Anisa Hussein Give it time. I imagine subscribers of Crash Course are usually smart. Those who come later may say something stupid that would draw a lot of attention and then put this video on the UA-cam popular playlist, further bringing in other's who aren't usually here.
***** well the US is a democratic republic that some think is an oligarchy among other things. Voting does help in some cases, but if voting third party it is like not voting at all. Especially in cases of politicians getting through gerrymandering among other methods with lobbyists.
As a student at a public school, I don't personally care if someone decides to pray at school or be religious in any way at school. As long as they don't try to drag me into it or shit on me for being an atheist, then we will coexist peacefully.
Inorganic Vegan That's what he said. He was saying that a student that prays in school can pray so long as that student doesn't give him shit for being an atheist.
But they can pray. Dont listen the propaganda people going "They are getting rid of prayer in schools!1!1!1!1!1!" They cant just have teacher led prayer sessions
Sebastian Reed Andrews A christian student--or group of students--who want to gather during non-class time and pray is fine. No problem there. When a public school teacher or principal says "Let us pray," that's illegal. That is where that line is drawn.
While church and state are separate, it seems like all politicians bring religion into their platforms. I realize this is mainly to get the religious community votes, but sometimes it seems like certain candidates (Mitt Romney perhaps) will try to bring the ideals into the government, which seems wrong to me. Perhaps I'm just reading too much into it.
teknifix No, you're not reading too much into it. Watch enough c-span & you'll learn which of our senators & representatives want to put their particular brand of religion into US laws & make *everyone* follow them.
teknifix Politicians often make laws, policies, and the like shaped by their religious views or lack there of. But that's because they're people and people are influenced by the things they believe or don't believe. But if you apply this same observation to political parties you will get something similar with political affiliation. This candidate wants to pass a law because they're a Socialist, this candidate wants to repeal that law because they're a Republican. The government isn't allowed to favor or prohibit political affiliation but that doesn't mean the people in it aren't going to make choices based on their political beliefs.
FallenEpic "The government isn't allowed to favor or prohibit political affiliation..." so how was McCarthyism ever a thing? Political history isn't my strong point. :(
Master Therion There are a lot of legal & political SNAFUs that can be clarified by the statement that, "Making something illegal doesn't necessarily make it go away." Or in the case of McCarthyism, keep things from happening.
teknifix Mitt Romney is actually a pretty terrible example to use to help your point. There are plenty of politicians whose entire persona, agreed by both sides, is their religiosity. Mike Huckabee is a good example. Romney on the other hand, is known for his business sense. Strangely enough, being a businessman and being wealthy translates into "I hate the poor and eat babies", which doesn't make much sense, but I digress.
Sreven199 I dont think he would... im sure there are people who think religions are fake and that there shouldnt be religions, but I doubt those people would support a government which actively criminalized religious practice.
Ddub1083 I never did say it was the Inorganic vegan that was one of these people, also, if you're talking about our government, they sort of..."selectively criminalize"
There is a line between secularism and anti-theism that a state must not cross. The state is supposed to be separated and aloof from religion rather than antagonistic towards it.
this is correct. Yet so much of science is anti-theist by today and science is the basis of technology. Humankind needs technology to survive. Even theist need and use anti-theistic science and technology one can't get rid of teaching anti-theism. The good thing is that science and technology don't mind if you stop using them. There is no doctrine or dogma. If you get consistent and demonstrable better results by a different method even the scientific method will adapt. That is why scientific naturalism is not a religion. Can we get rid of the term anti-theism now.
Science in realty is not anti theist or anti atheist...if a god created nature then it should be enough in truth. Sure tools, buildings, clothing, and books are human made from nature. Though it is humans to decide to test, question, and look. Many religions see it is ok to question for individuals, but cults hate members to have any critical thinking skills in any type of intellectual honesty. Cults want people they can control not people seeking free will like choices. Pseudo science is not science and there are still is discovering to be done. Also it takes a bit of an open mind of imagination to explore in hypothesis, creating new math, or inventions of sorts. There is gods of various religion like Hinduism and Catholic worship that where people are theists and scientists at the same time. This of the past and present. Anti or pro anything is of opinion really and can be a subjective thing. Language and labels are there while concepts change over time providing mutipal definition. There is not just one kind of person exactly like another in any view of things. I feel what they are as individuals does not mean I have to be. I am tolerant apatheist. If a person thinks aliens are gods or they themselves are alien descendents ...I do not care. As long as people do not wish to harm others fine. The thing is what humans do is what humans do even in interoperation of anything. Not a god but an excuse. People are responsible for themselves. More often it is theist verses theists to gain members and not lose them. So are some theists anti theist about other religions not like theirs? I do not know. Old earth or young earth theism what ever sect of religion and opinions of how it should be traditionalized exists. The truth shall set you free as some say.
Jennifer Isaacs with the scientific approach most of the claims made in holy texts have been evaluated and finally shown to be false. Science -if done properly- is apatheist. It assumes there is no god. By being successful it shows that God is not god, but a mere human invention. Science dismantled god and points out, that humans created god and not vice versa. What is more anti-theist than that? The fact, that there are quite faithful believers who are also scientists says little about science. It mostly shows that a single human is capable of having quite contradicting points of view.
Craig I feel your instructing has gained more clarity and even your speech patterns are coming at a nice tempo. Good job and keep up the great work. Also thanks to all the writers/editors/designers too.
I'm all for the freedom of a person's religious beliefs or the lack of religion. Personally I DO NOT think any religious entity should get tax exempt status because technically that is a violation of the Establishment Clause of the 1st amendment - yes in legal terms it is.
Most comments are people saying that a shitstorm will start in the comments section. I'll start a new trend : comments about comments about comments of people loosing their mind on religion.
Walz Yep. The other comments are about which comments are mostly displayed in the comment section. I'll start a new trend of people replying to these comments about which comments there are.
Being Catholic myself, I'm dissatisfied with religious education in schools particularly here in Australia and this video has given me a new perspective. I think religious education should be allowed even as a full subject in schools but instead treated as an elective subject with no effect on a student's grade.
Growing up in West Texas public schools there had, and still have, a moment of silence every morning after the announcements that started after 9/11. The practice was said to be secular and did not infringe on any students rights, but teachers forcefully suggested that students close their eyes and bow their heads (at least from grades 1 through 8) and many of the teachers and members of the faculty would openly refer to it as "prayer time". Teachers would shame me for not participating saying I was "disrespecting the troops" when in reality I did not want to engage in that activity because I was and still am an atheist.
Why do people in US courts have to swear on the bible? The courts are a branch of government and should, therefore, be free of any religious aspects, shouldn't it? (Non-American here)
People always seem to forget that freedom of religion includes freedom from religion. I wish Craig would have spoken more on how the establishment clause is supposed to prevent congress from making laws that are religiously based such as outlawing gay marriage (only recently decriminalized and legalized). Another huge issue with the lack of separation of church and state is that creationism can be taught in biology classes as a legitimate scientific theory alongside human evolution (which actually is a researched theory with quite a bit of scientific evidence behind it) as if creationism had just as much merit.
"This means that the First Amendment ensures that the U.S. does not have any state endorsed religion, nor does it write laws based upon any religious edicts." Yeah... that totally went well. >_>
stellarfirefly Well, you can write laws based on religious edicts, but they can be struck down by the courts. If I remember right, you can write an unconstitutional law into the books if you want, but as soon as it gets challenged and found unconstitutional, it'll be removed. If the law is unchallenged and unenforced, it'll be on the books for as long as it remains unchallenged.
People are trying to push them all the time, every time someone tries to either create a law, remove a law, or challenge a bill on the grounds that "it is against god's will".
Lets just dont use state funding for anything religous and dont have religous activity in government buildings. Simple as that. Keep it in church or your home.
Erik Holtrop Sorry but not believing the claims of religion does not constitute a religion. By the reasoning you employed, not playing a sport would be considered a sport.
Erik Holtrop What? First of all, no it wouldn't even if it was true, because the alternative to dogmatically indoctrinating children into christianity is not indoctrinating them into an irrational belief that there are no gods, the alternative is to simply not do it. Simply not doing any religious activity. Secondly atheism can't be considered a religion by any sane definition of the word. It has no church, no holy books, no spiritual tennets, no holy figures of authority, no dogma. I do have to say this, because I'm a philosopher, I can't stand definitions being so horribly misstreated. If you mangle your definition of a religion so bad that atheism can be considered one, the word just lost all of it's meaning.
Full-time Penguin If you actually watch the video he doesn't say anything controversial. Separation of church and state is pretty well agreed upon as good. Religious members don't want their religious practices monitored, and secularists don't want the government influenced by ideologies they disagree with. It's a win/win really with minimal reasonable compromise.
TheJaredtheJaredlong He knows this...It's just that it's inevitable that if a youtube video has anything remotely to do with any type of religion, there will be a shit storm of arguments going on in the comments...
Lucas Earthbound I know. I'm half tempted to start things up with a long winded rant about the Hobby Lobby decision. Or the recent scam to make Planned Parenthood look bad in order to defund them.
TheDajamster relgion is a cancer on society...we should make the government burn down all churches and places of worship or teaching religion... *sits back, puts feet up and waits*
I'm all for people expressing their faith, in a calm and respectful manner (as I hope I convey my lack of religion when, and if, it should be appropriate or necessary to speak of it.) My only issue with religion is when people begin trying to legislate it, or attempt to include tenets of their faith into the public school curriculums.
Aye, but what happens when the state encourages worship of itself? As a European, American schoolchildren rattling off the Pledge of Allegiance every day is some unnerving stuff.
Rockerchavnerdemo Honestly a lot of American schools don't say the pledge of Allegiance anymore, including private schools. I went to a private school in the South (in the Bible Belt) and they stopped doing it about 5 or 6 years ago.
In my experience conservatives are the only ones who ever attacked my religious freedom or freedom of thought, never liberals (even when I was a fundamentalist christian)
Sure, I'll throw my hat in. Affording special protections for religious beliefs is redundant, since freedom of speech and expression should cover religious beliefs too. In the event that religious expression should conflict with laws of general applicability, the law should stand. Ideas and expressions are not and should not be given special status for being putatively religious.
Taylor Bennett Consider, that in 1787, religious persecution (of the kind "Your Jesus' thorns are black not brown! Aghfabathadieee!") was a very real threat people had to worry about, and was indeed why the 13 colonies had as many inhabitants as they did. It therefore made sense to make that the first thing to prevent
Fernando Torre so if just tolerate religious to express themselves it will lead to a "religious persecution " like in 1787 , you can t prevent that by not tolerating , the religious expression that conflict with law is the one prohibited by extremists,
Cedric Or people surprised the lack of flame wars about religion or people stating how more people are surprised the lack of flame wars about religion than flame wars about religion.
What do you mean by freedom from religion. Because I believe what you are implying by that is already the case. You are just restating the fact that people shouldn't be forced into religion.
Collin Keogler It's from the most recent presidential election in America, between the black guy and the religious zealot, where the zealot said "Freedom *of* religion is not freedom *from* religion." Essentially saying that Atheism is not a right people have.
We need to create true secular pluralism, where all religions are acknowledged and respected, but not enforced. A peaceful world will be one where we can practice whatever religions we believe in without fear of persecution or harassment.
church and state suppose to be separated but apparently church keep interfering, like abortion issue and same sex marriage. The good news is that those law either get strike down or deem unconstitutional; but some states is unwilling to go down without a fight.
I really apreciate these videos, being in AP government and all, but could you please slow down when talking a little bit? Its kind of hard to keep up.
jchammer333 Well to be fair the law is simple and doesn't hurt anyone. Everyone gets what they want. I don't have to put up with religion if I don't want to but religious people don't have to stop doing what they do either. Everyone wins.
Kyle Daugherty I'll start. The [insert least liked religious group here] are destroying America with their filthy agendas and policies. I'm not saying we should outlaw things I disagree with, but I'm saying we should outlaw things I disagree with.
melvingamer It's in a weird kind of cultural limbo that the courts officially refer to as "Ceremonial Deism". Basically, it has been around long enough that the phrase itself has become divorced from whatever specific meanings it originally had and become associated with more vague things like "national unity." I don't necessarily agree with that holding myself, but it's interesting the amount of context that goes into a lot of Supreme Court rulings.
my question is how many states enforce a moment of silence into their school days because i am legitimately curious, and i know for a fact Texas is one of them
To sum up this comment section atheists did bad things (Stalin, Mao, pol pot), Christians have done bad things (the crusades and religious colonisation), Muslims have done bad things (need I explain), Jews have not done that many bad things in the past 1000 years. They mostly have been picked on by the others (holocaust, European distrust, and well every war against Israel by the Arabs). But we can all agree golden retriever buppies are adorable.
Tundra no Israeli government & military kills Native Palestinians & steals their lands even now, Israeli government makes laws favoring Jews over non-Jews in 2019.... So there is that.
I'm Christian. And I agree. After all, this is what our Founding Fathers had established since the beginning and it *still* stands in our Constitution. In America, not everyone shares the same religious beliefs. You know why? Its the old, white men who blur the lines. *Religious Conservatives banning contraceptions and abortion...* *(* the *Old* and *New Testament* does not rail against abortion like people do today. We hyperextended that belief *).* God doesn't hate gays🏳️🌈, God doesn't hate those who perform abortions...If you believe, God wants us to use *love.* There is no love in *institutionalizing racist, misogynistic, homophobic, islamophobic, and xenophobic rhetoric in our country.* Get it out! Even our Former Atty Gen Jeff Sessions *justified* separating children at the border, by using a passage from the Bible while representing the Justice Department... Religion and Politics don't mix. And its for a reason. Like if you agree.👍
There's one thing I wonder. When I read First Amendment when it comes to freedom of religion I interpret that to also mean freedom from religion is the a proper interpretation? I don't see any legal discrimination protection for non religious people in the work place.
notnormalyet many years ago I used to work retail and the moment I said I was an atheist my boss and co workers all treated me like shit and would look for any little thing to write mw up and even write me up for thing that happened when I wasn't there. I wasn't fired for being an atheist, but I was discrimination against for my non belief. This is a common thing in the mid west/ southern states. That's why I live in New York City now.
Sephiroth Egret Don't worry: courts have interpreted the First Amendment's religious clauses to apply equally to atheists. So if the government ever starts punishing you for your lack of religion, contact your local ACLU office immediately and protect your rights!
Sephiroth Egret I can't remember the case, but I seem to remember that the SCOTUS did rule that freedom OF religion necessitates freedom FROM religion. You cannot be free to practice your religion (or lack thereof) if someone else (see comment in the video about Aztecs as well as the Establishment Clause re: government imposition) is imposing theirs upon you.
freedom of religion must include the right to NOT believe in any religion..... as an atheist I get told over and over how bad of a person I am (volunteer 30+ hours a week) and "you'll be sorry" I'm not sorry for not buying the religious BS I'm not brainwashed....
So I'm from the UK and I went to a Church of England primary school. This meant we would sing hymns and pray most mornings and to be honest most primary schools in this country do that. I'm not religious and I never really was. For me praying at school and singing the hymns was just something you did at school, it didn't mean I or anyone else who didn't practice Christianity at home felt they had to believe in it. It's never really been a big deal to me.
i personally apologize to all the aztecs Craig no doubt offended, go ahead and human sacrifice, just get a suicidal person or something there are plenty, might as well make sure we keep seeing mr. sun each day (obvious sarcasm)
After my town's Memorial Day parade, there is a ceremony that involves prayer. Does that conflict with separation of church and state because it's religious practice on a federal holiday?
Holobrine The fact that the ceremony occurs on a federal holiday doesn't matter. What matters is who's leading/facilitating the prayer ceremony. Is it something that a local church or other private organization puts on? If so, that's fine. Is it the office of the mayor or some other governmental body? Then that might be unconstitutional. Mayyyybe. But still, probably not -- courts give town governments a lot of leeway in this type of situation. Consider the case Town of Greece v. Galloway (2014). The Supreme Court held that starting town meetings with a short prayer is ok... "The inclusion of a brief, ceremonial prayer as part of a larger exercise in civic recognition suggests that its purpose and effect are to acknowledge religious leaders and the institutions they represent, rather than to exclude or coerce nonbelievers.”
Christianity is basically Americas official religion. There may not be state church like in Britain, but over here it has virtually no impact on our society at all, whereas God and the bible are in courts, the pledge of allegiance, etc and religion has no influence on our (Britain's) politics. You couldn't be an out atheist and hope to become president.
I think it says something about the US that every Supreme Court case that has found for a religious group, except two, were for Christian groups, and that many times cases when non-Christian groups sued because they thought a law was too restrictive of their religious freedom the non-Christian group lost. The two cases I remember hearing about both involved Jews--a woman forbidden from putting a mezuzah up outside her door because of a "nothing hanging outside your door" rule in her apartment contract, and Jewish store owners being forbidden from being excused from a state law that mandated that all businesses must be closed on Sundays (meaning that observant Jews, who can't work on Saturdays, essentially had to close their shops for 2 days a week while their Christian competitors only had to do so for 1 day a week).
David Lev I think your point (that the Supreme Court is secretly more inclined to favor Christian groups than other religious groups, is well taken. But there must be more than just 2 cases of SCOTUS siding with a non-Christian religion? How about that Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye v. Hialeah case mentioned at 1:58?
Yes, it shows that over 70% of americans are Christian while there are 6% that are religious and not Christian. It is just probability, at least about the number of lawsuits.
David Lev I think it's also important to remember, however, that many of the cases that the SCOTUS has ruled on regarding church/state separation, have been brought by Christians in the first place.
These are nice videos to review the basics of the Bill of Rights but please slow down when you talk. I understand the argument "get smarter" or you don't deserve to listen to this video but there is a large percentage of people that would benefit from these crash course videos if they were spoken just a bit more slowly. Plus, the self-proclaimed geniuses don't need a crash course video. They should already get-it. Making a 7 minute video 8-9 minutes would not change that much. Also, Spanish subtitles would be amazing!
your free to believe any religion however you like in a peaceful manner or you don't have to believe in any at all, oppression is the problem by being forced by a religion on how to believe and how to live that's not freedom
America is really weird about religion. In some European countries there is a state religion that can and is taught in schools while America has been strict about separation of church and state since day 1. You'd think this would create a nightmare scenario in those European countries where politics is dominated by the religious establishment but instead it's almost entirely ignored in national discourse. Compare that with America where religion plays an enormous role in politics. People talk about the right wing always going on about it but even Democrats still usually have to pay their respects. Not just that, it also clearly influences policy, especially with things like gay marriage which there is really no secular reason to oppose. It's very strange how the American founders made sure to keep the two separate and they ended up closer together than almost anywhere else in the western world.
I wish this covered whether or not it is covered for people to use their religion to take away other peoples' freedoms. Such as refusing to give a person emergency care because the person dying is gay.
I'm Christian. And I agree. In America, not everyone shares the same religious beliefs. Its the old, white men who blur the lines. Religious Conservatives banning contraceptions and abortion (the Old and New Testament does not rail against abortion like people do today. We hyperextended that belief). Fmr Atty Gen Jeff Sessions *justified* separating children by using a passage from the Bible in Congress. Religion and Politics don't mix. And its for a reason. Like if you agree.👍
I came here for an epic comment war, and was thoroughly disappointed to find it absent. Get your shit together, UA-cam comment section, you're letting us all down.
Being a public school student that is sort of middle ground on this topic (I have grown up Episcopalian but I'm not really religious myself) I don't see the problem with religion in schools. If kids want to pray to their God(s) then I say go for it! But if don't then kids shouldn't feel pressured into religion. Let people live how they want, it's their life :)
Cannot wait to read all the calm and sensible comments..............................
Me too, lol.
Z Film Reviews It actually hasn't been as bad as one would imagine.
rlrsk8r1 it's that whole nerdfighteria effect again.
Z Film Reviews Would you like to drink a couple of tea?
Ha hahaha hhhaaaaaaahahahhahahah sensible the Internet? Lol
I'm seeing more comments about how bad the comment section is going to be/is than actual bad comments.
Interesting, tell me more.
Anisa Hussein Give it time. I imagine subscribers of Crash Course are usually smart. Those who come later may say something stupid that would draw a lot of attention and then put this video on the UA-cam popular playlist, further bringing in other's who aren't usually here.
ice19278 I'm Somali.
***** well the US is a democratic republic that some think is an oligarchy among other things. Voting does help in some cases, but if voting third party it is like not voting at all. Especially in cases of politicians getting through gerrymandering among other methods with lobbyists.
As a student at a public school, I don't personally care if someone decides to pray at school or be religious in any way at school. As long as they don't try to drag me into it or shit on me for being an atheist, then we will coexist peacefully.
Inorganic Vegan That's what he said. He was saying that a student that prays in school can pray so long as that student doesn't give him shit for being an atheist.
But they can pray. Dont listen the propaganda people going "They are getting rid of prayer in schools!1!1!1!1!1!" They cant just have teacher led prayer sessions
Sebastian Reed Andrews A christian student--or group of students--who want to gather during non-class time and pray is fine. No problem there. When a public school teacher or principal says "Let us pray," that's illegal. That is where that line is drawn.
Sebastian Reed Andrews COEXIST
Dude thats suks Ur Aithest??? Oh well wish U the best of God :D
looking forward to all of the super positive comments
Me too.
*grabs popcorn*
PMW3 This seems to be a very well educated and understanding part of You-tube . So happy to find this page.
*Silently Sobs in the corner*
I'm a middle schooler and I just wanted to say Thank you for making lessons fun-ish. Well, it's a heck lot more interesting than my teacher.
what the hell is a fun lesson?
Oh, I can feel a storm building as they get closer to the Second Amendment..........
No flame war happend yet. UA-cam, are you sick?
Felipe Cyrineu This is a more civilized section of UA-cam :)
Inorganic Vegan LOL what? Go smash some pots ;)
Darth Savage anyone up for a flame war?
Felipe Cyrineu You're looking at the top comments. Look at newest first and scroll down a little, and you'll see plenty of flamewar fuel.
+Some UA-cam Commenter trolls took some time to get here with their lack of free thought.
While church and state are separate, it seems like all politicians bring religion into their platforms. I realize this is mainly to get the religious community votes, but sometimes it seems like certain candidates (Mitt Romney perhaps) will try to bring the ideals into the government, which seems wrong to me.
Perhaps I'm just reading too much into it.
teknifix No, you're not reading too much into it. Watch enough c-span & you'll learn which of our senators & representatives want to put their particular brand of religion into US laws & make *everyone* follow them.
teknifix Politicians often make laws, policies, and the like shaped by their religious views or lack there of. But that's because they're people and people are influenced by the things they believe or don't believe. But if you apply this same observation to political parties you will get something similar with political affiliation. This candidate wants to pass a law because they're a Socialist, this candidate wants to repeal that law because they're a Republican. The government isn't allowed to favor or prohibit political affiliation but that doesn't mean the people in it aren't going to make choices based on their political beliefs.
FallenEpic "The government isn't allowed to favor or prohibit political affiliation..." so how was McCarthyism ever a thing? Political history isn't my strong point. :(
Master Therion
There are a lot of legal & political SNAFUs that can be clarified by the statement that, "Making something illegal doesn't necessarily make it go away." Or in the case of McCarthyism, keep things from happening.
teknifix Mitt Romney is actually a pretty terrible example to use to help your point. There are plenty of politicians whose entire persona, agreed by both sides, is their religiosity. Mike Huckabee is a good example. Romney on the other hand, is known for his business sense. Strangely enough, being a businessman and being wealthy translates into "I hate the poor and eat babies", which doesn't make much sense, but I digress.
I am surprised that he did not talk about the "In God We Trust" argument.
That was because the Russians back then were rumored to be atheist, so we decided that it would be very capitalist if we put that phrase
95% of comments: "Here come all the arguments!"
5% of comments: "DERRRR freedom frum relijin!"
Inorganic Vegan its the people that think Freedom from religion means there shouldnt be any religion for anyone. Which is NOT freedom of religion.
Sreven199 nobody thinks that
Alan Jeffrey You'd be VERY surprised
Sreven199 I dont think he would... im sure there are people who think religions are fake and that there shouldnt be religions, but I doubt those people would support a government which actively criminalized religious practice.
Ddub1083 I never did say it was the Inorganic vegan that was one of these people, also, if you're talking about our government, they sort of..."selectively criminalize"
There is a line between secularism and anti-theism that a state must not cross.
The state is supposed to be separated and aloof from religion rather than antagonistic towards it.
You mean like a Muslim getting permits to have a secular camps while others have irrational fears about it?
this is correct. Yet so much of science is anti-theist by today and science is the basis of technology. Humankind needs technology to survive. Even theist need and use anti-theistic science and technology one can't get rid of teaching anti-theism.
The good thing is that science and technology don't mind if you stop using them. There is no doctrine or dogma. If you get consistent and demonstrable better results by a different method even the scientific method will adapt. That is why scientific naturalism is not a religion.
Can we get rid of the term anti-theism now.
Science in realty is not anti theist or anti atheist...if a god created nature then it should be enough in truth.
Sure tools, buildings, clothing, and books are human made from nature. Though it is humans to decide to test, question, and look. Many religions see it is ok to question for individuals, but cults hate members to have any critical thinking skills in any type of intellectual honesty. Cults want people they can control not people seeking free will like choices.
Pseudo science is not science and there are still is discovering to be done. Also it takes a bit of an open mind of imagination to explore in hypothesis, creating new math, or inventions of sorts. There is gods of various religion like Hinduism and Catholic worship that where people are theists and scientists at the same time. This of the past and present.
Anti or pro anything is of opinion really and can be a subjective thing. Language and labels are there while concepts change over time providing mutipal definition.
There is not just one kind of person exactly like another in any view of things. I feel what they are as individuals does not mean I have to be.
I am tolerant apatheist.
If a person thinks aliens are gods or they themselves are alien descendents ...I do not care. As long as people do not wish to harm others fine.
The thing is what humans do is what humans do even in interoperation of anything. Not a god but an excuse. People are responsible for themselves.
More often it is theist verses theists to gain members and not lose them. So are some theists anti theist about other religions not like theirs? I do not know.
Old earth or young earth theism what ever sect of religion and opinions of how it should be traditionalized exists. The truth shall set you free as some say.
Jennifer Isaacs with the scientific approach most of the claims made in holy texts have been evaluated and finally shown to be false.
Science -if done properly- is apatheist. It assumes there is no god. By being successful it shows that God is not god, but a mere human invention. Science dismantled god and points out, that humans created god and not vice versa. What is more anti-theist than that?
The fact, that there are quite faithful believers who are also scientists says little about science. It mostly shows that a single human is capable of having quite contradicting points of view.
You may want to take this to the Atheist Experience show.....
I saw the title of the video..and straight up headed to the comments section.
Craig I feel your instructing has gained more clarity and even your speech patterns are coming at a nice tempo. Good job and keep up the great work. Also thanks to all the writers/editors/designers too.
JUST DON'T. Spare yourself!
God *1 our later, God sits on his throne, his face buried in his palm with quiet sobbing sounds coming from his direction*
Nobody YOLO
+OzixiThrill But if It where a just god, why would It be doing that?
most of the comments are about how bad they expect the comments to be xD
I am not sure how popular these series are in general, but as a jurist I LOVE IT!
I'm all for the freedom of a person's religious beliefs or the lack of religion.
Personally I DO NOT think any religious entity should get tax exempt status because technically that is a violation of the Establishment Clause of the 1st amendment - yes in legal terms it is.
Most comments are people saying that a shitstorm will start in the comments section.
I'll start a new trend : comments about comments about comments of people loosing their mind on religion.
Commentseption o.o
Walz Yep. The other comments are about which comments are mostly displayed in the comment section. I'll start a new trend of people replying to these comments about which comments there are.
Being Catholic myself, I'm dissatisfied with religious education in schools particularly here in Australia and this video has given me a new perspective. I think religious education should be allowed even as a full subject in schools but instead treated as an elective subject with no effect on a student's grade.
Growing up in West Texas public schools there had, and still have, a moment of silence every morning after the announcements that started after 9/11. The practice was said to be secular and did not infringe on any students rights, but teachers forcefully suggested that students close their eyes and bow their heads (at least from grades 1 through 8) and many of the teachers and members of the faculty would openly refer to it as "prayer time". Teachers would shame me for not participating saying I was "disrespecting the troops" when in reality I did not want to engage in that activity because I was and still am an atheist.
You could have an entire Crash Course series on the First Amendment.
This definatly needs to be redone.
Why do people in US courts have to swear on the bible? The courts are a branch of government and should, therefore, be free of any religious aspects, shouldn't it?
(Non-American here)
People always seem to forget that freedom of religion includes freedom from religion. I wish Craig would have spoken more on how the establishment clause is supposed to prevent congress from making laws that are religiously based such as outlawing gay marriage (only recently decriminalized and legalized). Another huge issue with the lack of separation of church and state is that creationism can be taught in biology classes as a legitimate scientific theory alongside human evolution (which actually is a researched theory with quite a bit of scientific evidence behind it) as if creationism had just as much merit.
"This means that the First Amendment ensures that the U.S. does not have any state endorsed religion, nor does it write laws based upon any religious edicts." Yeah... that totally went well. >_>
stellarfirefly Well, you can write laws based on religious edicts, but they can be struck down by the courts. If I remember right, you can write an unconstitutional law into the books if you want, but as soon as it gets challenged and found unconstitutional, it'll be removed. If the law is unchallenged and unenforced, it'll be on the books for as long as it remains unchallenged.
What laws have specifically been written from religious edicts? I can't remember any.
People are trying to push them all the time, every time someone tries to either create a law, remove a law, or challenge a bill on the grounds that "it is against god's will".
stellarfirefly But have any of those actually succeeded?
Connor Shipley You must have missed the whole past decade with gay marriage laws...
Lets just dont use state funding for anything religous and dont have religous activity in government buildings. Simple as that. Keep it in church or your home.
1234kalmar but that would only leave agnostics because atheism can be considered a religion because it is the belief there is no god.
Erik Holtrop Oh, no. Here's a free tip: delete your comment.
Erik Holtrop Religion is by definition is the belief that there is a diety. Atheism doesn't meet the definition.
Erik Holtrop Sorry but not believing the claims of religion does not constitute a religion. By the reasoning you employed, not playing a sport would be considered a sport.
Erik Holtrop What? First of all, no it wouldn't even if it was true, because the alternative to dogmatically indoctrinating children into christianity is not indoctrinating them into an irrational belief that there are no gods, the alternative is to simply not do it. Simply not doing any religious activity.
Secondly atheism can't be considered a religion by any sane definition of the word. It has no church, no holy books, no spiritual tennets, no holy figures of authority, no dogma.
I do have to say this, because I'm a philosopher, I can't stand definitions being so horribly misstreated. If you mangle your definition of a religion so bad that atheism can be considered one, the word just lost all of it's meaning.
"We're going to offend a lot of aztecs with this video, Stan."
Sly bastard.
Looks at video title.
Looks at comments section.
*rains of castemere*
Full-time Penguin The secularists send their regards.
Full-time Penguin If you actually watch the video he doesn't say anything controversial. Separation of church and state is pretty well agreed upon as good. Religious members don't want their religious practices monitored, and secularists don't want the government influenced by ideologies they disagree with. It's a win/win really with minimal reasonable compromise.
TheJaredtheJaredlong He knows this...It's just that it's inevitable that if a youtube video has anything remotely to do with any type of religion, there will be a shit storm of arguments going on in the comments...
Joseph Griffin Haha, made my day.
TheJaredtheJaredlong If religious people are also in favor of sepparation of church and state, aren't they also secularists?
i find it funny how we are all waiting for the comments to start a flame war.
I really like that Crash Course has longer videos with great explanations and cites facts. Great job.
Such non savage comments UA-cam I'm ashamed
Lucas Earthbound I know. I'm half tempted to start things up with a long winded rant about the Hobby Lobby decision. Or the recent scam to make Planned Parenthood look bad in order to defund them.
TheDajamster relgion is a cancer on society...we should make the government burn down all churches and places of worship or teaching religion...
*sits back, puts feet up and waits*
Jonathan Canfield
Daaaaang. I've been totally outdone. Tipping my hat & walking away. Looking for something to hide behind.
*offers some popcorn*
Lucas Earthbound Pug!
I'm all for people expressing their faith, in a calm and respectful manner (as I hope I convey my lack of religion when, and if, it should be appropriate or necessary to speak of it.) My only issue with religion is when people begin trying to legislate it, or attempt to include tenets of their faith into the public school curriculums.
Aye, but what happens when the state encourages worship of itself?
As a European, American schoolchildren rattling off the Pledge of Allegiance every day is some unnerving stuff.
Same, but over here, we need to worry about more important stuff than just a Pledge... **coughs** Student Loans **coughs**
Nick A. Haha, valid. Separate topic, but valid.
Nick A.
You poor, poor american
I also find it funny they added "under God" between "One Nation" and "Indivisible" in how the U.S. Is split on faith related issues.
Rockerchavnerdemo Honestly a lot of American schools don't say the pledge of Allegiance anymore, including private schools. I went to a private school in the South (in the Bible Belt) and they stopped doing it about 5 or 6 years ago.
"We're gonna anger a lot lot of Aztecs with this video Stan" - best quote of this series.
I am a practitioner of the occult and fully support freedom of religion and have full respect for all people of faith, Blessed Be.
'The three-prong lemon test' sounds like something to apply to used cars.
80% about comments about comments
15% comments about comments
5% comments
In my experience conservatives are the only ones who ever attacked my religious freedom or freedom of thought, never liberals (even when I was a fundamentalist christian)
Sure, I'll throw my hat in.
Affording special protections for religious beliefs is redundant, since freedom of speech and expression should cover religious beliefs too. In the event that religious expression should conflict with laws of general applicability, the law should stand. Ideas and expressions are not and should not be given special status for being putatively religious.
Taylor Bennett Consider, that in 1787, religious persecution (of the kind "Your Jesus' thorns are black not brown! Aghfabathadieee!") was a very real threat people had to worry about, and was indeed why the 13 colonies had as many inhabitants as they did. It therefore made sense to make that the first thing to prevent
Fernando Torre so if just tolerate religious to express themselves it will lead to a "religious persecution " like in 1787 , you can t prevent that by not tolerating , the religious expression that conflict with law is the one prohibited by extremists,
you like jazz?
Looking for religious people and atheist fights... only finds people warning•____•
I know right.
Cedric Or people surprised the lack of flame wars about religion or people stating how more people are surprised the lack of flame wars about religion than flame wars about religion.
We need freedom from religion
Damian Staszel Not if you ask some...particular...politicians. (Of course, that's assuming you can get an answer at all.)
Inorganic Vegan What's wrong with that? If the kids are allowed to do it on their own initiative only, why not?
What do you mean by freedom from religion. Because I believe what you are implying by that is already the case. You are just restating the fact that people shouldn't be forced into religion.
Collin Keogler It's from the most recent presidential election in America, between the black guy and the religious zealot, where the zealot said "Freedom *of* religion is not freedom *from* religion." Essentially saying that Atheism is not a right people have.
*Don't we already have that? I know I do.*
My new favorite phrase is now, "three-prong lemon test."
It sounds hilarious out of context :P
We need to create true secular pluralism, where all religions are acknowledged and respected, but not enforced. A peaceful world will be one where we can practice whatever religions we believe in without fear of persecution or harassment.
These videos are really helping me to understand government! Thanks!
I'm an Atheist and am very happy that we have freedom from religion.
Wait no bull shit arguments from either side? Is this real life?
Matthew Brunette i'm willing to start one about your profile picture if your down
Steven Sanabria lol
Matthew Brunette Is this just fantasy?
Pythos Sapunov Caught in a landslide...
rlrsk8r1 No
church and state suppose to be separated but apparently church keep interfering, like abortion issue and same sex marriage. The good news is that those law either get strike down or deem unconstitutional; but some states is unwilling to go down without a fight.
I really apreciate these videos, being in AP government and all, but could you please slow down when talking a little bit? Its kind of hard to keep up.
I know some legislators in my State who need to watch this.
This surely isn't gonna start a flame war in the comments section.
so.......if you were on the moon which way would you point a prayer rug? or, for that matter, know when its easter?
Freedom from religion
What do you mean by that?
I mean yes there needs to be freedom of religion, but inherently it also means there needs to be freedom from religion.
Collin Keogler to clean ourself from the fairytales
chaseshaw22 That doesn't make sense and seems to be contradicting. Clarify?
I agree everyone should just believe what they want to believe.
somebody show this to desantis
Does themState have to Monitor Fully religious schools like Trevecca University in Nennesse
Is this real life??? There hasn't been one idiotic comment in the comment section yet in 30 minutes!
Inorganic Vegan idiotic and silly aren't the same thing
Only smart and reasonable people watch crash course
Dalton Campbell u fucking wot m8
jchammer333 Well to be fair the law is simple and doesn't hurt anyone. Everyone gets what they want.
I don't have to put up with religion if I don't want to but religious people don't have to stop doing what they do either. Everyone wins.
How did the issue of excessive entanglement come up in Pennsylvania and in Rhode Island
Second. Let the flame war begin.
Kyle Daugherty I'll start. The [insert least liked religious group here] are destroying America with their filthy agendas and policies. I'm not saying we should outlaw things I disagree with, but I'm saying we should outlaw things I disagree with.
FallenEpic Nicely done haha.
Wow I expected the comments to go crazy but all the debates are civil.... I am proud of you, UA-cam
So far, very surprised by the comment section.
...let's see how quickly people will ruin it though.
***** I'm perfectly okay with debate as long as people can stay civil, but these types of debates tend to get a little... heated.
So how does the state justify the Choice program? How is that not a violation of the separation of church and state?
How is in god we trust as the national motto not an establishment of a religion?
melvingamer Because they got away with it long enough that now it's "historical".
Because no one's challenged it yet
It is funny how so many assume what god is mentioned even though there are so many and especially so many sects per religion.
melvingamer It's in a weird kind of cultural limbo that the courts officially refer to as "Ceremonial Deism". Basically, it has been around long enough that the phrase itself has become divorced from whatever specific meanings it originally had and become associated with more vague things like "national unity." I don't necessarily agree with that holding myself, but it's interesting the amount of context that goes into a lot of Supreme Court rulings.
I'm actually a big fan of the lemon test. The standard for letting public schools sponsor religion should be very very rigorous.
As an Aztec, I am very offended by this video...
Mark N. Oop
my question is how many states enforce a moment of silence into their school days because i am legitimately curious, and i know for a fact Texas is one of them
Now sit back, relax and watch the section war go on
What does the 1st say about that sadly devoted ancient religion, the Force, in regard to Imperial Entaglements?
I love the inclusion of the botched Jesus image at 3:20. the way, the cartoon sign for "Excessive entanglement" spells "entanglement" incorrectly, at 3:10...
To sum up this comment section atheists did bad things (Stalin, Mao, pol pot), Christians have done bad things (the crusades and religious colonisation), Muslims have done bad things (need I explain), Jews have not done that many bad things in the past 1000 years. They mostly have been picked on by the others (holocaust, European distrust, and well every war against Israel by the Arabs). But we can all agree golden retriever buppies are adorable.
I personally believe that kittens are cuter than golden retriever puppies, yet other than that I fully agree with your statement.
@@jackolantern9034 How dare you?
Tundra no Israeli government &
military kills Native Palestinians &
steals their lands even now,
Israeli government makes laws
favoring Jews over non-Jews
in 2019....
So there is that.
Putting freedom and religion in the same sentence is ironically such an oxymoron.
I'm Christian. And I agree. After all, this is what our Founding Fathers had established since the beginning and it *still* stands in our Constitution.
In America, not everyone shares the same religious beliefs. You know why? Its the old, white men who blur the lines.
*Religious Conservatives banning contraceptions and abortion...* *(* the *Old* and *New Testament* does not rail against abortion like people do today. We hyperextended that belief *).* God doesn't hate gays🏳️🌈, God doesn't hate those who perform abortions...If you believe, God wants us to use *love.* There is no love in *institutionalizing racist, misogynistic, homophobic, islamophobic, and xenophobic rhetoric in our country.* Get it out!
Even our Former Atty Gen Jeff Sessions *justified* separating children at the border, by using a passage from the Bible while representing the Justice Department...
Religion and Politics don't mix. And its for a reason. Like if you agree.👍
I will agree with you
Why doesn't god hate gays?
There's one thing I wonder. When I read First Amendment when it comes to freedom of religion I interpret that to also mean freedom from religion is the a proper interpretation? I don't see any legal discrimination protection for non religious people in the work place.
notnormalyet many years ago I used to work retail and the moment I said I was an atheist my boss and co workers all treated me like shit and would look for any little thing to write mw up and even write me up for thing that happened when I wasn't there. I wasn't fired for being an atheist, but I was discrimination against for my non belief. This is a common thing in the mid west/ southern states. That's why I live in New York City now.
Sephiroth Egret Don't worry: courts have interpreted the First Amendment's religious clauses to apply equally to atheists. So if the government ever starts punishing you for your lack of religion, contact your local ACLU office immediately and protect your rights!
Sephiroth Egret I can't remember the case, but I seem to remember that the SCOTUS did rule that freedom OF religion necessitates freedom FROM religion. You cannot be free to practice your religion (or lack thereof) if someone else (see comment in the video about Aztecs as well as the Establishment Clause re: government imposition) is imposing theirs upon you.
freedom of religion must include the right to NOT believe in any religion..... as an atheist I get told over and over how bad of a person I am (volunteer 30+ hours a week) and "you'll be sorry" I'm not sorry for not buying the religious BS I'm not brainwashed....
It does include this. People disagreeing with you is not against the law.
@@jeffinaz81 this isnt just disagreeing
You do have that right, I agree with, my brother is an atheist and he get told that over and over again
So I'm from the UK and I went to a Church of England primary school. This meant we would sing hymns and pray most mornings and to be honest most primary schools in this country do that. I'm not religious and I never really was. For me praying at school and singing the hymns was just something you did at school, it didn't mean I or anyone else who didn't practice Christianity at home felt they had to believe in it. It's never really been a big deal to me.
Its funny that the same people looking into this video are middle schoolers, high schoolers, and political science majors
we should respect each others religion
i personally apologize to all the aztecs Craig no doubt offended, go ahead and human sacrifice, just get a suicidal person or something there are plenty, might as well make sure we keep seeing mr. sun each day (obvious sarcasm)
deamonyoshi876 I really can't tell you're being sarcastic. You have really monotone typing.
How f***ing awesome is it to be a wheezywaiter fan and not expecting to see him in this video... Mind blow. Love him.
grabs Freyas popcorn*
So does PDF count as a religion as on Google the most common religion to convert to is PDF.
Whelp. It sounds like the 2nd amendment is up next. Time to ready my UA-cam comment bunker.
After my town's Memorial Day parade, there is a ceremony that involves prayer. Does that conflict with separation of church and state because it's religious practice on a federal holiday?
Holobrine The fact that the ceremony occurs on a federal holiday doesn't matter. What matters is who's leading/facilitating the prayer ceremony. Is it something that a local church or other private organization puts on? If so, that's fine. Is it the office of the mayor or some other governmental body? Then that might be unconstitutional. Mayyyybe.
But still, probably not -- courts give town governments a lot of leeway in this type of situation. Consider the case Town of Greece v. Galloway (2014). The Supreme Court held that starting town meetings with a short prayer is ok... "The inclusion of a brief, ceremonial prayer as part of a larger exercise in civic recognition suggests that its purpose and effect are to acknowledge religious leaders and the institutions they represent, rather than to exclude or coerce nonbelievers.”
Christianity is basically Americas official religion. There may not be state church like in Britain, but over here it has virtually no impact on our society at all, whereas God and the bible are in courts, the pledge of allegiance, etc and religion has no influence on our (Britain's) politics. You couldn't be an out atheist and hope to become president.
billygoatideas Religion affects abortion laws.
billygoatideas The mention of "God" in the pledge of allegiance was a jab at the atheist soviet union during the cold war.
billygoatideas Unfortunately.
billygoatideas If you are forced take out all references to God, you establish Atheism as the official religion of government
Joseph Schmitz Atheism is not a religion. It is the lack of religion.
I think it says something about the US that every Supreme Court case that has found for a religious group, except two, were for Christian groups, and that many times cases when non-Christian groups sued because they thought a law was too restrictive of their religious freedom the non-Christian group lost. The two cases I remember hearing about both involved Jews--a woman forbidden from putting a mezuzah up outside her door because of a "nothing hanging outside your door" rule in her apartment contract, and Jewish store owners being forbidden from being excused from a state law that mandated that all businesses must be closed on Sundays (meaning that observant Jews, who can't work on Saturdays, essentially had to close their shops for 2 days a week while their Christian competitors only had to do so for 1 day a week).
David Lev I think your point (that the Supreme Court is secretly more inclined to favor Christian groups than other religious groups, is well taken. But there must be more than just 2 cases of SCOTUS siding with a non-Christian religion? How about that Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye v. Hialeah case mentioned at 1:58?
Yes, it shows that over 70% of americans are Christian while there are 6% that are religious and not Christian. It is just probability, at least about the number of lawsuits.
UltimaTryhard I think we're talking about a proportional difference in likely case outcomes, not an arithmetic difference.
Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye v. Hialeah is one of the two
David Lev I think it's also important to remember, however, that many of the cases that the SCOTUS has ruled on regarding church/state separation, have been brought by Christians in the first place.
You can't have freedom of religion without freedom from it.
So is that stuff said in the thought bubble the reason why the USA doesn't seem to have a comprehensive religious eduction programme?
These are nice videos to review the basics of the Bill of Rights but please slow down when you talk. I understand the argument "get smarter" or you don't deserve to listen to this video but there is a large percentage of people that would benefit from these crash course videos if they were spoken just a bit more slowly. Plus, the self-proclaimed geniuses don't need a crash course video. They should already get-it. Making a 7 minute video 8-9 minutes would not change that much.
Also, Spanish subtitles would be amazing!
why didn't you touch on the scopes trial?
your free to believe any religion however you like in a peaceful manner or you don't have to believe in any at all, oppression is the problem by being forced by a religion on how to believe and how to live that's not freedom
im only here because of online school smh...
not understanding the topic with an essay due:
*resorts to crash course*
America is really weird about religion. In some European countries there is a state religion that can and is taught in schools while America has been strict about separation of church and state since day 1. You'd think this would create a nightmare scenario in those European countries where politics is dominated by the religious establishment but instead it's almost entirely ignored in national discourse. Compare that with America where religion plays an enormous role in politics. People talk about the right wing always going on about it but even Democrats still usually have to pay their respects. Not just that, it also clearly influences policy, especially with things like gay marriage which there is really no secular reason to oppose.
It's very strange how the American founders made sure to keep the two separate and they ended up closer together than almost anywhere else in the western world.
I wish this covered whether or not it is covered for people to use their religion to take away other peoples' freedoms. Such as refusing to give a person emergency care because the person dying is gay.
How about freedom From religion?…..
Illuminati- Stay right where you are
Anton Babani you're funny. Maybe believing in a god who created evil would be better.
Technically that's included but not limited to.
Anton Babani
Atheism is simply a lack of belief in a god or gods, that is it. Communism is a political ideology onto it's self.
I'm Christian. And I agree. In America, not everyone shares the same religious beliefs. Its the old, white men who blur the lines.
Religious Conservatives banning contraceptions and abortion (the Old and New Testament does not rail against abortion like people do today. We hyperextended that belief). Fmr Atty Gen Jeff Sessions *justified* separating children by using a passage from the Bible in Congress.
Religion and Politics don't mix. And its for a reason. Like if you agree.👍
I came here for an epic comment war, and was thoroughly disappointed to find it absent.
Get your shit together, UA-cam comment section, you're letting us all down.
Wow, America is just so...normal. Unlike Japan
Being a public school student that is sort of middle ground on this topic (I have grown up Episcopalian but I'm not really religious myself) I don't see the problem with religion in schools. If kids want to pray to their God(s) then I say go for it! But if don't then kids shouldn't feel pressured into religion. Let people live how they want, it's their life :)
BRING ON THE SHITSTORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can y'all do a second amendment crash course?
is it ok to desire freedom FROM Reliogion?