Mat you are a pro, my hat is off to you. I was in the motor trade from 1973 - 1997 and at your age knocked about with guys like you. I am telling everyone i know to follow this channel. Congrats it's the best
Bit of a different video to the usual but really enjoyed filming it! it was nice to get out of the shop especially after the RS6 situation 😂 back on the 720s now im back in the UK... Also i met Fernando Alonso .. !
Since it didnt meet reserve, Bonhams should give you the car at your bid price and you should give them sponsorship ( for "free" to make the difference up to their reserve) of the rebuild. Everybody wins.
What a journey you have been on for the last few years. Definitely kept me entertained, so thanks for that.. your channel is better than any channel on tv that’s for sure 👌
Congratulations on 2 Mill , you are the embodiment of what one can achieve with pure grit, hard work, and perseverance to make your dreams come true ! Well deserved Matt. Im stunned this car reached this amount. After all unless you decide to restore it, its kind of a liability as it can't be moved around & would need heated storage etc & kind of just an Ornament, which which is a pure crime for a car like this.
Not for that price though, the people who pay that money cannot actually be car people? It should be repaired and driven. I rear for humanity because of crap like this.
Amen. There's a million other movie props. I don't see that this is THAT significant as a prop... it's far more significant as a car. I think it wants restoring.
People collect high end fancy stuff, I'm probably gonna turn into a UK version of Aging Wheels.....all commie cars but at the same time..a ford Mondeo is just as influential as a Lamborghini
Nobody will remember these things in a few years when you're gone. A few people who might still be hanging around on UA-cam in 20 years will think a video of yours is great, it's really something for posterity. Everything on this earth is just borrowed, we can only keep it until we die and then I think spending so much money on it is pointless.
One minute delivering take aways and tinkering on the drive, next minute at the F1 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix as a guest and looking to bid on a countach. You and your team have put an awful lot of work to get where you are now and with over 2 million following, people clearly love the video's. Well done to you and the team Mat
There were 2 in the movie, one that was wrecked and one that wasn't. The one that wasn't was recently sold at auction for $1.5 million US. BTW Matt, congrats on the 2 million plus subscribers!!
@@MatArmstrongbmxI'm sure you did and it's like you said it would only be worth wild for you if you could restore it, but I'm sure most of those bidders were in there for the memorabilia as well including director Chairs and Margot Robbie and Leonardo DiCaprio signature. If it is only just going for sale now which I read about in the news feed a while ago eventually that car will sell to someone who does not care about it's reputation and it will get restored, but for now it prolly will go in like a wax museum or something prolly somewhere people could take pictures with the car and it will make someone money down the line.
You never thought any of this would happen Mat, but you made it happen, hard work and self belief! To get Fernando on your video is absolutely incredible! I’m so happy for you, you deserve it, you had a vision and you followed it!
Mate, is the third video of yours that I''ve ever watch and see your face when the auction began says it all. You clearly love cars, but more than that, restoring them back on the streets. This one didn't went as planned, but you're doing great and surely that would pay off. Great videos.
When I have a bad day , one of the best things for me is to see a video from Mat Armstrong! Anyone else gets pumped by the good energy from this guy ? Well done ! 👏🏻
You absolutely deserve how far you’ve gotten bro. You make my day everytime you post. You, your dad, hannah and matt are all wonderful people and its so great to see you having a blast. Makes me motivated to do the same!
I made a snarky comment a little while ago for which I apologise. This is a great little channel and is always fun and positive, not to mention informative. Also I think you're an excellent ambassador for Leicester, a city close to my heart. Keep it up, you're doing amazing
i was so glad to see you not get that one Matt , think it might have been your very first regret out of all the excellent rebuilds you have done so far. Keep up the great work mate, most entertaining youtube channel ever. Some better projects to tackle out there than that one👌
Way I see it it’s more art than an actual car. Personally, I think it belongs in a museum for other people to enjoy its purpose, not out on the road. like you wouldn’t want Paul Walkers supra out on the road would you? Too many trash drivers out there.
Congrats on the 2mil subs, wow, well deserved! To me, the fact that the damage was done by a nameless stunt driver and then further with a sledgehammer, it doesn't make sense to leave it as-is, even if it appeared like that on screen. It would be a shame if this car never drove again.
I started watching you sinds that BMW 1 serie upload because I have one. I am still driving that same car today and you are right there betting on a countach. What a progress you made. Awesome!
Very admirable how humble you are, Mat. Done really well for yourself and inspired so many to get up off their arse and give it a go, but always keep your feet firmly planted. Really commendable pal. Top man.👍
That's RIDICULOUS to have a reserve more than that ludicrous amount of money! Wonder if they just wanted to drum up attention to it so they can command more another time.. Great video Matt 👍🏴🇬🇧
@@lutomson3496 Matt is a car guy, he knows the value of a crash car and I agree with his assessment. It's about 300k for the crash supercar, fresh new replacement parts around 75k, and then markup for movie provenance value by double it's current value. So it's actual worth is 690k adjusted for 10 years inflation. 1.35m is ludicrous.
@@luminatrixfanfictionright i can have 3 decent homes with that 1.35m if i'm rich lol. Fact is these dudes are rich af and are angry having so much money that they gotta throw some away😁
@@nassiglutt6587 Well they're doing it wrong lol. The same money could be better spent on extending your life span by double. Which is possible. You can live to 200 years with today's technology without doing anything shady. If South Korea can clone dead mammoth from half a million years ago, then can can certainly grow new organs for the human body to replace failing or aging ones. 😁
Congratulations on hitting the 2.0m subs Mat, you're a truly unique content creator, you inspire me and I'm sure many others as well.Your passion and work ethic alone is so infectious! Wishing you more success in the future, keep up the good work!
$1,350,000 is absurd. Such a shame that Matt isn't in the running for this. To have been able to restore such a motor with its history would be such a spectacle to watch. Wish you had a financial donor from the middle east to fund this project. You're amazing Matt. Thank you for all the content you create!
Its not absurd, the car is an icon. Rebuilding it would ruin that art piece permanently and no one would ever pay that bid price ever again. Very glad he didn't win it and it can go on being the art piece that it is.
Amazing video, followed Mat’s journey from the beginning he’s remarkable and it’s inspiring. With respect where this particular vehicle is concerned, so people have more money than sense and listening to the auctioneer and the comments of the younger generation is pure comedy. 😂😂
You got invited to the auction, wow that's quite the privilege. That's a insane price 😮 put Scorsese name next to anything and it will make millions Alonso is a lovely bloke 👍
That gives so much more importance to a film than any film deserves. Then again you could auction off the parts you replace for the same price as the new parts…or more.
Oh my god Mat!! From building an mk2 TT to talking with Alonso. Mate you are one of the best examples that drive me to push myself harder! I am so glad I see you grow! Best of luck!
This is my fav car of all time. The lambo Countache was my childhood dream car, I bought models and scale cars but could never afford one. Mat you are a legend bro! We love you in Canada man!
That must have been an insane feeling to experience that car in the flesh, what a difficult decision though, you almost can't restore it but in saying that it would be epic to watch you rebuild it!
I love the enjoyment Mat brings to every video , it makes it special , but the highlight wasn't even the Lambo but Fernando he wanted to drive the Lambo 😎
Usually you pay much less for a crashed sports car but because this particular car was in a Hollywood movie that was crashed, that somehow added individual value to it? I don't understand this world.
Personally I don't think it should be restored. In its current state it's a film prop and from a very famous one as well. It would probably be worth more in it's current state than it would be restored.
Well Its a car from a movie about some scammer, its not like the pope drove it or i dunno Michael Jackson or whatever, car was in a movie about some drug addict scammer I don't understand why It gained such fame like its something special.
@@millsmillsmills203 well the "popular movie" was about his so still... only wannabe tony montanas would buy this. Also the fact that they smashed a real car for a movie about random thief is idiotic
I agree with the auctioneer person... I think this is a piece of art that shouldn't be restored... but to be in the position to buy it in the first place after so much hard work is testament to the value you provide to the community
I’d argue that an art piece of a movie isn’t going to mean squat in 25 years but restored with. Clean title is going to stretch further. But whatever everyone likes what they like
Best thing about that was that you got your subscribers way up there man , good for you , that auction was ridiculous, lead a bells with more money than sense . Keep it real my bro , it weren't people like that that are responsible for your you tube success .
It’s a piece of movie history and would only be an art installation as opposed to a rebuild. However, another blinding video Mat and team HWBT. Keep them coming. You deserve everything mate. Topman
@@gymbruh1824Because there were 657 Countaches 25th anniversary edition, and only one crashed by Di Caprio for this movie. It'a a piece of art. Also Countach is my favourite car ever, second place is for diablo and third place Porsche 930 turbo. It doesn't make sense for this car to be restored by any mean.
Congrats on the 2 million subs mate! Wow that went a bit under the radar in that video! What an achievement! So glad for your family that are implied and really seems to enjoy themselves in your epic journey! Cheers from Québec Canada! 👊👍👌❤️
I have actually never seen this movie, but I did fell in love with the countach through another movie. The intro to cannonball run has a countach escaping trans am police cars and the sound and look of that car was amazing. Didn't remember it having that weird bumper, but it had a spoiler on the front. Still today as one of my top dream cars ❤
Well done Matt, truly deserved 👏 what an epic journey you have both been on, and I can't wait to see how you are going to top this. Keep up the hard work, and I am looking forward to your next video
Really enjoyed this one matt...thought for a minute you were gonna bid until the first bid...never mind, you met the man, Fernando Alonso, worth the trip alone.
I always learn something from your videos! Today I learned that people have wildly different views of what a car is worth! $300,000 or $50 million? Sounds like a reasonable range...🤣
Hey bro was hoping to come visit you when my son and I got to the UK but things didn’t work out. I’m really proud of you bro and I look forward to seeing and following you achieve many more milestones in your channel’s progress and success.
It means that the price didn't get to what the seller's minimum sale price was. Meaning that the bid was just cancelled and that's it. The previous owner still has the car.@@caduguardrailkingowo
So now you’ve shown that Car Verticle have the car as no damage , are Car Verticals obligated to record it damaged ? As if it is restored , nobody would know and that makes using CV pointless, does it not ?
There was another one he did most of the scenes with. It was privately owned here in the states, there was a story about it on Vinwiki. He did eventually sell it for nearly 2 mill then it went to auction. This wrecked one was actually not originally white on white, they painted it.
Bruv, my heart sank when that opening price hit. I really wanted to see you rebuild it. I just found your camel today and TOTALLY DIG IT! Thank you for your content!
Imagine smashing a quarter of $1 million car and it becomes worth more broken than it is worth running. This says something about the mindset of humanity..
awesome video! so well done...i got emocionated when price was 700.000 and growing...really empathize with you in that moment. i tihnk all car lovers felt that. thank you mat.
That is the best solution for this Lambo. Restoration. Crashed car IS NOT a piece of art! Even is from good movie! And this piece do not deserve for to be destroy.
45 Years Autobody what makes this car is the MOVIE !!! SO Build a better CRATE for the car to sit on... Steel Crate that looks like a Road with scrubbed poles in the corners and casters to roll it from car show to car show :)
That’s wild money. Regardless of what it’s been used for, it’s only that money as art. No one in their right mind would spend that to then throw money at it to rebuild it as theoretically it’s not ‘the car’ anymore. It’s like painting extra parts on the Mona Lisa, and saying it’s better. For me the movie part is kind of irrelevant but it would have to be restored as a car enthusiast myself. Looks like you had a great time and it was a great experience too ✌️
what a journey ! congratulations on 2 mil mat ! 👑
a youtube comment with only 100 likes and 1 reply
woah very 3rd comment moment epic
the guy at youtube is a carguy?
7th reply wow
From building an Audi TT outside a restaurant, to bidding on a countach , to 2 million subs. Well done son
Just got it out of my mouth amazing!!
I'll third that.
This is how dreams comes through... 💪😎🤘
Epic fan boy
If you order all those parts it just becomes like Triggers brush. It's a different car 😅😅😅
Mat you are a pro, my hat is off to you. I was in the motor trade from 1973 - 1997 and at your age knocked about with guys like you. I am telling everyone i know to follow this channel. Congrats it's the best
Tocs dogkr fosoxig
Bit of a different video to the usual but really enjoyed filming it! it was nice to get out of the shop especially after the RS6 situation 😂 back on the 720s now im back in the UK... Also i met Fernando Alonso .. !
Excellent video, did you ask the buyer if you could restore it for them?
Could I have Fernandos number
Since it didnt meet reserve, Bonhams should give you the car at your bid price and you should give them sponsorship ( for "free" to make the difference up to their reserve) of the rebuild. Everybody wins.
Mat this is so interesting keep the content up
What a journey you have been on for the last few years. Definitely kept me entertained, so thanks for that.. your channel is better than any channel on tv that’s for sure 👌
Holly shit! Fernando got me by surprise there! Amazing for you, Matt, to meet a champ and living legend of the sport we all love!
Congratulations on 2 Mill , you are the embodiment of what one can achieve with pure grit, hard work, and perseverance to make your dreams come true ! Well deserved Matt. Im stunned this car reached this amount. After all unless you decide to restore it, its kind of a liability as it can't be moved around & would need heated storage etc & kind of just an Ornament, which which is a pure crime for a car like this.
Mat meeting the legendary F.Alonso is arguably the biggest highlight of this channel
The fact he put him on video just 3 seconds lmao
Na, Richard Hammond's a bigger legend
Did he even recognise him? 😂
Such an epic journey. UA-camr on an F1 track with Alonso and bidding on a Lamborghini. I would definitely rebuild it. Cars need to be driven.
Not if you ask those filthy rich car collectors. They just put it into storage so it can collect dust and is just seen as an investment
Not for that price though, the people who pay that money cannot actually be car people? It should be repaired and driven. I rear for humanity because of crap like this.
@@googleuser6440we know as you have commented this everywhere 🤷🤦♂️
Amen. There's a million other movie props. I don't see that this is THAT significant as a prop... it's far more significant as a car. I think it wants restoring.
People collect high end fancy stuff, I'm probably gonna turn into a UK version of Aging Wheels.....all commie cars but at the same time..a ford Mondeo is just as influential as a Lamborghini
You’re the best You Tube advertiser I’ve ever seen. I didn’t notice it was a placement until the last minute. I hope your sponsors pay you well.
He mints money.
Fernando was very lucky to meet you Mat! Its a nice touch to include your fans in your videos 😂
Nobody will remember these things in a few years when you're gone. A few people who might still be hanging around on UA-cam in 20 years will think a video of yours is great, it's really something for posterity. Everything on this earth is just borrowed, we can only keep it until we die and then I think spending so much money on it is pointless.
@@philipppower4223 Blud took it too serious
One minute delivering take aways and tinkering on the drive, next minute at the F1 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix as a guest and looking to bid on a countach. You and your team have put an awful lot of work to get where you are now and with over 2 million following, people clearly love the video's. Well done to you and the team Mat
There were 2 in the movie, one that was wrecked and one that wasn't. The one that wasn't was recently sold at auction for $1.5 million US. BTW Matt, congrats on the 2 million plus subscribers!!
Hes at 3.6m subscribers now, as of November '24. Thay 1.5m in under one year.
Matt talking about buying a 1.5m car just shows how far he’s come! Well done Matt, proving to everyone that everything is possible
It was a bit of bs, he could not afford it but pretended like he was gonna bid on it to make a story out of it.
@@dc1564 You have to produce proof of funds to be able to bid. not that it matters but yeah an incredible journey!
@@MatArmstrongbmxI'm sure you did and it's like you said it would only be worth wild for you if you could restore it, but I'm sure most of those bidders were in there for the memorabilia as well including director Chairs and Margot Robbie and Leonardo DiCaprio signature. If it is only just going for sale now which I read about in the news feed a while ago eventually that car will sell to someone who does not care about it's reputation and it will get restored, but for now it prolly will go in like a wax museum or something prolly somewhere people could take pictures with the car and it will make someone money down the line.
Matts got absolute m, s in the bank what u mean
@@dc1564 mate, this is Mat Armstrong’s channel. Get your sad, jealous comments out of here. You are polluting.
You never thought any of this would happen Mat, but you made it happen, hard work and self belief! To get Fernando on your video is absolutely incredible! I’m so happy for you, you deserve it, you had a vision and you followed it!
Mate, is the third video of yours that I''ve ever watch and see your face when the auction began says it all. You clearly love cars, but more than that, restoring them back on the streets. This one didn't went as planned, but you're doing great and surely that would pay off. Great videos.
don’t spoilt it ffs
When I have a bad day , one of the best things for me is to see a video from Mat Armstrong! Anyone else gets pumped by the good energy from this guy ? Well done ! 👏🏻
Yeah we all do
You absolutely deserve how far you’ve gotten bro. You make my day everytime you post. You, your dad, hannah and matt are all wonderful people and its so great to see you having a blast. Makes me motivated to do the same!
Hey Matt
I’ve watched you since 80k subs. Amazing - you have literally not changed and stayed loyal to your dad and Hannah. Really admire you.
Absolutely love this man, most inspirational man out there!!
Agreed 👍, brother so real and authentic!👍🇿🇦🏈
I agree , the levels this man has gone to are crazy
Totally agree, I heard he can cure child cancer.
Knowing Matt he would probably fix it and I think you should. Bring it back to life.
I made a snarky comment a little while ago for which I apologise. This is a great little channel and is always fun and positive, not to mention informative.
Also I think you're an excellent ambassador for Leicester, a city close to my heart.
Keep it up, you're doing amazing
i was so glad to see you not get that one Matt , think it might have been your very first regret out of all the excellent rebuilds you have done so far. Keep up the great work mate, most entertaining youtube channel ever. Some better projects to tackle out there than that one👌
Way I see it it’s more art than an actual car. Personally, I think it belongs in a museum for other people to enjoy its purpose, not out on the road. like you wouldn’t want Paul Walkers supra out on the road would you? Too many trash drivers out there.
Congrats on the 2mil subs, wow, well deserved! To me, the fact that the damage was done by a nameless stunt driver and then further with a sledgehammer, it doesn't make sense to leave it as-is, even if it appeared like that on screen. It would be a shame if this car never drove again.
I started watching you sinds that BMW 1 serie upload because I have one. I am still driving that same car today and you are right there betting on a countach. What a progress you made. Awesome!
Very admirable how humble you are, Mat. Done really well for yourself and inspired so many to get up off their arse and give it a go, but always keep your feet firmly planted. Really commendable pal. Top man.👍
Definitely inspired me to do the same, and I’m an old fart, I’d get on well with Tony 🤣🤣🤣🤣
That's RIDICULOUS to have a reserve more than that ludicrous amount of money! Wonder if they just wanted to drum up attention to it so they can command more another time..
Great video Matt 👍🏴🇬🇧
it was just the wrong venue for that car since the film is banned in most arab countries
Yep way over priced
@@betaich that’s interesting! Why is it banned?
@@johnmontana8540I guess alcohol is banned in some Arab countries and this film is full of drugs and alcohol?
@@johnmontana8540everything thing in that film is Haram to Arabs. Drugs, Sex, crime etc.
The world has gone absolutely mad. $1.35m + taxes for a pile of metal, plastic and glass. Anyway, congrats on the subs milestone Mat!
It has movie provenance whats the big deal? Other move cars have gone for more
No tax for bidding in uae
@@lutomson3496 Matt is a car guy, he knows the value of a crash car and I agree with his assessment. It's about 300k for the crash supercar, fresh new replacement parts around 75k, and then markup for movie provenance value by double it's current value. So it's actual worth is 690k adjusted for 10 years inflation. 1.35m is ludicrous.
@@luminatrixfanfictionright i can have 3 decent homes with that 1.35m if i'm rich lol. Fact is these dudes are rich af and are angry having so much money that they gotta throw some away😁
@@nassiglutt6587 Well they're doing it wrong lol. The same money could be better spent on extending your life span by double. Which is possible. You can live to 200 years with today's technology without doing anything shady. If South Korea can clone dead mammoth from half a million years ago, then can can certainly grow new organs for the human body to replace failing or aging ones. 😁
Congratulations on hitting the 2.0m subs Mat, you're a truly unique content creator, you inspire me and I'm sure many others as well.Your passion and work ethic alone is so infectious! Wishing you more success in the future, keep up the good work!
$1,350,000 is absurd. Such a shame that Matt isn't in the running for this. To have been able to restore such a motor with its history would be such a spectacle to watch. Wish you had a financial donor from the middle east to fund this project. You're amazing Matt. Thank you for all the content you create!
@@mostlymotorizedare you sillyyyy
@@mostlymotorizedyou really wanted to sound cool
2000 quid for the wheels and emotional value.
@@mostlymotorizedpretty ok film? It was a great film 🤷🤦♂️
Its not absurd, the car is an icon. Rebuilding it would ruin that art piece permanently and no one would ever pay that bid price ever again. Very glad he didn't win it and it can go on being the art piece that it is.
Amazing video, followed Mat’s journey from the beginning he’s remarkable and it’s inspiring. With respect where this particular vehicle is concerned, so people have more money than sense and listening to the auctioneer and the comments of the younger generation is pure comedy. 😂😂
That was crazy! I so thought Tony was going to grab the paddle and raise it up at $1m for a giggle 😂
Mat: "I’ve been invited" says a lot about is success. Good luck mate.
Once you get 10 million subs go and get the car ! :-)
Awesome Matt. Congrats on the 2 MIL viewers! You are the best UA-camr out there. Keep making contents.
Your awesome Mat. Super talented to fix anything! Wish I could have met you while you were here in the States! Keep up the good work!
You got invited to the auction, wow that's quite the privilege.
That's a insane price 😮 put Scorsese name next to anything and it will make millions
Alonso is a lovely bloke 👍
That gives so much more importance to a film than any film deserves. Then again you could auction off the parts you replace for the same price as the new parts…or more.
WHAT THE F*CK? He was so casual with the god himself FERNANDO ALONSO ❤. This is insane, love you Mat and Fernando
He is also just a huma...
Bro just casually questioned Mr. Alonso, referring to him by his first name, as if he has breakfast with him everyday😂😂
You know how much of this fanboy bullshit he has to go through every day?
He's human
Just did better in one field than a lot of others
Oh my god Mat!! From building an mk2 TT to talking with Alonso. Mate you are one of the best examples that drive me to push myself harder! I am so glad I see you grow! Best of luck!
This is my fav car of all time. The lambo Countache was my childhood dream car, I bought models and scale cars but could never afford one. Mat you are a legend bro! We love you in Canada man!
That must have been an insane feeling to experience that car in the flesh, what a difficult decision though, you almost can't restore it but in saying that it would be epic to watch you rebuild it!
I love the enjoyment Mat brings to every video , it makes it special , but the highlight wasn't even the Lambo but Fernando he wanted to drive the Lambo 😎
Usually you pay much less for a crashed sports car but because this particular car was in a Hollywood movie that was crashed, that somehow added individual value to it? I don't understand this world.
Because the super rich need bullshit to waste money on
yeah and in about 5 - 10 years no one will give a shit about the movie and its value will drop massively i reckon a mill / half a mill down the drain
@@agentcarbunklepeople will definitely still care about wolf of Wall Street in 10 years
Yeah because usually when people like things they become special to them.
Personally I don't think it should be restored. In its current state it's a film prop and from a very famous one as well. It would probably be worth more in it's current state than it would be restored.
why do ppl care so much about some scammer?
@@Kokoloko24 Elaborate
Well Its a car from a movie about some scammer, its not like the pope drove it or i dunno Michael Jackson or whatever, car was in a movie about some drug addict scammer I don't understand why It gained such fame like its something special.
@@Kokoloko24 it's only valuable because it was in a popular movie, it has nothing to do with Jordan Belfort.
@@millsmillsmills203 well the "popular movie" was about his so still... only wannabe tony montanas would buy this. Also the fact that they smashed a real car for a movie about random thief is idiotic
I agree with the auctioneer person... I think this is a piece of art that shouldn't be restored... but to be in the position to buy it in the first place after so much hard work is testament to the value you provide to the community
Restore and use ofc lol. Wtf u gona do with thaz junk? Its gona rot away, waste space.
Doug DeMurro recently bought an all white one.
If you want a restored one just buy a restored one. Over paying for one with film history then spending 100,000+ restoring it would be silly.
@@nemiw4429hold on to it for 10 years and send it back to auction. It’s just an investment piece st this point
I’d argue that an art piece of a movie isn’t going to mean squat in 25 years but restored with. Clean title is going to stretch further. But whatever everyone likes what they like
Best thing about that was that you got your subscribers way up there man , good for you , that auction was ridiculous, lead a bells with more money than sense . Keep it real my bro , it weren't people like that that are responsible for your you tube success .
MAT has come a long way im so proud of him. love all his work really talented well done bro 👏
It’s a piece of movie history and would only be an art installation as opposed to a rebuild. However, another blinding video Mat and team HWBT. Keep them coming. You deserve everything mate. Topman
What makes u think film history is more important then motoring history
It's whatever the owner wants it to be, and both would be legitimate. The only thing in the way of a restoration is a lack of part availability.
@@gymbruh1824 because DiCaprio's dents increased the value 4X
@@gymbruh1824wouldn't say it's more important but if you compare the value of one of them to the dented one in the video it speaks volumes
@@gymbruh1824Because there were 657 Countaches 25th anniversary edition, and only one crashed by Di Caprio for this movie. It'a a piece of art. Also Countach is my favourite car ever, second place is for diablo and third place Porsche 930 turbo. It doesn't make sense for this car to be restored by any mean.
2:37 that green 70-73 Trans Am behind you😍
Congrats on the 2 million subs mate! Wow that went a bit under the radar in that video! What an achievement! So glad for your family that are implied and really seems to enjoy themselves in your epic journey! Cheers from Québec Canada! 👊👍👌❤️
Mat is literally the guy that everyone wants to be! Congrats on 2m subs lad! To say you deserve it is a royal understatement!
I have actually never seen this movie, but I did fell in love with the countach through another movie. The intro to cannonball run has a countach escaping trans am police cars and the sound and look of that car was amazing. Didn't remember it having that weird bumper, but it had a spoiler on the front. Still today as one of my top dream cars ❤
AS IF! That was the starting bid! 🤯
Well done Matt, truly deserved 👏 what an epic journey you have both been on, and I can't wait to see how you are going to top this. Keep up the hard work, and I am looking forward to your next video
Really enjoyed this one matt...thought for a minute you were gonna bid until the first bid...never mind, you met the man, Fernando Alonso, worth the trip alone.
Love your vids ,Matt never fail to put a smile on peoples faces 🔥
I always learn something from your videos!
Today I learned that people have wildly different views of what a car is worth! $300,000 or $50 million? Sounds like a reasonable range...🤣
The $50 million guy was high on something powerful. lol This is a museum piece, nothing more nothing less so definitely not a rebuild imo
Hey bro was hoping to come visit you when my son and I got to the UK but things didn’t work out. I’m really proud of you bro and I look forward to seeing and following you achieve many more milestones in your channel’s progress and success.
Absolutely love this man! The business he does is fire!
At this point, the car is an abstract art piece just like a painting.
“Searched on eBay”. 😂😂😂 We love your one liners, never miss you on UA-cam 🙏
Is anyone else infuriated about the car for what they did to it in the movie. I mean they could have easily used a replica.. why use the real one..
Your just too sensitive. It's a car, nothing more.
Just a car worthless tbh
Thought it was a rep body kit
Grow up.
Woah, this would be really mad to restore
Edit: That price is WILD, I wonder what the buyer will do to it, hopefully it gets back on the road.
It didn't meet its reserve unfortunately
@@richp1802what does that mean?
@@caduguardrailkingowo Means it didn't sell
It means that the price didn't get to what the seller's minimum sale price was. Meaning that the bid was just cancelled and that's it. The previous owner still has the car.@@caduguardrailkingowo
So now you’ve shown that Car Verticle have the car as no damage , are Car Verticals obligated to record it damaged ? As if it is restored , nobody would know and that makes using CV pointless, does it not ?
There was another one he did most of the scenes with. It was privately owned here in the states, there was a story about it on Vinwiki. He did eventually sell it for nearly 2 mill then it went to auction. This wrecked one was actually not originally white on white, they painted it.
Unbelievable content.. so proud of what you’ve achieved, such an inspiration!
I’m shocked they wrecked a real Lamborghini just for the movie.
Bruv, my heart sank when that opening price hit. I really wanted to see you rebuild it.
I just found your camel today and TOTALLY DIG IT! Thank you for your content!
If Fernando Alonso would restore, you’ve got your answer…..
Rich guy buys this car, gets it appraised for 6 million, then donates to a museum for a nice little tax write off.
THX FOR HELPING ME FIGHT CANCER!! You inspire me to keep fighting thank you very much Matt Keep going I know I am now that I seen you do the best!
Did you find the Diddy tape that was stashed in the hidden compartment under the seat?
Can you restore a Nissan micra
FERNANDOOO!!! Eres un grande! Viva España 😁🇪🇸🇪🇸
Imagine smashing a quarter of $1 million car and it becomes worth more broken than it is worth running. This says something about the mindset of humanity..
If u pay this much for a crashed car then it's not meant to be restored. This is ART. In 10, 20 50 years time this car will be priceless
You are just the best car show on youtube atm. Its just like that! :)
Who cares about dicaprio anyway? The car is unique , better if Red. As a wreck, it's not worth much at all. £10k🎉🎉
70k tops
Maybe the person that purchased it will pay you to fix it on your channel.
awesome video! so well done...i got emocionated when price was 700.000 and growing...really empathize with you in that moment. i tihnk all car lovers felt that. thank you mat.
if anyone restores this car....they've completely missed the point of it's worth
you all probably missed the point of cars if you think it's actually worth 1.3m
@@swilleh_'s famous BECAUSE it was smashed up in an iconic movie...if it's restored, it'll be worth a third of it's current value
You don't know what cars stand for if you seriously want to keep it wrecked
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Unbelievable price ! 1 of 1 but jeez .. somebody loves that film !
That is the best solution for this Lambo. Restoration. Crashed car IS NOT a piece of art! Even is from good movie!
And this piece do not deserve for to be destroy.
Rebuild it, it was an absolute beast !
Matt, it must be nice to have you as a friend.what a great gentleman you're. Cheers
How beautiful that you hit 2,000,000 subs on that night while there! Perfection! Very pleased for you pal!
15:48 Men to his left buying the whole room. 😂
Love that your channel is huge.
You're my favourite youtuber! Your energy is amazing not even talking about the quality of the content you are giving us. Keep it up brother!
Saludos desde Argentina 🇦🇷, tu trabajo es excelente, felicitaciones 👏👏👏
Found your channel by chance, don't even like cars, but Dam I'm addicted to your vids. Great content bro love it
Mat armstrong YOU rock mate 🥶✨️🙂
45 Years Autobody what makes this car is the MOVIE !!! SO Build a better CRATE for the car to sit on... Steel Crate that looks like a Road with scrubbed poles in the corners and casters to roll it from car show to car show :)
If you are able to 3D Lazer scan good parts... I know that someone could 3D print it, metal or some super strong polymer. You looked into that?
Congratulations to two mill I remember when you had 100k more or less when I subscribed, my initial thought was this guy is underrated 🤔😁👍
The moment you said it's gonna be on Dubai i was like naah.. you ain't buying it.... but it's gonna be fun to watch
That’s wild money. Regardless of what it’s been used for, it’s only that money as art. No one in their right mind would spend that to then throw money at it to rebuild it as theoretically it’s not ‘the car’ anymore. It’s like painting extra parts on the Mona Lisa, and saying it’s better. For me the movie part is kind of irrelevant but it would have to be restored as a car enthusiast myself. Looks like you had a great time and it was a great experience too ✌️
Matt ! your mad skills are class in their own. The projects you undertake are a testament to your and your teams skill. Amazing work !!!!
2 DVD:s? We are in 2024, could have at least included Blu-ray discs 🤣 Anyways, awsome video, cheers from Sweden 🍻
Not even a fan of cars but, I'm obsessed by this channel.