a Republica francesa, sarebbe l'ultima soluzione pè rimane francesi, l'ultimu murru contra l'avventura separatista.
@@missiavu cumpletamentu d'accusentu cu voi
Ma l'autonomia di à nostra patria e cuntraria à a Republica ghjacubina
Solu una Monarchia federale permettera di cumbina I duii destini
Parchi una "munarchia" federale, @@filipuucorsu6636 ?, a republica federale hé un mudellu chi esiste un po d'apertuttu in u mondu. Ùn ti scurdà chi ghjé a Munarchia francesa, mica a Republica, chi a tombu a Corsica Nazione in maghju 1769, chi a brusjiatu tanti paesi e impicatu i patrioti niulinchi in 1774. E po, ancu in a Republica ghjacubina, esistenu dui statuti cunstituziunali d'Autunumia interna, quiddu di a Nova-Caledonia e quiddu di a Pulinesia francesa.....
A constitution in 1735???
Yes, Corsicans are the creator of the first European constitution
@@renaudvillanueva-luciani8836 always knew the french couldn’t have been the first to do such a great thing
constitutions definetly existed before that
@@Astro_Guy_1 magna charts is definitely not a constitution
Yes, @@renaudvillanueva-luciani8836 , but the text of 1735 was a declaration of independence, not really a constitutionnal law, the first real Constitution was the one of 18th november 1755 written by Pasquale Paoli himself. The text of 1735 takes place in the pre-constitutional period of Corsican Revolution, the real constitutional period begining in november 1755.
Chad Paoli
Free Corsica!
Yeah but actually no
*insert Mario's "No"*
Corsica to Italy
Ahahah look how bad corsica welcomed Italia in ww2
@@Hugo-cn9no ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@@luigiapessato6617 awkward
@@Hugo-cn9no 😔
I see all those comments about returning Corsica to their "right" owner lmfao like Corsica wants to be own by anyone. Do u want your country to be ruled by someone else? No? Well, me neither
Who says Corsica is a country? Corsican nationalists?
No, @@IPlayWithFire135 , Corsica'History, particulary its Constitution of 18th november 1755 that use the word "nazione"....
People and things can claim to be what they want. But are they actually? We're not talking about facts, but desires.
When Poland was shared between Russia, Prussia and Austria during 130 years, @@IPlayWithFire135 , it was always a nation in the hearts of its people, and its rebirth came in 1919. Frenchies are blinds facing History and they never learn its lessons : 70 years ago, you could have ask : "who says Algeria is a country ? Algerian nationalists ?", we all knows what came then.... If France had recognised at time that Algeria was a "country" with its own national rights, maybe this country would have stay linked to France in a way or another, and nobody would have been obliged to leave it.....
I remember you, @@IPlayWithFire135 , that those you call "nationalists" have been democraticly elected to rule the territorial collectivity of Corsica, all corsicans, even the most "tricolors" among them, naturally considers that Corsica is their "country" and even when nobody, in the island, was "nationalist", neither "autonomist", they always called one another "compatriots"....
Corsica is not french, Corsica is not italian, Corsica is English !
If Crimea is from Russia, what it is for real, Corsica is from UK !
1794 until 1796, and RIGHT NOW ! We want pubs and public toilets, we want nice people and culture !
Corsican go home to sardaigna !
Le royaume anglo-corse, @@dugenounonplie8162 , n'était nullement une annexion au Royaume-Uni, mais, bien au contraire, une sorte de préfiguration des futurs dominions, étant doté de sa propre constitution parlementaire, prévoyant notamment que la Catholicisme y était "religion d'Etat", ce qui eût été inconcevable en cas d'annexion pure et simple, tout en garantissant la liberté de culte à chacun, quelle que soit sa confession religieuse, et lié à la Couronne par le seul principe de "l'union personnelle", le roi Georges III étant également proclamé "roi de Corse" et représenté sur place par un vice-roi, sir Gilbert Elliott. Aujourd'hui, on ne parlerait même pas d'autonomie interne pour décrire cette construction institutionnelle, mais plutôt d'"État associé", comme Porto-Rico par rapport aux USA, par exemple. Dans la pratique, le vieux Paoli ne tarda pas à s'opposer à la politique menée par Sir Gilbert Elliot, écossais, le vice-roi nommé par Londres, laquelle méconnaissait de plus en plus les droits et libertés de la nation corse tels que garantis par la Constitution du royaume, et s'appuyait bien plus sur les ci-devants royalistes locaux revenus d'émigration, les vieux ennemis du "père de la patrie", que sur le parti des patriotes corses, Elliott n'hésitant pas à dénoncer les "tendances démocratiques" du vieux chef corse. Le climat se dégrada à tel point, entre eux, que le roi Georges finit par rappeler Paoli à Londres, poliment mais fermement, ce dernier s'embarquant pour son dernier exile en octobre 1795, soit une année entière avant la reconquête française de l'île, dans le sillage de la campagne d'Italie dirigée par Bonaparte.
@@missiavu Je n'ai pas parlé d'annexion, le Pays de Galles et l'Ecosse ne sont pas "annexés" !
@@missiavu Vous oubliez la raison militaire, le danger que représentait alors la flotte espagnole, ce qui fait que les Anglais avaient trop d'ennemis.
@@missiavu Je vous rappellerai aussi que la Bretagne n'est pas légalement française, puisque le duc de Bretagne avait le privilège de ne pas se mettre à genoux devant le roi de France, la Révolution a ainsi usurpé l'intégration de la Bretagne qui aurait dû rester indépendante, comme le roi de Corse s'il était resté en place.
Holy Roman Empire republic Genua in 18th century? What a nonsens! In 15th century, perhaps until 1520s Northern Italy was only NOMINAL part of HRE, the german emperors or imperial institutions had in 18th century no more control over Northern Italy. The emperors of Habsburg family had territories there, but as peronal territory, not as HRE emperor.
I am corsican, @Britta Kriep, and i can confirm that imperial troops, commanded, first, in 1731, by colonel Wachtendonck, then, in 1732, with important renforcments, by the Duke of Wurttemberg himself, were asked to Vienna by Repubic of Genua and sent in Corsica to restaure Genuan order. In 1738, Genua asked the same thing to France and obtained it with the sending of french troops, first under the command of "comte de Boissieu", dead in december 1738, after his defeat in Borgu, by Corsicans (the first battle of Borgu), then, in 1739, by "marquis de Maillebois". It is not a german like you who will teach me the history of my little motherland.
@@missiavu : Je suis allemande, vrai. Je ne suis pas professeur de histoire, alors je ne connais pas la histoire de tout la monde! In late medieval time, Northern Italy became nearly independent, because the power of emperor and empire declined after the end of Hohenstaufen dynasty. In 11 to 13th century there had been many battles between italian forces ( of pope and city states) and german forces. Often the Italiens won, so starting in 14 th century the HRE and emperor had only few remaining influence in Northern Italy, when in 15th century Friedrich lll did his coronation trip to Rome, which was no more common, the italian cities and princes feared, a mighty emperor comes with a strong army to restore german rule, but they noticed, that a rather poor ruler with small retinue is coming. For the reason, the emperor was no danger, for a last time a HRE emperor was invited with pomp and honors by italian cities like 400 years before. But in the 1520s, when with Karl V for a last time an emperor did this Rome trip ,Reichsitalien' was only on paper still a part of HRE, only Savoy ( Departements Haute Savoi and Bas Savoi) remained in HRE up to early 17th century. So in 18 th century the emperors of HRE , being Austrian/ Habsburg family owned italian teritories, but this italian territories had not been part of HRE in those days, and the emperors ruled them not as HRE emperor.
So i was surprised, when in the video l read that Republic of Genua was part of HRE , which is in 18th century no more true. Have i misinterpreted the writing? To me it seems that the Genua City Head of State asked the HRE emperor for help, perhaps remembering the fact, that Genua was once part of HRE, but for my knowledge of HRE, i have some doubts. I am from Württemberg and have never heared württembergian troops being in Korsika and many persons confuse HRE army (Reichsheer/Reichstruppen) with the Kaiserliche Armee, the troops from his own territories.
So i hope, you understand my surprise and confusion. Your knowledge about the history of Korsika is better than mine, but Genua was in 1730s no more part of HRE. Parce que non français est mauvaise, j' ai ecritė en langue anglais.
The Genua's demands for imperial military intervention in Corsica, like, in 1738, the sames demands for french military intervention, were diplomatic demands, @@brittakriep2938 , no need, for that, to be part of the Holy Roman-Germanic Empire or of Kingdom of France. European great monarchies could not tolerate the rebellion of subjects againts their "legitimous sovraign", and, for them, Genua was the "legitimous sovraign" of Corsica. The only european powers to look corsican revolution with a certain interested sympathy, were the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia, but they sent piemontese troops, even austrian soldiers, Austria being at war against France and Genua, at that time, and british vessels in Corsica, only during the Austria succession war, in the years 1745-1748, sopped, in 1748-1749, by a second french military intervention, under the command of Marquis de Cursay, demanded by Genua. The french troops left, then, Corsica, in the end of 1752. Then, in 1753, Genua organized the murder of Ghjuvan-Petru Gaffory, leader of corsican patriots, and, after a time of disorder, the corsican insurgents asked for the return of Pasquale Paoli, in exile in Naples, with his father, Giacintu Paoli, one of the leaders of corsican revolutions in the 1730's decade, since 1739, when Pasquale was only aged of 14 years. Paoli arrived in Corsica in April 1755, was elected "capo generale della nazione" the 14th of july, and the Constitution written by him was adopted by the elected national representation de 18th of november, and, with him, began really the adventure and construction of the Corsican nation, for 14 years. Paoli was a freemason, in Naples he had been the pupil of the great italian enlightened philosopher and economist Antonio Genovesi, and he readed the "Esprit des lois" by Montesquieu. Paoli encountered the sympthy of enlightened philosophers like Voltaire and Rouseeau and even of "enlightened despotes" like Frederic II of Prussia and Tsarina Catarina II of Russia with wich he exchanged letters. The great Frederic even sent a gift to him, a sword with the words "Pugna pro Patria" written on its blade.
Korsika ist mein liebt Heimat, @@brittakriep2938 .....
@@missiavu : I understand now, i misinterpreted the writen words as : Genua was part of HRE. This is, why i wrote of nonsens, not the history of Corsican attempt, to be an indepent republic.
The fact, that you like your ,Heimat' is a thing, i, Brittas boyfriend do for for my swabian Heimat , also Germany as whole country. This behavior of you, me or other persons is not wrong, but the nationalistic times of our ancestors should not been repeated. In modern times, we should watch each others to see good ideas.
Corsica has been english and must return to UK ! Il live in Corsica, and I want a english Corsica !
Tu vis sans doute en Corse, @Dugenou Nonplie, mais ça m'étonnerait beaucoup que tu sois corse pour autant, avec tes posts à la con.....
@@missiavu Basta cusi !
@@missiavu Le Corse n'existe pas comme il le croit d'après son habitus, l'origine génétique majoritaire est basque et gitan, sauf au Cap où les visages sont plus étroits et les cheveux noirs car issus des Ligures.
@@missiavu en fait la Corse est un rocher dur et stérile dont le relief a généré un caractère dur et stérile, surtout au moment où la dictature de la gouvernance mondiale s'installe et soumet les nations.
@@missiavu Que pensez-vous que les Chinois, prochains maîtres du Monde, feront de la Corse ? Croyez-vous que vous possèderez encore quelque chose après le great reset ?
Corsica is rightfully Italian 🇮🇹 return to your motherland
And South Tyrol is rightfull Austrian Claim as welll bud
Malta the vatican city san marino monaco ticino valais graubanden nice and savoy are also italian claims. so are you going to join the italian army and bring back those lands?
We are not italians, we are corsicans
Restore the Roman Empire first
@@romaincristiani6748 poo poo doo do ducking doo doo I swear man just like ducking shut
Corsica is French !
more Italian than French but ok
And, above all, more Corsican than Italian and French, @@clearwaterrevival1984 .....
@@missiavu yes i support independent Corsica
Autonomous Corsica would be enough, for the moment, @@clearwaterrevival1984 , only the people can democraticly decide for independance or not....
China belongs to ROC
Corsica is genoese 🏴🏴🏴
L' emu cacciati a calc'in culu, i ghjenuvesi...
@@missiavu sure,infact now Corsica Is wait
Libertà per a Corsica
@@scintillate3492 meglio indipendente che francese
So i ghjenuvesi chi ci hannu vinduti a u Rè di Francia, "cumme una banda di pecure", pè ripiglià e parulle di Paoli, @@repubblicadigenovaball4960 , e all'epica l'odiu di i corsi era pè quiddu chi c'avia vinduti quant'a pè quiddu chi c'avia cumprati.