[ENG] Hololive's Mario Kart New Year's Cup 2023 [ALL POV'S]

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • ↓↓↓↓ IMPORTANT - READ BELOW ↓↓↓↓
    This video was originally translated from Japanese to Spanish by me and uploaded on my Spanish channel. I grabbed the files and turned the dialogues into English. I checked the text before uploading the video, but I apologize if you happen to see some random Spanish text somewhere. Additionally, if you've watched the Spanish version of this video, there's no need to watch this again. It's the exact same video.
    | End of the Important Part |
    Sakamata: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】Aチーム本番ジャイロオフ、ガチでおしとやかに挑みます!!!マリカ8DX【沙花叉クロヱ/ホロライブ】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】Aチーム本番ジ... )
    Okayu: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】Aブロック予選!いっきま~~す!🍙✨【猫又おかゆ/ホロライブ】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】Aブロック予選... )
    Nene: 【 マリカ 】キラーしかでないw困ったww勝ったw【 桃鈴ねね / #ホロお正月CUP2023 】 ( • 【 マリカ 】キラーしかでないw困ったww勝... )
    Iroha: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】とうとう来た!練習の成果を168%発揮するぞ🚙💨【風真いろは/ホロライブ】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】とうとう来た!... )
    Matsuri: 【マリオカート8DX】私、頑張ります!!【ホロライブ/夏色まつり】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】私、頑張ります... )
    Kronii: 【#HOLONEWYEARCUP2023】Ganba ( • 【#HOLONEWYEARCUP2023】G... )
    Luna: 【 マリオカート8DX 】もみもみ揉まれてくるのら~!!<Bブロック予選>~ ホロお正月CUP【姫森ルーナ/ホロライブ】 ( • 【 マリオカート8DX 】もみもみ揉まれてく... )
    Kobo: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】Group B!! I'M ZAKO!!!!!!! 【#HOLONEWYEARCUP2023】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】Group B... )
    Miko: 【 #ホロお正月CUP2023 Bグループ 】走るぞおおおおおおおおおお!!!!!!!【ホロライブ/さくらみこ】 ( • 【 #ホロお正月CUP2023 Bグループ ... )
    Suisei: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023 Bグループ予選】よせんとっぱしたい【ホロライブ / 星街すいせい】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023 Bグループ予選... )
    Mel: 【マリオカート8DX】コインとアイテムは俺のもの!お前のものも俺のもの【ホロライブ/夜空メル】 ( • Video )
    Roboco: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】全力で向かいうつ!まがれえええ!!!!【ロボ子さん/ホロライブ】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】Bグループ予選... )
    Watame: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】去年の自分を越えていけ!!!【角巻わため/ホロライブ4期生】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】去年の自分を越... )
    Mio: 【ホロお正月CUP2023】Cグループ予選。つよ杯いくぞ!!!【大神ミオ視点】 ( • 【ホロお正月CUP2023】Cグループ予選。... )
    Koyori: 【 #ホロお正月CUP2023 】目指せつよ杯!Cグループ本番!ザコヨーテ、朝練の成果だすぞーーー!!!🔥【博衣こより視点/ホロライブ】 ( • 【 #ホロお正月CUP2023 】目指せつよ... )
    Sora: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】Cグループ予選そら視点【#ときのそら】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】Cグループ予選... )
    Pekora: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】ついに本番!!頑張るぞおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお!!!ぺこ!【ホロライブ/兎田ぺこら】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】ついに本番!!... )
    Noel: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】ほめのび太郎で勝ちぐせカブトムシ!!【白銀ノエル/ホロライブ】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】ほめのび太郎で... )
    Ollie: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】IF I WIN #HOLONEWYEARCUP2023 THEN I'LL BECOME YAGOO【Hololive ID 2nd Generation】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】IF I WI... )
    Reine: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】The Spi『C』est!!! DO MY BEST!!! #HOLONEWYEARCUP2023【Pavolia Reine/hololiveID 2nd gen】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】The Spi... )
    Akirose: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】いやらしいバナナはお断り!Cグループ予選を超えろ【ホロライブ/アキ・ローゼンタール視点】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】いやらしいバナ... )
    Subaru: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】いよいよお正月CUP本番!!!!頑張るしゅばあああああああああああああああああああああ!!!!!【ホロライブ/大空スバル】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】いよいよお正月... )
    Towa: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】レベルが上がったホロマリカ大会!はたして誰が優勝するのか【全体視点有/常闇トワ】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】レベルが上がっ... )
    Marine: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】落ち着けマリン!!!!【ホロライブ/宝鐘マリン】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】落ち着けマリン... )
    Ayame: 【 #ホロお正月CUP2023 】つよ杯目指して!!Bブロックいざ出陣~~~~!!🚗 ( • 【 #ホロお正月CUP2023 】つよ杯目指... )
    Lui: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】去年手の届かなかった高みへ…。みんないくぞ。【鷹嶺ルイ/ホロライブ】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】去年手の届かな... )
    Fubuki: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】B ブ ロ ッ ク 予 選【ホロライブ/白上フブキ】 (www.youtube.co...)
    Sora: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】ざこ杯あるよ!そら視点【#ときのそら】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】ざこ杯あるよ!... )
    Noel: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】なぁ、この流れ去年も見たが?やめないか?【白銀ノエル/ホロライブ】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】なぁ、この流れ... )
    Mel: 【マリオカート8DX】背中の傷は運転手の恥だ【ホロライブ/夜空メル】 ( • Video )
    Roboco: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】心配しないで、運転手はボクです!こちら雑魚杯エントリー【ロボ子さん/ホロライブ】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】心配しないで、... )
    Kobo: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】ZAKO CUP!!! HWAHAHAHAHAHAHA 【#HOLONEWYEARCUP2023】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】ZAKO CU... )
    Nene: 【 マリカ 】ざこ界のトップへー☆【 桃鈴ねね / #ホロお正月CUP2023 】 ( • 【 マリカ 】ざこ界のトップへー☆【 桃鈴ね... )
    Matsuri: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】ドキドキしながら頑張ります!/つよ杯【ホロライブ/夏色まつり】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】ドキドキしなが... )
    Okayu: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】つよ杯出場決定!いっけ~~~!🍙✨【猫又おかゆ/ホロライブ】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】つよ杯出場決定... )
    Iroha: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】つよ杯いけた!!全力で戦って楽しんでくるでござる🔥【風真いろは/ホロライブ】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】つよ杯いけた!... )
    Miko: 【 #ホロお正月CUP2023 決勝 】俺ハンドル握ると、エリートになっちまうんだ【ホロライブ/さくらみこ】 ( • 【 #ホロお正月CUP2023 決勝 】#ベ... )
    Ayame: 【 #ホロお正月CUP2023 】つ・・・つよ杯・・・? ( • 【 #ホロお正月CUP2023 】つ・・・つ... )
    Suisei: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023 つよ杯】ゆうしょうしたい【ホロライブ / 星街すいせい】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023 つよ杯】ゆうし... )
    Fubuki: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】そ ば 屋 が つ よ 杯 【ホロライブ/白上フブキ】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】そ ば 屋 が... )
    Mio: 【ホロお正月CUP2023】タイトル間違えてて草【大神ミオ視点】 ( • 【ホロお正月CUP2023】タイトル間違えて... )
    Subaru: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】いよいよお正月CUP本戦!!!!頑張るしゅばあああああああああああああああああああああ!!!!!【ホロライブ/大空スバル】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】いよいよお正月... )
    Koyori: 【 #ホロお正月CUP2023 】ザコヨーテ、つよ杯を走る!!!あああああああああああ【博衣こより視点/ホロライブ】 ( • 【 #ホロお正月CUP2023 】ザコヨーテ... )
    Lui: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】つよ杯。目指すは更なる”鷹”み。【鷹嶺ルイ/ホロライブ】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】つよ杯。目指す... )
    Marine: 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】自分、イキリ崖越えキャニオンいいすか?【ホロライブ/宝鐘マリン】 ( • 【#ホロお正月CUP2023】自分、イキリ崖... )
    Towa's Video: 【雑談/Freetalk】#ホロお正月CUP2023 お疲れ様でした!ゆるく凸待ちも?【常闇トワ】 ( • 【雑談/Freetalk】#ホロお正月CUP... )


  • @DyingIsFunny
    @DyingIsFunny Рік тому +145

    Out of every single thing in hololive, the new year's mario kart cup is always the one that makes these girls sweat the most over. Probably more tension and adrenaline pumping than when they do their 3D Lives.

  • @D.Mom0
    @D.Mom0 Рік тому +69

    They're really good racers and competitive as heck, Miko with her timing for comedy will never get old, thanks for the huge comp and TL!

  • @DrZuluGaming
    @DrZuluGaming Рік тому +93

    Miko: Picks Baby Park.
    Also Miko: Wouldn't that be funny of I ended last place?
    Miko again: Got last place in Baby Park.

  • @seanlocke2228
    @seanlocke2228 8 місяців тому +22

    0:00 Intro & Contestant Line Up
    2:14 Group A Pre Race
    7:27 1st Track Choice
    8:14 Race 1 - Peach Gardens
    12:51 2nd Track Choice
    13:30 Race 2 - Sweet Sweet Canyon
    17:05 3rd Track Choice
    17:33 Race 3 - Dolphin Shoals
    21:16 4th Track Choice
    21:47 Race 4 - Toad Harbor
    26:05 5th Track Choice
    26:43 Race 5 - Mario Circuit 3
    30:22 Final Track Choice
    31:04 Final Race - Rainbow Road
    36:32 Group B Pre Race
    42:47 1st Track Choice
    43:32 Race 1 - Twisted Mansion
    47:41 2nd Track Choice
    49:00 Race 2 - Yoshi Circuit
    54:15 3rd Track Choice
    55:04 Race 3 - Dragon Road
    59:30 4th Track Choice
    1:00:25 Race 4 - Boo Lake
    1:04:51 5th Track Choice
    1:06:03 Race 5 - Excitebike
    1:10:18 Final Track Choice
    1:11:21 Final Race - Dolphin Shoals
    1:19:32 Group C Pre Race
    1:24:28 1st Track Choice
    1:25:23 Race 1 - Rainbow Road
    1:30:01 2nd Track Choice
    1:30:34 Race 2 - Mute City
    1:36:09 3rd Track Choice
    1:37:00 Race 3 - Merry Mountain
    1:42:25 4th Track Choice
    1:43:07 Race 4 - Rainbow Road (SNES)
    1:48:30 5th Track Choice
    1:48:55 Race 5 - Yoshi Circuit
    1:54:09 Final Track Choice
    1:54:45 Final Race - Yoshi Valley
    2:04:13 Zako Cup Pre Race
    2:07:56 1st Track Choice
    2:08:25 Race 1 - Excitebike
    2:12:27 2nd Track Choice
    2:12:57 Race 2 - Toad Circuit
    2:15:48 3rd Track Choice
    2:16:07 Race 3 - Mute City
    2:19:15 4th Track Choice
    2:19:50 Race 4 - Tick-Tock Clock
    2:23:36 5th Track Choice
    2:24:21 Race 5 - Rainbow Road
    2:27:50 Final Track Choice
    2:28:45 Final Race - Paris
    2:34:14 Tsuyo Cup Pre Race
    2:43:32 1st Track Choice
    2:44:36 Race 1 - Mario Circuit 3
    2:49:57 2nd Track Choice
    2:51:11 Race 2 - Berlin
    2:57:21 3rd Track Choice
    2:58:08 Race 3 - Peach Gardens
    3:03:45 4th Track Choice
    3:04:23 Race 4 - Big Blue
    3:09:07 5th Track Choice
    3:10:00 Race 5 - Mushroom Gorge
    3:15:56 Final Track Choice
    3:16:54 Final Race - Baby Park
    3:21:23 And The Winner Is... Suisei!!!
    3:24:26 Marine Attempts The Gorge Jump Again
    3:25:01 Winner Interview
    3:25:33 Bonus

  • @cyrene03
    @cyrene03 Рік тому +74

    movie length clips always make me in awe especially of this magnitude
    thank you for your hard work!!

  • @coletlet419
    @coletlet419 Рік тому +70

    this is so underrated you need to be discovered

  • @ADarkrei_Old
    @ADarkrei_Old Рік тому +27

    First video on this channel and it’s a 3h supercut of the mario kart tournament with subs?! What a power move!

  • @justcat7475
    @justcat7475 Рік тому +38

    Thank You so much for the compilation. I've been waiting for all POV's in one video

  • @caturandrianto00
    @caturandrianto00 Рік тому +24

    That is not easy to edit this video, THANK YOU LEGEND

  • @RikKawaii
    @RikKawaii Рік тому +8

    bro, your first clip is an 3h30m clip multi POV, what a madlad. Take this bro 👑, you deserve it

  • @jjQlLlLq
    @jjQlLlLq Рік тому +30

    Long clip, all POV, Eng subbed, has TL notes, even with balanced volume. 👏👏👏 I salute your efforts. Here's TL for the Indonesian parts:
    47:22 ☔️: Dammit, why am I heading here?? What the heck was that "shortcut"??
    59:21 ☔️: Damn it- I BECAME LAAAST, DAMN IIIIIIIT
    1:16:18 ☔️: Seriously I- tck. I thought I was leading, tch
    1:49:16 🧟‍♀️: Why do I have to (???) seven? I don't understand. (beep beep beeeep) (I don't get it either w)
    2:10:57 ☔️: Slippery slippery slippery, it's so slippery, so slippery [Licin licin licin, licin banget, licin banget]
    2:11:22 ☔️: [KEBALIK! KEBALIK!]
    2:12:07 ☔️: I "fell down and got hit by the ladder too" (getting twice the bad luck/rubbing salt on the wound) Oh my gooooooooood...
    2:16:44 ☔️: Go away, move over! There you go- aaaaaaaaah... I got hit anyway- aaaaaaaaah... I fell- aaaaaah.....
    2:23:16 ☔️: Oi, she challenging me??
    2:29:13 ☔️: Oh, but I got money (coins)! A-- What am I doiiiing?? Football??

  • @seanlocke2228
    @seanlocke2228 Рік тому +11


  • @Zengkoy
    @Zengkoy Рік тому +23

    I hope Towa gets more support on the organizing side next time. I always thought of her as a contender

  • @lilypads3033
    @lilypads3033 Рік тому +13

    The opening was actually really cool! Can't wait to watch the whole thing
    Edit: After watching through the end it's kinda frustating that Okayu didn't win for Towa but I'm also kind of glad because that means Okayu will be participating again next year

  • @caturandrianto00
    @caturandrianto00 Рік тому +28

    I am Indonesian kobo☔ time stamp for elimination stage(sorry my broken english)
    47:22 Ow,why i going here what a shortcut
    59:21 Ow,i am last oooooooowwww
    1:16:18 swear, i think i lead,cih
    And this Ollie🧟
    1:49:17 why Ollie must in 7th place Ollie not understand,Really-----
    Kobo☔ again (Zako Cup)
    2:10:59 correct spell is(Licin Banget)
    2:11:22 correct spell is(kebalik)
    2:12:07 Sudah jatuh tertimpa tangga (Indonesian proverb) its mean;Rub salt into the wound
    2:16:44 Get out of my way,...yaaaaah im too,...yaaaaaaaaah im fall
    2:23:17 wah is she ask for duel
    2:29:15 but get money,eh what are you doing ?playing soccer 😅

  • @disky01
    @disky01 Рік тому +4

    This is such a pleasant surprise, even if I'm a couple of weeks late. Thank you so much, you have my sub.

  • @UCx80L8rXNSjrdfWYG9Id5bQ
    @UCx80L8rXNSjrdfWYG9Id5bQ Рік тому +5

    thanks for making this clip, it introduces Nene to me!

    • @UCx80L8rXNSjrdfWYG9Id5bQ
      @UCx80L8rXNSjrdfWYG9Id5bQ Рік тому +3

      holy moly, just realized this is a 3 hours long video, thank you for translating!

  • @1Patrick
    @1Patrick 9 місяців тому +1

    I can't even imagine the amount of work you had to put into editing and translating so much footage. Thank you sooooo much!!

  • @user-sm5tf5hn5r
    @user-sm5tf5hn5r Рік тому +9

    Everyone: "Struggling"
    Nene: Bwaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!

  • @TheLeft4Dead2Player
    @TheLeft4Dead2Player Рік тому +3

    Thank you very much for your extremely long sub video. Very much appreciated!!!!

  • @wisdomy6157
    @wisdomy6157 Рік тому +6


  • @Starfall01
    @Starfall01 Рік тому +3

    Wow you provide all POV thankyou very much for your hard work

  • @ivanpaijolin9128
    @ivanpaijolin9128 Рік тому +6

    Thanks for the time to edit this. This year tsuyo cup really intense.
    Many new faces in the tsuyo cup as well as many who didn't make it
    Mio really redeemed herself this time.
    6th gen fulfilling their promises
    Fubuki and matsuri made it back to tsuyo cup since the first 1
    Well that being said its a bit sad to not see any of holo id and en on the tsuyo. I hope they blessed with luck next time
    But i guess it would be funnier if reine luck doesn't change at this point it becomes her character lmao

  • @cattcameo
    @cattcameo Рік тому +3

    its hilarious that you can see some of them lean with the turns

  • @Sei003
    @Sei003 Рік тому +3

    Awesome work my dude. Thanks a lot for this!

  • @MagiazTL
    @MagiazTL Рік тому +2

    such great work and arigathank for this holo Movies marikart arc

  • @ElChocoLocoDeLaVega
    @ElChocoLocoDeLaVega Рік тому +4

    Danchou snapping and starting to yell the Pokemon OP killed me. 🤣

  • @krysivory493
    @krysivory493 Рік тому +3

    "Mental. Physical. PASSION!"
    Is this SubaNoel thing? 🤣🌊

  • @dominodamsel
    @dominodamsel Рік тому +5

    Hurt to watch the zako cup girls waste their mushrooms in excitebike

  • @swtiger
    @swtiger Рік тому +2

    unBELIEVABLE work!
    you are amazing!!! thank you!

  • @MaxKnight007
    @MaxKnight007 Рік тому +3

    I dare say I will take more than a month to watch all this

  • @koronevirus6152
    @koronevirus6152 10 місяців тому +1

    This channel needs every attention this is so underrated you deserve way more views and subs with this effort and hardwork you put in every video you upload more bless and luck to you I hope you git gud irl

  • @balbal123321
    @balbal123321 Рік тому +3

    Bro Watame tried so hard, she even had a whole ass guide with her to help her win 😢 Felt so bad for her

  • @momodeviluke6439
    @momodeviluke6439 Рік тому +16

    Awesome, thanks for posting this!
    Any chance you'll do the same for the 2022 Tournament?

    • @HoloSubEN
      @HoloSubEN  Рік тому +16

      I was under the impression that there was a 2022 video already, but apparently there isn't?
      My current answer is not for now. This took me a week of full editing and almost no sleep and I'll be a bit busy the coming weeks. I'll *eventually* get around it.
      But then again, I also said I wouldn't do an English version of this video and I did it the very next day. I go back on my word a lot, so *maybe* I'll do it soon, maybe not, who's to say! haha!!! Thanks for watching!

    • @Aint20
      @Aint20 Рік тому +4

      @@HoloSubEN thanks for this

  • @IianaDRK
    @IianaDRK 5 місяців тому

    I just love Ollies chaotic laugh throughout the entire rainbow road race. Subaru just smiling and being quiet is so weird lol

  • @implicitmintjulep
    @implicitmintjulep 11 місяців тому

    Thank you SO MUCH for doing the extra work to get this into English (and the original translatio, ofc). You're a legend!

  • @Bubbles0989
    @Bubbles0989 Рік тому +3

    Amazing work! Thank you !

  • @samzel9975
    @samzel9975 Рік тому +8

    So much effort to do this. You did a great job, man.

  • @SomeRandomGarchomp
    @SomeRandomGarchomp 8 місяців тому

    Rawr (Who else is here catching up and watching previous years before it starts?)

  • @loveandfrenchtoast8780
    @loveandfrenchtoast8780 9 місяців тому +1

    Hey almost time, excited for the next one

  • @Anthony-wm1un
    @Anthony-wm1un Рік тому +2

    Incredible work. Can't imagine how long this took

  • @cucumbermainline
    @cucumbermainline Рік тому +1

    This was a blast! As a new holo fan, Thank you!

  • @karoAps
    @karoAps Рік тому +2

    The whole C block I could not stop laughing my ass of omg it was so chaotic

  • @UsadaPek0ra
    @UsadaPek0ra Рік тому +4

    I put a like on is video because i'm obsessed with hololive and TY for all pov's 2022 didn't have pov's! well anyway thank you for showing this i was trying to find this 2023 mk8 (I feel bad for Choco)

  • @Flutty_Putty3564
    @Flutty_Putty3564 11 місяців тому

    omg I can't with the art they are so cute >3

  • @HabarudoD
    @HabarudoD Рік тому +1

    Wah, this was quick! Great job.

  • @Starfall01
    @Starfall01 Рік тому +2

    Thankyou for showing Choco sen

  • @Hoshiyomi01
    @Hoshiyomi01 6 місяців тому

    You legend, thanks for the filmlengthsub!

  • @kevinaprilius5067
    @kevinaprilius5067 Рік тому +2

    Thx for all pov

  • @maybenot3856
    @maybenot3856 Рік тому +1

    Thank you very much

  • @EffortlessActivities3111
    @EffortlessActivities3111 Рік тому +2

    22:02 nene had me dieing when she mimicked towas intro

  • @mkstchanlan7924
    @mkstchanlan7924 Рік тому

    holy fuck it's 3 hr long tls. Thanks for the translation

  • @yamete7560
    @yamete7560 10 місяців тому

    Good job on this video 👍 and thank you for making this 🙏

  • @balbal123321
    @balbal123321 Рік тому +4

    29:00 insane lead from matsuri and not a single blue shell. I still don't understand how she did it

  • @zeldarian5339
    @zeldarian5339 Рік тому +1

    Thank you so much, may you getting bless by God

  • @swtiger
    @swtiger Рік тому +5

    5:50 that Nene-Matsuri interactions through main stream is hillarious

  • @heryrizkypratama8982
    @heryrizkypratama8982 Рік тому +1

    Thank you 🙏❣️

  • @xxldd7451
    @xxldd7451 Рік тому +3

    chibi holomems are so cute, thank you for the video

  • @jarednewman7823
    @jarednewman7823 11 місяців тому

    1:33:57 Gotta love seeing the kamioshi get first.
    And getting second overall

  • @lodelageh
    @lodelageh Рік тому

    Thank you for this, you're a chad.

  • @jrenfield
    @jrenfield 11 місяців тому +1

    Great work on the translation. Top-notch work.
    I've already seen the past MK Tournaments and I look forward to next year's cup. I wonder if any Advent or ReGLOSS members make it in. Advent looks likely if they give them New Years' Outfits before the year is done. Bijou has shown herself to be the top gamer and racer of that HoloEN group from the past streams plus it would be fun to see FWMC be part as separate racers.
    It's too early to make any predictions on ReGLOSS but we'll see what happens during these last 4 months. All in all, I hope the latest Gens make it this New Years'. More so since the entire Booster Pass will be open so that means 64 possible tracks. It's going to be wild.

  • @paaaaat579
    @paaaaat579 Рік тому +9

    So proud of Koyori, her daily grind really worked well.

  • @robby..
    @robby.. Рік тому

    3 hour full translate, its crazy wow

  • @Liquid0ne
    @Liquid0ne 11 місяців тому +2

    im happy for suichan but on the other hand, i feel like this tournament really shouldve been mios

  • @RikouHogashi
    @RikouHogashi 9 місяців тому

    I'm looking forward to the next one now that the DLC is complete

  • @shyshy1984
    @shyshy1984 5 місяців тому

    i appreciate the bonus

  • @krysivory493
    @krysivory493 Рік тому +2

    Ouch, why did you go here?
    (Referring to her character)
    That's crazy. What
    kind of shortcut is that? 😱
    Ouch, I'm in THE last place
    just like that! Ouch!

  • @PanPan-ml1ip
    @PanPan-ml1ip 10 місяців тому

    Damn, can't believe that tourney is 9-10 months ago. 😂

  • @watataenjoyer
    @watataenjoyer 11 місяців тому

    Biggest shock when choco ended up 3rd in 1 of the races

  • @sleepsleep5588
    @sleepsleep5588 11 місяців тому

    the mushroom queen got betrayed by her subjects at the last race, she could've gotten to tsuyo cup...

  • @Khlaid77
    @Khlaid77 Рік тому

    Thnk you for this

  • @Dewi-kp2tm
    @Dewi-kp2tm Рік тому

    thank you

  • @danishaiman8135
    @danishaiman8135 Рік тому +1

    WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK? you are a god among men

  • @LiveTwinReaction
    @LiveTwinReaction 10 місяців тому +3

    The person who won has GODLIKE luck in every race lol. Feels like she was 10th in 3 of the races and instantly got good enough items to get back to the front

  • @bryanadam5179
    @bryanadam5179 10 місяців тому

    Bijou will be crazy next year

  • @dzikdzik674
    @dzikdzik674 11 місяців тому

    its not a clip, ITS A MOVIEEEEEE

  • @NOName-wh3wc
    @NOName-wh3wc Рік тому

    Thz for Eng sub 💙

  • @Lemonidas_of_Sourta
    @Lemonidas_of_Sourta Рік тому +1

    Ponboco as cute as always ❤

  • @aero449able
    @aero449able Рік тому

    Thanks for sub, bro! 🥰

  • @aryaramadani9898
    @aryaramadani9898 Рік тому +1

    Suisei, marine back to back top 3 without aqu-tan

  • @summersalt3806
    @summersalt3806 11 місяців тому

    Group C rage bar is filling up 😆😆😆

  • @LuanNguyen-ng2ig
    @LuanNguyen-ng2ig 11 місяців тому

    Dem koyori scream, my side hurt 😂

  • @swtiger
    @swtiger Рік тому +2

    12:55 as expected from senchou

  • @TheDrexxus
    @TheDrexxus Рік тому +3

    Why does Kronii always sound so salty about everything? lol

  • @HoscoFelix
    @HoscoFelix 11 місяців тому

    Does anyone know why Korone never participates in these new year tournaments? Just curious, I feel like she would kick ass

  • @SanalliteSapling
    @SanalliteSapling Рік тому

    you wasted so much of your times for this, and for that, Thank you. awsome fronts!

  • @horilife9137
    @horilife9137 Рік тому

    U deserve more subs

  • @Hoshiyuumi
    @Hoshiyuumi Рік тому +1

    Sui-chan waaaa

  • @Solomonmalk
    @Solomonmalk Рік тому

    Oh my god!!!

  • @toanuc2059
    @toanuc2059 Рік тому

    such a chad!!

  • @bdotrashingvideo1309
    @bdotrashingvideo1309 Рік тому

    they need to focus on suisei next year really. GG

  • @ginbei711
    @ginbei711 Рік тому

    10:47 kami here referring to kaminari, Japanese for lightning

    • @HoloSubEN
      @HoloSubEN  Рік тому

      Fairly sure that was meant as 神 (As in 神プレイ, for example).
      Could be wrong tho
      (Edit: See also 01:03:24)

    • @ginbei711
      @ginbei711 Рік тому

      ​@@HoloSubENi interpreted that as "isn't that lightning"
      I could be wrong tho

    • @HoloSubEN
      @HoloSubEN  Рік тому

      Yep, 神, here's a JP sub ua-cam.com/video/ujNxHDjrXrM/v-deo.html

  • @bryanadam5179
    @bryanadam5179 10 місяців тому

    Do this next year ok 😊

  • @marrowmelow2849
    @marrowmelow2849 10 місяців тому

    32:15 🐒

  • @swtiger
    @swtiger Рік тому +1

    this tournament can be named: "Everyone confess love to TMT"

  • @CC-xr7mo
    @CC-xr7mo Рік тому +6

    It's so weird that kobo keeps saying "I don't speak Indonesian" =P

    • @CC-xr7mo
      @CC-xr7mo Рік тому +1

      But seriously, this was really good. Thank you for the video.

  • @swtiger
    @swtiger Рік тому

    1:04:36 Roboco PON, but we are blessed next seconds

  • @timespace7253
    @timespace7253 Рік тому

    48:43 fubuki : ckckcok jancok 😂

  • @Ryuko-T72
    @Ryuko-T72 Рік тому

    Reine mushroom

  • @swtiger
    @swtiger Рік тому

    poor Choco, it seems her illnes affect her too much