重遊加拿大母校,往事一一回味,堅拒被欺凌,最懷念走廊和同窗共渡時光(2019/08/04)【慳錢CEO |
- Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
- 這次不是帶大家去食喝玩樂,而是讓大家和我一起回到我的中學,陪我重遊舊地。畢業了這麼多年都沒有回去中學,那些往事再次重現我腦海中。今次一別又不知是多少年後會在回來,大家一起去看看我的母校吧!~星期日晚又有我的生活點滴陪伴大家,看後如喜歡的給我一個"Like",亦請分享給身邊朋友。如有任何想我拍攝的主題,亦歡迎在下面留言和大家交流一下! :) ►Follow My IG: @gregory_sy
Langstaff #好時光 #明年回加拿大 #施visit #vlog
Oh you're my C Dai, cool cool
好鍾意你讀書攞高分和sharing, 正!
We are the same age and same area! but went to catholic school. Good old days..I also went back to my school 50th anniversary and one person in my grade is now a gym teacher.
Im from langstaff as well, good old days
I certainly empathize with your feelings!
We landed in Australia in the year 1978. After
graduated from DGS , went to U.S.and got a Sociology degree, worked for HK Government for a very short while, then migrated to Australia with my husband.My son was borned in the States. In Australia, I worked for the Govetnment; private companies for a very short while. Eventually decided to stay home and be a fill time mom. I t was extremely hard work. I was from a well off family, but I can cook as DGS offered us cocking classes. But, cooking is not of my interest at all.
As a Christian, I read books after books , all written by Christians doctors , psychiatrist how to raise up a Christian child! Looking back now, it was lots of hard work . Now, I can reap what I have harvested( of course with God's help).
He is a Christian lawyer. Leading a simple life. I recalled
at the age of 25, he resigned from his position,
went to U.S. to be the ambassador for JC . This lasted for 2 years. When he came back to Australia, the first thing he said to me is" Thank you for teaching me and guiding me all these years....." . I remembered I taught my son different kinds of Christian ethics regarding gambling, smoking , investing......and one day, each Christian is accountable to his/ her own actions ....also, how we manage our $, which is from Him....
I strongly believe The Bible is the place which gives best insights to how to disciplain your children. Proverbs 22 ; Proverbs 29: 17;
Ephesians 6:4....
2017年暑假我帶埋老婆仔女返母校Agincourt C.I.,心情就同你完全一樣好興奮
一開始英文識唔識溝通? 點克服?