SURN Voiceover - Generals: The End Of Days

  • Опубліковано 13 лют 2024
  • Official voice for GLA 1S91 SURN Mobile Radar System.
    Voice actor: Killing_You
    GLA Radar enabled!
    GLA Radar services
    When is our next stop?
    Surn radar here
    So… where do you want me to go?
    Equipment ready for deployment!
    Oh yes, we sure can find them!
    Eh… it may need a little oil.
    Searching for an enemy
    Navigation set
    Yes, yes, I go
    Radar is moving
    Lead me to safety
    This radar is still working!
    We’re even catching something!
    Hold on, we have almost found them!
    Careful with that dish!
    Radar station online, General
    Hey! What are those green dots on the screen?
    SURN Scan Upgrade Complete:
    Expanding service area.
    We can now scan the enemy territory.
    Installing high frequency scanners.
    GPS Scrambler Module:
    Installing GPS Scrambler.
    Changing equipment to GPS Scrambler
    GPS Scrambler Module Complete:
    GPS Scrambler installed!
    GPS Scrambler is active!
    Select Scrambler:
    GPS Scrambler, how can I help?
    We provide some… special… services!
    Oh, sorry! I’ve lost my radar here somewhere…
    I heard you needed some privacy?
    They can still see us!
    You know…. This is expensive equipment!
    Scrambler is moving.
    Don’t let them see us!
    Keep it quiet!
    You choose routes this far on purpose, don't you?!
    The further we go - the longer the enemy can see us!
    Deployed Scrambler:
    Cloaking field is active!
    We are preparing a big surprise!
    Stealth systems checked.
    They will never track us.
    Stay unseen.
    Hidden and dangerous.
    Hardly seems fair, doesn’t it?