The specific routes are from Squallywood the book, I just took the knowledge and created a modern, high quality version with different snow. So yes, I make a lot of the maps, including this one, usually with knowledge from patrol maps or other sources!
@@skitnb Oh okay cool cool, I figured they were from Squallywood, was just wondering if they were uploaded anywhere or if you just made them yourself since it's impossible to get a copy of the book anymore. Awsome Thanks
I have a link to a google drive folder in the description to a lot of resorts with inset maps I've made if you're interested! I also have a copy of Squallywood and am slowly working on digitizing it 🫠
Hey, are you creating these detailed maps of the different lines at the start of these videos? or do they come from somewhere?
The specific routes are from Squallywood the book, I just took the knowledge and created a modern, high quality version with different snow. So yes, I make a lot of the maps, including this one, usually with knowledge from patrol maps or other sources!
@@skitnb Oh okay cool cool, I figured they were from Squallywood, was just wondering if they were uploaded anywhere or if you just made them yourself since it's impossible to get a copy of the book anymore. Awsome Thanks
I have a link to a google drive folder in the description to a lot of resorts with inset maps I've made if you're interested! I also have a copy of Squallywood and am slowly working on digitizing it 🫠
@@skitnb oh awesome thank you, and finally someone digitizing it! Good shit
If I were skiing in tha =t manner, I would not put it up on the internet. Keep trying boyz