ALSO, the tank who suicide has to die FAST, otherwise first eggs will spawn ! At 25% USE ALL DP, YOU SHOULD RESIST ALL ADDS (A LOT OF) UNTIL PADMA DIE !
Uhh back then it was a 48 player raid and not many people ever managed to kill this, and now you can do it with 6 x.x How can they call this "classic"?
ALSO, the tank who suicide has to die FAST, otherwise first eggs will spawn ! At 25% USE ALL DP, YOU SHOULD RESIST ALL ADDS (A LOT OF) UNTIL PADMA DIE !
Uhh back then it was a 48 player raid and not many people ever managed to kill this, and now you can do it with 6 x.x
How can they call this "classic"?
Hey, if you have others tips, comment so that I can pin your message x)
Thanks guys !!
pve in aion is a joke, you can bug/cheese everything and top dpsers are just people living next to server and enjoy the game the most
Cool y a til une version fr de la vidéo svp ?
hey, non ^^ mais j'ai utilisé de l'anglais simple