  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 2,1 тис.

  • @BillyBinges
    @BillyBinges  3 роки тому +940

    Patreon Link for UNCUT Videos: www.patreon.com/Billyishere.
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    • @otterwithadarkside4422
      @otterwithadarkside4422 3 роки тому +28

      #Bingers You NEED to watch "Meet The Robinsons" It's a Disney movie and it's underrated but GOOD AS HECK!!!

    • @kiraalldredge48
      @kiraalldredge48 3 роки тому +10

      #bingers Beauty and the Beast (1991) is animated!

    • @kathrynhughes2532
      @kathrynhughes2532 3 роки тому +17


    • @RachelCop
      @RachelCop 3 роки тому +4

      #Bingers Robots, Cats Don't Dance, and The Emperor's New Groove

    • @youstarsmoon
      @youstarsmoon 3 роки тому +9

      #BINGERS the emperor’s new groove!!

  • @ceciliabertelli6920
    @ceciliabertelli6920 3 роки тому +4244

    Billy: "I haven't watched sleeping beauty"
    Me: "oh no..."
    Billy: "I think she was the one who fell asleep"
    Me: "YEAH"
    Billy: "because she ate the apple"
    Me: "oh....."

    • @Elizabeth-gx1su
      @Elizabeth-gx1su 3 роки тому +293

      That was my exact reaction too XD I was like yeaaa-oh, No.

    • @artzy_daydreamer2786
      @artzy_daydreamer2786 3 роки тому +57

      Same! 😂

    • @ashleydowney1222
      @ashleydowney1222 3 роки тому +94

      He hasn't watched many Disney movies. For a millennial I am surprised. He is a year younger than me. I am 29 and I have seen almost every movie he reacts to. He said in one of his reaction videos that he didn't spend a lot of time watching TV while growing up.

    • @nightxlynxs
      @nightxlynxs 3 роки тому +34

      Guess we got more movies requests😏…. Coughx2 (Sleeping Beauty & Snow White)

    • @solus8685
      @solus8685 3 роки тому +21

      @@ashleydowney1222 I'm 18 and I've watched every Disney movie lmao

  • @GH-Rav
    @GH-Rav 3 роки тому +3338

    I feel like Descendants is the younger generation's High School Musical.
    Also, RIP Cameron. He was way too young.

    • @EmilyHernandez-jt4cs
      @EmilyHernandez-jt4cs 3 роки тому +72

      I guess so, even though Musical was my childhood, this is good too

    • @EmilyHernandez-jt4cs
      @EmilyHernandez-jt4cs 3 роки тому +52

      Plus lots of Gen z had that has their childhood

    • @tori_forte
      @tori_forte 3 роки тому +81

      As an elder millennial I have to say, Descendants is far superior to HSM

    • @rubysmolen5155
      @rubysmolen5155 3 роки тому +23

      @@tori_forte agreed the first film as well as the whole trilogy

    • @marilyn1984
      @marilyn1984 3 роки тому +15

      @@tori_forte chileeee please descendants is very much forgettable In the Disney World it’s nothing but A Every After High knock off

  • @LunusVIP
    @LunusVIP 3 роки тому +2668

    "I never watched Sleeping Beauty, all I know is that she fell asleep after eating the apple" 😭 My man, that’s two different things…I couldn’t stop my self from laughing 🤣

    • @LunusVIP
      @LunusVIP 3 роки тому +151

      "Son of Jabbary" Tooo that had me dying on the floor 🤣😂

    • @simplymetvee2654
      @simplymetvee2654 3 роки тому +60

      I dropped my phone like no he did not 😂😂😂

    • @chuustqr9487
      @chuustqr9487 3 роки тому +69


    • @danconover114
      @danconover114 2 роки тому +27

      Not the apple!!!!! That’s Snow White :|

    • @Ur_fav_lilly
      @Ur_fav_lilly 2 роки тому +17

      Ikr same lol

  • @emilyschomer6715
    @emilyschomer6715 11 місяців тому +86

    27:50 That was a major breakthrough for him. His mom is INCREDIBLY abusive, she locked him in a closet with beartraps so he could protect her coats, which he wasn't allowed to touch

  • @abrielle13
    @abrielle13 3 роки тому +314

    Dove Cameron is underrated. She started on Disney after I grew out of it but I watched Liv and Maddie and it was good. This is good too but where she really shines is live theater. She has amazing stage vocals and it's a shame Disney autotuned the shit out of her.

  • @Poisonouscosmic
    @Poisonouscosmic 3 роки тому +3592

    I do appreciate you mentioning Cameron Boyce and that you're aware he's no longer with us. I remember watching him on Jessie when I was like 10 and I don't normally get at all attached to celebs like that, but his death really did effect me. Even just typing this is making me tear up, so like I do really appreciate that you mention that early on.

    • @vlasta002
      @vlasta002 3 роки тому +116

      I grew up with old good Disney, so this news broke my heart, although this rarely happens to me( RIP Cem

    • @JustCallmeMJ
      @JustCallmeMJ 3 роки тому +118

      When my mom had first told me that he passed away I thought for a second that this has to be some kind of joke or ploy.When she had shown me on news articles that he had passed away I felt so bad cause he was such a positive person and a bright light and a sad that hes now gone and he was so young

    • @aliceinwonderland2284
      @aliceinwonderland2284 3 роки тому +1

      Hey can you give me a time stamp

    • @Poisonouscosmic
      @Poisonouscosmic 3 роки тому +8

      @@aliceinwonderland2284 it's around 3:15

    • @Shae29
      @Shae29 3 роки тому +16

      same, I liked him on Jessie and then I watched him on descendants💖💖

  • @Poisonouscosmic
    @Poisonouscosmic 3 роки тому +619

    depressingly, she hadn't actually tried strawberries before. they don't have fresh food on the Isle.

  • @notjustafangirl7313
    @notjustafangirl7313 3 роки тому +704

    One thing about this movie series that it's important to remember is that when Auradon was created, they took all of the villains and "bad" people and put them on the Isle of the Lost together, and left only the heroes and "good" people in Auradon, so they don't think anyone in Auradon will do anything evil or bad. One major example of that in this movie is that the security in the museum was pretty much the bare minimum, and it's also why no one expected Jane to be the one to steal the wand at the coronation. This comes back in a big way in the third movie, but it's something to remember for all three movies. They also didn't really consider the implications of leaving all of these villains together on the island, and an added consequence of the decision is that they had no real good influences for the villain's kids, and Ben realized that they never even gave the kids a chance to be good, which is how he decided to bring some of them over, and what set off the events in this movie.

    • @nicolaechipotle2170
      @nicolaechipotle2170 3 роки тому +52

      “Set off the”


    • @Thief1412
      @Thief1412 3 роки тому +24

      @@nicolaechipotle2170 YASSSS! LETS START A CHAIN REACTION

    • @gaminggaby9564
      @gaminggaby9564 Рік тому +3


  • @allisonclarke7778
    @allisonclarke7778 3 роки тому +208

    So I’m really glad you liked maleficent’s acting in this movie, her name is Kristen Chenowith, and she played Glinda in Wicked. Let that sink in: she was on Broadway!

  • @jamialarsuel
    @jamialarsuel 2 роки тому +199

    I died when he said "how great would it have been if the limo just fell in the water. This would've easily been my favorite movies." 😂😂

    • @cheekyshandle
      @cheekyshandle 4 місяці тому +1

      @@jamialarsuel if it did it could fly up

  • @ohia_lehua
    @ohia_lehua 3 роки тому +1534

    #bingers The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner, and Harry Potter. All great series that get hella dark so I'd LOVE to see your humor to softened the emotional blows 😂

    • @ratboy1536
      @ratboy1536 3 роки тому +58

      The Hunger games #bingers

    • @kylasroom
      @kylasroom 3 роки тому +52

      please maze runner is sooo good #bingers

    • @EliiVelez
      @EliiVelez 3 роки тому +6


    • @virginiaallison2172
      @virginiaallison2172 3 роки тому +4

      YESSS these are all good!!

    • @analismf
      @analismf 3 роки тому +6

      the maze runner yes!!

  • @savannahdee8289
    @savannahdee8289 3 роки тому +693

    Kenny Ortega directed and choreographed this. He also directed and choreographed the iconic High School Musical trilogy. Shoutout to Kenny for working his magic on these movies.
    #Bingers animated movies: The Emperor's New Groove, Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas

    • @ratboy1536
      @ratboy1536 3 роки тому +5

      unpopular opinion: The Emperor's New Groove was trash, Kronk's New Groove is where it's at

    • @destinyclark4133
      @destinyclark4133 3 роки тому +24

      He also directed and choreographed The Cheetah Girls 2 (the superior of them all).

    • @savannahdee8289
      @savannahdee8289 3 роки тому +6

      @@destinyclark4133the best one for sure

    • @tori_forte
      @tori_forte 3 роки тому +10

      He also directed Hocus Pocus!

    • @gabrielleduplessis7388
      @gabrielleduplessis7388 3 роки тому +8

      He also did hocus pocus and beetleguese so…

  • @OnlyBrodie._
    @OnlyBrodie._ 3 роки тому +705

    “He picked the four worst ones tho”
    Descendants 2:

  • @shipalmer461
    @shipalmer461 2 роки тому +166

    The fact that he Called Cameron Boyce
    CANDICE BOYCE!!! Is just hilarious😂🤣😂

  • @twinklelambayong3593
    @twinklelambayong3593 3 роки тому +177

    Billy: "Isn't sleeping beauty the girl who fell asleep"
    Me: *yeah*
    Billy: "That's because she ate an apple, right?"
    Me: *Those two are completely different stories* 😭😂

  • @brew7632
    @brew7632 3 роки тому +823

    rip cameron, he was so talented, his death was so unexpected
    ~ once again nominating Crazy Rich Asians #bingers

  • @trinitysterling4963
    @trinitysterling4963 3 роки тому +447

    The actor that plays Jay was the one that was beating everyone up on the field. He is in Twilight he is the one that they are going to introduce in Eclipse.

    • @Melanie-jy2nw
      @Melanie-jy2nw 3 роки тому +1

      @@ka4rolina I’m pretty sure he’s already watched it. It’s just that he hasn’t posted it yet.

    • @Melanie-jy2nw
      @Melanie-jy2nw 3 роки тому +11

      @@ka4rolina considering how long the movie’s been out, I don’t think it really matters if it’s ‘spoiled’ for people as either you’ve watched the series in it’s entirety by now or you don’t care about it.
      Nevertheless, this info isn’t really a spoiler as it just says they are introducing a new character as series tends to do and this is the actor. It’s like saying Robert Patterson is in the fourth movie of Harry Potter. Not really a spoiler. So you don’t need to worry, it’s fine as it doesn’t give away much.

    • @xapokalypse
      @xapokalypse 3 роки тому

      I don't think it's that serious. All they said was that he's also in the movie which isn't really a spoiler lol

    • @16Craft82
      @16Craft82 3 роки тому

      I mean is it really a spoiler to say an actor is going to have a roll in a movie lol

    • @jordantaylor2599
      @jordantaylor2599 3 роки тому

      That’s not the same person, Taylor Launtner plays Jacob not him

  • @saraangel6696
    @saraangel6696 3 роки тому +269

    I found it awesome that Mal had an “i wont say i’m in love” song by some columns wearing a purple dress, and then we find out what we did in the third movie

    • @kurikuri6683
      @kurikuri6683 3 роки тому +13

      Haha yes, I thought exactly the same when he said it🙈🙈

    • @robynwilson9227
      @robynwilson9227 3 роки тому +21


    • @SHEESHAW100
      @SHEESHAW100 2 роки тому

      Wait what give me some context, I forgot what happened in the 3rd movie

    • @minisad2315
      @minisad2315 2 роки тому +30

      @@SHEESHAW100 it was revealed that hades was Mel's father(like in Hercules Megara had the song of "I won't say I'm in love" so that's why it's a nice lowkey call back

    • @SHEESHAW100
      @SHEESHAW100 2 роки тому +3

      @@minisad2315 Holy shit, that's awesome

  • @Beowieff27896
    @Beowieff27896 2 роки тому +10

    "Did you know that your head is shaped like a walnut"
    I laughed so hard

  • @macabreromance
    @macabreromance 3 роки тому +36

    “Do you know your head is shaped like a walnut? That’s something.” I CANT 😂😂😂

  • @Callmekatielee
    @Callmekatielee 3 роки тому +366

    I love how you commented on Evie’s dancing as a salsa, because the actress who plays her (Sofia Carson) is actually Latina- Colombian specifically. You know she has some serious moves haha.
    I tried one Latin style Zumba class and my feet could not keep up- and my speciality is tap/ musical theatre dance.

    • @yasmineguerin2852
      @yasmineguerin2852 3 роки тому +3

      Is she white Latina btw?

    • @Callmekatielee
      @Callmekatielee 3 роки тому +30

      @@yasmineguerin2852 I don’t believe so! She’s the daughter of Colombian immigrants. I think she’s a light brown- skinned Latina, is what she’d be considered. I could be wrong though. Latine people are so complex racially, which is why most just go by ethnicity 😅.

    • @yasmineguerin2852
      @yasmineguerin2852 3 роки тому +7

      @@Callmekatielee Thank you for the information! I'm Afro-Hispanic, but feel like we don't get much representation.

    • @Callmekatielee
      @Callmekatielee 3 роки тому +10

      @@yasmineguerin2852 Indeed. The upcoming Disney movie Encantó has Afro- Hispanic characters! And Luz from The Owl House is Afro Latina (Dominican), if you’re looking for some.

    • @yasmineguerin2852
      @yasmineguerin2852 3 роки тому +3

      @@Callmekatielee Thank you so much, I only saw a few episodes of the owl house and I didn't know that so cool, thanks again! 🥰

  • @mvltidiva
    @mvltidiva 3 роки тому +837

    Billy's language:
    Malificent - *Malnificent*
    Cameron Boyce - *Candace Boyd*
    Son of Jafar - *son of jebari* 😂
    PS. Everyone who watches this movie cannot understand the "stare down" but its about power - who can over power who

    • @UniquelyJas
      @UniquelyJas 3 роки тому +19

      Lmao 🤣

    • @GoCrazyBaby3
      @GoCrazyBaby3 3 роки тому +8


    • @tink6225
      @tink6225 3 роки тому +15

      yes i dont understand how you can miss that

    • @juliapt405
      @juliapt405 3 роки тому +27

      Bro, Son of Jebari took me out!

    • @Olivia-jp4cx
      @Olivia-jp4cx 3 роки тому

      @@cm9666 me too. He really thought he did something.

  • @livingthedoelife8953
    @livingthedoelife8953 3 роки тому +536

    Kristin Chenoweth killed it as Maleficent, but I couldn’t help comparing to the original and even the live action. There’s a huge difference! When I think of Maleficent, I didn’t expect her to be portrayed like this in Descendants, but it was still enjoyable. It just made the character be more comical than intimidating if that makes sense. Now I want a movie commentary on Angelina’s performance in the live action! #bingers

    • @livingthedoelife8953
      @livingthedoelife8953 3 роки тому +10

      @@madnessarcade7447 Thanks for reminding me about that, I totally forgot that was the reason! It was just funny seeing her in that state

    • @acciotardisalohomora6302
      @acciotardisalohomora6302 2 роки тому +1

      @@livingthedoelife8953 This Maleficent reminded me of her previous role in Annie. XP

    • @phoenixwing5133
      @phoenixwing5133 2 роки тому +2

      Ever time I see Kristen, I go back to her performance in Wicked.

    • @sparkyboomboomboi7051
      @sparkyboomboomboi7051 2 роки тому

      When I was younger I thought both maleficents were played by the same person. I’ve JUST found out that they’re 2 different actresses from this video

  • @kayko6229
    @kayko6229 3 роки тому +33

    “Yeah while you were sitting there having your music video Ben was out there drowning” I hollered 😂😂😂

  • @nirelmorales9668
    @nirelmorales9668 3 роки тому +18

    The reason he sounds like Zac Effron is because the dude who sang for Zac in the first high school musical is the same person who sings for Ben (the more u know )😃

  • @gabrielleduplessis7388
    @gabrielleduplessis7388 3 роки тому +224

    The best part of this film is that all ages can enjoy it.
    I also like how Evie’s mom does show some love for her a bit. She was the most excited to see her during the skype session and I adores seeing her reaction when she heard Evie be a designer. That’s love.
    Kristen Chenoworth is a queen and does well at anything she does. Evil like me is one of the best villain songs to this day.
    The message is good. It is amazing how movies targeted to kids can attract any age.

    • @gabrielleduplessis7388
      @gabrielleduplessis7388 3 роки тому +6

      @@madnessarcade7447 you mean Jay. I think she mainly said it as an insult and sarcastic that he was not that impressive.
      But i can see it the inappropriate way too.

  • @Lladyk95
    @Lladyk95 3 роки тому +95

    Cameron’s passing shocked us all. We all watched him growing up. Such a sweet guy RIP 🕊🤍

    • @crapbag2560
      @crapbag2560 Рік тому +3

      He didn't just call him candace boyce 😭

  • @rileyries3530
    @rileyries3530 3 роки тому +164

    Billy: This is my daughter's-
    Me: Billy you have a daughter?!?!

    • @dariyah3844
      @dariyah3844 3 роки тому +19

      Same. I had no idea!

    • @xapokalypse
      @xapokalypse 3 роки тому +11

      Yeah he has mentioned her a couple of times

  • @azekel7687
    @azekel7687 2 роки тому +10

    I just saw this video and because I was a big Descendants fan, I clicked, I'm honestly disappointed in UA-cam, that it didn't recommend me this 6 months ago. I enjoyed this a lot.

  • @emilyschomer6715
    @emilyschomer6715 11 місяців тому +4

    32:55 It's better to go to school with good food and shelter than going to a garbage island and being trapped with abusive parents struggling to survive with everyone fighting for what little rotten food they have

  • @kamyllepatricio646
    @kamyllepatricio646 3 роки тому +907

    Billy i think you would love “jumanji: welcome to the jungle” with the rock, it’s hilarious #bingers

    • @azariahgriffin3911
      @azariahgriffin3911 3 роки тому +23

      He's gonna LOVE it

    • @jonnifarris6989
      @jonnifarris6989 3 роки тому +13

      ALL 3 Jumanji movies Robin Williams one, then the 2 recent ones!!!! Another series #bingers

    • @SaraSong-mw3zm
      @SaraSong-mw3zm 3 роки тому +12

      one word: cake

    • @immeyiii
      @immeyiii 3 роки тому +6

      Yes this movie is so funny hahaha

    • @HalleJhoni
      @HalleJhoni 3 роки тому +4

      OMG YES

  • @kateiannacone2698
    @kateiannacone2698 3 роки тому +104

    "The doors of wisdom are never shut, but the library closes within three hours of it opening."
    I think it's 15 hours. I took that as 8 am to 11 pm.

  • @heidimorales703
    @heidimorales703 3 роки тому +55

    Fun Fact: The director of this movie, Keny Ortega, worked with Michael Jackson, he was inspired a little by thriller to do his choreography. 👍👍

  • @karanghuman40
    @karanghuman40 3 роки тому +11

    I’m 15, and my favourite movies are the Descendants movies 😁

  • @BrantleyRoberts123
    @BrantleyRoberts123 2 роки тому +4

    “ Did you know your head is shaped like a Walnut. There’s something.” The hat killed me😂

  • @GH-Rav
    @GH-Rav 3 роки тому +211

    It's funny how Billy says that there's a little a bit of Thriller in the choreo because Kenny Ortega also directed Michael Jackson's This Is It
    Edit: He also directed Hocus Pocus.

  • @lycgami
    @lycgami 3 роки тому +321

    YES TO DESCENDANTS. One of Disney's best DCOMs to date. I love this entire cast and plot!!

    • @ajmalaika1287
      @ajmalaika1287 3 роки тому +9

      YH the first time DCOMs have reach High School Musical Status in a while

    • @userkeepinglock
      @userkeepinglock 3 роки тому +4

      AJ Malaika teen beach movie almost reached it i would maybe say it did but I’m a little bias because that’s one of the last dcoms i watched when it premiered

    • @foreversisters7511
      @foreversisters7511 2 роки тому

      Kin-eh?oh eh

  • @kateiannacone2698
    @kateiannacone2698 3 роки тому +173

    "Was she the original Maleficent?"
    No, she wasn't. You're correct that Angelina Jolie played the role in the "live action" (but really mostly CGI) Maleficent movies, but the original Maleficent was voiced by Eleanor Audley in 1959.

    • @McCammalot
      @McCammalot 3 роки тому +5

      Very difficult to be as terrifying and awesome as Audley

    • @iamjaquanna
      @iamjaquanna 3 роки тому +4

      it's malnificent 😂

  • @adwoasmith1255
    @adwoasmith1255 3 роки тому +21

    Fun Fact: Descendants and High School Musical have the same director that's why their is a similar vibe

  • @WonholoveASMR
    @WonholoveASMR 3 роки тому +4

    “Non-gmo Johnny tsunami” had me cracking up. The best thing I’ve heard lol

  • @bellajothomas945
    @bellajothomas945 3 роки тому +209

    Ahhh after descendants 1 we need 2&3 number 2 is the best! I can’t Kenny is so iconic! And absolutely AMAZING AND SO GOOD AT WHAT HE DOES!!!! Rip Cam we love and miss u!!💕🥰

    • @SadicDarkAngel
      @SadicDarkAngel 3 роки тому +7

      D2 is also the best for me!!! I love it so much

    • @latraeosborne3287
      @latraeosborne3287 3 роки тому

      D3 was the best one

    • @bellajothomas945
      @bellajothomas945 3 роки тому

      @@latraeosborne3287 I’m not going to argue with that honestly I have a hard time choosing sometimes in my opinion the D3 songs are better tho. I’ll give it that. Both are REALLY good💕🥰🙌🏽😁👌🏽! All the movies are good honestly!

    • @latraeosborne3287
      @latraeosborne3287 3 роки тому +2

      @@bellajothomas945 honestly I love D3 for two reasons: the villain was Iconic and her song even more so

    • @bellajothomas945
      @bellajothomas945 3 роки тому

      @@latraeosborne3287 1000% agreed!

  • @megperks6322
    @megperks6322 3 роки тому +58

    Kristin Chenoweth (Maleficent) and Dove Cameron (Mal) have such good energy as mother and daughter. They played mother and daughter again in Hairspray Live!
    Descendants was one of the DCOM movies that I had really liked in a while and I am so glad you reacted to it!
    Rest in Peace Cameron xx

  • @fandomcomics8702
    @fandomcomics8702 3 роки тому +106

    "I haven't even seen Sleeping Beauty either. I don't even know what the heck her story is, outside of the fact that she fell asleep because she ate the apple" the way he mixed snow white and sleeping beauty storyline lol

  • @jenespo5747
    @jenespo5747 3 роки тому +8

    30:07, they start doing a dramatic walk. "What is this? Are they the power rangers?" 🤣🤣🤣 that comment gets me every time! Lol 😆

  • @gachalonewolf9231
    @gachalonewolf9231 3 роки тому +4

    “ if you look the way that I rock my hips “ 23:47

  • @chrismathers0520
    @chrismathers0520 3 роки тому +48

    Billy: They ain't talking about marriage right?
    Descendants in 2021: The Royal Wedding

  • @otterwithadarkside4422
    @otterwithadarkside4422 3 роки тому +72

    "They're kids I know they ain't talking about marriage. This ain't for marriage right?"
    Descedents 3 has entered the chat

  • @DoranGale
    @DoranGale 3 роки тому +88

    14:53 The wolf gene kicks in 🐺🍎🧛‍♂️

  • @user-in6tx3vm6i
    @user-in6tx3vm6i 3 роки тому +19

    When Cameron’s death was declared, It was totally shock for me and didn’t want to believe it until I did see enough of proofs… Also, when my mom did buy Disney + for us (mostly for me) I immediately watched all three Descendants in a row.

  • @valentinafangirling
    @valentinafangirling 3 роки тому +6

    Maleficent actress is a whole Broadway STAR. Of course she delivers😌✨

  • @HL-tf2ot
    @HL-tf2ot 3 роки тому +68

    R.I.P. to the homie Cameron Boyce (Carlos) died in his sleep back in July 6, 2019. He had a seizure in his sleep because of epilepsy, it was his 5th seizure. It's also sad because he died before the third movie came out a month after he died. 🙏🏾😔

    • @otterwithadarkside4422
      @otterwithadarkside4422 3 роки тому +7

      We miss him everyday! It still doesn't feel like he's gone! 💔

    • @HL-tf2ot
      @HL-tf2ot 3 роки тому +7

      @@otterwithadarkside4422 His last film Runt is finally coming out in the fall but you're right we miss him everyday

    • @lnlreacts2362
      @lnlreacts2362 3 роки тому +7

      I cried like a maniac when I heard
      And I had short of breath and I almost fainted
      He was a big part of my childhood and it hit me hard frl 🥺😭😭😭

    • @otterwithadarkside4422
      @otterwithadarkside4422 3 роки тому +2

      @@lnlreacts2362 It hit me very hard, I couldn't belive it was true!

    • @HL-tf2ot
      @HL-tf2ot 3 роки тому +3

      I remember my friend told me in five in the morning. It's been two years without him and it still feels weird with him gone

  • @kateiannacone2698
    @kateiannacone2698 3 роки тому +66

    Yeah, Mal manipulated Jane, but at the end of the day, Jane is responsible for her own choices.

  • @deehines5750
    @deehines5750 3 роки тому +29

    "She really turns into a dragon?!" 🤣 That's why you need to finish watching the og Disney movies.

  • @yanimobongo6752
    @yanimobongo6752 5 місяців тому +2

    31:25 yo Billy I feel like you just predicted the fourth descendants film plot 💀

  • @petitebaje
    @petitebaje 3 роки тому +2

    That goonies insult shocked me so bad I just froze staring at you with a face of : oh no, you did not go there. LOLOLOL, and it felt like you could feel my energy with each response lmbo

  • @kellykurtz1575
    @kellykurtz1575 3 роки тому +134

    Still waiting for you to do Lilo and Stitch and Live Action Aladdin and if you’re going into DCOM territory Camp Rock and Teen Beach are also good musical series

  • @Poisonouscosmic
    @Poisonouscosmic 3 роки тому +158

    "for all the people who're old enough to know what Boy Meets World is." Baby you say that like Girl Meets World didn't air on Disney a few years ago, Topanga is in that, she's the main character's mom.

    • @hughettecampbell1010
      @hughettecampbell1010 3 роки тому +18

      she didnt look exactly the same though, and she looked more like young topanga. but the did do some flashbacks in gmw so

    • @eline_van_dijk
      @eline_van_dijk 3 роки тому +3

      And Boy Meets World is on Disney+. Ik watching the series and it's really fun

    • @yasmineguerin2852
      @yasmineguerin2852 3 роки тому +1

      The og is older

  • @livingthedoelife8953
    @livingthedoelife8953 3 роки тому +53

    Alright! We getting Descendants! Definitely one of my favorite DCOMs. RIP to the real one, Cameron Boyce❤️ Can’t believe it’s been two years😭 No one better to play Carlos than him

  • @thatpixelgirlangie
    @thatpixelgirlangie 3 роки тому +6

    I cannot begin to explain how accurate this commentary is to my first-ever-time watching this reaction long ways back. I am not even kidding, this was me word for word, literally what you thought like with the I Won't Say I'm in Love bit? I literally yelled that out. Glad I came across this I've been laughing for twenty minutes straight xD

  • @allisonhall4977
    @allisonhall4977 3 роки тому +4

    I loved their casting of Maleficent - It's Kristin Chenoweth! She played Glinda in the original broadway run of Wicked and I LOVE her in everything.

  • @tomasinamichele
    @tomasinamichele 3 роки тому +108

    If you don't appreciate a good Johnny Tsunami reference, you're too young to be here lol

  • @RamonaTheGreat1
    @RamonaTheGreat1 3 роки тому +81

    Your daughter has taste lol you should let her do a pick once a month or something!

  • @ash_skyz2491
    @ash_skyz2491 3 роки тому +44

    The “family dollar Zac effron” killed me XDDD
    (That’s what I heard but if I heard wrong can someone correct me 😅)

  • @kimparkhartsjongin-chanyeo3507
    @kimparkhartsjongin-chanyeo3507 3 роки тому +7

    Billy I know you won't bring your daughter out for this BUT I kinda wana see u watch part 2 with her and hear her say "I told you so, daddy"😀 Part 2 is a fav

  • @Firadiamondshard
    @Firadiamondshard Рік тому +1

    Everyone: enjoying the the video
    Me:Still not getting over the fact that Billy has a daughter
    Butnim sure your a awesome dad!❤

  • @allana-sarahbenjamin7123
    @allana-sarahbenjamin7123 3 роки тому +71

    Disney Descendants was one of my friend's favourite movies. All three. I've seen it. Heard the soundtrack. RIP Cameron Boyce. You should also do Hunger Games, Harry Potter or Maze Runner. #bingers

  • @KKMangoes
    @KKMangoes 3 роки тому +13

    Fun fact if you didn’t catch it already: Jay was played by Booboo Stewart, who you might recognize as Seth Clearwater in the Twilight Saga

  • @DJ-cz4un
    @DJ-cz4un 3 роки тому +42

    #bingers I suggest Ice Age, Prince of Egypt or Avatar. The songs in Prince of Egypt be hittin different 😌✌🏽✨

  • @digifreak90
    @digifreak90 4 місяці тому

    6:25 Yes, she was. That is Kathy Najimy, and she played Mary Sanderson (the one who wears red) in Hocus Pocus.

  • @juliacianflone2414
    @juliacianflone2414 3 роки тому +2

    Lol the lady who played Maleficent is Kristen Chenoweth, OG actress from the original production of Wicked (Broadway) so of course she’s gonna bring the pizazz 😂♥️

  • @aaliyahwilliams9809
    @aaliyahwilliams9809 3 роки тому +39

    *billy* “ I think his name is Candace Candace Boyce “
    *me* ITS Cameron

  • @kiraalldredge48
    @kiraalldredge48 3 роки тому +53

    Are you kidding me?! I'm so freaking ready for this!!!
    #bingers Ever After, Stardust (2007), Pride and Prejudice (2005), Beauty and the Beast (1991), and The Mummy (1999).

    • @notjustafangirl7313
      @notjustafangirl7313 3 роки тому +1

      I would like to second Ever After! I've loved it since I was little, and would love to see Billy's reaction to it! The other movies you mentioned are great too!

    • @courtneyozog3675
      @courtneyozog3675 2 роки тому

      He already did BatB

    • @kiraalldredge48
      @kiraalldredge48 2 роки тому

      @@courtneyozog3675 bro, this is an old video and an old comment. He hadn't done Beauty and the Beast when I made the comment...

  • @pinacoladas8217
    @pinacoladas8217 3 роки тому +53

    It's hilarious how many times Billy ironically predicted the storylines of the sequels 😂😅

  • @chihuahuagirl128
    @chihuahuagirl128 2 роки тому +1

    "I haven't been faking anything"
    AHH!! My heart just exploded!!

  • @aj.theking2686
    @aj.theking2686 3 роки тому +3

    bro i feel so proud when i realize im one of the few people in this new generation that watched and understood boy meets world

  • @vampirekiss1993
    @vampirekiss1993 3 роки тому +9

    Fun fact since you are also watching the twilight sage right now, the actor who plays Jay (Booboo) is also the actor who plays Seth in the Twilight Saga.

  • @KaylaMickel15
    @KaylaMickel15 3 роки тому +63

    #bingers another Cinderella story and the movie blockers !!

  • @allisonjohnson6399
    @allisonjohnson6399 3 роки тому +7

    "Family Dollar Zac Eefron" I love it!!!

  • @krystalirvine5171
    @krystalirvine5171 2 роки тому +1

    The actress playing Maleficent is Lily from Annie ( one of the older versions)

  • @karleyshanel
    @karleyshanel 3 роки тому +3

    I use to watch these movies religiously 😭😭 when a new one came out no matter where I was I would watch it as soon as it aired

  • @TheFairestFangirl
    @TheFairestFangirl 3 роки тому +28

    I am so excited for Saturday when you see Seth Clearwater in Eclipse and realize he's Jay in this. lol Every single time I see your videos pop up especially here lately I get so happy. I legit screamed when I saw the thumbnail.

  • @RedHeadNdProud
    @RedHeadNdProud 3 роки тому +86

    Kenny Ortega directed this, he also directed High School Musical and Julie and the Phantoms. If you like this a lot, it’s kinda different from movies, but maybe you could react to Julie and the Phantoms on Netflix?

    • @icybird9999
      @icybird9999 3 роки тому +2

      Add #bingers so he can see it

    • @lannawillcaruth7963
      @lannawillcaruth7963 3 роки тому +4

      Please do Julie and The Phantoms!!!!! #bingers

    • @LOVE054100
      @LOVE054100 3 роки тому +1


    • @xapokalypse
      @xapokalypse 3 роки тому +3

      I'd love it if he reacted to it. The songs are SO good

    • @xapokalypse
      @xapokalypse 3 роки тому +2

      Also, can we get a second season. I'm so tired 😭

  • @theokemp9451
    @theokemp9451 3 роки тому +12

    I'm dying everytime Billy says "mail-niff-a-scent"🤣

  • @tfaith8803
    @tfaith8803 3 роки тому +2

    omg i never realized how much breanna (jane) looked like topanga until you mentioned it

  • @maqsadiq2533
    @maqsadiq2533 3 місяці тому +1

    The way Cameron Boyce scream is absolutely hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @browngirlhali9865
    @browngirlhali9865 3 роки тому +13

    "This isn't for marriage right" I LAUGHED SO HARD

  • @izzysmith6331
    @izzysmith6331 3 роки тому +16

    Rip to Cameron Boyce I miss him so so much 🥺

    • @ashlieelle4407
      @ashlieelle4407 4 місяці тому

      I can definitely agree. Why did I just say definitely definitely doesn't do anything? I can agree I can agree. I miss him so much. The saddest thing is I was born literally the day after he died. I figured this out on my birthday. I'm 5 years old and I loved descendants. I've been watching it for a year since I was four. I can't

  • @angietoonz6605
    @angietoonz6605 3 роки тому +22

    Honestly, it's kind of hard for me to watch Descendants, because I miss Cameron so much. And the cast, especially BooBoo Stewart, miss him deeply too. But Im glad you enjoyed it. I was nearly an adult when this came out, but I was a huge fan of Cameron and watched it for him; then I ended up enjoying it.

    • @ashlieelle4407
      @ashlieelle4407 4 місяці тому

      What? Why are you saying boo? Boo siwa isn't he still in the world? I can't say him his voice. Whatever. I'm only 5 years old. I don't know how to spell. I have to use microphone but what do you mean? Did he pass away too? Did both of the boys pass away? You know what? I'm googling this. I'm googling this no? I'm googling this

  • @itsshaygirl
    @itsshaygirl 2 роки тому +1

    I can’t stop dying laughing you don’t know any of the stories “isn’t she the one who ate that apple and fell asleep” keep making videos I love them

  • @sammyursula
    @sammyursula 3 роки тому +2

    9:47: "8:00-11:00" --> "2 hours" Pretty sure that math was nowhere correct, no matter which number(s) is/are am or pm
    11:17: Pretty sure "Cleany" was Snow White 😂
    17:45: "Y'all better be talkin' 'bout some homework." Literally, they did end up talking about homework LOL
    Also, I expected Billy to appreciate that Mal and Ben didn't kiss in this movie 🤣

  • @MadisonAiello
    @MadisonAiello 3 роки тому +12

    The choreography is so good because Descendants was directedby Kenny Ortega. He’s the guy that directored and choreographed the high school musical movies, newsies, and Michael Jackson’s This Is it.

  • @MsMojo014
    @MsMojo014 3 роки тому +19

    RIP Cameron🤧🥺 Such an amazing movie!!!🙌🏾🗣🔥

  • @otterwithadarkside4422
    @otterwithadarkside4422 3 роки тому +15

    This franchise was such a good franchise! I loved everything to do with Descendents and it's one of the most iconic Disney Channel Movies EVER!! R.I.P. Cameron Boyce, you were such a great dancer and a FANTASTIC human being, you are missed every day! We will NEVER forget you! 💔😔

  • @Kpanda95
    @Kpanda95 3 роки тому +2

    Love your videos Billy.
    Your t-shirt game is always on point.
    Its funny you made all these connections between Descendants, Cheetah Girls, and Highscool Musical. Kenny Ortega is a Coreographer and Director associated with all these movies 🎥

  • @kyokajiro3473
    @kyokajiro3473 3 роки тому +1

    23:54 that is when I started liking your vids cause this just came up on my fyp

  • @hannahhedrick1022
    @hannahhedrick1022 3 роки тому +12

    Excuse me Billy has a daughter?! I am both shook and so happy. I bet Billy is a fun as hell dad 😊

  • @daddysgurl72394
    @daddysgurl72394 3 роки тому +48

    I think we need a series of your daughter's movie suggestions because she clearly has great taste. #bingers

  • @ThatchickJenny
    @ThatchickJenny 3 роки тому +13

    “They look like they’re about to deliver a pizza” 💀💀

  • @AriannaWhitacre
    @AriannaWhitacre 2 роки тому

    Fun fact the girl who dove plays and Maleficent who is Kristen Chenoweth were ALSO mother daughter duo in Hairspray Live