~3:32 This really brief description reminded me of the Bailey School Kids series lmao, if you aren't familiar it's a children's book series where in each book the characters meet some new adult figure they suspect of being some kind of monster or mythical being in disguise, with each book being titled something like "[Monster Type]s don't [verb] [noun]." I can just imagine one called "Kishis Don't Teach Magic Classes" or something in a world where the Kishi was a better known monster in America lmao
Very cool.
~3:32 This really brief description reminded me of the Bailey School Kids series lmao, if you aren't familiar it's a children's book series where in each book the characters meet some new adult figure they suspect of being some kind of monster or mythical being in disguise, with each book being titled something like "[Monster Type]s don't [verb] [noun]." I can just imagine one called "Kishis Don't Teach Magic Classes" or something in a world where the Kishi was a better known monster in America lmao
thank you!