The Science Of Sexual And Gender Fluidity with Lisa Diamond

  • Опубліковано 19 жов 2024
  • Lisa M. Diamond is Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Gender Studies at the University of Utah, and president-elect of the International Academy for Sex Research. For nearly 3 decades, she has studied the development and expression of gender and sexuality across the life course. Her current work focuses on the biobehavioral mechanisms through which social stigma, social stress, and social safety shape the health and well-being of sexually-diverse and gender-diverse individuals at different stages of development. Dr. Diamond is best known for her research on sexual fluidity, which describes the capacity for individuals to experience unexpected shifts in sexual identity and expression over time. Her 2008 book, Sexual Fluidity, published by Harvard University Press, has been awarded the Distinguished Book Award from the American Psychological Association’s Society for the Study of LGBTQ Issues. Dr. Diamond is also co-editor of the first-ever APA Handbook of Sexuality and Psychology, published in 2014, and is a fellow of two divisions of the APA. She has published over 140 articles and book chapters, and has been invited to present her research at over 150 national and international Universities and conferences. Dr. Diamond has received awards for her work from the Developmental Psychology and LGBT Psychology Divisions of the APA, the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, the International Association for Relationship Research, the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, and the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Her current work focuses on the importance of social safety (unconditional social connection, inclusion, and protection) for the human immune system, and the negative long term health implications of living with chronic unsafety in one’s day-to-day life. Dr. Diamond also studies religious trauma among sexually-diverse and gender-diverse individuals raised in the Mormon church, and the factors that promote adjustment and acceptance among this population and their families.
    How do your genes influence your sexual orientation? How can a person’s gender be fluid if they have a single biological sex? Are some individuals more likely than others to experience changes in their gender or sexuality? Do gender and sexual fluidity exist in other cultures? If gender and sexuality are fluid, does this mean that people can willfully change their own gender or sexuality?
    Historically, both gender and sexual orientation have been viewed as static traits -- characteristics that we possess intrinsically and innately from the moment of birth. Certainly, both gender and sexual orientation are known to be genetically influenced. Yet genetic influence is not the same as genetic determination, and studies consistently show that many individuals experience their gender and their sexual orientation as fluid rather than fixed - capable of change and expansion over the life course.
    But what exactly does this mean? Is sexual/gender fluidity a fluke of our modern era, or is it an inherent human capacity? What do we know about its evolutionary and biological basis? What does sexual and gender fluidity tell us about genetic influences on gender and sexuality? Is everyone’s gender and sexuality somewhat flexible, or are some individuals more fluid than others? If so, why? Does the existence of sexual and gender fluidity pose a challenge for LGBTQ+ advocacy and legal rights?
    In this talk, Lisa Diamond will answer these questions and leave you with a host of new ones. She will review the current “state-of-the-science” regarding fluidity in gender and sexual expression, and I will address both the scientific and social implications of treating sexual/gender fluidity as normative rather than exceptional experiences.
    Event held in English with the generous support of the Novo Nordisk Foundation.
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  • @glennewell2436
    @glennewell2436 9 місяців тому +7

    Was finding the sexual fluidity half of the talk interesting and indeed thought provoking but then she moved onto gender fluidity which came across as bizarre and silly. I think she began as a serious scientist but to remain 'relevant' had to cross over to the dark side. Lisa if you want to know why we have social/cultural preferences just pick up any book on anthropology and read about tribalism.

    • @peterjohn8625
      @peterjohn8625 9 місяців тому

      Well said.

    • @iam1smiley1
      @iam1smiley1 7 місяців тому

      More like flawed theories that no one but people who live in their parents basement has time to study....the rest of us work and raise families 😂

  • @gbw1972
    @gbw1972 10 місяців тому +5

    Gender fluidity kinda makes sexual orientation identities completely meaningless.

    • @iam1smiley1
      @iam1smiley1 7 місяців тому

      Yup! Confusing to the one but your lover has time for these games and what does, who you choose too screw matter at work or school anyways? 😂
      Most of us spend our days working and not reading this BS in Mommy's basement....we don't have time for this.

    • @janx8695
      @janx8695 6 місяців тому

      There seems to be some kind of political agenda? to push the fluidity narrative and to ignore the scientific research and biological explanations for gender and sexual orientation. if sexual orientation is flexible and changeable( and anyone can be gay) rather than rigid and fixed, doesn’t this also mean that anyone can be made to be straight? how's that not an argument for conversion therapy?
      I'm not exactly sure what their reasons are, but from the research I've done it strongly supports gender and sexual orientation being biological. It shows that biology dictates whether we are gender-typical or atypical and the partners we are sexually attracted to. Attraction is the most accurate representation of a person’s true sexual orientation because identity and behavior can be context-dependent. People may change the identity labels they use and who they have sex with but sexual attractions are stable over time. Sexual orientation is a pattern of desire, not of behaviour or sexual acts per se. It is not a simple act of will or a performance.
      When sperm fertilizes an egg at conception, the baby will be either female or male. This biology will influence hormonal exposure in the womb, as well as the child’s resulting gender identity. At about seven weeks, if the embryo is male, the testes will begin to secrete testosterone, masculinizing the brain. If the embryo is female, this process does not occur. This exposure to testosteron has a powerful effect on the ways in which male and female brains grow before the brain has finished developing in the utero. Testosterone exposure alters the programming of neural stem cells responsible for brain growth, leading to differences between the sexes.
      Gay men have had a lower exposer than your average male and lesbian women have had a higher exposure a than the average woman. Neuroscientific studies have shown that the brains of lesbians are partially masculinized and gay mens partially feminized. Patterns of brain organisation appear similar between gay men and heterosexual women and between lesbian women and heterosexual men. Gay men appear, on average, more “female typical” in brain pattern responses and lesbian women are more “male typical”. Differences in brain organisation mean differences in psychology and study after study show differences in cognition between heterosexual and gay people. Gay mens brains are also structured like those of heterosexual females and lesbians structured similar to heterosexual mens.Thus gay differences are not just about who you fancy. They are reflected in our psychology and the ways we relate to others. The influence of biology runs throughout our sexual and gendered lives.
      Researchers across a a variety of animal models changing the amount of testosterone that an animal is exposed to changes whether they are sexually interested in same-sex or opposite-sex mates qnd also whether they would be more female typical or male typical. Gendered interests are predicted by testosterone exposure in utero. Higher levels are associated with male-typical interests and behaviours, regardless of whether the baby is male or female. These include a preference for mechanically interesting objects and systemizing occupations in adulthood. Lower levels are associated with a preference for people orientated activities and occupations. stemming from evolutionary roots. Women. who are tasked with the role of bearing children, evolved to be more sociable, empathic, and people focused, while men, as hunter-gatherers, were rewarded for strong visuopatial skills and ability to build and use tools. That's why science, technology, engerneering and mathematics fields tend to be dominated by men.
      Boys, are typically exposed to higher levels of testosterone in the womb, and ten
      d to gravitate toward mechanical toys and ,mechanically interesting activities, like playing with wheeled toys, trucks and related occupations in adulthood. and being sexually attracted to women upon reaching puberty. A boy who is exposed to lower levels of testosterone is more likely to be female-typical when he is born, gravitating toward toys and activities that girls prefer, since girls are also generally exposed to lower levels of testosterone. He will also be sexually attracted to men in adulthood. Testosterone is needed to “masculinize” a prenatal brain; if that doesn’t happen, the child will grow up to desire men.
      The same can be said for girls who experience high levels of testosterone exposure. As shown in girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia, even if their parents give them more encouragement for playing with dolls, they will still prefer toys typical to boys because greater exposure to testosterone in utero is associated with male-typical interests. They are also more likely to be attracted to women. Rough-and-tumble play, which is behavior typically seen in little boys, is less common in gay men and more common in lesbian women, due to lesser and greater masculinization of the brain, respectively. Childhood gender nonconformity refers to sex-atypical behaviours, interests, hobbies, activity levels, and play partner preferences before the age of 12. 75% of boys demonstrating CGN will grow up to be gay or bisexual due to the prenatal environment and the extent to which hormones masculinized the developing brain.
      Brains that are exposed to lower levels of testosterone, conversely, are more efficient at empathizing. Girls show a preference for socially engaging activities and occupations. This difference between children regarding preferences for people versus things is detectable within the first two days of life. Baby girls preferred looking at their caregivers’ faces and baby boys preferred looking at mechanical mobiles. Babies as young as nine months old have shown gender differences in the toys they choose. Again, girls preferred playing with dolls and boys gravitated toward trucks and cars. This was before they’re able to even recognize gender as a concept, something that generally happens at around eighteen months to two years old. We also see the same behavior in our primate relatives, including vervet and rhesus monkeys. Despite lacking socialization from their caregivers or other monkeys, young female monkeys will choose dolls, and male monkeys will choose wheeled toys, similar to what is observed in human babies.
      No one is 100% male typical or 100% female typical, but homosexual people are generally more atypical than heterosexual people. Socialization theories, which were dominant in the 1900s, favored the idea that children were born "undifferentiated" and were socialized into gender roles and sexual orientation. This led to medical experiments in which newborn and infant boys were surgically reassigned into girls after accidents such as botched circumcisions. These males were then reared and raised as females without telling the boys, which, contrary to expectations, did not make them feminine nor attracted to men. All published cases providing sexual orientation grew up to be strongly attracted to women. All were more male typical in the interests and behaviours from a young age and most choose to identify back as male on finding out in adulthood their birth sex. The failure of these experiments demonstrate that socialization effects do not induce feminine type behavior in males, nor make them attracted to men, and that the organizational effects of hormones on the fetal brain prior to birth have permanent effects. These are indicative of 'nature', not nurture, at least with regards to male sexual orientation.
      Socialization shapes the extent to which our gender is expressed or suppressed, but it doesn’t dictate whether someone will be masculine or feminine, or whether she or he will be gender-conforming or gender-atypical. Whether a trait is deemed “masculine” or “feminine” is culturally defined, but whether a person gravitates toward traits that are considered masculine or feminine is driven by biology. For someone who is gender-nonconforming this is similarly influenced by biology, but the extent to which they will feel comfortable expressing their gender nonconformity (through, say, the way they dress or carry themselves) will be influenced by social factors, like parental upbringing and cultural messaging. Societal influence cannot, however, override biology. No matter how much parents or teachers or peers frown upon gender nonconformity (or gender conformity, for that matter), a person will gravitate toward the same interests and behaviors, but he or she may feel more inclined to hide that part of themselves. social influences can affect the extent to which a person’s interests and behaviors are expressed, but they cannot override the underlying preferences themselves.
      No matter how much freedom a child is given, most will, time and time again, pick out gender-typical toys to play with and exhibit personality traits typical of their sex. If you try to force kids to play with opposite-sex toys when they prefer toys typical to their sex, they will be bored, or alternatively, will get creative. Boys, upon being given dolls, will swing them around mercilessly by the hair as though they are a weapon. Girls will arrange toy trucks into a family and tuck them into bed. A girl or boy who is gender-atypical will turn away from these cues if they're truly not interested. For gender-nonconforming kids who are bombarded with societal messaging about masculinity or femininity through movies and online games, they will say, “I don’t want to watch this,” or “I don’t want to play this,” and “Where are the ones for boys?” or "where are the ones for girls?" Gender-nonconforming girls and boys don’t need the world to tell them to be nonconforming; they will already be that way, from the moment they are born.

    • @sierra3646
      @sierra3646 2 місяці тому +1

      @@iam1smiley1obviously you have all the time if you are here commenting.

  • @kev-larscuba2323
    @kev-larscuba2323 9 місяців тому +6

    I hope this woman doesn’t really believe she represents science in any fashion. I’m an hour into her talk and I haven’t heard her say a single, intelligent thing.

  • @johnnimbus8761
    @johnnimbus8761 8 місяців тому +2

    The science of gender diversity (Olympic rings analogy) must be affirming to gender diverse folk. As this research continues to link science to the human experience I hope the rigidity of the binary (both cis and non cis) are replaced by respect for the individual's choice. The arbitrary view of gender based on external features loses traction and functions/tools such as gender reassignment interventions become less needed as these can lock a person into a gender (externalised) that may be difficult to retreat from later.

  • @petersq5532
    @petersq5532 9 місяців тому +1

    56:05: smoking: aaaa ...the probability of addiction is predisposed by 70%. not the smoking itself.....

    • @cswanson4476
      @cswanson4476 4 місяці тому

      Wrong. Read the research. Start with, oh, I don’t know, how about:
      Liu, M. et al. Association studies of up to 1.2 million individuals yield new insights into the genetic etiology of tobacco and alcohol use. _Nat. Genet._ 51, 237-244 (2019).
      Erzurumluoglu, A. M. et al. Meta-analysis of up to 622,409 individuals identifies 40 novel smoking behaviour associated genetic loci. _Mol. Psychiatry_ 25, 2392-2409 (2020).
      The researchers in both those papers, and dozens of others investigating the genetics of smoking, explicitly differentiate between general predispositions to addiction and specific predispositions to smoking and nicotine dependence.

  • @JurOz1980
    @JurOz1980 10 місяців тому +6

    80 views 2 likes. Good to see only 2 in 80 people need help. 2 bad we cant see the dislikes anymore

    • @iam1smiley1
      @iam1smiley1 7 місяців тому

      Dislikes are more fun to see on some videos. Thousands of dislikes don't push the narrative as well though 😂

  • @petersq5532
    @petersq5532 9 місяців тому

    53:50: wtf....30% inheritability doesnt mean that what she says. it means that if you into same-sex it is determined by 30% by heretability and 70% of environment. it doesnt mean that the other twin is same sex in 30%. it has nothing to do with the probability of orientation!!!! that's bad science
    the interesting question is that that 30% is enough to be deterministical or only predispose. if the second is true child fostering and social influence has the main culprit. I reckon though that's the actual gene penetration is wildly varies between exclusively same and bi individuals. so no clear answer, individual cases apply.

  • @peterjohn8625
    @peterjohn8625 10 місяців тому +8

    Science? LMAO 😂😂🤣🤣

  • @JurOz1980
    @JurOz1980 10 місяців тому +4

    Lets put behaviour in a box of man or woman, and if we dont fit the box perfectly then dont question if we put the right behaviours in the box, but question biology and call that science 🤦🏻‍♂️ these people are so dumb its sad for all the people that damage there self for the rest of there life. I really hope these people are going to jail for there lies and damage they do to society and children.

  • @uzileradebe
    @uzileradebe 5 місяців тому

    Tough crowd

  • @petersq5532
    @petersq5532 9 місяців тому +1

    such sort of studies are useful. it thought me that these people are not the brightest one, and they cant even decide what they want but desperate to categories themself . it also shows they are emotionally unstable. it also shows that all the hassle about these are useless pseudoscience. so there is a lot to learn from such a study

  • @jennylewis3244
    @jennylewis3244 10 місяців тому +2


  • @petersq5532
    @petersq5532 9 місяців тому

    55:20: waaaa.. . .. stop it.... there are many traits and defects determined by a, single gene. they called monogenetic trait. these are generally quantitative features. many others, qualitative traits have poligenetic background. complex psychological traits dominantly poligenetic.

  • @wmgodfrey1770
    @wmgodfrey1770 9 місяців тому

    People are good to want to believe IT. THAT there's a question as to whether there's a possibility of a biological determinant. WHILE speaker repeats that there's no, none, ZERO evidence for THIS hypothesis or question, she's STILL giving space for the belief in THIS proposition. YET, while it's important to give space for those WHOM are confronted with THIS Way or these Ways of Being, Living, and Knowing... IT is STILL 👿 to include the fact that there's MANY possibilities in terms of the Causal Factors for IT. AND, the questions and potential etiologies or driving Forces or the Attractors for THIS variant, variable, MAYBE biological BUT PERHAPS non-evolutionary (in purpose) Way of Being. INCLUDING Sociological, Psychological, Chemical (Endocrine Disruptors, e.g., Forever Chemicals NAMELY the PFAS's, PFOAs, PFOSs, DDT, & other Estrogen-like substances), Traumatic, Congenital, Epigenetic, outliers in DNA genotype vs. phenotype, ETC.

    • @petersq5532
      @petersq5532 9 місяців тому

      at around 30:40 she mocking the bu now absolute concept of choice to have different orientation. that indicates she accept the genetical/biological determination.

    • @iam1smiley1
      @iam1smiley1 7 місяців тому

      I think it has more to do with social contagion, popularity and demonizing of normalcy.

  • @ikik3406
    @ikik3406 10 місяців тому +2

    Bla bla bla poep...